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Classic Maya Landscape in the Upper Usumacinta River Valley


Mario M. Aliphat







MAY, 1994

© Mario M. Aliphat 1994

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COMMUNICATIONS AKD THE ARTS Psychology.....................................0525 PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND A n c ie n t.....................................0 5 7 9
A rchitecture....................................0 729 Reading ........................................ 0535 THEOLOGY M e d ic v o l................................. 0581
A rl H istory ......................................0377 R oligious........................................ 0 527 M o d e rn ....................................0 58 2
Philosophy...................................... 0422
C m o.no ...........................................0900 Sciences. ................................... 0714 Religion B lo c k ........................................ 0 32 8
Danco ....................... 0378 Secondary............................ 0533 A fric a n ................................. ,,,0331
General ...................................0318
Fino A r t s . ...0 35 7 Social S ocncos..............................0534 Asia, Australia and Oceonio 0 3 3 2
Biblical Studies ............0321
Information 5cionco.................... 0723 Sociology o f .................................. C340 Canadian ................................ 0 33 4
C le rg y ...................................... 0 3 1 9
Journalism ..................................... 0391 S p o cia r ................................... 0 52 9 E uropean................................. 0 3 3 5
History o f .......................... 0320
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Philosophy o l .......................... 0322
M a n fcommunicolions..................0708 Technology.....................................0 71 0 Theology 0469 M iddle Eastern........................0 3 3 3
Music ................................ 0413 Tosls oncTMoosuromonts............ 0288 United States........................... 0 3 3 7
Spooch Communication ...... 0459 V oca lio no l...................................... 0747 H ‘ v y of S cience.........................0 58 5
Tnoalor ..................... 0465 Low..................................................0 3 9 8
American Studies ......................... 0323
LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND Anthropology Political Scicnco
EDUCATION LINGUISTICS A rch a e o lo g y ........................... 0 324 G e n e ra l....................................0 61 5
C o n o ro l...................... 0515 language C u ltu ra l.................................... 0326 International lo w and
A dm inistration ...............................0 514 Gonerol .................................. 0679 Physical.................................... 0327 Relations...............................0 6 1 6
Adull and Continuing ..................0 516 A n cio n t.....................................0289 Business Administration Public A dm inistration............. 0 61 7
A g ric u ltu ra l....................................0 51 7 Recreation...................................... 0 81 4
lin g u istics ..............................0290 G e n e ra l ..................... 0 31 0
A r t ................................................... 0273 M o d e rn .........................0291 Accounting ..............................0272 Social W o r k .................................. 0 4 5 2
Bilingual and Multicultural ...........0282 Sociology
Literature Banking. ...............................0770
Business ..............................0608 G e n e ra l................ 0401 Manogomenl .......................... 0454 G e n e ra l....................................0 6 2 6
Community College .................... 0 275 C lassical.................................. 0294 M o rk c tm g ................................ 0 338 Crim inology and Penology ... 0 62 7
Curriculum arid Instruction ......... 0 72 7 Dem ography........................... 0 9 3 8
Com parative............................0295 Canodion Studies .................. 0385
Eorly Childhood . .. ................... 0518 M e d ie v a l............................ ...0 2 9 7 Ethnic ond Kaeial S tudies 0631
Elomontary 0524 Modern ................................... 0298 Individual and Family
G c n e ro l.................................. 0501
Finances . .0 2 7 7 African ....................................0316 S tudios................................. 0 62 8
Guidance and C ounseling 0519 A g ricu ltu ra l..............................0503
Am erican................................. 0591 Industrial and lab o r
Com m crceBusiness............... 0 50 5
Health ......................................... 0 6 8 0 Relations............................... 0 62 9
A s ia n ....................................... 0305 Finance .................. ,0 5 0 8
Higher ..................................... 0 74 5 Canodion [E n g lish l ............... 0 35 2 H istory................................. 0 50 9 Public and Social W c lla ro .... 0 6 3 0
History of .......................... 0 520 Canodian (French) ............... 0355 la b o r ....................................... 0 5 1 0 Social Structuro and
Homo E c o n o m ic s .............0 278 English .....................................0593 Theory ...................................0511 Development...................... 0 7 0 0
Industrial ...................................... 0521 G e rm a n ic................................ 0311 Theory a nd M ethods.............. 0 34 4
Folklore............................... 0358
Languogo and lito ra fu re .............. 0 27 9 Transportation...............................0 70 9
Latin A m e rica n ........................0312 G eography..................................... 0366
M athem atics. 0280 Middle Eastern .................... . 0315 G e ro n to lo g y......................... 0351 Urban and Regional Planning . ..0 9 9 9
Music ............................................. 0522 R om ance............................... 0313 History W om en’s Studies.......................... 0 4 5 3
Philosophy o f ..................................0998 5lovic and East European . . 0314 G e n e ra l.................................... 0570
Physical ... 0523


BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES G e o d o sy .........................................0370 Speech P athology................... 0 4 6 0 Engineering
A nriojlturo Geology ................... 0372 T o xicolo g y...............................0383 G e n e ra l....................................0 5 3 7
G e n e ra l.................................... 0 47 3 G eophysics ......................0373 Home Econom ics ..................0 3 8 6 A erospace ............................... 0 5 3 8
A g ro n o m y ............................... 0285 H y d ro lo g y ........................0388 A g ricu ltu ra l..............................0 53 9
Ammal Culture and M in e ra lo g y.....................................0411 PHYSICAL SCIENCES A u to m o tive ..............................0 5 4 0
N u tritio n ......................... 0 4 7 5 Paleobotany ................................ 0 34 5 B iom edical...............................0541
Anim al Pathology................... 0476 Polooocology................................. 0426
Pure Sciences
C ho m icol................................. 0 54 2
Food Science and Poloontology................................. 0 418 C iv il..........................................0 54 3
Technology.......................... 035 9 G e n e ral ............................0485
Potcozoology................................. 0985 Electronics and Electrical 0544
Foreshy a n d W ildlifo ...........0 47 8 P a lyn o log y ..................................... 0427 A g ricu ltu ra l..............................0 7 4 9
Heat ond Thermodynamics ...0 3 4 0
Plant C u ltu re ........................... 0 47 9 Physical G e o g ra p h y ..................... 0368 A n a ly tic a l .......................... 0486
H ydra u lic................................. 0 54 5
Physical O ceanography .............. 0415 Biochemistry ........ 0 48 7
Plant P a th o lo g y.......................0 4 8 0 Industrial ................................. 0 5 4 6
Plant P hysiology......................0 8 1 7 In o rg a n ic ..................... 0 48 8
M a rin e ..................................... 0 547
Range M a n a g e m e n t.............. 0 7 7 7 HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL Nuclear ...................................0738
Materials Science................... 0 794
W o o d Technology..................0 7 4 6 O rg a n ic ............... 0490
SCIENCES M e cha n ical..............................0 54 8
Phormoceulicol........................ 0491
Biology Environmental Sciences .0 7 6 8 M e ta llu rg y .....................0743
P hysical.................................... 0494
General ................................ 0 30 6 M ining ..................................... 0551
Health Sciences P olym er ........................ 0495
Anatomy . 0 28 7 N u c le a r....................................0 55 2
G e n e ra l....................................0566 R adiation................................. 0754
Biostatistics ........................... 0 30 8 A u d io lo g y ... 0300 Packaging ......................... 0549
B o ta n y...................................... 0 3 0 9 M athem atics.................. 0405
Petroleum ................................ 0 76 5
Chomotncropy ...................... 0992 Physics
Coll . 0379 D en tistry.................... 0567 Sanitary and M u n ic ip a l 0 55 4
E c o lo g y.................................... 0 3 2 9 G e n e ra l.................................... 0605
Education ..............................0350 System Scicnco........................ 0 79 0
Entom ology............................ 0353 A coustics................................. 0 9 8 6
Hospital M anagem ent............0769 G eotcchnoloay............................ .0 4 2 8
G onetics...................................0 36 9 Astronomy ond
Human Development ............. 0758 Operations Research.................... 0 79 6
lim n o lo g y ................................ 0 79 3 Astrophysics ................0606
Im m unology.............................0902 Plastics Technology......................0 7 9 5
M icrobiology .......................... 0 4 1 0 Atmospheric Scienco.............. 0 60 8 Textile Technology......................... 0994
Medicine and S u rg e ry 0564 Atomic ..................................... 074B
M olcculor ................................ 0 3 0 7
Mental H e a lth ....................... 0347 Electronics ond E lectricity 0607
Neuroscience ........................0 3 17
Nursing ..................................0569 PSYCHOLOGY
O ceanography........................0 4 1 6 Elementary Particles a n d G e n e ra l..........................................0621
N u tritio n .................... 0570 High Enorgy......................... 0 7 9 8
P h ysiology............................... 0 433 Bohavioral...................................... 0 38 4
Obstetrics ond Gynecology .0 3 8 0 F luidond Plosmo.....................0759
R ad ia tion ................................. 0821 C lin ic a l......................................... ,0 6 2 2
Occupational Health ana M o lc c u lo r ............. 0 60 9
Veterinary Scicnco..................0 77 8 Developmental............................... 0 62 0
Therapy ............................... 0354 N u c le a r.................................... 0 61 0
Z o o lo g y .......................0 472 E xperim ental................................. 0623
Ophtholmology .................. 0301 O p tic s .......................................0 75 2
Biophysics Industrial ..................................... 0 62 4
P athology................................ 0571 R adiation................................. 0 756
General ................... 0786 Personality...................................... 0625
Phorm ocology........................0 4 1 9 Solid S ta te ............................... 0611
M e d ic a l ........................ 0 76 0 Physiological................................. 0 98 9
Pharm acy.................................0572 Statistics.......................................... 0463
Physical T h e ra p y .................... 0382 Psychobiology............................... 0 34 9
EARTH SCIENCES Public H ealth............................0573 A p p lie d Sciences Psychometrics .......................0632
Biogeochem iitry ..................0 42 5 A ppliod M echanics.......................0 34 6 Social .......................................... 0451
R odiology.................... 0574
G eochem istry................................ 0 9 9 6 Computer S cience......................... 0984
Recreation............................... 0575

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The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommend to

the Faculty of Graduate Studies for acceptance, a dissertation

entitled "Classic Maya Landscape in the Upper Usumacinta River

Valley," submitted by Mario M. Aliphat, in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

--'Dir. J. Scott Raymprid

^Department of Archaeology

Dr. Peter L. Mathews

Department of Archaeology

of Anthropology

Dr. Elizabeth/Graham
Department of Anthropology
York University

May 20, 1994


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The Usuroacinta River Basin in Chiapas, Mexico

witnessed the growth and florescence of the Classic Maya

civilization. However, the area has been relatively little

explored archaeologically in comparison to other lowland

Classic Maiya areas such as Belize and the Peten in

Guatemala. The primary objective of this thesis is to

provide a broad base of data concerning the Upper Usmacinta

River Basin on which to build a comprehensive knowledge of

the Classic Maya in this area. The data base is presented

from the perspective of landscape studies in archaeology,

which transcend the purely ecological, economical or

iconographical approaches to understanding the rise of past


The study area, defined hydrologically, is explored in

terms of the structural geology, the geomorphology, the

soils, and the vegetation to develop an approximation of

the physical and biotic landscapes. These data, which are

provided in the form of maps and figures, are then compared

with the location of known archaeological sites in the

Upper Usumacinta River Basin. The correlation of

settlement location with natural and biotic landscape

features provides the basis for the generation of a


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proposed political landscape for a specific period of

Classic Maya times.

The results of this landscape analysis support the

idea that settlement decisions are influenced by physical

and biotic landscape features. For the study area, it is

proposed that the location of sites corresponds to

landscape features which facilitate the movement of goods

and the maintenance of interaction along the Usumacinta

River in downstream travel and through geologically-defined

valleys in overland travel in the upstream direction.

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This dissertation is the result of the kind help and

assistance of many people in Canada and Mexico. First I

would like to acknowledge the kind support and guidance

provided by Dr. David H. Kelley and Dr. Scott Raymond

throughout all these years. Without their help and interest

it would have been very difficult to complete this study.

In Calgary, Dr. Brian Kooyman and Dr. Peter Mathews have

always shared their friendship and their knowledge with me.

Their good humour and commitment in the field will be

always remembered. Dr. Jane Kelley and Dr. Richard Forbis

have provided a sense of purpose and gentle example during

my stay in Calgary. I have had the opportunity to share

with them unforgettable experiences in Cihuatan, El

Salvador, and Zacoalco, Mexico.

In Mexico, thanks are due to Dr. Arturo Gdmez-Pompa,

Biol. Manuel ZolS, Geog. Gerardo Garcia, Ing. Adolfo

Campos, and Biol. Josd Luis Alvarado as well as other

researchers of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones

Sobre Recursos Bidticos (INIREB). They provided me with

great help in the different areas of their expertise. In

the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH) I

would like to thank Prof. Roberto Garcia Moll, Prof.

Alejandro Pastrana, Prof. Angel Garcia Cook, Prof. Josd

Luis Lorenzo, Profa. Lorena Mirambell, and Prof. Daniel

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JuSrez. These archaeologists, as well as other researchers

of INAH, have provided me with critical support in my

research in La Selva Lacandona and in my work in Mexican


The research in Calgary was funded through a

Government of Alberta Scholarship as well as Social

Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

and Killam Doctoral Fellowships. My recent work in the

Usumacinta has been graciously supported by a Social

Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

research grant for the El Cayo Project.

I wish to thank Dr. Elizabeth Graham and Dr. Herman

Konrad for their kind interest and insightful commentaries

as members of my Examining Committee.

I want to thank my family for their support and jovial

but critical view of my life as an archaeologist: Doha Luz

Ma. FernSndez Vda. de Aliphat, my brothers Enrique and

Juan, my sisters Graciela , Raquel, and Ivonne.

Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Denise F. Brown for

her encouragement, advice, and happy outlook on life.


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To the Mayan peoples of Mexico and Guatemala, in the

belief that the Usumacinta River will become, as it was in

the past, a river that brings them together instead of

being the border that keeps them apart.


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2.2.1 Folding Features 30
2.2.2 Faults 36
3.2.1 The Drainage Area 47
3.2-2 The Usumacinta River 53




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3.1 Soil Types in the study area 111
3.2 Soil Series in the Study area 119


3.1.1 Piedras Negras 163
3.1.2 Yaxchilan 165
3.1.3 El Chorro 168
3.1.4 El Porvenir 169
3.1.5 Texcoco 170
3.1.6 El Cayo 170
3.1.7 El Chile 171
3.1.8 El Chicozapote 172
3.1.9 Santa Clara 172
3.1.10 Anait6 II 173
3.1.11 La Pasadita 174
3.1.12 Anaitfe I 174
3.1.13 El Tornillo 175
3.1.14 El Pato 176


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2.2.1 River formation 210
2.2.2 Karstic landscape 211
2.2.3 Special materials 212
2.2.4 Agricultural and silvicultural
potential 212
2.2.5 Mosaic of environmental conditions
on the landscape 213


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More than fifteen years have passed since Culbert et

al (1978) issued an urgent call for detailed environmental

studies in the Maya zone, a call which has been reiterated

on various occasions by other Maya archaeologists.

Wiseman (1978), in the same year, spoke of the need for

understanding the "present landscape" as the "analogue of

past landscapes" which corresponded to the development of

the Maya civilization. Three years later, Ashmore (1981)

stressed the need for "topographic, geological,

pedological, hydrographic, botanical and zoological data

for a given area" in addition to the archaeological data

set. In the intervening years, such information has been

generated for some parts of the Maya zone. Rice and

Puleston (1981) , for example, analyzed the natural

landscape features of the Peten area, finding that as more

is known, the endeavour of archaeological settlement

analysis in the tropical rainforest of the Maya zone

becomes increasingly complex. The present study was

designed and undertaken in the context of this recognized

need for detailed an£ complex information on the natural

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landscape of the region which provided the context for the

emergence of the Maya civilization. The results of this

study provide a first approximation to the understanding

of the natural or physical world in an area known to

archaeologists as the Upper Usumacinta River Basin,

located in present-day Mexico and Guatemala. As a second

step in the study, the importance of this data set is

demonstrated by correlating natural landscape elements to

the distribution of known sites in this river basin within

a cultural framework of proposed political entities.


The study of the distribution of, and relationship

between, elements in an archaeological site and over a

region for many years was subsumed under the rubric of

"settlement pattern analysis". Clark (1977: 1,9) is the

first to propose a broader term to respond to a wider

focus in the study of archaeological artefacts, sites, and

landscape contexts: for Clark "spatial archaeology"

includes "settlement archaeology, site system analyses,

regional studies, territorial analyses, locational

analysis, catchment area studies, distribution mapping,

density studies, within-site and within-structure analyses

or even stratigraphic studies" all of which generate

"archaeological spatial information". This approach

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accommodates research perspectives at various "levels of

resolution", from study of the relationship of "artefacts

and other artefacts over the landscape" at a micro level,

to focus on the relationship of "sites and resource

spaces" and "resource spaces with other resource spaces"

(Clark 1977:16). It is at this latter, "macro" level of

resolution that the present study proposes to identify

spaces on the landscape which, when seen in mutual

relationships, reveal information with fundamental

interpretative value to the archaeologist. This is the

spatial information which Clark (1977:5) proposes can no

longer be "intuitive" or gleaned by "eyeballing". The

importance of the spatial information found in the

relationships, and which tra ^cends the more limited focus

of settlement archaeology, is the basic assumption of this

archaeological approach, which is adopted in this study,

focussing on the landscape of the Upper Usumacinta River


Landscape is defined in the natural sciences with

reference to soil types, slope, hydrology, topography, and

features which determine land use systems and patterns

(Committee 1993). From this wide scope of natural

environment, researchers in archaeology have most

frequently chosen the man-land relationship for study,

generating for the Maya zone, a considerable body of data

in relation to the size and distribution of the human

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population through time, although questions still exist as

to the exact nature of the Maya agricultural activities in

the humid tropics and, by extension, the size, profile and

location of the population (Cu]bert and Rice 1990).

Specifically, soil types, as the "key problem of

agriculturists in the humid tropics", were singled out by

Sanders (Sanders & Murdy 1982) to be correlated with the

distribution of settlements, in an approach which was

subsequently tested by Ford (1986) and Fedick (1988).

While land has been identified as the prime "resource” in

the Maya zone by these authors, archaeologists have also

recognized water sources (Harrison 1981), minerals

(Shipley and Graham 1987), wild game (Hammond 1985,

Flannery 1986), and tree crops (Puleston 1982; Gomez-

Pompa, Flores and Aliphat 1990), as important "resources"

which influence the location of settlements in the Maya


The identification of "resources" for a given

society, however, implies that the researcher has detailed

knowledge of the information available to the "user" in

the context of the natural environment. Wagstaff (1987)

warns thcit the organization of information into typologies

(such as resources) is influenced by "assumptions about

meaning and significance, whether those assumptions are

clearly articulated or not". Until now, the

classification of an element of the physical world of the

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Maya as a resource has been based primarily on' the

assumptions that agricultural pursuits were predominant,

that agriculturists influenced settlement decisions, and

that land was the medium most valued by these individuals.

Thus soils types and distribution, and their corresponding

agricultural potential have been an important focus.

However, soil is but one element of the natural landscape,

which, it is proposed here, should be understood and

evaluated in the total context of landscape features in

the first instance, without reference to the judgment of

this element or medium as a resource. That is, the first

step in understanding the natural context of an

archaeological society is to attempt to remove the

cultural or interpretive constraints and present that

which Ellen (1978) has termed "env onmental givens". The

natural landscape represents a certain potential to the

human inhabitants, who classify, use and modify the

natural setting to form a cultural landscape of resources,

sites, communication routes, agricultural systems, and

other sociospatial structures.

Carl Sauer was the first to identify this dual nature

of landscape. In the context of a geographical tradition

which concentrated its research interest on natural

physical forms, Sauer introduced the notion of "content"

in the landscape, which rests "in the physical qualities

of area that are significant to man and in the forms of

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his use of the area" (Sauer 1925:325). These physical

qualities represent, for Sauer (1925:326): "the sum of all

natural resources that man has at his disposal in the

area...(i)t is beyond his power to add to them; he may

'develop' them, ignore them in part, or subtract from them

by exploitation". The physical features provide the

"materials out of which the cultural landscape is formed"

(Sauer 1925:343). Whereas archaeologists interested in

the man-land relationship have focussed principally on

soils, the geographers or Sauer's time were preoccupied

with relief, as the primary features of the landscape.

Sauer emphasizes the complexity of the landscape, of which

topography is but a single element, arguing that the

geological information is needed to understand the base

materials and structures which underlie the surface forms,

and climatic data related to the biotic aspects of the

landscape: "These matters may be significant to the

understanding of topography, soil, drainage, and mineral

distribution" (Sauer 1925: 334).

Although the two aspects of the landscape, physical

and cultural, are interdependent, they can be separated

for the purposes of analysis. As could be expected, the

physical aspects have been stressed by scientists in the

natural sciences, more than the cultural aspects, which

have fallen more into the realm of the social sciences.

Archaeology, which by definition depends primarily on

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physical remains of past cultures, must exhaust the

information available in the material record which may

contribute to the understanding of cultural development.

Thus, the detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the

physical landscape on which, and by means of which,

cultures emerged and flourished is of fundamental


Some important archaeological studies have adopted

this approach. Butzer (1976, 1982, Butzer and Hansen

1968) for Nubian Egypt, ana Willey et al (1965) and

Hammond (1975, Hammond and Ashmore 1981) for the Maya zone

have related settlement pattern to natural environmental

factors and features. In his study of Lubaantun, Hammond

defines "local environmental zones" with reference to

"additional criteria such as relief, landform, land slope,

geology, soil, natural vegetation, and natural resources"

(Hammond 1975). The natural environment offered the Maya

possibilities at the same time as "imposing constraints"

to settlement and subsistence, according to Hammond

(1975). For the purposes of analysis of the interrelated

phenomena of physical and cultural factors, Willey et al

(1965) propose the separation of questions of "primary

order" and those of "secondary order" according to "level

of inference". Following this schema, the descriptive

details of the physical environment minimizing

interpretive or qualitative judgements or inferences,

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would respond to the former; whereas attention to the

influence of this natural context in terms of social,

political, ritual or economic development would constitute

questions of "secondary order". In settlement analysis,

both types of questions are addressed, in the application

of a methodology which for Eidt (1984:13): "requires a

sophisticated knowledge of the interrelationships of human

and physical geographical factors at different scales".

Anthropologist Roy Ellen (1978) emphasizes the complexity

of the environmental factors, lamenting that his

colleagues, "many of whom are poorly informed on matters

relating to topography, climate, soils and biota", are

"insensitive" to the importance of the physical landscape.

Working in the anthropological present, Ellen proposes

that the cultural and environmental "givens" are


...but analysis must begin with a consideration of

the latter category. It must determine just how far
immutable environmental givens, distributed
spatially and temporally, can explain settlement
form. Thus, pattern generation must accord with
what is possible within the maxima and minima of
altitude distribution, or precipitation, of
temperature; the distribution of major ecological
zones, cultivable crops, topography and other major
environmental aspects of locality at any given point
in time, and over time. Only then can the more
capricious factors be adequately considered. (Ellen

That is, once an understanding has been reached of the

natural, physical landscape, it can be "reworked" in

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cultural terms to understand the land "evaluation",

"culturally important natural resources", and to "generate

decision making" (Ellen 1978}.

The authors cited above have proposed that the

physical landscape underlies the cultural landscape, and

hence suggest that the researcher understand the former

before generating the latter. The present study follows

this recommendation, presenting first an approximation of

the natural context, in the seeming absence of human

activity, then to propose, within the limitation of data

on the Maya activities in the study area, an approximation

of the cultural landscape in terms of the location of

si t e s .

Focus on the physical aspects of the landscape as

providing the context for the subsistence activities of

humans, has been criticized in recent studies which

emphasize cultural contexts of meaning and symbolism in

understanding the landscapes of the present and the past.

Cosgrove (1989:63) levels criticism at that which he calls

the geographical approach to natural environment, which is

taken from the point of view of an outsider, is supposedly

objective and "scientific", and is a "term of order and

control". For Cosgrove (1989:21,27), this comes from a

Eurocentric (colonialist) attitude, in which the scene

viewed is "unchanging", frozen in time, and which

therefore makes the colonial enterprise of "control" and

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"order" much easier. He proposes that the landscape be

taken as more than just "visible forms on the e a r t h s

surface and their composition"; that landscape include

"symbolic meaning (as) products of the human appropriation

and transformation of the environment" (Cosgrove 1989:

126 ) .

Ingold (1987:2) stresses the importance of

understanding the "organization of environmental

possibilities into a coherent system" based upon the

"project" of the individual. For the human, acting within

the context of his culture and society, the actions which

are brought to bear upon the environment will be based

upon social relations, in which predation becomes hunting,

co-operation becomes sharing, and territoriality becomes

rules of tenure (Ingold 1987:5). The landscape, for

Ingold, is the "setting for the individual's activities"

which he "confronts, and struggles to organize through the

imposition of form and meaning" (Ingold 1987:6), thus

converting the geographical niche into habitat (Ingold

1987:6). Ingold (1987:9) emphasizes the importance of

"purpose" or "consciousness" of intention in the

relationship of the human with the natural environment,

and points out that "the purposes of human agents have

their source in the intersubjective donlain, that is in the

field of social relations that lies beyond rather than

within the general field of ecological relations" (Ingold

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1987:9). The boundaries of the social group may be as

important as the boundaries to the natural system,

according to this author (Ingold 1987:143).

Kunstadter (1972:335) emphasizes the importance of

looking at the geographical and social aspects of space

and settlement, pointing out that both types of models can

be made, although the social may be more likely to reveal

the boundaries of a social system than the geographical,

because people live and interact with and within their

natural and social environments.

Jackson (1989:3) stresses the idea of meaning in

culture, evidenced in the "way in which groups handle the

raw material of existence, codes with which meaning is

constructed, conveyed and understood". Jackson says that

culture is "socially constructed", "geographically

expressed" and "spatially constituted". The relationship

of man and the landscape is interactive, based on the

understanding and meaning of the natural setting. Schlee

(1992) refers to "ritual topography" as the landscape with

associated meanings, the "ensemble o f ...meaningful

features, and the symbolic constitution of social

identities". For the Maya zone, Clendinnen (1980) and

Hanks (1989) stress the reproduction of the Maya space and

landscape as part and parcel of the reproduction of the

society. According to Clendinnen (1980:378), after the

imposition of the colonial regime, the Maya identified

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"generic features of their landscape through which they

were able to recreate their traditional social worlds".

Some examples of these were cenotes, caves, milpas,

villages, houses, temples, etc.

According to this cultural approach to the study of

landscape, the transformation of the physical landscape by

humans is carried out at various levels, with different

implications as to the material or concrete impact, such

as could be detected through settlement analysis by

archaeologists. Thus the man-environment relationship

could be expressed in such concrete terms as the

construction of engineered slope or water management

systems which physically modify the natural landscape, or

in the generation of a ritual topography through seasonal

movements of groups within the society (Schlee 1992) .

Study of settlement patterns cannot ignore either of these

structured and culturally generated landscapes, which

engender the "spatial constitution" of the culture.

Evidence of regional settlement pattern and

subsistence activities for the study area is scant,

although the sites with major ceremonial architecture have

been identified. In the second part of the thesis, an

approximation to one aspect of the cultural or political

landscape of the Classic Maya in this area is tested by

superimposing the cultural artefacts, the sites in the

study area, onto the physical landscape. The

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sociopolitical organization of the sites has been proposed

in the generation of Thiessen polygons by Mathews (1988).

These are theoretical and geometric constructs based

primarily upon calculation of distance between sites. It

is difficult for the archaeologist to test whether

political units existed based upon this principle in the

past, and, further, whether the boundaries so generated

contain any validity in terms of the political landscape

of the Classic Maya. Here the definition of boundaries

between social systems is seen as based upon interaction,

as proposed by Barth (1967), Green and Perlman (1985),

among others; and, further, as existing "because of the

need to regulate and control interaction", as proposed by

Hodder (1985). Using the examples of Yaxchilan and

Piedras Negras as the two major ceremonial sites located

in the study area, and the boundaries generated by the

polygons proposed by Mathews (1988), the thesis concludes

that both the location of central ceremonial settlements

in the study area, as well as the definition of boundaries

between sociopolitical systems, are intrinsically related

to the physical landscape.


