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4 / Anglais CABLE == La presse internationale en pour progresser en anglais age Riera ~~ INTELLIG! PRS R Aa , C as a S ) rr Ps © should know about ¢ Riess 10 “THE INDEPENDENT DTT New UK visa rules ‘ Te Tae tly We apart pacer) | Ba sig te hy Pesca Beuetira oy Ce stu] Paul Mescal on Allof us strangers Sayer nacele Partez un semestre ou une année / - Plus qu’un séjour, une expérience pour la vie nacel.fr | 05 65 76 55 73 © Grand Angle TRESFELS Alaune rédactrice en chef ‘==82]] What toexpect this year for Al? @O duenousresene ictteannée? AMELIE 1A: s’habituer 4 son omniprésence ‘Un email, une pub, un article de journal, une conversation... intelligence artifi- cielle est devenue omniprésente dans nos vies. Cette démocratisation sist faite en grande partie & travers le lancement du robot conversationnel ChatGPT en novembre 2022 par lentreprise OpenAL Depuis, Tutilisation de Fintelligence arti ficielle dans tous les domaines de notre société ne cesse de se développer, 8 une ##%82]) The secret ingredient of ChatGPT is human advice rapidité qui peut étre déconcertante. Se Deri le chatbot, de nombreux humains déstabilisante, tant les avancés_annon- Focus cées sont nombreuses. Mais pas de pa- — nique pour autant : nous assisterons Société stirement plutét 4 une évolution qu’ ===] 9 things non-Americans might not understand about ‘une révolution. Il faudra probablement fa Siar attendke encore avant de voir apparaitre @ tpeeesreonerom la fameuse IA générale (AG), capable atrieaeeted inter tet aaitel =23(] The origins of Valentine's Day s===rsmmrem= Sinus cies Gis onatd @ ___Retoursurthistore dela Saint-Valentn fitter Tea Surle vif , évolue, il semblerat que les robots aient encore besoin des humaine, Notre deu- ioe parte goer) - = See e yee #231 Pint of wine anyone? UK looks to bring back ‘silly measures’ ddontdes milers dexperts entrainent quo ienrennan CHRAGOT A ena te @ _Pintesdevinet unites impérales et comger ses erreurs. Pour instant ce i feedback humain estnécessair alamého- , Enjeux rece eter est *#8<] USbraces fora year, and an election, like no other Ta fin année 2023 a été marquée par la Une année électorale pas comme les autres aux Etats-Unis sagaddelicenciementxéembauche de Sam ‘Altman chez Open, vu comme un danger parcertainsen interme. Cetépisodea souli- PRATIC’ABLE. aaa eae Levee dean Lesvetesa pata rsa ceux qui veulent une IA tréscontiélée au service des besoins humains et ceux qui A360° ; réclament moins de régulation afin de = rasisdiers lett naesecl acti ##m<]) “Everythings injeopardy”: how new UK visa rules : will tear families apart mmx=mnm0005 / I faudra done éreattentif la wajectoire @ —_Tourdevispourtimmigrationoutre-Manche que prendront ces débats ainsi quau réle ue jouera ITA dans les campagnes poli- tiques durant cette année qui va connaitre un nombre record délections, et tout par- ticuliérement avec la problématique des -«deepfakes » Bonne lecture! N°894 /Du2 au 29 février 2024 Découverte (Care ropsen Commun defer pou es anees ++824 | Billions of birds collide with glass buildings — * facile A2-B1 but architecture has solutions HINT a moyen B2-C1 © _Commentevteriacolson des oseauxaveclesbatiments? ore wide cr [F2m2] The fuitaislets getting trippy amma 7 Dest de lesen ls ranges dans les upermarchés ows Culture Zoom Jennifer Lopez album “TI companion m¢ Now" gets Jennifer Lopez de retour avec un album et un film [=a] With Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal, it’s all about chemistry Suivez-nous sur: eon rad ‘ © Interview croisée Andrew Scot et Paul Mescal Vocable cher vocablemag Hollywood studios are finding new ways to bring Vocable English stories to life mm=rsaas Hallywoodcrée des expérenceshors-cinéma Les Sorties 46 LeDessin Larecette en V.O. L2s beignets de la Nowvelle-Orléans Au coeur de UVHistoire Une plume ala loupe Camet de Lacatastrophe dberfan Posy Simmonds Aspen: station de sk des célebrités CABLE 2 cessonnesosz7erion.wormaaten Pasrconacte sere carespndi camostse 43 57] sce ees sn mméro [SUISSUNSAM onecreveoe A ruoucsTon:c as: sPONSHaLE DEDTION: ress else XPUCATING,TRADLCTONS ET reat A Pow Lp © ne POBLCTE [7 DRECTIN COMMERCE Fbisoy(™ ABDEMENTS CATES connuaucarn ci ARNE ROCATN: 1 ur) eu) © Baws) SERICE BOIS 132000. aevnsorensorel {trees seveepstanecondtans 0332095 CONGEPTONGRAPHIQUE Vagina ese St MAQUETTE‘ Seton efecei \OcaBLE est earparlaSocete Mauneugease déaton ete, SOISPAR'S — ° se StenPatserefoniay BOSARSTASOGST ® (ae) B rest Last month, actor Idris Elba