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No : 2007-ENAM-0017

École doctorale n°432 : Science de Métiers de l’Ingénieur

Pour obtenir le grade de

l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers
l’Université de Sciences et Technologie AGH de Cracovie
Spécialité : Mécanique et Matériaux
Présentée et soutenue publiquement

Sebastian Wroński
le 29 septembre 2007 à Cracovie

Etude des micro-contraintes dans les matériaux texturés

hétérogènes par diffraction et modèles de comportement

Direction de thèse:

Andrzej KOŁODZIEJCZYK, Professeur, AGH, UST, Cracovie..........…... Président
Paul LIPIŃSKI, Professeur, ENIM, Metz................................................…. Rapporteur
Henryk FIGIEL, Professeur, AGH, UST, Cracovie...................................... Rapporteur
Jan BONARSKI, MIMI, dr hab. PAN, Cracovie.......................................... Rapporteur
Alain LODINI, Professeur, LACM, Université de Reims............................ Examinteur
Antoni PAJA, Professeur, AGH, UST, Cracovie.......................................... Examinteur
Janusz WOLNY, Professeur, AGH, UST, Cracovie..................................... Examinteur
Wiesława SIKORA, Professeur, AGH, UST, Cracovie................................ Examinteur

Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Matériaux (LIM) ENSAM, CER de Paris

Department of Condensed Matter Physics AGH, UST de Cracovie

L’ENSAM est un Grand Établissement dépendant du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, composé de huit centres :

First of all I would like to thank my supervisors: Prof. Krzysztof Wierzbanowski and
Dr Chedly Braham for their guidance and help. Thanks are also due to Dr Andrzej
Baczmański and Dr Jacek Tarasiuk for discussions and to all colleagues from the Group of
Condensed Matter Physics (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Sciences, AGH-UST,
Kraków, Poland) for help and friendly atmosphere.
I would like to express my thanks to Dr Wilfrid Seiler for careful planning and
assistance in carrying out many experiments using X-ray diffraction and to Dr Mirosław
Wróbel for preparing many samples.
I am grateful to Dr Michael Fitzpatrick for enabling my visits in the Open University,
Milton Keynnes, UK. I would also like to thank Dr Ed Oliver for his help during experiment
using neutron diffraction at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, ISIS, UK.
Finally, I would like to express my gratefulness for my family and especially Justyna
Wojno for her patience and support.
Etude des micro-contraintes dans les matériaux texturés hétérogènes par
diffraction et modèles de comportement

L’objectif de ce travail est le développement d’une méthodologie d’analyse des

contraintes utilisant des modèles théoriques pour décrire le comportement élasto-plastique
des matériaux polycristallins. L’étude vise d’abord l’interprétation de résultats expérimentaux
par des modèles de déformation qui décrivent la création des champs de contrainte dans les
matériaux polycristallins déformés. Une attention particulière est portée à l’explication des
phénomènes physiques à l’origine des contraintes résiduelles et à la prédiction de leur
évolution et de leur influence sur les propriétés du matériau.
Dans le premier chapitre, la méthode classique, dite des sin2ψ, d’analyse des
contraintes est présentée. Ensuite, la nouvelle méthode d’analyse, méthode de multi-
réflexions, basée sur les mesures de déformation en utilisant plusieurs réflexions hkl est
introduite. Dans cette méthode, tous les pics de diffraction sont analysés simultanément et la
distance interréticulaire dhkl est remplacée par une distance équivalente a. Aussi, sont
présentées les méthodes de calcul des constantes élastiques radiocristallographiques qui
jouent un rôle crucial dans la détermination des contraintes. La détermination de ces
constantes est indispensable pour l’interprétation des différents résultats expérimentaux. De
nouvelles méthodes de calculs des constantes élastiques radiocristallographiques utilisant le
modèle autocohérent ont été développées et testées. Une attention particulière a été portée au
calcul par ce nouveau modèle autocohérent dans le cas des couches superficielles (surface
libre). Dans ce modèle, le calcul des forces et contraintes normales à la surface est effectué
selon le modèle de Reuss et pour les deux autres directions, c’est le modèle auto-cohérent qui
est utilisé. Cette méthode de calcul est particulièrement adaptée au cas de la diffraction des
rayons X où seulement une couche superficielle du matériau est examinée (généralement de
quelques µm d’épaisseur).
Dans le chapitre suivant, deux modèles de déformation ont été développés et utilisés
pour déterminer l’évolution des contraintes et analyser les propriétés du matériau. Le premier
modèle (LF) est basé sur les formulations de Leffers (Lefers 1968) qui ont été reprises et
développées par Wierzbanowski (Wierzbanowski 1978, 1982). Le second est le modèle auto-
cohérent (SC) (Hutchinson 1964, Berveiller et Zaoui 1979). Dans ce travail, le calcul est
réalisé à partir de l’algotithme développé par Lipinski et Berveiller (Lipinski et Berveiller
1989). Dans cette approche, le tenseur de Green est utilisé pour décrire les interactions entre
les grains. Les grains du polycristal sont considérés comme des inclusions ellipsoïdales (en
3D) dans une matrice homogène. Ces deux modèles de déformation elasto-plastique (LW et
SC) sont des outils très utiles pour l’étude des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux
polycristallins. Ils permettent la prédiction des propriétés macroscopiques du matériau
(texture, courbes contrainte-déformation, surfaces d’écoulement plastique, densité des
dislocations, état final des contraintes résiduelles, etc.) à partir de ses caractéristiques
microsructurales (systèmes de glissement, loi d’écrouissage, texture initiale, état initial des
contraintes résiduelles, etc.) (Wierzbanowski 1978). Des résultats typiques: de texture,
écrouissage et énergie stockée, obtenus par ces modèles, ont été comparés aux résultats
Le chapitre 3 est consacré principalement à l’explication des origines physiques des
contraintes et de la prédiction de leur évolution, ainsi qu’à leur influence sur les propriétés du
matériau. Les contraintes internes sont classées en trois types selon l’échelle : contraintes
d’ordre I, II ou III. Une attention particulière est portée aux contraintes d’ordre I et II car ce
sont les seules qui sont déterminées à partir de la position des pics de diffraction. Les
modèles de déformation ont été utilisés pour l’analyse des contraintes à l’échelle des grains
(contraintes du second ordre). L’évaluation quantitative de ce type de contraintes ne peut pas
être effectuée directement par des mesures mais elle est possible grâce aux modèles. Les
matériaux multi-phasés ont été également étudiés. Pour ces matériaux, l’interprétation des
données expérimentales est plus complexe que celle du cas des matériaux monophasés en
raison de la nécessité de prendre en compte l’interaction entre les phases. C’est pourquoi, une
nouvelle méthode adaptée aux matériaux multi-phasés a été développée et appliquée au cas
des aciers inoxydables austéno-ferritiques (aciers Duplex). Les paramètres de déformation
plastique ( τ cph - scission critique résolu et Η ph
- paramètre d’écrouissage) de chacune des

phases ont pu être déterminés. Lors de la déformation plastique, l’évolution des contraintes
dans les phases et la création de contraintes d’incompatibilité de second ordre, sont observées
et l’influence de la texture cristallographique et de l’anisotropie élastique est étudiée. La
méthodologie développée et utilisée dans ce travail a, donc, permis de déterminer
quantitativement les contraintes du premier et du second ordre, pour chaque phase. Il a été
montré qu’une bonne corrélation entre les déformations déterminées expérimentalement et
les résultats théoriques, n’est obtenue que si l’influence des contraintes du second ordre est
prise en compte. Aussi, le meilleur lissage des courbes expérimentales est obtenu quand les
calculs intègrent les constantes d’élasticité anisotropiques et la texture réelle initiale de
Les méthodes de détermination des contraintes du premier et du second ordre, présentées au
troisième chapitre, sont employées pour l’étude des contraintes résiduelles dans des alliages
écrouis par laminage croisé (Chapitre 4). Le laminage croisé a été retenu pour ajouter une
symétrie de la texture cristallographique et, donc, de réduire l’anisotropie de la pièce
(comparé au laminage uniaxial). Les résultats sont présentés pour des séries d’éprouvettes en
acier et en alliage de cuivre. Dans le cas de l’alliage de cuivre, les résultats montrent de très
faibles niveaux de contraintes d’incompatibilité de second ordre qui peuvent être négligées.
Par contre, dans le cas de la ferrite, il faut en tenir compte car leur niveau s’avère important.
Les oscillations observées sur les courbes des sin2ψ peuvent être expliquées, dans ce cas,
principalement par la présence de contraintes du second ordre.
Enfin, au chapitre 5, une nouvelle méthode d’analyse des contraintes utilisant un
faisceau de rayons X avec un angle d’incidence faible et constant (méthode de diffraction en
incidence rasante GID-sin2ψ). Cette méthode présente l’avantage d’une profondeur de
pénétration des rayons X constante, contrairement à la méthode des sin2ψ classique qui
présente l’inconvénient d’une forte variation de la pénétration avec l’angle ψ. C’est pour
cette raison que la méthode classique des sin2ψ est mal adaptée pour l’étude des matériaux à
forts gradients de contraintes. Moyennant un choix optimisé des angles d’incidence et du type
de rayonnement, la nouvelle méthode s’avère efficace pour l’étude des matériaux à forts
gradients de contraintes, en permettant des mesures dans différentes couches proches de la
surface. L’incertitude des mesures a été évaluée et le rôle de l’absorption, de l’indice de
réfraction et des facteurs de Lorentz-polarisation et de diffusion atomique ont été étudiés.
A partir de mesures sur des poudres de référence, l’influence de chacun de ces paramètres a
été évaluée et prise en compte dans la détermination de la position des pics de diffraction.
Les analyses effectuées ont confirmé la faible influence de l’absorption et des facteurs de
Lorentz-polarisation et de diffusion atomique sur la contrainte déterminée. Par contre, ils ont
révélé un effet important de l’indice de réfraction, en particulier aux petits angles
d’incidence. Pour des angles d’incidence α≤100, les corrections sont importantes et modifient
les résultats des contraintes d’une manière significative (la correction peut atteindre 70 MPa
dans le cas de la poudre). Cet effet et, donc, la correction nécessaire décroît quand l’angle
d’incidence augmente.
Table of Contents

Summary..................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1 .................................................................................................... 5
Determining of stresses in polycrystalline materials........................................ 5
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................5
1.2. Measurements of macrostresses using diffraction method.........................................6
1.3. Diffraction elastic constants .....................................................................................13
1.4. Calculation of diffraction elastic constants ..............................................................15
1.4.1. Diffraction elastic constants for quasi-isotropic material..................................15
1.4.2. Diffraction elastic constants for anisotropic material (textured) .......................18
1.5. Multi-reflection method for stress determination.....................................................25

Chapter 2 .................................................................................................. 27
Deformation models for polycrystalline materials ......................................... 27
2.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................27
2.2. Mechanisms of plastic deformation..........................................................................28
2.3. Macroscopic description...........................................................................................29
2.4. Behaviour of a grain .................................................................................................31
2.4.1. Slip system.........................................................................................................31
2.4.2. Hardening of slip systems .................................................................................32
2.4.3. Grain deformation and lattice rotation...............................................................34
2.4.4. Mascroscopic deformation ...............................................................................35
2.5. Leffers-Wierzbanowski plastic deformation model (LW) .......................................35
2.6. Self-consistent model (SC).......................................................................................39
2.7. Calculations for hexagonal structure ........................................................................43
2.8. Results obtained with the models .............................................................................45
2.9. Conclusions ..............................................................................................................55
Chapter 3 .................................................................................................. 57
Residual stresses and elastoplastic behaviour of stainless duplex steel.......................... 57
3.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 57
3.2. Classification of stresses .......................................................................................... 58
3.3. Origin of stresses...................................................................................................... 60
3.4. Measurements of macrostresses using diffraction ................................................... 63
3.5. Multiphase materials ................................................................................................ 65
3.6. Calculation of the second order incompatibility stresses......................................... 67
3.7. Analysis of incompatibility stresses in single phase materials ................................ 68
3.8. Analysis of incompatibility stresses in multiphase materials .................................. 81
3.8.1. Material and experimental method ................................................................... 81
3.8.2. Modelling and experimental data...................................................................... 83
3.9. Conclusions.............................................................................................................. 98

Chapter 4 ................................................................................................ 101

Variation of residual stresses during cross-rolling........................................101
4.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 101
4.2. Residual stresses and texture in cross-rolled polycrystalline metals ..................... 101
4.2.1 Copper.................................................................................................................. 101
4.2.2. Low carbon steel ............................................................................................. 109
4.3. Conclusions............................................................................................................ 117

Chapter 5 ................................................................................................ 119

Grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction geometry used for stress
5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 119
5.2. Classical and grazing incidence diffraction geometry for stress determination .... 120
5.3. Corrections in grazing incidence diffraction geometry.......................................... 125
5.3.1 Absorption Factor ............................................................................................ 126
5.3.2 Lorentz-Polarization Factor ............................................................................. 128
5.3.3. Structure factor................................................................................................ 129
5.3.4. Refraction factor ............................................................................................. 130
5.4. Experimental results............................................................................................... 133
5.5. Conclusions............................................................................................................ 144
General conclusions............................................................................... 145
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................... 147
Lorentz-Polarization Factor ................................................................. 147
List of author’s publication .................................................................. 152
Participation in conferences ................................................................. 153
References............................................................................................... 154

The aim of this work is to develop the methodology of stress measurement using
theoretical models describing elasto-plastic behaviour of polycrystalline materials. The main
purpose is to interpret experimental results on the basis of the self-consistent model which
describes the mechanisms of stress field generation in deformed polycrystalline materials.
Special attention has been paid to the explanation of the physical origins of stresses and to the
prediction of their evolution and influence on material properties.
In Chapter 1 the classical method of stress measurement called sin2ψ was described. The
new stress analysis – multi-reflection method - based on strain measurements using a few
reflections hkl is introduced (in this method all peaks are analysed simultaneously). Also the
methods of calculation of the diffraction elastic constants, which play a crucial role in the stress
analysis, were presented. The determination of these constants is essential in explanation of
many experimental results. New methods for the calculation of diffraction elastic constants using
the self-consistent model have been elaborated and tested. These methods were used for textured
In Chapter 2 two models (self-consistent and Leffers-Wierzbanowski models) were
presented. They enable the prediction of macroscopic material properties (e.g., texture, stress-
strain curves, plastic flow surfaces, dislocation density, final state of residual stress, etc.) basing
on the micro-structural characteristics (crystallography of slip systems, hardening law, initial
texture, initial residual stress state, etc.).
In Chapter 3 a special attention has been paid to the explanation of physical origins of the
stresses and to the prediction of the stress evolution and their influence on material properties.
The internal stresses were divided into three types in function of the scale. The deformation
models were used to analyse the stresses present in grains (the second order stresses). Quantitave
estimation of this kind of stresses is possible only by means of models; they cannot be measured
directly. Interpretation of experimental data for multiphase material is more complex than for a
single phase one, because it is necessary to consider interaction between phases. For this reason,
the new method of investigation of multiphase materials was developed and applied for duplex
stainless steel.

The methods of estimation of the first and the second order stresses which were presented
in the third chapter are used to study the residual stresses in materials after cross rolling (Chapter
4). The cross-rolling is applied in order to symmetrize the crystallographic texture and
consequently, to decrease the sample anisotropy. The results for series of copper and steel
samples are presented.
Finally, in Chapter 5 a new method of stress estimation using a constant and low incident
beam angle (grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction technique) was presented. In this method,
the penetration depth is almost constant on the contrary to classical method. For this reason, the
grazing incidence diffraction technique can be used to investigate materials with a significant
stress gradient. Measurement uncertainties in this method were considered; especially the
influence of absorption, Lorentz-polarization, atomic scattering factor and refractive index were

Chapter 1

Determining of stresses in polycrystalline


1.1. Introduction
The internal stresses are generated by applying external loads to the sample. They appear
after deformation of the material as a result of a change of the shape and volume. In most cases
the stress field is homogeneous and anisotropic. During plastic deformation the sample is
deformed irreversibly and stresses remain in the sample even if external forces are unloaded.
The stresses which can be found in unloaded samples are called the residual stresses. Residual
stresses affect the mechanical properties of materials and they are responsible for such processes
like fracture, cracks growth, fatigue, creep, recrystallisation and many others. However in some
cases the residual stresses improve selected properties of materials. For example the presence of
the compression stress field can improve endurance for cracking.
There are several techniques for determination of residual stresses, such as the destructive
mechanical methods (layers removal), the methods based on the measurements of material
properties affected by stresses (ultrasonic methods, measurement of Barkhausen magnetic noise,
Raman spectroscopy) and the diffraction method based on the measurement of strain of the
crystallographic lattice. The advantage of the diffraction method is its non-destructive character
and the possibility of macro and microstress analysis in multiphase and anisotropic materials.
This method is frequently used in industry, material science, electronics and biomaterial
technology. Because of high absorption of X-ray radiation this method can be applied to study
residual stresses to the depth of few µm below the surface of sample. In order to get deeper
penetration, synchrotron or neutron radiation has to be applied. The use of synchrotron or
neutron radiation enables to study stresses up to a few cm below the surface and sometimes in
the entire sample volume.
In the case of synchrotron or neutron radiation the sampling volume can be well defined
by special slits forming the incidence and the diffracted beams. In this way the measurement

from small selected parts of the sample can be done. The stress measurement is possible with
high spatial resolution (less than 20µm). In this work, the classical X-ray and the neutron
diffraction methods are used to study the stress fields in polycrystalline materials. The influence
of various types of stress on the results of a diffraction experiment is discussed.

1.2. Measurements of macrostresses using diffraction

When internal stresses are present in a material a systematic change of the lattice
parameter in each grain is observed. The interplanar spacing is described by Bragg’s law:

2d{hkl} sin θ = nλ (1.1)

The increase of interplanar spacing d{hkl} causes a decrease of θ angle. In typical cases the shift of
a peak is: 0,0010 - 0,10. It seems to be a small value, however a good fitting procedure of the
diffraction peak (using Gauss or Lorentz function) enables to observe and measure this effect.
The presence of internal stresses causes not only a shift of a diffraction peak ( ∆(2θ)= 2θ - 2θ0 )
but also a change of its intensity and width (this latter is expressed as FWHM, i.e., full width at
half maximum).

a. b.

Fig. 1.1. Diffraction on a stress free lattice (a) and on a deformed lattice (b). A range of
interplanar spacings in different diffracting crystallites is shown by dashed lines, while the
continuous line is used to mark the average distance between reflecting planes.

The lattice parameter can be determined using diffraction method. The measured value is the
average over the group of diffracting grains. This kind of average will be marked as <...>. Hence,
the Bragg law can be written as:

2 < d{hkl } > sin < θ{hkl} >= nλ (1.2)

An important condition concerning the sensitivity of the method can be derived from Bragg law.
A small change of interplanar spacing ( ∆ < d >{hkl } ) is related with a shift of the peak position
( ∆ < 2θ > {hkl } ) by equation:

 ∆ < d >{hkl } 
∆ < 2θ >{hkl} = −2  tg < θ >{hkl } = −2 < ε >{hkl} tg < θ >{hkl} (1.3)
 < d >{hkl} 

∆ < d >{hkl}
where: < ε >{hkl } =
< d >{hkl}
∆ < d >{hkl}
It is visible that for the same value of , bigger shift of ∆ < 2θ >{hkl} is observed for
higher 2θ scattering angle. For this reason usually the peaks with 2θ angle higher than 900 are
used for the stress measurement. In the case of diffraction peaks with 2θ smaller than 900 the
precision of measurement is generally not good enough (let us remark that the detector position
is usually set with the precision of 0,010). This is why the measurements for angles smaller than
900 are not reliable (Bojarski, 1995)

∆d{hkl}/d{hkl} = 0.001
∆2θ{hkl} [ o ]




40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

2θ{hkl} [ ]

Fig. 1.2. ∆2θ{hkl} vs. 2θ{hkl} for = 0.001 . It should be noticed that shift of the peak
211 for steel under pressure 200MPa equals 0,10 .

Let us describe now the measurement geometry. The experiment consists of the sample
rotation around the scattering vector Q for a fixed 2θ angle. Two types of the coordinate system
should be considered: sample system (X) and the measurement coordinate system (L). The
definition of these coordinate systems is presented in Fig. 1.3. L3 axis is parallel to the scattering
vector Q. During the measurement a sample is rotated and the position of the vector L3Q is
described by φ and ψ angles (Wolfstieg, 1976) (with respect to X coordinate system).

Fig. 1.3. Orientation of the scattering vector with respect to the sample system X. The ψ and
φ angles define the orientation of the L system ( L2 axis lies in the plane of the sample surface).
The laboratory system, L, defines the measurement of the interplanar spacings <d(ψ,φ)>{hkl}
along the L3 axis.

Fig. 1.4. Eulerian cradle used to change the relative sample orientation.

Bragg’s law enables to measure interplanar spacing d=d{hkl}. So for each orientation of vector
L3Q it is possible to measure interplanar spacing d(ψ,φ){hkl} for crystallographic planes {hkl}
perpendicular to the scattering vector Q. In all relations expressed in L coordinate system the
index (‘) will be used (e.g., the measured deformation along L3 axis is marked as ε 33 ' ). The
diffraction method enables to measure the mean interplanar spacing <d(ψ, φ)>{hkl}, averaged
over reflecting crystallites. The mean lattice strain <ε(ψ, φ)>{hkl} in L3 direction (Fig. 1.3) is
defined as:

< d (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} − d {hkl0 }
< ε 33 ' (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} = (1.4)
d {hkl0 }

The lattice strain ε 33 ' (ψ,φ){hkl} for a given grain can be calculated from Hook’s law:

ε 33 ' (ψ , φ ){hkl } = s33ij ' (ψ , φ )σ ij ' (1.5)

where ε' ij , σ' mn and s'ijmn are the elastic strain, stress and elastic compliance tensor of a grain. In
the above equation the convention of repeated index summation is applied (Einstein convention).
This convention will be used in the whole present work and it will concern always lower indices.

For a given orientation of the scattering vector (Q) and for a given Bragg’s angle (2θ) only those
crystallites diffract which have one of the {hkl} planes perpendicular to QL3 . This group of
crystallites is called diffracting group. Average measured deformation is:

< ε 33 ' (ψ , φ ) >{hkl} =< s33ij ' (ψ , φ )σ ij ' > (1.6)

It is next assumed that an effective tensor Sijkl’ exists for the diffracting group which simplifies
the above relation to:

< ε 33 ' (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} = S33ij ' (ψ ,φ )σ ijM ' (1.7)

where σ ijM is the average macroscopic stress, constant in a big part of a sample (i.e., in the
measurement volume).

Let us note that even if a sample has the quasi-isotropic symmetry (random texture), the
diffracting group has a lower symmetry. Orientation of the crystallites belonging to this group
can differ one from another by rotation γ around QL3Nhkl vector – Fig. 1.5. Consequently,
the average elastic matrix Smn for diffracting group has the same structure as a body with axial
symmetry. It is defined by five independent parameters and has a form (see e.g., Reid, 1974):

S'11 S'12 S'13 

S' 
 12 S'11 S'13 0 
S' S'13 S'33 
S mn ' =  13  (1.8)
 
 0 S' 44 
 S'66 

In the above equation the matrix notation (Smn) was used for tensor components (Sijkl). The rules
for the reduction of indices are following:

Tensor indices Reduced matrix indices

11 → 1
22 → 2
33 → 3 (1.9)
23, 32 → 4
13, 31 → 5
12, 21 → 6

e.g., the tensor component S1123 becomes the matrix component S14. In the present work the
elastic constant tensors will be used both in matrix and tensor convention, depending on the case
in order to simplify equations.
It is evident, that the symmetry axis for the assembly of diffracting grains is QL3.
Using the elastic constants matrix, equation 1.7 can be written as:

< ε 33 ' (ψ , φ ) > hkl = S31 'σ 11 '+ S32 'σ 22 '+ S33 'σ 33 ' (1.10)

On the right hand there are only three components, because S’34=S’35=S’36= 0 (see. Eq. 1.8).

Fig. 1.5. Definition of lattice rotation around the scattering vector L3=N{hkl} Q

Taking into account the structure of the S’mn matrix (Eq. 1.8), the above equation can be
rewritten as:

< ε 33 ' (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} = S13 'σ 11 '+ S13 'σ 22 '+ S33 'σ 33 ' (1.11)

Let us note that all quantities in the above equation are expressed in L coordinate system. Our
goal is to relate the measured deformation ε33’ (expressed in L coordinate system) in function of
stress components σij (expressed in X coordinate system). To transform stress tensor σ ij to L
coordinate system, the transformation matrix has to be defined. This matrix is (see Fig.1.3):

cos φ cosψ sin φ cosψ − sinψ 
aij =  − sin φ cos φ 0  (1.12)
 cos φ sinψ sin φ sinψ cosψ 

The transformation law for four stress rank tensors is:

σ ij ' = aik a jlσ kl (1.13)

According to the above, three needed components σii’ are:

σ 11M ' = σ 11M cos 2 φ cos 2 ψ +σ 22 M sin 2 φ cos 2 ψ + sin 2 ψσ 33 M + sin 2φ cos 2 ψσ 12 M
− cos φ sin 2ψσ 13 − sin φ sin 2ψσ 23

σ 22 M ' = σ 11M sin 2 φ +σ 22 M cos 2 φ − 2 cos φ sinψσ 12 M (1.14)

σ 33M ' = σ 11M cos 2 φ sin 2 ψ +σ 22 M sin 2 φ sin 2 ψ + cos 2 ψσ 33 M + sin 2φ sin 2 ψσ 12 M
+ cos φ sin 2ψσ 13 + sin φ sin 2ψσ 23

After substituting the stress components from Eq. 1.14 to Eq. 1.11 we obtain:

< ε 33 ' (ψ , φ ) >{hkl} = s2 (σ 11 cos 2 φ + σ 12 sin 2φ + σ 22 sin 2 φ ) sin 2 ψ +

+ s2σ 33 cos 2 ψ + s1 (σ 11 + σ 22 + σ 33 ) +
+ s2 (σ 13 cos φ + σ 23 sin φ ) sin 2ψ

s 2 = (S'33 −S'31 ), s1 = S'31 (1.16)

The quantities s1 and ½ s2 are so called diffraction elastic constants for a quasi-isotropic material.
Eq. 1.15 can be also expressed by interplanar spacings d{hkl} (see Eq. 1.4):

1 1
< d (ψ , φ ) >{hkl} =  s2 (σ 11 cos 2 φ + σ 12 sin 2φ + σ 22 sin 2 φ ) sin 2 ψ + s2σ 33 cos 2 ψ +

2 2
1  (1.17)
+ s1 (σ 11 + σ 22 + σ 33 ) + s2 (σ 13 cos φ + σ 23 sin φ ) sin 2ψ  d {hkl + d {hkl
M M M M M 0 0
} }
2 

Using obvious trigonometric identities the above equation can be converted to:

< d(ψ ,φ )>{hkl} =  s 2 [(σ 11 ) cos2 φ+(σ 22M − σ 33M )sin2 φ+σ 12M sin2φ ] sin2 ψ
1 M
− σ 33

+ s1 σ 11
+ σ M22 + σ 33
] 1
+ s 2 σ 33
+ s 2 [ (σ 13
cosφ + σ 23 M
sinφ ) sin2ψ ]d{0hkl} + d{0hkl}

An important simplification is obtained if one assumes a particular plane state of stress, which
occurs usually on the surface of rolled samples. In such the case:

σ 11M ≠ 0, σ 22 M ≠ 0, σ 33 M = σ 12 M = σ 13 M = σ 23 M = 0 (1.19)

The rolled samples have orthorhombic symmetry and for this reason only the main stress
components - σiiM - occur (symmetry axes are determined by the edges of the sample). Moreover,
the static equilibrium condition on the surface involves: σ33M=0. During X-ray diffraction
measurement only a thin layer of a material near the surface is examined. (see for example:
Noyan and Cohen, 1987; Dolle, 1979; Hauk, 1986; Brakman, 1987, Major et al., 1999;
Bochnowski et al., 2003) Consequently, the approximation of the plane state of stress is correct
in such the case. However, the assumption of σ33M=0 can not valid in the case of the neutron
diffraction technique, because due to very low absorption the neutron beam penetrates up to
several centimetres inside the sample. (Allen et al. 1981; Daymond and Priesmeyer, 2002;
Fitzpatrick and Lodini, 2003)
Assuming the approach of plane state of stress, Eq. 1.18 takes the form:

1 M 
< d (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} =  s2 (σ11 cos2 φ + σ 22 sin2 φ ) sin2ψ + s1(σ11 + σ 22 ) d {hkl + d {hkl
M M M 0 0
} (1.20)
2  }

We can conclude that in the case of a quasi-isotropic sample and plane stress state the linear
relation of <d(ψ,φ)>{hkl} versus sin2ψ occurs (for a fixed φ value) - Fig. 1.6.



<d>{420} [A]




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Fig. 1.6. The lattice parameter <d>{420} in function of sin2ψ for copper. The slope of the curve
equals ½ s2 σ11M when ϕ=0.

