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Comenius 2011-2013 - Des hommes entre terre et mer, dhier demain - Coastal Communities in the Tides of Time

http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com SESSION 5 Ralisations finales / Final Tasks

Brochures touristiques multilingues des sites partenaires / maquettes des cinq villes-ports en 2050 Brochures of the partners in all languages / Models of the five harbors in 2050
Muusap Atuarfia - Saattut - 3961 UUMMANNAQ -GROENLAND Rdalslien skole - Rdalslien 95 - 5239 RDAL - NORVEGE Collge Andr Malraux - 5, rue du Roc - 50400 GRANVILLE FRANCE Colegio Miralba - Avda. Gran Va, 164 - 36211 VIGO - ESPAGNE Escola Profissional Atlntico - Rua Bela de Sa Tiago, n20 - 9060-400 FUNCHAL - MADERE Portugal

I. Les brochures touristiques / Touristic Brochures II. Les maquettes des ports en 2050 / harbors models in 2050

"Edit avec le soutien financier de la Commission europenne. Le contenu de cette publication et l'usage qui pourrait en tre fait n'engagent pas la responsabilit de la Commission europenne."

I . Les brochures touristiques / Touristic Brochures

Une brochure touristique par site, en six langues, labore par tous les lves du projet.
Dans chaque tablissement, les lves ont travaill pour la troisime rencontre (Vigo - novembre 2012) llaboration dune brochure touristique dans leur langue et en anglais. Pour la quatrime rencontre (Madeire- janvier 2013), ils ont traduit dans leur langue maternelle les textes des brochures des quatre partenaires. Pour la cinquime et dernire rencontre (Saattut avril 2013), chaque dlgation a prsent le montage achev de sa brochure touristique dans les cinq langues du projet, plus langlais.

One touristic brochure per site in six languages and prepared by all the pupils involved in the project
Pupils in each school have worked towards the 3rd meeting that took place in Vigo, in November 2012. They have produced a touristic brochure in their mother tongue and in English. For the fourth meeting that was in Madeira in January 2013, they translated the texts from the four other partners in their mother tongue. For the fifth and last meeting in Saattut (Greenland, April 2013), each delegation presented the final edition of their own brochure translated in all five languages.

II. Les maquettes des ports en 2050 / Harbors models in 2050

Une maquette de sa ville-port idale en 2050

La premire anne scolaire, les lves ont produits des travaux (documents textes, images, maquettes) sur ce qui caractrisait leur propre environnement aujourdhui et dans lhistoire. La deuxime anne, ils ont pour la rencontre 3, tabli un cahier des charges po ur un dveloppement durable de leur site, en lien avec les activits de leur territoire mais par seulement. Pour la rencontre 4, ils devaient fournir une reprsentation dans lespace de leur projet de maquette. Pour la dernire rencontre, chaque dlgation a pu faire connatre aux autres, via une m aquette ralise et commente, quelles taient les aspirations de la jeunesse pour sa ville-port idale en 2050.

A model of ones ideal harbor in 2050

During the first year of the project, pupils realized a series of works (documents, texts, images, models) on their living environment now and in regard to history. During the second year, they met for the third meeting, set up an agenda for their sites sustainable development in close relationship with the activities of their cities. For the fourth meeting, they had to produce a 3D sp ace presentation of their models projects. For the last meeting, each delegation was able to show everyone, via a commented model, what their youths aspirations and ideals for their city in 2050 were.

Saattut 2050 - OUR HARBOUR

Muusap Atuarfia school

This model is our suggestion to what could be possible in Saattut in 2050. Its the way we think could be a good idea to make a new harbour. The harbour we have now is too small, and the water i too low for big ships. The quay is also too small when the fishermen are selling their fishes. Now we have no good mooring places for fishing boats and motorboats. This future harbour is much better for everyone. There are more places to work on and the water will bee deep enough tor the ships which come to Saattut. Along this quay the water will be meters deep.

