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WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S, Senators Te Cruz (R-Teas), Ron son (R-Wis), James Lankford (R-OKI), Sieve Danes (Mon), John Kennedy (R-La, Mars Blackburn (Rea), ant ‘Mike Beau Rnd), and Seuss le Cetia Lams (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan_) Bl Hage (RT) and Tommy Taberile(R-Ala) isd the flowing stazment inane ofthe letra Colgecerinion proses on Janay 6, 2021; “America Republic whose leader are chaser in democrat elections. Those lection trm, must comply wth he Contnon and wih eer and tate oe “When the vters fat decide an lcianpuruant tothe rule of athe lasng candte should ackroedgeand respec the Iga of that lotion. An, the voters choose 0 ecm ocala cur Nation held lve apace transfer of rover: “The clection of 2020 ke th election of 2016 war har fought nd, x many sing sales, narrowly decided The 2020 election, however eared uaprecedotedalgations of ter Frau, ilations and ax enfrcment of election aw and the ving ier uw feud ha posed a persistent challenge ow elections alhough it adh and scope are disputed. By any measur the allegations of rad and vregalartes a he 2020 eton exceed ayn fines. “And hse allegations are not believed ust by one india andar. Ise, hey are widespread. Reiss al, rage shows that 39% afAmerkcans Ble ‘he teton was rigged." That els hl by Republican (67%), Democrats (170) and independent (3190. “Some Members of Congress sage wih tha assessment as do many member ofthe mea “Bur, wheter or no ou elected ofits Journals ballet, hat dep dsr ofeur democratic processes wil nor maglely dsppea. I skould concen ws al. And poses an ongoing treat oh egiinacy of ay subsequent administrations. “Tea the cours woul have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serous election fraud. Twice, the Sapreme Court had he opportunity dos: msc, he Court deine ‘On January 65 ncumbont om Congress 0 Yeon whether to cert the 2020 election results. Tha oti the lone constiatonal power remaining to consider and force resolution ‘the multiple allegations of serious woe rau “At that quadrennial joint session, there i long precedent of Democrat Members of Congres raising jection o presidential election rus, asthe din 1969, 2001, 205, and 2017, And in both 1969 and 2003, Democratic Senator joined wth a Democratic Howse Member in forcing votes in oth houses on whether 1 accep the presidental electors being challenged. "The most diet precedent on ths question aoe i 17 following serious allegations of fraud and egal conduct nthe Hayes-Tden presidential race. Spel the election in ‘ree states—Florida, Lousiana, and South Carolina—were alleged to have Been conducted egal. ‘In 1877, Congress dd not ignore those allegations, nor dd the media simpy dis have using them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congres appointed an Electoral Commlsion—conssting of five Senators fve House Members and ive Supreme Court uses to consider and resolve the disputed returns We shoul low tht precedent. To wit, Congres shoud immediately appoint an Electoral Canmisson, with fal ivestgaory ond fact-finding authority, to conduc an emergency 10. dy oui of the election returns nthe dputed states, Once complete, individual states would evaluate the Commission findings and could convene a special legislative secon 10 cory a change net vow, racded. “Accordingly, we itend vot onJanaary 6 to reject the elector from disputed sates as not egal given ‘and “ew certfodhe satay rust), unless and wnt that omergency 0-day eu is compere. We are not naive. We fully expect most nat all Democrats, and perhaps more than afew Republicans, o vote whorwise. But supporto lectin inert should not bea partsan Asse A fir and rele udit~conducted expeditiously and completed well fore January 20—mould dramatically improve Americans faith in our electoral process and would Sgnicanty enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes ow next President. We owe thao the People “Thase are mates worthy ofthe Congress, and enrsted tous to defend. We do not take hs ation lig. Weare acting not thar the democratic process, bu rather to protet 1 dnd every one of x should at together to ensure thatthe election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do exrthing we canto restore faith nour Democracy”

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