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Mise en garde contre les manifs "Anti-Mondialisation"

Qui finance et protège le "Black Block" et bien d'autres

mouvements soit disant écologistes et environmentaux qui
redonnent les régions qu'elles veulent protéger aux Illuminati soit
le Prince Philippe et toute la cohorte de leur "Fraternité" comme
la WWF (WorldWide Fund of Nature. sic) qui a été créée par le
Prince Bernhard, ancien S.S. des Nazis, président Bilderberg,
consort de la Reine Julianna de Hollande et propriétaire de Shell
Dutch Oil Cie et al... "ILS" (inclue notre chère reine Lizzy 2, sa
cousine) se sont déjê appropriés du grand Nord Canadien et
Québécois, territoires qui ont été redonnés aux peuples Eskimos
avec de gros $$$ en plus, afin qu'ils se rattrappent à la culture
moderne (+ de Skidoos, + de cellulaires, + d'ordis, + plus d'écoles,
+ d'universités et +++ d'indoctrination mondiale). Territoires
qu'ils reprendront plus tard sous forme de "régie,protection et
taxation". Pendant ce temps ces cultures sans le savoir protègent
leurs diamants, leur uranium et autres richesses innomables; en
plus des petites bases militaires terraines et sous-terraines
inaccessibles aux "visiteurs" et touristes dans lesquelles se font
des expérimentations scientifiques et biologiques; l'Amazone dont
ils veulent sauver les forêts qu'ils ont eux-mêmes dévastées avec
leur propre avidité à la conquête des arbres, des temples ancients
et des bases sous-terraines reptiliennes où les cultures locales
pratiquaient les sacrifices humains de vierges et jeunes enfants
pour assouvir la colère des dieux lézards; l'Argentine, le pays où
Rockerfeller possède des millions d'acres pour y élever son propre
bétail à bon marché; l'Afrique dont ils ont toujours été les
propriétaires de l'or, des diamants, des minéraux et du pétrole; il
existe de nombreux autres sites ou régions à travers le monde
dont ils ont la gérance de la 'protection' du territoire, comme en
Chine avec les ours Panda, l'Inde, les éléphants et l'Indonésie, les
tigres, etc, ect. ???

Le pire dans tout ça c'est qu'encore une fois on se sert de la bonne

foi des gens qui croient en ces causes et agissent de bon coeur.
Mais tenus dans la plus servile des ignorances, tous, sans le savoir
servent l'agenda des Illuminati ... Car on utilise toujours le même
truc sur nous: Problème-Réaction-Solution. C'est-à-dire, qu'ils
créent le Problème pour que la masse Réagisse et réclament qu'on
fasse quelque chose, et bien sûr ils arrivent la Solution, soit les
mesures drastiques ou 'draconiennes' qu'ils voulaient instaurer en
premier lieu. Et on tombe toujours dans le piège...

La vraie raison des manifs violentes: distraction.

Je me permets de reproduire ici une lettre qui apparait sur le site

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de David Icke et qui est très alarmante en ce qui concerne l'État