joined protesters from the ‘Don’t Stop Your Future’ campaign outside the UK Parliament, posing with clothes representing the human cost of knife crime. ‘The London-born star of The Wire and Luther urged the British government to ban machetes and serrated ‘zombie’ knives to help stop young people falling victim to knife crime. In the UK, which has strict gun-control laws, about four in 10 homicides involve. knife or sharp trument. There is particular concern about knife crime involving young people in Brit Cities. in London, 21 teenagers were ki 1023, 18 of whom were stabbed to death. protester anifestant/knifecoutea/ The Wire (VF) Sur écoute to urgeexherte/tebanintrdre/ serrated dente /to fall, el fallen victim toetrela cle ce / strict igourevx/ gun contrlegslaion sures ames feu /sharpaigusé/eancern rant, preoccupation /toinvolve inchouer/to stab sb todeath coignarderaanamart. in's Tech | ** B2-Cl Reese SC 1) THOVSON AND DANIEL ANGUS What to expect this year for Al? Que faut-il attendre del'IA cette année ? DE ge ee ey Ce ae Pee ret ato eee Ct aur icad intelligence artificelle a envahi tous les domaines que ce soit la médecine, Pree ceo eee ee eed Se rede em Ue ey ei ae 12023, artificial intelligence (Al) truly entered our daily lives. The latest data shows four in five teenagers in the United Kingdom areusing generative Al tools. bout twotthirds of Australian employees report using generative Al for work. At first, many people used these tools because they were curious about generative Al or want cedtobe entertained, Now, peopleask generative Al for help with studies, for advice, or use i to find or synthesise information. Other uses in- clude getting help coding and making images, videos or audio. truly valent éllement/ dally fe quotden data comnées/toolout/toreport dare ‘wentertaindstrae, vert /advie conse) ‘SURLEBOUTDELALANGUE Notez la traduction de ces phrases fourin five ($1) /four out of five teenagers quatre acolescents sur cing fo get ten outof ten avoir dix surcix tospread over 3 kilometres s'étendie sur 3 kilometres ‘vera period of 3months surune période de 3 mois ‘every other year un an sur deux So-called “prompt whisperers” or prompt engineers offer guides on not just designing the best l prompts, buteven how to lend diferent Al services to achieve fantastical outputs. Al ses and functions have also shifted over the past 12 months as technological develop- ment, regulation and social factors haveshaped what's possible. Here's where we're at,and what might come in 2024, ‘Generative AI made waves early in the year nen itwas used toenter and even win photog. raphy competitions, and tested for its ability to pass school exams. ChatGPT, the chatbot that’s become a household name, reached a user base ‘of 100 million by February 2023, ‘Some musicians used Al wie cloning ta cre ate synthetic music that sounds like popular artists such as Eminem. Google launched its chatbot, Bard. Microsoft integrated Al nto Bing search. Snapchat launched MyAl, a ChatGPT powered tool that allows users to ask questions and receive suggestions. so-called sépormé pont prompt message udtage dite) / whisperer hich ciconselr/ ‘todesign crc /toblend relangrtoachieve cbtene/ output production iru ‘shift changer/overaucousde regulation realementaten/ta shape agoret, tomake, made, made waves sefareremarqer/ abltycopact®/topassi. ust /householdic, courant (2s foe ménage)/toreachattene ‘olaunchlanct /ChatGPT-poweredalimentépa (GPT, the latest iteration of the Al that powers (CharGPT, launched in March 2023. Simultane- ously, corporate giants like Coca-Cola begat generating ads partly through Al, while Lev said it would use AI for creating virtual models, ‘The now-famous image ofthe Pope wearing a white Balenciaga puffer jacket went viral. cohort of tech evangelists also called for an AL development pause, Amazon began integrating generative Al tools into its products and services in April. In the United States, screenwriters went on strike in ‘May, demanding a ban of Al-generated scripts, 1n July, worshippers experienced some of the first religious services led by Al In August, two months after Al-generated summaries became available in Zoom, the company faced intense scrutiny for changes to its terms of service around consumer data and AL. The company later clarified its policy and pledged not to use customers’ data without consentto train A. Iteration ci verson/ corporate (delindustie/ad = advertisement pubic infamous (sterent) cele /towear, wore, worn arte (vtemet)/ putferacketdooune/togo, went, gone vial: ropage'aidement (vale escauxsecaux etc) fale bz /eohort rupe / evangelist: fervent dfenseu screemoniter scars /togo,went,goneonstrike semetrean pve /todemand sige /baninteion/ worshipper ie /serviceoice relies. messe toface (dea fate fae /sentiny elles cxamenminutaux/paleypoique/to pledge pret (e) sergages (consent conse 2c /to tal ferme exe ean @ retrouvezpiusctintosdanslanewsletter Vocable www.vocable.fi/newsletter Pesto ar cor Poe ney orton ‘AGlsanadvancedformofAl:frealze,anartiial general eligence (AG) coudleamto accompany telectualtaskthat Turmanbengsoranmalscan perform, vic Syraowex Shite In September, voice and image functionalities came to ChatGPT for paid users. Adobe began integrating generative AT into its applications like Mlustrator and Photoshop. By December, we saw an increased shiftto "Edge AI’, where Al processes are handled locally, on devices themselves, rather than in the cloud, which has benefits in contexts when privacy and security are paramount. ‘Meanwhile, the EU announced the world’s first ‘Al Law’ Given the whirlwind of Al developments in the past 12 months, we're likely to see more in cremental changes this year and beyond. In particular, we expect to See changes in these four areas, (ChatGTP was initially just a chatbot that could generate text. Now, it can generate text, mages and audio, By bundling generative AI into existing services and combining functions, companies will try to maintain their market share and make Al services more intuitive, ac cessible and useful. At the same time, bundled ald abonnésa uncom) payant. tohandle ge / device are. disposi / privacy \ieprive confident / paramount capta.esertil/ ‘meanwihilependantcetemos whitwind turin tonade tobe tkely tere suscentblede squerde/Ineremental progress ‘tobundteregrounes/market share part de mmarché/ services make users more vulnerable wien in: evitabe data breaches happen, In2023,Al struggled with renderinghuman hands and limbs. By now, Al generators have ‘markedly improved on these tasks. At the same time, research has found how biased many AI generators can be. Some developers have cre: ated models with diversity and inclusivity in mind. Companies will likely see a benefit in providing services that reflect the diversity of their customer bases ‘Various news platforms havebeen slammed in 2023 for producing Al-generated content ‘without transparently communicating this. Al generated images of world leaders and other newsworthy events abound on social media, with high potential to mislead and deceive, ‘Media industry standards that transparently and consistently denote when AT hasbeen used breach elation. ‘ostruggle oi cual) /imb membre (cos) markedly reticment/Inminden te alesort/ benefitavantage/toprovidefouri/customerbase centile tpslam tiquervolemment/eontentconteru/ leader rgzaite)/newsworthy denednteét médtiqve/teabound abonder/tomislead Led, ed trope rc enereurtodeceve wore abt ‘consistently )sématiqusent/todenote indies, ‘erie marque / ‘to create or augment content will need to be developed to improve public trust. Inthese early days, many have been content playfully exploring AT’ possiblities. However, as these tools begin to unlock rapid advance ‘ments across all sectors of our society, more fine-grained control over who governs these foundational technologies will become increas: ingly important. In 2024, we will likely see futurefocused leaders incentivising the development oftheir sovereign capabilities through increased re search and development funding, training programs and other investments, For the rest of us, whether youre using gen erative for fun, work or school, understanding, the strengths and limitations ofthe technology isessential for using itin responsible respectful and productive ways, Similarly understanding |howothers ~ from governments todoctors~ are increasingly using Al in ways thataffect you, is ‘equally important ‘bust onfance playfully vec hur /tounlockdbloque ser (fine-grained afin rs/ Foundational foarental uture-focused tou vers ave /toineentivce mative ite (par desmesue scale) / nding financement training famation strength fore atout/toatfect touche concemes/ cequalyioutaus, | Tech | EL erars:uwis | B2-C1 Erne The secret ingredient of ChatGPT is human advic «GPT-5 vous donnera l'impression de communiquer avec une personne plutat qu'avec ‘une machine », peut-on lire en ligne propos de a prochaine version révolutionnaire du chatbot OpenAl, censée étre dévollée courant 2024, Mals iChatGPT