3.1 This dissertation presents the results of the

analysis of the physical landscape in the area termed the

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"Upper Usumacinta", as defined by Rands (1973) as

extending "from the beginning of the Usumacinta proper, at

the junction of the Pasion and Salinas (Chixoy) Rivers to

Boca del Cerro". The Usumacinta River system drains the

highlands of Chiapas and Guatemala and runs north and

westward, forming the border between Mexico and Guatemala,

emerging in the lowlands of Chiapas and Tabasco States,

Mexico. In the Upper Usumacinta region major ceremonial

centres from the Classic Maya period were established.

However, this area, until recently covered on both the

Guatemalan and Mexican sides of the river by high tropical

forest growth, has been relatively unexplored in

archaeological terms except for the major sites of

Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras.


The primary objective of this study is to provide in

the form of maps, basic natural landscape information on

the Upper Usumacinta region of the Maya zone which has

fundamental interpretive value to the archaeologist

studying this region. It is found that the physical

landscape of this area is unusual, relative to other Maya

landscapes, and that therefore the cultural landscape

which emerged in Classic Maya times would also differ from

that of other areas of the Maya zone. Therefore, the

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second objective of this thesis is to generate the

political landscape of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras during

the Classic Period by analyzing the interrelationship of

physical and cultural features. That is, an initial

approximation is made of the relationship between the

sites of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan and their natural

landscapes, as well as of the relationship between these

two sites in terms of the proposed political boundary

between them and the physical landscape.

Two minor hypotheses are tested with the data

generated in this thesis. First, that the natural

landscape features which define the study area also

defined the area as a cultural space in the past. In this

regard, it is found that the northern and southern

boundaries of the Thiessen polygons defined by nearest

neighbour analysis, correspond well with the limits of the

region as defined in terms of the Usumacinta watershed.

The natural boundary created by the cordillera also

formed, according to the evidence available, a boundary of

interaction, and thus a cultural boundary, based on the

closeness of sites to this formation and therefore to each

other. The second hypothesis is that the Usumacinta River

dominates both in terms of the natural landscape and in

terms of the cultural landscape of the Classic Maya. It

is found that the most important sites in the study area

are located along the river, and that the location of

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other sites is related to movement along the communication

artery which this river forms in the study area.


This study falls into the field of landscape

archaeology as defined by Ashton and Rowley (1974:23-24),

and as such is methodologically complex. In the words of

these authors:

...if one is to fully understand the landscape, one

needs a combination of all possible disciplines.
Such an approach has been called 'total archaeology'
but 'landscape history' or 'landscape archaeology'
would possibly be more apt, for they incorporate all
aspects of the natural and man-made landscape and
their relations. We cannot pretend that it is an
easy task... The successful landscape archaeologist
needs to be a 'jack of all trades', part geographer,
botanist, archaeologist and historian as well as
possessing some elementary knowledge of engineering
techniques... Primarily the fieldworker requires an
ability to appreciate the countryside in all its
forms (Ashton and Rowley 1974:24).

This approach in Mesoamerican archaeology was first

proposed by Mexican archaeologist Pedro Armillas, who had

a strong influence in the ideas of Josfi Luis Lorenzo and

William Sanders in the early 1960s. Armillas attempted to

establish a school of landscape archaeology in Mexico in

1973, unfortunately with little follow-up. The three

basic objectives of his approach can be expressed as

follows: 1) the relationship between archaeology and the

cultural landscape with emphasis on recovery, management

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and conservation of agricultural lands, agrarian

structures, roads and canal systems; 2) settlement

patterns and the structure of community; 3) the structure

of ecosystems (Rojas Rabiela 1991:63). In apparent

agreement with Ashton and Rowley, Armillas stressed the

need for the archaeologist to undertake field

reconnaissance. According to Mexican archaeologist Jos6

Luis Lorenzo, Armillas maintained that "archaeology should

be done with the feet, walking; that is, covering

territory which enables elements dispersed over the

landscape to be integrated by the archaeologist into an

articulated whole" (Lorenzo 1991:27).

In contrast to more conventional archaeological

methodology, excavation is not necessary in landscape

archaeology in the first instance, a fact that, according

to Ashton and Rowley, contributes to the strengths of this

approach in purely scientific terms:

One of the delights of this approach is that it is

essentially non-destructive, and a considerable
amount of evidence can be quickly collected. Unlike
an excavation, a piece of landscape fieldwork is
open to repetition, reappraisal or modification, and
most of the evidence normally remains available for
reassessment" (Ashton and Rowley 1974:23).

The speed with which evidence is collected is closely

related to the amount of official and reliable information

available from diverse sources; and "quickly" gathering

data in Europe is not paralleled by the data gathering

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processes in the Upper Usumacinta River Basin, for which

little landscape research had been done previous to the

present study.

As a first step in this research, materials published

in different form and forums by scientists in distinct

fields were reviewed in order to begin their organization

in a concise and accessible format for archaeologists.

Analysis of aerial photography was undertaken for

vegetational, soils and geomorphological interpretation,

where previous studies did not exist. In addition, field

testing and data collection was undertaken in the study

area in order to generate the soils and vegetation

profiles and to verify the cartographic information, which

is presented in the subsequent chapters. Specific

methodological details will be included at the beginning

of each chapter, as relevant to the data collection,

verification, and analysis under each theme.

The research was carried out over a period of years

during which the quality and quantity of available

information on the natural environment of the study area

increased notably. However, due to the fact that the

study area falls into two different countries, and that

researchers from still other national origins undertake

work in the area and publish their results elsewhere, the

search for the required materials was labourious. The

virtual inaccessibility of the region, in both countries,

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as well as the low density of population and extractive

economic activities which characterize the area, are

reflected in a low level of official and non-official

research interest and a resulting paucity of scientific

data on the area. It is a contrast that this zone, which

is considered politically, economically and socially

marginal by both the Guatemalan and Mexican governments

and people, was a key location during th> Classic Maya

period. The river, which is now a "natural landscape"

divide between the two countries, was a "natural

landscape" regional tie in the Classic Period, as will be

demonstrated below. Thus landscapes are indeed culturally



Chapter Two introduces the natural landscape of the

study area. The study area has been defined as the Upper

Usumacinta River Valley, delimited by the watershed. This

chapter begins with a discussion of the geology of the

study. The hydrology and climate of the area are then

discussed with particular emphasis on the river system.

The third section of this chapter presents the

geomorphology of the most important landforms of the study

area. This information is interpreted in terms of the

conformation of the river valley itself, in terms of the

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parental materials and forces that come into play in the

formation of the biotic landscape. Chapter Three presents

the distribution of the vegetation types in the study

area. These data, based upon the contemporary analogue,

provide the preliminary understanding of the natural

biotic setting. It is found that the vegetational mosaic

has provided a complex heterogeneity in the zone.

Particular attention is paid to the arboreal species, as

indicators of age and stability of the ecological forest

biome. In addition, the tree species of the zone today

are shown to be similar to those of the Classic Maya

times. Based upon the information and profiles provided

in the preceding chapters, Chapter Four presents the

present-day soil distribution in the study area. The soil

types are discussed in terms of agricultural potential and

limitations, providing a basis from which to interpret the

productive potential available to the Classic Maya.

Chapter Five presents the results of the combination of

the two data sets: the natural environment, and the

cultural environment of the Classic Maya period, to

propose a model of the political landscape.

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The Upper Usumacinta River region is characterized by

a hilly terrain covered with dense tropical rainforest.

The river itself seems to wind through the rainforest. At

times it is wide, but often it rushes through narrow

canyons (encajonados). The topographical map of the study

area is presented as Map No. 1, on which it can be

observed that just below the confluence of the arroyo El

Chorro, the Usumacinta talweg crosses the 100 meter above

sea level contour line, falling to 60 meters above sea

level at the western extreme of the Upper Usumacinta River

Basin at the confluence of the Budsilja River. There are

a number of islands and rapids along the river in this

Basin, such as Isleta No te Metas, Isleta Grande,

Encajonado Gonzalez, Isleta Agua Azul, Raudal Anaite

Rapids, Raudal El Chicozapote Rapids, and Isla El Cayo.

The north and south sides of the basin are demarcated

by mountain ranges. The north range is the first of a

chain of such mountain ranges which builds up to the

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Chiapas highlands. In the study area, the range is called

Sierra de Lacandon in which the highest altitude is about

500 meters above sea level. It is 75 kilometers in length

from northwest to southeast, ending in the lowlands of

Laguna Mendoza in Guatemala. It presents a formidable

natural barrier between the study area and the Peten,

measuring 20 kilometers across. To the south, the sierra

de la Cojolita rises to a maximum altitude of 700 meters

above sea level. It is about 70 kilometers in length and

6 kilometers in width. As will be explained below, the

Sierra de la Cojolita is characterized by a natural pass

which connects the Upper Usumacinta Basin with a parallel

smaller basin to the south, which is named the Lacanja

Basin, in which is located the major archaeological site

of Bonampak.

Running parallel to, and between, the river and

mountain ranges on both sides of the river, are found

relatively flat lands on which occur marshes, swamps,

streams, rivers, lakes, and rolling hills. The most

important of these are named features. These include the

lakes: Texcoco, Laguna Lacandon, La Pasadita, Laguneta

Poza Azul, Santa Maria, La Gardunza and Laguna Mendoza at

the extreme east corner of the study area, all located in

Guatemala, and Santa Clara Lake on the Mexican side. The

rivers that drain the flat areas are: Rio El Macabilero,

Arroyo Yaxchilan, and Arroyo El Chorro on the Guatemalan

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side, and Arroyo Anait£, Arroyo Agua Azul and Arroyo El

Macho on the Mexican side. There is a number of poorly

drained wetlands in this area, such as Pantano Lacandon,

Pantano la Pasadita, Pantano Campo Verde, Pantano la Vaca,

Pantano Pejelagarto, and Aguada Seca to the north of the

river in Guatemala. There are also wetlands associated

with the slow-flowing Arroyo Anaite and Arroyo Agua Azul

characterized by wetland vegetation {bajo) on the southern

side of the river in Mexico.

At present, there are very few established human

settlements in the area, which is, however, experiencing a

process of recolonization. The most important settlements

are Frontera Corozal, in Mexico, and Bethel, in Guatemala.

Other permanent populations are associated with the

private ranches of Santa Clara and El Desempeno. In

addition, recently formed ejido based settlements of new

colonizers have proliferated on the Mexican side of the

river, but have not yet appeared on an official map of the

area. An example is Arroyo Jerusalem, downriver from El

Cayo archaeological site which is located on the river

banks within the private ranch of El Desempeno. Yaxchilan

is the only archaeological site in the study area open to

the public with permanent staff from Mexico's Instituto

Nacional de Antropologia e Historia.

There is only one road on the Guatemalan side of the

river within the study area. On the western bank, the

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Mexican government has recently built a road which links

Frontera Corozal with Chancala and Palenque in lowland

Chiapas, and Benemerito in Marquez de Comillas across the

Lacantun River. This road was finished in 1985, and is

called the "carretera fronteriza" or border road, in

reference to its probable use in patrolling this frontier

area. The site of Yaxchilan is reached by river or by

plane, as is the case of El Cayo. The local population

uses a network of paths and trails to travel from

settlement to settlement, and to reach the road along

which they can travel to regional centres such as

Palenque. The Guatemalan side of the study area,

including the archaeological site of Piedras Negras, is

reached only by river.

The topographical map of the study area was

elaborated on the basis of official government maps, scale

1:50,000, available from the Instituto Nacional de

Estadistica, Geografia, e Informatica (INEGI) in Mexico

and the Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) of Guatemala.

This chapter will examine the geological origins and

geomorphological processes which underlie this topography.

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In order to develop the maps of geology, hydrology

and geomorphology, first a detailed review of available

published and unpublished literature and cartographic

material was undertaken to synthesize the information

available for the study area. Photointerpretation was

undertaken of the major structural and geological features

in aerial photographs of 1:40,000 (Fotometria y Servicios

Profesionales 1982) . This information was transferred to

1:50,000 scale maps, for detailed analysis. Finally, the

cartographic material was transferred to a 1:200,000 scale

to produce general working maps. Satellite imagery proved

invaluable in this analysis, in particular the Synthetic

Aperture Radar (SAR) image from 1978, which have a swath

width of 100 km and a spatial resolution of 25 meters

(NOAA 1978). The image was taken from the SEASAT

satellite. The importance of this image is that it

provides a view of the earth surface without any cloud or

vegetation cover. The structural geology of the entire

region can be seen and analyzed using this material (see

Figure No. 1).

Fieldwork was carried out during numerous visits to

different areas of the Upper Usumacinta River Basin. Two

of these were river trips, during which observations were

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made of geological structures, and the location of rapids,

streams, islands, and natural ports. The area was

overflown on various occasions in small airplanes and

helicopters. This air reconnaissance permitted the

detailed observation and rectification of features, in

particular for the Guatemalan side for which comparatively

less detail was available due to the lack of complete

coverage of aerial photographic material.


The relief and topographic features of the study area

are the reflection of tectonic activity upon the major

forms of sedimentary rocks that characterize the area. In

this section, the history of the geological region is

summarized and the folding and faulting systems which are

the main features of the landscape are analyzed in terms

of the local geological stratigraphy.


The most important geological features of northern

Central America, according to Weyl (1980:53) include

structures from the Palaeozoic basement, as well as from

the sedimentary upper Palaeozoic, from the Mesozoic and

from the Cenozoic. Two large geotectonic cycles have

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become evident. However, given the complexity of several

deformations which the region has experienced, it is not

possible to date many of the structures firmly, according

to Weyl. During the Palaeozoic, the geosyncline of

northern Central America was formed {Vinson 1962).

Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of the early Palaeozoic

to the Permian are represented in some of the ancient

geological features of Central America, found in the

Sierra Madre del Sur in the State of Chiapas. According

to Dickson (1955), the Maya Mountains present a well-

defined Palaeozoic stratum associated with the Palaeozoic

geosyncline already mentioned. During the middle

Palaeozoic, all of these early sediments were deformed by

intrusive plutonic activity corresponding to the Acadian

orogenesis of North America. For Chiapas, according to

Guzman and Cserna (1963), this metamorphic complex dates

to the Middle Palaeozoic.

The rocks of the Palaeozoic geosyncline of northern

Central America were eroded and deformed forming a

sequence of discordant deposits of clastic rocks during

the Late Carboniferous. During the Permian, a series of

limestones and shales were deposited in different sites of

Chiapas (Lopez Ramos 1974). The Palaeozoic geosyncline of

Central America suffered new deformations produced by

another orogenetic activity in Late Palaeozoic times.

During the Triassic, all of northern Central America was

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uplifted and remained above sea level. The Early Jurassic

witnessed the enlargement of the Gulf of Mexico as the

Yucatan Platform rotated colliding with the North American

Plate, forming what is today Chiapas and Guatemala, thus

folding the sediments of the Palaeozoic geosyncline.

According to Viniegra-Osorio (1971), during the Middle

Jurassic environmental conditions permitted the deposition

of evaporites and salts in the area of present day western

Guatemala and eastern Chiapas (Weyl 1980:44). Dillon et

al (1988:42) have studied the salt sources of Salinas-

Chixoy at Salinas de los Nueve Cerros site, calculating

that "possibly as much as 18,000 to 24,000 metric tons of

salt could have been produced [in Classic Maya times] at

Nueve Cerros annually by the solar evaporation method

a lone".

For the Late Jurassic, the Todos los Santos Formation

in eastern Guatemala represents sandstones, conglomerates

and shales mixed with volcanic ash (Vinson 1962). This

signals the beginning of volcanic activity in Guatemala

that affected the composition of the sedimentary rocks of

northern Guatemala. At the end of the Late Jurassic, a

Mesozoic geosyncline develops which has been called the

Chiapas-Guatemala Geosyncline by Vinson (1962). Here, the

depositional environment of the sedimentary rocks was

strongly affected by the Yucatan Platform to the northeast

and the Chiapas Massif to the southwest which established

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the pattern of sedimentation from the Cretaceous to the


The most important orogenesis of the Upper Mesozoic

is represented by the appearance of a geosyncline trough

which ran through northern Central America and underwent

violent orogenesis in the Upper Cretaceous (Wilson 1974,

Weyl 1980). This geosyncline trough was produced by the

elongation of the Cayman trench and the collision of the

North American and Caribbean Plates in the region of the

Motagua Fault zone (Weyl 1980:42). During the Middle and

Upper Cretaceous, the depositional environment of the area

was represented by a shallow sea which covered all of the

Yucatan Peninsula. During these periods, the limestones

of the Sierra Madre Formation were deposited. At the end

of the Upper Cretaceous, the North American Plate thrust

over the Pacific and Farallon Plates. This action

produced a regression creating a depositional environment

characterized by turbidity that is reflected in the clayey

limestones of the Palaeocene.

During the Palaeocene a major uplift caused by the

collision of continental plates resulted in the Laramide

orogen which is represented by the sediments of the Middle

Eocene in the El Bosque Formation. The Middle Miocene

witnessed the thrusting of the Cocos Plate over the North

American Plate, producing the Cascadian orogenesis which

was reflected by a rapid regression of the seas to the

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north and northwest, and the subsequent erosion of the

Chiapas highlands depositing sediments in what is now the

coastal plain of Tabasco.

The Mesozoic transgression deposited Cretaceous

strata almost 3000 meters thick on the Yucatan Platform

which are represented by evaporites and tuffitic

limestones for the Lower Cretaceous and by alternating

layers of limestones, dolomites and anhydrites for the

Middle and Upper Cretaceous (Weyl 1980:44). Vinson (1962)

proposes a Mesozoic/Canozoic basin, which he names

Chapayal Basin, and which he subdivides into the Yucatan

Platform, the La Libertad Arch, the Chapayal Trough, and

the Amatique Embayment. The southern edge of the Chapayal

basin and trough has the form of an inverted arch, the

eastern arm of which subsequently dictates the orientation

of the geological structures of Belize (SW-NE), and the

western arm of which determines the orientation of the

structures within the study area (SE-NW) (Weyl 1980:47).


2.2.1 Folding Features

The tectonic activity in the study area can be

observed on the landscape in the form of positive and

negative features of the relief, that is to say, mountain

chains or anticlines, and structural valleys or synclines.

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These form the system of folds. Anticlines can be defined

as the folding of the layers of rocks upward, the most

ancient rocks forming the central nucleus. Synclines are

the folding of layers of rock downward, forming

depressions in which the central nucleus will be composed

of the youngest rocks.

The fold system in the study area shows a distinct

orientation that runs from the northwest to the southeast,

as can be seen in Figure No. 2. The anticlines have

formed the mountain ranges which define the study area to

the north-northeast and to the south-southwest. As

mentioned earlier, the Sierra del Lacandon range is the

first topographic feature that delimits the Yucatan

Platform. It separates the Peten proper from the Lacandon

rainforest, and is located on the Lacandon Anticline. The

Sierra La Cojolita which delimits the study area to the

southwest, is also an anticline: the Bonampak Anticline.

This feature is described in detail by Romero Morales

(1977) as a recumbent structure with the

northwest/southeast orientation characteristic of the

region. The Bonampak Anticline is cut by several

transcurrent faults perpendicular to its axis, and which

are reflected on the landscape by gaps in the Sierra de la

Cojolita. These gaps provide natural passes for the

movement of goods and people between the area of the

archaeological site of Bonampak, and the study area. The

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newly constructed road through this area takes advantage

of one of these natural passes. The Bonampak Anticline

measures approximately 90 kilometers in length and 7 to 9

kilometers in width. The faults which cross this

anticline divide it into three blocks, the main one of

which presents an orientation of 3 3 degrees west of north.

Within the study area, the centrally located

Usumacinta Anticline is not as elevated as the former two,

but is of fundamental importance, as it is the structural

base of the river course. This river course is peculiar

in that its talweg is located along the faulted core of

the anticline. It would be expected that a river will

follow the structural valleys represented by a syncline.

However, the Upper Usumacinta River Valley occupies an

anticline, the axis of which has been heavily downcut by

the action of the river, in an opportunistic erosion of

the faults and fractions present in the core of this

anticline. The river is, in effect, trapped in the core

of this structural feature and will cause deep erosion in

a rectilinear pattern, rather than in the sideways pattern

which characterizes other major sized rivers in the

formation of sinuous or meandering river valleys. The

Usumacinta Anticline is segmented in several sections by

the action of transcurrent faults.

Two other anticlines are important for understanding

the topography of the region within which the study area

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falls. The first of these, the La Linea Anticline

represents the point at which the Usumacinta River leaves

the Usumacinta Anticline, cutting through several folds on

a rapid decline to the coastal plain. The Boca del Cerro

Anticline represents the first range of mountains which

separates the Tabasco gulf coastal plain from the Upper

Usumacinta River Valley. It is cutting through this

anticline that the River shoots downward into the coastal

lowlands, through the famous Boca del Cerro Canyon. This

area has been studied by geologists who can observe from

this unique point, the stratification of the rocks and

sediments as exposed' along the edges of the canyon by the

action of the river.The results of the studies of this

canyon have provided the basis for the understanding of

the sedimentary rock formations of the whole region,

including the study area.

The negative topographic features of the landscape in

the study area are synclines. Of five such folds in the

area, the three most important are: the Santa Clara

Syncline, the La Linea Syncline, and the Lagunas Azules

Syncline (Figure No. 2). The most conspicuous continuous

landscape feature in the study area (over 100 km in

length) is the Santa Clara Syncline, represented on the

landscape by a series of intermontane and structural

valleys to the south of the Usumacinta River. The Santa

Clara Syncline is also responsible for the two major

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karstic depressions in the study area: the Santo Domingo

pocket and the Santa Clara Lake. The latter is one of the

largest permanent water bodies in the study area, which is

a karstic environment characterized by sinkholes, dolines,

and uvalas. Its orientation, 49 degrees west of north, is

typical of the orientation of the regional folding system.

This is a capture area for the deposition of sediments

from the higher lands of the anticlines, thus it presents

alluvial quaternary sediments. At the eastern extremity

of the study area, this syncline is characterized by a

widening of the structural plain associated with an

ancient geosynclinal trough first described by Vinson

(1962) and named the Chapayal lowlands. Due to the

peculiarities of the topography associated with this

feature, the Santa Clara Syncline has become, in effect,

the highway for the present-day colonization of the

Lacandon Rainforest. It is important to note, however,

that neither of the major ceremonial sites in the study

area is located along this syncline, which is

characterized by a series of important secondary

archaeological sites. The relationship between these

sites, the major ceremonial sites, and the Usumacinta

River, will be discussed in a later section.

The second most important syncline in the study area

is the La Linea Syncline, north of the Usumacinta River.

This syncline begins, at its westernmost point, at the

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banks of the Usumacinta at a point at which this river is

cutting northward through the anticline, as described

earlier. The La Linea Syncline then runs eastward,

following the same orientation as the Santa Clara

Syncline, ending at the eastern extremity of the study

area. The syncline is broken by three faults, beginning

at the west as an intermontane valley, and ending in the

east as a structural plain. The natural topography which

emerges from this structure provides, in the western

segment, a relatively flat valley of about 25 kilometers

in length, beginning and ending at the edge of the

Usumacinta River. It is important to note that the sites

of El Triunfo and Piedras Negras are associated with the

eastern end of this intermontane valley. The relationship

of this valley, the Usumacinta River, and the movement of

goods and people in prehispanic times will be discussed in

a later section. From this point onward to the east, the

syncline runs north of the river, parallel to the Santa

Clara syncline but wider than the valley associated with

this latter syncline. It is therefore associated with

lower and less well drained areas. Directly north of the

Santa Clara Lake, there is a break in the La Linea

Syncline at which point the La Pasadita Lake and

associated marshland are located. The archaeological site

of La Pasadita is also located at this junction. From

this point eastward the La Linea Syncline is associated

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with the Lagunas Azules Syncline running parallel to the

north. The association of these two synclines produces a

widening of the structural plain which becomes still lower

and less well drained than the central portion. This

marks the eastern edge of the study area, although the

wetlands continue towards the Rio La Pasion drainage


2.2.2 Faults

The system of faults and the pattern of folds produce

the "deep structure" of the natural landscape. As

mentioned above, some of the faults cause breaks in the

folds, segmentation and escarpments. Faults also

represent dynamic tectonic forces. When parallel to the

anticlinorum, they cause fractures along the axis of major

tension of the folding systems. When perpendicular to the

folding systems, the faults cause transcurrent movement of

geological blocks and the respective displacement into

what are referred to as "segments".

In the study area, the orientation of the faults

cluster into two major groups: those parallel to the

orientation of the folds described above; and those which

intersect the folding systems. Figure No. 3 illustrates

the orientation and length of the 13 most important faults

which are observed in the study area. Faults in Group A

follow the orientation of the folds, whereas faults in

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Group B are transcurrent and represent displacement of

geological blocks.

The major normal and inverse faults, Group A faults,

in the study area are the Lacandon Fault, the La Pita

Fault, the Lagunas Azules Fault, the Santa Margarita

Fault, the La Linea Fault, the Budsilja Fault, and the

Bonampak Fault. They are all parallel to the folding

system following the same northwest/southeast orientation.

In some places, when associated with recumbent anticlines,

they present escarpments and cliffs. This association at

the north and south extremes of the study area,

exaggerates the natural barrier of the anticlinal sierras

forming topographical obstacles to movements beyond or

into the Upper Usumacinta River Valley.

The second general category of faults in the study

area are transcurrent faults, represented by the Piedras

Negras Fault, the El Cayo Fault, the El Chile Fault, the

Anaite Fault, the Yaxchilan I, and the Yaxchilan II

Faults. As the names indicate, an archaeological site is

found at some point along each of these faults. These

sites are also associated with the Usumacinta River,

which, as described earlier, follows the anticline except

at points at which the river jogs due to the displacement

action produced by a transcurrent fault. Therefore, the

River itself, the zig-zag form of the river, and the

location of archaeological sites, are all related to the

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folding and faulting systems. The major archaeological

site of Yaxchilan, located at an omega-shaped turn in the

river, sometimes misinterpreted as a meander, in fact is a

geological block, fractured and displaced not by the river

action but rather by tectonic forces.


The bulk of the scientific research on the geological

stratigraphy of the study area has been based on the

economic interest in oil-bearing formations, on the one

hand, and more recently, on the possible damming of the

Upper Usumacinta River for hydroelectric purposes (Arvizu

and Davila 1987, Dengo 1968, Lopez Ramos 1974, Romero

Morales 1977, Steele 1985, Vinson 1962, Waite 1985, Weyl

1980). Nevertheless, one of the most ancient formations

in the region was first identified by Bose (1905) at the

beginning of the century as the Sierra Madre Limestone.

This represents a gray mudstone of thin stratigraphy.

Within the regional context of the study area, this

formation has only been observed in the lower levels of

the Boca del Cerro Canyon. It is not observed in the

study area proper, either in cuts or at the surface. It

can be extrapolated from the observations of its presence

in the stratigraphy of the Boca del Cerro, that it

underlies the region forming the cores of the anticlines.

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The Sierra Madre formation has been dated to the Middle

Cretaceous (Steele 1985, Waite 1985). The petrological

studies of these limestones have revealed bentonic fauna

which suggest a depositional environment represented by

the development of a platform related to relatively deep

waters. This formation has been correlated with the Coban

formation in Guatemala and the Cantela formation of

Chiapas (Vinson 1962: 431; Steele 1985: 16).

Directly overlying the Sierra Madre formation is that

which recently has been defined as the Boca del Cerro

Formation (Arvizu and Brizuela 1982). This formation is

980 meters deep at the Boca del Cerro Canyon. It consists

of sedimentary breccias with massive strata and

intercalations of dolomites and limestones. Two

components of this formation have been defined: The

oldest is represented by a massive and highly karstic

breccia. The depth of this lower component is 780 meters.

The more recent component is made up of limestones and

dolomites, the thickness of which is 200 meters. The age

of the Boca del Cerro Formation is Upper Cretaceous. The

lower component of this formation is exposed along the

Bonampak anticline where the younger component has been

eroded away. It is the same case for the La Pita

Anticline, in the north-central part of the study area.

The younger component of this formation is prevalent on

all of the anticlines, and along the lower slopes of the

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La Pita and Bonampak anticlines. This is the stratum

which is exposed along the entire length of the Usumacinta

Anticline which, as mentioned above, is lower than the

Bonampak and La Pita/Lacandon anticlines. This formation

when exposed presents a hummocky surface with mounds

(mogotes) which reveals marked karstic action upon the

limestones and is therefore easily identifiable in the


The presence of nodules of flint characterizes the

Boca del Cerro Formation in a context of medium-sized

dolomitic limestones that presence massive stratification.

Where outcrops of this formation occur on the natural

landscape, along the eroded hill and mountain tops, the

flint nodules would be available at the surface. This is

also true along the river bank where the downcutting

action of the river has exposed the upper layers of this

formation which is part of the core of the Usumacinta

Anticline. Rathje et al (1978:152) characterize the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin as a possible important source of

semi-crystalline limestones in the Classic Period.

