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HISTOIRE MODERNE Prof. S. Guzzi-Heeb Ass. M.

Nicoli HE 10/11

Cours-sminaire Matrise Lundi 13h15-15h00 Anthropole - 5081


Ouvrages classiques

ARIS, PHILIPPE and BJIN, ANDR, Sexualits occidentales, (Paris: Ed. du Seuil, 1984), 245 p., (coll. Points civilisation). DELUMEAU, JEAN, Le pch et la peur: la culpabilisation en Occident, XIIIe-XVIIIe sicles, (Paris: Fayard, 1983), 741 p. FLANDRIN, JEAN LOUIS, Les amours paysannes: amour et sexualit dans les campagnes de l'ancienne France (XVIe-XIXe sicle), (Paris: Gallimard/Julliard, 1975), 255 p., (coll. Collection Archives; 57). FLANDRIN, JEAN LOUIS, Le sexe et l'Occident: volution des attitudes et des comportements, (Paris: Seuil, 1981), 375 p., (coll. Univers historique). FOUCAULT, MICHEL, Histoire de la sexualit. 3 vols, (Paris: Gallimard, 1976-1984), (coll. Tel). GOULEMOT, JEAN-MARIE, Ces livres qu'on ne lit que d'une main: lecture et lecteurs de livres pornographiques au XVIIIe sicle, (Aix-en-Provence: Alinea, 1991), 171 p., (coll. Collection de la pense). HULL, ISABEL V., Sexuality, state, and civil society in Germany, 1700-1815, (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1996), 467 p. LAQUEUR, THOMAS WALTER, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990), 313 p. Traduit en franais: LAQUEUR, THOMAS, La fabrique du sexe: essai sur le corps et le genre en Occident, traduit par Michel Gautier, (Paris: Gallimard, 1992), 355 p., (coll. NRF essais). NOONAN, JOHN THOMAS, Contraception et mariage, volution ou contradiction dans la pense chrtienne, traduit par Marcelle Jossua, (Paris: ditions du Cerf, 1969), 723 p. NYE, ROBERT A., Sexuality, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 503 p., (coll. Oxford readers).

ROUSSEAU, G. S. and PORTER, ROY (eds.), Sexual underworlds of the Enlightenment, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988), 280 p. ROPER, LYNDAL, Oedipus and the devil: witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe, (London New York: Routledge, 1994), 254 p. SOL, JACQUES, L'Amour en Occident l'poque moderne, (Paris: A. Michel, 1976), 311 p., (coll. L'Aventure humaine). STONE, LAWRENCE, The Family, sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800, (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1977), 800 p. VIGARELLO, GEORGES, Histoire du viol, XVIe-XXe sicle, (Paris: Seuil, 1998), 357 p., (coll. Univers historique).
Ouvrages et articles rcents

BARRAS, VINCENT, La rception des innovations sanitaires dans l'espace domestique au XVIIIe sicle. L'exemple paradoxal de l'onanisme, in Les nouvelles pratiques de sant: acteurs, objets, logiques sociales (XVIIIe-XXe sicles), eds. Patrice Bourdelais and Olivier Faure (Paris: Belin, 2005), p. 127-141. BEAULIEU, DENYSE, Sex game book: histoire culturelle de la sexualit, (Paris: Assouline, 2007), 379 p. CASTA-ROSAZ, FABIENNE, Histoire de la sexualit en Occident, (Paris: Ed. de La Martinire, 2004), 223 p. CLARK, ANNA, Desire: a history of European sexuality, (New York; London: Routledge, 2008), 282 p. COCKS, HARRY and HOULBROOK, MATT, Palgrave advances in the modern history of sexuality, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), 305 p., (coll. Palgrave advances). CORBIN, ALAIN, L'harmonie des plaisirs. Les manires de jouir du sicle des Lumires l'avnement de la sexologie, (Paris: Parrin, 2008), 542 p. CRAWFORD, KATHERINE, European sexualities, 1400-1800, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 246 p. CRAWFORD, KATHERINE, Privilege, Possibility, and Perversion: Rethinking the Study of Early Modern Sexuality, Journal of Modern History (2006): 412-433. DAUMAS, MAURICE, Au bonheur des mles: adultre et cocuage la Renaissance, 1400-1650, (Paris: A. Colin, 2007), 398 p. DAUMAS, MAURICE (ed.), Le plaisir et la transgression en France et en Espagne aux XVIe et XVIIe sicles, (Pau: Gascogne, 2006), 472 p.

