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December 2012

Dcembre 2012

1. Contracting States
The EUROCONTROL Organisation is entrusted with the calculation, billing and collection of route charges on behalf of the Contracting States to the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges. These States are: Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Malta, Cyprus, Hungary, Norway, Denmark, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Monaco, FYROM, Moldova, Finland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Lithuania, Armenia and Latvia.

1. Etats contractants
LOrganisation EUROCONTROL est charge du calcul, de la facturation et de la perception des redevances de route au nom des Etats contractants de lAccord multilatral relatif aux redevances de route. Ces Etats sont : La Belgique, le Luxembourg, lAllemagne, la France, le Royaume-Uni, les Pays-Bas, lIrlande, la Suisse, le Portugal, lAutriche, lEspagne, la Grce, la Turquie, Malte, Chypre, la Hongrie, la Norvge, le Danemark, la Slovnie, la Rpublique Tchque, la Sude, lItalie, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie, la Croatie, la Bulgarie, la Principaut de Monaco, lARYM, la Moldavie, la Finlande, lAlbanie, la Bosnie-Herzgovine, la Serbie, le Montngro, la Pologne, la Lituanie, lArmnie et la Lettonie. LUkraine bien quEtat contractant de lAccord Multilatral est en cours dintgration technique.

Ukraine although Contracting State to the Multilateral Agreement is still in the process of being technically integrated. The Route Charges System adopted by the Contracting States follows the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organisation. The updated Conditions of Application of the Route Charges System and Conditions of Payment are available on our website (see item 6.).

Le systme des redevances de route adopt par les Etats contractants est conforme aux recommandations de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale. Les Conditions dapplication du systme des redevances de route et conditions de paiement mises jour sont disponibles sur notre site web (voir point 6).
http://publish.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/docume nts/route-charges/reference-documents/201106-conditionsdapplication-du-systeme-de-redevances-de-route-et-conditionsde-paiement.pdf

http://publish.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/docu ments/route-charges/reference-documents/201106conditions-of-application-of-the-route-charges-system-andconditions-of-payment.pdf

2. Unit Rates
The unit rates referred to in Article 7 of the Conditions of Application are published by the Contracting States. The basic unit rates applicable from 1 January 2013 are provided at Annex A.

2. Taux unitaires
Les taux unitaires mentionns lArticle 7 des Conditions dapplication sont publis par les Etats contractants. Les taux unitaires de base en vigueur partir du 1er janvier 2013 sont prsents en annexe A. Les taux unitaires sont recalculs mensuellement en appliquant la moyenne mensuelle des taux de change croiss la clture, calcule par Reuters sur la base des taux BID journaliers, pour le mois prcdant celui au cours duquel le vol a eu lieu. Ce recalcul mensuel ne sapplique pas : aux Etats qui participent lUnion montaire europenne (UME); la Turquie, conformment lArticle 7 paragraphe 2 des Conditions dapplication. Les taux unitaires ajusts sont disponibles sur le site web du Service Central des Redevances de Route (SCRR) - voir point 6.

The unit rates are recalculated monthly by applying the monthly average of the Closing Cross Exchange Rates calculated by Reuters based on daily BID rates, for the month preceding that in which the flight took place. This monthly recalculation will not apply: To States participating in the European Monetary Union (EMU); To Turkey in accordance with Article 7 paragraph 2 of the Conditions of Application. The adjusted unit rates are available on the Central Route Charges Offices (CRCO) website see item 6.

3. Distance calculation for billing

The route charge for a specific flight depends upon the route described in the flight plan. Please see also Article 5 of the Conditions of Application, which explains how the distance factor is calculated.

3. Calcul de la distance pour la facturation

Les redevances de route pour un vol donn dpendent de la route dcrite dans le plan de vol. Veuillez vous rfrer galement lArticle 5 des Conditions dapplication qui explique comment le coefficient distance est calcul.

4. Payment of route charges

Methods of payment are outlined in the Conditions of Payment in Annex 2 to the Conditions of Application. A list of EUROCONTROLs banks and accounts for payments are shown on the reverse of the bill and the statement of account. For contact details in this regard, please refer to the Collection, Accounting and Treasury unit of the CRCO (see item 9.). The dates by which payment should be received and claims submitted are indicated on the bill (see also the table at Annex B). The CRCO draws the attention of users to certain fraudulent attempts whereby individuals communicate by e-mail bank account numbers that are not those of EUROCONTROL. Please note that all e-mails sent by EUROCONTROL have an address ending in "eurocontrol.int". E-mails purported to be sent by EUROCONTROL and having a different address should be ignored. Under no circumstances should payments for route charges be made to accounts not mentioned on the official bill and that cannot be confirmed by the competent CRCO service (See item 9. Accounting and Treasury).