Above the Boca del Cerro formation is the Tenosique

Formation, characterized by clayey limestones, marls, and

marly dolomites. It has been divided into three

components: the two lower ones are of Palaeocene age, and

the upper one of Eocene age, from the Tertiary. The

Tenosique Formation characterizes the synclines of the

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study area, present in a narrow pattern along the surface

of the Santa Clara Syncline and in an uninterrupted, wide

pattern along and between the La Linea and Lagunas Azules

synclines. This is the most represented surface formation

in the study area. It is important to stress that this is

a Tertiary formation, and has no traces of any alluvial

deposition which might have been expected in the presence

of a river system the size and volume of that of the Upper

Usumacinta. However, this is not a river valley in the

conventional sense, as pointed out earlier. These

peculiarities of the geology of this region are

fundamental to the understanding of the natural and

cultural landscapes of the study area.

The Tenosique Formation is overlain in part of the

study area by the El Bosque Formation. This formation is

widely present in Chiapas and represents granular deposits

of Tertiary age, which reach 800 meters in some places.

This is formed by accumulations of gravels, clays and

silts, which are reddish and brownish in colour, in

contrast to the white and cream colours of the limestones.

In the study area, this formation can be found only in the

eastern extreme of Santa Clara syncline, on the structural


In Boca del Cerro, the Tulija Formation is observed

above the El Bosque Formation, although the former is not

represented in the study area. The Tulija Formation is

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composed of deposits of Miocene age (Tertiary), made up

mainly of calcareous sandstones. It is located to the

northwest of the study area, along the north edge of the

Boca del Cerro anticline.

A final important surface formation in the study area

is the Alluvial Formation of Quaternary Age. This more

recent deposit is characterized by accumulated sediments

in low areas of the synclines, particularly in the

intermontane valleys as well as in some of the karstic

pockets (poljes) such as El Diamante, Santa Clara and the

El Cayo pockets. In these places one expects to observe

the development of moderately deep soils.



The system of folds and faults described above

provided the structural mesh which explains the zig-zag

form of the course of the river. The different types of

limestones and other sedimentary rocks provided very

strong evidence of the depositional environments and age

of these sediments, which are, in the final analysis, the

parent materials for the soils and other natural resources

in the study area. In terms of archaeological sourcing,

it is important to note the presence of nodules of flint,

available at the surface in some areas of the Upper

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Usumacinta River Basin. These flint sources may have been

used for tool-making in archaeological times. The study

of the geological formations is also of great importance

for the location of quarries for the extraction of

limestone slabs used for monuments and buildings in the

Classic Maya times. More detailed studies are necessary

to establish the clay deposits used in ancient times for

the manufacture of locally-produced ceramics. The basic

geological study presented here provides the "geological

environment" from which these sourcing studies can be

designed and undertaken.

After the effects of folding and faulting, weathering

is the most important process affecting the sedimentary

rocks of the different structures described above.


Climate (temperature and precipitation) influences

the formation of the karstic landscape by processes of

dissolution of limestones. These become forces which form

and transform the natural landscape which has been

described in the previous section. Precipitation finds

its drainage over this landscape through systems of lakes,

streams, rivers and so on, which are described here as the

hydrology system. In this section, it will be shown that

the Usumacinta River prevails in the region as the most

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important dynamic feature of the landscape, and that which

in the first instance defines the limits of the study area

for the following sections.


The general climate of the Upper Usumacinta River

region is tropical, that is, it is characterized by high

temperatures and high precipitation. There are very few

meteorological stations in the region, given its isolation

and difficulty of access. Therefore, the weather regime

is extrapolated from data obtained at stations adjacent to

the region. The mean annual temperature is consistently

above 2 4 °c; and the annual precipitation ranges from 1,000

to 3,500 mm over the entire Upper Usumacinta Basin, the

annual mean being 2,200 mm. West et al (1969:5) term this

climate: "humid tropics".

There are two meteorological stations in the study

area: the Yaxchilan Station and the Agua Azul station,

both located along the Usumacinta River. According to

nine years of readings at these two stations, the average

temperature in the Upper Usumacinta River Basin is 25.55°C

(Orellana 1978: Appendix). The maximum and minimum

temperatures reported at the Agua Azul station are 38.3°C

and 20. 7 ° c ; and at the Yaxchilan station are 36.3°C and

16.2°C, respectively. The average daily maximum

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temperatures at both stations was 30°C, while the average

minimum daily temperature was 20-21°C. As expected for a

tropical region, there were no reports of hail nor of


Precipitation is seasonal, falling primarily in the

summer months of May through September during which time

the maximum rainfall (400 mm per month) shows a double

peaked distribution with a drier period or canlcula in the

months of July and August. February and March are the

driest months with rainfall of under 40 mm on average.

According the nine years of readings reported by Orellana

(1978: Appendix), the average precipitation in the region

according to the reports of the two meteorological

stations mentioned above is 1,963.8 mm. Fewer than 10

days per year are reported to be free of rainfall. At the

Yaxchilan station, 151 days per year are reported as

cloudy, 81 as semi-cloudy and 158 days as reporting mist

or fog. The evapotranspiration rate reported for Agua

Azul is 1,469 mm. These data illustrate the extreme hot

and humid conditions which characterize this region.

According to the Koeppen weather classification

modified by Garcia (1973), there are two climatic regimes

in the Upper Usumacinta River Basin. These are

Am(f)w"(i')g for Agua Azul and Aw2"i for Yaxchilan

(Orellana 1978). Am signifies summer rains with a

lessening of rainfall in the Spring (W”) , the temperature

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range (i) is described as isothermic with a variability of

ass than 5°. This pattern of temperatures is that which

is conventionally called Ganges type, characterized by the

maximum annual temperatures falling in the period

preceding the summer solstice, indicated by (g ) in the

Koeppen classification.

The easterly winds are very important climatic

factors in this region. They bring tropical storms and

hurricanes into the study area, which are responsible for

80% of the precipitation (Coria 1985) . These winds are

prevalent during the summer and autumn months. West et al

(1969:12) report a tropical storm/hurricane crossing the

study area on 20 September 1941. The importance of such

dramatic weather systems for the Maya has been studied by

Konrad (1991), who proposes that hurricane cycles were

detected by the ancient Maya and had a fundamental impact

on the Maya subsistence system and culture. The norte is

a moderately humid winter storm which originates in Canada

and the United States and moves southward across the Gulf

Coast. These climatic systems are felt in the study area

between December and April.


In the above sections, the topographical, geological

and climatic regimes at a regional scale have been

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discussed. This material provides the data necessary for

understanding the Upper Usumacinta River Basin in its

wider regional context. However, the unit of study for

the present analysis is a more limited area defined as the

Upper Basin of the Usumacinta River,* that is to say,

defined on the basis of the watershed. As indicated in

the discussion of the geological context, and as will be

discussed in the details of the political landscape, the

watershed limits in the natural landscape also correspond

to some extent with the limits of the cultural landscape,

especially with reference to the northern and southern

limits (the sierras)-. Furthermore, not only does the

Usumacinta River represent the most prominent hydrological

feature on the natural landscape, but it will be proposed

in a later section that this river also provided the axis

for communication between the major ceremonial sites in

the study area during prehisp?nic times, and therefore,

again, was prominent and central in terms of the cultural


3.2.1 The Drainage Area

The Grijalva/Usumacinta River system is the most

important hydrological system of Middle America, given its

annual discharge and catchment area (see Figure No. 4, at

end of chapter). According to Tamayo and West (1964:120),

the total catchment area measures 121,930 km2 with a mean

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annual discharge of 105,2 00 million m3. This represents

60% of the total water discharged into the southern Gulf

of Mexico. The total drainage basin of this system covers

most of the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, and a small

part of the State of Campeche in Mexico, as well as the

western Peten and Alta Verapaz in Guatemala. That is to

say, all of the water runoff from this enormous area

drains into the southern Gulf of Mexico. Of this area,

the Usumacinta system drains an area of 63,804 km2 (West

et al 1969:19) with an annual discharge measured at the

Boca del Cerro Canyon of 55,832 million m3. This does not

include the runoff accumulated in this river as it travels

through the Tabasco plain.

The Upper Usumacinta River Basin was defined by Rands

(1973:169) as the sector of the River between the junction

of the Pasi6n and Salinas/Chixoy Rivers and the Boca del

Cerro Canyon. However, in terms of watershed and drainage

systems, the Upper Usumacinta River Basin begins at the

junction of the Rio Lacantun and Rio de la Pasidn, which

is where the Usumacinta proper begins. Map No.l shows the

Upper Usumacinta River Basin indicating the limits of the

watershed which define the study area for the purposes of

the present work with the topographical context. Watershed

is that line which unites the highest points on the relief

between two fluvial currents or two hydrological basins

(Lugo Hubp 1989:72). This is a dynamic regional

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definition given the fact that tectonics and erosion

constantly modify the surface relief of a given area.

This minor drainage basin has been chosen as the

definitional parameter for the study area because a river

basin defined by its watershed can be considered as a unit

of study as a device to organize different features of the

natural landscape. Due to its dynamic properties, water

drainage naturally divides one given region f r , another.

At this level of analysis, the cultural importance of this

landscape property is not usually taken into


To determine the Upper Usumacinta River Basin as the

study area, first, a line was drawn connecting all of the

highest points of the Sierra de Lacandon to the north and

Sierra de la Cojolita to the south. To close the study

area to the east, the drainage of the Usumacinta River

proper was considered as separate from that of the Pasion

River system; thus the study area is delimited at the

confluence of these rivers, which imply their own drainage

basins. This implies that the Arroyo El Chorro and El

Macho stream fall within the study area, but the Lacantun,

Pasidn, Chixoy and Izcan basins are excluded. To the

west, the study area is arbitrarily delimited at the point

at which the Usumacinta Anticline ends separating itself

from the Lacantun Syncline. This leaves the Budsilja,

Chocolja-Chancala, and Nespa Rivers, which drain the

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intermontane valleys associated with this and other

synclines to the west, outside of the study area. Thus a

finite and relatively small geographical unit of study was

defined, in which studies of the natural landscape were

considered to be meaningful and feasible, as well as

corresponding to a cultural reality as indicated by the

location of the major ceremonial sites in this area. The

study area measured approximately 3,800 k m 2 .

As indicated earlier, the study area experiences

major annual precipitation which will be reflected in a

complex fluvial network of runoff through and around the

geological structures described as faults and folds. This

can be understood as a dynamic channel making process

which carves out the natural landscape. In the karstic

environment of the study area, underground runoff is also

an important element of the drainage system that is

reflected in the presence of characteristic features of a

karstic landscape such as karstic depressions (p o l j e s) and

sinkholes of different sizes (dolines and u v a l a s ) .

However, this underground system cannot easily be mapped.

The surface drainage network for the study area is

depicted on Figure No. 5. In addition to mapping the

runoff network, an analysis was made of the runoff system

itself according to the rank order analysis proposed by

Horton (1945) and Strahler (1952, 1957). This technique

of analysis departs from the basic premise that the rank

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order of streams is a reflection of the evolutionary

processes of the relief. The streams and rivers vary

significantly from small ephemeral tributaries and

headwater ravines to perennial rivers associated with

structural and karstic valleys and lowlands with well

developed floodplains. To evaluate this variability

systematically, the streams and rivers have been rank

ordered. This technique assigns segments of streams to

ordinal classes, depending on the number of tributaries

that enter them upstream. In this way, all headwater

streams are give a rank order of 1, as they do not have

tributaries. When the first order streams merge, they

form a second order stream, and so on through the fluvial

system. Values change only at the confluences of the

streams with identical ranks (Lugo Hubp 1988, and Weide

and Weide 1973). Those streams of the first rank order

are the younger ones reflecting the incipient formation of

valleys. Those of greater rank order reflect the older

phases of the development of the fluvial network, as well

as being indicators of structures over which the valley

has developed: anticlines, fissures, faults, etc. (Lugo

Hubp 1988:37).

The Upper Usumacinta main stream originates at the

confluence of the Pasion/Chixoy and Lacantun rivers.

These two main tributaries have a rank order of 8 and 6,

respectively. The U p p e r Usumacinta main stream has a rank

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order of 8, from this point until it merges with the

Grijalva River at the Tres Brasos confluence on the

Tabasco Coastal plain. There are no rivers in the study

area with a rank of 7. The Budsilja is the only river

which ranks 5, but is just outside of the study area, and

drains a separate intermontane valley, as mentioned

earlier. This is also the case for three of the four

rivers ranked 4: the Nospa, the Chancala, the San Marcos

rivers. Within the study area proper, therefore, the

Usumacinta, with a ranking of 8, is followed in category

by a single river of rank 4, the Anaitfe River, which

clearly illustrates the primordial importance Cf this

waterway within the area of study. This river is

centrally located in the study area, draining into the

south bank of the Usumacinta river; however, it is

shallow, marked by swamps, and not easily navigable at

this time.

There are 13 streams with a rank of 3 in the study

area, including the Macabilero, across from El Cayo

Island, the Arroyo Yaxchilan, across the river from the

site of the same name, and Rio Agua Azul, near the town of

Frontera Corozal, the most important human settlement in

the study area at the present time. Strea. i in the first

and second ranks are intermittent, and number

approximately 77 in the study area.

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This analysis provides data to support the argument

that the hilly terrain with karstic hummocks, which has

developed on the Usumacinta Anticline, downstream from

Yaxchilan, is drained by a series of numerous streams of

the second and third rank order. The number of streams

upriver from Yaxchilan are few, and their ranks are 3 and

2. While these few streams drain a wide structural plain,

their rank expresses a deficient drainage pattern which is

characterized by surface wetlands and swamps. This is not

the case for the area upstream from Yaxchilan. This

dichotomy of drainage is the expression of two different

types of relief, which corresponds to two distinct

physiographic regions within the study area. Vinson

(1962:428) has called these two large physiographic

regions parts of which are represented here: the Folded

and Faulted Mountains of Northern Chiapas, and the

Chapayal Lowlands of Western Peten and the Marquez de


3.2.2 The Usumacinta River

In Figure No. 6, the river itself has been isolated

for analytical purposes. In this presentation the

different manifestation of the river in the two

physiographic regions mentioned above is clear. Upriver

from Yaxchilan, the river channel is not characterized by

a gorge with steep escarpments, whereas this is the case

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downstream from the omega. It is also important to note

that upriver from Yaxchilan, the river does not follow the

Usumacinta Anticline, which further explains the

morphological distinction in these two segments of the

river within the study area.

Structurally the Usumacinta River is an opportunistic

subsequent current that has eroded the heavily faulted

core of the Usumacinta Anticline, becoming a consequent

current at the moment that it cuts diagonally through the

anticlines beyond the La Linea Anticline (Guerra Pena

1980). The river is highly dynamic in terms of the

variation in the amount of water which is carried through

the annual cycle. As may be expected in light of the

extremely high seasonal precipitation in the region, the

level of the river also varies markedly throughout the

year, with impressive changes in height even over shorter

periods, such as a matter of hours. According to data

available from 1983, the river varied in height at

Yaxchilan between 85 and 100 meters above sea level, and

at El Desempeno between 61 and 81 meters above sea level

(Arvizu and Davila 1987) . The radical changes in the

level of the river are a reflection of the fact that this

river does not have a flood plain, which would normally

absorb some of the flow at peak periods. It is important

to note that the archaeological sites which have been

located along this river are situated above the highest

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elevation of the river, thus never experiencing flooding

by the rushing waters of this waterway. This contrasts

with the situation in Belize, for example, where

archaeologists have noted that sites are never located

near the river edge, but instead are normally found up to

1 kilometer away from the river course due to the threat

of flooding (Hammond 1974a) .

The total discharge measured at the Boca del Cerro

Canyon for 1983 was 55,606 million m3, the lowest

discharge reported for May and the highest for early

October. According to the data provided by the Secretaria

de Recursos Hidraulicos, between 1959 and 1969, the river

reached its highest point most frequently during the

months of September, October or November; and its lowest

point during the month of May, most frequently (Secretaria

de Recursos Hidraulicos 1975).

These fluctuations in the river flow influence the

possibilities of travel along the river, especially with

reference to the rapids. Seven rapids have been located

along the Upper Usumacinta River in the study area. Maler

(1903) during his travels through the region was the first

to report the danger and difficulties of upriver travel

due to these rapids. Blom (Blom and Duby 1957) mapped for

the first time the locations and names of the major rapids

along the Usumacinta. The rapids were also of great

concern to the 19th and early 20th century mahogany

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extractors, who reported difficulties in moving people,

machinery and the wood itself due tc the violent waters

and the need to portage overland through the tropical

forests (De Vos 1988, Gonzalez Palacio 1983). Five of the

seven rapids in the study area are downriver from


It is important to note that the rapids correspond to

the cutting of the axis of the Usumacinta Anticline by

transcurrent faults, and are therefore closely related to

the zig-zag pattern of the main channel of the river as it

flows through the broken structural blocks.

One of the characteristic features of karstic

hydrology is the presence of natural springs in lower

geological strata. Due to the radical escarpments along

the river channel, which has cut down through various

geological strata, these springs can be observed along the

sides of the river gorge and escarpments. These springs

are also associated with the system of transversal faults

which occur, frequently cutting perpendicularly along the

axis of the anticline.

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The relief of the Upper Usumacinta Basin is the

result of the endogenous processual activity of the

deformation of Mezosoic and Tertiary sediments in the form

of upland plateaus, escarpments and slopes on the one

hand, and lowlands in the form of valleys and plains, on

the other. The morphological analysis of the landforms

reveals some of the geological structures discussed in the

previous section. The landforms can be grouped into two

main categories: those pertaining to the uplands, located

on the mountainous systems represented by folding

structures or anticlines; and the intermontane and

structural lowlands or synclines. Wetlands are also

present in the form of marshes (b a j o s ), lake margins

(sibales), and lakes. The most outstanding features of

the relief in the study are presented on Figure No. 7 and

will be described in this section. These have been

defined through the analysis of aerial photography (scales

1:20,000, 1:40,000, and 1:70,000), Mexican and Guatemalan

topographic maps (scales 1:50,000), and satellite imagery

(LANDSAT bands 4 and 5, and Radar SEAT).

The peculiar conditions of the Maya lowlands have

given rise to the development of one of the most extensive

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karstic landscapes in Middle America and, in fact, on the

continent (West 1964). Humidity, temperature, limestones,

faulting and folding, and underground water drainage have

combined to produce a high level of morphogenetic activity

(Wilhelmy 1981:73), and a characteristically very active


Other karstic landscapes have been studied in Middle

America, including Jamaica (Sweeting 1964), Cuba and

Puerto Rico (Sweeting 1972), Tabasco and Chiapas

(Gerstenhauer 1960, 1966, Mulleried 1957:76) and Yucatan

(Siemens 1978, Le Grand 1973). Nevertheless, the karstic

landscape of the lowland Maya area has not been

intensively studied.

The expression of geological structures in

topographic relief is a basic object of study for

geomorphologists, as they are conditioned by various

factors including exogenous processes, lithology, growth

of structures, erosion and accumulation, etc. One of the

most important exogenous processes in the region of study

is the process of karstification. This is prompted by the

existence of underground water which acts as an agent in

the dissolution of calcareous rocks in an environment

characterized by a positive hydric balance. The resulting

forms of relief include sinkholes of various sizes

(uvalas, dolines) , karstic depressions or valleys

(p olj e s ), caverns and caves.

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The underlying morphologic processes and dynamics

have led to the emergence of the different landforms in

the study area. Karstic dynamics and tectonic processes

predominate in these processes which determine subsurface

and surface configurations. Based on the study of surface

characteristics of the Upper Usumacinta River Basin nine

basic landform units are proposed:

1) Karstic Plateau

2) Karstic Upland with Hummocks

3) Escarpment (slope of > 15° and < 30° )

4) Slopes (between 6° and 15° )

5) Karstic Intermontane Valleys

6) Structural Plains

7) Bajos

8) Sibal, and

9) Lakes.

The Karstic Plateau is represented by semiflat

landforms (mesetas) which are present on the top edges of

folded structures (anticlines). They comprise limestones

and dolomitic limestones. These landforms are present in

a stepped continuum from the Sierra del Lacandon 400

metres above sea level (masl) to the Highlands of Chiapas.

In the study are, the crest of the Bonampak anticline is

expressed as a typical Karstic Plateau (600 m a s l ) , with

the presence of dolines and uvalas, both of which are

karstic depressions caused by the dissolution of the

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limestone at the apex of a place of major pressure in the

process of tectonic folding. The subsurface drainage is

mostly underground infiltration and deep karstic dynamics

dominate. This landform represents a staole morphodynamic

medium. In the region of study, the continuity of the

crest of the Bonampak cnticline and its Karstic Plateau is

broken by the Yaxchilan Fault forming a natural pass from

the Lacanja (Bonampak) Valley into the Upper Usumacinta

River Basin. The plateau presents a number of sizeable

uvalas (measuring more than 1 kilometer in length).

The Karstic Uplands with Hummocks are karstic

plateaus with a hilly topography, referred to as hummocks,

characterized by a varied symmetry and height and

separated by small valleys. There were developed during

major Tertiary foldings, forming the anticlines of La Pita

(Lacandon), the anticline Usumacinta, and the anticline

Bonampak. This relief has been formed on limestones,

dolomitic limestones and dolomites. The genesis of this

relief is based on the dissolution of the calcareous rocks

of the upland anticline crests by the infiltration of

water through faults and fissures. The slow drainage

associated with the high humidity, high temperatures and

abundance of organic matter which characterizes the study

area, favours the formation of valleys. The hummocks or

steep-sided limestone hills ("mogotes” , tower karst, etc.)

so characteristic of tropical karstic landscapes are the

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remaining evidence of differential erosion. Processes of

evapotranspiration on the developing hummocks harden their

structure through the formation of carbonates, while the

valleys between become deeper.

The drainage in the uplands is superficial,

intermittent, and unintegrated with great frequency of

channels. The morphodynamics are characterized by strong

fluvial activity over the hummocks and hills resulting in

deluvio-coluvial deposition in the small intervening

valleys. These landforms present a conditioned stability

with intermittent events of accumulation and erosion

according to the exposure of the land surface. In the

study area, the Karstic Uplands with Hummocks are the most

common upland relief, covering almost all of the Sierra de

Lacandon range, the Usumacinta Anticline, the Bonampak

Anticline as well as minor folding systems that form the

hilly country at the sources of the Agua Azul River and

the El Chorro Region (Garcia G. and Lugo H. 1993, Llopis

Llado 1977). In stereoscopic aerial photography the land

surface is seen as "pitted11 and highly irregular, given

the profusion of small valleys and hills. Erosion is seen

in some sectors, thinning of forest caused by recent human

activity. Drainage presents a high degree of structural

control on faults and fractures. In general terms,

surface drainage presents an incipient stream network of

the 1st and 2nd rank order. That is, the tributary

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streams are very reduced in size and number. Many of the

streams disappear into sinkholes or absorption wells and

thus do not contribute to the water volume of the

principal drainage channels.

The lithology of this geomorphic zone is primarily

limestones of the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Boca del Cerro

Formation and Lower Boca del Cerro Formation, equivalent

to the Sepur formation in Guatemala)(Vinson 1962, Dengo

1968, Arvizu and Brizuela 1982, Arvizu and Davila 1987).

The Lower Boca de Cerro Formation presents distinctive

flint modules that help identify this aspect of the Boca

de Cerro Formation.

The uplands present another form of relief called the

"cordillera slopes". These can be of two types, in the

study area: Slopes, with an inclination of between 6 and

15 degrees, and those with a greater degree of slope,

called Escarpments.

Well developed Slopes are located on the eastern face

of the Bonampak Anticline, in some hummocky country of the

Usumacinta Anticline, and to a much lesser degree in the

section of the Lacandon range which falls in the study

area. These slopes vary from rolling hill country at the

sources of the Anait§ River, to a moderate but well-

developed slope in the extended eastern "lip" of the

Bonampak Anticline, the northern sector of Santa Clara

Lake and some parts of the hummocky country in the

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Usumacinta anticline. This relief comprises the side

slopes on the Cretaceous limestones of the Sierra de la

Cojolita and other ranges in the region and represents a

well-defined contrast to, and delimitation of, the flat

lowlands of the intermontane valleys and structural

plains. The drainage when superficial is intermittent; a

well-developed underground drainage is characteristic as

this landform represents the internal "sides” of the river

basin with a structural slope. The morphodynamics are

represented by a coincidence of fluvial and karstic

processes with varying intensities and frequencies; thus

it can be said that this landform represents a conditioned

and intermittent stability (penestability).

The Escarpment comprises relief with steep or abrupt

slopes (greater than 15°). In the Sierra del Lacandon

(outside of the study area and the Usumacinta River Basin)

and in the Sierra of Cojolita important escarpments are

found. In the Boca del Cerro Anticline there are three

long escarpments along geological faults: the Lacandon

Fault, the Bonampak Fault and the Santa Margarita Fault.

Similar structures, but of lesser dimensions, are

represented in the escarpment of the El Chorro Fault, at

the southern extreme of the study area, and in some of the

isolated secondary anticlines parallel to the main

geological and structural features.

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The most important Escarpments in the study area are

located along the Usumacinta River channel. Here, the

river runs through a series of canyon-like structures

(encajonados) which have been formed by the deep cutting

action of the river along the axis of the Usumacinta

anticline. This is a most peculiar feature. The slope of

the escarpments along the river presents a steepness of 5

to 15 degrees on both sides of the river, in many places.

The talweg or main channel of the Usumacinta River at many

places occupies the anticline axis itself. This can be

corroborated with the direction and angle of tilt (the dip

and strike) of the distinct geological formations. In the

majority of the cases, the tilt is divergent and

perpendicular to the river's main channel direction, which

is direct evidence that the channel was formed on the

anticline axis. The river then cut deeply into the

geological formations causing the steep slopes of the

e ncajonados.

The steep angle of the slope will influence the

drainage, which presents rapid superficial runoff in the

form of rushing torrents in the Escarpment landforms. The

morphological dynamics are strongly influenced by

gravitational forces, which together with the drainage

characteristics, cause alluvium to accumulate in valleys

and plains. This is then transported by the Usumacinta

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River to the southern Gulf of Mexico coastal plain, in the

region known as the Lower Usumacinta River Basin.

On Figure No. 6, the main escarpments of the Upper

Usumacinta River are plotted. This analysis revealed that

there are five major segments of the river which run

through steep-sloped canyons. This represents over 50% of

the length of the river course as it flows through the

study area. Although these escarpments do not represent a

significant area as measured in square kilometers, they

can be seen as significant in terms of their role in the

definition of the riverine landscape. This natural

landscape feature will be shown to have importance in

archaeological terms in a later chapter of this

dissertation. The Sierra del Lacandon, a?.so part of the

Karstic Uplands, presents a continuous hilly landform, and

escarpments, such as those found in the Usumacinta

anticlines, and slopes, such as those found in the

Bonampak anticlines are absent.

The Uplands formation forms a series of cordilleras

which delimit the lowland plains in the study area,

fo * ing the same NW-SE orientation. In accordance with

their geological structure and genesis, the lowlands can

be described as 1) Karstic Intermontane Valleys and 2)

Structural Plains as found in the southeastern extreme of

the study area. The lowlands also contain a series of

basins of an accumulative nature where surface water

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runoff and sediments have formed poljes (karstic pockets),

lakes, and wetlands (Jbajos and sibales) .

The Karstic and Intermontane valleys are represented

in the study area by extensive regions of flat relief,

intercalated between the mountain ranges. They normally

are located in the synclines of the valleys formed by the

folding of the mountain ranges. Their most important

characteristic for the purposes of study is their

location, between the cordillera or anticlines, their

orientation (parallel to the karstic ranges) and their

dimensions (long and narrow). The karstic valleys have

been formed through processes of the dissolution of

Cretaceous limestones. They are very active karstic

features which are deepened and widened over time by

karstic action, resulting from the interaction of climate,

precipitation, and drainage on the limestone surfaces.

The most important karstic valleys in the study area are

the El Cayo pocket, Santa Clara Lake area, and the

Budsilja Valley. The El Cayo pocket is located within the

Usumacinta anticline, where the action of the River

through time has precipitated karstic action which has

"carved" the pocket. The Santa Clara sub-basin and the

Budsilja Valley are located in the Santa Clara syncline,

with superficial Quaternary Deposits over Tertiary

mudstones and sandstones.

