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4 TABLEAU 10-14

5 NO SQL 15-18


7 LAYOUTS 23-26

8 PROJECT 27-29

9 WHY NO SQL ? 30-31

10 DESIGN 32-33

11 CODING 34

12 TESTING 35-36



Course Objectives:
• To understand basic design principles to present ideas, information, products, and
services on websites.
• To learn the basic programming principles to the construction of websites Effectively
manage website projects using available resources
• To understand the capabilities and limitations of Full Stack Development.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:

CO1: Apply basic design principles to present ideas, information, products, and services on
websites and able to apply basic programming principles to the construction of websites
effectively manage website projects using available resources.

CO2: Demonstrate programming skills, Testing Skills, and Implementation skills

CO3: Use employability skills including fundamental skills, management skills, and teamwork

CO4: Create a web application as per industry standards

CO-PO Mapping

CO-PSO Mapping


C22.1 3

C22.2 2

C22.3 3

C22.4 2

In the era of big data and information overload, effective data visualization has become

essential for businesses and individuals to gain insights, make informed decisions, and

communicate complex ideas. Tableau, a leading data visualization software, has

emerged as a game-changer in this field. This abstract introduces Tableau, its features,

and its significance in the data analytics landscape.


In the era of data-driven decision-making, organizations are faced with the challenge
of efficiently transforming large and complex datasets into actionable insights.
Traditional data analysis tools often fall short in providing intuitive and interactive
methods to visualize data, hindering the decision-making process. There is a pressing
need for a comprehensive data visualization tool that can empower users to explore,
analyze, and communicate data effectively, facilitating informed decision-making
across various industries and domains.


Tableau, as a comprehensive data visualization and business intelligence tool, offers

a powerful solution to the problem statement outlined. It addresses the challenges of
transforming complex data into actionable insights and facilitates data-driven


1. Hardware Requirements

Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-5005U CPU

RAM : 8.00 GB

Total Physical Memory 5.92 GB

Total Virtual Memory 8.54 GB

2. Software Requirements

OS Name : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

Web Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer

Front-end: Tableau

Database: physical or online

Tool: Tableau

Presentation Tool: Tableau

Documentation Tool: Microsoft word

3. Application

admin login- user@gmail.com

password- 123456780

Tableau is a powerful and widely used data visualization and business intelligence
software. It is designed to help individuals and organizations analyze, visualize, and
understand their data in a more intuitive and interactive way. Here are some key points
about Tableau:

Data Visualization: Tableau allows you to create a wide range of data visualizations,
including charts, graphs, maps, and interactive dashboards. These visualizations make
it easier to spot patterns, trends, and insights within your data.

Data Connection: You can connect Tableau to various data sources, such as databases,
spreadsheets, cloud services, and more. This flexibility allows you to work with the
data you have, regardless of where it's stored.

Interactivity: Tableau provides real-time interactivity, allowing users to drill down
into data, filter information, and explore data from different angles. This makes it easier
to ask questions and find answers within your dataset.

Data Exploration: With Tableau, you can dig deeper into your data. It provides tools
for data exploration, helping you discover hidden insights and outliers.

Storytelling: Tableau enables users to create data-driven stories by combining multiple
visualizations and insights into a single, cohesive narrative. This is valuable for
communicating findings and recommendations to others.

Collaboration: Tableau offers collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work

on projects together, share insights, and publish dashboards for wider distribution.

Scalability: It is suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises, and it can
handle vast amounts of data, making it a scalable solution.

Real-Time Data Integration: Tableau supports real-time data integration, which means that you
can connect to live data sources and see updates as they occur. This is particularly valuable for
monitoring dynamic data, such as financial markets or online user activity.

Data Blending: Tableau allows you to combine data from multiple sources and perform data
blending. This is useful when your data is stored in different locations or databases, and you need
to create a unified view.

Predictive Analytics: Tableau integrates with statistical and predictive analytics tools, enabling
you to perform predictive modeling and forecasting directly within the platform.