DAVIS, KATHY et alii (eds.), Handbook of gender and women's studies, (London: Sage, 2006), 494 p. EDER, FRANZ X. and FRHSTCK, SABINE (eds.), Neue Geschichten der Sexualitt. Beispiele aus Ostasien und Zentraleuropa 1700-2000, (Wien: Turia & Kant, 1999), 301 p. GARTON, STEPHEN, Histories of sexuality, (London; New York: Routledge, 2004), 311 p. GOWING, LAURA, Common bodies: women, touch, and power in seventeenth-century England, (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 2003), 260 p. HARVEY, KAREN, Le Sicle du sexe? Genre, corps et sexualit au dix-huitime sicle (vers 1650-vers 1850), Clio. Histoire, femmes et socits 31 (2010): 207-238. IACUB, MARCELA, Par le trou de la serrure: une histoire de la pudeur publique, XIXe-XXIe sicle, ([Paris]: Fayard, 2008), 352 p., (coll. Histoire de la pense). JEANNERET, MICHEL, Eros rebelle: littrature et dissidence l'ge classique, (Paris: Seuil, 2003), 325 p. KNIBIEHLER, YVONNE, La sexualit et l'histoire, (Odile Jacob, 2002), 267 p. FOUCAULT, DIDIER, Histoire du libertinage: des goliards au marquis de Sade, (Paris: Perrin, 2007), 487 p. MUCHEMBLED, ROBERT, L'orgasme et l'Occident: une histoire du plaisir du XVIe sicle nos jours, (Paris: Seuil, 2005), 382 p. NYE, ROBERT, Regard sur vingt ans de travaux: le Journal of the History of Sexuality, Clio. Histoire, femmes et socits 31 (2010): 239-266. ROUCHE, MICHEL and SAGAZAN, BENOT DE, Petite histoire du couple et de la sexualit, (Tours: Ed. CLD, 2008), 260 p. Sexualit et politique (n spcial), Bulletin d'histoire politique 15, n 1 (2006). SINGY, PATRICK, Friction of the Genitals and Secularization of Morality, Journal of the history of sexuality 12, n 3 (2003): 345-364. SHORTER, EDWARD, Written in the Flesh: a history of desire, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005), 321 p. STEINBERG, SYLVIE, Quand le silence se fait: bribes de paroles de femmes sur la sexualit au XVIIe sicle, Clio. Histoire, femmes et socits 31 (2010): 79-110. STRASSER, ULRIKE, State of Virginity: Gender, Religion, and Politics in an Early Modern Catholic State, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004), 248 p., (coll. Social history, popular culture, and politics in Germany).

SYSON, LYDIA, Doctor of love: James Graham and his celestial bed, (Richmond, Surrey, U.K.: Alma Books, 2008), 331 p. TURNER, JAMES GRANTHAM, Schooling Sex: Libertine Literature and Erotic Education in Italy, France, and England, 1534-1685, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 408 p. WIESNER, MERRY E., Christianity and sexuality in the early modern world: regulating desire, reforming practice, (London: Routledge, 20102; 20001), 352 p., (coll. Christianity and society in the modern world).

LISCHER, MARKUS, Illgitimit, in Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse (version online: www.dhs.ch). BURGHARTZ, SUSANNA, Zeiten der Einheit. Orte des Unzucht. Ehe und Sexualitt in Basel whrend der Frhen Neuzeit, (Paderborn, 1999), 330 p. MOTTU-WEBER, LILIANE, "Paillardises", "anticipation" et mariage de rparation Genve au XVIIIe sicle , Revue d'histoire Suisse 52 (2002): 430-447. SCHNEGG, BRIGITTE, Illegitimitt im lndlichen Bern des 18. Jahrhunderts, Berner Zeitschrift fr Geschichte und Heimatkunde 44 (1982): 53-86. GUZZI-HEEB, SANDRO, Donne, uomini, parentela. Casati alpini nelleuropa pre-industriale (1650-1850), (Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 2008), 376 p. MERZARIO, RAUL, Anastasia ovvero la malizia degli uomini, (Roma; Bari: Laterza, 1992), 144 p. PUFF, HELMUT, Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003), 311 p., (coll. Chicago series on sexuality, history, and society). SCHMID, HEINRICH RICHARD, Dorf und Religion. Reformierte Sittenzucht in Berner Landsgemeinden der Frhen Neuzeit, (Stuttgart; Jena; New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1995), 425 p., (coll. Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte; 41). VIAZZO, PIER PAOLO, Illegitimacy and the European Mariage Pattern: Comparative Evidence from the Alpine Area, in The World we have Gained. Histories of Population and social structure, eds. L. Bonfield, R. M. Smith and K. Wrightson (1986), p. 100-121. WATT, JEFFREY R., The making of modern marriage: matrimonial control and the rise of sentiment in Neuchtel, 1550-1800, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992), 302 p. WATT, JEFFREY R., The family, love and suicide in early modern Geneva, Journal of family history 21 (1996): 63-86.