The jetties are shelters against waves when its stormy. Especially the northern winds whish sometimes are very powerfull i n front of the island. When northern wind comes people have to take up their boats or move them to other places. The jetties are also shelters against icebergs which also can be dangerous to the ships. If an iceberg crack near a boat, the boat could capsize. This 3 pontoon bridges are mooring places for motorboats. Fishing boats could be moored next to the kay. At the chute you could make a boat storage like this picture. We would also like to have a bigger cold store at the fishfactory, because during the periods with ice it is often filled up, and they have to stop fishing because of that. This model is made by us 9th grade (3 pupils and 1 teacher) over a longer period. We started this model by drawing a part of the island on a piece of paper. After that we made the land of old newspapers and glue. Last spring we were on the ice. We chopped holes in the ice to measure depth. At last we made our suggestion to a new harbour.

Saattut today. On the paper strips we have written how deep the water is.

COMENIUS BERGEN HABOUR 2050 - http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/bergens-harbour-model/

The harbor and Vgen
The tram/Bybanen - We think that the tram will cover a bigger area in 2050. The tram will drive over the harbor/Bryggen to get rid of all the traffic in the center of Bergen (Vgen). The tourists can save a lot of money on sightseeing, by taking the tram. The green area - To make the harbor prettier, some small green areas will appear in 2050. The stairs - Stairs are built from the pier to the ocean. You get closer to the sea, and a warm, nice summer day you can sit on the stairs and maybe eat ice cream, and look at the beautiful view. Fish restaurant - In 2050 we think they will build a fish restaurant that will become Bergens new signa ture building. The restaurant will serve you very good seafood straight from the sea. The reason that the restaurant is built on the sea, is to save the space on land.
2050 We have been working on the Comenius project this week, and we have been asked to make a model of Nstet (a part of town center) in 2050. The city will get more buildings, houses and schools. We have made a model of the new part of the city, where its poured mas s in to the water. The artificial island is located to left for Nordnes. Its shaped like a headshaped headline, and its 600 meters long. Buildings To create a vibrant neighborhood, we needed a variation of private houses, offices and shops. We have chosen some offices, many apartments, one school and some shops. Public places We believe there will be more public places in 2050. Among those there will be more modern parks for adults, teenagers and children. The increasing amounts of boats need convenient places to place their boats. The area around Nstet is going to be a popul ar place to tie their boats in the future because it is close to the harbour. We believe there will be more boardwalks in the future to make it cosier for the residents of Bergen. Along the seafront there will be benches, small shops, parks and restaurants. Transport We believe that in the future the LRT will continue growing in Bergen. We think that there will be less people in the future that use cars and more people that use public transport such as: busses and the LRT. We also think that we will begin to use more environment and health friendly way of transport like bike paths and walking paths. We think that in 2050 in Bergen, obesity will have increased a lot and this is why we should use more energetic transports. We do not think that the car demand in Norway will increase but more underground garages like Klostergarasjen (A underground garage). LINK : http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/bergens-harbour-model/

Granville in 2050
The model was made as part of the Club Comenius activities during the school year 2012-2013. Fifth students of 3eme were particularly involved in the material production of the model. Supervised by an IT teacher they were punctually helped by students from other grades. In parallel to the models realization, a dozen of students worked with History, Humanities teach ers, and the school librarian teacher to think about the themes and potential outcomes of the project. Divided in five groups they focused their concerns on five themes: buildings (public and private, the materials they are made of, and their ecological ethics) ; green energies (hydraulic, solar, human, geothermic, wave farms, windmills) ; modes of travel (public and private transports, minivan, bikes, horserides, parkings) ; the concept of green city (green way in the city centre, city farms) ; smart grids (for all public spaces).
Links : http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/survol-du-port-de-granville-en-2050-a-flight-over-granville-harbour-in-2050/ Et http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/granvilles-harbour-model-maquette-du-port-de-granville/

VIGO in 2050

Link : http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/vigos-harbour-model/ http://miralba.org/contents/channels/tagged/comenius/greenland2013

MADEIRA Funchal in 2050

The steps that we made for our model, in order to clarify it. 1 - Topographic plan of Funchal. 2 and 3 - Plan of Funchal with changes made by the Government regarding the modification works to the bay of Funchal, in order to put more green spaces, also taking into consideration the course of the waters from the mountains and the rain or in order to enjoy the course thereof, without damaging the city. Harnessing the energies and synergies. 4 - Plant designed, valuing the lines to the model of Funchal. 5 - Valuing the three-dimensional drawing lines for development of the model. 6 and 7 - Side views of the model. 8 - Top view of the model.

Link : http://ccttcomenius.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/funchals-harbour-model/

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