Information about stress components is contained in the slope of the curve (Eq. 1.20). For
example, if φ=00 we can determine the value of σ11M component from the slope of the diagram.
Similarly, if φ=900, it is possible to determine the stress components σ22M. Generally, to obtain a
good precision of determined stress components σ11M and σ22M, the experiment is repeated for
different ϕ angles and the least squares procedure is applied.
In the case of neutron or synchrotron diffraction Eq. 1.18. cannot be simplified. The both
techniques give the information from the whole sample volume and the assumption σ 33M = 0 is
no more valid. In general the value of d{hkl } is unknown, hence for orthorhombic and quasi-

isotropic sample the values of (σ 11 − σ 33 ) and (σ 11 − σ 22 ) instead of σ 11 and σ 22


1.3. Diffraction elastic constants

The important step in residual stress measurement is the determination of so called
diffraction elastic constants. A general definition of diffraction elastic constants is obtained from
Eq. 1.7:

< ε 33 ' (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} = Rij ' (ψ ,φ )σ ijM ' (1.21)


with :
Rij ' = S33ij ' (1.22)

RijM’ are macroscopic diffraction elastic constants and σijM’ is the macro-stress, i.e., the average
stress in a big macroscopic part of a material. They depend not only on ψ and φ angles but also
on diffracting plane {hkl}. These constants are essential for interpretation of the results of
residual stress measurement. The diffraction elastic constants can be calculated (Baczmański et
al., 1993) and also determined experimentally.

Combining Eq. 1.6: < ε 33 ' (ψ , φ ) >{hkl} =< s33ij ' (ψ , φ )σ ij ' > and Eq. 1.21 we can write:

Rij ' (ψ , φ )σ ijM ' =< s33ij ' (ψ , φ )σ ij ' > (1.23)

In general R’ij(ψ,φ) cannot be calculated in a direct way, because elastic interactions between
grains in polycrystalline sample are quite compliex. For these reason we use some simplifying
assumptions or models. Eq. 1.18 can be rewritten in terms of R33M’ and R11M’ (using Eqs. 1.16
and 1.22) as:

< d(ψ ,φ )>{hkl} = R33 '−R11 ' [(σ11
− σ33
) cos2φ+(σ22M − σ33M ) sin2φ+σ12M sin2φ ] sin2 ψ
+ R11 ' σ11+σ22
+σ33 ](
+ R33 '−R11 ' σ 33
) (
+ R33 '−R11 ' [ (σ 13
cosφ +σ 23
) }
sinφ) sin2ψ ] d{0hkl} + d{0hkl}

In general, the aim of experiment is to find residual stresses expressed in X coordinates system
(σij). Hence, it is convenient to establish the relation between (<ε33'(ψ,φ)>{hkl}) and σij (while
Eq. 1.21 contain stresses in L coordinate system). This aim is achieved by introducing modified
elastic diffraction constants Fij and instead of Eq. 1.21 we have:

< ε 33 ' (ψ , φ ) >{hkl} = Fij ( Rij ,ψ , φ )σ ijM


where σ ijM are the macrostresses expressed in X coordinate system. The FijM coefficients are not
tensor components because they relate the stress tensor σ ijM expressed in the sample coordinate
system X to the elastic strain < ε '33
g ( el )
>{hkl} defined along L3 axis of the L system. Using the
appropriate transformation of stress tensor (Eq. 1.13), the FijM diffraction elastic constants can be
calculated from Rij ones:

FijM ({hkl},ψ , φ ) = aki alj RklM ({hkl},ψ , φ ) (1.26)

For example:
F11M = R11M cos2 φ cos2ψ + R22M sin 2 φ + R33M cos2 φ sin 2ψ
− R12M sin 2φ cosψ + R13M cos2 φ sin 2ψ − R23M sin 2φ sinψ

It should be emphasised that the RijM constants, as noted in Eq. 1.21, depend on the
orientation of L system with respect to X one if the sample is textured. However, in the case of a
polycrystalline with random grain orientations (quasi-isotropic sample), the R'ij constants do not
vary with the φ and ψ angles because the sample is isotropic.

1.4. Calculation of diffraction elastic constants
As it was already mentioned, diffraction elastic constants are the main parameters used in the
analysis of residual stresses by diffraction method. In general it is not possible to find equation
expressing R’ij(ψ,φ) due to a complex character of elastic interactions. For this reason some
simplifying assumptions and models are used.

1.4.1. Diffraction elastic constants for quasi-isotropic

The quasi-isotropic polycrystalline material is defined as a material having isotropic
macroscopic properties in spite of the anisotropy of particular grains (Bunge, 1982). For a quasi-
isotopic material the following relation occurs:

R12M = R13M = R23M = 0 and R11M = R22M (1.28)

Consequently, only two independent diffraction elastic constants, i.e.: R11M = R22M and R33M exist.
These diffraction elastic constants are defined with respect to the L coordinates system and they
do not depend on its orientation characterized by the angles φ and ψ (Fig.1. 3).
For quasi-isotropic materials the s1 and s2 diffraction elastic constants are commonly used instead
of the more general RijM constants. In this case the following relations are fulfilled (compare Eq.
s1 = R11M = R22M and s2 = ( R33M − R11M ) (1.29)

Hence, the exemplary equation for F11 constant (Eq. 1.27) for quasi-isotropic material can be
simplified to:
F11 = s 1 + s 2 cos 2 φ sin 2ψ

The s1 and s2 constants can be also expressed by the Young's modulus (E') and Poisson's ratio
(ν ' ) defined for a group of diffracting grains, interacting with the surrounding matrix (E' and ν '
are expressed in L system, i.e., for example the Young's modulus is taken along L3 axis). The s1
and s2 constants are equal to:

ν′  1 +ν ′ 
s1 = − and s2 = 2  
E′  E′  (1.31)

1 R11M R22M
where: E ′ = and ν ′ = − = − .
R33M R33M R33M

We can conclude that for a quasi-isotropic polycrystalline material only two independent
diffraction elastic constants are defined (i.e., s1 and s2 or R11M = R22M and R33M ) with respect to L
system. These elastic constants depend on the single crystal constants, grain-matrix interaction
and hkl reflection, but they do not depend on φ and ψ angles. A linear relation of F11M versus
sin2ψ (for a fixed φ value) can be easily seen from Eq. 1.30.

In further considerations the effects of crystal anisotropy (existing also in a quasi-isotropic

sample) will be characterized by the factor Γ{hkl} (Dölle, 1979).:

Γ{hkl} =
(h k
2 2
+ h 2 l 2 + k 2l 2 )
(h 2
+k +l2
2 2 (1.32)

The Γ{hkl} factor depends only on Miller indices of reflecting planes and it varies in the range
(0,1/3). It has the minimum and the maximum for {100} and {111} crystal planes, respectively.
We will calculate now the diffraction elastic constants for a quasi-isotropic material using two
limiting models of elasticity.

Voigt model

In this approach (Voigt, 1928) the constant elastic deformation in each grain “g” is
assumed: ε 'ijg ( el ) = ε ' ijM ( el ) (Fig 1.9). It means that
g −1
< ε '33 >{hkl} = ε ' 33 = [c′ ] 33ij σ ' ij (1.33)
g ( el ) M ( el ) M

R ij
M (V )
= [c′ g ] 33ij (1.34)

where […] means the average over the volume sample.

Diffraction elastic constants s1V and ½ s2V for quasti-isotropic material with regular lattice are
(Noyan and Cohen, 1987):

S11 (2 S11 + S12 ) + S12 (S11 − 4 S12 ) − S 44 (S11 − 3S12 )

s1V,{hkl} =
2 S 44 + 6(S11 − S12 )

1 V 5S 44 (2S11 + S12 ) (1.35)

s2,{hkl } =
2 2 S 44 + 6(S11 − S12 )

Diffraction elastic constants in this model do not depend on reflecting plane indices {hkl} and on
the Γhkl factor.

Reuss model

In this case a constant stress is assumed in all grains: σ 'ijg ( er ) = σ 'ijM (Fig. 1.8); the superscript
“er” means: “elastic reaction” (of a grain). Elastic constants for the group of diffracting grains
can be expressed by single crystal compliance constants (Noyan and Cohen, 1987):

E{hkl} ' = (S11 − (2 S11 − 2S12 − S 44 )Γ{hkl} )

R −1

S12 + (S11 − S12 − 0.5S 44 )Γ{hkl}

ν R
'= −
S11 − 2(S11 − S12 − 0.5S 44 )Γ{hkl}
{ hkl }

After substitution of the above equation to Eq.1.31, anisotropic elastic constants are:

s1R,{hkl} = S12 + (S11 − S12 − 0.5S 44 )Γ{hkl}

s2,{hkl} = S11 − S12 − 3(S11 − S12 − 0.5S 44 )Γ{hkl }
1 R

In this case diffraction constants depend on the refelecting plane {hkl}. Diffraction elastic
constants for Reuss and Voigt models for ferrite and austenic steel are presented in Fig 1.7. They
were calculated using stiffness elastic tensor presented in Table 1.1. The compliance tensor
presented in equations is an inverse of the stiffness tensor.

Table 1.1. Single crystal elastic constants used for the calculation of diffraction elastic constants
(Simoms and Wang, 1971; Ceretti, 1993).

Material C11 C12 C44

[GPa] [GPa] [GPa]
Fe-austenite 197 122 124
Fe-ferrite 231 134.4 116.4
TiN 497 105 168
Cu 170 124 64.5
Al 106.8 60.4 28.3
SiC 350 140.4 233

12 14
{200} Fe-ferrite Fe-austenite
12 {200}
S1 and 1/2S2 [10-6MPa-1]

S1 and 1/2S2 [10-6MPa-1]

{310} 10 {420}
8 {110} and {211} {111}
8 {311} {220}
6 {222}
4 4 1/2S2 {311}
{222} 2
0 S1
0 S1
-4 -6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 1.7. The s1 and ½ s2 constants versus orientation factor 3Γ calculated from the single
crystal data using Reuss (solid line) and Voigt (dotted line) models.

1.4.2. Diffraction elastic constants for anisotropic material

In many cases we cannot assume isotropic interaction between grains, then we talk about
anisotropic material. Anisotropic interaction is a result of texture, anisotropic properties of the
grains and shapes of the grains. Because of sample anisotropy, the six independent elastic
constants RijM vary with orientation of the scattering vector. The values of FijM must be known
for each orientation of the scattering vector for which the interplanar spacings are measured. The
anisotropy of the sample can be observed as nonlinearities of the F11M versus sin2ψ plot. To
calculate diffraction elastic constants we have to use appropriate model of interactions between
grains. We will consider the following models:

Reuss model

In this approach the stress is assumed to be uniform across the sample (Barral et al.,
1987; Brakman, 1987; Reuss, 1929) for all polycrystalline grains, i.e., σ 'ijg ( er ) = σ 'ijM (Fig. 1.8).
The grain elastic strain in the L3 direction (Fig.1.3) can be written as:

ε '33
g ( el ) g
= s '33 ij σ 'ij
g ( er )
= s '33
ij σ 'ij
and < ε '33
g ( el )
>{hkl} = < s '33ij >{hkl} σ ' ij
g M

where s '33 ij are the single crystal compliances of a grain and all quantities are expressed in L


Fig. 1.8. Scheme of interaction between grains for Reuss model - homogeneous stress.

Consequently, using the Reuss model, the diffraction elastic constants can be calculated as the
average value of single crystal compliances:

2 π g 
∑  ∫ s '33ij ( g ) f( g )dγ 
{h k l }  0
M ( R) g ( h k l ) (1.39)
R ij = < s '33ij >{hkl} = 2π
 
∑  ∫ f( g )dγ 
{h k l }  0 ( h k l )

The integration is carried over all g orientations representing reflecting grains only (these
orientations are inter-related by the rotation γ around the scattering vector, see Fig. 1.5.
Moreover, the averaging over all equivalent {hkl} planes is done.

Voigt model

The uniform grain elastic strain is assumed to be equal to the elastic macro-strain value
ε' g ( el )
ij = ε ' ijM ( el ) in the Voigt model (Voigt 1928) - Fig. 1.9.

Fig. 1.9. Scheme of interaction between grains for Voigt model - homogeneous strain.

In this case the grain elastic strain in the L3 direction can be written as:

g −1
< ε' 33 >{hkl} = ε'33 {hkl} = ε' 33 = [c′ ]33ij σ' ij (1.40)
g ( el ) g ( el ) M ( el ) M

where c 'g is the single crystal stiffness tensor defined with respect to L frame. The average,
marked by […] , is calculated over the whole considered volume. Finally, the RijM(V) constants are
equal to:

M (V )
R ij = [c′ g ] 33ij (1.41)

The texture function f(g) is again used in the calculation of RijM(V) constants; however in this
model all grains from the studied volume contribute to the average:

∫ c'
g g
[c'ijkl ]= (g ) f( g )dg (1.42)
8π 2 ijkl

In the above equation the single crystal stiffnesses c 'ijkl (g ) (considered in L system) is integrated
over the whole orientation Euler space (E). Because the integration is over the whole Euler space
the elastic constants do not depend on {hkl} plane.

Self-consistent model

In the self-consistent model (Baczmański et al., 1997b and 2003c; Kröner 1961; Lipiński
and Berveiller 1989) a polycrystalline grain is considered as an ellipsoidal inclusion inside a
homogeneous continuous medium (Fig. 1.10).

Fig. 1.10. Scheme of interaction between grains for self-consistent model. Ellipsoidal inclusion
is embedded in a homogeneous medium.

According to this formalism, the elastic strain ε ' nm

g ( el )
(or stress σ ' nm
g ( er )
), in the g-th grain,
is related to the macrostrain ε ' kl (or macrostress σ ' kl ) by the concentration tensor A' g ( sc ) (or
M ( el ) M

B ' g ( sc ) ), i.e.:
ε ' nm
g ( el )
= A' mnkl
g ( sc )
ε 'klM ( el ) and σ 'nm
g ( er )
= B' mnkl
g ( sc )
σ ' klM (1.43)

where A' g ( sc ) and B ' g ( sc ) = c ' g A' g ( sc ) S ' eff are the strain and stress concentration tensors
calculated for a purely elastic interaction using the self-consistent method, S ' eff is the
macroscopic compliance tensor ( S ' eff will be described in Chapter 2) and c ' g is the grain
stiffness tensor expressed in L system.
Substituting the Hook's law in macro and micro scales ( ε ' ij = S ' ijkl
M ( el ) eff
σ ' klM and ε ' ijg ( el ) = s 'ijkl σ ' klg ( er ) )
in the above equations, the grain elastic strain can be related to the macro-stress, i.e.:

ε ' nm
g ( el )
= X '33 kl σ ' kl
g ( sc ) M

g ( sc ) g ( sc ) eff g ( sc ) g g ( sc )
where: X '33 kl = A ' 33 mn S' mnkl or X ' 33 kl = s' 33 mn B' mnkl .
Finally, the diffraction elastic constants Rij(sc) for a textured sample are defined as:

2π g ( sc ) 
∑  ∫ X '33ij ( g ) f( g )dγ 
{h k l }  0
M ( sc ) g ( sc ) ( h k l ) (1.45)
R ij = < X '33ij >{hkl } = 2π
 
∑  ∫ f( g )dγ 
{h k l }  0 ( h k l )

where the integration is carried over all g orientations representing reflecting grains.
For the calculation of the X 'g ( sc ) tensor, the macro-compliance tensor S ' eff for a polycrystalline
aggregate must be known. To do this, the self-consistent algorithm is applied for the elastic
range of deformation. For textured material the macroscopic stiffness tensor can be written as:

C 'ijkl = ∫ c'ijmn
g g ( sc )
A'mnkl (g ) f (g ) dg (1.46)

The macroscopic stiffness tensor C 'eff , as well as the strain concentration tensor A' g ( sc ) can be
calculated using the self-consistent scheme described in Chapter 2 and assuming the ellipsoidal
shape of inclusion, representing a polycrystalline grain.

Self-consistent model for free surface conditions

In this part the idea of directional dependence of grain interaction is proposed for any
symmetry of the textured sample. To do this, the influence of a free surface (grains on the
surface can freely deform in normal direction) and of the shape of grains is considered. (Van
Leeuwen et al., 1999, Welzel et al., 2003) In general, the deformed grains are elongated and flat
(for example, after cold rolling). Moreover, in X-ray diffraction the information volume of the
sample is defined by absorption, causing unequal contribution of different crystallites to the
intensity of the measured peak (the surface grains participate more effectively in diffraction than
the grains which are deeper in the sample (see Fig 1.11). The following scheme for flat and
elongated grains in the near surface volume (Fig. 1.12) is proposed: the forces and stresses
normal to the surface propagate similarly as in the Reuss model, while a two dimensional elastic
coupling between grains occurs in the plane parallel to the sample surface (it is calculated by the
self-consistent model).

Fig. 1.11. Scheme of interaction between grains for self-consistent free-surface. Ellipsoidal
inclusion is placed near the surface of the homogeneous medium.

Similarly as in Eq. 1.43, the grain stresses σ ijg (er ) are related to the macrostress by the
concentration B g ( sc− fs ) tensor, (see chapter 2.6) i.e.,:
σ ijg ( er ) = Bijkl
g ( sc − fs )
σ klM (1.47)

where B g ( sc −fs) = c g A g ( sc ) Seff tensor must be calculated for inclusion in the surface volume of the
sample and all quantities are expressed in X system (see Fig. 1.11).

Fig.1.12. Scheme of interaction between elongated and flat grains in the near surface volume for
cold rolled sample, i.e., Reuss model in x3 direction and self-consistent model in the plane (x2,
x3). The sample axes are defined by: RD - rolling direction, TD - transverse direction and ND -
normal direction. The orientation and the main axis of ellipsoidal inclusion are defined.

g ( sc − fs )
The main difficulty is to calculate the Bijkl , which differs from that defined for inclusion
completely embedded in the material. To realize the conditions of flat grains with a free surface,
a special construction of stress concentration tensor is proposed, i.e.:

g ( sc − fs )
I ijkl for i = 3 or j = 3 ⇒ as in Reuss model
Bijkl =  g ( sc ) (1.48)
Bijkl for i ≠ 3 and j ≠ 3 ⇒ as in self − consistent bulk model

where I is the identity tensor, and B g (sc ) is the concentration tensor calculated for inclusion
completely embedded in the material.

Using Eqs. 1.47 and 1.48, the planar components of grain stress
( σ ijg (er ) for i ≠ 3 and j ≠ 3 ) are calculated assuming the same interaction between grains as for
inclusion completely embedded in the material. However, the grain stress components in which
appear forces normal to the sample surface ( σ ijg (er ) for i = 3 or j = 3 ), are taken as equal to the
corresponding macrostresses ( σ ijM ). This means that elastic interaction between grains is
neglected in the direction normal to the surface.

To calculate diffraction elastic constants, the stress concentration tensor is transformed to

g ( sc − fs ) g ( sc − fs ) g ( sc − fs ) g ( sc − fs )
L system, i.e., B'ijkl = aim a jn ako alp Bmnop and X'33 kl
= s'33 mn B' mnkl tensor components are
computed. Finally, R ijM ( sc − fs ) diffraction elastic constants are equal to (cf., Eq. 1.45):

2π g ( sc − fs ) 
∑  ∫ X '33ij
{h k l }  0
( g ) f( g )dγ 
M ( sc − fs ) g ( sc − fs ) ( h k l )
R ij = < X '33 kl >{hkl } = 2π (1.49)
 
∑  ∫ f( g )dγ 
{h k l }  0 ( h k l )

Experimental verification

Each of the models described above is based on different assumptions and consequently
the calculated diffraction elastic constants are different. The calculated elastic constants FijM (see
Eq. 1.26) which are expressed by the RijM, can be verified experimentally. In the first step, the
measurement of < d Σ = 0 (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} in the non-loaded sample is done; the residual strain
< ε (ψ ,φ ) >{reshkl} present in a material is:
< d Σ = 0 (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} − d{0hkl}
< ε (ψ ,φ ) >{reshkl} = (1.50)

Next, the interplanar spacings < d Σ (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} for the same sample but under unaxial stress Σ 11
(applied along the rolling direction) are measured. Due to the superposition of strains for purely
elastic deformation, the total lattice strain < ε (ψ ,φ ) >{tothkl} in the loaded sample is:
Σ 0
< d (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} - d {hkl}
< ε (ψ ,φ ) >{tothkl} = = < ε (ψ ,φ ) >{reshkl } + F11M (ψ ,φ ) Σ11 (1.51)
d {hkl}

where: F11M (ψ ,φ ) are the diffraction elastic constants for {hkl} reflection.
The value d{hkl } used in Eq. 1.51 can be approximated by the mean value of lattice spacings

measured at different directions of the scattering vector in the non-loaded sample. Finally, the
values of F11M (ψ ,φ ) can be experimentally determined for different orientations of the scattering

< ε Σ (ψ ,φ ) >{211}
F (ψ ,φ ) =

where < ε Σ (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl} =< ε (ψ ,φ ) >{tothkl} − < ε (ψ ,φ ) >{reshkl} and Σ 11 stress component is calculated
as the ratio of the applied force and the cross-section of the sample.

The results of the elastic constants calculations made by Baczmański (Baczmański,

Habilitation Thesis, 2005) are presented here. The cold rolled ferrite steel sample (reduction of
95%) was studied. The {110}, {100} and {211} pole figures have been determined and the
orientation distribution function was calculated. Next, the interplanar spacings {211} have been
measured using Cr X-ray radiation (λ=2.291 Å). The measurements were repeated for three
values of the applied stresses, i.e., Σ 11 = 200, 400 and 500 MPa. As shown in Fig. 1.13, the
determined diffraction elastic constants are almost the same for different values of applied stress
Σ 11 .

φ = 0ο φ = 30ο
F11 (10-6 MPa-1)


φ = 60ο φ =9 0ο
F11 (10-6 MPa-1)

sin2ψ sin2ψ


Σ11= 200 MPa
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 Σ11= 4000.4
0.2 MPa 0.6
sin2ψ sin 2ψ
Σ11= 500 MPa
Σ11= 200 MPa
self-cons. (free-surf., elips.)
Σ11= 400 MPa self-cons. (ellips.)
Σ11= 500 MPa Reuss
self-cons. (free-surf., elips.)

Fig.1.13. Experimental and theoretical F11M versus sin2ψ for cold rolled ferritic steel (reduction
of 95%). Single crystal elastic constants given in Table 1.1 and orientation distribution function
were used in calculations. (Baczmański, Habilitation Thesis, 2005)

The best agreement between experimental and calculated diffraction elastic constants was
obtained using the Reuss and self-consistent (free surface) models. Similar conclusions were
reported by other authors (for example, Hauk, 1986, Pintschovius et al. 1987) for plastically
deformed steels.

1.5. Multi-reflection method for stress determination

The standard sin2ψ method of stress determining is based on the measurement of

interplanar spacing for various directions of the scattering vector (Noyan and Cohen, 1987).
These directions are defined by φ and ψ angles (Fig. 1.3). In diffraction method, the mean
interplanar spacing <d(ψ,φ)>{hkl}, averaged for grains from the reflecting group (scattering
vector normal to the reflecting {hkl} planes), is measured. Using the standard X-ray diffraction
method, interplanar spacings are measured as a function of sin2ψ for constant hkl reflection and
φ angle. The measured interplanar spacings are expressed as (cf. Eq. 1.25):

< d(ψ ,φ )>{hkl} = [ FijM ( {hkl},ψ ,φ ) σ ijM ] d{0hkl} + d{0hkl} (1.53)

where: FijM ( {hkl},ψ , φ ) are anisotropic diffraction elastic constants.

In classical sin2ψ method the residual stresses are determined using a selected diffraction peak.
In the new method elaborated by Baczmański and Skrzypek (Skrzypek and Baczmański; 2001a
2001b) a few diffraction peaks are analysed simultaneously (multi-reflection method). In this
procedure, the equivalent lattice parameters <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl}:

< a (ψ ,φ ) > {hkl } =< d (ψ ,φ ) > {hkl } h 2 + k 2 + l 2 (1.54)

are calculated from the measured interplanar spacings for different hkl reflections and for various
orientations of the scattering vector characterized by the φ and ψ angles; (the above relation is
valid in the case of the cubic crystal symmetry). Consequently, the σ ijM residual macrostresses
are determined from the following formula:

< a(ψ , φ )>{hkl } = [ FijM ( {hkl},ψ , φ ) σ ijM ] a 0 + a 0 (1.55)

where the a 0 is the reference length equal to the lattice parameter for a stress free sample.
Due to transformation expressed by Eq. 1.54 only one a 0 value instead of many d{0hkl} values is
used when equivalent <a(ψ ,φ )>{hkl} parameters are fitted to the experimental points. The
reference length ( a 0 ) and macrostresses σ ijM can be found using the fitting procedure and
previously calculated FijM ( {hkl},ψ , φ ) constants. The main advantage of the multi-reflection
method is that experimental data obtained for various hkl reflections are treated simultaneously
and only one stress-free lattice parameter is to be determined.

Chapter 2

Deformation models for polycrystalline


2.1. Introduction

In order to perform correct interpretation of many experimental data it is necessary to

apply deformation models. Roughly, there are two types of deformation models: these using the
finite elements method and micro-macro crystallographic models. In the first case the material is
treated as a continuous medium and the crystalline character of grains was not taken into account.
The finite element method is suitable for the prediction of deformation of samples with complex
shapes subjected to various loads. On the other hand, the crystallographic deformation models are
better adapted to the study of the internal microstructure evolution of a polycrystalline material.
In this work crystallographic deformation models will be used. These models can predict
many parameters and characteristics which are essential for experimental data analysis, e.g.:
crystallographic texture, hardening curves (stress-strain curves), residual stresses, plastic flow
surfaces, dislocation density, stored energy and many others.
In the present chapter two elastoplastic deformation models will be discussed. The first
one - LW model - is based on original formulations due to Leffers (Lefers, 1968a 1968b) and on
further developments done by Wierzbanowski (Wierzbanowski, 1978, 1982, 1987). The second
one is the self-consistent (SC) model. The first applications of SC scheme were performed by
Hutchinson (Hutchinson, 1964a, 1964b) and Berveiller and Zaoui (Berveiller and Zaoui, 1979) in
the range of the small elasto-plastic strain. A more systematic and general approach, based on the
kinematic integral equation, was developed by Lipinski and Berveiller (Lipinski and Berveiller,
1989) and successfully applied for the three-dimensional representative volume element under
large deformation (Lipiński, 1993). In this chapter the SC model developed by A. Baczmański
(Baczmański et al. 1994a and 2004) will be presented. The results predicted by both models for
typical fcc, bcc and hcp structure will be discussed.

2.2. Mechanisms of plastic deformation

Contrary to the elastic deformation, which involves reversible atom displacements, the
plastic deformation undergoes by non-reversible mechanisms such as crystallographic slip or
(and) mechanical twinning. The both mechanisms are non-reversible, which means that after the
release of external forces some permanent deformation stays in the material. Both during the slip
and twinning, two parts of crystal (or grain) are sheared one with respect to another. The
crystallographic slip is schematically presented in Fig.2.1. Neighboring blocs of crystal are
relatively displaced. This movement (i.e. slip) occurs on a slip plane (hkl) and along a slip
direction [uvw]. Consequently, one defines a slip system [uvw](hkl) and also a family of
crystallographically equivalent slip systems <uvw>{hkl}. The slip phenomenon occurs due to a
movement of a huge number of dislocations on a slip plane. The dislocation movement, and
hence the slip itself, appears in relatively narrow volume of material, called the slip band (with an
average width h); on the other hand, displaced blocs of crystal (with an average width H) are
“inactive” in their volume (Fig. 2.1). The slip usually appears on planes for which the density of
atoms is the highest (due to the lowest energy necessary to shift atoms from one stable position to
another). The slip occurs if the shear stress acting in a slip system exceeds some critical value.

Fig. 2.1. Slip in a single crystal: blocs of a crystal of an average width H are relatively
displaced along the slip plane and slip direction. Regions of an average width h, where slip
intensively occurs – are called slip bands. Dislocation density is of a few orders of magnitude
higher inside slip bands than in other parts of a crystal. Typical ratio of H/h is between 103
and 104.

Mechanical twinning consists of the shearing movements of atomic planes, which leads to the
formation of a crystal region with a crystal lattice being a mirror image (with respect to the
boundary plane) of the original crystal – Fig. 2.2. This newly created crystal region is called twin.
Let us notice that during a twin formation, all subsequent atom layers of the twin are displaced
(by shear movement) with respect to neighboring ones. “Non-active blocs” do not exit in this case
and consequently the shear deformation is high. By activation of many slip (or twinning) systems
one can obtain any imposed deformation of a crystal. It can be shown that at least five
independent shear systems (slip or twinning) are necessary to produce an imposed deformation.
We will see later that besides deformation also crystal lattice rotation is induced by slip or

Fig. 2.2. A twin is created from an original crystal by shearing movements of consecutive
atomic layers. In analogy to slip, one defines the twinning direction and plane (the latter being
parallel to the boundary plane and is called habitus plane).