Data Security and Governance: Tableau offers robust data security and governance features to
ensure that sensitive data is protected and compliant with regulations. It provides control over
who can access, edit, and share data.

Mobile Accessibility: Tableau supports mobile devices, allowing users to access and interact with
dashboards on smartphones and tablets. This is crucial for on-the-go decision-makers.

Extensive Community and Resources: Tableau has a large and active user community. You can
find a wealth of resources, tutorials, and forums online, making it easier to learn and troubleshoot

Customization: Tableau provides extensive options for customization, allowing you to tailor the
look and feel of your visualizations and dashboards to match your brand or specific needs.

Integration with Other Tools: Tableau can be integrated with various third-party tools, such as
R, Python, and various databases, to enhance its functionality and extend its capabilities.

Cloud Deployment: Tableau can be deployed on cloud platforms, making it accessible and
scalable for businesses using cloud infrastructure.

Data-driven Decision-Making: One of the primary benefits of Tableau is its ability to facilitate
data-driven decision-making. It empowers users to make informed choices based on data insights,
which can lead to improved performance and competitiveness.

Cost Savings: By streamlining data analysis and visualization processes, Tableau can lead to cost
savings by reducing the time and resources required for data-related tasks.


NoSQL, short for "Not Only SQL," is a category of database management systems
that differ from traditional relational databases (SQL databases) in several key
ways. NoSQL databases are designed to handle large volumes of unstructured or
semi-structured data and provide flexible and scalable solutions for various
types of applications. Here are some important characteristics and features of
NoSQL databases:

Schema-less: Unlike SQL databases, NoSQL databases typically do not require a

fixed schema. This means you can add fields to your data on the fly, making it
more adaptable to changing data requirements.

Flexible Data Models: NoSQL databases offer various data models, including
document-based (e.g., MongoDB), key-value (e.g., Redis), column-family (e.g.,
Apache Cassandra), and graph-based (e.g., Neo4j). You can choose the data
model that best suits your application's needs.

Scalability: NoSQL databases are often designed to scale horizontally, which

means you can add more servers or nodes to handle increasing data loads. This
makes them well-suited for web applications and big data scenarios.

High Performance: NoSQL databases can provide high-performance read and

write operations, making them suitable for real-time and low-latency

Distributed Architecture: Many NoSQL databases are built to be distributed,

enabling data to be stored across multiple servers or data centers. This
improves fault tolerance and ensures data availability.

Support for Unstructured Data: NoSQL databases excel at handling
unstructured or semi-structured data, such as JSON or XML documents. This is
particularly useful in applications that work with social media data, IoT
(Internet of Things) data, or sensor data.

No Joins: NoSQL databases typically do not support complex joins like SQL
databases. Instead, they rely on denormalization and efficient data retrieval

Use Cases: NoSQL databases are commonly used in web applications, content
management systems, real-time analytics, mobile apps, and other scenarios
where flexibility, scalability, and performance are essential.

Consistency Models: NoSQL databases often provide different consistency

models, such as eventual consistency, to handle distributed data. Depending on
the database, you can choose the level of consistency that suits your
application's needs.

Horizontal Scaling: NoSQL databases are known for their ability to horizontally
scale, which means you can distribute data across multiple servers or nodes.
This scalability feature allows these databases to handle large amounts of data
and high traffic loads.

CAP Theorem: The CAP theorem, proposed by computer scientist Eric Brewer,
is often associated with NoSQL databases. It states that in a distributed system,
you can have at most two out of the three following guarantees: Consistency,
Availability, and Partition tolerance. Different NoSQL databases prioritize these
guarantees differently, depending on the specific use case.

Big Data and Real-time Analytics: NoSQL databases are commonly used in big
data and real-time analytics applications. They can efficiently store and process
massive datasets, making them ideal for applications that require rapid data
analysis and insights.

Geo-distributed Data: Some NoSQL databases are well-suited for geo-

distributed data, which means they can replicate and store data across multiple
geographic regions. This ensures data availability and low-latency access for
users in different locations.