4. Paiement des redevances de route

Les factures de redevances de route doivent tre rgles conformment aux Conditions de paiement en annexe 2 des Conditions dapplication. La liste des banques et des comptes dEUROCONTROL pour les paiements est imprime au dos de la facture et de lextrait de compte. Pour obtenir des informations dtailles ce sujet veuillez contacter lunit Recouvrement, Comptabilit et Trsorerie du SCRR (voir point 9). Les dates limites de paiement, ainsi que pour le dpt des rclamations, sont indiques sur la facture (voir galement en annexe B). Le SCRR attire lattention des usagers sur certaines tentatives de fraude: des individus communiquent par e-mail des numros de compte bancaire qui ne sont pas ceux dEUROCONTROL. Veuillez noter que les emails envoys par EUROCONTROL ont tous une adresse finissant par "eurocontrol.int". Les emails prtendument envoys par EUROCONTROL et ayant une adresse diffrente doivent tre ignors. En aucune circonstance les paiements des redevances de route ne doivent tre faits sur des comptes qui ne figurent pas sur la facture officielle ou qui nont pas t confirms auprs du service comptent (voir point 9 Service de comptabilit et trsorerie). 2

5. Changes with effect from 1 January 2013

The rate of interest on late payment of route charges is set at 10.89% per annum until further notice (see Clause 6 of the Conditions of Payment). 6. Customer Services CRCO Website Comprehensive and up-to-date information on the Route Charges System as well as on other air navigation charges collected by EUROCONTROL is available on our website:

5. Changements entrant en vigueur le 1er janvier 2013

Le taux d'intrt de retard pour les redevances de route est fix 10.89% par an jusqu' nouvel ordre (voir Clause 6 des Conditions de paiement).

6. Services clients Site web du SCRR Des informations dtailles et jour sur le systme de redevances de route et sur les autres redevances de navigation arienne perues par EUROCONTROL sont disponibles sur notre site web :

RSO Distance Tool The latest version of the EUROCONTROL RSO Distance Tool, a program for estimating EUROCONTROL route charges, is available for download from the Central Route Charges Office Website. This software is designed for installation on personal computers using Windows operating systems. For more details, please refer to the Billing and Customer Relations unit of the CRCO (see item 9.). CRCO Extranet For Airspace users (CEFA) The CRCO makes available to users a secured Internet site providing the following services: download of monthly billing documents (pdf, txt, xls format) for the verification of bills, consultation of financial situation, submission and follow up of claims, and notification and consultation of fleet information.

RSO Distance Tool La dernire version du logiciel permettant destimer les redevances de route EUROCONTROL (RSO Distance Tool) est disponible sur le site Internet du Service Central des Redevances de Route. Ce logiciel est conu pour tre install sur des ordinateurs personnels utilisant des systmes dexploitation Windows. Pour plus de dtails ce sujet, contactez lunit Facturation et Relations avec la Clientle du SCRR (voir point 9). Extranet du SCRR pour les usagers (CEFA) Le SCRR met la disposition des usagers un site Internet scuris fournissant les services suivants: tlchargement des documents mensuels de facturation (formats pdf, txt et xls) pour la vrification des factures, consultation de la situation financire, soumission et suivi de rclamations ainsi que la notification et la consultation dinformations sur les flottes daronefs. Ce service est gratuit et est sujet la signature dun accord de service entre les usagers et le SCRR.

This service is free of charge and is subject to the signature of a service level agreement between users and the CRCO. For contact details, please refer to the Billing and Customer Relations unit of the CRCO (see item 9.) or consult:

Pour plus dinformations, veuillez contacter lunit Facturation et Relations avec la Clientle du SCRR (voir point 9) ou consulter:

DATALINK The txt files available via CEFA contain information on flight by flight basis. The files can be used to verify en route charges. Examples of additional information provided in text format are a breakdown of the charges by charging zone, VAT amounts and distance in km.