Policier dans lequel on s'apprête peu à peu à nous engager. Avez-
vous remarqué que durant le Sommet des Amériques on a parlé
que des manifestants, du Black Block, de bombes lacrimogènes,
de balles de caoutchou, du beau travail coordonné des policiers
(mais pas des 1500 agents de la CIA et US Army), enfin tout sauf le
thème le plus important de ces Sommets. La ZLÉA . Le sort de la
planète se joue à chacune de ces grandes réunions, soit le G-8,
World Bank, Bildeberg, et al. mais on ne discute jamais des buts
de ces rencontres. À peine avons nous touché au sujet de la
mondialisation et des 200 autres groupes pacifiques qui
fraternisaient dans l'harmonie et auraient eu un tas de chose à
partager sur les conséquences de la mondialisation, et qui tirent
les ficelles derrière cet écran de fumée. À la radio, la télévision
dans les journaux, rien, juste pour dire... tout l'espace était
réservé à l'action qui se déroulait dehors et non dedans l'enceinte
des Illuminati. Y'a pas plus franc-maçon que la province de
Québec depuis sa fondation de France jusqu'ê nos jours,
l'Angleterre et Landry doit sûrement en faire partie comme son
compère Bouchard pour être lê où il est. Et nous on rêve d'un
Québec Souverain...wow ! Alors personne n'est toujours pas au
courant de ce qui se trame dans ces "discussions au sommet ", des
effets et conséquences qu'elles auront dans notre vie quelqu'en
soit le pays où vous vivrez. Voilê ! Pendant ce temps on fait des
études de comportement de foule, des approches de tactiques et
pratiques militaires de contrôle de foule et d'émeute, on entraîne
les policiers comme des soldats, on bombarde certaines zones
d'ondes radio ELF et micro-ondes pour en voir les effets et on
finance des jeunes toutes dépenses payées et guarantis de pouvoir
passé aux frontières en échange d'un peu de grabuge guaranti en
retour. Comme à Québec, à la place d'Youville, comme aux
conférences de David Icke, comme partout ailleurs, ils leur est
très facile d'engager à quelques dollars de l'heure. Ils leur est
encore plus facile d'envoyer leurs "guerillos" bien entraînés pour
les conflits civils. Alors on renforcit les lois contre les armes, le
terrorisme qu'ils financent, on multiplie les mesures de sécurité,
caméras, fichiers électroniques, reconnaissance électronique et
bientôt la puce électronique. Une petite réalité virtuelle avec ça ?
Non merci. Amitié. Nenki.

Article sur Edward Golsmith reçu de mon collaborateur Spartacus

"Concernant Edward Goldsmith " : Cet individu travaille pour les

forces pro-mondialisation. Il feint de prendre la défense des
citoyens anti-mondialisation pour mieux les manipuler et les
amener dans des solutions sans valeur . Voici un article à son sujet
: ----------- Le mouvement « anti-mondialisation » de Teddy

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Goldsmith Au moment où la mondialisation suscite une opposition

légitime de plus en plus forte dans le monde, l'on voit apparaître
toute une série de groupes « anti-mondialisation » qui sont, pour
une bonne part, inspirés par l'écologiste fondamentaliste franco-
anglais Teddy Goldsmith. Ces « contre-gangs » sont absolument
opposés à une réorganisation de l'économie mondiale, de type
nouveau Bretton Woods, se contentant d'exprimer leur rage par
des protestations impuissantes et la promotion de programmes «
écologistes » et de « contrôle local ». Les militants de ces groupes
sont souvent enclins à la violence, voire au terrorisme, pour
arriver à leurs fins. Tandis que se tenait le Forum économique
mondial de Davos, du 25 au 30 janvier, un contre- rassemblement,
baptisé « Forum social mondial », se déroulait à Porto Allegre
(Brésil). Plusieurs milliers de personnes ont participé à cet
événement co-parrainé par les branches française et brésilienne
d'ATTAC et par le Forum international sur la globalisation,
institution conceptualisée par Teddy Goldsmith. En 1969, ce
dernier a créé le magazine The Ecologist qui, au milieu des années
70, a ouvertement soutenu le génocidaire cambodgien Pol Pot.
Teddy est le frère de feu le spéculateur Sir James Goldsmith, qui
avait engagé une large partie de sa fortune dans des causes
écologistes. Dans la période précédant la réunion de Porto Allegre,
Teddy a lancé l'édition française de The Ecologist, accordant une
interview au Monde dans laquelle il esquissait les thèmes à
aborder ê Porto Allegre. Tout en critiquant à juste titre le FMI,
l'OMC, la Banque mondiale et les maux de la mondialisation,
Goldsmith pense que la « cause » se trouve dans la promotion de
l'agriculture industrielle et le développement technologique,
affirmant que la seule « réponse » réside dans le «contrôle local »
de l'économie, basé sur des « communautés » de taille limitée.

Alors, s'il vous plaît, ne faites pas la promotion de ce type qui est
un visage à deux faces. Spartacus Bonne journée !


Autre article: Extrait du site de David Icke:






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By David Icke

It has been clear from the start that the violence at globalisation protests
is orchestrated by the very architects of globalisation - the Illuminati.