No Single Point of Failure: NoSQL databases are designed to minimize single
points of failure. They often employ techniques like data replication and
sharding to ensure data reliability and availability, even in the presence of
hardware failures.

Open Source and Commercial Solutions: Many NoSQL databases have open-
source versions that are freely available, making them accessible for small
projects and startups. Additionally, some NoSQL databases offer commercial
versions with additional features and support.

Polyglot Persistence: In modern applications, it's common to use multiple

databases to handle different types of data. This approach is known as "polyglot
persistence." NoSQL databases are often part of this strategy, working alongside
traditional SQL databases.

Security and Authentication: NoSQL databases offer features for securing data,
including authentication and access control mechanisms, to protect sensitive

Consistency Levels: NoSQL databases provide various consistency levels,

allowing developers to choose between strong consistency (where all nodes
return the same data) and eventual consistency (where data consistency is
achieved after a period of time).

Evolution of NoSQL: The NoSQL space continues to evolve, with new databases
and data models emerging to address specific use cases. For example, time-
series databases are designed for storing and analyzing time-series data, and
multi-model databases support multiple data models within a single database.

Examples: Popular NoSQL databases include MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase,

Redis, Amazon DynamoDB, and Apache HBase.


Designing good data has a fundamental principle of spreading the data out so that
each data table stores the information about a particular business entity.
Let’s suppose that the model has a set of restaurants which are located in different
cities. Each of these restaurants could have a restaurant ID, the restaurant city and
the restaurant state. Another table has a list of workers for the entire restaurant chain
with a field indicating which restaurant they are working at. So it is possible to link
these two tables based on the common data attribute or field of restaurant ID (in this
This article aims to explain the principle of creating a connection between related
data with the data source in Tableau.

Steps to perform:

In the Tableau, connect to the databases.

The data source has three data files – Product, OrderDetails, PropertyInfo. These are
three different excel sheet present in one data file.

Open Product data file

Add OrderDetails data file, it contains the information about each order

Now you can see there is a join in the two data files

If you’ll hover on the join then you can see that there is a inner join using the
common key i.e. Product ID. Inner join simply means that there are two files have a
field in common and it can be combined easily.
Next, add the PropertyInfo file and it can be see that it is also joined

If you’ll hover the mouse pointer then it can be clearly seen that OrderDetails and
PropertyInfo are inner joined using the key – PropertyID.

Now, that data is completely ready for data visualisation.


layouts refer to the arrangement and organization of various components within a

dashboard or worksheet. Effective layout design is crucial for creating visually
appealing and user-friendly data visualizations. Tableau provides a flexible
environment for designing layouts, allowing you to customize the placement and
size of components to convey information effectively. Here are some key aspects of
Tableau layouts:

Dashboard and Worksheet Layouts:

Tableau offers two primary layout environments: dashboards and worksheets.

Dashboards are typically used for presenting multiple visualizations and interactive
elements together, while worksheets are used for building individual charts and

Objects and Components:

Layouts in Tableau can include various objects and components, such as charts,
maps, filters, legends, titles, text, and images. These elements can be positioned and
sized according to your design needs.

Drag-and-Drop Interface:

You can easily arrange and resize components by dragging and dropping them onto
the canvas. Tableau provides guidelines and snap-to-grid functionality to assist in
aligning elements precisely.

Floating and Tiled Layouts:

Tableau supports both floating and tiled layouts. In a tiled layout, components are
automatically organized in a grid-like fashion. In a floating layout, you have more
control over the positioning and layering of components.

Interactivity Elements:

Dashboards can include interactivity elements such as filters, actions, parameters,

and URL actions, which allow users to explore data and navigate through

Dashboard Containers:

Tableau offers various container objects, such as horizontal and vertical layout
containers, that help organize and group components. These containers
automatically adjust their size and position based on the content they contain.

Padding and Spacing:

You can set padding and spacing between components to control the visual
separation and alignment within the layout.