DATALINK The fichiers en format txt disponibles via CEFA contiennent des informations vol par vol. Les fichiers peuvent tre utiliss pour vrifier les redevances de route. Les informations additionnelles fournies en format texte comprennent par exemple le dtail des redevances par zone, les montants de TVA et les distances en km. Des informations vol par vol simplifies sont galement disponibles en format Excel via CEFA.

Simplified information on a flight by flight basis is also available through CEFA in Excel format.

Customer Guide to Charges A Customer Guide to Charges has been issued in which the various billing systems managed by the CRCO are described. This publication may be obtained from the Billing and Customer Relations unit of the CRCO (see item 9.). The document may also be downloaded from the CRCO website.

Guide des redevances lattention des usagers Un guide dtaill des diffrents systmes de facturation grs par le SCRR est actuellement disponible en anglais ("Customer Guide to Charges"). Il peut tre obtenu sur demande auprs de lunit Facturation et Relations avec la Clientle du SCRR (voir point 9) ou tre tlcharg du site


Fleet declaration As from 2013 the treatment of the fleet declarations has been clarified. Airspace users are now requested to provide additional information to identify individual aircraft (aircraft manufacturer references) and certified true copies of the Aircraft Flight Manual. More details are available in the Information Circular 2013/04 published for that purpose.

Dclaration de flotte A partir de 2013, le traitement des dclarations de flottes a t clarifi. Les usagers sont prsent invits fournir des informations complmentaires afin didentifier individuellement les aronefs (rfrences du constructeur) ainsi que des copies certifies conformes du manuel de vol de lappareil. Pour plus de dtails, prire de se rfrer la Circulaire dInformation 2013/04 publie cet effet.
http://publish.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/docu ments/route-charges/information-circulars/circ2013-04fleetdeclaration.pdf http://www.eurocontrol.int/content/crco-fleet-declaration

http://publish.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/docu ments/route-charges/information-circulars/circ2013-04fleetdeclaration.pdf http://www.eurocontrol.int/content/crco-fleet-declaration

7. VAT rates modifications As from 1 January 2013: Please refer to IC No. 2013/03. (Publication in January 2013).
http://publish.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/docu ments/route-charges/information-circulars/circ2013-03vat.pdf

7. Modifications des taux de TVA A compter du 1er janvier 2013: Veuillez vous rfrer la circulaire dinformation IC No. 2013/03. (Publication en Janvier 2013).
http://publish.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/content/docu ments/route-charges/information-circulars/circ2013-03vat.pdf

8. Exemptions Flights performed exclusively for the transport, on official mission, of the reigning Monarch and his/her immediate family, Heads of State, Heads of Government and Government Ministers are exempt from route charges throughout the EUROCONTROL Route Charges System, provided that the appropriate status indicator or remark is entered on the flight plan. As no appropriate status indicator exists in the ATM system for the transport of Heads of Government or Government ministers, operators of these flights are encouraged to use the acronym GOV in the RMK indicator field of the flight plan so as to facilitate easy recognition of the eligibility for exemption by the reporting services. This acronym should be used only when the flight is conducted exclusively for the transport of a Government minister on official mission, and it is emphasised that its use in this respect is strictly unrelated to the conditions or provision of ATM service.

8. Exonrations Les vols effectus exclusivement pour transporter, en mission officielle, le monarque rgnant et sa proche famille, les chefs dtat, les chefs de gouvernement et les ministres des gouvernements sont exonrs du paiement des redevances de route EUROCONTROL, sous rserve que cette situation soit dment tablie par lindication du statut ou une remarque dans le plan de vol. Comme une telle indication nexiste pas pour les besoins du contrle du trafic arien, les exploitants de ces vols sont invits utiliser lacronyme GOV dans le champ RMK du plan de vol afin de faciliter lapplication de cette exonration. Lacronyme doit tre utilis seulement lorsque le vol est effectu exclusivement pour transporter un ministre de gouvernement en mission officielle. Veuillez bien noter que lusage de cet acronyme est sans relation aucune avec la fourniture des services ATM.