It is a classic problem-reaction-solution senario in which you use your

own agents to start the violence at peaceful protests and then justifiy
violence against the peaceful protestors while condemning them as

The Illuminati and their front men and puppets like Bush, Blair, and the
rest are desperate for the staggering consequences for the "Third World"
peoples of dictatorship by global corporation ("globalisation") to be
obscured by media concentration on the "violent" protests.

Thus the television pictures of violence are a perfect diversion from the
debate and exposure of the human genocide, misery, and suffering caused
to billions of our fellow brothers and sisters by the Bush-Blair Illuminati
agenda of global fascist dictatorship.

Below is a sickening account by one who experienced the Illuminati at

work in Genoa recently and below that are other stories from Seattle,
Barcelona, etc, that we have previously posted on this site. If you have
had direct experience of these agent provocateur operations, please send
them to us and we will post them also.

It would be most helpful if you could send this page to as many people
and organisations you can across the net, including the media wherever
you are.



What the public has not been told - until now - is that those pressing for
world government are the same people who are creating the problems to
justify it David Icke - Children of the Matrix

This letter is from Stefano Agnoletto, the brother of Vittorio,

spokesperson for the Genoa Social Forum.

Dear friends

Now, I was in Genoa, I've seen it. Don't believe the news you've seen in

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the press and on TV It was something insane, a massacre.

It is still difficult to tell you what happened between friday and saturday.
To do so, I'll use what I've seen together with my dear friends who were
present in Genoa with me.

I ask you to have the patience to read this message, it really is the
chronicle of a nightmare which probably will not reach the mainstream

I arrive to Genoa on thursday, after an immigrant's rights demonstration

of about 50,000 people. There are arrival camps, many, thousands of
peaceful people, a marvellous atmosphere (remember the boy scouts?),
we discussed, sang and just stayed together.

Clergy, activists, volunteers and just normal people, on friday we begin

the issue areas in a blockaed city: The various groups partecipating will
converge in different points of the city to have a carnivalesque "siege"
against the "red area" [The place, in Genoa, where the G8 was held and
demonstrations were not permitted] with street theatre, dancing and

At this point, from the beach-front members of the now infamous "Black
Block" [supposedly extremist groups blamed for most of the destruction
in the city] arrive. Some are seen chatting with police, others just come
out of police crowds. Most of them speak German.

They start to break everything. Police and Carabinieri [the Italian military
police] just stand there. The black block tries to join in with a group of
COBAS workers [COBAS is the new Italian Trade union unaffiliated with
party politics]. They beat up one of their leaders, the group manages to
stay clear of them with some difficulty.

Then the Black Block makes head for the first issue area, belonging to the
Italian Social Centers (Centri Sociali. Difficult to translate exactly, call
them Community organizations). They arrive armed to the teeth. The
police goes after them, and demonstrators find themselves attacked first
by the black block and then by the police, which starts to charge violently
against all demonstrators.

The black block leaves suddenly and appears on the square were the
Lilliput network is based (Fair trade, catholic campaign groups ecc). Its
members try to peacefully make them leave. The police follows and
charges against everyone on the square. Truncheons and tear gas are
used indiscriminately.

People raise their hands, shout "Peace". The black block leaves the
square and starts to vandalize the city sistematically.

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300-400 of the Black Block roam Genoa, and whoever guides them seems
to know the city very well. Their path crosses every issue area, where the
campaigns of our movement are located.

It's incredible. They move with military discipline, infiltrate everywhere,

some leaders shout orders which are promptly followed by the whole
group. And, shortly afterwards, police and Carabinieri make their

Meanwhile, in the issue area where ARCI, ATTAC etc. ("mainstream"

Italian 3rd-world campaigning organizations) are located everything is
fine. During the early afternoon we decide to leave the boundary with the
red zone were we were demonstrating.

People start moving towards Dante square. Suddenly, police launches

tear-gas from behind our march, causing panic everywhere. Hospitals fill
with wounded demonstrators, but many do not go to hospital since police
seems to arrest everyone who turns up there.

Its evening, people are downbeat, many are angry. Suddenly, no trace of
the Black block. At the old city, where the camp of the Genoa social forum
is, there's about 10,000 of us. The news of the dead demonstrator reaches
us. We are scared, tales of extreme police brutality are told by many
people. Young men, nuns start crying. Many people are hurt. One old man
is crying with a bandage on his head. He is a retired metal worker.

