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By Ingeniero ABEL DE LA CUEVA,

of the Departamento de Petroleo de la Secretaria de la Economia Nacional.


Les procddés de forage emyloyks au Mexique peuGent sc répartir c n d c u z grandes culd-

Un matériel de dorage P O U T les explorations verticales d u type Rotary, daciien¿enl ti.«ns-
p O T t U b l e el Capable de forer jusqu'd 300 na. d e projondeur. Avec ce malériel, o n emploie ?Ln
carottier pour obtenir ríes échantillons du terrain.
Un outillage poui. lornge inclinc Holary, qui sert surloul POUT le travail d'exploralion,
et peul forer sous u n angle quelconque recoupnnt uinsi ilne Ilanclic J J h S inq,ortanle d e
chaque couche e:. Der mettant a u aéoloaue d'dtBblir nius . facilentent
. d e s corrtlalions fondées
entre les di[férenl& [ormalions. .
Pour les sondes deslinees ù l'exploilalion iusqu'd ces dernières anndes la mdlhode PTd-
férCe e n U r!:ildcatling était le s!jsli:me N Standard
)) >)ou s y s f k n i e au cûhle sou.9 prdlealc
que, avec le Itotary des tro.ces d'liuilr puuvuient &/tapper, qul avec le ays18ttte 11 Standard )i,

auraient Blé facilement, decelées.

cette objeclion a u systeme Rotary a disparu depuis rinlroùiction du carottier el ilc
Itotary a maintenant la préfërence dans les Champs où lee horizons se situent enlre WI el
2.2dít m. de p ~ q o n d e u r ,et en certains cas iusqzc'd 3.1ciU m.
La sonde à carottier procure des échantillons de dimensions apprdciables des [OTmn-
tions traversées. ramenés en surjace o.vec lerlrs in!pï@g?tatiortsL'emploi uuec ce syslèlrie
rl'instruments pzrbec/ior,nés au,gnien/e s o n eificucik! el ccarle [ C U risques d'nccideril.
La lechniqrlr: dont il conuiendrail d e jaire usage pour le foruye ù grande profortrleur est
/,U suii:ante :
AIL lieu d'un t i o l ~cle dimensions couranfrs il faudrait faire un [orage d e diametre plu.
lietit - p a r ezcmyite de 15 c m . - adalAé a une dimenswri t v p e , d u lubuqe .su,[fi,so,nt pour ( ( 4
liroditrtion. U n aurait ainsi l e Ocnkfice de l'economie due a u pelzt diam.e'lre du ITOU el celur
tie ,l'injormation géologique obten,ue en cas d'échec ou d e n o n production.

T h e drìlliny methods used i n illexico may be classibied i n l u ~ omain groups.
Vertical exploration drllling equipment of the T O ~ U T I type, ~ -- eusil?] imns%ered ann,
capable of drillin:; u p to 3íH~ nielers In d e p t h . A COT^ d r i l i barrel tool is used icith this
e(;itiprnent i n order to obtain sutnples 01 the Jormulion.
f{olary inclined drilling equipment used rnaindy f o r exploralion work, an,d able to drlill
al a n angle, thus cutting a greater section of ench sírata and enabling the geologist to
tv~siLycorrelale lhe different formulions as they erist in the ground.
Iizploitation tlrillhg equipmen¿ rtnlBI recent iJears lhe [ailorite method of the wildcnlleT
ioas the <( Standard 1, O P cab/< lool Pyslem o n ilccoicnt ut l i l e belief /hat [ h e roirsry system
would hide trace.i o/ oil thal under the standard system t c : ~ ~ be l d easily discouered.
This objection of the rotory s!/stem has disnppeared. s i m e the introduction os the core
drill, and t i b e i o t u r ~sysleni i s noto preferred in field i o h i c h horizons are found between'
(i00 and 2.200 meters in deplh, and ,in some Cases up l o 3.100 meters.
l'hc core drill ohlains 1 samples o& t h e formalioia truuersed and brings i t u p with ils
nzlural impre!~nalions.L're n i n s m o n e n t s used i o i l h litis svslenL increase ils efjicienq
and eliminale accidents.
ï'he proper technique --lo De uwed in rlrillinq ni, !ireal (tepllis, should he as Jolloius :
Inslead o[ a regular size hole, a well o[ sniriller diu.rnetcr si~ould De drihlsd, s a y of 15 cms..
U ~ J O T I encountering &nuorable indications, th.e #rill hole should lie enlarged to a standard&d
and propenly lined for production, thus taking uduants,qt~of Ille ecnnonay on a small dia-
meter hole. and the yeotogicnl iniormation oblnined in case 01 failure or non-productzon.

