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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°47282

Nigel wanted to spend a day hiking. I was tir ed in advance,

and I was worri ed too because I'm not used to going on a hike.

It was exhaust eding

and to cap it all, our sandwiches were disgust eding.

At the end of the day we were very excit ed about eating farm food.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps behind me. The noise was really frighten eding.

It was a big sow. I was horrifi ed,

but too frighten ed to move back.

Nigel chased it away. And it started raining. I was really bor ed.

“Don't be so depress ed ”, Nigel said to me. “I see a farm.”

Jerry, the farmer's son was terribly bor eding

and the farmer so rude. That was shock eding

and I was shock ed.

We talked about plenty of topics and a fascinat eding film, The Lord of the Rings,

but Jerry said that he thought the film could be more excit eding.

We were surpris ed because the dinner was excellent and … free!.

What an embarrass eding situation !

As the farmer's wife looked tir ed we thanked them with big smiles and left.

Stopping at that farm was an interest eding and wonderful experience.

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25% - 49.9%  (de 5 à 9,9/20)   11,8%
[Vous] 50% - 74.9% (de 10 à 14,9/20)   44,1%
75% - 99.9%  (de 15 à 19,9/20)   35,4%
Parfait - 100%  (20/20)   8,5%

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