ressemblede pplus en plus & une intelligence humaine, c'est avant tout parce qu’en coulisse, des milliers d'experts fentrainent & mieux répondre. A 'instar d'une armée de tuteurs guidant un éléve, ces personnes apprennent aurobot comment répondre ades ‘questions précises, évaluent ses réponses et corrigent ses erreurs. Un modéle Papprentissage quia ses avantages... et sesinconvénients. ‘November 2022, the company behind Facebook released a chatbot called Ga lactica.Aftera torrent of complaints that the bot made up historical events and spewed other nonsense, Meta removed it from the internet. Two weeks later, the San Francisco startup Openal released a chatbot called CChatGPT. twas a worldwide sensation. Both bots were powered by the same fundamental tech nology. But unlike Meta, Ope AT had sharpened its bot us ing a technique that was just beginning to change the way artificial intelligence is built. In the months leading up to. the release of ChatGPT, the company hired hundreds of people to use an early version and provide precise suggestions that could help hone the toreleaselance srt / complaint paint, crave ‘/tomake, made, madeup vente / tospew vom; ic, biter / nonsense btsesnepies/toremove ‘etier/ worldwide dan: lomande enti sensation to power aliments ae fanctonner to sharpen atine peafinesparaire/ bot = robot tolead led ledup to about précéer/to hire embaucherengager early premitre/to rovide ur, ppores/tohone aiguise after peaufner/ GPT-5 bors skills. Like an army of tutors guiding a grade school student, they showed the bot how to respond to particular questions rated its responses and corrected its mis takes. By analyzing those suggestions, Chat GPT learned to be a better chatbot. ‘The technique, “reinforce: ment learning from human feedback,” is now driving the development of artifical intel: ligence across the industry. ‘More than any other advance, it has transformed chathots from a curiosity into main- stream technology. ‘These chatbots are based on a new wave of Al systems that can earn skills by analyz ing data. Much ofthis datais curated, refined and in some cases created by enormous teams of low-paid workers in the United States and other parts of the world stall aptitude compétence/ rade school école pimare/torateéaluer noter/mistakeerreu reinforcement learning apoentssage par ‘enforcement feedback eters, commentates/t0 ‘rive, drove, driven alimenter/ mainstream classique, radtonne. Als atifiilinteligence/ data doonées/to curate asset torefine att. For years, companies like Google and OpenAl have relied on such workers to pre- pare data used to train Al technologies. Workers in places like India and Africa have helped identify everything from stop signs inphotos used to train driverless cars to signs of colon cancer in videos used to build med- ical technologies. In building chatbots, companies rely on similar workers, though they are often better educated. Reinforcement learning from hu man feedback is far more sophisticated than the rote data-tagging work that fed Al devel ‘opment in the past. In this case, workers are acting like tutors, giving the machine deep- cx, more specific feedback in an effort to improve its responses. ‘orely on compter suc ule /t tra formes, entraine/ signi panneau/drveress sans ondcteur/ signi symptéme. educated instru, ayant faite solide études / rote pit mécarique/ tagging Aiquetage marquage/to feed, fed, fed alimenter/deep approfond/tolmprove adore ‘face 2-81 4% moyen 2-1/9 cle 2 Q Retrouvezpiusctintosdanslanewsletter Vcable www.vocable.fi/newsletter Pec or cd Cueadeaet tet 1In2022, OpenAl and one ofits competitors, Anthropic, used freelance workers in the United States through the website Upwork. Hugging Face, another prominent lab, is using USS. workers hired through the datacuration startups Scale Al and Surge, These workers are evenly split be- tween male and fe ‘male, and some iden- tify as neither, said Nazneen Rajani, a researcher with Hugging Face. They are be tween the ages of 19 and 62, and their educa tional qualifications range from technical degrees ta doctorates. US-based workers earn between roughly s15and $30 an hour. Workers in other coun- tries make considerably less, When Hugging Face requested workers from a division of ‘competitor concurent prominent important celee/ lab = laboratory / curation conservation, stoclage / evenly également. équtablement/ty split split, spit ivser/ qualification dipome/to range from..toalerde..2/degreecinime, roughiy aoprximatvement/torequest demande