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Avoc les .

autrca types de phrason, on obtlcnt


Don't you work on Sundays impratif ngatif Don't work too late.
Bizarrement, BE s'utilise avec un Don't be late. L'emphase s'associe

dans ce

Section 4

--- appelle emphatique une phrase qui contieni un auxiliaire accentu: I told him to be careful, and now he has dropped my new watch, I tell you that I can drive a big truck. i, Do try to be serious !
de caractre emphatique, il raut qu accentu. Tout i-i-tT.:l,|li;mm9 prendr" un autre auxiliaire peut accentu. A l'crit, r'accent est gnralment indiqu "urJ"iJi"= "-iil"tiqu" , par des airt du reste du texte. un accenr sur un uu,r" "arctor"s '- --oJ-"'i; r---Evv \ruv' i;'i ne fait pas une phrase emphatique:

tous les types sauf l'excramation. on

Pour viter certaines confusions



1 Mots interrogatifs
pronoms who dterminants adverbes

clip by the Red Vampires. On dit que le verbe love porte un accent contrastif, par rapport (par like,

1 love thqt new video


fond, hate, etc.

Quand I'emphase s,ajoute la ngation, c,est la ngation qui porte I' He cannot drive a big truck. Do not climb on the table !

(whom) what which what which

Exercice 134
Dites si les phrases sont exclamatives, interrogatives ou emphatiques. At les signes de ponctuation ne figurent pas, parce qu'ils vous aideraient a huge car rhey have bought 1. Yhu, ?. Ig* often do you wash your dg

how muchlrnany

how muchlmany how Long/often

when where

3. What srory did he relt yo 4. How oddly he behaved 5. I'd never heard her, but she can sing

why how


Exercice 135 (sans corrig) Mme nonc que le prcdent. l. What a stupid remark that was 2. What a story he told us 3. When he has decided to work, he does work 1. Ior many records has she got 5. How tall she looked in thatiress

Voir aussi $ 9.4, 9.5 et 9.8 sur who, what, which. Les pronoms interrogatifs occupent la place et ont les fonctions d'un groupe nominal, comme il convient pour des pronoms. Ce sont des pronoms qui n'ont pas d'antcdent. Etant eux seuls tout un groupe nominal, ils ne sont accompagns de rien. who objet de see Who did you see at the party ? what sujet de made What made them chang,e their mind ?


Pour viter certaines


Les dterminants interrogatifs apparaissent I'intrieur d'un groupe proximit donc d'un nom. How many blue socks did you put in the washing-machine ?
ATTENTION ! la diffrence entre what pronom et what dterminant, voir Les adverbes interrogatifs ne tiennent pas la place d'un groupe nominal d'un circonstanciel (groupe prpositionnel, adverbe, proposition circonstanci "How often do you wash those socks ?" "Rarely, I admit." "Why did you wash the cat ?" "Because it had been fighting in

9.2 Les 2 i
La conjonction l.;f peut introduire : (l) une subordonne interrogative indirecte: Tell me if she'Il get the job.

Tous les mots interrogatifs sont utiliss aussi bien dans les questions que dans les questions indirectes. Dans les questions indirectes, ils comme conjonctions introduisant la subordonne interrogative indirec 5 7.3.2. Les interrogatives indirectes sont aussi introduites par les conj if et whether qui correspondent des questions yes/no rapportes.

wonder if she'll get the job. Puisqu'une interrogative indirecte est un type de compltive, complment du de la principaleo on peut lui substituer un groupe nominal : Tell me something. I wonder about something.
2) une subordonne conditionnelle

Bien sr, on ne doit pas confondre les interrogatifs avec les mots Il n'y a que deux exclamatifs what et how. Le what exclamatif est un

What a nice little dog (this is) / Comparez : This is such a nice Le how exclamatif est un adverbe (qui porte sur un adjectif ou un autre ad How stupid (that was) ! Comparez : That was so stupid. How slowly they work ! Comparez : They work so slowly.

She'll buy e new TV set if she gets the job, Pour les conditionnelles, on ne peut videmment pas substituer un groupe nominal. peut utiliser un critre de sens qui distingue les conditionnelles. Si la ralilation de la principale dpend de la ralisation de la subordonne, on a bien lffaire une conditionnelle: l'achat de la tl dpend de I'obtention du travail. Pur contre en (1), dire ou se demander n'ont rien voir avec I'obtention du

Exercice L36 Quelle est la nature (catgorie syntaxique) et la fonction des inte 1. How much money have you got in your wallet ? 2. Which professor supervises your work ? 3. How long did the manager stay in Thailand ? 4. Nobody knows if that's the truth. 5. V/e need chairs for the party. How many could you lend us ? 6. Now, how did they manage to lose a whole ship ? 7. Who did you ask ? 8. What started the first V/orld V/ar ? Exercice 137 Mme exercice (sans corrig). 1. Some electors still wonder who they will vote for. 2. Why should women be paid less than men ? 3. How long has this been going on ? 4. Which candidate do you think will win ? 5. Whether the party would get a strong majority was the only

l, If you move, I'll shoot. 2, Everybody wonders if he'll shoot. 3, Nobody knew if he would shoot. 4, He would shoot if he felt in danger. 5. Ask if we can get in free. 6, If some people can get in free, ask if we can too. 7. If the price is right, tell me and I'11 buy it. 8. Tell me if it is too expensive.
Exercice 139 (sans corrig)