Size and Scaling:

Designing for different screen sizes is important, and Tableau allows you to create
responsive layouts that adapt to various device sizes, including desktops, tablets, and

Dashboard Themes:

Tableau provides pre-built themes to quickly apply consistent color schemes, fonts,
and styles to your dashboard, ensuring a cohesive and professional look.

Backgrounds and Images:

You can add background images and shapes to enhance the visual appeal of your
dashboard or worksheet.

Storyboarding and Story Points:

Tableau allows you to create interactive data stories by using story points, which
combine multiple sheets or dashboards to guide users through a narrative.

User-Friendly Labels:

Effective use of labels and titles in the layout can provide context and explanations
to users, enhancing the usability of the visualization.


You have the flexibility to customize the layout based on your organization's
branding or specific design requirements.

Mobile Layouts:

Consider the design of your layout for mobile devices, as Tableau supports
responsive design for varying screen sizes.
Creating well-structured and visually appealing layouts in Tableau is essential for
conveying data effectively and providing a user-friendly experience.



The connection between NoSQL databases and Tableau is primarily related to data integration and
visualization. Here's how these two technologies are connected:

Data Integration:

NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Cassandra, or HBase, are often used to store and manage
large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, including documents, time-series data, or
graph data.
Tableau can connect to a wide range of data sources, including NoSQL databases, to extract data
for analysis and visualization. It provides connectors and integration options that allow you to
establish a connection between Tableau and your NoSQL database.

Data Preparation:

When connecting Tableau to a NoSQL database, you may need to prepare your data. This can
involve selecting the relevant data, applying necessary transformations, and structuring it in a way
that is suitable for visualization. NoSQL databases often store data in a different format or
structure compared to traditional relational databases, and Tableau helps bridge this gap.

Data Visualization:

Once the data is connected and prepared, Tableau enables you to create data visualizations and
dashboards. You can design charts, graphs, and other visual elements to provide insights into the
data stored in your NoSQL database.
Tableau's user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality make it easy to design and
customize visualizations, even with complex NoSQL data.

Real-time Analytics:

Many NoSQL databases support real-time data processing and analytics. By connecting Tableau to
a real-time NoSQL database, you can create dashboards and visualizations that display up-to-the-
minute data, making it ideal for monitoring and decision-making.

Scalability and Performance:

NoSQL databases are known for their scalability and performance, which is crucial when dealing
with large datasets. Tableau can take advantage of the performance capabilities of NoSQL
databases to visualize data without experiencing significant processing delays.

Combined Analytical Power:

By integrating NoSQL databases with Tableau, you can harness the analytical and visualization
capabilities of both technologies. This allows you to gain insights from diverse data types and

Data Blending:

Tableau can blend data from different sources, which means you can combine NoSQL data with
other data sources, such as SQL databases, spreadsheets, or web services. This is valuable for
creating comprehensive visualizations.
The connection between NoSQL databases and Tableau is particularly valuable when working
with unstructured, complex, or rapidly changing data, as NoSQL databases are designed to handle
such data efficiently. By using Tableau for visualization and reporting, you can extract valuable
insights from your NoSQL data and make data-driven decisions effectively.


Tableau provides a wide range of design options to create interactive and visually
appealing data visualizations and dashboards. Effective design in Tableau plays a
crucial role in conveying insights and information to your audience. Here are some
key aspects of Tableau design:

Data Source and Connection: Design in Tableau begins with connecting to your
data source. You can connect to various data sources, such as databases,
spreadsheets, and cloud services. A well-organized and clean data source is the
foundation for effective design.

Visualization Types: Tableau offers a variety of visualization types, including bar

charts, line charts, scatter plots, maps, and more. The choice of visualization type
depends on the data you're working with and the message you want to convey.

Color Usage: Effective use of color is essential in Tableau design. Color can be used
to highlight data points, create visual distinctions, and emphasize specific
information. However, it's important to use color thoughtfully and ensure that it
enhances, rather than detracts from, the clarity of your visualizations.

Labels and Annotations: Labels, titles, and annotations help explain the data and
provide context. You can add text and mark labels to your visualizations, and
Tableau allows dynamic labeling to prevent overcrowding in charts.