Die i n dle.ZiliO zur Anwendung gelangenden Böhruerfahren k d n n e n in zwei agrossc
Gruppen eingeleilt werden :
Eine leicht transportierbare Rotary-Einrichtung fiir die senkrechten Rohrungen bis Z Z L
300m Tie[e. Zur Entnahme der Gesíeinsproben werden besondere Bohrer verwendet. Eine
R O t a T y - . 4 ~ s T Ü S t U n g fiir schiefes Bohren, die hauptsächlich Aufschlussarbeiten dient. Man
k a n n nzit ihr unter irgend einem Winkel bohren und auf diese Weise ein grösseres Stück
jeder Schicht durchschneiden, was d e m Geologen ermiiglickt, Zeichtcr Beziehungen zwischen
tien uersckiedenen Formationen zu erkennen.

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The vai-iuus petroleum zoiies exploited to date in lhe secliuii u ï euch s l i u k ~ . l a k i n g into account the a i g l e
Republic 01 Mexico are the ïollowing : hlier, in .- the uï the bui.a-liulc, u geulugist iiiuy easily correlate tlie
State ,of 1iiiiiaulipas, (where great quuiitities u,i - diïïerent slialu. as h e y exist i11 the grouiid. l h i s systeiii
natural gas íiuve beeii found) and Altamira in the sanie of boriiig lias beeii successlully used iii Ilie zoiies o1
State. Lacalilau, Pánuco, 'ïopila, ,iii the State of Ve- Altamux., 'larnps., arid ~ l i u p u c t l u , I'aiiucu Uislrict, iii
racruz, of these a r e ïainous hmatlán, Toteco, Zacamix- the State of Veracruz.
tle. 'ïancoco y Tepeziritla, recognized as the Golden- Il. - Equipment for drallìng wclls [or ezp1oitatio.n. -
Lane; Poza Kica arid the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in This system of drilling is knuwn a s the Standaxd II or

the State of Veracruz ; El Liinun, Lalles in the State Cable tool s y s t e m Until recent )-ears i1 \vas the favorite
of San Luis Potosi. Various íoriiiations, rich iri natural method 01 the wildcatter or advenlurer. At that tiiiie
gas, have been discovered iri the districts 01 Cuiiiargu the rotary system was considered ineificient because the
and Hancherias in the State of Taniaulipas and pi.oiiii- sludge piuiuced in the boririg U l J e I I L l i U n would hide
sing indications in El %acate, Municipality uï General tiaces al oil that under the staridurcl system wuuld be
Ijravo, in the State of Nuevo Leon. easily discovered. ' l h i s objectiuii LU llie rutary SJ steli1
h a s disappeared since ttic iritrwiuctiun u€ the core drill.
Drilling methods may be classified iri twu niuin groups: 'The core drill not only ubtiliiis large suniples of the
formation Iraversed, but brings it U ~ J with its natural
1. - Exploration drilling. irnpregnatiuns.
'ïlie rotary sysiem is now prelerred in fields in which
II. - Exploitation drilling. horizons a r e Io'und between BUU aiid Z.kc)ü nieters i i i
depth, in some cases up to 3.IUU iiieters. i t cotisisis
i. - Vertical exploration drilling equipment. - This of a bit, shalted like a11 auger, \\,iiicti advarices by v i i Lue
is of the Rotary type and light in weight, aiid therelore oî its cuttirig and crusliiiig uctiu~i. 'l'lie bit is cuulcd by
can be translerred easily to the various locations, and means of \valer, a thin iiiud beiiig produced uridei oye-
is capable oï drilling to depths of YOU meters. Its power rating conditiuiis. 'The sludge bu produced is u misture
is derived from internal combustion engines using the of clay and o1 particles u1 r~.~cb. ltiese particles are
su called ïishtail bit for clay and iiiarl, arid the standard easily separated by means of scïeeiiiiig u r settliiig tanks,
rock bit for liniestone and igneous rocks. ï'his eyuipnient or by a coinbination of both. llie di111 s t ~ i i i ,being Iicillow,
uses mud as a cooling agent for the drill, which a t the permits the circulutiun oi the sludge, M.tiich is appropria-
sanie tinie serves the purpose of lining the walls, pre- tely distributed III the face o1 Ille bit. l i i e best iiiutive
veiiting wasliuuls and the collapse ui the Lvell. .lhis power I S steaiii, because of the llexibility uï such ciigines.
method is excellent for obtainiiig saiiiples 01 the dillerenl Steain engines hiive \he luïtliei, aclvunlage ttiul lliey curi
strata, determining the thickness 01 each of these by be used a s brakes u l m i lowering the di.111 sleiiis and
analytical methods. Up to the presenl time, the core pipe. In isolated places, lio~vever, ihe iiiiei.na1 coiiibus-
drill has been used exclusively for this purpose. LIy this liun engiiie iiiay be Itreierrcù. llie Diesel type is orten
method samples are obtained up to tlie length o1 one chuseri. 'ïlie Iaclc of iiexibilily ut suc11 iiizlcliiiies is CUIW
m,etar, when the structure of the rock allows it. Fur- pensated for by gear Loses, s u c h us are used in auto-
thermore it shows with clearness the inclination uf the mobiles.
formation and defines the z o n a of contact. us the suriiple The turn-tables, through \\liich the pu\\cr is applied
a r e ïully protected and come out intact. to tlie drill, is cuniiected with the irioviiig eiigiiie by
The localization and spacing oí the vertical boririgs nieans oï gears u r by means oï sprucliet wheels arid
a r e determined by the structurai condil.ioiis, gathered chains. '11-iese rriethuds kiuvl: beeri eliniinated iii the
from the geological samples obtained. 'ïlie caracteristics Siieltiori and Uurcleii Systems III which a propeller shaft
IS used, wliicli actuates through a clutch.
>f the subjacent formations a r e gathered, arid lhu liii- I n equilmieiils used in deep weil drilling (1.ooO t t ~
dings a r e later checked u p by deep well drilling. 3.250 meters), the hoist is aiictiured lu the cellar, elinii-
In zones consisting of many strata, where the sani- nuting in this iiianiier iiiipacts arid vibratiuiis which
pling of each strata would present difficulties, the dril- attended the older system of anclioixig the Iiuist to the
ling may be done at an angle, thus cutting u greater legs of the derrick.