Among two described mechanisms of plastic deformation, generally the slip is dominating.
Twinning can appear in materials in which a number of independent slip systems in not sufficient
to produce an imposed deformation (e.g., in h.c.p. metals or in f.c.c. metals deformed in low
temperatures). However, if one considers f.c.c. or b.c.c. metals deformed in room temperature, it
is generally sufficient to take into account only slip phenomenon.

2.3. Macroscopic description

The aim of elastoplastic models is to describe processes occurring in polycrystalline

materials during deformation. In such models, the behaviour of a crystal grain inside the
polycrystalline material under applied stresses Σij is studied. The calculations are performed on
two different scales: the macro-scale, where the average elastic Eij(el ) and plastic Eij( pl )
macrostrains are defined, and the grain scale, in which the behaviour of each crystallite under
stresses σ ijg is analyzed (Fig 2.3).

Fig. 2.3. Elastoplastic deformation of a polycrystalline material under applied stress Σ ij .

The scheme of elastoplastic behaviour of a polycrystalline material during unaxial tensile test is
presented in Fig. 2.4, where two characteristic regions of deformation are indicated. The linear
part of Σ 11
vs. E 11 curve represents the elasticity described by average elastic constants tensors,

which relate the applied stresses ( Σ ij ) with the elastic strains of the sample ( E kl ). In this range
Hook law is used. In the elasto-plastic deformation range we use similar relations, but concerning
the stress and strain increments. Increments ∆Σ ij and ∆E kl are related by tangent moduli. They
can be calculated if active slip systems and corresponding glide shears are known in all grains. In
the elasto-plastic range tangent moduli change with deformation and their values have to be
calculated continuously.

Fig. 2.4. Σ 11
vs. E 11 curve for unaxial tensile test.

2.4. Behaviour of a grain

2.4.1. Slip system

To predict the plastic deformation on a grain scale it is necessary to study the modification
of grain parameters occurring during the slip and twinning phenomena. In the models used in this
work only the first one, i.e. the slip, is taken into account.
Slip is the elementary mechanism of plastic deformation. It occurs on a crystal plane (hkl)
and along a [uvw] direction (situated in this plane). The slip plane is defined by the unit vector n
(perpendicular to the plane), and slip direction – by the unit vector m. A slip system {m, n} is
usually denoted its crystal indices as: [uvw](hkl). It is very useful to introduce the reference frame
connected with the slip system: x1g=m, x3g=n (Fig. 2.5 and Fig 2.7). The resolved shear stress,
decisive for a slip system activation, is easily expressed in this coordinates system: τ = σ 13g . In a
similar way, the glide shear ∆γ produced by a single slip is characterized by only one non-zero
component ∆e13pl ( g ) = ∆γ of the plastic displacement gradient tensor ( ∆eijpl ( g ) ) (compare Figs. 2.5
and 2.6).

Fig. 2.5. Displacement of the material during a single slip. The first axis of the g system is
defined by m vector and the third axis – by n vector.

Fig. 2.6. Definition of the glide shear γ caused by a single slip ( ∆γ = ∆e13pl ( g ) ).

The condition for the slip occurrence is:

τ = τ cr (2.1)

i.e., the resolved shear stress ( τ = σ 13g ) has to exceed a critical value τ cr (Schmid law). The
resolved shear stress τ = σ 13g on the slip system {m, n} is calculated as:

τ = σ 13g = a1i a 3 j σ ij = mi n j σ ij (2.2)

where σ ij is the local stress tensor expressed in the sample reference frame - S (defined by main
symmetry axes of the sample - e.g., rolling, transverse and normal directions in the case of
rolling). In the above equation - and in the whole text of this thesis - the convention of summation
on repeated lower indices is applied (for upper indices we apply a classical summation symbol).
The coefficients aij define the transition from the system S to g. It is practical to define the
following quantity:
Rij = mi n j (2.3)

characterizing the orientation of g system with respect to S (Fig. 2.7.). Finally, shear stress τ on
the slip system can be expressed as:

τ = Rij σ ij (2.4)

Both coordinate systems S and g are schematically shown in Fig. 2.7.

Fig. 2.7. The coordinates systems of: sample (S) and slip (g)

2.4.2. Hardening of slip systems

The slip systems are hardened during deformation, which is reflected in the shape of the
stress-strain curve (Fig. 2.8a). In many cases the hardening can be described by linear approach.
Consequently a linear range is observed on the stress-strain curve. On the other hand, if one
considers a given slip system (“i”), its critical resolved shear stress for slip is linearly dependent
on a shear glide of any other active slip system (“j”) in a relatively wide range of deformation -
Fig. 2.8b. The physical reason of the hardening is an intensive multiplication of dislocations
during plastic deformation. The dislocations are necessary for crystal glide, but if they are in an

excessive number – they block each other and this leads to the increasing of critical stress for slip
(Franciosi, 1980).

a b
Fig. 2.8. Hardening curves: a) linear range of stress-strain curve, b) τcr versus γ according to
linear hardening.

Generally, a multiple slip is observed and in such the case the hardening of the system („i”)
depends on shear glides on all other active slip systems („j”):

∆τ cri = ∑ H ij ∆γ j

or also:
τ cri = τ 0 + ∑ H ij γ j

Hij is called the hardening matrix; obviously it is symmetrical. Both theoretical and experimental
study show that in the first approximation this matrix contains two types of terms: strong (h2) and
weak (h1) ones. Their ratio A=h2/h1 is called the hardening anisotropy coefficient. The terms
located on the matrix diagonal (weak terms) describe the self-hardening of slip systems. An
example of a strong term corresponds to a pair of slip systems with perpendicular system
directions. For the f.c.c. metals (twelve slip systems <110>{111}) the following hardening matrix
was found (Franciosi et al., 1980) :

1 1 1 1 A A 1 A A 1 A A
1 1 1 A 1 A A 1 A A 1 A

1 1 1 A A 1 A A 1 A A 1
 
1 A A 1 1 1 1 A A 1 A A
A 1 A 1 1 1 A 1 A A 1 A
 
A A 1 1 1 1 A A 1 A A 1
H = h1 
1 A A 1 A A 1 1 1 1 A A
 
A 1 A A 1 A 1 1 1 A 1 A
A A 1 A A 1 1 1 1 A A 1
 
1 A A 1 A A 1 A A 1 1 1
 
A 1 A A 1 A A 1 A 1 1 1
 A A 1 A A 1 A A 1 1 1 1 

2.4.3. Grain deformation and lattice rotation

Every elementary act of the slip causes the deformation ∆ε ijpl and the rotation ∆ω ijpl of a
grain. The lattice rotation is not only a result of the slip. After elementary act of slip the grain is
rotated (as a rigid body) - Fig. 2.9, but the lattice itself does not change the orientation. The
rotation of lattice is introduced by the orientation preservation of selected sample axes or planes.
In the case of tensile test (Fig. 2.9) it is the preservation of the tensile axis orientation.
Let us calculate the deformation and rotation ( ∆ε ijpl and ∆ω ijpl ), resulting from a glide on
one slip system with the shear glide ∆γ . In the slip system reference frame (g) the displacement
gradient tensor has only one non-zero component: ∆e13pl ( g ) = ∆γ . This tensor after transformation
to the sample reference frame (S) has the form: ∆eijpl = ai'1 a 'j 3 ∆e13pl ( g ) . Taking into account the
definition of S and g systems (Fig. 2.7) we see that: ai' 1 = mi and a 'j 3 = n j ( aij' define the
transformation from g do S, while aij – from S do g; obviously: aij = a 'ji ). Finally:
∆eijpl = mi n j ∆γ , or also:
∆eijpl = Rij ∆γ (2.8)

If a multiple slip is occurring, then:

∆eijpl = ∑ Rijs ∆γ s (2.9)


where s numbers all active slip systems.

Having ∆eijpl , one finds easily grain deformation and rotation: ∆ε ijpl and ∆ω ijpl (they are
symmetric and anti-symmetric parts of ∆eijpl , respectively):

∆ε ijpl = ∑ ( Rijs + R sji )∆γ s = ∑ R(sij ) ∆γ s (2.10)
2 s s

∆ω ijpl = ∑ ( Rij − R ji )∆γ = ∑ R )ij ( ∆γ
s s s s s
2 s s

1 s 1
where: R(sij ) = ( Rij + R sji ) and R )sij ( = ( Rijs − R sji ) . Let us underline that ∆ωijpl is a rigid
2 2
body grain rotation produced by slip. If there was not interaction between a grain and the matrix –
crystal lattice orientation would not change (see Fig. 2.9 a,b). However, in general a grain does
not rotate as a rigid body, because of the constraints imposed by the neighboring material and the
deformation device. As a consequence, some compensating rotation occurs ( ∆ω ijlatt ) and it
changes the grain lattice orientation:

∆ω ijlatt = −∆ω ijpl (2.12)

As it was stated above, in the tensile test of a single crystal (Fig. 2.9), the direction defined by a
tensile force has to be preserved. This condition imposes a compensating rotation of a crystal,
∆ω ijlatt , which causes the rotation of a lattice.

x x x

z z z

a) b) c)

Fig. 2.9. Tensile test of a crystal along z direction: a) before slip, b) after slip, c) after
fulfilment of the condition of z axis orientation preservation (parallel to applied force).

2.4.4. Mascroscopic deformation

The deformation of the sample is the average of grain deformations:

Eijpl =< ε ijpl >= ∑ ε ij V
pl ( I ) I (2.13)
V0 I

where VI is the volume of the I-th grain and V0 is the sample volume.

2.5. Leffers-Wierzbanowski plastic deformation model

The basic question, which has to be answered in any model, is: what is the relation
between macroscopic variables of the sample (Σij, Eij) and analogical microscopic ones (σij, εij) on
the level of a polycrystalline grain – Fig. 2.10. Unfortunately, generally it is not possible to find
the unknown quantities in an analytical way. This is the reason why we use models.

Fig. 2.10. Macroscopic load Σij is applied to a material and as a result a local stress σij is
induced on a grain level. The sample deformation is Eij, but a local grain deformation is εij.

It was shown by Hill (Hill, 1965) that a general relation between local and global variables could
be written in the form:
• • • •
σ ij = Σij + Lijkl ( E kl − ε kl )

where Lijkl* is an interaction tensor and dot means the time derivative. Let us repeat that in the
present work we use the convention of the summation on the repeated lower indices.
A strict calculation of Lijkl* tensor is not possible in general; hence some simplifying assumptions
have to be done. A considerable progress was done by so-called self-consistent models (a model
of this type will be described in the next chapter). Nevertheless, it was found that in many
interesting cases the assumption of the isotropic grain-matrix interaction leads to surprisingly
good predictions of material properties. In such the case the Lijkl* tensor is replaced by a scalar L:

• • • •
σ ij = Σij + L( E ij pl − ε ij pl ) (2.15)

where “pl” denotes the plastic part of total deformation.

The above equation can be rewritten in the incremental form, useful in model calculations:

∆σ ij = ∆Σij + L(∆Eij − ∆ε ij )
pl pl

Some of classical models can be reduced to Eq. 2.15 or 2.16 if L has a suitable value. For

Sachs model
L=0 leads to the Sachs model (Sachs, 1928). It is assumed in this model that no interactions
between grains appear and consequently a homogeneous stress state results: σ ij = Σ ij . This
model neglects sizes of grains and surface phenomena.

Taylor model
L→ ∞ leads to the Taylor model (Taylor, 1938). The basic assumption of the model is a
homogeneous plastic deformation of the sample: ε ijpl = E ijpl .
Kröner model
2( 7 − 5ν )
L= µ is obtained under the assumption of a purely elastic interaction between a grain
15( 1 − ν )
and the matrix (Kröner, 1961); in the above formula ν is the Poisson coefficient and µ is the shear
modulus. One finds L≅µ for typical value of ν≅0.3. In this model each grain is treated as a
spherical inclusion inside a homogenous, infinite continuous medium. This sphere is deformed
during interaction with neighboring material.
Lin model
L=2µ is obtained for Lin model (Lin, 1957), which is a generalized Taylor model. In this model
the basic assumption is that the total deformation is homogeneous: Eije + Eij = ε ije + ε ij (e
pl pl

denotes elastic deformation and pl – plastic one) and that elasticity is isotropic.
LW model (with compromise interaction)
L=αµ leads to a compromise description, very close to a real interaction (µ is the shear modulus
and α is called the elasto-plastic accommodation factor). This is isotropic model with elasto-
plastic interaction (Berveiller and Zaoui 1979, Wierzbanowski 1982, 1987). The estimated values
of α factor are in the range (0.1 – 0.001). This parameter takes into account a partial plastic
relaxation (by local slips near grain boundary region) of the interaction stresses between grains.
Consequently, realistic interaction stresses are taken into account; they are much lower than
purely elastic ones. For metals with low stacking energy (e.g., brass, silver) the estimated value of
α is close to 0.001, while for metals with high stacking energy (aluminium, copper) α is in the
range 0.01-0.1. The advantage of LW model is its flexibility in modelling the inter-granular
interactions. LW model describes in general very well the plastic deformation, while the elastic
part of the stress-strain curve can be only approximately taken into account.

Calculation mode using LW model

The initial orientation distribution of grains taken to model calculations is often random,
but a distribution according to a given initial texture can also be used. The model calculations are
continued till a preset final sample deformation. The calculations are done in incremental way
(each increment corresponds to an increase of external load) and in each increment all crystallites
are considered consecutively. At the beginning the external (applied) stress tensor amplitude has a
value close to that necessary for activation of the best oriented slip systems. Next, the applied
stress tensor is increased with an established step. The applied stress is transformed to slip system
coordinate frames (e.g., there are 12 slip systems for f.c.c. structure and 12, 24 or 48 for b.c.c.
one). If the resolved shear stress in a considered slip system exceeds the critical value – the slip
system becomes active (Schmid law). Hence, a series of consecutive slips on different systems
occurs, as long as the Schmid law is fulfilled. However, with progressing slip, the critical stress
values are increasing due to the hardening law. And finally, we find the situation when no more
slip systems can be activated. In such the moment the external stress tensor amplitude is increased
of a preset ∆Σ value. The calculations are continued in such a way until the final sample
deformation is obtained.

If we take an example of the tensile test (in z direction), the applied stress tensor can be presented

0 0 0 
Σ ij = Σ 0 0 0  (2.17)
0 0 1

where Σ is the stress tensor amplitude. In the k-th increment the applied stress tensor is:
Σ = Σ 0 + (k − 1)∆Σ .

The sequence of calculations in the first increment (k=1) is presented below:

Step 1:
- The initial local stress is: σ ij = Σ ij0 , where Σ ij0 is very close to fulfill the Schmid condition.:
τ = τ cr . We find “the most active” slip system: τ Ig − τ crIg = max (where I numbers grains and
g – slip systems),
- We attribute to this active slip system the elementary glide shear amplitude ∆γIg and we
calculate the resulting deformation and lattice rotation: ∆ε ijI and ∆ωijI (one of possibilities is
to take a constant value of glide shear for all active slip system, e.g., ∆γ =0.05),
The local stresses are modified according to equation: ∆σ ij = ∆Σij + L(∆Eij − ∆ε ij ) ,
I pl
I pl

Step 2:
- Another most active slip system is searched, taking into consideration local stress modified in
previous step,
- next the same calculations as in step1 are performed,

Following steps ... (we examine all slip systems in all grains)).
If no more slip systems can become active, the external load is increased, i.e., we start the second
increment (k=2) and we repeat the same operations as above,

And so on with next increments...

We stop the calculations if the calculated sample deformation has attained a preset final value.

2.6. Self-consistent model (SC)

The basic assumption of the used self-consistent model is the representation of an

individual grain as a three dimensional ellipsoidal inclusion embedded in an equivalent
homogeneous material.

Fig 2.11. Polycrystalline grain as an ellipsoidal inclusion

The basic problem in deformation models is to find a relation between local (σij, εij) and global
characteristics (Σij and Eij). This relation is less direct in SC model than in LW model. In the
following text we present the calculation mode used in the elasto-plastic SC model, based on the
scheme developed by Lipiński and Berveiller (Lipiński and Berveiller, 1989). In the elastic range
a general form of the Hook’s law is used:

Σ ij = Cijkl E kl and σ ijI = cijkl

ε klI (2.18)

where Cijkl and cijkl are stiffness tensors of the sample and the I-th grain, respectively, and E kl
and ε klI are corresponding deformation tensors. In the elasto-plastic deformation range we use
analogical relations, but concerning the stress and strain increments:

∆Σ ij = Lijkl ∆E kl and ∆σ ijI = lijkl

∆ε klI (2.19)

where Lijkl and lijkl are so called tangent moduli of the sample and the I-th grain. The tangent
modulus tensor of a grain, lijkl , can be calculated if its active slip systems and corresponding glide
shears are known. The sample tangent modulus, Lijkl , is obtained by appropriate averaging of
grain tangent moduli. If the elastic deformation range is considered then: Lijkl = Cijkl and
lijkl = cijkl
. The single crystal elastic properties are known in general and the sample elastic
properties can be calculated using some hypothesis concerning grain-grain interactions (e.g.,
Kröner 1961; Reuss, 1929; Voigt, 1928). In the elasto-plastic range tangent moduli change with
deformation and their values have to be continuously calculated. Some components of the Lijkl
tensor have a direct experimental interpretation. For example the (L-1)1111 component can be
determined from the stress-strain curve - Fig. 2.12.

Fig. 2.12. Determination of ( L−1 )1111 from the stress-strain curve.

Interaction between a grain and its environment

Interaction between a grain and the matrix can be directly calculated using the Eshelby theory
(Eshelby, 1957). However, in the present work the calculation scheme developed by Lipinski and
Berveiller (Lipiński and Berveiler, 1989) is used. According to Eq. 2.19, the local stress in the
elasto-plastic range is:
• • (2.20)
σ ij ( r ) = lijkl ε kl ( r )
where l ijkl ( r ) is the local tangent modulus tensor(„I” grain index is omitted here). This tensor
can be also written as:
l ijkl ( r ) = Lijkl + δ l ijkl ( r ) (2.21)
where δ l ijkl ( r ) is its variable part depending on the position in a material (let us note that it is
simply the difference between the local and global tangent moduli: δ l ijkl ( r ) = l ijkl ( r ) − Lijkl ).
Introducing the modified Green tensor, Γijkl (r-r’), the local deformation can be expressed as
(Lipiński and Berveiller, 1989; Baczmański, 2005):

• • •
ε ij( r )= E ij + ∫ Γ ijkl
( r − r' )δ l klmn ( r' ) ε mn( r' )dV ' (2.22)

The physical sense of the above equation is explained in Fig.2.13a: The local deformation in the
point r depends on deformation ε mn ( r' ) and δ l klmn ( r' ) tensors in any other point r’; these
quantities are linked by the Γijkl (r-r’) tensor.

r’ Γ(r-r’) r’
r r

a b

Fig. 2.13. a) Deformation in the point r depends on deformation in any other point r’ and is
described by the Green’s tensor, b) interaction between inclusions “I” and ”J “ is described by
TIJ tensor.

Deformation in the inclusion (grain) „I” can be expressed as (Lipiński and Berveiler, 1989):

• • N •
ε ijI = E ij + ∑ T IijklJ δ l klmn
ε mnJ (2.23)
J =1

where Tijkl tensor describes the interaction between inclusions „I” and „J” and N is the total
number of them. Let us note that the above relation is a correct discretized form of Eq. 2.22, if:

Tijkl = ∫ ∫Γ ( r − r' ) dVdV'

We assume that δ l klmn

and ε mn
are homogeneous inside each inclusion (grain). The interaction
between inclusions ”I” and “J” is schematically shown in Fig. 2.13b. We will see later that the
tensor Tijkl is a very important quantity, because it describes the interaction of the I-th inclusion
with its environment. This tensor is also used in one-site approach, which is applied in the present

Concentration tensors

In the self-consistent models the idea of scale transition theory is based on the hypothesis

of the existence of a concentration tensor Aijkl relating the macro-strain rate E kl with the grain
• •
strain rate ε ijI and another concentration tensor Bijkl
relating the macro-stress rate Σ kl with the

grain stress rate σ ijI (dot denotes the time derivative ). Consequently, we can write:

• I •
ε ij = Aijkl
E kl
• I •
σ ij = Bijkl
Σ kl

We will describe now separately the elastic and elasto-plastic ranges of deformation.

Elastic deformation range:

It can be shown (Baczmański, 2005) that using the Tijkl tensor (one-site approach) and the
Hooke’s law (Eq. 2.18) one obtains from Eq. 2.23 the concentration relation :

[( A I ) −1 ] ijkl = I ijkl − Tijmn

( c mnkl − C mnkl ) (2.27)
where I ijkl is the unit tensor. The macroscopic (sample) stiffness tensor, C ijkl , appearing in the
above equation is expressed as:

C ijkl = ∑ f I cijmn
A mnkl (2.28)
I =1
where f I is the volume share of the grain „I”.
If the Aijkl tensor is known for each grain, the stiffness tensor, Cijkl , can be calculated using above
equation. However, the solution of Eq. 2.27 is not direct, because to calculate the Aijkl tensor the
Cijkl tensor has to be known, while the Cijkl tensor is obtained from the Aijkl (Eq. 2.28). This is
the reason, why Aijkl and Cijkl tensors have to be calculated simultaneously, using an iterative
procedure. Once the Aijkl tensor is calculated, the second concentration tensor can be found using
the Hooke’s law:

Bijkl = cijmn
Amnop ( C −1 )opkl (2.29)

Elasto-plastic deformation range:

We obtain analogous results as above if Cijkl tensor is replaced by Lijkl and cijmn - by lijmn one.
Moreover, Eqs. 2.19 or their equivalent forms:

• • • I •I
Σ ij = Lijkl E kl and σ ij = lijkl
ε kl
have to be used instead of the Hooke’s law.

As a result, the concentration tensor is:

[( A I ) −1 ] ijkl = I ijkl − Tijmn

( l mnkl − Lmnkl ) (2.31)

with the sample tangent modulus tensor defined as:

L ijkl = ∑ f I l ijmn
A mnkl (2.32)
I =1

The concentration tensor for stress is:
Bijkl = lijmn
Amnop ( L−1 )opkl (2.33)

The Lijkl tensor can be calculated if the values of the tensor Aijkl are known for every grain I. In
turn, the concentration tensors are determined for the known Lijkl tensor. To solve this problem
the iteration procedure is used, i.e., starting from the initial value of the Lijkl tensor, the Aijkl
tensors are calculated and the new Lijkl tensor is determined from Eq. 2.32. The latter tensor is the
initial one for the next iteration. The procedure is completed when the calculated Lijkl tensor does
not change significantly after consecutive iterations.

2.7. Calculations for hexagonal structure

Many metals crystallize in hexagonal structure, hence our calculations were adapted for
this case. The elementary cell of a hexagonal system is defined by two vectors of equal length a1
and a2, forming 1200 one with another, and the third vector c perpendicular to them (Fig. 2.14). In
our calculations, however, an artificial orthogonal coordinate system for crystallographic cell was
used. Two versors of the new coordinate system (X2 and X3) are defined by the vectors of the
elementary cell (i.e., a2 and c ) - Fig. 2.14 - and X1 is perpendicular to them. The indices of a
plane and a direction in the hexagonal system are often referred to four axes (the fourth axis a3
lays in the basal plane and is inclined 1200 with respect to a1 and a2) and they are written as (hkil)
and [prst]. It can be shown that:

h + k = −i (2.34a)
p + r = −s (2.34b)

Fig. 2.14. Hexagonal elementary cell defined by {a1, a2, c} and orthogonal coordinates system
represented by { X1, X2, X3}.

Typical crystallographic planes in hexagonal structure are presented on Fig. 2.15.

− − −
a {1011} {1121} {112 2}

b {1010} c {00 01}

Fig 2.15. The main planes in hcp structure: (a) pyramidal planes (b) prismatic planes (c) basal

As it was mentioned, the artificial orthogonal coordinates system was used in our calculations.
Hence, it is necessary to transform plane and direction indices to this new reference frame (four
indices have to be reduced to three). This transformation can be found by simple geometrical
relations (Wierzbanowski, 1978):

for plane: (hkil )→ (h' k ' l ') =  2h + k , k , l , a 

 3 c
 
for direction: [ prst ]→ [u ' v' w'] =  3 ( p − s ),− 3 ( p + s ), t c 
 2 2 a

where: h’k’l’ are plane indices in new (orthogonal) coordinates system and u’v’w’ are new
direction indices; c and a – are lattice parameters of hexagonal cell. After this transformation - the
model calculations are done in an analogical way as for the cubic crystal structure.

2.8. Results obtained with the models

The models can be used for prediction of important material characteristics, e.g.:
- crystallographic texture
- hardening curves (e.g., stress-strain curves),
- residual stresses,
- plastic flow surfaces,
- dislocation density and stored energy,
- etc.

In this chapter the results obtained using LW and SC models for fcc, bcc and hcp
structures will be presented. Essentially, there are two types of rolling texture of fcc metals: the
copper type texture (e.g., in: Cu, Al, Ni) and brass texture (e.g., in: Cu-Zn, Ag). In general, the
copper type texture is observed in materials with high stacking fault energy, whereas brass type
texture - in materials with low stacking fault energy. The above classification can be still
modified, because the type of texture depends also on deformation rate and on temperature.
The rolling textures presented in this chapter were predicted by LW model (this model
gives very good results in the plastic deformation range; moreover, calculations are much faster
with LW model than with SC model). In each case a model sample was represented by 5000
grains having equal volumes and initial random crystal orientation distribution. Typical values of
model parameters (τo, τcr, H, L) were used (Table 2.1). Values of these parameters are close to the
experimental ones. It was found that for a weak grain-matrix interaction (situation close to Sachs
model) - the brass type texture is predicted, while for a strong interaction (close to Taylor model)
- the copper type one. Consequently, in the case of brass texture the interaction parameter L=100
MPa was assumed, while for copper one - L=800 MPa was used (value of L=µα depends on the
shear modulus µ but also on the grain-matrix interaction, which is described by the elasto-plastic
accommodation factor α). According to Leffers’ argumentation (Leffers, 1975), the cross slip is
observed near the boundary regions in metals with medium and high stacking fault energy (like in
copper). This leads to relatively homogeneous deformation of grains (Taylor model) and as a
result the copper type texture is formed.
To describe the deformation of ferritic steel, the typical slip systems for bcc structure:
<111>{110} an <111> {112} were used (sometimes also <111> {123} is reported). In bcc
metals, where many slip systems can operate, also rather homogeneous deformation occurs and
this situation was described by a strong interaction in the model (L=1000 MPa).

The results of texture prediction for fcc and bcc metals are shown in Fig. 2.15 - 2.17.

Table 2.1. The input parameters used for calculations

Structure Slip systems τ c0 - initial Hardening Grain elastic constants L

<direction>{plane} critical shear parameters E -Young modulus Interaction
(total number ) stress [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] parameter
ν - Poisson ratio [MPa]
<111> {110}
bcc <111> {112} 150 H = 80 E = 208 1000
<111> {123} A=1 ν = 0.29
(48 slip systems)
fcc <110> {111} 80 H=60 E = 122.5, ν = 0.34 800
(12 slip systems) A=1 (copper)
E = 110, ν = 0.3 100

Fig. 2.15. Measured (on the left) and predicted (on the right) ODFs of cold rolled brass ( φ 2
sections are shown). Rolling reduction is 70%.

Fig. 2.16. . Measured (on the leftt) and predicted (on the right) ODFs of cold rolled copper ( φ2
sections are shown). Rolling reduction is 70%.

Fig. 2.17. Measured (on the left) and predicted (on the right) ODFs of cold rolled ferritic steel
( φ 2 sections are shown). Rolling reduction is 80%.

The metals of hexagonal structure were also studied using LW model. In these metals besides of
the slip also the twinning is often observed. Nevertheless, taking into account only deformation
produced by slip we were able to predict the main texture features (Philippe, 1995) (however, in
future the introduction of twinning to the model is also foreseen). In hexagonal materials some
number of slip system families can be activated (their critical values τ cr have different values in
general). The data on τ cr , which can be found in literature, is not always consistent. Moreover,
these values strongly depend on purity of materials and conditions of deformation (Philippe,
1995). In Table 2.2 the c a ratio as well as the most important slip systems for typical hcp
materials (Be, Hf, Ti, Zr, Co, Mg, Zn and Cd) are listed. The textures of hexagonal metals and
alloys can be classified into three groups, according to their c/a ratios, namely: materials with c/a
ratio greater than, approximately equal to, and smaller than the theoretical value of 1.633. The
rolling textures for these three groups of hcp metals were measured using X-ray diffraction. The
examined materials were: magnesium ( c a =1.624), titanium ( c a =1.588) and zinc ( c a =1.856).
The measured textures were compared next with those predicted by LW model - Figs. 2.18 - 2.20.
The slip systems from Table 2.2 were used in calculations.