Dashboards: Dashboards in Tableau are collections of visualizations, filters, and

other elements designed to provide a comprehensive view of data. Effective
dashboard design involves arranging visualizations logically, ensuring consistency,
and making the layout visually appealing.

Interactivity: Tableau allows for interactivity by using actions, filters, and

parameters. Interactive elements enhance the user experience and enable users to
explore data dynamically. Designing effective interactions is crucial for user

Formatting: Tableau provides extensive formatting options for fonts, colors,

borders, and backgrounds. Consistent formatting enhances the visual appeal of your
dashboards and ensures a professional look.

Hierarchies and Drill-Downs: Designing hierarchies and drill-down paths in your

visualizations can help users explore data at different levels of detail. This is
particularly useful when dealing with large datasets.

Storytelling: Tableau allows you to create data stories by combining multiple

visualizations into a sequence that conveys a narrative. Effective storytelling design
involves structuring the story logically and using annotations to guide the audience.

Responsive Design: With the increasing use of Tableau on various devices,

responsive design is important. You can design dashboards that adapt to different
screen sizes and orientations.

Best Practices: Tableau has a set of best practices for design that you should follow,
including using proper data aggregation, avoiding clutter, and ensuring a clear data

Customization: You can customize the look and feel of your visualizations and
dashboards to match your organization's branding and style guidelines.

Effective Tableau design is a balance between aesthetics and functionality, ensuring

that your data is presented clearly and accessibly to your target audience. It's
important to consider the purpose of your visualization, your audience's needs, and
the characteristics of your data when designing in Tableau.


Tableau also provides an advanced feature called "Tableau Calculations," which

allows you to create custom calculations using a formula language. While this isn't
traditional coding, it allows for more complex data manipulation and custom
calculations within Tableau.

To create a Tableau Calculation, follow these steps:

Open Tableau: Launch Tableau and open your workbook.

Choose a Worksheet: Create a new worksheet or open an existing one where you
want to add a Tableau Calculation.

Right-click on a Shelf: In the worksheet, right-click on a shelf (e.g., Columns or

Rows) where you want to add the calculation. Then, select "Create Calculated Field."

Write the Calculation: In the calculated field editor, you can use the Tableau
Calculation formula language to define your calculation. For example, you can use
functions like SUM(), AVG(), IF-THEN-ELSE, and many others.

Test and Validate: After writing the calculation, you can click the "OK" button to
create the calculated field. Tableau will validate the calculation, and you'll see the
results in your worksheet.

Drag the Calculation: You can then drag the calculated field onto your worksheet to
include it in your visualization.

Tableau Calculations allow you to perform a wide range of data manipulations and
aggregations, and you can get quite sophisticated with these calculations. However,
it's important to note that this is different from traditional programming or coding


Testing in Tableau is an important aspect to ensure the accuracy, functionality, and

performance of your data visualizations and dashboards. There are several types of
testing you can perform in Tableau:

Data Validation Testing: This type of testing involves verifying that the data
extracted and loaded into Tableau is accurate and complete. It ensures that the data
source connections are working correctly, and the data is correctly transformed
during the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process.

Functional Testing: Functional testing in Tableau focuses on verifying that your

visualizations and dashboards work as intended. It involves testing all the interactive
features, filters, parameters, drill-downs, and actions to ensure they produce the
expected results.

Regression Testing: As you make changes or updates to your Tableau workbooks,

it's essential to perform regression testing to ensure that existing visualizations and
dashboards continue to work correctly. This helps prevent unintended side effects
from new changes.

Performance Testing: Performance testing assesses the speed and responsiveness of

your Tableau visualizations and dashboards. It ensures that your visualizations load
quickly, even with large datasets, and that user interactions remain smooth.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT is conducted with end-users or stakeholders

to validate that the Tableau dashboards meet their requirements and expectations. It's
a critical step to ensure that the final product aligns with the business needs.