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The karstic valleys, which are interesting features

at the local level, are minor landforms within the

regional Intermontane Valley system. The latter is

represented in the study area by flat relief surfaces

produced by "negative" forces of relief formed by tectonic

folding. The intermontane and karstic valleys are formed

on the synclines of "valleys" located between the

anticline structures or mountain ranges. The valleys

normally present different kinds of sediments and parental

rocks. Almost all of the synclines are characterized by

the presence of deposits of sedimentary rocks of terrigene

origin, limestones rich in clays, marls, dolomitic marls,

and mudstones of Paleocene-Eocene age. Alluvial

(Quaternary) deposits are present in some of the rivers

that feed into the Usumacinta River. These are minor

features associated with Karstic Easins and rivers (such

as the Agua Azul River Valley) and parts of the Arroyo

Yaxchilan. To the northwest, the intermontane valleys

located in the Santa Clara and El Retiro synclines present

extensive surface deposits of alluvium along the Chocolja

and Chancala River valleys. These valleys present a

developed surface runoff in the form of permanent and

semipermanent streams and creeks; nevertheless, the

principal talwegs and structuring is controlled by

geological features of the region.

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Some of the streams have established tributary

systems, including Arroyo Anaitfe, Budsilja River, and the

Chancala, Nospa and Chocolja {Rank order 4 and 5,

respectively). However, the majority of the streams are

of the 1 and 2nd order, that is, with no tributary

development. Underground karstic drainage is also present

in this landform type. The morphodynamics are represented

by deep karstic evolution, a product of infiltration

dissolution in stable geomorphological environments in the

Karstic Valleys. The Intermontane Valleys developed in

Tertiary mudstones and sandstones present surface fluvial

dissection without karstic evolution on stable

geomorphological forms. Wetlands in the form of marshes,

swamps, bajos and sibales are present in these valleys,

and they represent surfaces of lacustrine accumulation of

recent age. The most important Intermontane Valleys in

the study area are those located on the Laguna Azules, La

Linea, and Bonampak synclines.

The Structural Plain landform feature is represented

by a wide valley with flat relief, found in the

southeastern sector of the study area. It contains a

number of lakes and bajos such as Laguna Maya, Pantano la

Vaca, and Laguna El Chorro. Rio Agua Azul, Arroyo

Yaxchilan and Arroyo El Chorro drain the region into the

Usumacinta River. The secondary anticlines of the El

Tornillo and El Chorro region separate the northern valley

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(on the right bank of the river) with Laguna Mendoza from

the Agua Azul sector.

The valleys are formed of Tertiary sedimentary rocks,

mudstones, and sandstones. The morphodynamics are similar

to those of the Intermontane Valleys, with superficial

fluvial dissection. Drainage is represented by permanent

streams without tributary development (l, 2 and 3rd rank

order t y p e s ) . The drainage is controlled by the

geological structures. Toward the southwest extreme of

the study area, these Structural Plains are linked to the

Pasion-Chixoy River Valley and to the Lacantun flood plain

and Marquez de Comillas alluvial plains.

It is interesting to note that in the study area

alluvial plains are not present, nor are fluvial valleys

or any landform feature characteristic of meandering

tropical river systems. The geologically and structurally

controlled drainage and the location of the talweg of the

Usumacinta River coincide with the Usumacinta anticline,

forming a unique landscape moiphology.


The different aspects of the landscape of the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin can be synthesized in a simplified

Block Diagram of a representative section taken from the

middle of the study area. In the Block Diagram presented

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as Figure No. 8, the folding and faulting process of the

Cretaceous limestones by exogenous geological forces is

illustrated. The diagram clearly shows how the structural

configuration of the Basin is dictated by the

northwest/southeast oriented folded structures called

anticlines, and in addition, how the transcurrent. faulting

has shifted entire geological blocks producing a zig-zag

pattern along the "spine" of the anticlines, which are

manifested on the landscape as raised or high areas. As

described above and shown on this diagram, the Usumacinta

River has captured the fractured system produced on the

axis of major pressure on the Usumacinta Anticline. The

karstic landscape has evolved through the processes of

weathering of the sedimentary rocks in an area

characterized by a hot and humid tropical climatic regime.

The tertiary deposits are located on the synclines

forming the basis of structural plains and intermontane

valleys. These features present different drainage

characteristics, depending upon their geological history.

In the Block Diagram, Santa Clara Lake is shown within a

karstic depression that has developed in an intermontane

valley. This can be seen as an example of the forces of

hydrology and climate and their differential effects on

the karst.

Geologically speaking, the entire region represents a

modified sedimentary rock surface, rich in limestones.

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These materials comprise the parental rock basis from

which different kinds of soils have developed under a

tropical forested region. In the next chapter, the biotic

landscape as represented by the vegetation cover, will be

described. This information, together with the

geological, geomorphological and hydrological information

provided in this chapter, is critical in understanding the

soil development, characteristics and distribution in the

study area.

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S 3

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«s «*. t. SAHTA CLAPA

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from Dengo 1968, A rvizu and DAv

and p h o to in te rp re ta tio n , analys

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V/A*h~H8 IsM3

| 5 Q I C ..ji 5


Cerro Formation, Upper Component);
Cerro, Lower Component);
13. RIVER; 14. LAKES;
id D 4vila 1987, A rvizu and B rizuela 1982, and I6pez Ramos 1974 SYNCLINE; D. BONAMPAK ? ’T I CLINE;
ina ly s is o f SAR imagery and f ie ld reconnaissance in the Zone E. USUMACINTA ANTICLINE; F. LAGS.

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0 5 10 k m



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(Adapted from West et al 1969, fig. 8)

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: ei x<jir° rjfS i

R. Budsilja

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Aguada Seca

A. El Chorro

R- de la Fusion

R. Lacanhm


I' Sta, Clara 1



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10 km

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with permission
of the copyright owner.

CO r

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Further reproduction


without permission.






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The complexity and grandeur of the tropical forest

cover in the study area is apparent even to the untrained

eye. A preliminary botanical survey of the Selva

Lacandona carried out by members of the Instituto Nacional

de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bioticos in Mexico in

the late 1970s confirmed this observation. About 180

species belonging to 81 families were collected and

identified (Calzada and Valdivia 1979:149-162). A more

recent study by the Instituto de Biologia of the

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico has identified

over 92 families and 472 plant species from a single

hectare of tropical rainforest in the region of Bonampak

(Meave del Castillo 1990). This is one of the areas of

highest biodiversity in Mexico, and one where the remains

of a climax tropical rainforest can still be found. In

this chapter, a first approximation to the vegetation of

the study area is put forward. This vegetation is the key

segment of the biotic landscape, which forms an integral

part of the total natural landscape of the zone.

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According to Rzedowski (1978), the Selva Lacandona

is located in the Costa del Golfo de Mexico floristic

province. In his phytogeographical classification of

Chiapas, Breedlove (1973:152) situates the Selva Lacandona

in the Eastern Highlands of Chiapas, noting that the

vegetational communities of this region are continuous

with the Peten in Guatemala studied by Lundell (1937), and

that many species are endemic (Breedlove 1973:153).

The vegetation of the area was first described by

Miranda (1952) in a study of the vegetation of Chiapas.

In this study and others (e.g. Miranda 1961), vegetational

communities were first differentiated for the region.

Pennington and Sarukhan (1968) first describe a number of

arboreal species belonging to different communities

located in the Selva Lacandona.

The tropical rainforest was once proposed as a climax

plant community that in the Americas has developed only in

some localities of the Amazon River Basin (Beard 1944).

Nevertheless, according to Breedlove (1973:155), tropical

forest does occur in North America, particularly, in his


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Only in a few locations in the valleys bordering the
Rio Usumacinta...(where) the forest is three-storied
with the uppermost story composed of trees with
straight, unbranched, buttressed trunks rising as
much as 50-60 m from the forest floor. The second
story forms a continuous canopy and is between 25
and 40 m tall. The third story is composed of
branched small trees from 10 to 20 m tall. Small
shrubs and herbaceous cover are practically absent
and epiphytes are only in the upper stories.

The climax state of the Lacandon forest is very

similar to that of the Peten, as defined by Lundell

(1937). It is characterized by the arrangement of three

mature tree stories or canopies.

The high canopy is formed by the following species:

Swietenia macrophylla Achras zapota

Cedrela odorata Brosimum alicastrum

Terminalia amazonia Dialium guianense

Gutteria anomala Ceiba sp.

Licania platypus Aspidosperma sp.

Pouteria sapota Calophyllum sp.

Spondias mombin

The mid stratum is usually formed by species similar to

those of the high canopy, plus other species well adapted

to this stratum, such as:

Quaribea funebris Casearia nitida

Bursera simaruba Rheedia edulis

AIchornea latifolia Nectandra sp.

Protium copal Loncbocarpus guatemalensis

Stemmadenia sp. Pterocarpus bayesii

Tabernaemontana sp. Swartzia cubensis

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Cordia alliodora Cymbopetalum penduliflorum

Sapium sp.

The lower stratum includes species adapted to shade

conditions such as Cannacea, Chamaedora s p . , Piper sp.,

Malpighiacea, and other small species. On the river banks

and lake shores, a peculiar bank association is present,


Pseudobombax sp. Bursera simaruba

Lonchocarpus sp. Dracaena americana

Quararibea funebris Sterculia apetala

Talauma mexicana Trophis racenosa

Ficus sp. Vochysia hondurensis

Pachira aquatica

Palmares are also present in the Lacandon Rainforest,

intimately related to the high canopy association. Some

of the most important are Acrocomia mexicana, Chamaedora

s p . , and Orbignya guacuyule.

The secondary forest (Acahuales) is an association in

development, directly related to the clearing of the

forest by man for agricultural production or timber and

precious wood exploitation. The most common species of

this association are:

Schizolobium parabibum Carica papaya

Cecropia sp. Acalypha laxiflora

Ochroma lagopus Solanum sp.

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Trema micrantha Piper amalago

Heliocarpus donnell-smithii Cestrum nocturnum

Luchea speciosa Guazuma ulmifolia

Amaranthus hybridus Bixa orellana

The vegetation map of the Upper Usumacinta River

Basin (Map 2), is based on the original work carried out

in the elaboration of the Mapa Forestal del Estudio

Dasondmico de Triplay de Palenque in 1976. This study was

coordinated by Ing. Armando Cuevas, and was oriented

towards understanding the agroforestry potential in terms

of forest exploitation of the Lacandon Forest in Mexico

(Cuevas n d ) . The original aerial photographs of the study

were obtained from Ing. Cuevas for the Upper Usumacinta

River Basin (scale 1:20,000), and were analyzed to

replicate the photointerpretation undertaken by that

group. The different types of forest cover were

identified primarily by the height of the canopy, from

which three different height categories were developed.

1. Selva Alta: Height greater than 25 meters

2. Selva Mediana: Height between 15-25 meters

3. Selva Baja: Height less than 15 meters

In addition, there are two vegetation types in which one

species dominates:

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1. S i b a l : on the shores of lakes, characterized by

the dominance of Gramineae cover (Cladium jamaicense


2. Jimbal: lowland areas subject to flooding; also

characterized by Gramineae, particularly a bamboo-related

species, Guadua aculeata.

A final category was established for those areas which

appear to have been cleared and burned, and for which no

natural vegetation interpretation can be advanced. These

are called Quemada.tes.

On this map, the activity of modern man can also be

discerned in the grasslands, and the secondary forest

growth (acahual). A bajo formation is also present,

associated with a Selva Baja (Subperennifolia) in wetland


The map does not show the presence of Palm

communities, such as Corozo palm (Scheelea liebmanii)

mixed with Selvas Altas and Medianas near river shores.

To establish the vegetation coverage for the

Guatemalan side of the Usumacinta River, aerial

photographs (1:40,000) were used for about 70% of the

total area. The sector for which aerial photographic

coverage was not available was the southeast part of the

study area (Laguna Mendoza, Pantano Pejelagarto and

Pantano La V a c a ) . For the latter two, satellite imagery

was used to reconstruct an approximation of the forest

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cover, but this was not possible for the vicinity of

Laguna Mendoza. Due to these practical limitations,

calculations of the percentage of vegetation cover in the

study area are based upon the information from the Mexican

side, where the data are more complete and reliable. All

of the material generated in the photointerpretation was

transferred to maps (1:50,000) using a Sketchmaster to

rectify the flight angles. Areas were measured in the

1:50,000 maps with a Polar Compensation Planimeter with an

optical tracer.

As represented by the arboreal vegetation on the

Mexican side of the study area, the distribution of

vegetation types is approximately as follows. The

majority of the area (86%) is covered with Selva Mediana.

This is followed in importance by Selva Alta, with about

4%. Selva Baja and Bajos vegetation are represented with

approximately 2.7% each. Pastizal grasslands (1.2%) and

Jimbal (1.2%) hypes are little represented. Under 1% of

the area is covered with vegetation types Acahual (.7%)

and Sibal (.5%). The rest of the area is water (lakes,

aguadas and ri v e r ) .

It is interesting to note that the greatest expanse

of Selva Alta is on the Guatemalan side of the study area,

in the area between La Pasadita ant Yaxchilan. Selva Alta

is also found in a very limited patch at the site of

Piedras Negras. The wetlands drained by Arroyo Yaxchilan,

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the Arroyo Anait6 and Arroyo Agua Azul present

associations of Selva Baja and Jimbal, which seriously

restrict penetration or crossing by humans or wild

animals. The vegetation associated with the Lakes in the

study area is Sibales, represented by the Cladium

jamaicense which is known as Sibal, mixed with Sagittaria

l a n d f o l i a , Eleochalis interstincta, and Nympbaea a mpla.

The vegetation map presented here does not

necessarily represent present conditions of the vegetation

cover in the study area. The Mexican side of the

Usumacinta River has been experiencing a process of rapid

colonization by milpa agriculturalists and cattle

ranchers. This has precipitated a drastic drop in the

arboreal coverage and an increase in the expanses of

Pastizales, Acahuales and Quemadales. A conscious attempt

was made in the present study to obtain early aerial

coverage which would reflect a minimum of this type of

human exploitation of the biotic landscape. However, this

does not suggest that the Maya of Classic times did not

have an important impact on the forest.


The use of the forest by the Maya included

management, protection, cultivation and probably

domestication of tree species. The complexity of

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silviculture as practiced by the ancient Maya is not well

understood. Even present day forest and tree management

by the Maya has only recently been studied. It is clear

that scientists from temperate regions have had difficulty

grasping the complexity of the vegetation of the tropical

forests of the Maya region. Understanding the plethora of

management practices and uses of tropical arboreal species

by the cultures of the region at present and in the past

is a problem of even greater magnitude. Lundell (1937)

was the first to recognize the importance of human actions

in the formation and construction of the forests. More

recently, Barrera Marin focussed on ethnobotanical aspects

of the Maya in Yucatan (Barrera et al 1977), and Gomez-

Pompa, a specialist in tropical ecology of the Maya zone

(Gomez-Pompa 1987) has successfully trained a generation

of scientists who have generated seminal studies of Maya

silviculture, although the work has just begun (e.g.

Sanchez 1993 and Herrera 1994). A recent flurry of

interest in trees for the Classic Maya was sparked by the

publication of a book entitled "A Forest of Kings" (Scheie

and Freidel 1990) in which the authors suggest that the

Maya stelae were identified by the ancient Maya as trees.

In the following section, tree species which have been

shown to be of particular importance to the Classic Maya

will be highlighted.

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The sarcophagous at Palenque is found inside the

Temple of the Inscriptions, and contains the remains of

Pakal the Great who died in 683 A.D. Much discussion has

centred around the sarcophagous lid which represents the

apotheosis of Lord Pakal in his fall into the open jaws of

the underworld. Less attention has been paid to the bas

reliefs on the sides of the sarcophagous on which the

parents and ancestors of Lord Pakal are depicted.

Here, each personage is associated with a tree form

which emerges from an earth band. The presence of glyph

T 8 7 , identified by Thompson as the phonetic particle "TE"

or "CHE" (Thompson 1962), the Mayan word for tree,

confirms the identification of these as woody plants. At

the apex of each of the plant forms, a carefully crafted

flower is depicted. Along the trunks of the plants five

different kinds of fruits are depicted. Examination was

first made of the taxonomic characteristics of the fruits

by Ruz Lhuillier and Miranda (Ruz Lhuillier 1958), who

propose an identification of two as Acrocomia sp. and

Persea sp. Kexley (1976) proposes the identification of

another as TheoJbroma cacao from Maya codex

representations. A fourth identification was made by

Robicsek and Hales (1981) as Crescentia sp. from

representations on Maya vessels. Using purely botanical

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taxonomic criteria, it is proposed here that the fifth

species is Pimenta dioca, based upon the nature of the

small fruits, clustered in groups of three, with the

remains of the florescence attached to the fruit.

All of these are important economic tree species for

the Maya, as indicated by the archaeological,

ethnohistorical and ethnographic records. The importance

of their presence on the sarcophagous of Palenque is that

avocado, cacao, gourds, cocoyol palm and allspice comprise

what may be considered to be a tree complex of the five

species most commonly occurring in lowland Maya home

gardens today. This implies that their importance for the

Maya of Classic times was of such magnitude that they are

represented in the burial monument of one of the most

notable rulers of the Maya realm.



Ramon, or Brosimum alicastrum, is a frequently

occurring tree species in the greater Peten rainforest, as

well as occurring commonly in the home gardens of the

present day lowland Maya. The possibility that this

abundant tree species was used as an economic species by

the ancient Maya is suggestive (Lundell 1937). In fact,

it does produce great quantities of a nut, which has been

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reported as edible. This possibility has generated debate

in the literature among Maya scholars.

Archaeologist Dennis Puleston was the first to test

this proposal. A vegetational transect of the presence of

Brosimum alicastrum was carried out by Puleston (1973) in

Tikal, Guatemala with the following characteristics: It

was a transect of 12 kilometers with a width of 100 meters

to study architectural features. In the vegetational

transect all examples of Brosimum alicastrum of 2 inch

(5.1 cm.) diameter or more were counted. Puleston located

1985 individuals in the vegetational transect and 7 39

structures in the settlement transect, which measured 500

m. x 12 km.). According to Puleston, the distribution of

these two elements correlates positively, that is, where

there are more architectural features, more ramon is found

(Puleston 1973:50). Later he examines the presence of

chultunes associated with ramones, and proposes that

chultunes were underground storage chambers. From this

basic information, the average number of ramon trees of at

least 5.1 cm. in diameter per hectare is calculated to be

16.5 trees. However, Puleston's study does not provide

information about the overall structure and diversity of

the rainforest in Tikal, in the context of which the ramon

trees are developing.

In another study, Folan and his research team studied

tree species in the Classic Maya site of Coba, located in

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the Mexican state of Quintana Roo in the northern Yucatan

Peninsula (Folan et al 1979). Analysis of the

distribution of the arboreal vegetation revealed a

bifurcation of the site: one sector located in the north

part between Sacbeob 3 and 27, and the other sector in the

south, between Sacbeob 15 and 18, with the Coba group in

the center. Working out at right angles from the SacJbeob,

Folan et al (1979) carried out eight transects in the

north, and seven in the south. At the same time, this

group calculated the distribution of habitational

platforms, in a similar way to Puleston but

differentiating between what they termed structures of the

•'elite" and those of the "common people", based on the

presence or absence of the Maya arch. It is interesting

to note that the Coba study included 16 tree species which

are culturally important in terms of their fruit, fibres,

or bark. Along the transect 3752 individuals were counted

(or 3579, Folan et al 1979:679) of which 1769 were

present in the southern sector. An important presence of

Ramon was noted in both sectors, with a 34% percent

occurrence in the north, compared to 34% in the south,

relative to the overall tree species count (1446 trees of

the 3752). on the basis of this information, Folan et al

propose the hypothesis that there exists a high

correlation between settlement type and some tree species

which reflects the concentric circles of social

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organization and settlements originally reported by Landa

in the XVI Century. However, this study does not provide

basic data regarding the overall structure of the

rainforest in this area, such as number of individual

trees per area and diversity of tree species, nor class of

individuals by area and diversity, nor is it clear which

classes of individuals were counted in the study, that is,

their size, height, age, etc. The results simply indicate

a high count of ramon trees in the Coba area.

The fruit of the ramon tree can be ground into a meal

and made into a tortilla-like bread, and has been used as

a corn substitute in time of famine, according to

ethnohistorical and ethnographic data (Pulest i 1968).

Analysis of the nutritional content of ramon indicates

that, indeed, it could serve as a staple in place of

maize. Puleston's study in Tikal was based on the

hypothesis that pressures on corn production correlate

with population pressures, and that ramon became, at a

given moment, a basic dietary item. The number of ramon

trees in the vicinity of the site, and its correlation

with habitational elements, led Puleston to confirm his

hypothesis and propose the intensive management of this

tree species and the harvesting and storing of its fruit.

Based on these results, that is, the presence of ramon in

Tikal, the ramon fruit became, for some, the food item

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which permitted the development of the Maya civilization

(Puleston 1973).

The work of Folan and his team in Coba follows this

same line of thinking, and thus also focussed on the

number of ramon trees present in the site, with the

additional correlation of ramon and other economic tree

species with social strata. It is interesting to note

with regard to this study that the present-day inhabitants

of the zone also correlate tree species with human

activity and occupations in the past, and the presence of

some of the species examined by Folan's team have become

indicators of, for example, abandoned chiclero camps.

Generally speaking, the scientific study of tree

species in ancient Maya subsistence studies follows two

paths. Archaeologists have focussed on the tree count of

certain species in order to reconstruct the impact of

human activities on the rainforest in the past, and to

propose cultural importance and management of these

species. The weakness of this methodological approach is

found in the absence of a standard sample area. In the

Puleston study, reference is even made to both hectares

and acres, and no information is given as to the number of

ramon in a specific area. Folan uses circular sample

areas, and does not define minimum diameters of the trees

counted. Finally, archaeologists have not provided the

comparative count of other tree species, in order to

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provide an idea of the overall structure of the forest in

the area under study.

A second approach to the study of tree species has

been to calculate biomass, on the basis of basal area of

the species, in order to understand the ecology of t i

forest. The ecologists who use this approach may in lude

the impact of human activity in the forest as simply one

additional variable, not subject to special scientific


It is proposed that the combination of these two

approaches may lead to the maximizing of the information

available on tree counts, providing interpretative data on

the ecological context of the forest, as well as the

possibility of projecting the impact of human action in

the past. This approach has been applied to the analysis

of data generated by the Estudio Dasondmico of the

Lacandon Rainforest carried out between 1974 and 1976

under the direction of Ing. Armando Cuevas. This survey,

which was originally designed to provide the basis for a

controlled exploitation of the forest resources of the

rainforest, was undertaken through the extensive sampling

of the area based on the establishment of base camps from

which radiated well defined sample transects.

Using this data set, and in consideration of the

previous studies of ramon trees mentioned above, a close

look was taken at the site of Yaxchilan located in the

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Upper Usumacinta River Basin. The sample areas of one

hectare are in the form of transects measuring 500 meters

in length with a width of 20 meters. In each strip the

trees were measured in sub-sample areas as follows:

1) In the entire transect, of 10,000 m", all trees with a

diameter of 30 cm or more were included. The data for each

tree includes diameter, height and condition of trunk,

visible damage, species (32 possibilities) or general wood

category. Included in the general wood category was

commercial hardwood (23 possible species), commercial

softwood (11 possible species), and others (43 possible

s peci e s ) .

2) The second sample, taken within this overall transect

area, measured 125 meters by 20 meters or 2500 m". Trees

with a diameter of 15 cm or more were measured and the

same observations were taken as in complete transect.

3) The third sub-sample area measured 50 meters by 20

meters or 1000 m". All trees and saplings were counted and

the same observations were taken as in the complete

transect. Conditions of the natural environment were

registered, including altitude, sun exposure, slope,

vegetation type, color and texture of soils, physiography,

visible tree damage, etc.

In Yaxchilan, two transects were undertaken: one

running from the neck of the omega-shaped formation in

which the site is found, to the site itself; and the other

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running from the neck away from the site. The first

measures 3.5 kilometers, with 7 continuous sample areas of

1 hectare, passing through medium height rainforest on

sloped and in hilly terrain, in the immediate vicinity of

the archaeological site. The second measures 7.5 km. with

15 hectares of sample area, passing through medium height

rainforest on sloped terrain, to hilly terrain, arriving

at medium height rainforest on valley floor, then to low

rainforest on valley floor, and finally medium height

rainforest on valley floor, at the end of the transect.

Combining the two transects provides a single line running

from the rainforest, the last sample site on the second

transect, to the archaeological site, which is the last

sample site on the first transect.

In terms of the overall occurrence of tree species

for the eastern Lacandon Rainforest, an area of 193,323

ha. in total, which represents 1243 sample sites, ramon

(Brosimum alicastrum) can be seen to be the most important

in terms of presence. Ramon is registered as present in

85% of these sites, followed by Canshan (Terminalia

amazonia) with presence in 84% of the sample sites,

Guapaque (Dialium guianense) with 82%, and Cedrillo

(Guarea glabra) with 72%.

In the Yaxchilan transect, ramon is present in all

22 of the sample sites; Chicozapote (Achras zapota) in 95%

of the sites, Jobo (Spondias m.) in 77% and Chacabuante

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(Sicklngia salvadorensis) in 73%. Comparing these data

with those of the overall context mentioned above, it can

be seen that Brosimum sp. appears as dominant in all

sites. However, in terms of the occurrence of the next

two most predominant species, there is no correspondence

between the overall sample and the Yaxchilan case. In

Yaxchilan, Chicozapote and Spondias follow ramon in

presence; wherease in the overall eastern rainforest,

ramon is followed by Canshan, Guapague and Cedrillo.

Looking at the incidence of ramon in the Yaxchilan

sample in terms of the number of individuals per hectare,

the average number of ramon per hectare is 57.5

individuals. Comparing this number with the total number

of trees, which ranges between 7 00 and 1000 individuals,

averaging 845.45 trees, ramon represents only 6.8% of the

trees in number, although it is the predominant tree

species in terms of presence/absence.

In terms of biomass of ramon in the rainforest,

measured by basal area, it can be seen that the average

basal area per hectare considering all trees is 31.9 m 2 ,

of which the average for ramon is 3.72 m 2 or 11.8% of the

total, on average. This number compares favourably with

poother rainforests studied in Mesoamerica, in which the

average basal area is 30-40m2 . This includes data for the

Los Tuxtlas rainforest, studied by Sarukhan (1968). The

biomass index for ramon is high, at 11.8%, and reflects

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the high number of individuals per hectare (6 8% of total

individuals). This provides a simple idea of the

significance of this tree species in terms of the total

arboreal biomass of the forest.

It is interesting to compare these figures with those

of Puleston for Tikal, although he reports only number of

individuals with no reference to basal areas. There is a

significant difference in the averages suggested by

Puleston's data, and those observed in Yaxchilan. In

Tikal, there are 16.5 ramon per hectare (based on the

measurement of trees of 5.1 cm [at chest height] or

larger), whereas in the Yaxchilan transectan average of

57.54 ramones are reported per hectare, on average. The

standard deviation in our transect is 27, that is to say,

in 68% of the cases between 30 and 84 individuals will be

found. The Tikal results would therefore fall 1.5 z-

scores below the average for Yaxchilan, at the extreme

edge of the normal curve. This suggests that the number

of ramon per hectare in the two sites differs, and many

more are found in Yaxchilan. However, in the Yaxchilan

example, no correlation exists between proximity to the

archaeological site and number of ramon individuals found.

In fact, there is a fall in the number and basal area of

ramon in the second to last and last sample sites of the


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In the case of Coba, a great number of ramon tress

are reported, but little can be said comparatively with

the material for Yaxchilan, since the data are more

descriptive than analytical. The ecological relationship

of this species with others, or the significance and

location of its presence, is not reported.

In conclusion, the distribution of ramon in the

rainforest is not uniform, as is reported by Puleston for

Tikal. However, analyzing the presence of ramon in the

context of other tree species in the rainforest and

overall biomass reveals the importance of evaluating

ecological factors intrinsic to the species itself, in

terms of the size and composition of the rainforest in

which it is developing, as evidenced in the transects

studied. Puleston proposes that the distribution of ramon

in the Tikal archaeological site is the vestige of ancient

agricultural activities, reflecting the management of, and

dietary dependence on, this species. In terms of the data

for Yaxchilan, this proposal can be seriously questioned.

The counter-hypothesis which emerges from this study is

that the high incidence of ramon reflects the halting of

agricultural activities in an area, and the process

involved in the return of rainforest vegetation.

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The biotic landscape of the study area is dominated

by arboreal vegetation. The importance of the diversity

of flora and fauna in this area is poorly understood in

the present, and less well understood for the past.

However, it is clear that the biomass represented by this

biotic landscape is determinant in the cycle of life of

the tropical rainforest. In order to develop an

understanding of the conditions of ancient times, an

analogue of the present configuration of the biotic

landscape must be carefully developed. The great

diversity of plant life, in which the species are

distributed widely, often in vegetational mosaics, over

the landscape demands extensive landscape studies with the

pertinent techniques in order to avoid generalizations and

data sets which do not have comparative value.

