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J'ai rcemment rencontr un exboyfriend du mien.

Je pourrais dire qu'il ne m'a pas reconnu au

dbut mais aprs que je me rapprochais et j'ai commenc lui parler, il me regarda avec ce regard
choqu sur son visage. il avait rompu avec moi pour une autre fille il ya trois ans, et je ne l'ai pas
vu depuis.
cette poque j'tais mal dans ma peau et trs rserv, et maintenant, je suis plutt bien et je
continu tre moins rserv.
La fiert, pour moi, tait talage de mon nouveau moi en face de lui, ce gars-l tait la seule
personne que je voulais impressionner ds le premier jour, et pour la premire fois j'ai ralis que
je ne le faisais pas plus pour lui. Tout cela tait pour moi.
il m'a demand mon numro, et si je voulais quon ce revois une aprs midi.
... Je lui ai donn un faux numro.

i recently ran into an exboyfriend of mine. i could tell he didn't recognize me at first but then as i got
closer and started talking to him, he looked at me with this shocked look on his face. he had broken up
with me for another girl around three years ago, and i haven't seen him since then.
at that time I was badly in my skin and was very reserved, and now,
I am rather well and I continuous with being less reserved.
Pride, for me, was flaunting my new me in front of him, this guy was the one person i wanted to
impress from day one, and for the first time i realized that i wasn't doing it for him anymore. this was all
for me.
he asked me for my number, and if I wanted that one is re-examined after midday.
. . . ...i gave him a fake number.

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