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October 28, 2015
French 111
MW 12:20

Xavier est le personnage principal. Il est intelligent et ambitieux. Xavier voyage
Barcelona pour un programme d'change. Il a une petite-amie en France. Elle reste en France
tandis Xavier est Espagne. Xavier voyage en avion et parle un couple de jeunes maris, un
mdecin et sa femme, Anne-Sophie. Il habite avec un couple en Espagne au premier. Il cherche
un appartement habiter. Xavier trouve un appartement avec dautres tudiants. Xavier et
Anne-Sophie marchent au park souvent. Xavier et ses amis coutent de la musique et mangent
ensemble. Martine, la petite amie de Xavier, visite Xavier en France. Ils n'arrtent pas de se
disputer. Xavier tombe amoureux avec Anne-Sophie. Martine romper avec Xavier et Xavier
tombe malade. Il visite un mdecin. Un mdecin dit Xaveir mettre fin une liaison. Xavier et
ses amis poussent aimer lautre plus. Xavier dit au revoir et retourne France. Il naime pas
son travial en France. Il quitte le premier jour et crit propos de ses aventures en Espagne.

I was very surprised by this film. At the beginning, I was extremely curious as to what we

were getting into, but the movie definitely kept me on my toes. At first I had some trouble
following the movie, but once I understood what was happening in the story line it became
clearer and easier to follow along. The movie started out kind of slow for me. I was honestly

afraid it was going to be a terribly boring movie, but I was very wrong. The action in the movie
quickly picked up as the romance rose between Anne-Sophie and Xavier. I thought it was
interesting, too, to see all of the different cultures interacting when Xavier finds the apartment
to live in. There were so many different backgrounds living under one roof, but they were all
able to coexist due to many similarities. Besides the language barrier, it did not seem that there
were all that many differences. The language barrier did prove to be an issue at times, as one
would imagine. Although the languages spoke in the film all shared many similarities that
allowed for some easy communication, other times it made things much worse.

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