- dl8 -
Tite hoist is governed by Inenns of a hydraulic brake and at any dcpth and gives u. permanent record of the
oiid IS lit tcd wilh tt shock-ubsoi~bing inecliaiiism whicli inclination and direction of the hole on a chart.
is subiiieIged in a viscose liquid. These two jnstruments, combined with the steam
Tiie hose which connects l i e sludgc pump with the gauge, are the principal tools used by the drilles to
(I Kclly II p i n t is made either of rubber, reinforced with ascertain with accuracy the conditions obtaining in the
wire, or is u1 steel Inade up of short sections connected well.
with universal joints. 'The proper inter]~rcI~t!otiu l the data given by lhese
The excellerice or the rotary systeiri tias been made instruments requires acadeniic training. I ha modern
possible by the advances made in the manufacture of procedure is totally unlike the guess-work of the older
alloys which stand enormcius tensions snd stresses. The tloys.
hardness of the steeels used in the cutting edges uî the In my opinion tlic technique which should be used iii
tools is coiiilmrtiblc! l o that oi lhe dianiond. I;urtherriiure, wildcatting in zones in n-hicti i t is thought that a produc-
the rotai?. system elimiiiates the human factor involved tive horizon will be found only at great depth it as
in the Standard or Cable, tool method. This is made follows :
possible by t l i e iise o î precision instriiments which are Instead of drilling a regular sized hole, a well oí' smal-
not applicable in tlie oldea system. ler diameter should be drilled, say of -15 cms. Upon
Some of the al1j)liances are as follows : encountering favorable indications, the drillhole should
bc enlarged to a standard size and properly 1ine.d with
1. The Torque-meter or Torque-gauge. - This men- piping. The objection might be raiseci tlial in drilling the
sures and registers the loads on the driving engine. The first hole to a n y depth serious cavings arid blowouts
changes in the formation are, instantly, indicatcd hy would be encounteaed. Such a possibility, however, is
corresponding changes in t l i e load. relatively remote because 01' the smaller diameter oï
the hole, the nature of the sludge and careful inspection
2. T h e Clinogrciph. - This instrument measures the of the samples. Furthermore. a hole oî small diameter
inclination and the direction of the nel1 at any time is far more econninical to drill.

íCummunicntion pri.sentée par le rapporteur.)

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