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Soil surveys of the Maya southern lowlands are few.

Good material exists only for Belize {Birchall and Jenkin

1979, Fedick 1988, Wright et al 1959). General

information is available for the Peten, Guatemala

(Simmons, Tarano and Pinto 1959). However, no

comprehensive study has been done for the Maya lowlands in

the Mexican states of Chiapas, Tabasco, (southern)

Campeche, and Quintana Roo. As a result of this inbalance

in the information available, emphasis has been placed,

inadvertently, on the importance of agriculture and

agricultural techniques in the former area, with much less

importance given in the literature and in scientific study

to the latter areas. In this chapter, a first

approximation to the soils of the Upper Usumacinta River

Basin is presented which may serve as a basis for

understanding the agricultural capacity of the area and

the management and conservation techniques which the Maya

of Classic times may have used. The interpretation of

soil potential in terms of the agricultural technology and

knowledge package of the Maya provides the basis of the

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understanding of a cultural landscape of resources and

productive potential for the present and ancient Maya.

The karstic and orogenic characterics of the Peten,

together with its variable topography, have produced a

number of soil types or zones. In the Selva Lacandona, an

intensive study has not been undertaken, but Calzada and

Valdivia (1979:151) mention the following types of soil:

"...los acusol humicos mas regosol eutrico, los acusol

humicos mSs rendzina y los acusol gleyco mSs luvisol

gleyco". According to the results of this study, the

first two types occur in the mountainous areas, and the

third is found primarily around the Usumacinta River


For the Guatemala side of the river, more precise

data are available from the reports of Simmons, Tarano and

Pinto (1959:572) and Bak (1977). The former provide the

first description of the soils of Guatemala. For the

Peten area they find that the area is characterized

primarily by "forest soils" based on three basic

conditions: 1) deep soils, well-drained,* 2) shallow soils,

well-drained; and 3) deep soils, poorly drained, and with

small pockets of "savanna soils". Sanders (1977) working

with this typology, added a fertility factor, as follows:

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Series Fertility Description

1. Deep, well drained:

Quinil moderate moder. friable clay

Sebol moderate friable clay loam
Sotz moderate friable clay

Shallow soils, well-drained

Cuxu high plastic clay

Chacalte high friable clay
Guapaca moderate friable clay
Ixbobo moderate m o d e r .friable clay
Jol ja high plastic clay
Sacluc high m o d e r .friable clay
Yaxa high m o d e r .friable clay

Deep soils, poorly drained

Usumacinta high m o d e r .friable clay

Knowledge of soil characteristics and potential, of

course, is of fundamental importance to the local farmer.

The first classifications reported for local inhabitants

of the Lacandon zone identify seven soils types (Baer and

Merrifield 1971; Nations and Nigh 1980), as follows:

sak white soils

k'an yellow soils
sa'm sandy soils
k'an clay
chak red soils
ek' black soils
k'ank'an yellow bitter soils

The first four are rejected in site selection for

agricultural fields by the Lacandon, and the last three

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(red, black and yellow bitter) are preferentially selected

for the milpa. The Lacandon also use tree species as

indicators of soil conditions, preferring to cut milpas in

areas where Brosimum sp., Trophis mexicana and Ceiba sp.

abound. These indicate rich, well-drained soils. The

presence of Xate palm (Chamaedora sp.) indicates for the

Lacandon that the area has "cool" or moist, soft,

productive soils. Areas in which mahogany (Swetenia

macrophylla) and tropical cedar (Cedrela sp.) abound are

judged as too wet for optimal milpa production.

At the present time, parts of the study area are

occupied by Choi Maya colonizers. In 1993, structured

interviews were undertaken with a Choi elder of the

settlement of El Desempeno, Chiapas, Mexico to reach a

first approximation of the soil and landscape typologies

of this group. The informant distinguished six primary

soil types:

hi'lum sandy soil

o'kol muddy soil
ik'al lum black soil
chichik' lum red soil
ik'al chichik' lum reddish black soil
tzutzu 2u .71 high, dry and hard soils

The decision to clear a milpa area is also influenced by

the slope of an area, and the informant identified four

important categories:

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ti h a ' river shore

hotil flat area
buhtchil hilly
witz mountainous, high areas

A third important criterion in judging soils, according to

the informant, is moisture content or retention, for which

he identified: wet lands, semi-wet lands, and dry lands.

On the whole, the best lands are those in which "any crop"

can be planted, and for the El Desempeno area these are

the lands which are at the river edge or on the flat areas

just beyond the river. Here the soils are damp, even in

the dry season when the top layer becomes dry and hard but

be^ -v the surface there is retention of moisture. These

are judged as "meaty" or fertile soils. Near the river

banks the soils are seen as "soft", including sandy soils,

muddy soils, and black soils, in order of preference.

Hilly areas are also sown. The high hills are

characterized by red soil, and the low hills by reddish

black soils. The slope allows for a certain natural

regulation of humidity especially for the cultivation of

beans, which do not respond well to a high degree of

humidity, according to the informant.

The most detailed mapping of soils in the study area

was undertaken by Bak in 1977 for a sample area on the

Guatemalan side of the Usumacinta River in response to the

need of the Camoapan Cooperative to evaluate agricultural

potential of their land base. The results of Bak parallel

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the soil descriptions provided by the Choi informant, in

terms of the terrain, colour, and humidity content of the

soils in the area. However, no previous study has

undertaken the mapping and classification of soil types

and series for the hydrological basin, as presented in

this preliminary soil study.

From 1985 to 1988, the Instituto Nacional de

Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bidticos in Mexico carried

out a preliminary soil survey of the Montes Azules

Biosphere Reserve in the Lacandon Rainforest of Chiapas.

As part of this study, a series of profiles were described

in the Upper Usumacinta River Basin from the Bonampak

Anticline proper to the settlement of Corozal on the banks

of the Usumacinta River and from the road that links

Corozal with the town of Benemerito at the junction of the

Lacantun and Usumacinta rivers. This survey was

undertaken by Gerardo Garcia, Adolfo Campos, and the

present author. The data provided here regarding the

soils of the Mexican side of the Upper Usumacinta Basin

are based on this field study and unpublished reports.

Soils are not the only factor which determines

agricultural potential and yields, however. According to

Casco Montoya (1984), in a recent general study of the

Lacandon soils on a large scale, management systems,

biotechnology, skills and local or indigenous knowledge

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combine with soils and water availability to determine the

fertility or potential of an area.


The data for this chapter were developed initially on

the basis of these previous studies. In addition,

photointerpretation was undertaken from aerial

photographs, scale 1:70,000 from 1974 (DETENAL) available

from INEGI for the Mexican side of the Usumacinta River

but with partial coverage of the Guatemalan side.

Additional detail emerged from the photointerpretation of

material from 1982, at a scale of 1:40,000 (Fotometria y

Servicio Profesionales 1982), also for the Mexican side of

the river but with coverage of the border area in

Guatemala. The extreme northeast of the southern area,

which is not visible in the photographic material

available, was rectified with analysis of satellite


As mentioned, field data were gathered between 1985

to 1988 which allowed for comparability between the soil

data provided by Bak for the sample area of the Guatemala

side with the situation on the Mexican side of the river.

Cn the basis of this, a soil map was developed at a scale

of 1:50,000 which allowed for the distinction of small

pockets of soil types. This was then transferred to the

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1:200,000 presentation which is analyzed here (see Hap No.

3) •

Two classification systems for soils are

conventionally used by soil scientists: the US Department

of Agriculture classification (Klingebiel and Montgomery

1961); and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the

United Nations classification system (FAO 1976). The

latter classification system was chosen for this study

because it is the one most commonly used in Mexico.



Soil formation and distribution are the product of

dynamic processes which play upon the geological

formations and parental materials within the topographical

or morphological context of the natural environment.

Climate, that is, temperature and precipitation,

conditions these processes of soil formation through

dissolution and leaching actions. The hydrological system

in a region also influences the movement and formation of

soils as well as their drainage characteristics. Finally,

vegetation produces organic material which enriches the

surface soil horizons, within the context of the

previously mentioned variables of the natural landscape

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formation. These variables have been examined and mapped

in the previous sections of this thesis. Living organisms

other than vegetation also will form part of the cycle in

the breakdown of matter. The spatial context of soil

formation is the major focus, although temporality is also

an important factor. In geological terms, the soils of

this region are relatively young; and, it is generally

accepted that the present analogue of the biotic and

physical conditions in the study area does not depart

significantly from those of the archaeological past

(Fedick 1988:115; Wiseman 1978).

The variability of the natural conditions in a given

region will produce a complex mosaic of soil conditions,

which can be grouped for analytical purposes into types,

and the types into series, according to their intrinsic


Eleven soil types predominate in the study area, as


i. Rendzina: This soil type is characterized by a maximum

depth of 50 cm. In the A1 horizon, it is normally dark in

colour and rich in organic matter which is in different

stages of decomposition. The pH values tend to be basic.

This is a loamy (franco) soil. The structure is blocky

(grumosa fina) with a friable consistency and fine pores.

A C horizon of parent materials, in this case calcareous

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rocks, appears around 50 cm, in depth. These soils are

found on surfaces with deep slopes of between 25% and 45%,

These are soils of initially high fertility, the

productivity of which diminishes rapidly after two or

three years of cultivation following which the plots

optimally are abandoned and fallowed for at least 15 years

ii. Lithosol: This soil type in the study area exhibits

an extremely shallow (not over 20 cm) horizon with an A/C

or A/R type of profile localized in the highest ground on

a hilly terrain. This soil is dark reddish-brown, clayey

loam, with a high presence of organic matter and a blocky

and subangular structure, friable, with a well defined

lower limit. The pH value is 6.3, or almost neutral. Here

this soil type is characterized by a slope of greater than

25%. The nutrient content of this thin soil is high.

iii. Gleyic fluvisol: These are deep soils, of greyish

brown colour with well-defined A4 horizons. The parental

material is found at the C horizon, at a depth of at least

175 cm. It is characterized by a pH value of 6.5,

approximately neutral. It has a fine texture in the

surface horizons; the structure is subangular, blocky and

friable. In the deep horizons, there is evidence of the

loss of permeabilty with a dense structure and with the

presence of oxidation mottles which indicate water

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saturation during soi •» months of the year. At the lower

slopes of the terrain, closer to the river, the

gleysiation phenomenon is evident on the surface horizons.

The slope is 2-3%. These are very fertile soils, given

their high nutrient content.

iv. Chromic luvisol: These soils are located in flat

areas and depressions in the hummocky upland formations.

They are well-developed, deep soils of high fertility.

The pH values are not higher than 5.5. Reddish-brown in

colour, these soils are medium and fine texture. They are

not rich in organic matter. These are very interesting

and little understood soils in a region in which soil

development is incipient, as in the case of rendzinas, or

absent, as in the case of lithosols. Although these soils

are found in flat areas, they do not form a contiguous or

large surface area, but rather are located in pockets on

the hilly karstic landscape.

v. Calcic cambisol: Found on moderate slopes, these soils

are brownish, medium-grained, and moderately deep (100

cm). The parent materials are associated with calcareous

sandstones. It presents a pH of 7 or greater, with a high

calcium content. They are moderately fertile soils,

limited by the presence of calcium which blocks the

absorption of phosphorous.

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vi. Gleyic cambisol: These soils occur in flat terrain in

the study area, presenting moderate to slow drainage.

They are deep soils, up to three meters in depth. The A,

B and R horizons are well-defined by colour, running from

reddish-brown to red. A distinct C horizon is absent.

The soil has a friable consistency with a moderately

developed structure. The surface horizon is high in

organic matter, but the organic content drops radically

with depth. The R horizon is at 250 cm or greater. These

are clayey soils with a structure which is blocky and

subangular. The clay content increases with depth. The

pH value is from 5.2 to 6.1. In the A and B horizons

there are abundant concretions of Fe and Mn. The number

of Fe and Mn concretions is important, as they represent

up to 25% of the soil, clearly marking the upper limit of

water saturation. The fertility of these soils is closely

related to the forest cover, which provides organic

material and microclimatic conditions which protect the

soil. However, agricultural productivity drops over a

period and misuse can lead to permanent infertility due to

compaction and increased structural density. This area

may be appropriate for tree crops, such as cacao, which

would maintain the equilibrium of the organic matter

content and texture of the soils.

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vii. Gleyic luvisol: These soils present characteristics

very similar to those of gleyic cambisols.

viii. Humic gleysol: These soils present a profile with

three well-defined horizons: an upper A1 horizon from 0-10

cm in depth, black in colour, clayey, with a high content

of organic matter and a fine blocky subangular structure,

friable and weak; a B horizon from 10-40 cm in depth, dark

olive-grey colour, clayey, with concretions of Fe and Mn

of medium and fine-size, and a plastic and adherent

texture; and a B/C horizon from 40-125 cm in depth, olive

in colour, clayey, with a dense texture and abundant

concretions of Fe and Mn, and a plastic and adherent

texture. On the surface horizons, the organic matter

content is very high. The pH is 6.4 to 8, tending toward

acidity. The first horizon is very rich in nutrients, but

the deeper two profiles are very poor. The clays in these

soils are of the vermiculite type. The water saturation

causes the gley horizons of grey colour to form through

the chemical reduction of the Fe compounds. In the dry

season, there is a fluctuation in water saturation levels

as a result of which this zone presents signs of oxidation

and reduction, evidenced by mottling. These soils

require artificial drainage in order to prepare them for

agricultural use. They are difficult to work due to the

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high content of expandable clays and the reduction of the

soil porosity.

ix. Plintic luvisol: These soils are found on level areas

in the study area. They are finely textured with an

accumulation of clays in B horizon with a base saturation

of 35% with a pH not less than 5.5. They vary from reddish

brown to reddish in colour. The B horizon is

characterized by an accumulation of Fe oxides which form

concretions of great size, up to 5 cm in diameter. These

are fertile soils, the major limitation being the

thickness and depth of the Fe oxide accumulations in the B


x. Ferrosol and Nitosol: These are red soils, well-

drained and deep. They have two manifestations in the

study area, distinguished by the presence of rock outcrops

which influence the depth, topography and location of

these soils. In areas with outcroppings, the rocky

surface covers up to 50% of the area. The topography

varies from flat to an undulating surface with up to 10%

slope. The pH value runs between 6.9 and 7.2. The colour

is dark brownish red, loamy clay, with a high content of

organic matter in the surface horizons. Although the

organic matter decreases with depth, the deep horizons

still are able to maintain up to 2% content of organic

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matter. These soils are characterized by a weak granular

structure, friable. A and B horizons are well-defined;

the parental material is found at about 50 cm depth. The

Fe content is high (10%). These soils have good drainage.

The principal limitations of these soils are the rock

outcroppings, and low levels of fertility in the lower

h or i z o n s .

xi. Ferralic cambisol and ferralic luvisol: Predominantly

red in colour with three well-defined horizons, these

soils are found on flat terrain with a slight NW-SE slope.

They are deep, up to 12 0 cm, lacking a C horizon. The A1

surface horizon is silty clay with a high content of

organic matter and a finely granular structure, weak and

friable. The colour is dark brownish-red. The A3 horizon

is dark red, clayey with a low organic matter content, and

a structure which is blocky subangular, friable and with a

small number of concretions of Fe and Mn. The B horizon

is dark red, clayey and thick (85 cm in d e p t h ) . The pH is

6.7 to 6.9. In general terms, the thickness of these

soils is variable, from 80 to 300 cm. The content of

organic matter is a parameter for differentiating the

strata of the profile. There are no apparent obstacles for

the penetration of roots. The clay content reduces the

availability of water to the roots of the plants;

therefore, these soils cannot be sown until this

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limitation is overcome with the establishment of the rainy

season. This limitation, and the tendency to compaction,

means that these soils require care in management for

agriculture. This soil type in the study area has good

drainage and there are no signs of hydromorphism, but this

apparent good drainage can lead to leaching. The reddish

colours are attributed to the presence of Fe compounds

(hematite). These are not highly fertile soils. As in

the case of other soil types in this area, the fertility

depends on the organic content, which is concentrated on

the surface and is closely related to the vegetational



Once the major soil types present in the study area

were identified and described, based upon field research,

photointerpretation and previous work in the area (Bak

1977), preliminary soil series for the study area were

developed following Bak's series for the Cooperativa

Camoatan. The development of series is undertaken in soil

studies on the basis of similarities in soil profile

characteristics. This allows for the identification of

soil groupings in areas large enough to appear on a map,

and small enough to be reliable. It is interesting to

note that the geomorphological conditions, parent

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materials, climate and hydrological factors of the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin permit the proposal of soil series

with a great degree of confidence.

Eight series are proposed for the study area, as


I. Lacandon Series (Rendzina, Lithosol, and Chromic

luvisol). This series is characterized by shallow soils,

that is to say, with minimal soil development (rendzinas),

or with no soil development (lithosols). They occupy

areas of uneven topography on hills and hillsides with

marked slopes. The depressions between the hills are

characterized by Cromic luvisols.

II. Usumacinta Series (Gleyic fluvisol). This series is

characterized by soils found along the shores of the

Usumacinta River. They consist of deep alluvial soils

with drainage problems, gently sloped.

III. La Pasadita I (Humic gleysol, Gleyic luvisol, Plintic

luvisol, drained by streams). This series has very dense

and deep soils, characterized by poor drainage and the

presence of the phenomenon of gleysiation.

IV. La Pasadita II (Humic gleysol, Gleyic luvisol, Plintic

luvisol, in a closed karstic depression). This series is

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the same as Pasadita I, occurring in depressions which are

not connected to any stream system.

V. Chequique I (Ferrosol and Nitosol, d e e p ) . This series

is characterized by deep, red soils with good drainage on

level ground

VI. Chequique II (Ferrosol and Nitosol, rocky). This

series is the same as Chequique I series, but with rocky

outcroppings covering more than 50% of the area. This

series is found in gently sloping to sloped areas.

VII. Yaxchilan (Gleyic luvisol, Gleyic cambisol) This

series is composed of deep red soils, with high clay

content, located on level ground with minor undulation.

It has deficient drainage and the presence of a soil

horizon of pseudo-gley.

VIII. Menche (Ferralic cambisol, Ferralic luvisol) This

series is characterized by deep red soils with a high clay

content, found on level ground with minor undulations. It

has good drainage.

The study area measures approximately 3,800 km . Of

this total area, the distribution of the soil series is as


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LACANDON SERIES 1,423.6 km2 37.4%

USUMACINTA 23.9 km2 0.6%

LA PASADITA I 226.6 k m 2 5.9%

LA PASADITA II 201.9 km2 5.2%

CHEQUIQUE I 280.2 k m 2 7.3%

CHEQUIQUE II 429.9 km2 11.3%

YAXCHILAN 732.9 k m 2 19.2%

MENCHE 4 55.4 k m 2 11.9%

It is important to note that over 1/3 of the study

area is represented by the Lacandon Series which is

characterized by shallow but fertile and well drained

soils. These soils are reported by Brady (1974) as soils

with intrinsic high fertility, on which agricultural

yields are very high even in rainfed areas. Fedick

(1988:229) points out that this fact has been ignored or

misunderstood by specialists in tropical areas, and, in

fact, led to the thesis proposed by Meggers that the Maya

lowland environment was extremely limited in terms of

agricultural production and development. Fedick maintains

that the characteristics of these soils in the Maya zone

are, on the contrary, extremely favourable to agriculture.

It is interesting to note that Simmons, Tarano and Pinto

(1959) report that 46.3% of the Peten soils, are shallow

and well-drained soils, probably of this type. Their

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study area included the Guatemalan portion of the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin.

The Usumacinta Series, which represents a scant

proportion of the soils in the study area, is composed of

soils which are naturally fertilized annually by the silts

from the river. As mentioned earlier, however, this river

has not developed an alluvial floodplain; and therefore

the explanation for the small representation of this

series is found in the unique structural characteristics

of the river in the study area.



In Mesoamerican archaeology, it has been generally

accepted that the tropical forest biome represents a

limiting environment for the emergence of state

organization, true urban centres and, thus, civilization

(Meggers 1954, Palerm and Wolf 1957; Sanders and Price

1968). Some scholars still adhere to the interpretation

of the Classic Maya as having had a political structure

identified as "high chiefdom" (Sanders and Price 1968).

Underlying this tenet is the assumption that the support

base of societies occupying the tropical lowlands of

Mesoamerica was swidden agriculture, an extensive system

of cultivation which tends to maintain a minimum of 4

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years fallow period for each year of cultivation. In the

initial simplistic argument, this agricultural system

requires much land and, thus, leads to low population

densities (Wolf 1966). Tolstoy (1969) has argued that to

equate lack of "true" urban centres with lack of state

organization shifts the argument of the nature of Maya

tropical civilization to a methodological cul-de-sac. His

position has been virtually confirmed by increasing

evidence emerging from the Maya lowlands, supporting the

notion that the ancient Maya participated in a high order

of urban-level activities in their tropical cities, which

included dynastic consolidation, state alliances, and wars

of conquest and the implied tributary relationships

between diverse centres (Adams and Jones 1981). Not

surprisingly, therefore, the "swidden thesis" has recently

been seriously challenged by a new generation of

Mesoamerican scholars (see Harrison and Turner 1978).

From the renewed and now interdisciplinary focus on

lowland subsistence activities, has emerged the

recognition and description of so-called "intensive"

agricultural systems which are available to the

inhabitants of tropical America in general (Denevan 1970,

Parsons 1969), and for the Mesoamerican lowlands in

particular (Coe 1968; Puleston 1968; Puleston 1977; Turner

1974, Turner and Harrison 1978; Wiseman 1978). Relics of

agricultural terraces and raised fields have been

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discovered and partially surveyed, revealing a new picture

of the reasons for the location of Maya sites (Adams

1980). This picture includes access to swamps or "bajo"

areas in which raised-field agriculture could have been

carried out; and access to hilly country in which

terracing could have been used as a means to intensify

agricultural production. As seen in a previous section

and following from Lunde.ll (1937) and Puleston's work

(1968) on the breadnut or ramon tree as a staple crop for

the ancient Maya, it has been proposed that, in addition

to agricultural activities, the Maya carried out

productive and ingenious manipulation of tropical

rainforest tree species, in what is now called

"agroforestry" (Wiseman 1978:88). Gomez-Pompa's proposal

of the protected areas within the forest for tree

management, called pet k'ot, follows this line of

reasoning (Gomez Pompa 1987). The importance of cacao in

the Maya culture and its microclimatic and natural

environmental requirements, provide further evidence of

tree and forest management. The artificial rainforest

which would result from this management could have

provided the Maya with a significant portion of their

wealth as well as their diet (Millon 1955).

The essence of the swidden, terracing, raised fields,

agroforestry, and acahual systems in the human management

of tropical forests such as the study area is the

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manipulation of the natural environment, including

topographical, biological and hydrological givens, to

improve the conditions for cultigens. Part of this

manipulation is the management of water, moisture, slope,

shade, temperature and biomass production which

intrinsically affect soil development and maintenance.

Therefore, in order to reconstruct past agricultural

activities and potentials or to project such productivity

into the future, the scientist requires basic knowledge of

the natural environment in combination with the

technological package and knowledge systems available to

the local inhabitants in their exploitation and

modification of the natural landscape. Thus the natural

environment of flora, fauna, and landforms is transformed

into the cultural landscape of agricultural potential and


In the study area, the scientific knowledge now

available regarding the agricultural techniques and

cultigens of the ancient Maya permits the generation of a

model of the cultural landscape based upon the soils,

topography and other natural conditions discussed above.

It is now known that hilly areas with erosion potential

were managed in some parts of the Maya zone through

terracing; just as excess humidity and water was managed

through the construction of raised field and drainage

systems. On the basis of this information, the

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agricultural potential of these natural systems as

recognized by the Maya can be proposed.

The most important recent interpretive study of soils

in the Maya area and their relationship with agricultural

and other productive activities is that of Fedick (1988).

Working in the River area of Belize, Fedick proposes a

soil capability classification based on Klingebiel and

Montgomery (1961), from which he develops a comparative

model of land potential for three areas of the Maya zone.

In the following section, the methodology of Fedick is

used in the organization and analysis of the soils

material for the Upper Usumacinta Basin in order to

propose parameters for the study area which are comparable

to the Belize and Peten areas.

Following Fedick (1988) and Klingebiel and Montgomery

(1961), the soil types for the study area were ranked

according to "capability classes" along the parameters of

"limiting factors": effective root zone (depth), erosion

risk (slope), workability, drainage and fertility. From

this analytical ranking system derives a score which

renders comparable soils of different areas depending upon

water, slope, texture and depth characteristics.

Therefore, a naturally fertile soil with erosion problems

may fall into the same rank as a less fertile soil with

good drainage. In addition, the Capability Classes are

not simply based upon the agricultural productivity

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potential of the soils, but include an observation

regarding which type of soil management may be applied to

the soil type to increase its agricultural capability or

to eliminate the negative effects of a single property,

such as excess water. As such, therefore, the

Classification I indicates optimum conditions, with no or

few limiting factors, and indicates a soil appropriate for

all crops with no special management required;

Classification II will require "moderate conservation

practices" in order to ameliorate the negative factors;

Classification III will be useful for a more limited range

of plants and requires management practices;

Classification IV presents "very severe limitations" in

terms of cultigens and "careful management"; whereas

Classification V soils are unsuitable for agriculture

unless subject to "major reclamation or conservation

practices". The latter would include the agricultural

techniques and methods used by the Maya and mentioned

above. The results of this ranking are presented in Table

1 .
An important aspect of the upland soils called

Rendzinas is the presence of pockets of soils located in

the bottomlands of the hummocky karstic landscape

represented in the Lacandon Series. These pockets are

characterized by Chromic luvisols. As indicated by the

rank orders of soils and their Capability Classification,

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these soils represent the best natural agricultural medium

in the study area.

At the top of the hummocks, the Lithosols are found

which, as indicated by the Capability Classification, are

limited by their minimal depth, and therefore score 12,

falling within CC III. Two soil types in the study area

are severely limited by their water and drainage

characteristics: Humic gleysols and Plintic luvisols.

These soils score 17 and 18, respectively, falling into CC

V, indicating their incapacity to support crops without

major engineering projects for their reclamation. Areas

in which these soils are found would be prime areas to

expect evidence of raised field agriculture or lattices of

drainage canals and ditches.

All other seven soil types which are found in the

study area score 8-10 placing them in CC II: that is, with

possible moderate problems of depth, erosion, humidity or

workability and the need for some conservation


Following this method, the soils series found in the

study area were also ranked, according to the score of the

most prevalent soil type represented in the series. This

analysis produced the following results:

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As expected, most of the soil series follow the

results of the soil types, in that their Capability

Classification is II, which indicates that, while they are

not the optimum soil, they are very good soils which may

suffer minor limitations. Only the La Pasadita Series are

severely limited soils, in this case by water, requiring

major modification in order to be appropriate for



Soils become manifest on the landscape primarily in

terms of their association with topography and vegetation.

In the tropical forests where vegetation is exuberant, the

properties of the soils described in the preceding

paragraphs will be immediately reflected in the natural

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vegetation and possibilities for human use and management.

For the Belize and Peten areas, Fedick (1988) proposes a

grouping of natural environments which are generated by

combining Capability Classifications, and which "results

in the creation of more general land resource categories

that can be applied to the less detailed land resource

data available from other areas of the Central Maya

lowlands" (Fedick 1988:226). Fedick applies this analysis

to three regions of the Maya lowlands which were important

in Classic times: Northern Belize, the Belize River Area,

and the Tikal Core Area. The broad units of landscape

proposed by Fedick are 1) Well-drained Uplands; 2) Slow-

drained Lowlands; 3) Riverine Associated Swamps; and 4)

Closed Depression Swamps. These categories take into

consideration the karstic conditions which characterize

the southern Maya lowlands. They can also be considered

as the basic units of description of the agrarian

landscape which typifies this region.

According to Fedick's analysis, the proportions of

the four land resource types differs greatly among his

three regions, as can be seen in the following table:

Landscape Units: 1 2 3 4

Northern Belize 15% 74% 8% 3%

Belize River Area 39% 56% 0% 3%

Tikal Core Area 49% 25% 0% 26%

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The high proportion of type 2 landscape (Slow-drained

lowlands) in the first two areas is related to the

riverine environment, whereas Tikal is associated with an

endorreic basin with internal drainage, which explains why

26% of the region is characterized by a type 4 landscape

(Closed Depression Swamps). The width of the river valley

is reflected in type 3 (Riverine Associated Swamps) which

are present in the wide river association of Northern

Belize, but absent in the restricted river valley of the

Upper Belize River. Evidently, therefore, the

agricultural crops and activities, and related management

practices and engineering projects used by the Maya in

ancient times could be expected to differ among the three


Fedick investigates the relationship between the

location of human settlement through time and these

different agrarian landscape types. He focusses in

particular on the relationship between riverine and swampy

areas and major archaeological settlements, concluding

that the ancient Maya were much more inclined to establish

their settlements on hilly, well-drained areas than in

riverine or swamp areas. However, a relationship between

the sites and proximity to these water sources and poorly

drained soils is established. That is, the sites were

established on well-drained uplands but tend to be near

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the edge of less well-drained areas, rivers or lakes.

