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Jean-Paul Jourdan Dcembre 2002


Il ny a pas que des mauvaises nouvelles dans le Monde


Lettre de Mme Vololonavalona, Tular

La bonne nouvelle, cest que la culture de spiruline commence prolifrer. Le Pre Cur de la cathdrale dIhosy [ndrl : prononcer Iouche] a envoy une jeune fille Toliara faire une tude de prfaisabilit dun montage dune culture de spiruline

Ihosy. Dautre part dans sa lettre Vola dit aussi : Mr et Mme Roullet qui travaillent dans une ONG daide humanitaire dans la rgion de Toliara, sintressent aussi la spiruline. Ils connaissent Ripley Fox. Leur bailleur de fonds a financ un franais pour linstallation dun bassin de culture de spiruline de 30 m. Il vient de minformer de lexistence de cette unit, dont la production est actuellement utilise en alimentation animale (pour les volailles) !!! Un parent des Fox qui a visit linstallation de Vola en a ramen des photos rcentes :

3. Myanmar

Extrait dun article du 27/09/2001 paru dans : http://www.myanmar-embassy-islamabad.net/Article2001/Sept/Sept27.html

qui dcrit un nouveau projet du Dr Min Thein pour une usine de 200 tonnes/an de spiruline qui devrait dmarrer en ce moment :
The total investment for the project is K 507.33 million and US $ 0.565 million. It will be implemented in a one-year period. The project covers bluegreen algae breeding and upgrading the quality of the spirulina. When completed, the factory will increase the production to 300 tons of blue-green algae annually from present 100 tons from Twindaung, Yaykha, Taungpyauk, Twinma and Chaungbauk.

Twin Taung Lake

4. Inde
Extrait dun article paru dans le Dekkan Herald du 20/10/2002 (http://www.infochangeindia.org/AgricultureItop.jsp?section_idv=10) sur la production de spiruline familiale Uchanampatti, un village du Tamil Nadu o J.P. Jourdan tait intervenu en 1996 pour Antenna Technology (cela fait plaisir dapprendre que la production continue et stend !) :
Started by five women in their backyards as an experiment in 1995, spirulina production has become a
popular activity in Uchanampatti village in Tamil Nadu. The Centre for Rural Education Research and Development Association (CentreREDA), an NGO that focuses on women and child development, first began this unusual activity to provide much-needed nutrition to the local children. Now, small, circular tanks lined with blue plastic are to be seen in front of every house in the village. We grow spirulina in these tanks, says Pandiammal, a vibrant woman in her forties. You know spirulina, the wonder food? She removes the tank cover to reveal a green solution dotted with tiny flecks of solid matter. See, these little coils are the spirulina, she explains, stirring the green solution inside. CentreREDA has provided each woman with five small open tanks, the culture, and other materials and

tools. With a little training in the proportion of chemicals to be added, frequency of stirring the water and mixing the culture, and the method of harvesting and drying the wet mass, the women can add substantially to their family income. Jayalakshmi says: Our spirulina is of very high quality. We give it to our own children. Araliamma agrees. We have been growing spirulina for five years now. My children are all grown up and have left the village for employment. I give my produce to the children who attend child labour centres run by CentreREDA. This way I get the pleasure of providing food to my other children. A small water plant, international health bodies have called spirulina one of the `greatest superfoods on earth. It is a rich natural source of protein, iron, vitamins and minerals that provide overall nutrition to the body. It is a source of pro-vitamin A that improves eyesight, antioxidants that delay aging, and is the only vegetarian source of Vitamin B12, which fights stress. Spirulina also helps reduce cholesterol and benefits the heart. A CentreREDA team learned about spirulina production from the Antena Trust, Madurai, in 1995. The NGO decided to begin production of the plant in order to provide additional nutrition to the local children. The project was started on a pilot basis in five households in Uchanampatti. Most of our families live below the poverty line. Children are the first victims of the poverty cycle. So we decided to grow this and provide a supplement to our children in the centres, explains S Chinnan, director of CentreREDA. The venture elicited a favourable response. The work was home-based, light on labour and eco-friendly. We tried to work the whole process -- setting up, production, costing, market, as well as the workload -- around the women, says Pushpa, project in-charge. The response was phenomenal. Our children looked better and healthier. They even liked the taste.

Rcolte Uchanampatti (Photo J.P. Jourdan fvrier 1996) CentreREDA scaled up operations in 1998, setting up a mass-production unit to meet growing demand. We thought this could be a simple method for supplementing the childrens nutrition on a continuous basis, as well as feeding the large global market with the raw produce. Our first contact brought us a large order, and since then there has been no looking back, explains Pushpa.


On lit dans http://www.bearn-gaves.com/html/sabou.html que dans un village 30 km de Koudougou une petite culture de spiruline a dbut [NDLR : avec laide de Pierre Ancel]
Du 26 fvrier au 10 mars 2002, l'Association " Coup de pouce Humanitaire " a propos son aide aux Amis de Sabou en organisant une mission sur place pour raliser trois projets agrs par les villageois de Sabou : 1. Restauration complte du dispensaire et remise en tat du mobilier de la maternit. 2. Culture exprimentale de spiruline Wend Kuni 3. Action pdagogique l'cole du centre. Photo Jeune fille pressant la spiruline

2. Mise en place Wend Kuni, titre exprimental, de deux bassins pour culture de la spiruline. Cette algue, d'une richesse exceptionnel sur le plan nutritif, pourrait servir terme de complment alimentaire pour la population, en particulier pour les enfants dnutris. La culture a commenc et donne de bons rsultats. Il reste voir comment l'adaptation va se faire cette nourriture au got nouveau.

A Koudougou mme Pierre Ancel et Grard Bruyre viennent de dmarrer avec succs de nouveaux bassins (200 m, agits par roues aubes).


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