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LORI FILM ENTERTAINMENT| r LES LIAISONS DANGEREUSES BY CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON Jy Based on the novel by Pierre-Ambroise-Francois Choderlos De Laclos PROPERTY OF LORIMAR FILM ENTERTAINMENT TRIS SCRIPT IS NOT FOR PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF LORIMAR FILM ENTERTAINMENT. IF LOST OR DESTROYED, PLEASE NOTIFY THE MOTION PICTURE STORY DEPT. REV. FINAL DRAFT PRODUCERS: NORMA HEYMAN & HANK MOONJEAN DIRECTOR: STEPHEN FREARS ALLORIMAR TELEPICTURES COMPANY CAPTION ON BLACK SCREEN If the adventures here portrayed have any basis whatsoever in truth, I feel sure that they can only have occurred in some other place and at some other time. - Choderlos de Laclos. INT. MADAME DE MERTEUIL'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY. The gilt frame around the mirror on the MARQUISE DE MERTEUIL's dressing-table encloses the reflection of her beautiful face. For a moment she examines herself; critically, but not without satisfaction. Then she begins to apply her make-up. ANOTHER ANGLE shows the whole large room, the early afternoon light filtering through gauze curtains. MERTEUIL's CHAMBERMAID stands behind her, polishing her shoulders with crushed mother-of-pearl. Three or four other female SERVANTS wait, disposed around the room. It's midsummer in Paris in 1788. INT. VICOMTE DE VALMONT'S BEDROOM DAY VALMONT is an indistinct shape in his vast bed. His valet- de-chambre, AZOLAN leads a troupe of male SERVANTS into the room. One raises the blind and opens enough of a curtain to admit some afternoon light, another waits with a cup of chocolate steaming on a tray,'a third carries a damp flannel in a bowl. As VALMONT stirs, his face still unseen, AZOLAN takes the flannel, leans over and begins a perfunctory dry wash. INT. MERTEUIL'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY A steel hook moves to and fro, deftly tightening MME DE MERTEUIL's corset. INT. VALMONT'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY VALMONT's face is swathed in hot towels, his head tilted back. A young MANICURIST, on his knees, attends to VALMONT's nails. Several other SERVANTS wait gravely to play their part in the elaborate ritual of dressing VALMONT. The BARBER produces a pair of tweezers and delicately plucks a hair from one of VALMONT's nostrils. INT. MERTEUIL'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY A ‘second dressing-table is covered with extravagant numbers of perfume boxes. MERTEUIL, dow in corset, chemise and underskirt sits, surrounded by her MAIDS. Eventually she makes a choice 10 a Continued and indicates a box. & SiAID opens the box and begins to apply the perfume (in the form of a cream) to MERTEUIL's neck, lightly massaging it in. Meanwhile, MERTEUIL smells the contents of another box and hands it to a second SAID, who begins applying it to MERTEVIL's armpit. INT, VALMONT'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY AZOLAN opens a walk-in closet, which contains innumerable rows of boots and shoes. He and another SERVANT choose a couple of pairs of shoes each and bring them out. VALMONT's hand comes INTO SHOT, indicating a black pair with red heels. AZOLAN hands them to a BOOTBOY, who hurries away, breathing on them as he goes. INT. MERTEUIL'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY MERTEUIL'S MAID makes a final adjustment to the bamboo side panniers hanging from MERTEUIL's waist, then motions two other MAIDS to cover them with an embroidered petticoat. INT, ANTE-ROOM TO VALMONT'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY VALMONT's PERRUQUIER waits attentively as VALMONT, seen from behind, stands in front of the three tiers of featureless wooden heads which carry his collection of wigs. Eventually, he points to one. INT. MERTEUIL'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY MERTEUIL's stomacher is now in position and she stands, arms outstretched, as two MAIDS move forward with her dress, guidir her arms into it as it it were an overcoat. This done, MERTEUIL's SEAMSTRESS approaches and begins the delicate Process of sewing her into her dress. INT. ANTE-ROOM TO VALMONT'S DRESSING-ROOM DAY A bizarre metal cone with gauze-covered eyeholes conceals VALMONT's face as the PERRUQUIER blows powder at his wig. As the powder drifts away, VALMONT slowly lowers the cone and we see for the first time his intelligent and malicious features. ANOTHER ANGLE shows the complete magnificent ensemble; or not quite complete, for AZOLAN now reaches his arms round VALMONT's waist to’strap on his sword.

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