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Payer to pay

Je paie/paye Nous payons

Tu paies/payes Vous payez
Il paie/paye Ils paient/payent
Payer to pay
Je paierai/payerai Nous paierons/payerons
Tu paieras/payeras Vous paierez/payerez
Il paiera/payera Ils paieront/payeront
Either keep y ending
or change y to i for
highlighted subjects
-Ayer (Future)
-Ayer (Subjunctive)
Either keep y ending
or change y to i for
highlighted subjects
Payer to pay
Je paie/paye Nous payions
Tu paies/payes Vous payiez
Il paie/paye Ils paient/payent
-e -ons
-es -ez
-e -ent
-e -ions
-es -iez
-e -ent
-erai -erons
-eras -erez
-era -eront
I. Verb Review
Contrle #1
Lily Holeva
Either keep y ending
or change y to i for
highlighted subjects
Payer to pay
Je paierais/payerais Nous paierions/payerions
Tu paierais/payerais Vous paieriez/payeriez
Il paierait/payerait Ils paieraient/payeraient
-Ayer (Conditional)
-erais -erions
-erais -eriez
-erait -eraient

-Ayer (Present)
Either keep y ending
or change y to i for
highlighted subjects
Always change the
y to i for all subjects
-Uyer (Present)
Sennuyer to annoy
Je mennuie Nous nous ennuions
Tu tennuies Vous vous ennuiez
Il sennuie Ils sennuient
Tell whats happening NOW
Nous crivons sur nos copies.
Make generalizations or speak about habitual actions
Les cours sont interactifs.
Indicate what is going to happen in the near future
Ce soir, nous allons une fte chez le professeur.
Indicate what is going to happen in the near future with aller + infinitive
Je vais tudier au Canada lanne prochaine.
Indiciate what has just happeneded with venir de + infinitive
Ses parents viennent de recevoir son relev de notes.
Indicate an action which started in past is continuing into present with depuis
Depuis cinq ans, je rve de parler russe sans accent.
II. Present Indicative tense
-e -ons
-es -ez
-e -ent

Regular verbs with -er ending:
Parler,aimer, assister, passer, tudier, etc.
-e -ons
-es -ez
-e -ent
Special nous cases in regular -er:
* Verbs ending in -ger
* add an -e to stem in nous form
* ex: partager -> nous partegeons
* Verbs ending in -cer
* change c to in nous form
* ex: commencer -> nous commenons
1) Drop the -er
ex: tudier -> tudi
2) Add on ending
ex: tudi -> Jtudie
tudier to study
Jtudie Nous tudions
Tu tudies Vous tudiez
Il tudie Ils tudient
The 3 Major Groups of Regular Verbs:
Regular verbs with -er ending
Regular verbs with -ir ending
Regular verbs with -re ending
B. STRUCTURE - Regular Verbs

Acheter and Modeler
The A Subjects change their e to
The B Subjects stay the same
Acheter to buy/purchase
Jachet Nous achetons
Tu achets Vous achetez
Il achet Ils achetnt
Modeler to model
Je model Nous modelons
Tu models Vous modelez
Il model Ils modelnt
Prfrer and Scher
The A Subjects change their to
The B Subjects stay the same
Prfrer to prefer
Je prfre Nous prfrons
Tu prfres Vous prfrez
Il prfre Ils prfrent
Scher to dry
Je sche Nous schons
Tu sches Vous schez
Il sche Ils schent
Appeler to call oneself
Jappelle Nous appelons
Tu appelles Vous appelez
Il appelle Ils appellent
Appeler and Jeter
The A Subjects get a double L / double T in stem
The B Subjects stay the same
Both still get same endings!
Jeter to throw
Je Jetter Nous Jetons
Tu Jettes Vous Jetez
Il Jette Ils Jettent
Regular -er verbs with special stems
A. Some verbs have one
stem for certain subjects:
B. And a different stem
for the other subjects:
-e -ons
-es -ez
-e -ent

Regular verbs with -ir ending:
-s -ssons
-s -ssez
-t -ssent
2) Add on ending
ex: russi -> Je russis
1) Drop the -r
ex: russir -> russi
Russir to succeed
Je russis Nous russissons
Tu russis Vous russissez
Il russit Ils russissent
Regular -ir verbs with special stems:
Dormir, partir, sentir, sortir
&a different stem & ending
for the plural subjects:
1)Drop the -ir from the
infinitive form.
2) Add the plural sub.
Some -ir verbs have one
stem and ending for the
singular subjects:
-tu -il/elle/on
1) Drop the the last three
(Sing. Sub)
(Plural Sub)
Dormir to sleep
Je dors Nous dormons
Tu dors Vous dormez
Il dort Ils dorment

B. STRUCTURE - Regular Verbs

* -Ir Verb Exceptions:
* couvrir
* offrir
* ouvrir
* souffrir
These -ir verbs are conjugated just like -er verbs.
B. STRUCTURE - Regular Verbs
Regular verbs with -re ending:
Entendre, rendre, rpondre, etc.
1) Drop the -re
ex: renre -> rend
-s -ons
-s -ez
- -ent
2) Add on ending
ex: rend -> Je rends
Entendre to listen
Jentends Nous entendons
Tu entends Vous entendez
Il entend Ils entendent
B. STRUCTURE - Pronominal Verbs
Je me/m
Tu te/t
Il/Elle se/s
Nous nous
Vous vous
Pronominal Verbs reflexive verbs are conjugated like normal verbs
except they are preceeded by reflexive pronouns.

There are 4 categories of pronominal verbs:
1) Express that the subject and the object are doing
something to eachother - reciprocal verbs
ex: Les tudiants se parlent -> The students are talking to eachother.
2) Express that the subject is doing something to
himself/herself - reflexive verbs
ex: Chaque matin, je me brosse mes dents -> Every morning I brush my
3) Verbs that are used only as reflexives and cannot always be trasnlated.
ex: Il se souviennent bien de leur premier professeur franais.
-> They remember well their first french professor.
4) A reflexive contruction is often used in french to avoid a passive
ex: Comment est-ce que cela se fait? -> How is that done?
When two verbs follow one another without a conjunction between, the first verb is
conjugated and the second is in the infinitive.
Je veux suivre ce cours
When reflexive verbs are used in the infinitive, the reflexive pronoun agrees with the
subject of the main verb.
Nous esprons nous inscrire sans problmes.
Following a preposition
Il travaille dur afin davoir de donnes notes.
After apres, the past infinitive must be used
Apres avoir fini ses tudes, elle est retourne chez ses parents.
As the subject of a sentence.
Bosser la dernire minute, ce nest pas une bonne ide.
B. STRUCTURE - Infinitives
Past Tense of the Infinitive
tudier avoir tudi
rendre avoir rendu
rentrer tre rentr(e)
sincrire stre inscrit(e)(s)
Past Infinitive Present Inf.
III. Infinitives

To form the past tense of the infinitive (or the pass compos)
you need an auxiliary verb + a past participle.
The auxiliary is either avoir or tre depending on your infinitive.
If the infinitive requires tre as the auxiliary verb, then the two must
agree in gender and number.
R evenir
M ourir
R ester
S ortir
V enir
A aller
N aitre
D escendre
E ntrer
R etourner
T omber
R entre
A rriver
M ontrer
P artir
P asser
The following verbs in the list use tre as an auxiliary.
Every other infinitive uses avoir and does not need to agree:

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