Table 2.2. Typical slip systems observed in selected hcp metals (Wang et al., 2003; Philippe,

Element c Deviation (%) Principal slip Secondary slip Other slip

a from the ideal system System System
c = 1.633
Cd 1.866 +15.5 − − − − −
< 112 0 > {0001} < 112 3 > {112 2} < 11 2 0 > {101 0}
− −
< 112 0 > {1011}
Zn 1.856 +13.6 − − − − −
< 112 0 > {0001} < 112 3 > {112 2} < 11 2 0 > {101 0}
Mg 1.624 -0.6 − − − − −
< 112 0 > {0001} < 11 2 0 > {101 0} < 112 0 > {1011}
− −
< 112 3 > {112 2}
Co 1.623 -0.6 − None None
< 112 0 > {0001}
Zr 1.593 -2.4 − − − − −
< 11 2 0 > {101 0} < 112 0 > {0001} < 112 0 > {1011}
− −
< 112 3 > {112 2}
Ti 1.588 -2.8 − − − − −
< 11 2 0 > {101 0} < 112 0 > {0001} < 112 0 > {1011}
− −
< 112 3 > {112 2}
Hf 1.581 -3.2 − − −
< 11 2 0 > {101 0} < 112 0 > {0001}
Be 1.568 -4.0 − − − − −
< 112 0 > {0001} < 11 2 0 > {101 0} < 112 0 > {1011}
− −
< 112 3 > {112 2}

Hcp metals and alloys with c/a ratio approximately equal to the theoretical value of 1.633, such as
Mg, tend to form basal fiber textures during rolling (Fig. 2.18). The origin of such textures may
be understood in terms of the slip systems operating in basal planes. Metals and alloys with c/a
ratios above the ideal one, such as Zn (1.856) and Cd (1.885), tend to exhibit textures with basal
poles tilted ±15–250 away from the normal direction towards the rolling direction. (Fig. 2.19.)
Finally, the metals and alloys, having c/a ratio smaller than 1.633 such as Zr (1.589) and Ti
(1.587), tend to form textures with basal poles tilted ±20–400 away from the normal direction

towards the transverse direction (Fig. 2.20). The basal < 112 0 > {0001} slip produces the basal
texture characteristic for Mg (c/a ≈ 1.633) – Fig.2.18. The combination of basal
− − − − −
< 112 0 > {0001} slip, pyramidal < 112 3 > {112 2} slip and prismatic < 11 2 0 > {101 0} slip
produces the characteristic textures with basal poles tilted away from the normal direction toward
the rolling direction for Zn (c/a > 1.633) – Fig. 2.19. Finally, the combination of prismatic
− − − −
< 11 2 0 > {101 0} slip and pyramidal < 112 0 > {1011} slip produces the characteristic textures with
basal poles tilted away from the normal direction toward the transverse direction for Ti (c/a <
1.633) – Fig. 2.20 (Gloaugen, 2001). All the predicted textures agree well with corresponding
experimental ones.


c. d.
Fig. 2.18. (001), (102) PFs and ODFs for polycrystalline magnesium rolled to 80% reduction:

a) experimental PFs, b) predicted PFs, c) experimental ODF, d) predicted OD. < 112 0 > {0001}
slip system was used for calculation.


c. d.
Fig. 2.19. (001), (100), (102) PFs and ODFs for polycrystalline zinc rolled to 35% reduction:
a) experimental PFs, b) predicted PFs,, c) experimental ODF, d) predicted ODF.
− − − − −
< 112 0 > {0001} < 112 3 > {112 2} < 11 2 0 > {101 0} slip systems were used for calculation.


c. d.
Fig. 2.20. (001), (100), (102) PFs and ODFs for polycrystalline titanium rolled to 70%
reduction: a) experimental PFs, b) predicted PFs, c) experimental ODF, d) predicted ODF.
− − − −
< 11 2 0 > {101 0} < 112 0 > {1011} slip systems were used for calculation.

The texture is not the only characteristics, which can be predicted by elasto-plastic
deformation models. Another one is, e.g., the stored energy, which plays a crucial role in
recrystallization process (Baczmański et al., 2007). One can distinguish two contributions to this
energy. The first one is the elastic energy (Eel), connected with residual stresses, i.e., with grain-
grain interactions. Another part of the stored energy (Edisl) is due to a huge increase of dislocation
density inside grains, which occurs during plastic deformation. Edisl is about one order of
magnitude higher than Eel, and, hence, is considered as the main driving force of recrystallization
(Piękoś, 2006). Its value can be approximated as:

E disl ≅ Gb 2 ρ (2.36)

where G is the shear modulus, b – Burgers vector of dislocations and ρ is the dislocation density
(Piękoś, 2006). This stored energy is decisive for kinetics of the recrystallization process. The
dislocation density ρ is proportional to <τcr2> and can be predicted by deformation models (τcr is
the critical shear stress for slip and the average <..> is done over all active slip systems in a given
grain). The exemplary prediction of Edisl by LW model is shown in Fig. 2.21 c. This distribution
is compared with ODFs of rolled and recrystallized steel samples (Fig. 2.21 a, b).

a. b. c.

d. e. f.
Fig. 2.21. Texture of low carbon steel and its relation to the stored energy. a, d) rolling texture, b,
e) recrystallization texture, c, f) stored energy predicted by model. For figs d, e and f only ϕ2=450
were presented.

It is visible (see section ϕ2=450) that during recrystallization the series of orientations called γ
fiber (horizontal one) is reinforced and, oppositely, the α fiber (vertical one) is reduced. On the
other hand, high values of the stored energy also appear in γ fiber. The observed texture change
can be explained by the fact that recrystallization nuclei appear preferentially in grains with high
stored energy, i.e. in γ fiber in this case. Consequently, we can conclude that the obtained stored
energy distribution explains qualitatively the main tendency of texture transformation during
The deformation model can predict also other properties of materials, for example
hardening curves. The predicted stress-strain curve for polycrystalline copper is compared with
the experimental one in Fig. 2.22.

a. b.


Σ11 [MPa]


50 experiment
0,000 0,005 0,010 0,015 0,020 0,025 0,030
E 11
Fig. 2.22. a) Initial texture of rolled copper (measured), b) texture of copper after tensile test in
transverse direction (predicted starting from initial one), c) predicted and experimental stress-
strain curves for tensile test. SC model was used for predictions.

The SC model was used in this case. Its main advantage is that it gives precise results also in
elastic range of deformation (LW model works very well only in plastic range). The agreement
between experimental and predicted stress-strain curve is perfect. The change of texture of the
studied copper sample during tensile test is also shown. The initial sample had a typical rolling
texture (Fig. 2.22 a) and after the tensile test the texture changed very strongly (Fig. 2.22b).

2.9. Conclusions

The presented models of elasto-plastic deformation (LW and SC) are useful tools for the
study of mechanical properties of polycrystalline materials. They enable prediction of
macroscopic material properties (e.g., texture, stress-strain curves, plastic flow surfaces,
dislocation density, final state of residual stress, etc.) basing on the micro-structural
characteristics (crystallography of slip systems, hardening law, initial texture, initial residual
stress state, etc.). Such the models are precious tools for technologists searching for optimal
material properties.
In the following chapters these models (SC and LW) will be applied for the prediction of
textures and analysis of residual stresses in polycrystalline one-phase and two-phase materials
(e.g., in austeno-ferritic steel). The LW model will be used for the study of material properties
after cross-rolling treatment.

Chapter 3

Residual stresses and elastoplastic behaviour

of stainless duplex steel

3.1. Introduction

In the first chapter the methods of determining stresses by means of diffraction method
were presented. The crucial problem in the stress analysis is the determination of diffraction
elastic constants. These constants are essential for interpretation of residual stress measurement.
They can be calculated by means of models (Reuss, Voigt, Kröner) and also determined
In this chapter the sources of stresses will be explained. In the present work the total
stress field is divided into three types in function of scale: first order stresses, second order
stresses and third order stresses. The first order stresses are defined as the average stresses over a
large volume of the sample. The second order stress is the difference between the grain stresses
and the first order stresses. The last type is the third order stress; this stress field is a result of the
heterogeneity within a single grain. As it is described in the first chapter, macroscopic stresses
are determined from the slope of sin2ψ graph. When the second ordered stresses are present in
the sample, the relation <d>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ becomes non-linear. The variation of the second order
stresses can be predicted by means of elasto-plastic deformation models and this is done in the
present chapter. The results of residual stress examination will be presented for single and multi-
phase materials.

3.2. Classification of stresses

Internal stresses can be generated by plastic deformation. The part of total stress field
which remains in material when external load is released is called the residual stress. It can arise
in a two-phase material (e.g., in a composite) due to different plastic flow of grains or due to
different thermal expansion coefficients of both phases. A polycrystalline material consists of
grains having different lattice orientations. Macroscopic material properties depend on single
grain properties, their lattice orientations and interactions between neighboring grains.
As it was mentioned, we divide the stresses into three types in function of scale (Fig. 3.1)
(Baczmanski et al., 1994b; Fitzpatrick, 1995; Meander et al., 1981; Bojarski 1970):


VA c)

Fig. 3.1. Definition of different types of stresses at various spatial scales of a polycrystalline
material. a) First order stresses, b) second order stresses, c) third order stresses.

The first order stresses σIij are defined as the average stresses over a large volume of the sample.
For a single phase material they are equal to the macrostress ( σ ijI = σ ijM ),

σ ijM = σ ij (r ) dV
VA V∫A (3.1)

where: σ ijM is the macrostress and VA is volume of the sample

In multiphase material different physical properties of individual phases lead to different stresses
in each phase. In order to separate those stresses it is convenient to introduce the phase
stresses σ ijph . They are defined as the average over the volume of grains from a given phase:

σ ijph = σ ij (r ) dV
V ph V∫ph

where σ ijph is the phase stress, Vph – volume of the phase.

There is an obvious relation between the phase stresses and the macro-stresses:

N ph
σ ijM = ∑ f phσ ijph (3.3)

V ph
where f ph
= is the volume fraction of the ph phase and Nph is the number of phases
In polycrystalline materials also the grain stresses ( σ ijg ) are interesting. The grain stresses

represent average stress values inside individual grains ( σ ijg = ∫ σ ij ( r )dV ). They are a result of

different plastic behaviour of crystallites having various lattice orientations with respect to the
sample. They can also arise due to the anisotropy of thermal expansion and elastic constants.
The second order stress is defined as a difference between the grain stress and the first order
stress. For a single phase material it is:

σ ijIIg = σ ijg − σ ijI (3.4)

where σ ijI = σ ijM for single phase and σ ijI = σ ijph for multiphase materials. The grain and the
second order stresses have constant values inside a given grain. The average of the second order
stress over the sample volume is zero.

The last type of stress is the third order stress: σ III(r). It results from the heterogeneity
within single grains. This heterogeneity is caused by vacancies, insertions, substitutions,
dislocations, sub-grain boundaries, etc. The third order stresses σ III(r) are defined as:

σ ijIII (r ) = σ ij (r ) − σ ijg (3.5)

Their average of over the volume of an individual grain is zero.

3.3. Origin of stresses

A polycrystalline material consists of a big amount of grains having different orientations.

Elastic deformation of each grain is determined by its elastic constants, which are generally
anisotropic. Consequently, we define grain stresses, σ ijg ( er ) , resulting from elastic responses.
They are a result of elastic responses of grains at the external load (macroscopic stresses). Using
linear elasticity, the elastic response grain stress, σ ijg ( er ) , can be related to the macrostress, i.e.:

σ ijg (er ) = Bijmn

σ mn

where Bijmn is the stress concentration tensor and the summing over repeated indices is applied.
The stress concentration tensor, Bijmn , is calculated for each grain using different models (Mura
1993; Lipiński and Berveiller, 1989; Clyne and Withers, 1993) (see chapter 2). In general,
the Bijmn tensor depends on the internal structure of the sample such as the elastic anisotropy of
grain and of the sample, elastic coupling between grains and the presence of different phases.
In a real material after mechanical and thermal treatment, the situation is slightly more
complicated, because there are other reasons for existence of residual stresses. One of them is
the anisotropy of thermal expansion coefficient. This effect is responsible for generation of
thermal origin stresses. Another important reason of residual stress appearance is the anisotropy
of plastic deformation. It is known that basic mechanism of plasticity is the slip on
crystallographic system. Moreover, in different grains (having different orientation), different
slip systems are activated. This leads to different plastic deformations in different grains. The
misfit (incompatibility) of plastic deformations between neighboring grains is the source of
additional stresses in material. They are incompatibility stresses, σ ijg (ic ) , remaining in a material
even if the external forces are removed, i.e., when σ mn
→ 0 . Finally the total grain stress is:

σ ijg = σ ijg (er ) + σ ijg (ic ) (3.7)

Using Eq.3.6 the above relation can be written as:

σ ijg = Bijmn
σ mn
+ σ ijg ( ic ) (3.8)

In a single phase polycrystalline material the second order incompatibility stresses are equal to
the grain stresses (see Fig. 3.2):

σ ijIIg (ic ) = σ ijg (ic ) (3.9)

if the external forces are absent, i.e., σ ijM = 0 (compare Eq. 3.4).

Introducing the same condition for multiphase material ( σ mn
= 0 ), the phase stresses and the
second order stresses are defined as (see Fig. 3.2):

N g , ph
σ ph ( ic )
ij = ∑f σ ijg ( ic )
g / ph

g (3.10)
σ ijIIg (ic ) = σ ijg (ic ) − σ ijph (ic )

where Ng,ph is the total number of orientations in a given phase (“ph”).

The mean value of incompatibility stresses calculated over the whole considered volume VA
(containing a large number of grains) equals zero. These stresses sum up to zero in the mixture
law defined by Eq.3.3, which takes the following form for incompatibility stresses:

N ph

σ ijph( ic ) = 0 (3.11)

Fig. 3.2. The first and the second order stresses induced by external loads or long-scale forces
for single phase (a) and two phase (b). Also, the third order stresses, σ III , characterizing local
stress fields around lattice imperfections are indicated.

The second order stresses are a result of (Baczmański, 2005)

• Plastic incompatibility stresses
• Thermal incompatibility stresses

Plastic incompatibility stresses are a result of anisotropic character of plastic

deformation. Origin of these stresses in material is explained in Fig. 3.3. Initial grains are
represented as spherical inclusions in a homogeneous matrix. After deformation and unloading of
the applied forces - different grains have different deformations, depending on their orientations.
Due to such misfit between grains, the second order stress ( σ ijIIg ( ic ) = σ ijg ( ic ) , see Eq. 3.9) and the
corresponding lattice strain arise, especially for strongly textured materials in which only a few
preferred grain orientations are present.

Fig. 3.3. Scheme of plastic behavior of two exemplary grains having various orientations of slip
systems with respect to the local stress σ.

Thermal incompatibility stresses arise due to different thermal expansion coefficients of

grains (Fig. 3.4). After thermal treatment the grain volume can significantly differ from those of
the average matrix, due to difference between thermal expansion coefficients of the phases in
multiphase material. If the expansion of grains belonging to particular phase is isotropic (for
example in cubic structure), the misfit of their volumes leads to hydrostatic phase stress (first
order stress). However, in some materials (e.g. in h.c.p. metals) the thermal expansion coefficient
of crystal is anisotropic. This causes an additional incompatibility of the grain shape with the
surrounding matrix after thermal treatment. Such the misfit generates the second order
incompatibility stresses ( σ ijIIg ( ic ) = σ ijg ( ic ) ), even in single phase materials.

Fig. 3.4. Scheme of thermal behaviour of two exemplary grains: a) having various
orientations and anisotropic coefficients of thermal expansion, b) belonging to different phases
with different coefficients of thermal expansion. The cooling process is presented (T1 > T2).

3.4. Measurements of macrostresses using diffraction

The standard methods of stress determination (Culitty, 1978; Noyan and Cohen, 1987)
are based on the measurement of interplanar spacing for various directions of the scattering
vector. This method was described in Chapter 1. The mean lattice strain <ε(ψ,φ)>{hkl} in L3
direction (Fig. 1.3) is defined as:

< d (ψ ,φ ) > {hkl} - d {hkl0 }

< ε (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} = (3.12)
d {hkl0 }

where: d{0hkl} - the interplanar spacings for the {hkl} planes in a stress-free material,
<d(ψ,φ)>{hkl} - the measured average interplanar spacings for the {hkl} planes,
<ε(ψ,φ)>{hkl} - lattice strain averaged over the volume of diffracting grains.
<…>{hkl} means the average for reflecting crystallites.
To relate the mean strain defined by the above equation to different types of stress, first the strain
and stress for a diffracting grain have to be considered. In the case of linear elasticity the
following relation can be written with respect to the L coordinate:

ε 'ijg ( el ) = s 'ijmn
σ ' mn

where ε 'ijg ( el ) , σ 'mn

g g
and s'ijmn are the elastic strain, stress and compliance for the grain g.
According to Eq. 3.8 the grain stress σ ijg is the superposition of the term depending on
the macrostress Bijkl σ klM and of the independent incompatibility stress σ ijg ( ic ) , i.e.:

σ ijg = Bijkl
σ klM + σ ijg (ic ) (3.14)

For a multiphase material the incompatibility stresses can be split into the phase ( σ ijph( ic ) ) and the
second order ( σ ijIIg (ic ) ) stresses (see Eq. 3.10), i.e.:

σ ijg = Bijkl
σ klM + σ ijph ( ic ) + σ ijIIg ( ic ) (3.15)

After transformation from X to L coordinate system the above equation takes the form:

σ 'ijg = B'ijmn
σ ' mn
+σ 'ijph ( ic ) +σ 'ijIIg ( ic ) (3.16)

where σ 'mn = ami anj σ ij for all types of stresses, B 'mnop

= ami anj aok a pl Bijkl and the transformation
matrix aij is expressed by φ and ψ angles, i.e.:

cos φ cosψ sin φ cosψ − sinψ 
γ ij =  − sin φ cos φ 0  (3.17)
 cos φ sinψ sin φ sinψ cosψ 

Substituting the grain stress given by Eq. 3.16 into Eq. 3.13, the elastic strain of a grain can be
expressed through:

ε 'ijg (el ) = s 'ijop

g g
( B'opmn σ ' mn
+σ 'op
ph ( ic )
+σ 'op
IIg ( ic )
) (3.18)

After calculation, the mean strain < ε (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} in L3 direction can be expressed by:

< ε (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} =< ε '33

g ( el )
>{hkl } =< s '33op B'opmn σ 'mn + s '33mn (σ 'mn +σ 'mn ) >{hkl} =
g g M g ph ( ic ) IIg ( ic )

=< s '33 op B 'opmn >{ hkl } σ ' mn + < s '33mn >{ hkl } σ 'mn + < s '33 mn σ 'mn >{hkl}
g g M g ph ( ic ) g IIg ( ic )

where the mean values <…>{hkl} are calculated over the group of diffracting grains and the first
order stresses σ ' Mmn and σ 'mn
ph ( ic )
are excluded from the averaging operation (these values are
independent of grain orientations).
Introducing the so-called diffraction elastic constants (Dolle, 1979; Barral, 1987; Brakman, 1987,
Senczyk, 1995; Baczmański et al., 1993, 1997, 1997b), i.e.,

Rmn ({hkl},ψ , φ ) =< s '33
op B 'opmn >{ hkl } and Rmn
g ph ( ic )
({hkl},ψ ,φ ) =< s '33
mn >{ hkl }

Eq. 3.19 can be rewritten as:

< ε (ψ , φ )>{hkl } = Rmn

({hkl},ψ ,φ ) σ ' mn
+ Rmn
ph ( ic )
({hkl},ψ , φ ) σ 'mn
ph ( ic )
+ < s '33mn σ 'mn
IIg ( ic )
>{hkl } (3.21)

Finally, the above equation can be expressed in a more practical form if all the stresses are
expressed in X coordinate system:

< ε (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} = Fmn

({hkl},ψ ,φ ) σ mn
+ Fmnph(ic) ({hkl},ψ ,φ )σ mn
ph( ic )
+ < a3m a3n smnij σ ijIIg (ic) >{hkl} (3.22)

where FijM ({hkl},ψ , φ ) = ami anj Rmn

({hkl},ψ , φ ) and Fijph (ic ) ({hkl},ψ , φ ) = ami anj Rmn
ph ( ic )
({hkl},ψ , φ )
are called the modified elastic constants. They join < ε (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} with the stresses σij expressed
in X coordinate system.

In a practical use of the multi-reflection method (see Chapter 1) the above equation is expressed

< a(ψ , φ ) >{hkl }= FmnM ({hkl},ψ , φ ) σ mn
+ Fmnph ( ic ) ({hkl},ψ , φ ) σ mn
ph ( ic )
< a3 m a3n smnijσ ijIIg ( ic ) >{hkl } a 0 + a 0

where < a(ψ , φ )>{hkl} is the equivalent lattice parameter.

Eq. 3.23 constitutes the general relation between the stress field (the third order stresses σ ijIIIg are
neglected) and strains which are determined using the diffraction method. As shown in Eq. 3.22,
different types of stresses are differently conjugated with the < ε (ψ ,φ )>{hkl} strain. Simple linear
relations occur for the mean stresses σ mn
and σ mn
ph (ic )
, which are multiplied by the diffraction
elastic constants FmnM ({hkl},ψ , φ ) and Fmnph (ic ) ({hkl},ψ , φ ) , respectively. The difference between
the diffraction elastic constants applied for the first order stresses and for the phase mean stresses
becomes significant if the phases exhibit various elastic properties. The stresses σ mn M
are imposed
at the boundary of the volume penetrated by the used radiation, thus they must be localized at the
diffracting grains using the concentration tensor B'ijkl g
(see Rmn M
({hkl},ψ , φ ) in Eq. 3.20). The
σ ijph(ic ) average incompatibility stresses do not depend on the values of the first order stresses and
they represent the mean values over the grains of the considered phase. The third term of Eq.
3.23 is important if the second order stresses are present. The latter case is the most complicated
one because the variation of the stresses between grains belonging to the same phase cannot be
found directly from the experiment. The analysis of the second order stresses is possible only if
the character of stress variation is known from a theoretical model. In the following chapter the
prediction of the second order stresses by means of deformation models will be presented.

3.5. Multiphase materials

As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, the residual plastic incompatibility

stresses can be created by anisotropy of the plastic flow of different grains having slip systems
oriented differently with respect to the local stress. After unloading of the external forces, the
grains do not fit to the surrounding matrix. This gives rise to the second order stresses ( σ ijIIg (ic ) )
and corresponding lattice strains, especially for strongly textured materials in which only a few
preferred orientations of grains are present. In the case of a two-phase material, the deformation
process is more complicated than in a single phase polycrystalline material, due to different
properties of the phases. Additional incompatibility of grains occurs, leading to different values
of mean phase stresses ( σ ijph (ic ) ).
Using the standard X-ray diffraction method, the lattice parameters are determined in
function of sin2ψ for each phase independently. Interpretation of experimental data for
multiphase materials is more complex than for a single phase material, because it is necessary to
consider interaction between phases. The multireflection analysis is based on Eq. 3.23, written in
a modified form for the ph1 and ph2 phases (Baczmański, 2005):

< a >{phhkl1 }= FmnM σ mn
+ Fmnph1( ic )σ mn
ph1( ic )
+ q ph1 < a3m a3n smnijσ ijIIg (ic ) >{phhkl1 } a 0, ph1 + a 0, ph1 (3.24a)

< a >{phhkl2} M
mn σ mn
+ Fmnph 2 (ic )σ mn
ph 2 ( ic )
+ q ph 2 < a3m a3n smnijσ ijIIg (ic ) >{phhkl2} }a 0 , ph 2
+ a 0, ph 2 (3.24b)

The incompatibility stresses sum up to zero in the mixture law defined by Eq. 3.11.

f σ mn
ph 1 ph 1( ic )
+f ph 2
σ mn
ph 2 ( ic )
=0 (3.25)

where f ph1 and f ph 2 are the volume fractions of the phases ph1 and ph2.
The unique solution of Eq. 3.24 can be found only when mixture law (Eq. 3.25) is taken into
account. The solution of these equations can be found by the least square method in which all
equations are used simultaneously in order to fit the theoretical < a(ψ ,φ ) >{phhkl } vs. sin2ψ curves
to experimental data for both phases. In turn, knowing the value of the macrostresses ( σ ijM ) and
the mean incompatibility stresses ( σ mn
ph 1( ic )
and σ mn
ph 2 ( ic )
), the phase stresses ( σ mn
ph 1
and σ mn
ph 2
) for
each phase can be found:

σ ijph1 = Bmnij
ph1 M
σ ij + σ mn
ph1(ic )
and σ ijph 2 = Bmnij σ ij + σ mn
ph 2 M ph 2 (ic )

ph 1 ph 2
where the mean stress concentration tensors Bijmn and Bijmn are calculated for ph1 and ph2
phases, respectively. According to Eq. 3.3, the first order macrostresses must fulfill the mixture
law, i.e.:

σ ijM = f ph1
σ ijph1 + f σ ijph 2
ph 2

Due to the weak penetration of X-ray radiation only the near-surface volume of the sample is
studied. Because no force perpendicular to the sample surface is present in the analyzed volume,
the σ 33M macrostress is equal to zero. However, in spite of zero value of σ 33M macrostress, a non-
zero σ 33ph ( ic ) phase incompatibility stress can be present in each phase of a multiphase material,
even in the near-surface volume penetrated by X-ray radiation. In such a case, the values of
( σ 11ph ( ic ) - σ 33ph ( ic ) ) and ( σ 22ph ( ic ) - σ 33ph ( ic ) ) can be found instead of σ 11ph ( ic ) and σ 22ph (ic ) (Baczmański et
al. 1997a). In the case of measurements performed inside a sample volume (e.g., neutron or
synchrotron radiation) the non-zero value of σ 33M stress can be also expected.

3.6. Calculation of the second order incompatibility

The plastic incompatibility stresses arise during plastic deformation as a result of

anisotropy of plastic flow of different grains. Plastic incompatibility stresses remain in material
even if external stress is unloaded (Σij→ 0). These stresses can be predicted by elastoplastic
deformation models. In the calculations, the sample is represented by a number of grains, having
an orientation distribution which reproduces the initial experimental texture. The model sample
is subjected to elasto-plastic deformation and next the external forces are unloaded. Finally, the
theoretical values of the second order plastic incompatibility stresses σ ijIIg (ic ) are calculated (the
bar denotes the model-predicted quantities). These stresses characterize the anisotropy of elasto-
plastic deformation and they are correlated with nonlinearity of the experimental < ε (ψ , φ )>{hkl}
versus sin2ψ plot. In a plastically deformed material, the lattice strains < ε (ψ , φ )>{hkl} can be
expressed as a superposition of strains induced by macrostresses and the second order
incompatibility stresses. For a single phase material, Eq. 3.22 can be simplified to:

< ε (ψ , φ )>{hkl } = FijM ({hkl},ψ , φ ) σ ijM + < a3 m a3n smnij σ ijIIg ( ic ) >{hkl } (3.28)

In comparison with Eq.3.22, the term σ ijph ( ic ) is absent, because according to equation 3.11 in a
single face material the average σ ijph(ic ) equals zero.
The σ ijIIg ( ic ) stress remains after unloading of the macrostresses and it can be calculated by the
self-consistent model ( σ ijIIg ( ic ) correspond to Σij→ 0 ). The anisotropy of the incompatibility
stresses can be correctly predicted by the model if the experimental texture is used as the input
data. However, the absolute values of the stresses depend on the hardening process occurring
during plastic deformation, which has generally a complicated character. Hence, to relate the
magnitude of theoretical incompatibility stresses to the real one, an unknown scaling factor q is
introduced. This factor does not depend on the grain orientation g and it rescales the amplitude
of the stress tensor, i.e. the second order incompatibility stress σ ijIIg (ic ) (g ) in the real sample is:

σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) = q σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) (3.29)

where q is the scaling parameter and σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) is the model predicted second order stress for a
grain with g orientation. Finally, the experimental lattice parameters < a(ψ ,φ )>{hkl} obtained
from the diffraction method can be expressed as (Wroński, 2006b):

< a(ψ ,φ )>{hkl } = [ FijM ( {hkl},ψ ,φ )σ ijM + q < a3m a3n smnijσ ijIIg (ic ) (g ) >{hkl } ] a o + a o (3.30)

where < a3m a3n smnij σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) >{hkl} is the model predicted strain caused by the plastic
incompatibility second order stress. This term, characterizing the nonlinearities of the sin2ψ plot

is adjusted to the experimental data. Only the amplitude of the theoretical function
< a3m a3n smnij σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) >{hkl} is rescaled by the q factor, while its dependence on the orientation of
the scattering vector (i.e., on φ and ψ angles) is given by the model. When the value of q
parameter is determined, the real values of the plastic incompatibility second order stresses
σ ijIIg (ic ) (g ) can be calculated for all grain orientations g using Eq.3.29. It should be noted that if
the determined value of q is near 1, the model predicts correctly the amplitude of the stress
tensor, but if q < 1 , the magnitude of theoretical stresses is overestimated. The latter case can be
explained due to stress relaxation or decreasing of the hardening process, which is not taken into
account in our calculations.
To show the level of the second order stresses for a statistical grain, the average equivalent
residual stress [ σ eqg ( ic ) ] is calculated:

[ σ eqIIg ( ic ) ] = σ IIg (ic ) (g ) f (g ) dg
2 ∫ eq (3.31)
8π E


σ eqIIg (ic )
{ } { } 2
=  (σ 11IIg ( ic ) − σ 22IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 11IIg ( ic ) − σ 33IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 22IIg (ic ) − σ 33IIg (ic ) ) 2 + 3 (σ 12IIg ( ic ) ) 2 + (σ 13IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 23IIg (ic ) ) 2 
2 

is the equivalent stress of a grain (with orientation g ) calculated according to von Mises formula
and the integral is calculated over the whole orientation space E using f (g ) texture function as
the weighting parameter.