This was observed by Adams (1980) and more recently

confirmed for the Central Maya lowlands by Pope and Dahlin

(1989). In the case of Northern Belize, the sites are

located approximately 1 km inland from the river banks,

apparently due to the risk of flooding along the alluvial

plains. In the case of the Tikal Core Area, the sites are

correlated with the edges of the swamps.

In the Upper Usumacinta River Basin, the distribution

of the four general landscape categories as proposed by

Fedick is as follows:

Landscape Units: 1 2 3 4

Upper Usumacinta 69% 19% 6% 6%

This profile differs yet again from the three examined by

Fedick, presenting the interesting notion that each of

these areas in which Classic Maya Civilization flourished

was characterized by quite distinct agrarian landscapes

within the range of tropical karstic environments. In the

case of the study area, it is important to note, again,

that the high proportion of Well-Drained Uplands indicates

an environment favourable to agricultural activities which

require fewer modifications than that represented in the

other three cases. However, the agrarian landscape is

really a mosaic of various localized natural conditions,

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related to slope, parent materials, climate and

microclimate, vegetation, drainage, etc. Of course, the

interpretation of these differences is relative to the

biotechnological and labour requirements and availability

as reflected in sociopolitical complexity of each area

through time. That is, these judgements are made within

the context of our present knowledge of Maya agricultural

practices. In the study area, the predominance of hilly

terrain would lead the archaeologist to expect management

techniques related to control of slope, usually terracing

techniques, as pointed out by Turner (1978:179) in

relation to intensive agricultural techniques. The only

evidence of terracing in the study area has been reported

for Santo Domingo, where ancient terraces were recently

recultivated by present inhabitants who found great

improvements in the agricultural productivity (Lobato 1981

and personal communication).

The sites of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan (Figure No.

9) are the most important in terms of ceremonial

architecture and documented dynastic history in the study

area. El Chorro is a minor ceremonial centre, of which

little is known. La Pasadita and El Cayo are also

important Maya sites in the study area. As would be

expected from previous studies and as discussed above,

these sites are all related to waterways or poorly drained

areas. Both Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras are located on

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the banks of the Usumacinta River. In the virtual absence

of an alluvial floodplain, they were constructed along the

edge of the anticline through which the river has cut its

course. El Cayo is also located on the banks of this

river, on a minor karstic depression cut by the river. La

Pasadita, on the other hand, is situated on the edges of a

poorly drained area, as is El Chorro.

In the case of the study area, location near water

and poorly drained areas may imply different forces at

play. That is, poorly drained areas may be seen in terms

of their strengths and weaknesses for cultivation. The

Usumacinta River, lacking a floodplain, does not represent

agricultural potential, in contrast to the case of Seibal

and other Rio de la Pasion sites located to the east of

the study area. It is therefore important to examine the

soils found in the vicinity of the sites of Yaxchilan and

Piedras Negras in terms of their agricultural capability.

Although this will be discussed in more detail in the

following chapter, it can be seen on the preliminary soil

map provided here that the soils in the vicinity of these

two sites are rather typical of the region as a whole:

well-drained upland forest soils. Neither site is located

near an exceptional soil type in terms of agricultural

productivity. Indeed, the only soils of the floodplain

type (Usumacinta Series) are located immediately across

the river from Yaxchilan, but the total area of this soil

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type is less than 550 ha. To suggest that the city of

Yaxchilan was situated solely due to its proximity to this

small area would be tenuous at best. Therefore, the

location of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan correlates highly

with the river, and does not correlate highly with

proximity to any significant availability of a particular

soil type or series in the study area.

The sites of La Pasadita and Anaite II are clearly

located on the edges of swampy or poorly drained areas, in

the former case, in association with La Pasadita Lake, and

in the latter with Santa Clara Lake. This provides that,

for Santa Clara, the'site is situated on well drained

uplands but in immediate proximity to soils of the

Yaxchilan series, characterized by deep but poorly drained

soils. In the case of La Pasadita, while the site was

established on well-drained uplands of the Menche Series,

characterized by red, deep, well-drained soils, nearby is

a 13 km2 area of La Pasadita II Series characterized by

swamp and waterlogged soils. Both of these important

sites have access to wetlands and to clear water sources,

perhaps an important source of potable water. The

possibility that the inhabitants of these sites managed

the wetlands to improve agricultural potential has not

been investigated. Siemens and Puleston (1972) report

finding through aerial photograph analysis vestiges of

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raised fields at the edge of Santa Clara but field

examination did not confirm this finding.

El Chorro is situated at the eastern extreme of the

study area, in the widening structural plain through which

flows the Rio de la Pasidn, outside of the study area. It

was constructed, in effect, at the natural border between

the Upper Usumacinta River Basin proper and the La Pasion

River flood plain, on the El Chorro River which flows into

the Usumacinta River. El Chorro is located in the well-

drained uplands which control the riverine-associated

drained wetlands (swamps) and slowly drained lowlands.

Unlike the rest of the study area, more than half of the

area surrounding El Chorro is wetlands.

The correlation of natural environmental features and

human settlement location involves many complex factors.

As illustrated in this chapter, soil types and series in

the understanding of the natural landscape must be

interpreted in the context of the local culture and its

motivations, technology and sociopolitical complexity.

This effectively results in the generation of another,

culturally relevant landscape with human-managed soils.

One of the greatest surprises in the study of tropical

soils has been the discovery of the presence of wide areas

of human managed soils, recently typified as "anthrosols"

(Roosevelt 1990 and Smith 1980 in Amazonia; Graham 1993

for the Maya a r e a ) . In this chapter, the combination of

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raw soil data, their classification and mapping, with

information regarding the subsistence activities and

technologies of the Maya, aid in understanding the

environmental potential and agricultural "resources"

represented in the area. It has been illustrated here

that the Upper Usumacinta River Basin is different from

the Tikal Core and the Northern Belize and Belize River

areas. It is clear that the peculiarities of the

Usumacinta River as part of the natural landscape

influence the settlement decisions of local inhabitants in

different ways than in the case of other river valleys of

the study area, both in the past and the present.

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I Chromic Luvisol 1 1 1 1 1 5

II Gleyic Fluvisol 1 1 3 2 1 8
II Gleyic Cambisol 1 1 3 2 1 8
II Gleyic Luvisol 1 1 3 2 1 a
II Calcic Cambisol 2 2 1 2 2 9
II Ferralic Cambisol 1 2 3 1 2 9
II Rendzinas 3 4 1 1 3 10
II Ferrosol and Nitosol 3 2 1 1 3 10

III Lithosol 4 4 2 1 1 12

V Humic Gleysol 4 1 4 4 4 17
V Plintic Luvisol 4 1 4 4 4 17

•Capability Classes

A. Root zone B. Erosion

1. > 75 cm 1 . < 5%
2. 50-75 cm 2. 5- 15%
3. 25-49 cm 3. 16-25%
4. < 25cm 4. > 25%

C. Workability D. Drainage
1. Loam-Clay Loam 1. Well-drained
2. Stony Clay Loam 2. Moderately well-drained
3. Clay Loam, Clay, Silty Clay 3. Imperfectly to Poorly
4. Heavy Clay 4. Poorly to Very Poorly

E. Fertility
1. High Fertility
2. Moderate Fertility
3. Low Fertility
4. Infertile

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Ch Ch

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In this chapter, the information provided in the

previous section is combined with archaeological findings

in the study area, in the context of political spaces. In

focussing on site distribution in the Upper Usumacinta

River region, this analysis falls quite clearly into

settlement pattern studies in archaeology. However, in

the definition of political spaces for the Classic Maya of

this area, a cultural landscape is proposed as emerging

from the natural environment but based upon concepts of

territory, boundary and polity, which are spatial terms of

relationship which transcend settlement studies and may

perhaps best be seen in terms of Clark's spatial

archaeology (Clark 1977:9), or landscape archaeology

(Ashton and Rowlye 1974; Hodges 1987). It is proposed

here that the landscape of polities, witnessed by

locational group definition and maintenance, was a

fundamental part of the cultural landscape of the Maya,

and is reflected in the iconography of emblem glyphs and

texts confirming political contacts between sites in the

area (Mathews 1988).

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The first part of this chapter presents a summary of

key ideas concerning settlement and political

organization- According to the literature reviewed, there

will often be an interplay between the definition of a

political /administrative/ ceremonial centre and the

establishment of outlying territorial boundaries of the

polity. These political and social factors will be

related to two aspects of the physical landscape: resource

areas and natural communication channels. The corollary

is that settlement pattern will also be influenced by

areas void of economic interest to the culture and natural

barriers to communication, such as mountain ranges. These

factors are tested in the study area. That is, it is

hypothesized that the natural landscape features which

define the study area also defined the area as a cultural

space in the past. It is further hypothesized that the

Usumacinta River dominates both in terms of the natural

landscape and in terms of the cultural landscape of the

Classic Maya. The second part of this chapter presents

the data from the study area which is then used to test

these ideas and to present an approximation to the

political landscape of the Classic Maya in this area.

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Political geography has been defined as "areal

dimensions and patterns" of political phenomena, which can

be gleaned by the study of "location, distance, space,

distribution, configuration" of sites and actions on the

landscape (Sprout 1968:116). Renfrew (1977:89) adds

processual and social organizational factors to these

elements, stressing the "operational features" of a

society which reflect level of sociopolitical complexity

and which can be detected in "spatial patterning". In his

seminal article on political units and social groups,

Renfrew proposes that the heterogeneity of groups which

develops with an increase in social complexity can be

observed in "the spatial arrangement of society" (Renfrew

1977:99). Central places, therefore, reflect not only the

existence of related non-central places, that is, as parts

of a hierarchy of sites, but also the consolidation of

groups, administration of resources, and a region or

territory. According to Renfrew (1977:100): "it is

difficult to point to permanent central places with a

permanent population which do not, in fact, exercise a

central administrative authority over the territory which

they ser v e " .

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The effective polity, the highest order social unit,
may be identified by the scale and distribution of
central places. In the stratified ordering of
cellular territories, the individual person has
allegiance at a number of levels - the basic group
(the community), to the local region focussed on its
main town, and to the higher order realm comprised
of several regions, focussed upon its capital. He
is a member of each, but he is a citizen of the
highest order polity. For it is the central
organization of this polity, usually its central
person, who wields supreme power. (Renfrew 1977:105)

In an attempt to test some of these ideas further,

Renfrew and Level (1979) developed a model of •'dominance"

in which a "territorial area" is generated for each centre

depending on its size and "sphere of influence" calculated

by distance. Unfortunately, the model does not explore

the nature or social definition of the "territory",

instead taking the "territorial jurisdiction" of polities

as a given. Cherry and Renfrew (1936:157) later take this

aspect of "territory" as the primary definitional

parameter of polity, which, for them, is "a spatially

well-defined entity". The power exercised by a state as a

"territorial unit" is not uniform, however, according to

Cherry (1987:152). Distance from the centre, defined in

terms of facility of movement (which generates what Cherry

calls "time geography"), will determine a "control span"

which, in turn, determines the state's policies directed

toward control. Outlying areas, according to this

proposal, are best maintained "in a continual condition of

ecological instability and political dependence" (Cherry

1987:160). Cherry proposes that the state will develop

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strategies to ameliorate the distance/control span

problem, which may run from developing "well-engineered

and carefully maintained road systems" (Cherry 1987:166);

to ensuring "loyalty to the centre among local elites or

government officials located in provinces" through such

actions as spying, the boarding of noble children from the

outlying areas in the centre, and "royal or dynastic

intermarriages linking political centres of primary and

secondary importance"; to alternatively developing an

"iconography of power" in which the key symbols emanate

from the centre (Cherry 1987:166,168).

An important aspect of the polity concept is the idea

of territory. The arguments of Cherry and Renfrew apply

to a main central settlement and the social and political

groups and institutions housed within it. This is based

upon Renfrew's proposal that settlement systems are

"cellular" and hierarchical, implicit in which is the idea

that the social parameters characteristic of one rank of

settlement are not necessarily the same as those of

another. Singh (1975:71) identifies in India a "three-

tier settlement pattern" in which only the high ranked

village or "goan" is a "territorial as well as settlement

unit" underwritten by a "corporate political group".

These ideas contrast with a frequent use of the term

territorial to refer to an "area habitually exploited"

(Stone 1991), "resource area" (Casimir 1992), or a "site

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exploitation" zone (Hammond 1975). This use of the term

is applied without reference to the consolidation of a

feeling of space or power over space by means of a social

group? that is, without the parameter of the cultural or

political determination of a space as a territory.

For Hammond, the site exploitation area is dependent

upon economic activities of the human inhabitants, is

intrinsically related to and defined in terms of distance

from the habitational area, and is irregularly shaped in

response to "factors including soils, relief, drainage,

access, aspect, the presence of adjoining territories, and

even by the form of the settlement area" (Hammond

1975:93). Ford (1986) stresses that for the Classic Maya

the decision for the establishment of a settlement was

based upon availability of resources as the primordial

determinant, proposing the following steps in the process

of settlement and growth: 1) the finding of good land for

agriculture and establish a settlement, 2) population and

population density increase, 3) administration needed to

handle the scale of the settlement, 4) complex central

sites emerge. Two theoretical currents develop from this

approach, however. The first relates to whether all

settlements are established in relation to the

availability of natural resources in their immediate

vicinity; and the second, to the nature of the

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relationship between settlements, land, boundaries of

land, and territory.

As mentioned in an earlier section of this

dissertation, Eidt (1984:2) establishes that there is a

complex relationship between what he terms "human

geofactors" and "physical geofactors", emphasizing that

the archaeologists strive for a complete knowledge of both

and their interdependence in order to understand

settlement patterns. One of the principles developed by

Eidt for understanding settlement pattern is that: "the

less complicated the economic geofactors, the simpler the

settlement, and the closer the link between settlement and

natural landscape features" (Eidt 1984:3). Complexity

emerges from "settlement development" through time, and

concomitantly the factors influencing settlement become

more varied. Hammond (1975) found this true for the Maya

zone of Belize, where he contrasts "tactical" and

"strategic" influences on settlement location. The first

refer to those "local and environmental factors" which

influence the decision to establish a first settlement in

a zone. The strategic factors are linked to relationships

between settlements, often "extralocal", and will enter

into the establishment and definition of centres: that

is, in some cases tactical factors will predominate,

whereas in others the "strategic location dominates

tactical siting" (Hammond 1974:317). In his analysis of

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Lubaantun, Hammond demonstrates that the location was

determined both in consideration of the location of

natural resources as well as in the location of

communication routes. Lubaantun, for Hammond, is

optimally located in terms of a balance between tactical

and strategic considerations (Hammond 1975:115). It is

interesting to note here the fact that, according to

Hammond, Lubaantun cannot be ranked as an overarching

ceremonial centre in the lowland Maya zone; and it may be

expected that, on the continuum of locational decisions,

such major centres would be located in terms of strategic

variables and not local resource availability. This idea

is developed by Lowe (1985:156) who proposes for the

Classic Maya that while "regional clustering" in the area

was associated with access to resources and "environmental

heterogeneity", the ceremonial sites were not always

located in association with "desirable soil types".

According to Lowe (1985:156), such sites tend to be

located on "soil boundaries - a fact that is consistent

with the concept of the ceremonial center as a

redistributive focus for a diversified subsistence


Control of natural resources or "resource areas"

(Ellen 1982, Rice 1976) is referred to as "appropriation"

or "tenure" and varies in accordance with the rules of

access and restriction of each social group and society.

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In general, however, tenure is a way in which "persons

exert claims over resources dispersed in space" (Ingold

1987:133). Slash and burn agriculture, which is

characterize ' by a temporary appropriation of a small

forested parcel for cultivation, is often associated with

extensive agricultural techniques and group-level land

tenure; whereas in contrast, intensive systems are more

frequently associated with permanent and individual tenure

of resources (Netting 1987, Brown, Brookfield and Grau

1990). This is seen in terms of "dimensional fields in

the appropriation of space" by Schlee (1992) who proposes

that the form of appropriation will vary from society to

society depending on the definition and use of "resources"

(Schlee 1992:124). According to Schlee, a one dimensional

extension implies a linear conception in which the "realm"

is defined by the center of power, rather than by

boundaries. Agricultural societies should be

characterized by two dimensional fields in which surface

areas are bounded. The combination of such surface areas,

their relationship to places and path networks, and the

social groups and institutions which define the rules of

appropriation, is referred to by Ingold (1987: 157) as


In understanding the organization and development of

settlements, "land" in this sense will not necessarily

underlie the logic of settlement formation in all cases.

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According to the arguments presented above, there are at

least two contrastive types of settlements: those which

are closely related to a resource base, and those which

act as centres without necessarily a close immediate

geographical tie to a single resource base. In the case

of the former, the resource base is often related to

agricultural potential (usually referred to as land) and

related to appropriation through tenure. The strategic

strength of the latter is related to such factors as inter

and intra-regional ties and dominance over a political

space or "realm" (Hammond 1975). This brings into play

the concept of "territory" in the consolidation of a

culturally defined space projected onto the natural

landscape. At least two possibilities exist for the

consolidation of this political space. First, that the

centre dominates other smaller centres, each of which has

a land base. This has been referred to by Ingold (1987)

as the case in which the sites have land, and the

territory which is controlled comprises sites with

boundaries of tenure. The second possibility is that the

major centre dominates over a bounded region in which

sites are located; that is, the land has sites and the

territory has a boundary. These two perspectives or

scenarios may in fact represent conflicting political

strategies at play in the process of formation and

consolidation of a polity. Two definitional factors enter

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into this dichotomy. First, the role, definition,

location, and profile of the overarching centre of the

region must be defined. Second, the "dimensionality" of

the region must be analyzed in terms of linear connections

between surfaces as opposed to two dimensional bounded

spaces defined by perimeters.

For Lowe (1985) the political entities in Mesoamerica

were "city states":

...the Classic Maya formed basically the same kind

of political entity as ancient Mesopotamia and
Classical Greece - that of a system of states,
fragmented politically but unified by common
cosmology, religion, system of writing, elite
culture, and congruent organizing principles. By
implication, therefore, a network model, or
alternatively, one dealing with populations of
ceremonial centers, appears to be the best
representation of Maya society. (Lowe 1985:180)

Lowe further proposes that there were opposing forces at

work which influenced the location of sites on the natural

landscape. Here, Lowe seems to present a proposal which

combines elements of the tactical-strategic proposal of

Hammond with the centre-boundary dialectic mentioned


Analysis of nearest-neighbor distance suggests that

deviations from randomness tended to occur mainly
through a net repulsion between ceremonial centres
(presumably created by sites in their competition
for nonoverlapping sustaining ar e a s ) , but also that
a net attraction operated, so that, particularly in
the core region, efficiency in packing resulted; as
a consequence, no sustaining area was very large,
and cooperative interchange as well as competition
between sites was induced. (Lowe 1985:157)

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In summary, the sites and their land were dispersed, at

the same time as they were centralized through dependence

on the centre. With regard to the role of a central

settlement in the definition of a political unit, Shils

(1973) proposes that a territory can only be defined by a

centre; and further than the emergence of such a centre

represents the demise of the lineage as the primary

integrating motive. Shils associates this change in

sociopolitical complexity to the emergence of the state

which is defined by the territory, in agreement with the

notions of Cherry and Renfrew (1987) described above.

Further, Shils stresses the importance of the name of the

territory, which is often taken from the name of the

centre, and which is particularly significant when it is

then used to refer to the members of that society. This

focus on the centre as a defining feature is seen in the

"island" proposal of Sabloff (1986) for the Maya zone.

According to this author:

... a number of more or less equal, semi-autonomous

centers arose. In other words, the relatively
homogeneous environment allowed the major centers,
along with their hinterlands, to act like islands
with.regular trails connecting them, just as regular
sea-lanes linked the Aegean islands. Like islands,
the centers and their hinterlands vary greatly in
s i z e . ..

This proposition is contradictory to the emphasis on

environmental heterogeneity, variety of subsistence

activities, diversity of intensive methods of agriculture,

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and inherent interregional dependence proposed by Lowe

(1985) for the Classic Maya. In accordance with the

Sabloff proposal, the ties of interaction would be

expected to be linear or one-dimensional (Schlee 1992),

linking centres; that is, in a type of interaction

mediated by the centre. The territory over which the

centre dominated would be defined by links into the

centre, and therefore could be expected to be

characterized by linked sites each with its own resources

and tenured surfaces. Here also it would follow that

distance from the centre would be negatively correlated

with strength of political association, dissolving into

relative lack of domination after a certain distance. The

boundaries would thus be defined by default, not by

specific delineation. This approximates the "realm" of

Hammond for Lubaantun in the lowland Maya area, which he

defines as a region of control around a single ceremonial

centre and "presumably the main focus of administrative

and religious activities" (Hammond 1975).

The politically or socially defined space which is

characterized by definition of perimeter boundaries is

that which is more commonly referred to as a "territory"

(Casimir 1992, Ingold 1987, Singh 1975, scheflen 1976,

Schlee 1992). Here it is behaviour which marks the

boundary of a sociospatial unit, according to Scheflen

(1976), and which features: 1) specific boundary behaviour

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2) defense of types of interaction at the edge and

treatment of outsiders, and 3) special places within the

territory which differentiate the space. De Atley (1984)

stresses the "interactive processes" which define the

boundaries of a "cultural unit": "boundary processes

depend on the integrative and organizational aspect of the

central group" (de Atley 198~4:3). This approach is

followed by Green and Perlman (1985:4)) who define

boundary according to the "interactions that occur at

these societal edges". Boundaries of a system are most

easily detected when they are threatened. Wolf (1964) and

Barth (1967) point out the importance of understanding

boundary maintenance strategies, the defense of the system

against outsiders, to understand who and what comprise the

social system, and if there is a geographical correlate.

Boundaries for Stone (1964:818) are based upon

distinctions which are meaningful to a population, and

which influence in the "governing of social behavior".

Thus the expression of politically bounded units will

reflect elements meaningful to at least a powerful subset

of the population.

In s r ary, a territorial boundary will both mark the

space within which a political system is dominant and the

division point between those who belong and those who do

not. The definition of a physical territorial boundary

represents the geographical control of interaction, and

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Hodder (1985) proposes that the very existence of such a

border represents the desire to regulate interaction.

However, the boundary also testifies to the existence of

interaction, thus does not imply a closed social system.

The boundary is therefore defined as "a zone of low

interaction not a zone of NO interaction*' (Justeson and

Hampson 1985). The boundary serves to mediate the

exchange of "matter, energy and information" (Justeson and

Hampson 1985). Furthermore, Kristoff (1969) proposes that

the very existence of boundaries rests on the fact that

two systems coexist side by sidii with different "goals and


An important aspect of the boundaries between systems

as defined by interaction is that the interaction that

defines them is not uniform in time and space, thus the

boundary itself is not uniform (Justeson and Hampson

1985). Ratzel (1969:22-24) pointed this fact out early in

the century, noting that political boundaries are most

frequently established by "spots" on the landscape (not

dotted lines on a map!), usually in the form of

settlements which are built at places which have "value";

that is, with a culturally-defined advantage. The

settlement decision is based upon parameters which could

include special agricultural potential, access to other

raw material, or proximity to another natural/cultural

phenomenon, perhaps a land or water route. It is to be

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expected that interaction and the resulting boundaries of

the territories will correspond to factors of the physical

environment, such as will impede or facilitate movement of

goods, individuals, or information. In addition the

nature of, and means of, mediating the interaction will

respond to such conditions and will reveal information

about the exact nature of the territorial boundary.

Trinkaus (1987:240) emphasizes the need to understand the

types of interaction and, in addition, "interpretation of

present day spatial patterns requires information on the

forms of organization which support them..." in order to

determine those types of interaction which are "bounded by

central institutions or decision-makers". Here, Trinkaus

makes indirect reference to the complexity of the

sociopolitical structure and its influence on interaction

processes and the definition of a political unit (Trinkaus

1984). It is to be expected that this would be reflected

in the physical location of sites on the landscape, their

ranking, and their role in the interaction process.

Differential contacts and interaction will be closely

related to routes of communication, the "time geography"

proposed by Cherry (1987), along which physical movement

is facilitated precipitating theoretical "spikes" along

the border (Justeson and Hampson 1985). In his analysis

of river settlement, Flannery (1976) proposes that towns

were founded as ports or as crossing points, thus

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reinfurcing the notion that the river as a communications

channel was influencing locational decisions. Although

not located on a river, the site of Lubaantun was situated

in the centre of a "complex network of communications,

integrating complementary resources from a range of

environmental zones" (Hammond 1975). Unfortunately,

little analytical material is available on sea and river

communications in early times (Ashton 1985:163); however,

rivers as routes of transportation imply "the

communication of information and may represent a transfer

of people, goods or services...a transaction" (Soja

1969:232). According to Soja (1969), the direction,

intensity and persistence of these flows are directly

related to territorial integration and boundary

definition. It is important to note here, however, the

question of balance in such transactions between units,

particularly in the case of river transport where

downstream and upstream movements are qualitatively and

quantitatively different.


The studies surveyed in the previous section have

pointed out the importance of understanding not only the

relationship among sites of different types, and among

sites of a similar rank; but also the relationship between

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sites and physical features of the natural environment

which include resource areas and passages or barriers to

communication. These factors will be expected to come

into play in the definition of political entities.

The first step in understanding the political

organization of the Classic Maya area has been the

arrangement of the sites into a ranked hierarchy. In the

absence of population data, attempts are made to order

sites in terms of their political, economic or ceremonial

importance. This was undertaken by Marcus (197 6), who

identified regional capitals ("primary centers"),

secondary and tertiary centers with reference to the

iconographic record and emblem glyphs. Marcus concludes

that "x*egional capitals are at once discrete units, but

they also act as agents of great interaction with

dependent centers in their R e g i o n ' and with other

capitals outside their loosely-tied region" (Marcus

1976:47). Adams (1980, Adams and Jones 1981) developed a

more easily quantifiable formula for ranking sites in the

Maya zone. This calculation is based upon number of

courtyard units in a site combined with assessment of the

volume of construction at the site. Adams finds that all

the largest sites are located in association with swamps,

proposing that orientation towards swamps be taken into

account in calculation of polity size (Adams 1980:211).

Thus for Tikal he generates an area measuring 3,848 km2

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which translates into the possibility of 10,400 ha of

drained fields, and a rough calculation of 104,000 people,

based upon the following:

A day's travel by canoe through the swamps, or a

day's travel on foot, can be used for the criteria.
The calculated maximum day's travel by either mode
is about 35 km. (Adams 1980:211)

Unfortunately, this criterion does not emerge from the

cultural record, as Marcus maintained that her hierarchy

did, nor can he reconfirm this radial area on the natural

landscape through another data source. In a later article

with Jones (Adams and Jones 1981) the settlements are

ordered as first, second, third, or fourth order centres

according to number of courtyards. The authors then

generate a logarithmic graph based on the size of the site

and its corresponding rank. The distribution thus

produced indicates "primate" or "plural" distributions.

The first of these is "a distribution in which there is a

single place of great size and a number of small places",

and the latter is "a distribution with several large

places of nearly equal size, and a paucity of smaller

places" (Adams and Jones 1981:310).

Bray (1983) introduces a notion of doubt in the use

of rank sizes for sites in the Maya area as compared to

the central highlands of Mesoamerica: "one is left with

the impression that Classic Maya polities and marketing

systems were smaller in scale, less centralized, and less

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tightly structured than those of Classic Teotihuacan"

(Bray 1983:178). Bray does suggest (albeit indirectly)

that the archaeologist attempt to define survey areas

which have meaning in economic and cultural terms for the

culture studied. Trinkaus (1984) also expresses a

skepticism with the use of ’'artefacts and features

associated with state activities", such as would be the

case with emblem glyphs and ceremonial iconography,

suggesting that these elements "form an iconography of

power which is subject to manipulation" (Trinkaus


Mathews is the only archaeologist to have ranked the

sites in the study area, as a first step in the

application of the nearest neighbour concept for the

generation of hypothetical political regions, called

"Thiessen Polygons" (Mathews 1988). The polygon lines

define the space closest to each centre. According to

Haggett (1967:248), it can be assumed that a major centre

will dominate all the area that lies closest to it.

