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Algerian Democratic Republic and Proulaire

Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research
Djilali Liabès- Sidi Bel Abbès University
Faculty of Technology
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Specialty 1st year Master Renewable Energy in mechanics




Année Universitaire 2020/2021

Introduction :
Energy is an essential component of the universe, and it is a form of existence.
Energy is usually derived from natural and other non-natural sources, so it is
divided into two main types, namely: renewable energy, which depends on
natural sources, and the other is non-renewable, and depends on non-natural
sources, but it was formed with time and under the influence of a group of
factors. And all types of this energy require the existence of mechanisms, tools,
and special techniques to extract it and harness it for the benefit of man. In this
topic of our research we will shed light on renewable energy and everything
:related to it. From all that we deal with, we ask the following question

?What is renewable energy*

Expansion :
L'énergie renouvelable est un type d'énergie inépuisable et qui ne s'épuise pas,
et son nom indique que chaque fois qu'elle est sur le point de se terminer, elle
existera à nouveau et sa source est l'une des ressources naturelles, telles que le
vent, l'eau et le soleil, et la caractéristique la plus importante de celui-ci est
qu'il s'agit d'une énergie propre et respectueuse de l'environnement, car il ne
laisse pas de gaz nocifs En tant que dioxyde de carbone, il n'affecte pas
négativement l'environnement environnant, car il ne joue pas un rôle
significatif dans le niveau de température. Les sources d'énergie renouvelables
sont en totale contradiction avec leurs sources non renouvelables; Tels que le
gaz naturel et le combustible nucléaire; Comme ces sources conduisent au
réchauffement climatique et libèrent du dioxyde de carbone lorsqu'elles sont
utilisées. Et sur la base de l'importance des énergies renouvelables, un nouveau
type d'entreprise est récemment apparu sous le nom de commerce des
énergies renouvelables, et la plupart de ses travaux se sont concentrés sur
l'exploitation des sources d'énergie renouvelables et leur exploitation pour être
une source de revenus et d'avantages matériels. , à travers sa promotion,
malgré ce qui ne va pas avec comment. Exploitation des énergies
renouvelables, en raison de leur coût élevé, et de la disponibilité insuffisante
des mécanismes et technologies nécessaires. Cependant, un grand nombre de
pays se préparent à investir projets d'énergies renouvelables, en prenant soin
de dessiner les dimensions des politiques de ces projets, et de travailler à leur
.développement et à leur développement
Avantages des énergies renouvelables :
les énergies renouvelables présentent un ensemble d'avantages qui en font
: une source d'énergie distincte, dont les plus importants sont

L'énergie renouvelable est bien présente dans toutes les régions du monde .

.L'énergie renouvelable est respectueuse de l'environnement et propre

Il existe en permanence et est à nouveau renouvelable .

Ils sont faciles à utiliser, reposant sur des techniques et des mécanismes

Elle a l'avantage d'être une énergie très économique. Il est considéré comme
un facteur important de développement environnemental et social, et dans
.tous les domaines

Types of renewable energy :

Renewable energy comes from several sources, and it has different types, and :
:it can be divided into several following classifications

Solar energy: the rays emanating from the sun and the heat and light it -/1
carries with it are considered a source of solar energy. Where man exploited
them in his own interests, and made use of them by relying on technological
means and techniques. The sun can be used to generate thermal and electrical
energy. As for electrical energy, it can be generated through solar energy using
thermal motors, piezo photovoltaic panels, and photovoltaic transformers.
Solar energy was used in the prehistoric era, when monks used gilded roofs to
light the altar scale. . In 212 BC. M. Archimedes burned the Roman fleet, by
shining the sunlight on it from a distance, using mirrors. In 1888, Weston came
up with a way to convert solar energy into mechanical energy, using what is
called the process of thermocouple, where he generated voltage between
hotand cold contact points between two different metals, such as nickel and
.iron, for example

Bioenergy: the vital energy is derived from what is called biomass. Which -/2
is an organic matter that works to store solar rays, then convert them into
chemical energy, and these sources may be wood, fertilizer, or sugar cane, and
.the sources of bioenergy are similar to fossil fuels

Wind energy: People resort to relying on wind turbines to extract energy -/3
from wind and generate electrical energy from it. Wind energy is also used to
produce mechanical energy in so-called windmills. About 2% of the sunlight
that falls on the surface of the globe is converted into the kinetic energy of the
wind. This is a tremendous amount of energy that exceeds the world's need for
.consumption in any given year

Wind energy has multiple uses, the most prominent of which are :

Water pumping: using wind pumps power; Wind pumps are very common in - -
Australia, parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Wind energy may soon be
.used to generate electricity on farms and homes

Hydroelectric energy: The term hydroelectricity is considered a -/4-/4

comprehensive term for both electricity and water. This type of energy is used
to exploit hydropower to generate electrical energy, and it is considered a very
clean and widespread energy. In the process of exploiting this energy, the
potential energy in water, or potential energy, is completely relied upon, and
converted into kinetic energy through the fall and flow of water from top to

One of the most important features of using hydroelectric energy is that it is

environmentally friendly, and the capital spent in this process is building a dam
or reservoir, and this is useful in regulating irrigation, in addition to generating

The most important forms of utilizing water energy are the following :

Irrigation channels (waterwheels)-1

Tidal energy. -2

.Wave energy -3

It is derived from alternative energy sources, and from the plants most used in
.the production of sustainable biofuels, sugar cane, and algae
Benefits of renewable energy: The benefits of renewable energy vary
:according to the field in which it is used, and the most important of which are

The military field: Among the most important applications of renewable -1

energy in the military field, which can be used to facilitate life in the new
:military cities, are the following

.Solar heating system for military colleges, in order to meet students' needs

.Supplying units with hot water, by using field solar heaters

.Water desalination

The commercial domestic sphere: renewable energy is of great importance -2

in the lives of residents, and among its most important household uses: heating
water for use in cleaning, bathing and washing purposes, by using solar
collectors, without converting it to any other form of energy, and it is
considered the cheapest type. Absolutely energy. Heating water with solar
.energy by using a solar absorber

The agricultural field: there are many uses of renewable energy in -3

: agricultural use, the most important of which are

.Drying agricultural products. Solar greenhouses

Industrial field:4 -

/Distillation and desalination.1 .

/Charging batteries in TV and wireless stations.2 .

/Lighting of shipping lanes.3 .

/Navigation alarms.4 .

/The operating system of the speakers.5 .

/Charging electric batteries..6

/Generate electricity in remote villages..7

Conclusion :
In light of what we have studied, it becomes clear that renewable energy is the
alternative to fuels, as it provides us with many solutions instead of relying on
.hydrocarbons. Because renewable energy takes a long time to run out

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