3.7. Analysis of incompatibility stresses in single phase


In this paragraph the results for single phase materials will be presented. The multi-
reflection method was applied in order to estimate the second order stresses in cold rolled ferrite
steel (bcc structure; 95% reduction). The surface layer of about 200 µm was removed by
electropolishing and the crystallographic texture was determined from pole figures measured
using the Kα wavelength of Cr radiation. The orientation distribution function was calculated
from the pole figures {110}, {100} and {211} (Bunge, 1982). Experimental texture was compared
with the theoretical one predicted by the model (Fig. 3.5). The cold rolling process was simulated
using the self-consistent model. The polycrystalline sample was represented by 10000 random
grains and typical values of τc, H, A and elastic constant were used for calculations Table 3.1. (τc
and H parameters can be determined from the hardening curve).

Table 3.1. Parameters used for calculations for ferrite steel .

Parameters for self- Calculation with anisotropic Calculation with isotropic

consistent model elastic constant elastic constant
τc H A C11 C12 C44 Young modulus Poisson
[MPa] [MPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] ratio
240 90 1 231 134 116 196 0.3

a. b.
Fig. 3.5. Orientation distribution functions of cold rolled steel (80 % reduction):
(a) experimental texture, (b) texture predicted by SC model; φ2 sections are shown.

Good agreement between experimental and theoretical texture was obtained. This proves that
model works well. Before a proper experiment, the equipment alignment was checked with a
stress free powder sample. A small pseudo stress (10 MPa) was found, which confirms that the
equipment was correctly aligned. This value should be treated as a possible systematic error for
all measurements. Interplanar spacings for {211}, {200}, {110} planes were measured and
the < a (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl } vs. sin2ψ plots were determined for many directions (i.e., φ=00, 1800, 300,
2100, 900, 2700). This enabled the estimation of shear stress components. In order to calculate the
diffraction elastic constants, the Reuss, Voigt and SC (for interior and for surface) models were
used. The obtained results are presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Results of the fitting procedure for ferrite sample. Calculations were performed
taking into account plastic incompatibility stresses. The values of χ 2 parameter obtained
neglecting plastic incompatibility stresses are given in brackets.

Type of Type of Macrostresses [Mpa] Scaling Average Stress free χ2

model diffraction factor equival. lattice q≠0
elastic σ 11M σ 22M σ 1M2 σ 13M σ 23M q plast. param.
constants incomp. a 0 [Å] (χ2)
stress q=0
σ eqIIg (ic )
Reuss -52.6 -58.2 -2.6 2.6 -1.9 0.202 48.6 2.86636 5.1
±3.2 ±3.2 ±2.3 ±1.2 ±0.9 ±.01 ±2.2 ±0.00001 (13.2)
self-cons. -53.6 -60.3 -2.8 2.5 -2.4 0.19 47.7 2.86636 5.03
Self-cons. (free surf.) ±3.1 ±3.4 ±2.2 ±1.5 ±0.9 ±.01 ±2.2 ±0.00001 (13.1)
Aniso self-cons. -56.8 -67.0 -2.7 2.7 -2.6 0.23 56.1 2.86637 4.6
(interior) ±3.2 ±3.4 ±2.3 ±1.3 ±1.1 ±.01 ±2.0 ±0.00001 (15.9)
Voigt -57.8 -70.3 -2.8 2.8 -3.2 0.23 55.2 2.86638 4.96
±3.3 ±3.8 ± 2.7 ±1.3 ±1.3 ±.01 ±2.0 ±0.00001 (19.3)
Self-consistent -79.4 -77.8 -3.1 2.5 -3.5 0.22 74.7 2.86639 4.9
isotropic ±3.1 ±3.5 ±2.7 ±1.1 ±1.1 ±.01 ±2.2 ±0.00001 (19.3)
Lefers-Wierzbanowski -69.4 -66.8 0.7 1.3 -4.6 0.18 68.1 2.86639 4.67
±3.7 ±3.9 ±2.8 ±1.1 ±1.1 ±.05 ±2.2 ±0.00001 (11.2)

The lattice parameters for different hkl are presented in Fig. 3.6. The strong oscillation of the
< a (ψ ,φ ) >{hkl } in function of sin2ψ was observed due to the second order stresses. First, the
multi-reflection method was used with the assumption that the second order stresses σ ijIIg (ic ) are
absent (q=0 in Eq. 3.30); the results are presented by dashed lines in Fig. 3.6. In general, a poor
convergence between the theoretical plots and experimental points was found for such an
approach. Next, the procedure based on Eq. 3.30 was used and the value of q factor was
determined. In this case, a very good agreement between the fitted curves and measured lattice
parameters (continuous lines in Fig. 3.6) was obtained, because the nonlinearities caused by the
plastic incompatibility stresses ( σ ijIIg (ic ) ) were taken into account ( χ 2 parameter decreased about
3-4 times, see Table 3.2).
A slightly asymmetrical behaviour of the <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves was observed for the
orientations φ and φ + 1800, which was not explained by the shear macrostresses σ 13M , σ 23
by texture asymmetry. This effect, probably caused by a non-symmetrical sample preparation,
was not taken into account in the analysis of experimental data.

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2100 φ = 300



2.8655 {211} {211}


φ = 3000 φ = 1200 φ = 2700 φ = 900




{211} {211}

2.8675 φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2250 φ = 450

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}

2.8675 φ = 3000 φ = 1200 φ = 2700 φ = 900

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{110} [A]


{110} {110}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin 2ψ sin 2Ψ
Fig. 3.6. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting (continuous
lines for q ≠ 0 and dashed lines for q = 0) for cold rolled ferrite steel. The SC model for free
surface was used to calculate the diffraction elastic constants.

The <a(ψ ,φ )>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves calculated for different models are shown in Fig. 3.7. The
comparison of Reuss and Voigt models is presented in the left column, SC (interior) and SC (free
surface) - in the right column. It should be noticed that the results for different models are quite
similar and, consequently, the χ 2 is almost the same for all considered cases.

φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 180 0 φ = 00



2.8655 {211} {211}


φ = 300 0 φ = 120 0 φ = 300 0 φ = 120 0




2.8655 {211}

2.8675 φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 180 0 φ = 00

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}

2.8675 φ = 300 0 φ = 120 0 φ = 300 0 φ = 120 0

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}
φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 180 0 φ = 00
<a>{110} [A]


{110} {110}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin 2 ψ sin 2 ψ

Reuss m odel self-cons. (interior)

Voigt model self-cons. (free surf.)

Fig. 3.7. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting for cold rolled
ferrite steel. The comparison of different models used for the calculation of diffraction elastic
constants is done: the results corresponding to Reuss and Voigt models are shown in the left
column, while those corresponding to SC (interior) and SC (free surface) models - in the right

φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 210 0 φ = 300



2.8655 {211} {211}


φ = 300 0 φ = 120 0 φ = 2700 φ = 90 0




{211} {211}

2.8675 φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 225 0 φ = 450

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}

2.8675 φ = 300 0 φ = 1200 φ = 2700 φ = 90 0

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{110} [A]


{110} {110}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin 2 ψ sin 2 Ψ
Fig. 3.8. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting (continuous lines
for anisotropic elastic constant and dashed lines for isotropic elastic constants) for cold rolled
ferrite steel. The SC approach for free surface was used to calculate the diffraction elastic

The influence of elastic constants on the second order stresses was studied using the SC (self
consistent) model. Both anisotropic and isotropic elastic constants were used. The data used for
calculations are shown in Table 3.2. The results of SC model calculations with anisotropic or
isotropic elastic constants are presented in Fig 3.8. In the case of ferrite a good agreement of
experimental and predicted data is obtained both for isotropic and anisotropic elastic constants

(Wroński, 2004). However, different values of the second order stress level were predicted in the
two cases: 74 MPa for isotropic elastic constants and 48 MPa for anisotropic ones.
The LW (Lefers-Wierzbanowski) model is also often used for the interpretation of
experimental data. This model is based on isotropic interaction between grains. Hence, the
comparison between the SC (isotropic case) and LW models was done. The results are shown in
Table 3.2 and in Fig 3.9. Both models predict similar values of the second order stress level: 68
MPa (LW model) and 74 MPa (SC model -isotropic case) (Wroński, 2004; Wierzbanowski,
Wroński et al. 2005). It should be noted, however, that the SC isotropic model predicts higher
level of the second order stresses than the anisotropic one (Table 3.2).

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2100 φ = 300




2.8655 {211} {211}


φ = 3000 φ = 1200 φ = 2700 φ = 900




{211} {211}

2.8675 φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2250 φ = 450

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}

2.8675 φ = 3000 φ = 1200 φ = 2700 φ = 900

<a>{200} [A]

2.8655 {200} {200}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{110} [A]


{110} {110}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2ψ sin2Ψ
Fig. 3.9. Measured lattice parameters (points) for cold rolled ferrite steel and predicted results:
SC model (continuous lines) and LW model (dashed lines). Isotropic elastic constant were used.

The next examined sample was the 316L austenite steel (fcc structure). This sample was cold
rolled to the reduction of 50% and then stretched along the transverse direction (up to 20%). The
classical sin2ψ method was used. The ODF of the cold rolled sample was determined from
{111}, {100} and {220} poles figures (determined using Cr radiation) (Bunge 1982). The
determined ODF was compared with that predicted by SC model - Fig 3.10; the agreement is
very good. The tensile test was studied using this model. The polycrystalline sample was
represented by 10 000 grains and the cold rolling texture was the input data for calculations.
Typical values of τc, H, A and elastic constants were used for calculations (see Table 3.3).

Table 3.3. Parameters used in calculations for austenite steel.

Parameters for self- Calculation with anisotropic Calculation with isotropic

consistent model Elastic constant elastic constant
τc H A C11 C12 C44 Young modulus Poisson
[MPa] [MPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] ratio
120 200 1 198 125 122 196 0.3

a. b.
Fig. 3.10. ODF of cold rolled austenite steel 316L: (a) experimental texture, (b) texture
predicted by SC model. The φ2 sections are shown.

Before the proper experiment, the equipment alignment was checked with a stress free powder
sample. The small pseudo stress (12 MPa) was found, which confirmed a correct preparation of
the equipment. The interplanar spacings for planes {200}, {220}, {311} were measured. In order

to estimate shear stress components the experiment was repeated for many values of ϕ angle (i.e.,
φ = 00, 450, 900, 1800, 2250, 2700). The multi-reflection method based on Eq. 3.23 was used. The
diffraction elastic constants were calculated with Reuss, Voigt, SC (interior) and SC (free
surface) models. In the case of SC model the anisotropic and isotropic elastic constants were
used, while only isotropic case was considered in LW model. The results of calculation are listed
in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Results for 316L steel sample (errors correspond to uncertainties of the measured
peak positions). Calculations were performed with (q≠0) and without (q=0) taking into account
plastic incompatibility stresses. The values of χ 2 parameter in this second case are given in

Type of Type of Macrostresses [MPa] Scaling Average Stress free χ2

model diffraction factor equival. lattice q≠0
elastic σ 11M σ 22M σ 1M2 σ 13M σ 23M q plast. param.
constants incomp. a 0 [Å] (χ2)
stress q=0
[ σ eqIIg ( ic ) ]
Self- Reuss -84.8 -14.2 0.2 0.3 -1.2 0.46 53.1 3.59349 7.71
cons. ±4.4 ±5.2 ±4.4 ±1.6 ±1.6 ±.02 ±2.2 ±0.00002 (10.3)
Aniso self-cons. -90.5 -9.9 1.8 0.2 -1.2 0.49 57.4 3.59353 8.74
(free surf.) ±4.9 ±6.1 ±5.2 ±2 ±1.7 ±.02 ±2.2 ±0.00002 (11.6)
self-cons. -108.1 -19.2 2.3 0.5 -1.7 0.45 52.8 3.59356 8.51
(interior) ±6.1 ±6.9 ±6.1 ±2.3 ±2.3 ±.02 ±2.0 ±0.00002 (11.2)
Voigt -127.2 -23.6 4.6 0.8 -2.2 0.46 53.2 3.59363 9.72
±7.7 ±9 ± 8.4 ±3.1 ±2.8 ±.02 ±2.0 ±0.00001 (12.6)
Self-cons. -111.5 -28.6 -3.1 1.0 -2.0 0.31 57.1 3.59355 11.4
ISO ±7.3 ±7.9 ± 7.6 ±2.6 ±2.6 ±.03 ±2.0 ±0.00001 (12.6)
LW -111.1 -36.5 -8.8 1. -2.1 0.36 37.7 3.59357 10.78
±7.2 ±7.2 ± 7.2 ±2.6 ±2.6 ±.02 ±2.0 ±0.00001 (12.6)

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900



3.590 {200} {200}

3.598 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
φ = 2250 φ = 450 sin 2Ψ



3.590 {200}

3.595 φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900




3.592 {311} {311}

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

3.595 φ = 2250 φ = 450 2
sin Ψ




3.595 φ = 1800 {220} φ = 00




3.592 φ = 2700 {220} φ = 900

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2 ψ sin2 Ψ
Fig. 3.11. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting (continuous lines
for q ≠ 0 and dashed lines for q = 0) for 316L steel stretched in the tensile test. The multi-
reflection method was used. The SC model (free surface) was used to calculate the diffraction
elastic constants.

The theoretical plots are presented for two assumptions, i.e., when the plastic incompatibility
stresses are not assumed (dashed lines for q=0), and when the influence of σ ijg ( ic ) (g ) stresses is
taken into account and the q parameter is determined from Eq. 3.23 (continuous lines). As
presented in Fig. 3.11, the quality of fitting is definitely better when the plastic incompatibility
stresses are assumed (e.g., for SC free surface model: χ 2 =8.74 for q≠0, while χ 2 =11.6 for q=0).

The diffraction elastic constants were predicted by Reuss, Voigt, SC (interior) and SC (free
surface) models. The results of calculations with these elastic constants are presented in Fig.3.12
and in Table 3.4. As it is seen, the considered models predict correctly the oscillations of
<a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ graph. The second order stresses determined with all models have the
values about 53 MPa.

φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 180 0 φ = 00



3.590 {200} {200}

φ = 270 0 φ = 90 0 φ = 270 0 φ = 90 0



3.590 {200} {200}

3.595 φ = 180 0 {220} φ = 00 φ = 180 0 {220} φ = 00








3.592 φ = 270 0 {220} φ = 90 0 φ = 270 0 {220} φ = 90 0

3.595 φ = 180 0 φ = 00 φ = 180 0 φ = 00




3.592 {311} {311}

3.595 φ = 270 0 φ = 90 0 φ = 270 0 φ = 90 0



{311} {311}

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin 2 Ψ sin 2 Ψ

Reuss model self-cons. (interior)

Voigt model self-cons. (free surf.)

Fig. 3.12. Measured lattice parameters (points) and predicted results for cold rolled austenite
steel 316L. Different models were used for the calculation of diffraction elastic constants. Reuss
and Voigt models are compared in the left column, SC (interior) and SC (free surface) - in the
right column

The influence of isotropic and anisotropic elastic constants on the obtained results was also
checked for the 316L fcc steel - Fig 3.13. It should be noticed that, a worse convergence between
the theoretical plots and experimental points was found when isotropic elastic constants were
used in the case of austenitic phase. This effect can be easily observed for {220} planes. The χ2
parameter increases when isotropic elastic constants are used (Table 3.4).

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900



3.590 {200} {200}

3.598 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
φ = 2250 φ = 450 sin2Ψ



3.590 {200}

3.595 φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900




3.592 {311} {311}

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

3.595 φ = 2250 φ = 450 sin2Ψ




3.595 φ = 1800 {220} φ = 00




3.592 φ = 2700 {220} φ = 900

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2ψ sin2Ψ

Fig. 3.13. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting for the stretched
316L steel. Continuous lines are used for anisotropic elastic constant and dashed lines - for
isotropic elastic constants. SC model was applied.

Finally, the isotropic LW model was used for the calculations. The results are shown in Fig. 3.14
and in Table 3.4. It is visible that both LW model and SC model (with isotropic elastic constants)
give similar results. However, the agreement between calculated and experimental data is not
very good. We can conclude that models with isotropic interaction are not good enough to
predict precisely the second ordered stresses in fcc materials. This stays in contrast with bcc
ferrite phase, where the difference between use of isotropic and anisotropic elastic constant is not

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900



3.590 {200} {200}

3.595 φ = 1800 {220} φ = 00




3.592 φ = 2700 {220} φ = 900

3.595 φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900




3.592 {311} {311}

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2 Ψ sin 2Ψ
Self-consistent model (iso)
LW model

Fig. 3.14. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting (lines) for
austenitic 316L steel. Isotropic elastic constants were used in the frame of SC and LW model.

3.8. Analysis of incompatibility stresses in multiphase

3.8.1. Material and experimental method

In this paragraph the results for duplex steel will be presented. This work is the second
stage of the study started by Dakhlaoui (Dakhlaoui, Wroński, et al., 2006c) and it concerns the
stresses remaining in the duplex steel after elasto-plastic deformation, when the sample is
The studied material is the austeno-ferritic stainless steel, containing approximately 50% of each
phase (the ferrite phase is called α and austenite - γ). It was obtained by continuous casting and
then hot rolling down to 15 mm sheet thickness. A solution annealing heat treatment at 1050 0C
was given, followed by quenching in water in order to avoid the precipitation of secondary
phases. The chemical composition of the alloy are presented in Table 3.5. The characteristic
microstructure of the steel consists of austenitic islands elongated along the rolling direction
(RD) and embedded in a ferritic matrix (Fig. 3.15).

Table 3.5. Chemical composition (wt. %) of duplex steel

Material C Mn Cr Ni Mo Cu S N
X2 Cr Ni Mo 0.015 1.6 22.4 5.4 2.9 0.12 0.001 0.17
22.5.3 (UR45N)

Fig. 3.15. Microstructure of the studied duplex stainless steel for two different sections. The
main directions of rolling are indicated: RD, rolling direction; TD, transverse direction; ND,
normal direction.

Two cylindrical samples (8 mm diameter and 10 mm height, having axis aligned along transverse
direction - TD) were machined from those measured previously using neutron diffraction during
“in situ” tensile (14% of deformation) and compression (7% of deformation) tests. The third
cylindrical sample having similar dimensions was cut from as-received non-loaded material.
The ENGIN-X diffractometer at the ISIS spallation neutron source, CCLRC Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory (UK) (Dann, et al., 2003) was used to measure interplanar spacings
< d >{hkl} applying the sin ψ diffraction geometry (similar as usually for X-rays). The

orientations of the scattering vector with respect to the applied load and to the directions of

rolling are shown in Fig. 3.16. As it is described in paragraph 3.5, the neutron radiation enables
estimation of the values of ( σ 11ph(ic ) - σ 33ph (ic ) ), ( σ 22ph(ic ) - σ 33ph (ic ) ),( σ 11M - σ 33M ) and ( σ 22
- σ 33M ). The
configuration shown in Fig. 3.16a enabled the cylindrical sample to be rotated about an axis
perpendicular to the positioning table, in order to change the ψ angle in the range from 00 to 900
for negative and positive ψ angles. The measurements were performed for two positions of the
sample with respect to the table and the sin2ψ curves were determined for two different φ angles:
φ = 00 and φ = 900 (Figs. 1.3 and 3.16b).
Incident beam

(ri ng
Sc cto



or ri
at r (

ct tte
te Le

ve ca
rin ft

g )

Detector bank

bank (right)

Radial Radial
collimator collimator
ng r
di fo
oa is

Positioning table :
l l ax
na ile

Translation and rotation

tio ns

op Te



Fig. 3.16. Schematic of the ENGIN-X instrument with the sample subjected to the tensile (or
compressive) loading along TD, overhead view (a). Orientation of the scattering vector with
respect to the principal sample axes during tensile and compression tests (b). The main
directions of rolling are indicated: RD - rolling direction, TD - transverse and ND – normal
direction (the loads were applied along TD).

The detectors measure time-resolved spectra, each Bragg peak being produced by reflection from
a different family of {hkl} planes. The load axis was aligned horizontally at +450 to the incident
beam, allowing simultaneous measurement of lattice strains in directions both parallel and
perpendicular to the applied load. A boron carbide slit of dimensions 4 mm high, 4 mm wide was

used to define the incident beam. Radial collimators in front of each detector bank defined an
exit aperture of approximately 4 mm. The experiments were performed using the time-of-flight
diffraction method and the peak positions for many hkl reflections were determined
independently for both phases using the GSAS software package (Larson and Von Dreele, 1994).

3.8.2. Modelling and experimental data

The stresses in the studied samples were determined from the <a>{hkl} parameters
measured by TOF neutron diffraction for different hkl reflections (Oleś, 1998). Since a stress free
sample was unavailable as a reference ( a 0 , ph lattice parameters are unknown), hence only the
differences between main stresses components: ( σ 11ph(ic ) - σ 33ph(ic ) ), ( σ 22ph(ic ) - σ 33ph(ic ) ), ( σ 11M - σ 33M ) and
( σ 22
- σ 33M ) were found using the least square fitting based on Eqs. 3.24, 3.25.
The orientation distribution functions (Fig. 3.17), characterizing crystallographic textures, were
calculated from the experimental pole figures, which were measured using the neutron
diffraction method on the 6T1 diffractometer at the LLB, Saclay, France (Bunge, 1982). The
anisotropic single crystal elastic constants were used in the calculations (Table 3.6)

Austenite (γ) Ferrite (α)

Fig. 3.17. Orientation distribution functions (ODF) for both phases of duplex steel determined
by neutron diffraction. The φ 2 sections through Euler space are presented for austenitic and
ferritic phases. The sample axes are defined in Fig. 3.16b.

The SC model was used for interpretation of the experimental data. The calculations were carried
out for 20 000 spherical inclusions representing austenite (50%) and ferrite (50%) grains
embedded in a homogeneous matrix having properties averaged over all crystallites belonging to
both phases. Anisotropic single crystal elastic constants (Table 3.6) and experimental initial

stresses (see Table 3.7), equal for all grains within one phase, were assigned to the spherical
inclusions. Crystal lattice orientations of individual grains were defined according to the
orientation distribution functions of both phases (see Fig. 3.17). Two families of slip systems
(i.e., <111>{110} and <111>{211}) were assumed for the ferritic phase, whereas only one was
used for the austenitic phase (i.e., <110>{111}). The main goal is to find the effective model
parameters ( τ cph - critical resolved stress and Η ph - work hardening parameter) characterizing
both phases for which theoretical results agree with experimental data.
These parameters can be estimated from hardening curve and from lattice strains < ε 11Σ >{phh k l } vs.
applied external stress (Σ11). Figs 3.18, 3.19 and 3.20 show the influence of initial critical shear
stress and hardening parameter on the elastic strains and hardening curve.
The exemplary relation of < ε 11Σ >{phh k l } vs. applied external stress (Σ11) for duplex steel is shown in
Figs. 3.18 and 3.19. At the beginning (up to Σ11 ≈ 250 MPa) both phases are below the yield
point and only linear elastic deformation occurs. Because of similar elastic constants (Table 3.6)
the elastic response of ferrite is similar to austenite. After the yield point for the γ-phase
(Γ points at Σ11 ≈250 MPa – Fig. 3.18), austenite is deformed plastically, while ferrite remains
in the elastic range. Consequently, the created incompatibility stress leads to differences in lattice
strains measured for both phases. The distance between two functions increases till the second
characteristic point (Ω at Σ11 ≈ 450 MPa), where the lines start to approach each other. This point
(Ω in Fig. 3.18b) can be identified as the yield stress for α-phase and the opposite tendency of
the evolution of mismatch strain (and stress) means that the work hardening is higher in gamma
than in alpha phase. When the position of Γ and Ω is known it is possible to find the value of
τ cph for each phase.

0.0035 0.0035
α − exp α − exp 1
0.0030 0.0030 2
γ − exp. γ − exp. 3
0.0025 α − model 0.0025 α − model 3
γ − model 1 2 3 γ − model 2


0.0020 0.0020

Γ3 Ω

0.0015 3 0.0015

0.0010 Γ1 2 0.0010
0.0005 0.0005

0.0000 0.0000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Σ 11 (MPa) Σ 11 (MPa)
a b
Fig. 3.18. Influence of initial critical shear stress on the elastic strains measured "in situ" by
γ ,0 γ ,0
neutron diffraction. The theoretical results are presented for: a) τ eff =50 MPa (1), τ eff =80
γ ,0 α ,0 α ,0 α ,0
MPa (2) and τ eff =110 MPa (3); b) τ eff =230 MPa (1), τ eff =260 MPa (2) and τ eff =290 MPa

Another parameter, H ph , can be found from < ε 11Σ >{phh k l } vs. applied external stress Σ11 and from
hardening curves. The last part of sample deformation (i.e., over Σ11 ≈450 MPa in Figs. 3.19 and
3.20) shows the plastic behaviour of ferrite and austenite. In this range, the plots depend on the

α γ
relative hardening of both phases. From this range it is possible to estimate Η eff / Η eff ratio. Also
the slope of the hardening curve (Fig. 3.20) depends on the value of hardening parameter, but it
α γ α γ
depends on Η eff + Η eff and does not depend on the ratio Η eff / Η eff . By means of these two
graphs it is possible to estimate the values of hardening parameters of both phases. The influence
of work hardening on the elastic strains and on the hardening curve is presented in Figs. 3.19 and

α − exp 2
γ − exp. 3
0.0025 α − model 3
γ − model 2






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Σ11 (MPa)
Fig. 3.19. Influence of work hardening on the elastic strains measured "in situ" by neutron
α γ α γ
diffraction. The theoretical results are presented for: a) Η eff / H eff =1 (1), Η eff / H eff =0.35 (2)
α γ α γ
and Η eff / H eff =0.1 (3), while Η eff + H eff =270 MPa;

Fig. 3.20. Results of the mechanical tensile test (solid line) compared with model prediction
(dashed line). The deformation rate was stopped at the points corresponding to those for which
neutron diffraction experiment was performed. The theoretical results are presented for
α γ α γ α γ
Η eff + Η eff =120 MPa (1), Η eff + Η eff =270 MPa (2) and Η eff + Η eff =420 MPa (3), while
α γ
Η eff / Η eff = 0.35.

The final model parameters for which the theoretical curves are the closest to the experimental
data were found by Rim Dakhlaoui and the present author (Dakhlaoui, Wroński et al., 2006c and
Dakhlaoui,Wroński et al., 2007b) using SC model. The values of these parameters are given in

Table 3.6. They will be used in further calculations, performed in order to find the second order
stresses and to investigate the anisotropy of internal stresses. The obtained results are presented
in Fig. 3.21, 3.22 and 3.23.

Table 3.6. Elastoplastic parameters of both phases

single crystal elastic constants critical hardening

(matrix notation) [GPa] resolved shear parameter
phase stress H [MPa]
C11 C12 C44
τ c [MPa]

austenite 198 125 122 135 200

ferrite 231 134 116 215 120

Tension Compression

800 0
700 -100 Model
600 -200 Exp
Σ11 [MPa]
Σ11 [MPa]

500 -300
400 -400
300 -500
200 Model -600
100 Exp
0 -800
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0.00
E 11 E 11
a b
Fig. 3.21. Macro-mechanical curves Σ11 vs. E11 are compared to model predictions for (a) tensile
and (b) compressive tests. Initial crystallographic texture and initial residual stresses were used
in the model calculations. The load was applied along TD. The deformation rate was stopped at
the points corresponding to those for which neutron diffraction experiment was performed.

Ferrite Austenite
(110) model (111) model
0.006 (200) model 0.006 (200) model
(211) model (220) model
(110) exp. (311) model
(200) exp. (111) exp.
11 {hkl}

11 {hkl}
0.004 (211) exp. 0.004 (200) exp.
<ε >

(220) exp.

<ε >
(311) exp.

0.002 0.002

0.000 0.000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Σ11 [MPa] Σ11 [MPa]
0.004 0.004
(110) model (111) model
(200) model (200) model
0.003 0.003 (220) model
(211) model
(110) exp. (211) model
0.002 (200) exp. 0.002 (111) exp.
33 {hkl}
33 {hkl}

(211) exp. (200) exp.

(220) exp.
<ε >
<ε >

0.001 0.001 (211) exp.

0.000 0.000

-0.001 -0.001

-0.002 -0.002
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Σ11 [MPa] Σ11 [MPa]

Fig. 3.22. Elastic lattice strains < ε11 >{hkl} and < ε 33 >{hkl} , versus to the applied stress Σ11,
measured by neutron diffraction (TOF). Strains measured “in situ” for several hkl reflections in
both phases (points) are compared with SC model predictions (lines). Initial crystallographic
texture measured by X-ray diffraction (Fig. 3.17) was used in the model calculations. The initial
stresses (see Table 3.7) found in the sample were taken into account.