Security Testing: Security testing ensures that sensitive data is appropriately secured
within Tableau. It includes checking access control, user permissions, and data
encryption to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Compatibility Testing: Tableau should be tested on different devices and web

browsers to ensure that your visualizations and dashboards render correctly across
various platforms.

Integration Testing: If your Tableau deployment is integrated with other systems or

data sources, integration testing verifies that the connections and data transfers are
functioning as expected.
Load Testing: Load testing assesses how Tableau performs under heavy user loads.
It's essential for identifying potential bottlenecks or performance issues that may
arise when many users access the system simultaneously.

Accessibility Testing: Ensuring that Tableau visualizations and dashboards are

accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is an important aspect of
design and testing. This involves checking for compliance with accessibility

To conduct testing in Tableau, you can create test cases, test data sets, and test
scenarios specific to your use case. Automated testing tools can also be used to
streamline the testing process, especially for regression and load testing.


Implementing a Tableau dashboard involves several steps, from data preparation to

publishing and sharing the dashboard. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement
a Tableau dashboard:

Data Preparation:
Identify the data sources: Determine where your data is stored, whether it's in
databases, spreadsheets, cloud storage, or other sources.

Extract and clean data: Use Tableau's data connection capabilities to extract and
prepare the data for analysis. Ensure the data is clean and structured appropriately.
Connect to Data:

Open Tableau and create a new workbook.

Connect to your data source(s) and import the data into Tableau. You can use a live
connection or import the data.

Data Exploration:

Explore your data within Tableau to understand its structure and contents.
Create worksheets to build individual visualizations and analyze the data.

Design Visualizations:

Build visualizations such as bar charts, line graphs, scatter plots, maps, and more. Use
the "Show Me" feature to discover relevant visualization types.
Customize the appearance of your visualizations, including colors, labels, and

Create Dashboards:

Combine multiple worksheets into a dashboard to provide a cohesive view of the data.
Arrange visualizations, text, and other elements on the dashboard canvas.

Add Interactivity:

Implement interactivity through filters, parameters, actions, and URL actions to allow
users to explore and interact with the data.

Implement Calculations:

Create calculated fields or use calculated measures to perform custom data calculations
and derive insights.

Test and Validate:

Test the functionality of your dashboard, including data interactions, calculations, and
Ensure that the dashboard performs well with the expected user load.

User Feedback and Refinement:

Gather feedback from stakeholders or potential dashboard users and make necessary
improvements or refinements to the design.
Data Security and Permissions:

Set up data source filters and user permissions to ensure data security and access

Publish the Dashboard:

Publish the dashboard to Tableau Server, Tableau Online, or Tableau Public, depending
on your deployment and sharing needs.

Sharing and Collaboration:

Share the dashboard with intended users or groups, allowing them to access it through a
web browser or Tableau's mobile app.
Enable collaboration and discussion features for users to comment and share insights.

Scheduled Refreshes:

If your data is frequently updated, configure scheduled data source refreshes to keep
the dashboard up-to-date.


Maintain documentation that describes the purpose of the dashboard, data sources,
calculations, and any specific user instructions.

Training and Support:

Provide training and support to users who will be interacting with the dashboard to
ensure they understand its functionality.

Monitoring and Maintenance:

Regularly monitor the performance and usage of the dashboard. Make updates or
improvements as needed to keep it relevant and effective.
The implementation of a Tableau dashboard is a comprehensive process that involves
data handling, visualization design, interactivity, and collaboration.


To keep pace with the rapidly evolving data landscape, Tableau should consider
advanced integrations with machine learning, enabling users to perform predictive
analytics seamlessly. Improved geospatial visualization capabilities, including support
for 3D mapping, can enhance location-based data analysis. Additionally, automated
data preparation tools and natural language query functionalities would make data
exploration more accessible and efficient. The integration of artificial intelligence to
suggest insights, a refined mobile experience with offline access, and comprehensive
data governance features are essential for addressing diverse user requirements.
Expanding the capabilities of Web Data Connectors, boosting data collaboration, and
optimizing performance for handling large datasets can further solidify Tableau's
position as a data visualization leader.

Google for problem solving


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