SHORTER, EDWARD, Illegitimacy, Sexual Revolution and Social Change in Modern Europe, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2 (1971): 237-272. LASLETT, PETER, Family life and illicit love in earlier generations: essays in historical sociology, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), 270 p. LASLETT, PETER et alii, Bastardy and its comparative history, (London: E. Arnold, 1980), 431 p., (coll. Studies in social and demographic history). ZUNSHINE, LISA, Bastards and Foundlings: Illegitimacy in Eighteenth-Century England, (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2005), 228 p.
Famille et parent

FLANDRIN, JEAN-LOUIS, Familles. Parent, maison, sexualit dans l'ancienne socit, ([Paris]: Hachette, 1976), 287 p., (coll. Le Temps et les hommes). LEBRUN, FRANOIS, Le prtre, le prince et la famille, in Histoire de la famille. Le choc des modernits, ed. Andr Burguire (Paris: A. Colin, 1986), p. 123-202. LASLETT, PETER and WALL, RICHARD, Household and family in past time, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972), 623 p., (coll. Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure publication). SABEAN, DAVID W, Kinship in Neckarhausen, 1700-1870, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 628 p., (coll. Cambridge studies in social and cultural anthropology). SABEAN, DAVID W., Property, production, and family in Neckarhausen, 1700-1870, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), 511 p., (coll. Cambridge studies in social and cultural anthropology). WALL, RICHARD et alii, Family forms in historic Europe, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), 606 p.
Science et mdecine

BERRIOT-SALVADORE, VELYNE, Le discours de la mdecine et de la science, in Histoire des femmes en Occident (XVIe-XVIIIe sicle). Tome 3., eds. Nathalie Zemon Davis and Arlette Farge (Paris: Plon, 2002; 19911), p. 407-453, (coll. Tempus). CAROL, ANNE, Les mdecins et la stigmatisation du vice solitaire (fin XVIIIe-dbut XIXe sicle), Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine 49 (2002): 156-172. CHAPERON, SYLVIE, La mdecine du sexe et les femmes: anthologie des perversions fminines au XIXe sicle, (Paris: La Musardine, 2008), 198 p., (coll. L'attrape-corps).

PLUMAUZILLE, CLYDE, laborer un savoir sur la sexualit: le Dictionnaire des sciences mdicales (1812-1822), Clio. Histoire, femmes et socits 31 (2010): 111-132. PORTER, ROY, Love, Sex and Medecine: Nicolas Venette and his Tableau de l'amour conjugal, in Erotica and the Enlightenment, ed. Peter Wagner (Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1991), p. 90-122. PORTER, ROY and TEICH, MIKUL (eds.), Sexual knowledge, sexual science: the history of attitudes to sexuality, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 408 p. PORTER, ROY and HALL, LESLEY, The Facts of Life: the Creation of Sexual Knowledge in Britain, 1650-1950, (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1995), 415 p. SIENA, KEVIN PATRICK, Venereal disease, hospitals, and the urban poor. London's "foul wards," 1600-1800, (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2004), 367 p., (coll. Rochester studies in medical history). SINGY, PATRICK, Le pouvoir de la science dans LOnanisme de Tissot, Gesnerus 57 (2000): 27-41. STOLBERG, MICHAEL, Menstruation and sexual difference in early modern medicine, in Menstruation: a Cultural History, eds. Gillian Howie and Andrew Shail (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), p. 90-101. STOLBERG, MICHAEL, The crime of Onan and the laws of Nature. Religious and medical discourses on masturbation in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, Paedagogica historica (2003): 701-717. VIGARELLO, GEORGES et alii, Histoire du corps. 3 vols, (Paris: Seuil, 2005), (coll. L'univers historique). WENGER, ALEXANDRE, Lire l'onanisme. Le discours mdical sur la masturbation et la lecture fminines au XVIIIe sicle, Clio. Histoire, femmes et socits 22 (2005): 227-243.

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