Ferrite Austenite
0.000 0.000

-0.002 -0.002

11 {hkl}
11 {hkl}

<ε >
<ε >

(111) model
-0.004 (110) model -0.004 (200) model
(200) model (220) model
(211) model (311) model
(110) exp. (111) exp.
-0.006 -0.006 (200) exp.
(200) exp. (220) exp.
(211) exp. (311) exp.

-800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0
Σ11 [MPa] Σ11 [MPa]
0.004 0.004
(110) model (111) model
(200) model (200) model
0.003 0.003 (220) model
(211) model
(311) model
(110) exp. (111) exp.
0.002 (200) exp. 0.002 (200) exp.
33 {hkl}

11 {hkl}

(211) exp. (220) exp.

<ε >

<ε >

0.001 0.001 (311) exp.

0.000 0.000

-0.001 -0.001

-0.002 -0.002
-800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0
Σ11 [MPa] Σ11 [MPa]

Fig. 3.23. Similar comparison of experimental data with model results as presented in the
preceding figure but for compression test.

We focus on the estimation of the second order stresses and on investigation of internal stress
anisotropy. In the case of the initial non-deformed sample a good fitting was obtained assuming q
parameter equal to zero (in Eqs. 3.24a, 3.24b and 3.25). Thus the influence of the second order
incompatibility stresses was not significant and the average stresses were determined (see Table
3.7 and Fig. 3.24). Contrary to the initial sample, the assumption of q=0 is not valid for the
deformed samples and, as the consequence, the fitted curves are far from the experimental values
(see dashed lines in Figs. 3.25 and 3.26 and χ2 in Table 3.7). Thus the influence of the second
order stresses has to be taken into account in the case of deformed samples. To do this, the
theoretical stresses σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) must be calculated by the elasto-plastic model. Using the
theoretically calculated σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) stresses, the least square fitting (based on Eqs. 3.24a 3.24b)
was applied for the samples after tensile and compressive tests. In both cases an excellent fitting
was obtained (χ2 was about 3-4 times smaller than in the case when q=0 was assumed (see Table
3.6 and continuous lines in Figs. 3.25 and 3.26) and the values of average stresses as well as of
the second order stresses were found. The fitting procedure was repeated using σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g )
stresses predicted for different degrees of deformation and the values of q parameter were
compared. In Table 3.7 the results obtained for q parameter close to 1 are presented (when q=1
the model second order stresses have the same magnitude as the experimental ones, see Eq.
3.29). It was found that theoretical stresses are almost equal to the experimental ones when the
model calculations are performed to about twice lower deformation than that applied for a real
sample. Using Eq. 3.29 and knowing the value of q parameter, the second order stresses
σ ijIIg (ic ) (g ) were determined for each grain orientation g (Fig. 3.27) (Wroński et al., 2006a
2006b). The average equivalent values [ σ eqg ( ic ) ] (see Eq. 3.31) are given in Table 3.7 for each
phase. Moreover, the total equivalent grain stress σ eqg (g ) (Eq. 3.15), calculated according to von
Mises formula from σ ijg , was found for each orientation g and presented in Euler space in Fig

Table 3.7. Residual stresses determined using fitting procedure based on Eqs. 3.24 and 3.25.
Relative values of χ2 are shown, i.e.: χ2/χ2initial (χ2initial concerns the initial sample); the values
obtained with assumption q = 0 are given in brackets.
macro- mean phase incompatibility equivalent q χ2/χ2initil
stresses stresses second order
[MPa] [MPa] stresses [MPa] (q=0)
[σ g ( ic )
eq ]
austenite ferrite austen. ferrite austen. ferrite
σ −σ =
33 σ ph ( ic )
11 − σ 33ph( ic ) = σ ph ( ic )
11 − σ 33ph( ic ) =
18.6 ±5.9 -19.8 ±4.5 19.8 ±7.2
σ 22M − σ 33M = σ 22ph (ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) = σ 22ph (ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) =
34.8 ±5.0 -67.7 ±4.5 67.7 ±5.4
initial not not not not (1)
sample σ 13M = σ 13ph (ic ) = σ 13ph (ic ) =
fitted fitted fitted fitted
-1.95 ±2.9 -0.3 ±2.2 0.3 ±3.6
σ 23M = σ 23ph (ic ) = σ 23ph (ic ) =
2.7 ±3.9 -4.7 ±3.3 4.7 ±4.5
tension σ 11M − σ 33M = σ 11 − σ 33ph( ic ) =
ph ( ic )
σ 11ph (ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) =
to def. 47.7 ±13.8 14.2 ±8.2 -14.2 ±19.6
15% σ 22M − σ 33M = σ 22ph( ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) = σ 22ph (ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) =
21.1 ±10.1 -89.6 ±7.2 89.6 ±13.0
(model 128.3 250.5 0.85 1.1 1.14
σ 13M = σ 13ph (ic ) = σ 13ph (ic ) =
calcul. ±1.3 ±1.3 ±0.01 ±0.01 (4.75)
to def. 1.7 ±6.2 -0.4 ±4.5 0.4 ±7.8
7%) σ 23M = σ 23ph (ic ) = σ 23 =
ph ( ic )

2.3 ±8.6 -0.5 ±5.4 0.5 ±11.7

compre- σ 11M − σ 33M = σ 11 − σ 33ph( ic ) =
ph ( ic )
σ 11 − σ 33ph( ic ) =
ph ( ic )

ssion 15.5 ±12.1 17.0 ±6.9 -17.0 ±17.2

to def. σ 22M − σ 33M = σ 22ph (ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) = σ 22ph (ic ) − σ 33ph( ic ) =
-8.8 ±9.2 55.9 ±6.8 -55.9 ±11.5
(model 118.5 154.5 1.0 0.85 1.51
σ 13M = σ 13ph (ic ) = σ 13ph (ic ) =
calcul. ±1.0 ±1.0 ±0.01 ±0.01 (4.25)
to def. 12.8 ±7.5 1.4 ±4.6 -1.4 ±8.4
2%) σ 23M = σ 23ph (ic ) = σ 23ph (ic ) =
0.8 ±7.2 -2.5 ±4.6 2.6 ±9.8

Austenite Ferrite

3,608 φ = 00 φ = 90 0
{111} {111} 2.882
3,606 {110} {110}
<a>{111} [A]

<a>{110} [A]
3,608 {200} {200} 2.882 {200}
<a>{200} [A]


<a>{200} [A]
2.874 {200}
{220} {220}
3,606 2.882 {211} {211}
<a>{220} [A]

<a>{211} [A]
{311} 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
<a>{311} [A]

3,604 sin 2 ψ sin 2 ψ


3,600 {311}

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
sin 2 ψ sin 2 ψ

Fig. 3.24. Measured lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting (continuous lines)
for initial as-received sample (<a>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves for positive ψ are shown). The experimental
data for various hkl reflections and both phases were simultaneously used in the fitting procedure
assuming q = 0 (results are shown in Table 3.7).

Tension Compression

φ = 00 φ = 900 φ = 00 φ = 900
2.882 {110} {110} {110} {110}
<a>{110} [A]


2.882 {200} {200} {200}

<a>{200} [A]

2.874 {200}

2.882 {211} {211} {211} {211}

<a>{211} [A]


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ

Fig. 3.25. Measured lattice parameters and theoretical results of fitting for ferrite phase
deformed in tensile and compression tests. The fitting procedure was applied for various hkl
reflections and both phases for each sample, assuming: q ≠ 0 (continuous lines) and q = 0
(dashed lines).

Tension Compression

φ = 00 φ = 900 φ = 00 φ = 900
{111} {111} {111} {111}
<a>{111} [A]



3,608 {200} {200} {200} {200}
<a>{200} [A]

{220} {220} {220} {220}
<a>{220} [A]



{311} {311}
<a>{311} [A]



3,600 {311} {311}

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ

Fig. 3.26. Measured lattice parameters and theoretical results of fitting for austenite phase
deformed in tensile and compression tests. The fitting procedure was applied for various hkl
reflections and both phases for each sample, assuming: q ≠ 0 (continuous lines) and q = 0
(dashed lines).

Austenite Ferrite

a b
Austenite Ferrite

c d
Fig. 3.27. Total equivalent stress σ eq (g ) for grains having various orientations g , determined

after tensile (a,b) and compressive (c,d) tests. The φ 2 sections are presented for both phases.

Finally, the influence of elastic anisotropy and crystallographic texture on the creation of the
second order incompatibility stresses was studied. (Wroński et al., 2006a) In this aim, the
analysis of experimental data was performed with two different artificial assumptions. Firstly,
isotropic single crystal elastic constants were used in modeling and in the calculation of the
diffraction elastic constants. Secondly, the modeling was performed assuming random initial
texture. In both cases the results of fitting procedure were definitively worse in comparison with
those when anisotropic single crystal elastic constants and textured initial samples were
considered in data analysis (see Figs. 3.28 – 3.31) (Wroński 2006b et al.). It should be noticed
that agreement between experimental and calculated data is worse for austenite than ferrite were
isotopic elastic constants were taken into account. This effect was observed as well for single as
for multiphase materials.

Tension Compression

φ = 00 φ = 900 φ = 00 φ = 900
2.882 {110} {110} {110} {110}
<a>{110} [A]


2.882 {200} {200} {200}

<a>{200} [A]

2.874 {200}

2.882 {211} {211} {211} {211}

<a>{211} [A]


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ

Fig. 3.28. Measured and fitted < a >{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves for ferrite phase after tensile test
(q ≠ 0). The analysis was performed assuming: anisotropic (continuous lines) and isotropic
single crystal elastic constants (dashed lines).

Tension Compression

φ = 00 φ = 900 φ = 00 φ = 900
{111} {111} {111} {111}
<a>{111} [A]



3,608 {200} {200} {200} {200}
<a>{200} [A]

{220} {220} {220} {220}
<a>{220} [A]



{311} {311}
<a>{311} [A]



3,600 {311} {311}

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ

Fig. 3.29. Measured and fitted < a >{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves for austenite phase after tensile test
(q ≠ 0). The analysis was performed assuming: anisotropic (continuous lines) and isotropic
single crystal elastic constants (dashed lines).

Tension Compression

φ = 00 φ = 900 φ = 00 φ = 900
2.882 {110} {110} {110} {110}
<a>{110} [A]


2.882 {200} {200} {200}

<a>{200} [A]

2.874 {200}

2.882 {211} {211} {211} {211}

<a>{211} [A]


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ

Fig. 3.30. Measured and fitted < a >{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves for ferrite phase after tensile test
(q ≠ 0). The analysis was performed assuming: textured sample (continuous lines) and randomly
oriented grains in the initial sample (dashed lines).

Tension Compression

φ = 00 φ = 900 φ = 00 φ = 900
{111} {111} {111} {111}
<a>{111} [A]



3,608 {200} {200} {200} {200}
<a>{200} [A]

{220} {220} {220} {220}
<a>{220} [A]



{311} {311}
<a>{311} [A]



3,600 {311} {311}

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ sin2ψ

Fig. 3.31. Measured and fitted < a >{hkl} vs. sin2ψ curves for austenite phase after tensile test
(q ≠ 0). The analysis was performed assuming: textured sample (continuous lines) and randomly
oriented grains in the initial sample (dashed lines).

3.9. Conclusions

The residual stresses are generated by plastic deformation. They remain in a material even
when external forces are unloaded. In this work we focus on the first order stresses (macroscopic
stresses) and the second order stresses (stresses in grains). As it is described in the previous
chapter, macroscopic stresses are determined from the slope of the sin2ψ graph. When the second
order stresses are present in the sample, the relation <d>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ is non-linear. The second
order stresses are a result of plastic incompatibility and thermal anisotropy, but in this work only

this first is taken into account. These stresses arise due to anisotropic plastic flow of grains.
Different behaviour of grains is caused by various orientations of slip systems with respect to the
local stress tensor. Thus the activation of slip systems depends strongly on the localization of the
applied stress at a considered grain, intergranular stresses and grain lattice orientation. Finally,
after plastic deformation some of the grains are more (or less) elongated in a given direction than
the other and consequently they do not fit into the surrounding matrix. Due to such misfit, the
second order stress and a corresponding lattice strain arise.
In the first part of this chapter the single phase materials (ferrite and austenite) were
investigated. In both cases the first and the second order stresses were estimated. The second
order stresses can be predicted by elasto-plastic models, and consequently the self–consistent and
Lefers-Wierzbanowski model were applied. The calculations were done using anisotropic and
isotropic elastic constants. A good agreement between experimental and theoretical data was
observed when anisotropic elastic constants were taken into account.
The next investigated material was the duplex stainless steel (composed of ferrite and
austenite phase). Similarly like in single phase materials, the first and the second order stresses
were estimated. The stresses were determined for duplex steel after tensile and compressive tests
using TOF neutron diffraction. It was found that in the as received non-deformed sample the
second order stresses were small and consequently the sin2ψ plots were almost linear. After
elasto-plastic deformation the second order incompatibility stresses were generated causing
strong nonlinearities of the sin2ψ plots. The nonlinearities have opposite character after tension
and compression (Figs. 3.25 and 3.26), i.e., the second order stresses of opposite sign are created
during those modes of deformations. Also, the opposite average incompatibility stresses ( σ 11ph( ic ) -
σ 33ph( ic ) , σ 22ph( ic ) - σ 33ph( ic ) ) were found after these tests. As expected, small values of macrostresses
( σ 11M - σ 33M , σ 22
- σ 33M ) were determined in the volumes studied by neutrons, while relatively high
values of [ σ eqg ( ic ) ] indicate that the second order incompatibility stresses are very significant in
deformed duplex steel (see Table 3.7).
Similarly like in single phase materials, the influence of elastic anisotropy and texture on
the second order incompatibility stress was studied in duplex steel. As seen in Figs. 3.28 and
3.29, the sin2ψ plots fit significantly worse when the isotropic elastic constants are used in data
analysis. This effect is especially pronounced in the case of austenitic phase. In single phase
materials this effect was also observed. Thus the anisotropy of elastic constants plays an
important role in the creation of the second order incompatibility stresses. On the other hand, the
initial texture is also important for proper determination of the second order stresses in ferritic
phase (some of the sin2ψ plots fit worse when random texture is assumed in model prediction,
Figs. 3.30 and 3.31). It can be concluded that creation of the second order stresses is a complex
process and it depends on different parameters characterizing elasto-plastic deformation of
polycrystalline material. The evolution of grain stresses can be qualitatively and even
quantitatively predicted by the elasto-plastic models when elastic anisotropy, texture evolution
and interaction between grains are taken into account. However, the magnitude of the theoretical
stresses is often overestimated in comparison with experimental one. The correct theoretical
magnitudes are obtained when the model σ ijIIg ( ic ) (g ) stresses are calculated for smaller
deformation than the real one.

Chapter 4

Variation of residual stresses during cross-


4.1. Introduction
The cross-rolling is generally applied in order to symmetrize the crystallographic texture
and consequently, to decrease the sample anisotropy. Such the operation involves also the
modification of residual stresses.
The goal of the study was to follow the character of residual stresses in function of
applied deformation in each of two rolling directions. The studied material was polycrystalline
copper (fcc structure) and ferritic steel (bcc structure). The observed experimental results were
studied using the model of elasto-plastic deformation. The variation of the first order stresses
and non-linearity of the ε versus sin2ψ plot were studied and explained. The diffraction elastic
constants and the second order stress distributions were also determined using the self-consistent

4.2. Residual stresses and texture in cross-rolled

polycrystalline metals

4.2.1 Copper
A plate of polycrystalline copper was rolled to the reduction Red1=62 % and next four
samples were cut out, which were cross-rolled to the reduction Red2 of 10 %, 40 %, 62 % and
80 %, respectively (Red1 is rolling reduction in principal direction and Red2 is rolling reduction
in perpendicular cross direction). The surface layer of 200 µm was removed by electropolishing

in each sample. Classical X-ray diffraction (Cu radiation) was used (Baczmański et al., 1994a;
Baczmański et al., 1995) (see chapter 1). The texture and internal stress (ε33 vs. sin2ψ method)
were measured on Brücker Advance D8 diffractometer at the Open University,Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes, England. In the present study a general multi-reflection method (Baczmański et
al., 2003c) of stress determination was applied (see chapter 1). The average equivalent inter-
planar lattice distances, < a (ψ, φ) > {hkl} were determined for 331 and 420 reflections. Before
performing accurate measurements, the calibration of the apparatus was done by measuring the
stress in powder sample. The measurement shows that the stress in the sample is on –10.5 MPa
level, what proves a proper calibration of the apparatus.
The crystallographic textures (orientation distribution functions – ODFs and pole
figures) of the considered samples were determined experimentally and also predicted by the
LW model (Fig.4.1) (Wierzbanowski et al.,1979; Wierzbanowski et al.,1992). The cross-rolling
texture (Fig. 4.1b) is strongly symmetrized compared with the simple rolling one (Fig. 4.1a).
Two new symmetry axes of pole figures, inclined ± 450 with respect to x axis, appear. The
model predicted cross-rolling texture (Fig. 4.1c) is in perfect agreement with the experimental
one. These results confirm the correct construction of the model.

{111} {100} {110}


a b c
Fig. 4.1. ODF and (111), (100), (110) pole figures for polycrystalline copper: a) after simple
rolling (Red1=60%), b) cross- rolling (Red1=60% and Red2=40 %), c) as above but
predicted by the elasto-plastic deformation model.

To determine residual stresses, the calculation of diffraction elastic constants has to be done.
The values were calculated using Reuss, self-consistent (free surface), self-consistent (interior)
and Voigt model (see chapter 1). The results for all models are listed in Table 4.1.

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900



{331} {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



{420} {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

sin2Ψ Reuss sin2Ψ


φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



{331} {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



{420} {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ Self-cons. (interior) sin2Ψ
Self-cons. (free surf.)

Fig. 4.2. Plots of <a(ψ,φ)>{21l} vs. sin2ψ for polycrystalline copper rolled to 62 %. Results
for Reuss, self-consistent (interior), self-consistent (free surface) and Voigt model.

Table 4.1. Components of macroscopic residual stress σ11M and σ22M (in MPa) for Reuss, self-
consistent (free surface), self-consistent (interior) and Voigt model. χ2 parameter is also listed.

Sample Type of Macrostresses Stress free χ2

diffraction [MPa] interpl.
elastic spacing
constants σ 11M σ 22M d o [Å]
Red1=62% Reuss -57.4 -68.4 3.61339 5.97
±2.9 ±3.2 ±0.00002
self-cons. -62.1 -72.5 3.61342 7.43
(free surf.) ±3.8 ±3.8 ±0.00002
self-cons. -68 -79.4 3.61346 9.93
(interior) ±4.7 ±4.7 ±0.00002
Voigt -73.2 -84.8 3.61353 15.31
±6.7 ±6.7 ±0.00002
Red1=62% Reuss -42.4 -67.4 3.6134 7.15
Red2=10% ±3.5 ±3.2 ±0.00002
self-cons. -44.4 -73.6 3.61342 7.75
(free surf.) ±3.9 ±3.9 ±0.00002
self-cons. -50.6 -79.9 3.61344 7.42
(interior) ±4.1 ±4.1 ±0.00002
Voigt -55.6 -86.4 3.613489 9.95
±5.4 ±5.1 ±0.00002
Red1=62% Reuss 22.8 -23.9 3.61334 4.09
Red2=40% ±2.5 ±2.5 ±0.00002
self-cons. 27.2 -26.1 3.61335 4.2
(free surf.) ±2.9 ±3.1 ± 0.00002
self-cons. 28.2 -28.1 3.61334 4.23
(interior) ±3.1 ±3.1 ± 0.00002
Voigt 31.9 -29.3 3.61334 5.04
±3.8 ±3.9 ±0.000016
Red1=62% Reuss -2.2 -27.2 3.61337 3.56
Red2=62% ±2.3 ±2.3 ±0.00002
self-cons. -1.7 -28.9 3.61337 4.1
(free surf.) ±2.8 ±2.7 ±0.00002
self-cons. -3.2 -31.6 3.61338 4.1
(interior) ±3 ±3 ±0.00002
Voigt -3.8 -34.1 3.6134 4.75
±3.7 ±3.5 ±0.00002
Red1=62% Reuss -14.8 -41.9 3.61344 5.85
Red2=80% ±7 ±7 ±0.00003
self-cons. -14.5 -45 3.61346 6.35
(free surf.) ±3.5 ±3.3 ±0.00002
self-cons. -17.6 -49.5 3.61347 6.24
(interior) ±3.8 ±3.8 ±0.00002
Voigt -19.5 -54 3.6135 7.16
±4.5 ±4.3 ±0.00002

The values of stress obtained from all models are very similar, however Reuss model
leads to a better agreement of experimental data with theoretical one. Factor χ2 (characterising
quality of fitting) for Reuss model is smaller then for other models. That is why elastic constants
were determined using Reuss model (in Reuss’s model the local stress is assumed to be uniform
across the sample for all polycrystalline grains, so: σ ijg = σ ijM ). The exemplary plots of
<a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ are shown in Figs. 4.2 and 4.3. It is visible that some oscillations appear,
which are caused by elastic (texture) or plastic (second order incompatibility stresses)
anisotropies. To explain the oscillations appearing on graphs <a(ψ,φ)>{420} vs sin2ψ the
anisotropic elastic properties of crystalites have to be considered. The second order
incompatibility stresses in copper (appearing due to anisotropic nature of plastic deformation)
are not significant. They do not influence the final results (Wierzbanowski, Wroński et al.
2006d; Wierzbanowski, Wroński et al. 2007a).
The estimated values of the main components of the first order residual stresses (σ11M
and σ22M) and their variation with the applied deformation in the cross-rolling (perpendicular)
direction are shew in Fig. 4.4a. We see that both components are negative after simple rolling.
Then, with increasing value of the deformation in cross-rolling direction, σI11 becomes positive
for (Red2=40% and 62%) and next (Red2=80%) it becomes again negative; at Red2=40% this
component has a maximum value. The second component σ22M follows roughly the similar
behavior, but it stays all the time negative; it reaches the smallest absolute value for
Red2=40%. On the other hand, the precision of our measurement is confirmed by a constant
value of a0 in the stress free state, estimated by our procedure – Fig. 4.4b.

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {331}
φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]



3.612 {420}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

Fig 4.3. Plots of <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} vs. sin2ψ for polycrystalline copper rolled to
a) 62% reduction in main direction
b) 62 % reduction in main direction and 10 % in cross direction
c) 62 % reduction in main direction and 40 % in cross direction
d) 62 % reduction in main direction and 62 % in cross direction
e) 62 % reduction in main direction and 80 % in cross direction
(all reflections were fitted simultaneously – multireflection method)

40 M
−σ 3.6145
20 −σ
σ11M , σ22M [MPa]


ao [A]

-60 3.6125

-80 3.6120
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
rolling reduction in cross direction [%] rolling reduction in cross direction [%]

a b
Fig. 4.4. a). σ11M and σ22M versus deformation in cross-rolling direction (Red2), b). a0
versus deformation in cross-rolling direction (Red2) for cold rolled polycrystalline copper

4.2.2. Low carbon steel

Similar experimental procedure as above was used for low carbon steel. The starting
sample was rolled to Red1=74%. Next, four samples were cut out and subjected to additional
cross-rolling (Red2 of 36%, 49%, 73% and 79%, respectively).
Classical X-ray diffraction (Cr radiation) was used for this measurement. The texture and
residual stress (ε33 vs. sin2ψ method) were measured on SET-X diffractometer at the ENSAM
Paris, France. The average equivalent inter-planar lattice distances, < a (ψ, φ) > {hkl} were
determined for 211 reflection. The exemplary plots of <a(ψ,φ)>{211} vs. sin2ψ are shown in Fig.
4.5. We observe strong oscillations in this plot, caused by elastic and plastic anisotropies. To
explain such strong oscillations we should take into account a strong anisotropy of the second
order stresses. A very good fit is obtained with experimental data, using our approach given by

< a(ψ , φ ) >{hkl} = [ FijM ( {hkl},ψ , φ )σ ij + < a3m a3n smnij σ ijIIg (ic) >{hkl} ] a{ohkl} + a{ohkl} (4.1)

where Fij are diffraction elastic constants, σ ij is the first order (macroscopic) stress, tensor,

σ ijIIg( ic ) is the second order incompatibility stress tensor, smnij are single crystal elastic constants
and aij are direction cosines transforming stress tensor from X to L coordinate system, d {ohkl} are
stress free interplanar spacings and <…> denotes averaging over diffracting crystallites.
Assuming that the distribution of the second order incompatibility stresses on crystal orientation
(g) is correctly predicted by a deformation model (e.g. the self-consistent elasto-plastic one), one
can put:
σ ijIIg( ic ) (g) = q σ ijIIg(ic ) (g ) (4.2)

where σ ijIIg( ic ) (g ) is the model predicted second order stress distribution and q is a constant
phenomenological factor, of the order of one (it corrects the amplitude of the second order
residual stresses, which is not always exactly predicted by the model). Non-linear diffraction
elastic constants Fij({hkl},ψ, φ) were calculated using the self-consistent model, taking into
account texture and single crystal elastic constants. The effect of elastic anisotropy is not
sufficient to explain the obtained results. For this reason the second order stresses have to be
considered to explain the oscillations appearing on graph of <a(ψ,φ)>{211} vs. sin2ψ. It is visible
that χ2 (Table 4.2) is higher in the case when the second order stresses are neglected.

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900

<a>hkl [A]

2.8640 {211} {211}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

Fig. 4.5. Cross-rolled steel sample for the Reuss model. (Red1=74% Red2=73%). Measured
lattice parameters (points) and theoretical results of fitting (continuous lines for q ≠ 0 and
dashed lines for q = 0)

Table. 4.2. Results of fitting procedure for samples after cross-rolling. Calculations were
performed taking into account plastic incompatibility stresses. The values of χ2 parameter
obtained neglecting plastic incompatibility stresses are given in brackets.

Sample Type of Macrostresses Scaling Average Stress free χ2

diffraction [MPa] factor q equivalent plast. interpl.
elastic incomp. stress spacing
constants σ 11M σ 22M [ σ eqIIg(ic) ] MPa d o [Å]
Red1=74% Reuss 25 96.7 0.75 25.6 2.86475 1.66
±7.2 ±7.3 ±0.16 ±4.1 ±0.00002 (2.72)
Self-cons. 25.2 100.1 0.81 24.9 2.8648 2.18
(free surf.) ±8.4 ±8.7 ±0.16 ±3.9 ±0.00002 (2.69)
Self-cons. 25.6 98 0.79 24.5 2.8646 2.36
(interior.) ± 9.1 ±9.1 ±0.16 ±3.9 ±0.00002 (2.85)
Voigt 26.1 98.6 0.77 23.8 2.86474 2.53
±9.2 ±9.5 ±0.16 ±3.8 ±0.00002 (2.98)
Red1=74% Reuss -5.2 54.2 0.69 24.1 2.86487 1.32
Red2=36% ± 6.3 ±6.2 ±0.12 ±2.8 ±0.00002 (2.01)
Self-cons. -5.3 56.6 0.69 24.2 2.8649 1.3
(free surf.) ±6.3 ±6.4 ±0.12 ±2.9 ±0.00002 (1.99)
Self-cons. -4.5 57.4 0.59 20.7 2.86486 1.26
(interior.) ±6.3 ±6.4 ±0.12 ±2.4 ±0.00002 (1.75)
Voigt -3.4 59.9 0.51 18.1 2.86486 1.22
±6.4 ±6.5 ±0.1 ±2.1 ±0.00002 (1.58)
Red1=74% Reuss -4.5 -30.3 0.84 28.9 2.86478 1.07
Red2=49% ± 5.6 ±5.6 ±0.1 ±2.9 ±0.00002 (2.52)
Self-cons. -4.6 31.8 0.84 28.9 2.8648 1.05
(free surf.) ±5.6 ±5.6 ±0.1 ±2.9 ±0.00002 (2.51)
Self-cons. -4.2 -43.7 0.79 27 2.86478 1.06
(interior.) ±5.7 ±5.7 ±0.1 ±2.7 ±0.00002 (2.32)
Voigt -3.6 33.3 0.74 25.4 2.86478 1.06
±5.9 ±5.9 ±0.1 ±2.5 ±0.00002 (2.14)
Red1=74% Reuss -68.6 -87.3 0.91 30 2.86492 1.42
Red2=73% ±6.4 ±6.4 ±0.1 ±3 ±0.00002 (3.16)
Self-cons. -69.6 -88.5 0.93 30.9 2.8649 1.47
(free surf.) ±6.8 ±6.7 ±0.1 ±3.1 ±0.00002 (3.35)
Self-cons. -69.1 -89.2 1.13 37.5 2.86494 1.66
(interior.) ±7.3 ±7.1 ±0.1 ±3.7 ±0.00002 (4.41)
Voigt -68.7 -90.2 1.31 43.2 2.86496 1.92
±8 ±7.9 ±0.1 ±4.3 ±0.00002 (5.53)
Red1=74% Reuss -31.2 -116 1.02 32 2.86486 4.2
Red2=79% ±10.8 ±10.6 ±0.1 ±3.2 ±0.00002 (6.18)
Self-cons. -29.9 -118 1.05 32.9 2.8649 4.46
(free surf.) ±11.4 ±11.1 ±0.1 ±3.2 ±0.00002 (6.36)
Self-cons. -28.2 -118 1.2 40 2.86487 4.34
(interior.) ±11.2 ±11 ±0.1 ±4 ±0.00003 (7.56)
Voigt -26.1 -110.1 1.48 46.5 2.86488 4.53
±11.7 ±11.5 ±0.1 ±4.6 ±0.00003 (8.85)

The values of stress obtained from all models are very similar, however Reuss model gives a
better agreement of experimental data with theoretical ones. Factor χ2 (characterising quality of
fitting) for Reuss model is smaller then for other models. For this reason elastic constants were
determined using Reuss model. (e.g. Fig. 4.7, 4.8)

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900

<a>{hkl} [A]

2.8640 {211} {211}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ Reuss sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 φ = 900

<a>{hkl} [A]

2.8640 {211} {211}
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ Self-cons.(interior) sin2Ψ
Self-cons.(free surf.)