Distance measurements therefore are assumed to underlie

the calculation of the dominated territory. The polygons

are calculated in the following sequence: " (i) lines are

drawn joining a given centre to each adjacent centre (ii)

each of these inter-centre lines is bisected to give the

midpoint of the line; (iii) from the midpoint of the line

a boundary line is drawn at right angles to the original

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inter-centre line to give a series of polygons” (Haggett

1967:247). Mathews calculated such polygons for various

time periods of the Classic Maya within the study area,

depending on the emergence or decline of ceremonial

centres and their presumed importance in the generation of

polities, based primarily on epigraphic material. It is

proposed here to compare the polygon generated by Mathews

for the year with the landscape and site

distribution information to elucidate its possible

validity in terms of the perception and function of the

political landscape of the time.

A nearest neighbour formula was developed by

geographers to identify statistically the spatial pattern

of sites on the landscape. With this formula, the actual

distribution of sites on the landscape within a defined

area is compared against a statistically generated measure

of the random distribution of sites in the same area to

produce an "r-scale” indicating degree of dispersion,

randomness, or clustering of sites in a region (Adams and

Jones 1981:316). As the distribution of sites is

associated with the landscape, either in terms of channels

of communication or natural resource areas, as discussed

in an earlier section, the hypothesis for the generation

of the nearest neighbour statistic for the study area was

that settlement would tend toward aggregation with respect

to natural landscape features.

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Ranking, measuring and studying the distribution of

sites in the study area is limited by the data set

available. It is for this reason that the scope of the

following section is limited to comparing a proposed

cultural landscape with information regarding the physical

landscape in the region to generate a preliminary model of

the political landscape in the study area at a certain

time period. The results of this analysis are expressed

primarily in terms of further hypotheses for study and

field testing with regard to the nature and "function" of

the settlements which have been identified for the region,

as well as with reference to the need for a more detailed

survey of settlement in the region which would identify

smaller "ranked" sites.


There are fourteen archaeological sites reported for

the study area (Figure No. 9). Of these, three are major

sites in that they are characterized by monumental

architecture: Piedras Negras, Yaxchilan and El Chorro.

The remaining reported sites are little known, although

archaeological work is presently in progress at El Cayo.

For this reason, exact longitude and latitude positions

are not given here, as the location of the smaller sites

has not been reconfirmed. An arbitrary 5 km radius was

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defined as the area within the immediate "vicinity" of a

site, in order to describe the setting in more detail,

with regard to soils and vegetation. However, these are

rough estimates and do not pretend to serve as a basis for

calculating economic potential.

3.1.1 Piedras Negras:

The site of Piedras Negras is located on the eastern

or Guatemalan side of the Usumacinta River about 50 km

from Yaxchilan and 180 km "as the crow flies" from Tikal.

Its coordinates are 17°10' North and 91°15'34" West. This

site was first studied by Maler (1903). A team led by

Mason and Satterthwaite from the University Museum of the

University of Pennsylvania excavated the site from 1931 to

1939. The earliest dated monument from the site is dated, during the Early Classic Period (Mathews

1985). The latest monument has the date: (725

A.D.)(Rands 1973). It has one of the best known dynastic

sequences established by Proskouriakoff (1960). This site

was considered a second order site by Adams and Jones

(1981), with the presence of 11 courtyards. This is a

massive site, with numerous examples of monumental

architecture , stelae, altars and lintels. The ceramic

sequence has been established by Holley (1983).

The altitude of the site ranges from about 100 to 160

meters above sea level. It is on a bend in the Usumacinta

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River, downstream from a series of minor rapids. In front

of the site, the river measures about 150 meters in width.

On either side of the site there are natural ravines which

may have served as ports for disembarkation in the past,

as they do at present, although directly in front of the

site itself towards the river there is an high embankment.

That is, the site is located on an escarpment, and on

karstic upland with hummocks. The surface is

characterized by the presence of the Upper Boca del Cerro

Formation. The site is located on a fracture, and on the

site itself are found streams. The prevalent soil type

within an arbitrary 5 km radius of the site, on both sides

of the river is Rendzina of the Lacandon Series, with

about 30% falling in Yaxchilan Series (10%), Chequique II

(10%), and Menche Series (10%). Generally, the landscape

is very abrupt. The vegetation in the immediate vicinity

of the site (5 km radius) is predominantly (90%) Selva

Mediana type, with some patches of Selva Baja along the

ravines and two small patches of Selva Alta. At present,

the site itself is located in Selva Alta. The Mexican

side is very affected today by guemadales, acahuales and

milpa agricultural plots.

This site has an emblem glyph. According to Mathews

(1988:409), Piedras Negras has links during the Classic

Period with Yaxchilan, Bonampak, Lacanja, Pomona, and

possibly with Chichen Itza. There is evidence of raiding

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to Pomona (Mathews 1988:410). It has recorded royal

visits from Tikal, Yaxchilan, Bonampak and Lacanja. The

nearest reported site to Piedras Negras is El Porvenir at

an approximate straight line distance of 2.8 km.

3.1.2 Yaxchilan:

The site of Yaxchilan is located on an omega-shaped

bend in the Usumacinta River on the west bank or Mexican

side of the river at 16°53'56" North and 90°58/18" West .

The discovery and early archaeological work at this site

has been summarized by Mathews (1988:23-34). It has most

recently been excavated by Roberto Garcia Moll and Daniel

Ju&rez of the Instituto Nacional de Antropologla e

Historia of Mexico since the 1970s (Garcia Moll 1990).

The earliest dated monument is stela 27 at

(Mathews 1988:68), and the latest according to Mathews

(1988:20) is (A.D. 808). Yaxchilan has a

well established royal dynasty (Mathews 1988;

Proskouriakoff 1963, 1964). It is reported as a second

order site by Adams and Jones (1981) with 15 courtyards.

This is a massive site with abundant monumental

architecture, stelae, altars and lintels.

The site is located on the banks of the Usumacinta

River at an altitude range of 104-215 meters above sea

level. The almost circular bend in the Usumacinta River

at this point forms an omega-shaped area surrounded almost

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on all sides by the river, which measures approximately

3.5 km across. The "neck" of the omega measures

approximately 500 m across. This is a complex faulted

block framed by a transverse fault to the east that has

cut the axis of the Usumacinta Anticline and shifted the

block eastward by approximately 2.5 km. This means that

theie is a radical drop to the river along almost all of

the omega. In front of the site, on the Guatemalan side

of the river, there is a minor strip of riverine deposits.

The surface is characterized by Upper Boca del Cerro

Formation and, on the neck of the omega, there is an

exposed Lower Boca del cerro Formation caused by the

transcurrent faulting. This formation is characterized by

the presence of flint nodules which may have been an easy

and immediate source of raw material for the site.

The soils found within an arbitrarily defined 5 km

radius of the site are predominantly (60%) well-draii. J

upland soils of the Lacandon Series, with the presence of

lowland, poorly drained Yaxchilan Series and La Pasadita I

Series (30%), and smaller areas of Chequique I Series

(10%). The site, therefore, has access to Gleyic

Fluvisols deposited annually by the river and very rare

within the study area. However, as pointed out earlier,

the small area of this soil type suggests that this would

not be a resource of great political or economic

significance to a site the size of Yaxchilan.

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Within the 5 km radius, Yaxchilan is associated with

Selva Mediana (70%), with a smaller area to the north of

Selva Alta (10%) which is part of the largest continuous

expanse of Selva Alta in the study area. There is also a

patch of wetland vegetation represented by Selva Baja and

Jimbales (20% of area within the 5 km radius). In

contrast to Piedras Negras, this site has wetlands in the

immediate vicinity.

This site has an emblem glyph. During the Classic

period, it was linked to Calakmul, Motul de San Jose,

Altar de Sacrificios, Dos Pilas, Bonampak, Lacanha,

Palenque and Piedras Negras (Mathews 1988:409). Mathews

(1988:410) reports raiding from Dos Pilas and to Lacanha

from Yaxchilan; as well as recorded dynastic marriages

with Calakmul, Motul de San Jose and Bonampak. According

to data presently available, royal visits were received at

Yaxchilan from Calakmul, Tikal, Piedras Negras and

Bonampak, and visits were made to Piedras Negras, Altar de

Sacrificios, and Bonampak (Mathews 1988:412). It is

interesting to note that people from Yaxchilan went

downriver on visits as far as Piedras Negras, as well as

visiting upriver as far as Altar de Sacrificios. The

nearest known site to Yaxchilan is Anaite I, a site on the

banks of the Usumacinta downriver from Yaxchilan at a

distance of approximately 12.6 kilometers.

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3.1.3 El Chorro:

El Chorro is a little studied site located close to

the bend of El Chorro Arroyo, about 12 kilometers from the

Usumacinta River. Mathews (1988) considers this site

important enough in the period to ascribe it a

polygon (polity). It is near the site of Itzan another

important site on the La Pasi6n River Basin. In terms of

site interaction, Mathews (1988:409) reports contact with

Dos Pilas, Itzan, and Altar de Sacrificios. There is

evidence of a royal marriage between this site and Dos

Pilas, and raiding is registered from the site of Aguateca

(Mathews 1988: 411). This illustrates that the site of El

Chorro maintained more close contact with sites outside of

the study area to the southeast than with sites in the

study area. It is for this reason and due to lack of

further data on this site that in the following section

the proposed political landscape model is developed only

for the two sites of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras in the

study area.

El Chorro is perched at an altitude of approximately

200 meters above sea level, on the Karstic Uplands with

Hummocks facing toward the Structural Plain of the

southeast. The soils within an arbitrarily defined 5 km

radius are as follows: La Pasadita I (50% of a r e a ) ;

Chequique I uplands (approximately 17%), the rest falling

outside of the study area. In terms of vegetation, the

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area is dominated by Selva Mediana, with Selva Baja and

Sibales in the wetlands. El Chorro has more poorly

drained wetlands than the other two major sites in the

study area. However, the full implication of this cannot

be understood without further archaeological research.

The nearest site to El Chorro is El Pato, at an

approximate distance of 3.6 km.

3.1.4 El Porvenir:

Little is known about this site, which is marked on

the official government map of Guatemala (IGN 1971, Map

2169 IX, Scale 1:50,000) and is mentioned by Rice and

Puleston (1981) as site IGN I. It is located on the

Usumacinta River at a point at which the river widens

downstream from Piedras Negras. El Porvenir is located in

an Intermontane Valley which begins at the banks of the

river, running inland. This is a natural port suitable

for disembarkation. About 15% of the soil« in the

immediate vicinity of this site are of the Yaxchilan

Series, and the rest (85%) are well-drained upland soils

of the Lacandon Series. This site is surrounded by Selva

Mediana. The archaeological site closest to El Porvenir

is Piedras Negras at a distance of approximately 2.8 km.

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3.1.5 Texcoco

This site is not located on the banks of the

Usumacinta, but is inland, approximately 8 km away from

the river. The site is close to the Laguneta Texcoco on

the contact between the Karstic Uplands with Hummocks and

the Karstic Intermontane Valleys. Texcoco is in a

Tertiary formation. About half of the soils in the

vicinity of Texcoco are Lacandon Series, upland soils, the

rest comprised of Yaxchilan Series (15%), Chequique I

(15%), and Chequique II (20%). The vegetation in the

vicinity of this site is predominantly Selva Mediana with

a strip of Selva Alta, and 10-15% Bajo, Selva Baja and

Jimbal. The nearest known site to Texcoco is El Cayo at

an approximate distance of 10 km.

3.1.6 El Cayo

El Cayo is located on the banks of the Usumacinta

River in a Karstic Depression associated with the Karstic

Intermontane Valleys and surrounded by Escarpments and

Karstic Uplands with Hummocks. It is characterized by

deep Quaternary deposits, surrounded by the Cretaceous

limestones of the Upper Boca del Cerro Hills. The El

Cayo pocket (karstic depression) allows the surface

exposure of the deeper strata of the Boca del Cerro

Formation along the transcurrent fault. These deeper

deposits are rich in nodules of flint and are well

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localized on the Mexican shores of the Usumacinta River.

In an arbitrary 5 km radius surrounding the site of El

Cayo, the following preliminary observations can be made

about the soils: Upland soils of the Lacandon Series

predominate (70%), with patches of Menche Series (15%),

and the rest made up of soils with drainage problems of

the La Pasadita II and Yaxchilan Series. The vegetation

is predominantly Selva Mediana, with the occurrence of

Selva Alta (15%) and Selva Mediana with Jimbales (30%).

In the El Cayo pocket, there are introduced grasslands,

aca hua le s , and milpas. El Chile and Anaite II are sites

which are approximately equidistant to El Cayo, at around

9 km.

3.1.7 El Chile

El Chile is located on the banks of the Usumacinta

River. This site is located on the Escarpment associated

with Karstic Uplands with Hummocks. It is situated on the

Upper Cretaceous limestones of the Upper Boca del Cerro

Formation, on a transcurrent fault which has shifted the

block eastward. In the vicinity of this site, the soils

are characterized by well-drained upland soils of the

Lacandon Series (80%), with occurrence of Yaxchilan Series

and the wetlands associated with the Santa Clara Lake.

Selva Mediana predominates (60-70%) in the vicinity of the

site, with patches of Selva Alta (10%), and a complex

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mosaic of acahuales, pastizales (grasslands), J i mba les,

and Selva Baja. The nearest known archaeological site to

El Chile is El Chico.apote at a distance of about 4 km.

3.1.8 El Chicozapote

El Chicozapote Is located on the banks of the

Usumacinta River, at the edge of an Escarpment associated

with Karstic Uplands with Hummocks. This site is located

on the Upper Cretaceous limestones of the Upper Boca del

Cerro Formation. Half of the soils in the vicinity of

this site are of the Yaxchilan series, approximately 35%

are the upland soils of the Lacandon Series, and the

remaining are of the Chequique II Series. Selva Alta is

found near this site (35%), as well as a complex mosaic of

vegetation types (25%) and Selva Mediana (40%). The

nearest archaeological site to El Chicozapote is El Chile

at an approximate distance of 4 km, however, the river

between these two points narrows, creating dangerous

rapids which restrict travel on this waterway.

3.1.9 Santa Clara

Santa Clara is found on the contact area between the

slopes of the Karstic Intermontane Valleys and Karstic

Uplands with Hummocks, close to the Santa Clara Lake.

This site was established on the geological contact

between the Upper Boca del Cerro Formation and the

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Tertiary rocks from the Santa Clara Anticline. The soils

within the arbitrary 5 km radius of this sites are evenly

divided between the upland soils of the Lacandon Series

and Yaxchilan Series lowland soils (40%) with the basin of

the Santa Clara Lake. About 60% of the vegetation around

this site is Selva Mediana, the remaining is a complex

mosaic of vegetation types. The nearest archaeological

site to Santa Clara is Anaite II at an approximate

distance of 4.8 km.

3.1.10 Anaite II

Anaite II is not located on the Usumacinta River. On

the slopes of the Karstic Uplands with Hummocks, this site

is in the geological contact zone between the Upper Boca

del Cerro Formation and the Tertiary Tenosique formation.

Approximately 75% of the soils around this site are the

upland soils of the Lacandon Series, and the remaining

soils are of the Yaxchilan Series with the marshes of the

Santa Clara Lake. Selva Mediana predominates in the area

surrounding this site (70%), with a complex mosaic of

vegetation types (25%) and patches of Selva Alta (5%).

The nearest site to Anaite II is Santa Clara at a distance

of approximately 4.8 km.

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3.1.11 La Pasadita

La Pasadita was founded on high ground, inland from

the river, in the Karstic Intermontane Valley near the

Laguneta la Pasadita. This site is located on the La

Linea Syncline close to a depression formed by a

transverse fault in which the lake is located. It is on

the Tertiary sedimentary rocks of the Tenosique

Formation. Approximately 10% of the soils in the vicinity

of this site are upland soils of the Lacandon Series; 40%

are soils of the Menche Series; 15% of the very poorly

drained La Pasadita II Series; 20% of the Chequique II

Series; and 15% of the Chequique I Series. In terms of

vegetation, Selva Mediana represents approximately 20%,

Selva Baja in association with Selva Mediana represents an

additional 15%, the major part of the area is covered with

Selva Alta (65%). The nearest archaeological site to La

Pasadita is El Chicozapote, at an approximate distance of

7.6 km

3.1.12 Anaite I

This site is located on the river, in a place where

the river cuts the Karstic Intermontane Valley drained by

the Arroyo Anaite. This site is found on Quaternary

Deposits that have been shifted by a transcurrent fault

that permits the river to come close to the Intermontane

Valley. Within the arbitrarily defined 5 km radius

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surrounding this site, approximately 28% of the soils are

of the lowland Yaxchilan Series, and the remaining are

upland soils of the Lacandon Series. The vegetation in

the vicinity of this site can be characterized as follows:

Selva Alta (15%), a complex mosaic of Jimbal, Bajo, and

Acahual vegetation (15%), the remainder is Selva Mediana

(70%). El Chicozapote is the nearest known site to Anaite

I at a distance of around 9.4 km, however, between these

two sites connected along the river, there are two rapids.

3.1.13 El Tornillo

This site is situated on the river at a point at

which it cuts into the structural Plain, in a region

drained by the Arroyo Agua Azul. It is located on the

river, at the geological contact point between the

Tertiary deposits of the Tenosique Formation and the

Quaternary Deposits where the axis of the La Linea

Syncline crosses the river into Mexico. In the immediate

vicinity of this site (5 km r adius), the following

preliminary soil observations can be made: 40% are soils

of the Chequique I Series; 15% Chequique II; 10% Yaxchilan

Series; 7% Usumacinta Series; 18% upland soils of the

Lacandon Series; and 10% of the Menche Series. In terms

of vegetation, 30% is a complex mosaic of Bajo, Jimbal,

and Selva Mediana; 8% S i b a l ; 18% a complex mosaic of

Quemadal, Pastizal, Acahual vegetation types;

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predominating Selva Mediana (approximately 44%) . The

nearest site is Yaxchilan at 16 km.

3.1.14 El Pato

This site is located 2 00 meters above sea level. It

is on the high grounds of the Karstic Uplands with

Hummocks, on the north side of the Arroyo El Chorro that

drains the Structural Plain on the Guatemalan side. The

soils around the site (5 km radius) are characterized as

follows: 40% La Pasadita I Series; 22% Chequique I

Series; 5% of the upland soils of the Lacandon Series; 15%

Yaxchilan Series; and 18% Menche Series. Selva Mediana

predominates in terms of vegetation, with a small amount

of Selva Baja-Sibal association (10%). The nearest

neighbour is El Chorro at an approximate distance of 3.9



The known archaeological sites in the study area are

not randomly distributed on the landscape. Eight of the

14 sites are located directly on the banks of the

Usumacinta River. To translate this into numerical form,

a nearest neighbour calculation was generated for the

sites, based on Adams and Jones (1981). Based on the

distances mentioned in the preceding section, the

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

resultant R figure is .83. A score of 1 indicates random

distribution, greater than one, uniform distribution, and

less than one, aggregation (0 representing total

aggregation in a single point). Therefore, the figure for

the study area suggests a movement toward aggregation.

According to Adams and Jones (1981:315) "an aggregate

pattern reflects either a strongly localized resource base

or extraregional influence which has focussed upon a

particular location because of its strategic, trade, or

market position". This contrasts with the dispersed

patterns which these authors suggest reflect a "spatially

uniform resource base". The data presented above does

not support the notion of a highly diverse resource base

in the study area, however the movement is not toward

dispersion over a relatively uniform or evenly distributed

resource base. This is related to the river as a prime

location for sites, thus their aggregation along this

water course. Even though our survey information for this

region is not complete, we would not expect the addition

of new sites to change the R score significantly.

If indeed the river is a prime influence in the

decision for site location in the study area, why are

there important sites located away from the river?

The river provided in the past, as in the present,

the primary route of communication: goods, people and

idea exchange for the study area and probably beyond.

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Kelley (1976:234-5) presents an analysis of the canoe

texts from the Tikal carved bones, proposing that the

glyphic representations are an action verb relating to

canoe travel. In Lintel 3 of Piedras Negras, the canoe

verb (12) appears on a monument which refers to a eminent

visitor from Yaxchilan. According to Proskouriakoff, this

is the representation of a river trip taken by this

individual downstream from Yaxchilan to Piedras Negras

(Marcus 1976:85) However, the Usumacinta is not a wide,

slow-flowing easily navigable river; instead it is a

voluminous river with enormous seasonal fluctuations in

level and currents, as well as geologically controlled

rapids. On this river, travel downstream is problematic

in several sections. Upstream travel, in particular with

vessels which are loaded down, is a more difficult and

risky endeavour, if at all possible. Portaging is the

conventional option where river traffic is restricted due

to such natural phenomena. Portaging involves carrying

the goods and vessels overland, usually to avoid

impassable sections of a river. However, even land travel

in the tropical rainforest karstic landscape of the study

area is limited by natural topographical and environmental


C?.ose examination of the sites located away from the

Usumacinta River shows their correlation with Intermontane

Valley formations which would provide natural flat

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passages through the landscape relative to the hummocky or

rocky formations which also characterize the study area

(see Figure No. 10). Texcoco and La Pasadita on the

Guatemalan side of the Usumacinta are both located in an

Intermontane Valley which begins at Piedras Negras.

Similarly, Santa Clara and Anaite II are located in the

Intermontane Valleys which run parallel to the river to

the west. It is therefore suggested that travel from

Yaxchilan to Piedras Negras was facilitated along the

river, while travel from Piedras Negras to Yaxchilan was

facilitated by overland travel or by portaging. Overland

travel has been little studied in the Maya lowlands. In

one of few studies, Hammond (1978:24) follows the route of

present day traders from Coban to southern Belize, through

a mountain pass, down into a river basin, and along the

flanks of the Maya Mountains, which "is the most direct

and efficient way of reaching the Manche Choi territory".

The predominance of portage and overland routes in

the study area in Classic times is further confirmed by

the location of portage sites at natural ports along the

river. Downriver from Yaxchilan, travel is made difficult

or impossible by the rapids mentioned earlier between the

sites of El Chicozapote and El Chile. It is proposed that

these sites were established at the points at which the

travellers left the river to begin the portage. It is

important to recall that this river is characterized by

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the predominance of steep escarpments which prevent

beaching. However, at El Chicozapote there is a small

natural beach, suitable for disembarkment and

overnighting. From here, the river takes a turn in a

transcurrent fault. However, portaging is facilitated by

a relatively flat area which is the edge of the Usumacinta

Anticline, and which runs exactly from El Chicozapote to

the banks of the Usumacinta at the archaeological site of

El Chile, located downstream from the rapids. This is the

only place at which a portage may be necessary along the

river between Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras in travel

downstream. These two sites, therefore, are not only

located on the banks of the river, but are strategically

located in terms of the possibility to beach a river

craft, avoid dangerous rapids, and find a favourable

portage route. Once the traveller has returned to the

river, the next and only beach before Piedras Negras is

found at the Island of El Cayo. This natural port on the

river offers the optimum conditions for stopping. From

this point, Piedras Negras is approximately 4 hours

further down river.

Movement between Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan is a

much more complicated challenge, if river travel is

chosen. But a relatively straight and flat overland route

does exist along the Intermontane Valley system which

begins at this site and runs parallel to the river along

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the La Linea Syncline ending at Yaxchilan. That is, a

single geomorphological feature connects the sites of

Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan, providing a relatively even

topography for overland travel. It is along this

Intermontane Valley system that the sites of Texcoco and

La Pasadita are located. It is proposed here, that they

are sites established along the alternate communication

route between Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras, in response to

the difficulties of upstream river travel. It is

important to note that both of these sites are associated

with fresh clear water sources, which may have been

important to travellers. Very rough estimates of overland

travel along this route suggest that it could be covered

in 22 hours (distance of 22 leagues in local terms). This

compares with the rough estimate of 17 hours for

downstream travel between Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras.

Of course, this is without consideration of loads.

The upriver route would require portaging at more

places along the river than in the downriver voyage. At

present, the leg of travel between Piedras Negras and El

Cayo is covered by foot by local inhabitants, although

this portion of the river is navigable upstream in a boat

with a motor. From El Cayo, the river is navigable

upstream to El Chile, where, once again, the river was

probably abandoned for the portage option. Rather than

portaging to El Chicozapote, movement upriver would more

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likely have involved portaging to another place on the

river above two other rapids which would hinder upriver

boat travel. At the spot at which the river abuts the

Intermontane Valley, a natural port developed. This is

also the Intermontane Valley formed by the Santa Clara

Syncline along which the traveller would be portaging.

This "natural" spot for return to the river is where the

site of Anaite II is located. From this place, upriver

travel is possible to Yaxchilan in approximately 5 hours.

Very preliminary estimates of the total trip would be 25

hours, without consideration of loads. For this portion

of the study area, it is therefore proposed that movement

upstream differs from movement downstream, and that sites

were established in consideration of these movements.

Santley (1986:226) uses the concept of "circuit graph" to

represent this type of communications system in a network

which "has one or more loops, such that movement in one

direction permits transit to one's point of departure".

The river alone would represent a linear or "path"


A test of this proposal can be undertaken with the

Yaxchilan to Arroyo El Chorro route in the study area.

Upriver from Yaxchilan the possibility exists for

navigation in both directions with minor problems to be

experienced only in Encajonado Gonzalez. This is due to

the geomorphological characteristics of the river course

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at this point, described in an earlier section. Note that

the only reported site for this section of the study area

is El Tornillo, located on the banks of the river, and

Arroyo El Chorro from which the traveller could travel on

to El Chorro or leave the study area. That is, there is

no need for portage, and correspondingly there are

apparently no important sites located away from the river


The data provided in this section serve to propose an

explanation for the location of the sites in the study

area. It is interesting to note that the location of

sites in this area correlates highly with the river and

river communications. The sites situated away from the

river also correlate with the location of fresh water

sources. However, on the basis of this preliminary survey

of the natural landscape of this area, it cannot be shown

that the location of sites as a group correlates highly

with any particular resource of the natural environment,

such as soils. The primary interest in the establishment

of these sites seems to have been the facilitation of

communication along and parallel to the river.

Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras are not, however,

randomly located along the river. Instead, Yaxchilan is

located exactly above the section of rapids at a place

whore the Intermontane Valley system facilitates overland

travel along the Basin. This is a place at which the

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possibilities of river travel change radically, compared

to the conditions upriver from Yaxchilan towards Arroyo El

Chorro. Yaxchilan is therefore strategically located in

terms of the features of the natural environment related

to travel and communications in the Basin. In the same

way, Piedras Negras is located in a strategic place in

terms of the natural environment and its impact on the

movement of people and goods. Within the study area

itself, Piedras Negras represents the place at which a

series of rapids ends, as well as the exact place at which

the Intermontane Valley system which reaches Yaxchilan

begins, providing immediate access to, and probable

control of, the overland upriver communications as well as

downriver movements. That is, both Piedras Negras and

Yaxchilan are located at points which would allow control

both of downriver communications and of upriver portage

and overland communications. Furthermore, at Yaxchilan

the conditions of the river change relative to upriver

communications which are deemed less problematic for

travel and communications. Similarly, Piedras Negras is

at a point at which downriver travel out of the study area

is virtually impossible due to the San Jose and the San

Josecito Rapids. Therefore, river travel would

effectively end at this site, for. those travelling beyond

the study area, for example, to the coastal plain.

Overland routes, therefore, become a critical issue. The

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El Porvenir site is located at the entrance to an

Intermontane Valley system that '-'ill link the Piedras

Negras polity with places like Palenque and Pomona.

On the basis of this correlation between natural

landscape phenomena and human occupation of the landscape

as evidenced through the location of archaeological sites,

it is proposed that the naturally formed Upper Usumacinta

River Basin was fundamentally important in the cultural

landscape of the Classic Maya, and that the natural

"funnel*1 through the area provided by the Intermontane

Valley system was in fact used as an overland

communication route. This settlement pattern was based on

both "tactical" and "strategic" factors, in the definition

of Hammond (1975).


Hammond's "strategic" factors imply extralocal and

political reasoning, which introduces to this proposal the

ideas of control of resources or of a region (Renfrew

1977). Focussing on the two main ceremonial sites in the

study area, Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras, and their

hinterland, it can be seen that they can be quantitatively

proposed as central places in relation to the other lower

ranked sites, such as El Chile, El Chicozapote, Anaite I,

Anaite II, Santa Clara, La Pasadita, Texcoco and El

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Porvenir. Following Renfrew (1977) it could'be

postulated that these two sites "exercise a central

administrative authority over the territory which they

serve", that is, that they form polities. The central

places have been assumed to be the large monumental cities

such as Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras in Mesoamerican

archaeology, which would provide the central settlements

which define the political units, in the process of

increasing sociopolitical complexity proposed by Shils

(1973). However, the political importance of the centre

rests in part on its "sphere of influence" or "territorial

area", according t o ’Renfrew and Level (1979). In

contrast, Lowe (1985) seems to suggest that territorial

consolidation and boundary establishment was poorly

developed in Mesoamerica.