sllcter/dlvision épartement servce/ Hugging Face 7s One source of concerns that hyper.intelligent software could ‘become uncontrollable, leading toa catastrophe - a concern among tech workers who follow a socal mavement called "effective altruism, that believes Al advances should beneft humanity. On the ‘other hand there ae those who embrace a worldview called “effective accelerationism’ which counter that not only should the development of Aibe allowed to proceed unhindered, it should be speeded up. A slew of startups including Hugging Face and Mistral Al hhave argued for less restrictive regulation concer (source inauietue software logiciels) /to benefit étre Dénéique/to embrace ahéer 8 / worldview sion dumonde/tocounter ‘etorqur/ to proceed avance/ unhindered sansertrave, deride slew ‘lopée multitude /teargueatfimesoutent regulation églementation ll the behavior of these bots in some ways, they ‘explain, it can degrade performance in other ‘ways. A recent study from researchers at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, shows that the accuracy of Ope- nAT's technology has dropped in some situ ations over the past several months, includ ing while solving math problems, generating computer code and trying to reason. This, could be the result of continuing efforts to apply human feedback. Entec ‘Amazon, the company said US-based work: >>> ers would be five times as expensive as those abroad. behavior comportement to degrade diminuer/ accuracy exactitude, récsion to drop chute, This work requires hours of meticulous 8 ‘writing, editing and rating. Workers may spend 20 minutes writing a single prompt and its re- back is what allows today’s chatbots to approximate turn-by-turn, conversation, rather than just providinga Certains mots decet single response. Italsohelpscompanieslike article peuvent étre OpenAL reduce the misinformation, biasand (Monm [N] ou Verbe [V]: other toxic information produced by these | Theyre powarsd by the same systems. technology. [V] It takes a lot of power torun it. [N] But researchers watn that the technique |The techniques now diving the isnot fully understood. Though it improves | development. [VI ‘twas a publkity drive. (N} They advanced slow. [V] abroad tétrange: {thas had more influence than any editing ontage/ratingclasstication/prompet | otheradvance. [NJ rmovage Ge gidoge Cv) toapproximatess _Theslgnindicates you must stop. (V] approche. ete proche (Ge) iciesayeiiter/ She was waiting at the bus stop. [N] misinformation dsroxation bis us. Workers act ike tutors. [V] researcherchechew/towamavertmetteen | He was caughtin the act. (N] werde/ | Tech FE erars-unis |} | + B2-C1 Researchers do not yet understand why, but they have found that tuning the system in one area can make it less accurate in another. “Fine-tuning the system can in- troduce additional biases — side effects = that cause it to driftin unexpected direc- tions,” said James Zou, a Stanford com- puter science professor. In 2016, a team of OpenAl researchers built an AT system that taught itself to play an old boatracing video game, Coast Run- ners, But in an effort to capture the little ‘green widgets that lined the racecourse — a ‘way of scoring points — the AI system drove its boat in endless circles, crashing into walls and repeatedly catching fire, It had trouble Crossing the finish line, which was just as {important as scoring points. That is the co- hnundrum at the heart of AI development: As ‘machines learn to perform tasks through hours of data analysis, they can also find their way to unexpected, unwanted and pethaps even harmful behavior. Butthe OpenAl researchers created a way of fighting this problem. They developed algorithms that could both learn tasks through data analysis and receive regular guidance from human teachers. With afew mouse clicks, the workers could show the AI system thatit should move toward the finish line, not just gather points. ‘Around the same time, OpenAl, Google and other companies began building sys- tems, known as large language models, that learned from vast amounts of digital text called from the internet, including books, yet (02s encore/tofine-tune lr avec prison, ane, mettre aupont/side effect eft secondaire / ‘tof ever selasserenraine/ unexpected Inattendu / computer selencenforatique racing couse / widget g2det/toline borer, longer /racecourse ist / to score marqur (des pits) /endlessincesant, continue! /tocrash into Dercuter/tohave trouble + ger) voi dual /t0 ross ranch /fnish nalgnecartivee/ ‘conundrum énigme