Fig. 4.6. Plots of <a(ψ,φ)>{21l} vs. sin2ψ for polycrystalline steel rolled to 74 % reduction in
main direction and 49 % in cross direction. Results for Reuss, self-consistent (interior),
self-consistent (free surface) and Voigt models are shown.

The plots of <a(ψ,φ)>{21l} vs. sin2ψ ({211} reflection) for the steel samples rolled to
different deformations in cross rolling are show in Figs. 4.6 and 4.7. Very good fits of model
predictions to experimental data is obtained.
The values of main components of the first order residual stresses are listed in Table 4.2.
Also q parameter, adjusting the amplitude of the predicted second order incompatibility stresses
to the real ones (c.f. Eq.4.1), is listed. It varies between 0.7 and 1, hence the real amplitude of
the second order stresses is lower than that predicted by the model. This means that the grain-
grain interactions are softer than purely elastic ones (some local slip often occurs near grain
boundary region and it relaxes partly the incompatibility stresses).
The variation of estimated values of main components of the first order residual stress
(σ11 and σ22M) in function of the cross-rolling reduction (Red2) is presented in Fig. 4.8. Both

components are positive in the simply rolled sample, but with increasing value of Red2 they
become negative. Near the value of Red2=73% the two curves intersect.

φ = 1800 {211} φ = 00 φ = 2700 {211} φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]


-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 {211} φ = 00 φ = 2700 {211} φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]


-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 {211} φ = 00 φ = 2700 {211} φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]


-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 {211} φ = 00 φ = 2700 {211} φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]


-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

φ = 1800 φ = 00 φ = 2700 {211} φ = 900
<a>{hkl} [A]


-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ
Fig . 4.7. Plots of <a(ψ,φ)>{21l} vs. sin2ψ for polycrystalline steel (Reuss model) rolled to
a) 74% reduction in main direction
b) 74 % reduction in main direction and 36 % in cross direction
c) 74 % reduction in main direction and 49 % in cross direction
d) 74 % reduction in main direction and 73 % in cross direction
e) 74 % reduction in main direction and 79 % in cross direction

− σ11Μ
100 − σ22Μ
σ11M , σ22M [MPa]




0 20 40 60 80
rolling reduction in cross direction [%]

Fig. 4.8. σ11M and σ22M versus deformation in cross rolling direction for cold rolled ferritic
steel. Results for Reuss model.

{110} {100} {211}

a b c

Fig. 4.9. (110), (100), (211) pole figures and ODFs for cold rolled steel: a) after simple rolling
(Red1=74%), b) cross-rolling (Red1=74% and Red2=49%), c) as above but predicted by the
elasto-plastic LW deformation model.

The crystallographic textures were measured and also predicted by the deformation
model (Fig. 4.9). The cross-rolling texture (Fig. 4.9b) is strongly symmetrical compared with the
simple rolling one - Fig. 4.9a (two additional symmetry axes inclined ± 450 to x axis appear)
(Wierzbanowski, Wroński et al. 2007a). The model prediction of cross-rolling texture (Fig.
4.9c) gives a perfect agreement with the experimental one.

To show the level of the second order stresses for a statistical grain, the average equivalent
residual stress [ σ eqg ( ic ) ] is calculated (see chapter 1) :

[ σ eqIIg (ic ) ] = σ ijIIg (ic ) (g ) f (g ) dg
8π 2 ∫E

σ eqIIg (ic ) =  {(σ 11IIg (ic ) − σ 22IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 11IIg ( ic ) − σ 33IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 22IIg ( ic ) − σ 33IIg ( ic ) ) 2 }+
{ }]
3 (σ 12IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 13IIg (ic ) ) 2 + (σ 23
IIg ( ic ) 2
) 2 is the equivalent stress calculated according to von
Mises formula.
We find that the second order stress level is nearly constant in function of Red2 – Fig.
4.10a. In order to verify the precision of our procedure the stress free inter-planar spacing (a0)
was also plotted in function of Red2. It stays constant, which confirms the precision of our
procedure. (within error of ∆a0= ± 0.00002Å) (Wierzbanowski, Wroński et al. 2006d)

80 2.868
Second order stresses [MPa]


ao [A]

20 2.864

0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Rolling reduction in cross direction [%] rolling reduction in cross direction [%]
a b
Fig. 4.10. Equivalent level (Von Misses measure) of the second order stress (a) and ao versus
deformation in cross direction (b) for cold rolled ferritic steel

4.3. Conclusions
The obtained results show some characteristic tendencies. In the case of rolled
polycrystalline copper, the components of residual stresses have a maximum for a defined
combination of deformations in both rolling directions. Also in the case of ferritic steel we
observe a strong variation of both stress components with the deformation along the second
rolling direction. It is worth to point out that oscillations appearing in steel samples cannot be
explained only by anisotropy of elastic constants of crystallites, but we should consider also the
second order stresses. It is also interesting to note that level of the second order stresses is
constant in function of deformation in cross direction for cold rolled ferritic steel.
On the other hand, the operation of cross-rolling involves a strong symmetrization of
crystallographic textures, which is easily visible in pole figures. In conclusion, cross-rolling
increases the degree of isotropy of physical properties of a material and modifies the level of
residual stresses.

Chapter 5

Grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction

geometry used for stress determination

5.1. Introduction

Classical sin2ψ method is one of basic methods for measuring the residual stresses and
elastic properties of polycrystalline materials. Main disadvantage of this method is a variable
penetration depth, which depends on ψ angle. For this reason the classical sin2ψ method cannot
be used to study materials with a high stress gradient. A stress gradient can be estimated using
this method only if the character of stress variation is assumed to be known (e.g., exponential or
linear versus with depth). The analysis of stress gradient can also be performed if the standard
sin2ψ method is repeated for several wavelengths as the X-rays penetrate to different depths or
by polishing.
In this chapter, the geometry based on the grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction (so-
called grazing incident diffraction method, GID-sin2ψ) is discussed and applied for stress
measurement. Using this method, it is possible to perform a non-destructive analysis of the
heterogeneous stress for different (and well defined) volumes below the surface of the sample.
Moreover, the stress can be measured at very small depths, of the order of a few micrometers.
The incidence angle is small, consequently it is necessary to take into account additional factors
which are not significant in classical geometry. The most important one is refraction. Other
factors which are significant for the final result in grazing incidence diffraction method will be
also considered.

5.2. Classical and grazing incidence diffraction geometry
for stress determination

In symmetric Bragg-Brentano geometry or classical sin2ψ geometry, ψ angle (between

scattering vector and sample surface normal) is changing during experiment (Noyan and Cohen,
1987). Detector and X-ray source movements are conjugated. This involves that the angle
between surface and incident beam equals the angle between surface and diffracted beam. This
type of geometry is used in ψ goniometers. The σ(ψ,φ) stress can be measured by determining
elastic deformation of lattice parameter - ε33L(ψ,φ) - in laboratory system (L). Using Hooke’s law
and transformation law, the stress is finally expressed in sample coordinates system (S). The
main disadvantage of this method is various penetration depth, which depends on mainly 2θ and
ψ angles. The penetration depth is defined as the distance from the surface at which the radiation
intensity falls to some fraction (e.g., 1/e) of the original value (Cullity, 1956). According to
Beer-Lambert law, the intensity of the radiation wave inside a material at the depth z from the
surface as:

I = I o exp(−µAB) (5.1)

where AB=z/sinα is the path of the radiation till a thin layer (dz) situated at the depth z (Fig. 5.1)
and µ is the linear coefficient of absorption.

a. b.

Fig. 5.1. Irradiated thin plate of a material of the thickness dz and length l situated at the
depth z. Classical Bragg-Brentano geometry, with scattering vector perpendicular to the
sample surface, is shown:
a). diffraction plane (defined by incident and diffracted beams is perpendicular to the
sample surface
b). diffraction plane is inclined of ψ from N{hkl}.

In this symmetrical geometry, the total beam path xz=AB+BC inside materials depends on
incidence angle α (Fig. 5.1a):

 1 1 
xz = z +  (5.2)
 sin α sin α 

If now, the scattering vector (and the diffraction plane, defined by the incident and diffracted
beam) is rotated of ψ towards the sample surface, the beam path becomes:

z  1 1 
xz =  +  (5.3)
cosψ  sin α sin α 

Let us calculate the fraction (Gt) of total X-ray intensity absorbed by the layer of thickness t:

∫I 0 exp( − µx z )dz
Gt = 0


∫I 0 exp( − µx z )dz
Substituting xz from Eq.5.3 and performing the integration, we obtain:

 − µt  1 1 
Gt = 1 − exp   +  (5.5)
 cosψ  sin α sin α 

One often defines the penetration depth as a depth t, which corresponds to a particular Gt value
(usually for Gt= 1-1/e, i.e., Gt≅0.63).

For symmetrical geometry (Fig. 5.1): α = θ, and we obtain for the penetration depth:

− ln (1 − G t )
t= sin θ cos ψ (5.6)

The penetration depth t vs. sin2ψ for classical geometry (for Gt=0.63) is presented on Fig 5.2.

7 8

6 Kα Cr - radiation

penetration [µm]

penetration [µm]


{200} Cr - radiation
1 Mn - radiation
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

a b
Fig.5.2. The penetration depth vs. sin ψ calculated from Eq. 5.6. a) for different reflections

planes, b) for {211} reflection using different wavelengths for ferrite steel

Because penetration depth strongly depends on θ and ψ angles, this method cannot be used when
large macro-stress gradients are present. The grazing incidence diffraction geometry, so-called
GID-sin2ψ method, is characterized by a small and constant incidence angle α (Figs. 5.3 - 5.5)
and by different orientations of the scattering vector (changing 2θ angle for a constant
wavelength). The parallel beam geometry is used to minimise errors connected with sample
misalignment (Skrzypek, 2002). Only detector moves in grazing incidence diffraction geometry
and ψ{hkl} angle is expressed by equation:

ψ{hkl} = θ{hkl} - α (5.7)

Fig.5.3. Geometry of GID-sin2ψ method

Fig.5.4. Geometry of GID-sin2ψ method. The incidence angle α is fixed during measurement
and the orientation of the scattering vector is characterised by ψ=ψ{hkl} angle.

The ψ{hkl} angle depends on incidence angle (α) and type of reflection {hkl}. The possible values
of ψ{hkl} angles are limited to the number of hkl reflections used in the experiment.

Fig. 5.5. Irradiated thin plate of a material of the thickness dz and length l situated at the
depth z in grazing incidence diffraction geometry.

The radiation path inside materials depends on incidence angle α and diffracted beam angle β
 1 1 
x z = z  +  (5.8)
 sin α sin β 

Similarly as it was done in Eq. 5.4, let us calculate the fraction (Gt) of X-ray intensity absorbed
by the layer of thickness t:

∫I 0 exp( − µx z )dz
Gt = 0


∫I 0 exp( − µx z )dz

Substituting xz from Eq.5.8 and performing the integration, we obtain:

  1 1 
Gt = 1 − exp− µ t  +  (5.10)
  sin α sin β 
where: β = 2θ - α.
The corresponding penetration depth is:

− ln(1 − Gt )
t= (5.11)
 1 1 
µ + 
 sin α sin( 2θ − α ) 

This relation versus sin2ψ where ψ{hkl} = θ{hkl}-α (for Gt=0.63) is shown in Fig.5.6.

6 5
Kα Fe - radiation
α = 150
penetration [µm]

penetration [µm]
Kα Fe - radiation
α = 3o 2 Kα Cu - radiation
α = 21o

1 1

0 0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ
a b
Fig. 5.6. Penetration depth in function of sin ψ for 211 reflection for ferrite(ψ{hkl}=θ{hkl}-α):

a) for two different incidence angles, b) for two different wavelengths at α=150 .

The main advantage of the g-sin2ψ method is constant or almost constant penetration
depth for a fixed α value and for a radiation of given type. However, the penetration depth can
be changed by selection of the incidence angle. This gives a possibility to investigate materials
with a stress gradient. Choosing appropriate α values and type of radiation it is possible to
measure stresses from different volumes below the surface.

Exemplary values of penetration depths were calculated for steel sample (Table 5.1).
Using GID-sin2ψ technique (incidence angles from 30 to 210) and two types of radiations (Cu
and Fe radiation) it is possible to investigate variation of stresses on the depth ranging from 0.2
to 4.4 µm below the surface. For comparison, the average penetration depth in the standard
method for Mn radiation was also calculated (about 6.13 µm). In the latter case, however, it is
not possible to analyse the stress gradient across a sample.

Table. 5.1. Penetration depth of X-ray radiation in steel.

Radiation Incidence angle α [ 0] and penetration depth t [µm]

/absorption coeff. – grazing incidence diffraction method:
[cm-1]/ 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Cu /µ l = 2395/ 0.21 0.39 0.55 0.69 0.82 0.93 1.02
Fe /µ l = 554/ 0.89 1.67 2.36 2.97 3.53 4.01 4.42
Average penetration depth for standard sin2ψ method [µm]:
Mn /µ l = 700/ 6.13
Fe /µ l = 554/ 7.8
Cu /µ l = 2395/ 1.75

In GID-sin2ψ method, the <d(ψ,φ)>{hkl} interplanar spacing is measured in directions

defined by the φ and ψ angles for different hkl reflections. These experimental data can be easily
analysed by the multi-reflection method and residual stresses can be determined for every
incidence angle α (Skrzypek and Baczmański 2001a and 2001b, Baczmański 2003a, 2003b and

2004). The interplanar spacing measured in the L3 direction (Fig. 1.3) is given by the well known
relation, which can be rewritten for equivalent lattice parameters ahkl :

 1
< a(ψ , φ )>{hkl} =  s1{hkl} ( σ 11
+ σ M22 + σ 33
) + s2 {hkl}( σ 11
cos φ + σ 22 sin φ + σ 12 sin 2φ ) sin ψ {hkl}
2 M 2 M 2

 2
1 1  o
+ s2 {hkl} σ 33 cos ψ {hkl} + s2 {hkl} ( σ 13 cos φ + σ 23 sin φ ) sin 2ψ {hkl}  a + a
M 2 M M o

2 2 
where: a{hkl} = d{hkl} / h 2 + k 2 + l 2 are equivalent lattice parameters, σ ijM is the average
macrostress for the penetration depth t corresponding to a given incidence angle α (see Eq. 5.11),
while s1 {hkl} and 1 2 s2 {hkl} are the diffraction elastic constants for the studied quasi-isotropic
sample, calculated for different hkl reflections related to ψ{hkl} angles defined by Eq. 5.7.
The <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} parameters can be fitted applying the least square procedure and,
consequently, the values of a0 and the macrostress σ ijM can be found. For presentation of the
results of GID-sin2ψ method, the <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} values instead of <d(ψ,φ)>{hkl} are shown versus
sin2ψ{hkl}, where ψ {hkl}= θ {hkl }− α angles correspond to various hkl reflections. The <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl}
versus sin2ψ{hkl} plot is linear in the case of quasi-isotropic sample.

5.3. Corrections in grazing incidence diffraction geometry

Similarly as in symmetrical Bragg-Brentano geometry, to estimate stresses it is necessary
to consider all factors which influence the final result and to apply accurate corrections. The
intensity of diffraction peak for a given diffraction pattern depends on several parameters
(Cullity, 1956, Guinier, 1964):

• multiplicity
• temperature factor
• absorption factor
• Lorentz-polarization factor
• structure factor
• refraction factor

Residual stress measurement is based on the peak position analysis. The first two factors
(multiplicity and temperature factor) do not change the peak position but they modify intensity
of the peak and FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum). For these reasons they can be neglected
in elastic stress analysis. Next factors from the list above are significant in stress analysis and
they should be considered in diffraction data analysis.

5.3.1 Absorption Factor
The intensity of diffracted beam is affected by absorption, which is directly related to the path
length which is traversed by the beam in a specimen. Consider the case where a beam of
intensity IO and of unit area in cross-section, is incident on a flat plate at the angle α (Fig. 5.7).
The beam intensity reaching a layer of length L and thickness dz located at depth z below the
surface is proportional to Ioe-µAB (µ is the linear absorption coefficient of the sample). The beam
intensity diffracted by the layer is:

abLI O e − µAB dz (5.13)

where a is the volume fraction of crystallites that can diffract at this angle and b is the fraction of
incident energy diffracted by unit volume.

Fig. 5.7. Diffraction form a flat plate at the depth z.

This diffracted intensity is also attenuated by the absorption along BC by a factor e-µBC until it
exits the material, thus the total diffracted intensity outside the specimen is given by:

dI D = aLbI O e − µ ( AB + BC ) dz (5.14)
z z
AB = BC = (5.15)
sin α sin β

The illuminated length l of the layer for a beam of unit cross-section (and of unit width), is:
L= (5.16)
sin α

Finally, Eq. 5.14 becomes:

I O ab   1 1  
dI D = exp − µ z  +   dz (5.17)
sin α   sin α sin β  

In the case of grazing incident diffraction geometry:
β = 2θ − α (5.18)

I O ab   1 1 
dI D = exp − µ z  +   dz (5.19)
sin α   sin α sin 2θ − α  

The total diffracted intensity, for a fixed α angle, is obtained by integrating for an infinitely thick

ID = ∫ dI
z =0
D (5.20)

After performing the integration:

I D = const
sin α (5.21)
sin(2θ − α )


Alpha = 3o
1.02 Alpha = 18o
Absorption factor




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Fig. 5.8. Absorption factor versus 2θ for ferrite steel.

The absorption factor (Eq. 5.21) for two different incidence angles is presented in Fig.
5.8. It is easy to observe that absorption factor depends on incidence angle; on the other hand,
for the 2θ range between 400 and 1400 it is practically constant. For small and big 2θ angles the
absorption factor changes quickly and this changes a peak position. This effect has to be taken
into account in data correction.

5.3.2 Lorentz-Polarization Factor
The Lorentz factor is a collection of trigonometric terms that describes the dependence of
the diffracted intensity on the diffraction angle. There are three factors that contribute to Lorentz
factor (Cullity, 1956, Senczyk, 1974):

• The number of grains which are oriented such that they can diffract at a given angle 2θ.
• The diffracted intensity per unit length of the diffraction cone.
• The dependence of diffracted intensity from any one crystalline 2θ.

The results for the above terms can be combined to form a single factor which describes the
variation of intensity with angle θ. This factor is so-called the Lorentz factor, and is given by
(see Appendix A):
L.F = K (5.22)
sin 2 θ

where K is constant.
Moreover, the polarization factor has to be taken into account. The Lorentz factor and the
polarization factor are usually combined together to form the L-P (Lorentz-Polarization) factor:

1 + cos 2 θ
( L.P.) = (5.23)
sin 2 θ

The Lorentz – polarization factor is shown in Fig. 5.9. Like for absorption this correction is
significant for small and big angles 2θ.

Lorentz-polarization factor




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Fig. 5.9. Lorentz-Polarization factor versus 2θ for ferrite steel.

5.3.3. Structure factor
When an X-ray beam encounters an atom, each electron in it scatters a part of the
radiation coherently in accordance with the Thomson equation. One might also expect the
nucleus to take part in the coherent scattering, since it also bears a charge and should be capable
of oscillating under the influence of the incident beam. But the nucleus has an extremely big
mass relative to that of the electron and cannot oscillate. Finally the coherent scattering by an
atom is due only to the electrons contained in that atom. The wave scattered by a single atom is
not the sum of the waves scattered by its component electrons. It is sum only if the scattering is
in the forward direction ( 2θ = 0 ), because the waves scattered by all the electrons of the atom
are then in phase and the amplitudes of all the scattered waves can be added directly. This is not
true for other directions of scattering. The fact that the electrons of an atom are situated at
different points in space introduces differences in phase between the waves scatted by different
A quantity f, the atomic scattering factor, is used to describe the “efficiency” of scattering
of a given atom in given direction. It is defined as a ratio of amplitudes:

amplitude of the wave scattered by an atom

f = (5.24)
amplitude of the wave scattered by one electron

From what has been said already, it is clear that f=Z for any atom scattering in forward direction.
As θ increases, however, the waves scattered by individual electrons become more and more out
of phase and f decreases. The atomic scattering factor also depends on the wavelength of the
incident beam. The actual calculation of f involves sinθ rather than θ , because f decreases as the
quantity (sinθ /λ) increases (Fig. 5.12).

atomic scattering factor




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sinθ/λ [A -1 ]

Fig. 5.12. The atomic scattering factor for iron.

Direct calculation of atomic factor is quite complicated. Values of this factor are collected in
crystallography tables.

5.3.4. Refraction factor
The next factor, which has strong influences on peak position, is refraction index.
Refraction index for X-ray radiation in metals is slightly less than unit (Hart, 1988, Parratt, 1954
and Ely, 1997). For this reason velocity in material of EM (electro-magnetic) wave is different
than velocity outside material.
The quantum-mechanical theory for the complex refractive index, gives

n = 1 − δ + iβ (5.25)

where complex part of n factor depends on damping factor. The δ and β factors are described by
Kramers-Kronig relations.
If anomalous dispersion is ignored, the refraction index factor for X-ray range is given by

n = 1− δ (5.26)
δ = A' λ2 (5.27)
A' =
N Ae 2
2πme c 2 = 2.7019 ⋅ 1010 [cm mol] (5.28)

and: NA – Avogadro’s number; e – electron charge, me – electron mass, c – velocity of light, M –

molecular weight, ρ – density, Z – atomic number and λ wavelength in cm-1.
The index of refraction n of X-rays is slightly less than unity. For wavelengths below 2Å, δ is of
the order of 10-4 to 10-5, depending on the density of the material. Refraction index depends on
frequency of EM wave. For some frequency ranges it is higher than one and for other lower than
one. Variation of refraction index is shown on Fig. 5.13.

Fig. 5.13. Refraction index versus ω .

Propagation direction of EM wave changes during passing by boundary of two media. This
change depends on refraction index of a material and is described by Snell’s law. Refraction
causes a change in 2θ angle and a shift of peak position. For this reason Bragg’s law should be

The total correction consist of two factors:
• the first one takes into account a different wavelength in a material (change of so-called
optical path),
• the second one takes into account the refraction on a boundary between two media.

Fig. 5.14. Effect of refraction in grazing incidence diffraction geometry.

Bragg’s law in a basic form (without refraction) is described by equation (for the first order
λ = 2d sin θ 0 (5.29)

Let us consider the first effect. The refraction index has different value in a material (n=1-δ) than
outside it (n=1). Hence, the optical path of the beam inside a material is changed and Bragg’s
law has a form:
λ ' = 2d sin θ' = (5.30)
1− δ
Combining the last two equations, we obtain:

sin θ 0
1− δ = (5.31)
sin θ '
The change of Bragg’s angle is:

∆θ1 = θ' − θ 0 (5.32)

From Eq. 5.31 one obtains:

sin θ 0 sin(θ'−∆θ1 )
1− δ = = (5.33)
sin θ' sin θ'

Taking into account that ∆θ1 has a small value and using obvious trigonometric relations , one
obtains from the above:

∆θ1 = δ tgθ' (5.34)

Now, let us consider the second effect. The incident beam refracts on the boundary of two media
according to Snell’s law (Fig. 5.14). We obtain:

sin (90 − α )
= 1− δ (5.35)
sin (90 − α ')

The relative refraction index has a value smaller than one and accordingly:

α > α ' ⇒ α = α '+ ∆α (5.36 a)

β > β ' ⇒ β = β ' + ∆β (5.36 b)

After substituting Eq. 5.36a into Snell’s law, assuming that ∆α has small value and using
obvious trigonometric relations, one obtains:

∆α = δ ctgα' (5.37)

Similarly, one finds:

∆β = δ ctgβ' (5.38)

Let us define:
(∆θ )2 = 2θ − 2θ ' (5.39)

It is seen from Fig. 5.15 that (∆θ )2 = ∆α + ∆β , hence:

(∆θ )2 = δ (ctg α '+ctg β ') (5.40)

The total correction:

∆ 2θ = 2θ − 2θ 0 (5.41)

where 2θ is measured Bragg angle and 2θ0 – its corrected value.

Substituting Eq. 5.32 to Eq.5.39, one obtains:

∆ 2θ = (∆θ )2 + 2∆θ1 (5.42)

and equals to:

∆ 2θ = δ(ctgα'+ctgβ'+2 tgθ') (5.43)

In general the corrections are small, hence: α≅α’, β≅β’, θ≅θ’, and:

∆ 2θ = δ (ctgα + ctgβ + 2tgθ ) (5.44)

Moreover, in the case of grazing incidence diffraction geometry: β = 2θ − α , and we obtain

∆ 2θ = δ [ctgα + ctg (2θ − α ) + 2tgθ ] (5.45)

Total correction for X-ray radiation depends on the incident beam angle α, the Bragg angle 2θ
and on the material constant (δ). The variation of the total correction versus incidence angle and
Bragg angle is shown in Fig.5.15.

0.04 0.06

Cu radation Cu radation
peak 211 α= 50
0.03 0.05
∆2θ [ o ]

∆2θ [ o ]
0.02 0.04

0.01 0.03

0.00 0.02
0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

incident beam angle α [ o ] 2θ [ o ]

a. b.
Fig. 5.15. a) Correction ∆2θ versus α for 211 peak in steel,
b) Correction ∆2θ versus 2θ for the constant incidence angle α = 50.
The graphs were calculated for Cu radiation.

The correction for refraction strongly depends on the incidence angle α. For small α the shift can
easily exceed 0.010, than with growing α angle the shift decreases.

5.4. Experimental results

Ferrite powder sample

The next step was to find the influence of the corrections described above on results
obtained with the grazing incidence diffraction method. The simple and standard sample is the
powder one. The reference ferrite powder sample was prepared. The powder sample was
obtained from mechanically deformed material. The grazing incidence diffraction measurements
were performed on the Brücker D8 X-ray diffractometer using the Co radiation. The grazing
incidence diffraction measurements were done for φ=00 and <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} versus sin 2 ψ { hkl }
relation was determined. The experimental data was analysed applying the multi-reflection
method. The experiment was repeated for various incidence angles α, corresponding to different
penetration depths z given in Table 5.1.

without correction
α = 6o
with correction




123.0 123.5 124.0 124.5 125.0 125.5

Fig. 5.16. Position of 220 peak for steel powder sample with and without corrections.

Figure 5.16 shows exemplary 220 peak for steel powder sample and the shift of its position due
to the applied correction. The determined peak position without corrections is 2θ = 123.9788
deg. Applying corrections for absorption, atomic structure factor and Lorentz-polarization factor
we find the peak position at 2θ = 123.979 deg. If, moreover, the correction for refraction is
added – the determined peak position is 2θ = 123.9674 deg. It is clear that the correction for
refraction factor has the main influence on the peak position and the corresponding shift can be
even of 0.05 deg.
In order to calculate the diffraction elastic constants, the Reuss, Voigt and the self-
consistent (for interior and for surface) models were used. The correction effect on residual
stresses, determined in the powder sample, is presented in Table 5.2. Taking into account the
isotropic properties of this sample, the relation: σ 11M = σ 22
and σ 33M = 0 was assumed. The stress
components and stress-free lattice parameter for the powder sample versus penetration depth are
presented in Figs. 5.17 and 5.18.

Table 5.2 Comparison of macrostresses for powder sample using different models for
calculation of the diffraction elastic constants. (LP – Lorentz-polarization, A – absorption, f-
atomic structure factor).
Penetration Type of Determined σM11=σM22 [MPa]
depth, correction Voigt self-cons. self-cons. Reuss
incidence angle (interior) (free surface)
2 µm No corr. 88.9±17.1 73.2±14.2 61±12.1 57.9±11.4
α=60 LP, A, f 86±17.1 70.7±14.2 58.8±12.1 55.8±11.4
(Co – rad.) Refraction -0.8±17.1 -0.7±14.2 -0.6±12.1 -0.5±11.4
3.7 µm No corr. 59.9±15.9 49.8±13.5 40.3±11.3 39.7±11.1
α=120 LP, A, f 57.1±15.2 47.6±13.5 38.8±11.3 37.9±11.1
(Co – rad.) Refraction 28±15.9 22.9±13.5 18.3±11.3 17.9±11.1
5 µm No corr. 49.2±15.5 42±13.5 33.5±11.2 33.9±11.3
α=18 0
LP, A, f 47.7±15.5 40.9±13.5 32.7±11.2 33.3±11.3
(Co – rad.) Refraction 21±15.5 17.5±13.5 13.7±11.2 13.8±11.3

150 150

σ11M= σ22Μ [MPa]

σ11M= σ22Μ [MPa]

100 100

50 50

0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Penetration depth [µm] Penetration depth [µm]
a. b.