There is Don Gallo, of the San Benedetto (catholic) community group.

There is the leader of the mothers of Plaza De Mayo, in Argentina, those
women who for years have been looking for their disappeared children:
She says she is shaken at what she has seen, it's uncomfortably close to
Argentina during the dictatorship. She did not think something similar
would happen here.

My brother Vittorio (Spokesman for the Genoa Social Forum), Luca

Cesarini (leader of the Social Centers) and Bertinotti, the only politician
with the courage to come here (the leader of the Italian refounded
communist party, sort of the equivalent of Nader in Italian politics) try to
calm everyone: They tell us not to come out in small groups, not to accept
violent provocations. We decide our answer will be the enormous
demonstration the next day, there'll be many of us, peacefully responding
to any provocation, whether from the black block or the police.

Senator Malabarba tells us he was at the police station. He saw strange

people who dressed like the demonstrators, they spoke German and other
foreign languages. Most of them come out of the station after exchanging
a few words with the police.

Suddenly, there is a fire at a bank close to the old city. For 40 minutes,

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helicopters circle us, but no firefighters or police arrive.

At night, one of the camps were we are sleeping, the Carlini, is

surrounded by police: They go in and search, doing what you want.
People cry. They ask that brutality stop. Police enters, but does not find
anything in the camp.

Saturday, the demonstration starts, a thousand colors. People from all

over the world, farmers, ONGs, workers, people from Kurdistan... all
singing, dancing, waving all sorts of flags.

On Kennedy Square there is no violence, in fact there is no one there.

Suddenly the Black Block appears. Police, with no warning or reason
given, divides the demonstration in two parts. A real battle begins.
Charges everywhere, people being beaten with truncheons. It seems cops
have gone crazy. Metal workers, the youth wing of Rifondazione (the
Italian left wing party) are charged. Groups of demonstrators flee and are
followed by police. Whoever is isolated is pursued and beaten.

Many people are telling of being beaten only for being recognized as
demonstrators. Even the Italian correspondent of the Sunday Times is
beaten (in today's issue of the paper he tells of his adventure).

In a part of the march which so far was quiet, by the sea, suddenly tear
gas is fired from the roofs. Panic ensues as people cannot breathe.

The Black Block? They appear and disappear, no one stops them. They
attack a youth from Rifondazione, wreck his flag, beat him. They throw
stones at the spokesman of the Genoa Social Forum They wreck stores,
set fire to buildings. Many are armed to the teeth. How on earth they
managed to come to Genoa, with soldiers controlling every car?

At the head of the march, things are still quiet. The Genoa Social Forum
invites everyone to leave calmly, and stay together. We are being led to
Marassi, where there are buses with everyone who arrived this morning.

We stopped there, and could not go further: On Kennedy Square, there is

a war. There are many of us just sitting there. Suddenly, tear gas is used,
panic everywhere. We try to get back to the camp of the Genoa social
forum. Police trucks pass us by, and policemen in them shout: "we'll kill
you all".

The second part of the demonstration never arrives to the square. They
are charged by police. Many flee to the small streets, towards the hills,
where a real man-hunt starts.

Saturday night, the demonstration has ended hours ago, the police enters
into the press-center of the Genoa Social Forum. They beat up everyone
they encounter, with shocking brutality. All they seem to be after are

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documents (paper, video, pictures ecc.) which tell of what happened in

the previous two days. Many of these documents, computers, disks are
simply destroyed.

The lawyer who coordinates the forum's legal team is arrested. Among
the destroyed material, there are the documents this legal team put
together as part of the defense of those arrested. Now, even the motives
for their arrest are not known. During this "search", with no legal
mandate, members of parliament, journalists, lawyers and even doctors
are not let in the building.

None of us have ever seen the famous weapons shown at the press
conference yesterday. Police departs, leaving us with only those wounded
and arrested.

No one knows what happened to the Black Block.

To sum it up, 2 nightmare days. Both the black block and the Police knew
what they were doing when they committed this violence.