9. Contacts The telephone and telefax numbers as well as e-mail addresses of your contact persons at the CRCO are as follows:

9. Contacts Les numros de tlphone et de tlfax ainsi que les adresses email de vos contacts au SCRR sont repris ci-aprs:

Billing and Customer Relations -------------------------Facturation et Relations avec la Clientle

Collection, Accounting and Treasury (CAT) -------------------------Recovery of charges Recouvrement de redevances

Collection, Accounting and Treasury (CAT) -------------------------Accounting and Treasury Comptabilit et trsorerie

(1) Telephone +32.2.729.3838

(2) +32.2.729.3865 +32.2.729.3867 +32.2.729.3743 +32.2.729.9094

(3) +32.2.729.3907 +32.2.729.3870 +32.2.729.3867 +32.2.729.9095








EUROCONTROL Central Route Charges Office (CRCO) Rue de la Fuse 96 BE 1130 Brussels (Belgium)


EUROCONTROL Service central des redevances de route (SCRR) Rue de la Fuse 96 BE 1130 Bruxelles (Belgique)

Annex(e) A
Basic Unit Rates applicable from 01.01.2013 / Taux unitaires de base applicables partir du 01.01.2013 Global Unit Rate / Taux Unitaire Global euro 67.99 76.65 64.76 90.65 65.53 28.35 98.57 34.65 70.21 71.84 58.51 8.96 33.89 31.14 31.65 78.98 37.72 43.27 58.34 73.62 66.74 38.58 47.15 78.23 60.92 42.14 36.49 59.72 43.26 49.79 44.99 50.93 44.60 46.47 36.56 29.30 29.28 Exchange Rate Applied / Taux de change appliqu 1 euro = -/-/-/0,798685 GBP -/-/1.20876 CHF -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/283.264 HUF 7.3942 NOK 7.45193 DKK -/4.49741 RON 24.7050 CZK 8.48446 SEK -/7.41740 HRK 1.95538 BGN 61.9095 MKD 15.8975 MDL -/138.504 ALL 1.93011 BAM 116.082 RSD 3.45067 LTL 4.12500 PLN 524.768 AMD 0.695585 LVL

ZONE Belg.-Luxembourg * Allemagne/Germany * France * R.U./U.K. Pays-Bas/Netherlands * Irlande/Ireland * Suisse/Switzerland Portugal Lisboa * Autriche/Austria * Espagne/Spain Con. * Espagne/Spain Can. * Portugal Santa Maria * Grce/Greece * Turquie/Turkey ** Malte/Malta * Italie/Italy * Chypre/Cyprus * Hongrie/Hungary Norvge/Norway Danemark/Denmark Slovnie/Slovenia * Roumanie/Romania Rp. Tchque/Czech Rep. Sude/Sweden Slovaquie/Slovakia * Croatie/Croatia Bulgarie/Bulgaria * ERYM/FYROM Moldavie/Moldova Finlande/Finland * Albanie/Albania Bosnie-Herzgovine/Bosnia and Herzegovina Belgrade Lituanie/Lithuania Pologne/Poland Armnie/Armenia Lettonie/Latvia
* : tat participant l'UME / State participating in the EMU

** : tat tablissant son assiette de redevance en euros / State establishing its cost-base in euro.

Annex(e) B
Bill dates, dates for payment and for claims submission in 2013 Dates de facturation, dates limites de paiement et de dpt des rclamations en 2013

Bill Principal Flight Period (Year/Month)

Bill Date

Latest value date by which payment must be received by Eurocontrol (30 days from Bill date)

Latest date by which claims must be received by Eurocontrol (60 days from Bill date)

2012/12 2013/01 2013/02 2013/03 2013/04 2013/05 2013/06 2013/07 2013/08 2013/09 2013/10 2013/11

Tuesday, 15 January 2013 Tuesday, 12 February 2013 Tuesday, 12 March 2013 Monday, 15 April 2013 Tuesday, 14 May 2013 Monday, 17 June 2013 Monday, 15 July 2013 Tuesday, 13 August 2013 Monday, 16 September 2013 Monday, 14 October 2013 Tuesday, 12 November 2013 Monday, 16 December 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013 Thursday, 14 March 2013 Thursday, 11 April 2013 Wednesday, 15 May 2013 Thursday, 13 June 2013 Wednesday, 17 July 2013 Wednesday, 14 August 2013 Thursday, 12 September 2013 Wednesday, 16 October 2013 Wednesday, 13 November 2013 Thursday, 12 December 2013 Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Monday, 18 March 2013 Monday, 15 April 2013 Monday, 13 May 2013 Monday, 17 June 2013 Monday, 15 July 2013 Friday, 16 August 2013 Friday, 13 September 2013 Monday, 14 October 2013 Friday, 15 November 2013 Monday, 16 December 2013 Monday, 13 January 2014 Friday, 14 February 2014

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