σ11M= σ22Μ [MPa]



1 2 3 4 5 6
Penetration depth [µm]
Fig.5.17. Stress components σ 11 M
= σ 22
( multi-reflection method, Co radiation) versus
penetration depth z for the ferrite powder sample:
a) without corrections, b) with absorption, Lorentz-polarization and atomic structure factor
corrections, c) taking into account above corrections and refraction.

2.872 2.872

2.870 2.870

2.868 2.868

a0 [A]
a0 [A]

2.866 2.866

2.864 2.864

2.862 2.862
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Penetration depth [µm] Penetration depth [µm]
a. b.



a0 [A]



1 2 3 4 5 6
Penetration depth [µm]
Fig. 5.18. Stress-free equivalent lattice parameter a0 (multi-reflection method, Co radiation)
versus penetration depth z for the ferrite powder sample:
a) without corrections,
b) with absorption, Lorentz-polarization and atomic structure factor corrections,
c) taking into account above corrections and refraction.

It is worth to notice that all corrections decrease the value of stresses (Table 5.2).
Corrections for absorption, structure and Lorentz-polarization factor change only slightly the
stress values (about 2 MPa). However, when refraction correction is introduced, a significant
change of stress values is observed. In powder samples this stress reduction reached even the
value of about 90 MPa. In a typical case the refraction correction lowered the stress of about 20
MPa. The resulting final stress value for the powder sample – between 20 and 30 MPa - can be
treated as a possible systematic error for all measurements and, in fact, it determines the
accuracy of the method.
The applied corrections have also influence on stress-free lattice parameter a0. For data
without corrections a slight change of a0 is observed - the value of lattice parameter increases
with penetration depth (Fig. 5.18a). On the other hand, when corrections are considered, the
lattice parameter a0 is practically constant in the whole range of penetration depth (Fig. 5.18c).

Data without correction Data with correction

2.868 2.868
experimental α = 6o experimental α = 6o
2.867 calculated 2.867 calculated

{110} {200} {211} {220} {310}

<a>{hkl} [A]

<a>{hkl} [A]
2.866 2.866

{110} {200} {211} {220} {310}

2.865 2.865

2.864 2.864

2.863 2.863
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

2.868 2.868

experimental α =12o α = 12o

2.867 calculated 2.867
{110} {200} {211} {220} {310}
<a>{hkl} [A]

<a>{hkl} [A]

2.866 2.866

2.865 2.865 {110} {200} {211} {220} {310}

2.864 2.864

2.863 2.863
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

2.868 2.868
experimental α = 18o α = 18o
2.867 calculated 2.867
{110} {200} {211} 220} {310}
<a>{hkl} [A]
<a>{hkl} [A]

2.866 2.866

2.865 2.865
{110} {200} {211} {220} {310}

2.864 2.864

2.863 2.863
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ
Fig. 5.19. The lattice parameter <a>{hkl} versus sin2ψ determined for powder sample (Co
radiation). Results for a) α=60 b) α=120 and c) α=180 are shown. Diffraction elastic
constants were calculated using the self-consistent model for the interior. On the left - results
without corrections, on the right – results with all corrections are shown.

The dependence of the equivalent lattice parameter <a>{hkl} versus sin2ψ is shown in Fig.
5.19. The cases with and without corrections are presented. It is easy to observe that graphs after
correction are more linear and have lower slope; this results in lower residual stresses, which is a
correct tendency for a powder sample.
In conclusion, the applied corrections improve the results; they reduce the value of stresses in
powder sample (in theory their value should approach zero). They also give a constant value of
a0 parameter (with a better precision), independently of the penetration depth.

316L stainless steel after grinding treatment

The discussed corrections were applied next to austenite steel samples after grinding.
Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the material used for sample preparation are
listed in Table 5.3 and Table 5.4. The surface of the sample, produced from the 316L stainless
steel, was ground:
in SAMPLE No 1: at the workpiece speed of vw =4 m/min, and the depth of cut equal to dc=4
µm was applied,
in SAMPLE No 2: at the workpiece speed of vw =1 m/min, and the depth of cut equal to dc=1
µm was applied.

Table 5.3. Chemical composition of the studied steels (mass %)

C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr Mo
316L 0.02 0.56 1.67 0.041 0.041 0.35 11.14 17.24 1.96

Table 5.4. Mechanical properties of the as received materials

Specimen 0.2% proof stress Ultimate tensile E [GPa]
[MPa] strength [MPa] Young modulus
316L 200 535 196

The grazing incidence diffraction measurements were performed with X-pert Philips and
Seifert X-ray diffractometer using Cu and Fe radiations, respectively. The interplanar spacings
were determined for different reflections hkl (see Eq. 5.11) and analysed using multi-reflection
method. The experiment was repeated for various incidence angles α corresponding to different
penetration depths t (Table 5.1). To verify the results of the grazing incidence diffraction
measurements, also the standard sin2ψ method was applied using the 311 reflection (Mn
radiation). Due to the varying penetration depth with ψ angle in the latter experiment, an
approximate average value of penetration depth was estimated (see Table. 5.1).
The alignment of experimental set-up for grazing incidence diffraction geometry was first
checked (on the used diffractometer) on a powder sample of ferrite iron. In this case, zero stress
should be obtained for each incidence angle α, i.e., for different penetration depths t. Application
of the corrections leads to a good agreement between two series of measurements (with Cu-
radiation and Fe-radiations) – Fig. 5.20. A relatively low value of the measured pseudo-stress in
the powder sample ( σ 11
= σ M22 ≈ – 25 MPa) was found independently of the α angle. (Fig.5.20).
This value should be treated as a possible systematic error for other measurements.

The variation of the lattice parameter a0 obtained by the multi-reflection analysis was studied as
a function of the penetration depth t (or α), with and without corrections (Fig. 5.20). As
expected, after correction the a0 value does not depend on the depth and it is equal to 2.8663 ±
0.0002 Å. Like in the case of stress, corrections improve the agreement between results obtained
with different radiations.

Ferrite powder without correction Ferrite powder with correction

400 Cu radiation Cu radiation

Fe radiation Fe radiation

σ11M= σ22M [MPa]

σ11M= σ22Μ [MPa]

200 200

0 0

-200 -200
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
penetration depth [µm] penetration depth [µm]

2.872 2.872
Cu radiation Cu radiation
2.870 Fe radiation 2.870 Fe radiation

2.868 2.868
a0 [A]

a0 [A]

2.866 2.866

2.864 2.864

2.862 2.862
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
penetration depth [µm] penetration depth [µm]

Fig. 5.20. σ 11
= σ M22 and a0 versus penetration depth for the ferrite powder sample. Cu and
Fe radiations and multi-reflection method were used. On the left - results without
corrections, on the right- results with corrections are shown.

For the 316L stainless steel samples studied in the present work two independent
diffraction elastic constants (s1{hkl} and 1 2 s2{hkl}) were calculated using Voigt, Reuss and the
self-consistent models for sample surface and interior (see chapter 1). The calculations were
performed using single crystal elastic constants. The surface of the 316L stainless steel was
subjected to grinding treatment in one direction. Consequently, the asymmetry of planar stresses
(i.e., σ 11M ≠ σ 22
) is expected. The grazing incidence diffraction method was applied using Cu
and Fe radiations. Exemplary results of analysis for the ground steel are shown in Table 5.5 and
in Figs. 5.21-5.25. The best quality of fitting (small value of χ2) was found for the self-consistent
approach of free surface, and slightly worse results were obtained for the Reuss and self-
consistent (interior) models. The worst fitting quality appears for the Voigt model.

Table. 5.5. Components of macroscopic residual stress σM11 and σM22 ( MPa) for 316L samples.
Reuss, Voigt and self-consistent models were used for calculation of diffraction elastic constants.
χ2 is also listed.

Penetration Analysis Stress Results of fitting assuming σM33=0

depth, with σMij Voigt self-cons. self-cons. Reuss
incidence correction [MPa], (interior) (free surface)
angle χ2
0.32 µm Yes σM11 1341±154 1159±63 999±36 912±45
α=5 0
σM22 322±151 263±62 167±35 181±43
(Cu - χ2 96.07 23.36 11.34 19.79
radiation) No σM11 1368±149 1180±59 1014±36 926±45
σM22 356±146 289±58 187±35 200±44
χ2 90.51 20.51 11.04 20.37
0.79 µm Yes σM11 1357±210 1175±126 1044±67 932±80
α=15 0
σM22 480±206 402±123 316±66 299±78
(Cu – χ2 148.18 74.7 29.21 48.78
radiation) No σM11 1359±208 1177±124 1045±65 933±79
σM22 487±203 407±121 320±64 303±77
χ2 144.32 71.95 27.93 47.1
0.88 µm Yes σM11 1191±241 1128±107 980±67 931±93
α=30 σM22 378±240 300±107 152±67 159±91
(Fe – χ2 139.97 34.93 20.41 40.29
radiation) No σM11 1290±240 1213±109 1041±81 990±104
σM22 480±239 387±109 217±80 221±103
χ2 138.68 36 29.09 50.91
1.42 µm Yes σM11 1219±235 1147±109 991±65 941±83
α=5 0
σM22 466±232 376±108 216±65 218±82
(Fe - χ2 133.9 37.21 19.77 34.22
radiation) No σM11 1287±234 1206±109 1034±73 983±90
σM22 538±231 438±108 263±72 263±89
χ2 132.73 36.97 24.62 39.9
2.59 µm Yes σM11 1155±231 1064±128 915±73 855±77
α=10 0
σM22 582±230 465±127 299±72 278±76
(Fe – χ2 128.1 53.53 26.25 32.67
radiation) No σM11 1197±230 1097±128 939±76.8 878±81
σM22 627±229 502±127 327±76.3 304±81
χ2 127.49 53.73 29.31 36.5
4.32 µm Yes σM11 1205±190 1031±79 849±52 759±58
α=200 σM22 813±190 616±78 414±52 349±58
(Fe - χ2 71.75 19.46 13.21 20.32
radiation) No σM11 1201±190 1026±82 845±54 753±62
σM22 814±189 616±82 415±54 348±62
χ2 71.63 21.03 14.36 22.83

α =5o φ = 0o 3.605 α = 5o φ = 90o experimental
3.610 Cu radiation Cu radiation Reuss
<a>{hkl} [A]


<a>{hkl} [A]
{311} {111} {331}
3.600 3.595
3.595 3.590 {200} {420}
experimental {311}
Reuss 3.585
{200} Voigt
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

α = 5o φ = 0o 3.605 α = 5o φ = 90o experimental
3.610 Cu radiation Cu radiation s-c (interior)
s-c (free surf.)
3.605 {331}


{111} {331}
3.600 3.595




3.595 3.590 {420}

{220} experimental {311}
s-c (interior) 3.585
{200} s-c (free surf.)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

Fig. 5.21. Measured <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} lattice parameters and fitted theoretical curves for the
316L sample after grinding (Cu radiation and α=50). Corrections were applied to all
experimental points. Different models were used for the calculation of diffraction elastic

3.610 α = 5o φ = 0o {311} α = 5o φ = 90o experimental
Fe radiation Fe radiation Reuss
3.600 Voigt

{220} {222}


3.595 {200} {311}
experimental {200}
Reuss 3.585

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

3.610 α = 5o φ = 0o {311} 3.604 α = 5o φ = 90o experimental

Fe radiation Fe radiation s-c (interior)
3.600 s-c (free surf.)


{222} 3.596
{220} {220}


3.592 {111}


3.595 {200} {311}

{111} {200} 3.588
s-c (interior)
3.590 3.584
s-c (free surf.)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

sin2Ψ sin2Ψ

Fig. 5.22. Measured <a(ψ,φ)>{hkl} lattice parameters and theoretical curves fitted to them
for the 316L sample after grinding (Fe radiation and α=50). Corrections were applied to all
experimental points. Different models were used for the calculation of diffraction elastic

Generally, we can conclude that reasonably good fits to experimental data are obtained with
Reuss and self-consistent models (especially free surface version). In contrast to them, Voigt
model predictions do not describe sufficiently well a character of the observed relations.

Results without correction Results with correction

1400 grazing grazing standard 1400 grazing grazing standard

(Cu rad.) (Fe rad.) (Mn rad.) (Cu rad.) (Fe rad.) (Mn rad.)
1200 1200

σ M σ M [MPa]

1000 1000


11 22

600 600

400 400

200 200
0 0
-200 -200
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
penetration depth [µm] σ
11 penetration depth [µm] σ
σ 11

3.62 3.62
Cu radiation Cu radiation
Fe radiation Fe radiation
3.61 3.61
a0 [A]
a0 [A]

3.60 3.60

3.59 3.59

3.58 3.58
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
penetration depth [µm] penetration depth [µm]

Fig.5.23. Stress components ( σ 11M and σ 22

) and stress-free equivalent lattice parameter a0
versus penetration depth for the ground sample (SAMPLE 1). The self-consistent model for
free surface was used to calculate the diffraction elastic constants. On the left - results
without corrections, on the right – with corrections.

The values of σ 11M and σ 22

stress components in function of penetration depth are shown
for SAMPLE 1 in Fig. 5.23. A very good quality of fitting and small uncertainty of the
determined stresses suggest that the self-consistent approach for sample surface gives the best
estimation of residual stresses (quite similar values were obtained with the Reuss model). It
should be noted that good continuity of the measured stresses versus depth was obtained using
the grazing incidence diffraction with Cu and Fe radiations. The experiment by means of
standard diffraction method (using Mn radiation and 311 reflection) confirmed change of
stresses in function depth. As for the previously studied samples, the stress- free parameter a0 is
almost constant versus penetration depth (a0 = 3.5951± 0.0009 Å, see Fig. 5.23).
Figure 5.24 shows the results for the sample similar to the previous one, but with
different technological parameters (SAMPLE 2). Just like previously, when corrections are
applied - a better agreement between three experiments with different radiations is observed
(Fig. 5.24)

Results without correction Results with correction
1200 1200
grazing grazing standard grazing grazing standard
1000 (Cu rad.) (Fe rad.) (Mn rad.) 1000 (Cu rad.) (Fe rad.) (Mn rad.)
σ M σ M [MPa]

σ M σ M [MPa]
800 800

600 600
11 22

11 22
400 400

200 200

0 0

-200 -200
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
penetration depth [µm] σ penetration depth [µm] σ
11 11
σ σ
22 22

3.62 3.62

Cu radiation Cu radiation
Fe radiation Fe radiation
3.61 3.61
a0 [A]

a0 [A]

3.60 3.60

3.59 3.59

3.58 3.58
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

penetration depth [µm] penetration depth [µm]

Fig.5.24. Stress components ( σ 11M and σ 22

) and stress-free equivalent lattice parameter a0
versus penetration depth for the ground sample (SAMPLE 2). The self-consistent model for
free surface was used to calculate the diffraction elastic constants. On the left - results
without corrections, on the right - with corrections.

5.5. Conclusions
Asymmetric geometry is applied in the grazing incidence diffraction method. Penetration
depth of radiation is almost constant during experiment and it can be easily changed by an
appropriate selection of incidence angle or by using different type of radiation. Variation of
penetration depth enables investigation of materials with stress gradient. Classical sin2ψ method
cannot be applied for this purpose, because penetration depth is not constant during experiment.
Refraction of EM-wave (with refraction coefficient smaller than one) causes two effects:
it changes the wavelength and the direction of the beam inside a sample. The two effects change
the 2θ angle and shift the pick position. This shift has to be considered in data treatment. For
small incidence angles (α≤100) the corrections are significant and can modify the resulting stress
even of 70 MPa. The refraction correction decreases with growing incidence angle. Other
corrections (absorption, atomic factor, Lorentz-polarization factor) are less important for final
stress values.

General conclusions
The stress field in polycrystalline materials was examined and described. The first and
second residual stresses were studied in polycrystalline single and multi-phase materials. Strict
formulae describing effects of the first and the second order stresses on interplanar spacings (or
equivalent lattice parameter) were derived. The aim of this work is to propose a methodology of
residual stress study using diffraction methods, theoretical approaches and modelling. This
enables to analyse and better understand the mechanical behaviour of polycrystalline materials.
Two methods of internal stresses determination were described and used (classical method and
multi-reflection one).

A new grazing angle incident diffraction X-ray diffraction technique was developed in
order to analyse the residual stress gradient. Using this method, it is possible to perform a non-
destructive analysis of the heterogeneous stress for different (and well defined) volumes below
the sample surface. Moreover, the stress can be measured at very small depths, of the order of a
few micrometers. Uncertainty of measurement was considered; the influence of absorption,
Lorentz-polarization, atomic scattering factor and refractive index was studied. By means of
powder references sample the importance of all factors responsible for the peak position was
examined and taken into account. The performed analysis confirmed a small influence of
absorption, Lorentz-polarization and atomic scattering factor on the results of stress
determination. Contrary to them, the refraction index was found very significant, especially for
small incident angles. For the incidence angles α≤100 the corrections are important and they can
modify the resulting stress significantly (even of 70 MPa in powder). The refraction correction
decreases with growing incidence angle.

The self-consistent and Lefers-Wierzbanowski models of elasto-plastic deformation were

developed and used for the study of sample properties and the stress evolution. The presented
models of elasto-plastic deformation (LW and SC) are useful tools for the study of mechanical
properties of polycrystalline materials. They enable the prediction of macroscopic material
properties (e.g., texture, stress-strain curves, plastic flow surfaces, dislocation density, final state
of residual stress, etc.), basing on the micro-structural characteristics (crystallography of slip
systems, hardening law, initial texture, initial residual stress state, etc.). The presented models
predict mechanical properties of materials in particular, rolling textures were correctly predicted
for materials with cubic and hexagonal crystal structure. Such models are convenient tools for
technologists searching for optimal material properties.

The residual stresses were examined in corss-rolled polycrystalline copper and steel. The
stress variation in function of deromation in corss rolling direction as well as resulting textures
were explained using LW and SC models.

The new multi-reflection method for stress determination was applied to analyse the
experimental data for duplex stainless steel. The main advantage of this method is that
experimental data obtained for various hkl reflections are treated simultaneously. The significant
values of the phase stresses were found in both phases of duplex steel. During elasto-plastic
deformation the evolution of phase stresses and generation of the second order incompatibility
stresses were observed. The influence of elastic anisotropy and crystallographic texture on the
creation of the second order incompatibility stresses was also studied. Using the methodology
developed in this work, the first and the second order stresses were quantitatively determined for
each phase. It has been shown that experimentally determined lattice strains could be
successfully correlated with the theoretical results only when the influence of the second order
stresses is taken into account. Moreover, our results confirm that the best quality of fit between
experimentally determined lattice strains and theoretical predictions is obtained when anisotropic
elastic constants and real initial sample texture are taken into account.

The described experimental methods combined with deformation models present useful
tools for evaluation of the stress fields in polycrystalline materials, hence for the investigation of
new materials for technology.

Lorentz-Polarization Factor
The Lorentz factor is a collection of trigonometric terms that describes the dependence of
the diffracted intensity on the diffraction angle. There are three factors that contribute to Lorentz

• The number of grains, which are, oriented such that they can diffract at a given angle 2θ.
• The diffracted intensity per unit length of the diffraction cone.
• The dependence of diffracted intensity from any one crystalline 2θ.

Fig. A.1. Cone of reflected rays.

The first factor is dependent on the volume fraction of grains oriented such that they can
diffract at very near the particular Bragg angle. Even if a completely random distribution of grain
orientations is assumed, this volume fraction is not the same for all orientations of the incident
beam. Assume that a sphere of radius r is drawn around a powder sample (Fig. A.1). If the
angular range around the Bragg angle into which appreciable intensity is diffracted is δθ, then
the normals to the planes that can diffract will intersect the sphere within a band of width r⋅δθ,
with an area of δθ⋅2π⋅r⋅[sin(90-θ].

The fraction of the crystallites is the ratio of this area to the total area of the sphere 4πr2 :

∆N rδθ2πr sin(90 − θ) δθ cos θ

= ≅ (A.1)
N 4πr 2 2

Thus the fraction of diffracting particles is proportional to

c1 = cos θ (A.2)

and is small for large θ.

The second factor, intensity per unit length of the diffraction cone, is important because, as
discussed before, in normal X-ray work only small segment of the intersection of the diffraction
cone with the detection plane is used in measuring intensities. However, since the radius of each
cone is different, the diffracted intensity into each unit length of the cone circumference is
different. If the radius of the diffractometer is R, the radius of the circumference of any
diffraction cone is 2πRsin2θ. Thus, the diffracted intensity per unit length is proportional to:

c2 = (A.3)
sin 2θ

The third factor describes the variation of intensity with 2θ, when all other factor are constant. It
was previously shown that, when deviations from ideality occur in the wavelength distribution of
the X-ray beam, or in the degree of perfection of the crystal, appreciable X-ray intensity is
observed at angles δθ away from the Bragg angle θB, resulting in the broadening of the X-ray
peak. Maximum intensity on the other hand, occurs at θB. Thus, diffracted intensity is a function
of θ.

Fig. A.2. Scattering in fixed direction during crystal rotation.

Consider a plane containing N atoms which is rotated an angle δθ for θ (Fig. A.2). In this case
the angles that the incident and diffracted beams make with the plane are θ1 and θ2. The path
difference between the rays scattered by the two atoms on the plane is:

∆ = a cosθ 2 − a cosθ1 = a[cos(θ B − ∆θ ) − cos(θ B + ∆θ )] (A.4)

which can be expressed as:

∆ = 2aδθ sin θ B (A.5)

where, since δθ is small, sinδθ≅δθ. The path difference between the rays diffracted from the first
and the N-th atom on the plane is

N ⋅ δθ = N ⋅ 2a ⋅ δθ ⋅ sin θ B (A.6)

If this difference is equal to an integral multiple of the wavelength, the diffracted intensity is
zero. Thus, the maximum rotation of any crystallite from the Bragg position is

N ⋅ 2a ⋅ δθ ⋅ sin θ B = λ
λ (A.7)
δθ =
2 Na sin θ

Finally the diffracted intensity varies as a function of 1/sinθ:

c3 =
sin θ (A.8)

All the trigonometric terms discussed above (Eqs. A.2, A.3, A.8) can be combined to form a
single factor, which describes the variation of intensity with angle θ. This factor is so-called the
Lorentz factor, and is given by:

L.F = K (A.9)
sin 2 θ

where K is constant.

Although x-rays are scattered in all directions by an electron, the intensity of scattered beam
depends on the angle of scattering. According J. J. Thomson theory the intensity I of the beam
scattered by single electron of charge e and mass m, at the distance r from the electron is given

I = I0 sin 2 α (A.10)
r 2 m2c 4

where α is the angle between electric field of the incident wave and OP direction (Fig. A.3.)
Suppose the incident beam is travelling in the direction Ox (Fig. A.3.) and encounters an election
in O. We want know the scattered intensity at P in the xz plane where OP is inclined at scattering
angle of 2θ to the incident beam.

Fig. A.3. Scattering of X-rays by a single electron.

An unpolarized incident beam has electric vector E in a random direction in yz plane:

1 2
E y = Ez =
2 2
E (A.11)

The ratio of incident intensity at O to the scattered intensity at P is equal to the ration of the
squares of the amplitude of the electric field ( I ~ E 2 ).

I0 y = I0 z =
I0 (A.12)
The y component of the incident beam accelerates the electron in the direction Oy. It therefore
gives rise to a scattered beam whose intensity at P is found from equation A.10.:

I Py = I 0 y (A.13)
r 2 m2c 4

It should by noted that angle α (yOP) equals π

Similarly, the intensity of the scattered z component is given by:

I Pz = I 0 z 2 2 4
cos 2 2θ (A.14)
r m c

since α = π − 2θ .
The total scattered intensity at P is obtain by summing the intensities of two components:

I P = I Py + I Pz (A.15)

Finally we obtain:

e4  1 + cos 2 2θ 
I P = I0   (A.16)
r 2m2c 4  2 

The Lorentz factor and the polarization factor are usually combined together to form the L-P
(Lorentz-Polarization) factor:

1 + cos 2 θ
( L.P.) = (A.17)
sin 2 θ

Lorentz-polarization factor




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Fig. A.4. Lorentz-Polarization factor versus 2θ for ferrite steel.

The Lorentz – polarization factor is shown in Fig. A.4. Like for absorption this correction is
significant for small and high angles 2θ.

List of author’s publication

Wierzbanowski, K., Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Wróbel, M., Fitzpatrick, M., Braham, C. and
Lodini, A., 2007a, Variation of Residual Stresses during Cross-Rolling, Journal of Neutron
Research, 15, – in print

Dakhlaoui, R., Wroński, S., Braham, C., Baczmański A. and Wierzbanowski, K., 2007b,
Influence of nitrogen content and residual stresses on mechanical properties of duplex stainless
steels studied by X-ray and neutron diffraction, Journal of Neutron Research, 15, – in print

Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Dakhlaoui, R., Braham, C., Wierzbanowski K. and Oliver, E.C.,
2006a, Determination of Stress Field in Textured Duplex Steel Using TOF Neutron Diffraction
Method, Acta Materialia, doi:10.1016/j.actamat2007.07.044.

Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Wierzbanowski, K., Braham, C., Dakhlaoui, R. and Oliver, E.C.,
2006b, Quantitative Estimation of the Second Order Plastic Incompatibility Stresses in Textured
Duplex Steel, Materials Science Forum, 524-525, 841-846

Dakhlaoui, R., Baczmański, A., Braham, C., Wroński, S., Wierzbanowski, K. and Oliver, E.C.,
2006c, Effect of residual stresses on individual phase mechanical properties of austeno-ferritic
duplex stainless steel, Acta Materialia, 54, 5027-5039

Wierzbanowski, K., Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Wróbel, M., Braham, C., Fitzpatrick, M. and
Lodini, A., 2006d, Residual Stresses Induced by Cross-Rolling, Materials Science Forum, 524-
525, 63-68

Dakhlaoui, R., Braham, C., Baczmański, A., Wroński, S., Wierzbanowski, K. and Oliver, E.C.,
2006e, Effect of residual stresses on mechanical properties of duplex stainless steel studied by
diffraction and self-consistent modelling, Materials Science Forum, 524-525, 185-190

Wierzbanowski, K., Baczmański, A., Wroński, S., Braham, C. and Lodini, A., 2005, “Tuning”
of deformation models by residual stress measurements, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials,
50, 457-464

Wroński, S., Wierzbanowski, K., Baczmański, A., Braham, C. and Lodini, A., 2004,
Verification of Inter-Granular Interaction in Deformation Models by Residual Stress
Measurements, Journal of Neutron Research, 12, 9-14

Participation in conferences

Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Wierzbanowski, K., Braham, C., Dakhlaoui, R. and Oliver, E.C.,
2006, Quantitative Estimation of the Second Order Plastic Incompatibility Stresses in Textured
Duplex Steel, 7-th European Conf. on Residual Stresses (ECRS7), Berlin (2006); published in:
Materials Science Forum, 524-525, 841-846

Wierzbanowski, K., Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Wróbel, M., Braham, C., Fitzpatrick, M., and
Lodini, A., 2006, Residual Stresses Induced by Cross-Rolling, 7-th European Conf. on Residual
Stresses (ECRS7), Berlin; published in: Materials Science Forum, 524-525, 63-68

Dakhlaoui, R., Braham, C., Baczmanski, A., Wronski, S., Wierzbanowski, K. and Oliver, E.C.,
2006, Effect of residual stresses on mechanical properties of duplex stainless steel studied by
diffraction and self-consistent modelling, 7-th European Conf. on Residual Stresses (ECRS7),
Berlin; published in: Materials Science Forum, 524-525, 185-190

Wierzbanowski, K., Wroński, S., Baczmański, A., Wróbel, M., Fitzpatrick, M., Braham, C. and
Lodini, A., 2005, Variation of Residual Stresses during Cross-Rolling, Abstracts of the
Conference on Stress Evaluation MECA SENS III, p.104, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Dakhlaoui, R., Wroński, S., Braham, C., Baczmański, A. and Wierzbanowski, K., 2005,
Influence of nitrogen content and residual stresses on mechanical properties of duplex stainless
steels studied by X-ray and neutron diffraction, Abstracts of the Conference on Stress Evaluation
MECA SENS III, p.17, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Wierzbanowski, K., Baczmański, A., Wroński, S., Braham, C. and Lodini, A., 2004, “Tuning”
of deformation models by residual stress measurements, Abstracts of Symp. on Texture and
Microstructure Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials (SOTAMA-FGM), p. 61, Kraków,

Wroński, S., Wierzbanowski, K., Baczmański, A. and Braham, C., 2003, Estimation of
interaction level in deformation models by residual stress measurements, Abstracts of the 2-nd
Int. Conf. on Stress Evaluation MECA SENS II, p. 76, Manchester, U.K.


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