All along, from friday, they insulted and verbally abused us as they did
what they did, someone seems to have brainwashed them.

And today, we look at the TV and read papers. My god, it seems like a
dictatorship. Did everyone miss what we all saw? When I think that many
will read this and say "you violent protesters just talk bullshit", I go mad.

Please, don't let anyone fool you, find the courage to put your faith in our
wonderful police and democratically accountable institutions to question.

What happened in Genoa beggars belief. Some inauguration for the new
governament. Just to give you a flavour of the spin control effort, do you
know what the first version of the official investigation into the death,
before the videos appeared, was? Killed by a stone launched by the

If you think that many of the documents put together by witnesses have
been destroyed during the "search"... the only version left to the public is
that, "uncontestable", of the police. Please, forward, print, talk about this
document. To everyone, friends, relatives, collegues. The truth has to
come out. I beg you, don't look the other way.

Thank you

Stefano Agnoletto

PS: My brother Vittorio (the spokesperson of the Genoa Social Forum) is

destroyed. He told me: It's crazy, it seems we are in Latin America during
the '70s. Maybe even he did not realize fully with whom are we dealing

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The truth has to come out.



Autre article sur l'événement de barcelogne, Espagne



By David Icke

I came across this news report today, which presents yet more clear and
unmistakable evidence of how the anti-globalisation riots are
orchestrated by the very forces that are imposing globalisation on the
world. It's another problem-reaction-solution. I have highlighted the most
relevant paragraphs.

Anti-Globalization Protesters Charged

By KERNAN TURNER .c The Associated Press

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) - Riot police charged anti-globalization

protesters gathered in a city park on Sunday following a midday march
down a main boulevard. At least 32 people were slightly injured and 19
were arrested.

Thousands of screaming demonstrators, some with small children, fled in

panic as the police pushed into the crowd behind shields, wielding
nightsticks and firing blanks.

``We raised our arms and shouted, 'Peace, Peace,' but they just kept
coming,'' said a woman who identified herself as Yolanda.

The march along Passeig de Gracia and rally at the Plaza de Cataluna -
along with other weekend activities - were organized to coincide with a
World Bank meeting originally scheduled for this week. Officials canceled
the meeting last week to avoid violent protests that have marred similar
meetings over the past two years.

The march was largely peaceful, but store windows were broken along
the route, among them a Burger King restaurant and a Swatch store.
Small groups of men and women taunted riot police.

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Thousands of other demonstrators joined the protesters at the park

following the march. They had been listening to speakers and chanting
slogans when the police swept through the plaza.

``Police provoked the fight. They were part of it,'' said Ada Colau, a
spokeswoman for the Campaign Against the World Bank, one of the
protest organizations.

Municipal Assemblywoman Roser Veciana promised a local investigation.

Jordi Pedret, a Socialist Party member of the national Parliament, said he

had been informed that police undercover agents threw rocks through
store windows and then arrested protesters. Pedret said he would call for
a formal investigation by the Interior Ministry.

Protesters said the police staged a fight on the edge of the demonstration
in order to draw in protesters and use the fight as a pretext to charge the
crowd. A second charge emptied the park within minutes.

Reporters saw a group of men and women in masks gathered on the

fringes of the demonstration in the park. Some wore earphones, and
though carrying sticks they were able to walk freely past police, pull on
their masks and position themselves between police and protesters.

One man in the group grabbed another and pulled him to the ground, and
other members of the group began kicking and slugging each other.

When demonstrators saw what was going on and joined the fight, the
police charged into the park. The masked men and women involved in the
scuffle walked through the police line and boarded vans.

A reporter asked one of them if they were police. He at first said yes, and
then said no, before walking by police to the vans.

Police officials said they knew nothing of the alleged instigation.

State television said 19 people were arrested, and the news agency Efe
quoted emergency medical services as saying 32 people were slightly

Anti-globalization activists from a potpourri of organizations have been

showing up at summits of the World Trade Organization, International
Monetary Fund and the World Bank, institutions they claim widen the gap
between rich and poor.

Some protests resulted in violent clashes with the police, most recently at
the European Summit held in Goteborg, Sweden, this month, when
several people were wounded by gunshots fired by the police.

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