Mathews (1988) generated Thiessen polygons for the

study area, as mentioned earlier, although the landscape

issues involved were beyond the scope of his study. For

the date, he proposed three polities in the

Upper Usumacinta River Basin, around the centres of

Piedras Negras, Yaxchilan, and El Chorro. That is, three

separate political entities were operating in this single

hydrological basin at that time. According to the

theoretical projection of boundaries, it can be observed

that, whereas the projected polity boundaries to the

northeast of the river follow the natural boundaries of

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the sierra, there are no natural or physical landscape

boundaries to help define or reinforce the polity

boundaries along the river valley itself. It is important

to note, therefore, that if political territorial limits

existed between Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan, and between

Yaxchilan and El Chorro, they were projected onto a

natural landscape which did not have a corresponding

physical division. In fact, apart from the river,

according to the preliminary information provided here,

there are no notable differences in terms of natural

resources within the study area between the sites of

Piedras Negras and Yaxchilp.i, For example, analysis of

the distribution of landscape types (following Fedick 1988

see Chapter 4) in the polygons reveals the following types

in association with the two major sites:

Yaxchilan Piedras Negras

Well drained Uplands 73.68% 75.66%

Slow drained Lowlands 16.31 20.48

Riverine associated

swamps 4.56 0

Closed depression swamps 4.56 2.9 2

These figures clearly support the notion that the natural

landscape within each of the polygons is highly comparable

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and "balanced". It is the river and communications which

have influenced the locational decision in both cases.

The Usumacinta River, which is presently used as a natural

landscape feature to define the political territorial

division between two countries, was not used as such a

division in the Classic Period, but instead was a main

artery for the contact and communication between the

political entities. It is curious to note with relation

to this that the site of Yaxchilan is located on the

opposite bank of the Usumacinta River from the site of

Piedras Negras. The evidence presented here would suggest

a natural landscape rather than a political reason for

this particularity.

The existence of centres is confirmed by the

existence of less important sites in their hinterland.

However, the existence of such places does not necessarily

prove that the territorial consolidation of a state was

extensive. That is, the existence of a territory over

which dominance was exercised by a central place does not

necessarily prove that an established boundary existed

between one territory and the next. According to this

line of reasoning, a polity needs a territory but not

necessarily a territorial boundary. Focussing on

Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras as proposed neighbouring

polities, the projected boundary between these two

entities is represented on Figure No. 9. As discussed

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above, the existence of boundaries between political

entities is most commonly expressed by spots or places,

rather than continuous linear manifestations (such as the

Wall of China)(Ratzel 1969).

Examination of the projected and theoretical polygons

of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras, it is interesting to note

that the ten known sites located in this subregion of the

study area are evenly distributed between the two

polygons, with El Porvenir, Texcoco, El Cayo, El Chile and

Anaite II falling into the Piedras Negras polygon; and La

Pasadita, El Chicozapote, Anaite I, Santa Clara, and El

Tornillo falling into the Yaxchilan polygon. Future

research may reveal whether this is an indication of

balance of power between two polities.

Furthermore, these sites within the two projected

polygons seem to be positioned, at least in the case of

five of the sites, in pairs. That is, on a possible

southwestern overland route, Anaite II is located at

distance of 4.8 km from Santa Clara, its nearest

neighbour. The sites are on opposing sides of the

projected boundary. This is also the case of El Chile and

El Chicozapote, each others' nearest neighbour at an

approximate distance of 4 kilometers. The projected

polygon results in the positioning of each site in a

different polity: El Chile within the polygon of Piedras

Negras, and El Chicozapote within the polygon of

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Yaxchilan. La Pasadita on the northeast side of the river

is also situated relatively near the projected border on

the Yaxchilan side.

Evidence is still accumulating from the glyphic

record of Classic Maya times regarding the possible types

of affiliation and ties between sites. In terms of the

proposal of polities for Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras and

their subordinate sites, there is some indication that the

political affiliations suggested in the preceding

paragraph were, in fact, true at some moment during the

Classic Period. Scheie and Friedel (1990:302) present

drawings of three Lintels from La Pasadita in which there

is clearly a relationship of political affiliation between

this site and Yaxchilan. In Linte:. 1, Lord Bird Jaguar

(title of Ahaw ) is in La Pasadita taking a captive with

the help of Local Lord Tilot (title of Sahal) of La

Pasadita. In Lintel 2, Lord Bird Jaguar scatters blood

with Local Lord Tilot at a period ending ceremony at In Lintel 3, the Local Lord Tilot is paying

homage to Lord Chelte, successor (or heir) of Bird Jaguar.

This indicates that the Sahal from La Pasadita was

subordinate to the Ahaw of Yaxchilan, and that they are

allies in war and captives, that they are associated in

ceremonies of period endings, and that the Sahal pays

allegiance to the heir of the Yaxchilan dynasty. The

central political authority and control is dependent upon

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the formal acknowledgement and acceptance by the

periphery, represented in the study area by the minor

level sites. These lintels provide strong evidence that

La Pasadita was part of the political system of Yaxchilan.

Cherry (1987:168) discusses the legitimization of the

state through the use of the "iconography of power", and

further concurs that such "conventionalized symbolic

systems" can "tell us much about the organization of power

in the past".

To establish the political tie between El Cayo and

Piedras Negras, the following evidence is available.

Piedras Negras is represented by its emblem glyph on

Relief Panel 1 and Lintel 1 monuments from El Cayo. The

El Cayo dynasty is represented by Sahal Uay K'uti on Panel

1 dated This lord presents himself as a local

lord subordinate to Piedras Negras. Again, this evidence

supports the affiliation of this site to Piedras Negras,

as would be expected by the border generated artificially

by Mathews for the polities. It is important to note,

however, that the polities in this area were not stable

during the whole Classic Period. Mathews proposes that

there may have been two "buffer" polities between

Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras with dynastic and ritual

connections to both of these sites. One of these sites

was possibly "Jaguar Hill" and the other "Serpent

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Segment", although neither has been associated witn a

known site in the area (Mathews 1988:379).

The location of these sites, therefore, is seemingly

in relationship with a border which somehow corresponds to

the border generated theoretically by the Thiessen

polygon. This supports the idea cf a territorial base of

the Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras polities, for if they

were composed of a conglomerate of sites each with their

own land base, as discussed by Ingold (1987), then the

locational decision would be expected to be based more

upon "tactical" or pragmatic subsistence parameters.

Here, however, the evidence indicates that there were

strategic reasons for the settlement locations, relating

to dependence upon the definition of the centre. It is

hypothesized that these sites were established along a

border of a polity, as points of control of the

communication into each other's realm. It is further

hypothesized that they are located in terms of "distance"

and "time geography", proposed by Cherry (1987) as an

important aspect of the state's control span problem.

This being the case, the state would be most concerned

with control at the places of easiest permeability into

their territory. For the study area, this would be along

the easiest travel and contact routes, that is, along the

river and the proposed overland routes. That is to say,

this hypothesis obtains that the sites which are paired,

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including La Pasadita and perhaps Texcoco, represent

poin+'s of control and mediation of interaction on the

border between two systems exactly at those points where

there are no natural or physical landscape features which

would impede contact. Therefore, this would appear to be

a system in which a major centre dominates over a bounded

region, a real political territory within which lower

ranking sites are located, defined and supported by social

and political institutions emanating from the predominant

centre .



Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras according to the

evidence provided above, were located because of their

strategic location. This would be the "value" proposed by

Ratzel (1969), which Hammond (1975) divides into two

general types: strategic and tactical. Hammond proposes

that for first level centres the strategic reasons would

predominate over the tactical, or pragmatic availability

of resources in the immediate vicinity of the sites.

Middle level sites, for Hammond, would be established

according to a mix of these two factors, while the

decision for the establishment of smaller settlements

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would be clearly influenced by the "tactical" (Hammond


Hammond's reasoning seems to apply not only for the

first level sites of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras. The

sites of La Pasadita and Santa Clara, second level sites

in the study area, are located strategically along the

Intermontane Valleys where overland travel could have

occurred; but also in association with wetlands. Should

intensive agricultural techniques for the use of these

areas be proven for this area in future research (in

short, when our understanding of the resource definition

and use of these areas in Classic times is more complete)

then this may have represented a decision also based upon

"tactical" reasoning. Certainly, both sites are also

associated with clear fresh water sources. Similarly, the

second level site of El Cayo is strategically located on

one of the best and widest ports/natural beaches on the

Upper Usumacinta; and tactically located on the El Cayo

pocket of soils. In fact, El Cayo presents a test case

for the argument that Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras were

the "most" strategic centres in the study area, and

therefore became or were established as the centres.

El Cayo is "very" strategic in terms of 1) its

location on the river, as in the case of Yaxchilan and

Piedras Negras; 2) at a natural port or beach, even more

favourable for desembarkation than the r ises of Yaxchilan

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and Piedras Negras; 3) at a point along both the

downstream and the upstream/portage route to Yaxchilan and

Piedras Negras. However, it is not in a location from

which entrance into the basin can be mediated, as is the

case of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras, which, in addition,

are located at either end of a system of Intermontane

Valleys in addition to their location on the river. Here,

the site of El Cayo differs qualitatively in strategic

terms from the case of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras. In

sum, its location on the river is relatively less

important in strategic terms than these latter sites, and

this may explain why this site, while very important, did

not reach first rank category in the study area.

Why would the polygons which are generated on the

basis of nearest neighbour calculations for major centres

tend to correspond in the case of Yaxchilan and Piedras

Negras with the existence of real political boundaries in

the Classic Period? A correspondence would exist only if

the actual spacing of the ancient polities fit the

expected spacing, taking into consideration all the

potentials and restrictions at play in the Usumacinta

River landscape. This idea supports the general thesis

proposed here that movement over the landscape and

communications on the river and overland, were a)

determinant in the establishment of the major centres and

2) influential in the establishment of the minor centres.

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That is, in the true economic geographical sense, movement

becomes distance, and minimizing distance time (and the

generation of time geography) corresponds with finding the

nearest, closest and topographically (or river related)

best route. Therefore, in the predominance of interaction

and communications, the logic of the Classic Maya in the

Upper Usumacinta Basin would have corresponded to

Thiessen's logic. The border points of permeability would

correspond to the distance/time factor, and the natural

environment would be redefined as the cultural landscape.

The apparent correspondence between the halfway points

between Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras generated by the

polygon and as evidenced by the location of the sites,

further supports the idea that the natural landscape in

both polygons does not differ radically, and that there is

an element of "balance", politically, at a certain point

in time between these two polities.

This chapter has presented a proposal for the

political landscape of the Upper Usumacinta River Basin at

a particular point in time. In this analysis, the

polities of Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras are situated on

the natural landscape, but have "humanized" this landscape

through use and meaning. The polity as seen by Cherry

(1987:167) is "exploiting a socio-political, as well as an

environmental and economic, landscape". Thus the natural

landscape is recast in political terms in light of the

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relationships and interactions which define, formulate,

and maintain the competing polities. The interactions are

patterned on this landscape, in terms of organizational

principles such as links, connections and centrality

(Weeks 1983). Travel is proposed to be a basic mechanism

and "content" of contact between the polities, although

the exact mechanism of the interactions is unexplored in

this thesis. Cherry and Renfrew (1986) emphasize the

importance of travel in state and polity definition and

development, and the need to understand the symbolic

structures of these sociopolitical entities.

Although based in a fundamental way on the

environmental context of the sociopolitical unit, this

line of analysis departs in important ways from the more

conventional ecological approach to understanding

settlement patterning. Landscape is examined from a

broader perspective than productive potential and resource

base. The ecological approach has directed much research

in the lowland Maya zone, focussing on such questions as

"land use potential" (Sanders and Murdy 1982) and "the

internal variability in the nature and abundance of

resources" (Hammond and Ashmore 1981). As more complete

data sets are available, the research interests can become

more refined in an attempt to understand that which Ellen

(1982) has called the "environmentally significant

decision making". To project this into the past, it is

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necessary to know which aspects of the natural landscape

were considered resources, as locally-defined and based on

use and value. This study proposes to contribute to this

data set in order to advance the research base for

understanding the emergence of the Classic Maya

civilization in the Upper Usumacinta River Basin.

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This thesis adopts the landscape approach to

archaeological investigation advancing a first

approximation to the natural landscape of the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin in Maya zone of Mesoamerica. The

natural environment is seen as providing the "setting1' for

the Maya culture of the past and the present, although

this landscape is interpreted, modified, and transformed

in an interactive relationship with humans. Thus natural

processes and cultural activities combine in space and in

time, and from this emerges the ever-changing cultural


The importance of this approach in the study area can

be understood in terms of the goal of the Maya

archaeologist to understand, generalize and predict

spatial and cultural actions in the past, and therefore

his need for a complete data set on a regional scale from

which to develop hypotheses and interpret research results

of fine-grained and site-specific projects. Such

generalizations cannot be made in the absence of good

quality regional or broad-scale contextual data. This

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thesis represents the first step in providing this kind of

material for a region which has been considered, until

now, marginal within the "heartland" of the lowland Maya

civilization of Classic times. In fact, using the

material provided here as an interpretive base, the nature

or veracity of this claim of "marginality" can begin to be




Figure 11 presents a cross section of the landscape

of the study area passing from the Bonampak Anticline

(Sierra de la Cojolita) in the south to the Lacandon

Anticline (Sierra del Lacandon) in the north. This

landscape transect was developed based upon the

geological, geomorphological, topographical, vegetational

and soils data presented in the previous chapters. It

runs for approximately 50 km in a 7° East of North

direction, passing through the neck of the Yaxchilan omega

block formation at approximately the halfway point in the

study area. By means of this diagram, basic units of

landscape for the study area are illustrated, combining

the various natural landscape features examined in this

thesis. This comprises an initial first approximation to

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the natural landscape of the Upper Usumacinta River Basin

at a scale which allows future generalizations within the

study area, the contextualization of fine grained

landscape and ecological studies in this area, and their

comparison with other parts of the Maya zone and beyond.

These basic units of landscape can be seen as describing

the natural "setting" in which the Maya culture of Classic

times thrived, transforming and interpreting these natural

features and potentials in terms of their "cultural

project" in which environmental possibilities are

organized into systems with form, meaning and purpose

(Ingold 1987:2).

Eight basic units of landscape are proposed for the

understanding of the natural setting of the study area,

and are illustrated in the cross section diagram. Each is

defined by its characteristics which reflect the

combination of topographical form, parent materials,

vegetation and related soils and drainage conditions. In

addition, these units of landscape are proposed as those

which may have most reflected the typology of the natural

setting by the Maya of Classic Times. Present-day Choi

classifications of the natural landscape in the study

area, which apparently take into consideration the same

parameters as this schema, are included in parentheses.

This grouping or classification of natural features to

generate "units of landscape" therefore represents a

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second level of inference, combining features to provide

categories of natural landscape which may approximate

those which influenced the settlement, subsistence, or

political decisions and actions of the Maya of the past.

The proposed units are:

I. Sierra plateau (Witz): Selva Alta is found in this

unit of landscape, in association with peculiar edaphic

conditions which may render this area of agricultural

importance, despite the fact that it is characterized by

shallow Lithosols and Rendzinas. The latter soils more

commonly support Selva Mediana. These areas are on the

crests of the high anticlines, where surface lithology

features the lower Boca del Cerro Formation with its

nodules of chert. Karstic sinkholes (dolines and uvalas)

are found along the axes of high tectonic tension along

the anticline. No archaeological sites have been reported

to date in this landscape unit. Any sites located in the

future would be expected to be associated with extractive

activities rather than permanent agricultural settlement.

II. Sierra slopes (Buhtchil): This basic unit of

landscape features irregular terrain marked by small steep

valleys, escarpments, slopes and hilltops which restrict

easy movements over the landscape as well as limiting

agricultural activities of scale. The topography is

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caused by faulting and secondary folds. Overall, this

unit is typified by Selva Mediana vegetation on Rendzinas

and Cambisols. The steep sloped topography in this

landscape type renders the area prone to erosion if

cleared, thus can be considered relatively fragile. These

are areas presently cleared and cultivated by recent

colonists using the slash-and-burn method. In the absence

of terracing, they are being exposed to leaching,

weathering and erosion. The archaeological sites found to

date which are located in this landscape unit are

associated with agricultural terraces (Santo Domingo), or

are in immediate proximity to the flat, valley areas of

Landscape Unit III (Bonampak, Anaite II, Santa Clara,

Anaitfe I, and perhaps La Pasadita within the study area).

This landscape unit may have offered primary potential for

upland silviculture.

III. Valley bottom (Ho til): This landscape unit in the

transect is crossed by the Arroyo Anaite. It is important

to note that the Arroyo Anaite follows the Syncline Santa

Clara, and therefore this is not a river valley in the

conventional sense as having been formed by the action of

the river. Although this area is more uniform in

topography than landscape type II, it is characterized by

pockets of soil and drainage conditions which support

varied vegetational communities, such as Selva Alta, Selva

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Mediana, Selva Baja, and associations with Jimbal in

poorly drained conditions. The Tenosique Formation of the

Tertiary is exposed in this unit of landscape, with shales

and sandstones. Alluvial Quaternary deposits are also

present in the valley bottoms. This is expressed on the

landscape in pockets of soil conditions, vegetation, etc.

and related fine-grained landscape diversity. As

mentioned above, archaeological sites with monumental

architecture have not been found directly upon this

landscape unit in the study area (although in immediate

proximity to this t y p e ) , with the exception of El cayo and

El Porvenir, where valley bottom landscape unit type and

river bank association are combined providing "strategic"

reasons for the settlement location. This landscape type

is characterized by deep soils, and drainage problems of

varying severity, in some cases associated with flooding

related to backup from the Usumacinta River along the


IV. Hilly country: This landscape unit along the

transect is associated with the Usumacinta Anticline which

has produced a series of hills and hummocky country on

both sides of the Usumacinta River. A fairly uniform

Selva Mediana is found on this landscape unit which has

Rendzina soils of the Lacandon Series. Minor pockets of

Selva Alta are found. This unit is distinguished from

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Landscape Unit II by the erosion characteristics which

here produced a hummocky topography of smaller hills as

water drained into dissolution basins, rather than general

runoff from a Sierra, as is the case of II. Yaxchilan and

Piedras Negras are located on this landscape unit,

although in both cases they are associated with the

Usumacinta River also; as is the case of El Chile and El


V. Escarpment: Due to its radical topographical

condition, the escarpment presents fragile edaphic

conditions, sparse and precarious vegetation. In the

transect presented here, escarpment is associated with the

eroded river course, although escarpments are also present

in the study area along faults in hilly country and the

sierras. Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras both present cases

of human modification of the upper escarpment into

architectural terraces.

VI. River and riverbank (Ti h a ) : The Usumacinta River is

of fundamental importance in the natural landscape and the

ongoing process of its formation in the study area. As

illustrated, it is also important for movement of goods,

ideas and humans into and through the study area. The

river at present, and probably in the past, provides food

resources. Although an alluvial plain is not predominant,

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due to the river's geomorphological association, there

are very small areas of alluvial deposits in the form of

fluvisols. One such pocket is located directly across the

river from the site of Yaxchilan. As mentioned earlier,

El Cayo is also associated with such a riverbank and

island. Finally, the river and riverbank associations

were important for determining the location of natural

ports, such as El Chile and El Chicozapote in the study


VII. Wetlands (Okol): The wetlands do not present a

singular landscape unit, but can be differentiated

according to their drainage characteristics. Some

wetlands are slowly drained, some are riverine associated

and some occur in closed depressions, as found by Fedick

(1988) for other parts of the Maya lowlands. The

vegetational association is Selva Baja and Ji mb a l e s, with

Sibales present where drainage is poor or in areas of

stagnant water. Along the transect on the Guatemalan side

of the Usumacinta River, close to the Hilly Country, there

is a wetland drained by the Arroyo Yaxchilan. This is a

riverine associated swamp characterized by Gleysols of the

Yaxchilan Series. In order to support agricultural use,

it is probable that this area would require a major

reclamation project. To date, no evidence of such

engineering has been found in the study area. In

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addition, and as is to be expected from the previous

research in the lowland Maya area, no archaeological sites

have been reported for wetlands areas, although Adams and

Jones (1981) report having detected through SAR imagery

extensive canal networks in the wetlands area located

immediately to the southeast of the transect, around

Laguna Mendoza. Pope and Dahlin (1989) question the

possibility of detecting such agricultural systems from

SAR imagery. This debate exemplifies the pressing need

for archaeological field reconnaissance within the study

area, to bring arguments such as this "down to earth"

within the context of the natural and cultural landscapes.

VIII. Wide Valley: This unit of landscape is associated

with Selva Baja and Jimbal association, with Selva Mediana

and pockets of Selva A l t a . It is a much more extensive

unit than is the case of Landscape Unit III, as it

coincides with the Structural Plain geomorphological

formation. This unit of landscape is more frequently not

drained into the Usumacinta by an Arroyo, causing

saturation of the soils. Tertiary shales and sandstones

of the Tenosique formation provide the parent materials.

No archaeological sites have been found located upon this

unit of landscape, although sites such as La Pasadita, El

Chorro, and El Pato are located on the uplands in

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immediate proximity, seemingly "overlooking" this

landscape unit.



Five features predominate for the understanding of

the natural and cultural landscapes of the study area.

These are: the nature of the Usumacinta River itself as it

flows through the study area; the weathering processes on

the limestone which produces a peculiar karstic

topography; the location of special materials which were

known to have been important during Classic Maya times,

such as fine-grained limestone for monuments and

buildings, chert for cutting tools, salt, and clay

deposits for ceramics; the agricultural and silvicultural

potential of the region; and finally, the complex mosaic

of the natural landscape produced by the conditions

described in the preceding sections.

2.2.1 River formation: As is clearly observable in

Figure 11, the Usumacinta River does not run through a

conventional river valley. Instead, there are parallel

valleys on either side of the river. The rivercourse is

cutting down through the axis of a geological structure.

This means that it runs a narrow course often cutting

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through gorges and canyons; that it will never form a wide

alluvial plain; that seasonal flooding will occur only in

riverine associated swamp areas which are located away

from the river and linked by a series of small arroyos;

that the river's current will be formidable; that it is

characterized by a series of difficult rapids; that the

lack of riverbanks limit the location of portage sites;

and that travel upriver is difficult or impossible in all


2.2.2 Karstic landscape: The karstic landscape is

characterized by differential erosion and chemical

dissolution of the parental materials. In the study area,

high temperatures and rainfall combine with the limestone

base in the context of geological structures to produce a

myriad of different topographical manifestations, which

include massive escarpments, sierra formations, wide

structural valleys on the one hand, as well as pocked and

irregular surfaces and sinkholes, on the other. The

result is a landscape which, while sharing a geological

origin with the Yucatan Peninsula and the Peten, bears

little resemblance to these in terms of the diversity of

the landscape. Furthermore, the processes involved in

this landscape formation are extremely dynamic and

sensitive to changes in humidity, vegetation cover, and

micro-climatic conditions.

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2.2.3 Special materials: The geological processes which

have determined the general relief in the study area, have

also produced a surface lithology in which older

formations are exposed due to faulting, folding and

erosion processes. This results in the availability on or

close to the surface of localized materials. This study

has detected chert, salts, and fine limestones associated

with different geological formations. Archaeological

evidence from this and other parts of the lowland Maya

area indicate that these materials were indeed "resources"

or valued minerals in Classic Maya times. Further

research may detect other "resources" as well as quarries

and salt making stations within the study area.

2.2.4 Agricultural and silvicultural potential: The

identification of agricultural and silvicultural potential

for the study area depends to a great extent on further

archaeological testing. However, this study has

illustrated the close link between soil formation,

vegetation cover and topography. Recent consideration of

the past and present use of silviculture by the Maya has

introduced an additional element of complexity in

understanding the management and sustainability of

agroecosystems in the Maya zone, particularly in areas

characterized by the exuberance of the tropical

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rainforest. As has been shown above, the arboreal element

is predominant in the natural landscape context, and

evidence suggests that for the Maya agriculturalist this

factor predominates today as it predominated in the past.

2.2.5 Mosaic of environmental conditions on the

landscape. The study area has been perceived by some as a

relatively homogeneous and uniform landscape. However,

the present study has revealed that, in fact, the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin is better characterized as a mosaic

of different units of landscape. That is, although this

study has been undertaken at a large, regional scale,

pockets of very specific environmental conditions have

been detected and illustrated on the maps and figures.

This factor would have greatly influenced the diversity

and extent of economic activities and potential for the

Classic Maya inhabitants. Therefore, as a result of the

data presented here, it can be seen that past

generalizations regarding economic activities, resources,

and human settlement locations for the study area have

been poorly informed in terms of the specifics of this


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As mentioned at the outset of this study, Carl Sauer

(1925:343) proposed in the 1920s the idea that humans form

a new "cultural" landscape out of the materials which they

find available in the physical landscape. The raw

materials available may be used and developed, attributed

a "meaning", or ignored, depending on cultural "purpose"

(Ingold 1987:2) . The material becomes a resource through

this meaning and conceptualization, just as the natural

landscape becomes a meaningful, cultural landscape. A

first step in approximating the cultural landscape is to

understand the "environmental givens" provided by the

natural landscape (Ellen 197 8). A first attempt at this

has been provided in the present study for the Upper

Usumacinta River Basin. Combining this information with

that available for the Classic Maya culture in the study

area, has led to a proposed political landscape for an

important moment in the cultural history of this area.

The steps in the development of this proposal for a

cultural landscape are as follows. Once the basic

description of the natural landscape has been completed,

the known archaeological sites in the study area are

plotted on the natural landscape. Then the location of

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these sites is associated with the basic units, of

landscape. From there, the possible activities of the

Classic Maya in relation to the basic units of landscape

are envisioned, based upon available knowledge of this

culture. From this point, the possible decision-making

process in the location of sites is projected. Decisions

could be influenced by agriculture, commerce and trade,

natural resource extraction, access to water, religion,

power and control, etc., and thus would be correlated with

such factors on the natural landscape as location of raw

materials, access to pathways or natural passes and

routes, soil availability, etc. In examining the location

of the known sites in the study area, a correlation was

found between their location and relatively favourable

conditions for human movement. That is, and as shown

above, the sites are located along the river which permits

and facilitates rapid movement downstream, and along the

valleys which provide relatively favourable conditions for

overland routes in an upstream direction. In addition,

the largest and most important sites in terms of

ceremonial architecture are those which are located at key

points in terms of the natural landscape for the control

of entrance into the study area, as well as movement

through the area. In summary, according to this proposal

movement was the key factor in cultural terms, and natural

landscape features facilitated this movement. In

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addition, two polities emanated from the two major sites,

and a political border existed between them. Sites were

established in relation to this border, and the cultural

landscape emerges. This proposal can be tested by field


Three key factors can be examined in order to test

this proposal. First, if the movement downstream took

place in relationship to a different set of settlements

than movement upstream, then the presence and quantities

of artefacts recovered from the sites in the study area

should be different according to their location on a

downstream or an upstream overland route. Second, if the

boundary between the two polities existed and the sites

along the boundary had different affiliations, some

further indication and confirmation of this, and its

evolution through time, should be available in the

material evidence from the various sites. Third, the

proposed importance of Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan in

terms of control over movements into, as well as through,

the Usumacinta River Basin, should be evidenced in the

archaeological materials and iconographic references to

these two sites. Present archaeological work being

undertaken at El Cayo will permit the initial testing of

these hypotheses.

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The material provided in this thesis on the natural

and cultural landscapes of the Upper Usumacinta River

Basin is basic to further archaeological work in the

region. It provides crucial comparative material for

understanding the Classic Maya Period in this region

relative to the developments in other areas of the

southern Maya lowlands. However, this is but a first step

in attaining a complete grasp of the natural and cultural

landscapes of the area. Further fieldwork in landscape

archaeology will provide materials to augment, complement

and refine the information provided here. In particular,

the material presented here provides the context for the

development of well-founded hypotheses regarding the

Classic Maya use, modification and conceptualization of

the landscape. Building on the information collected and

analyzed in this document, the archaeologist can "single

out" specific themes for research, such as the

relationship between soils, agricultural potential and the

location of sites, and attempt to understand them in the

regional context.

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1982, FLIGHT NO.643, 1:40,000
1976, SPECIAL FLIGHT, SCALE 1:20,000

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DETENAL 1974 ZONA 29, 1:70,000


IMAGE 422, JULY 8-30 1978

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