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B^Stt d" o^-rQE

E (Théo'ie des operdtiors clloûcra:1'es)

Basic prerRises o{ À' Culioli-s T
Lansuîee icri\lr) - Tg,,jy§ '.'l'^'f,ï,I"J#iï"î,Ï"fl'"1i,1*Ï"îT,:i"îï; h'J. ï:î:hiË"
al$a)§ bl.ed on
po'''", * _ni_,:lâUol]s
stâble relercnce
witl re<pect lo retâlronc Thc
mâ\, be locâted
or ia"om"otion I
ffi'yi#ff fi #:îf,fJ,ilil ::"i:'"*'iii""#o#iài"oeïi'în""tio'i
' _ -
'lj-I Ar a pre-ünsuJsric bcl§c§tr notions orsel\o[
le\ el. a $.1i' ll;;,;:;;;";ïrnrs
"oose\a ler{rs(}) â pnmitr\e relation
ro rdr abour srnLe norions are ody

Ïl'Ë,i;;;;;;, ;;'' ;"\ rb(,"cl'etat']oo are^necessanri ineMciarcd so

rê\ i' râLe§ the lonrro! n""*i:''ffi;';;t-'p
or' i"ru'or. r'no'' on"n a \crbr' a 'source renn
,ri fo,i arb'' e'g -mbbir' rubble gra's-'
" "f coo'dilrates Düde ùp of thc
a relalion Ùith r§sle't 10 dr§coÙrse
utterànce iNoh€s locatiÊg $r'tr
;t thitime and prace or utterance : r E s s'r)
É - 'is located with respcct to
§peiil,cr' âddrcssec grammâlrcâl $rbjccl
i -.ruË.llp*tt'* inclrrding
i - o*" ",0 ti'* a'*'ion (rcal or imaEirnà4)

'lnok, ûcre's â'rabbit 'ruauing onthè gmss

'over 'drcre'

OnOlr conceme'l iïith briûging into exi§tence

- locâted Ir.ithin space_dme coorilittates'
Quanutdlve delimitatiofl
to subjectrve paràmeter.
ll,H*ilr. O"r,**"". , iatcntrftear in rcrms of Foperries,liriked
Co,strudion ol"olhemes' tahèitP\ ,
\\'rI sfellropos\esstl]cessentiaicl€r-àclensticsotLlül
When the occùrrence of a notion bemg
comspondrg -oobonal dÔÛu,""' er $@1i.'.g
[:îi'#i"'#rÏ' -
iLÏî. iirilà!,iiià ",,n -cetrtci üe
üe ot
:boffi; ^
:i##;;;;;ü;;. ""
may be,red,o mns'ud â
P9:'c #,tJ
orùe noEon. br x â, rea§ . ( I
occureDcc ']':'":,'f:,ï-i";'iisîîï,;;
constructon. Foü possibilities e:\§t '
al t de( t'r
"L,i*,,r'i"e "r,e'.
orY tor or alviins which rs Dot x)
i,.iü.ii'."lai i '" "'. c\clL'sion
. l* 8-oÀn4 ' $-'ü'À
d.'Y, (^ r' Q' ) '>
t1- a ÿtlrt:!
e.,\fu^ C*À'
ÿr. l.# J"'lP'fu-



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