probleme / unwanted Indésiable/ harmful nétase.dangereu guidance consol /toward vrs /to gather accumu, tocullcupérer glaner/ YO VocABLE e205 en Per imate eles Pee) Piet ‘Wikipedia articles and chat logs. The result: systems like Meta’ Galactica, which could write its own articles, solve math problems, generate computer code and annotate im- ages. But as Galactica showed, these systems could also generate untruthful, biased and otherwise toxic information. When asked, “Who runs Silicon Valley?" Galactica replied, “Steve Jobs” ‘So labs began fine-tuning large language ‘models using the same techniques that Ope- ‘nAT had applied to old video games. The re- sult: polished chatbots like ChatGPT. Ulti- ‘mately, chatbots choose their words using ‘mathematical probabilities. This means that ‘human feedback cannot solve all their prob: Jems ~ and that the technique can alter their performance in unexpected ways. Yann LeCun, chief Al scientist at Meta, believes a new technique mustbe developed before chatbots are completely reliable. Hu- ‘man feedback “works surprisingly wel, in that it can prevent bad things from happen- ing,” he said. “But it cannot be perfect.” chat loghistoiquede discussions enligne)/ “untruthful mensonger/torun,ran,run gre cies. topolishpeauine ultimately enfin de compte, fnalement ‘oprevent from (ger) emmpcher ce ‘Avez-vous bien compris Varticle ? Cochez la bonne réponse. 1. What was thename ofthe first chatbot according to this article? Open bGalatica Chater 2. What technique has recently enhanced chatbot performance? a.humantutoring more complex algorithms adaptive software 3. How do chatbot workers compare to workersin ther sectors of Al? a. They eam more money. bb They areall basedin the US. They are generally better educated ‘4, Whatiis sometimes the result of using human feedback? a. Improvement in one area may lead toinaccuractesin other areas. The ystem blocks due to contradictory input. The system generates untruthful, biased and otherwise toxic information "face 2-61 4% moyen B2-1/ 8 ile C2 | Tech Nya history of Al Sa ciety ay Ce ene Cen each ag avait battu le meilleur joueur d’échec au monde en1997? Retour surles moments marquants de Gee nrc De Cur ae Asummer gathering of scholars at Dartmouth College is considered the founding event of ‘Al organised by John McCarthy, a compute scientist credited with coining the term artificial inteligence’ The Dartmauth Workshop followed decades of speculative research including Alan Turing’ 1950 paper that considered machines that could think ike humans. Al-artificatinteligence/gatheringrassemblement /scholar expert spécialste, universtare/ ‘computer sclentistnfrmaticen tobe credited with, arene de/toeeinivanter/ workshop atelier: groupede iscuson/ paper ate. Deep Blue. achess-playing expert system designed by IBM, defeats the world champion Garry Kasparovin a chess match. chess hese) /ta design concvoir/to defeat vance bate. pant lig i ig @ Openal Reid Hoffman Elon Muskand Peter Thiel.commt STbilion in long-term funding for the A. venture intended to benefit humanity tocommitddle /tobeintended to aol pout ambition de. nsace/illon mild /fundingfnancement / venture entrepris (squée), projet, Google's AlphaGo Al beats the world'sbest player in the ancent Chinese board game of Go. board game au desc ‘The neural networks that have come to define the A. revolution —calledarge language ‘models — are released, BERT a system developed by Google that can complete sentences, signals a major breakthrough. atfcial neural network éscau deneurones arifcels ensemble dalgrithmesquisebasesurle fonctinnement des nevronesbioiogiques)/trelease lancet sort /tocompleteacheve.terminer/to slgnalindue annonce / breakthrough avancée cats. Chat6FT, an online chatbot designed by Opend\ sreleased. Thoughits accuracy s critcsed, Chats abiity to delivercolege admission essays andlfe advice signals a ‘breakthrough fo A. — while raising worries about is misuse. accuracy precision college univ / essay cssertation/ advice consel(s/toralseicsoueve(e)/ Worry inquiétude.calnte/ misusedétoumementutlisaton abuse, ‘On'7 Now, Sam aitman, the chief executive of Opend\ sremoved bys bboard — only to return afew days ater after employees threaten to quit. The episode highlights 2 central divide inthe industry — between optimists and those who worry about the technology, abiity toda harm. chlef executive drectou(-tce) générale) / to remove chasse démetre de ses fonctions / beard conse

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