Exercice 138 De quel l.;f s'agit-il ? Quelle est la nature de la subordonne introduite

Mme nonc que le prcdent. l, If somebody asks for me, tell them I'm out. 2, ln 1947, the Americans wondered if the Russians had the atom bomb. l, ln 1947, President Truman declared "If the Russians had the atom bomb, the world would be in great danger." 4, Ask somebody if this is the way to the station. 5. The committee asked several scientists if the Russians had been importing

6, If somebody asks me,



only tell the truth.

6. Who did the electors send to Parliament ? 7. At what time did they close the meeting ? 8. How much does an election cost ?


Pour viter certaines

Pour viter certaines confusions


9.3 Les 2 when (ou 3 ?)

ne faut pas confondre when interrogatif (1) avec when circonstanciel (2, $ 7.4. De plus, le when interrogatif a deux emplois.

C'est dans ce cas que will au sens de futur est impossible dans la subordonne, aprs when ou les autres conjonctions de temps, de mme que would au sens de
conditionnel. (b) N'importe quelle question directe peut tre transforme en question indirecte, quand on rapporte des paroles. A ce moment-l, les adverbes interrogatifs sont utiliss comme des conjonctions qui introduisent les propositions subordonnes interrogatives indirectes (lb) :

when mot interrogatif (how, where, why,...)


when circl:lrtstancr.d, (after, before, as




rnteffog. directe




will he get the money ? Tell me why he will get the money. will he get the money ? I don't know when he will get the money. mo n ev l:, :,2",jf,X"iy i!; "r!: il!' #:'"',!,:

conionction prop. circonstancielle

Remarquons que le futur en will est tout--fait possible dans les interrogatives indirectes, comme dans les interrogatives directes (et de mme le conditionnel en would).

adverbe / conjonction interrog. indirecte ( lb)

(c) Finalement, et c'est l le problme, on se retrouve avec deux types

subordonnes introduites pat when : subordonnes interrogatives indirectes (1b)


- don't know when he will I

get the money.

(a) Il n'y a pas de difficult reconnatre I'adverbe intercogatif when question directe (la) : When will he get the money ? L'adverbe interrogatif when appartient la mme catgorie que d'autres qui permettent l'interrogation sur les circonstances :

subordonnes circonstancielles (2) He'll do the job when he gets the money.

How will he get the money Why will he get the money ? Where will he get the money

La rponse qu'appellent ces adverbes est un complment circonstanciel ( bial) qui peut avoir la forme d'un adverbe, d'un groupe prpositionnel (c
ment circonstanciel), d'une proposition subordonne (circonstancielle, bien par exemple pour la question en when :

[He will get the money He will get the money



at the end of the month.

Et c'est l que I'on trouve la conjonction when qui introduit la subordonne circonstancielle de temps (2). Cette conjonction fait
groupe de conjonctions de temps



will get the money

as soon as the job is done.


when the

job is done.

Elles n'ont pas du tout le mme rle, ni syntaxiquement, ni pour le sens. Syntaxiquement, les subordonnes interrogatives indirectes sont un complment du verbe, et on peut donc leur substituer un groupe nominal:. I don't know a certain thing. Les circonstancielles ne sont pas syntaxiquement aussi proches du verbe, et c'est un adverbe qui rvle le mieux leur nature : He'll do the iob soon. De par leur sens, les subordonnes interrogatives indirectes sont en quelque sorte une rptition modifie de l'interrogation directe, mais elles ne fournissent pas le renseignement recherch. Par contre, les subordonnes circonstancielles fournissent le renseignement recherch (on sait quand il fera le travail : au moment o il recevra I'argent). C'est une faon (non syntaxique) de les identifier. Par ailleurs; les conjonctions qui introduisent les deux types de subordonnes ne sont pas les mmes (sauf when,le point commun qui fait problme) : . pour les circonstancielles when, as soon as, after, etc.; . pour les interrogatives indirectes, when, where, how, why, if. Pour savoir quel est le type de subordonne, il est utile de tenter de substituer when d'autres conjonctions. Remarquez I'absurdit de : l He will do the .iob how he gets the mottev. (ce n'est donc pas une interrogative indirecte) lr I don't know as soon as lrc will get the money. (ce n'est donc pas
une circonstancielle)

after the job is done. the moment the job is done.


Pour viter certaines

Poar viter certaines confusions


Exercice 140 De quel when s'agit-il ? Quelle est la nature de la proposition introduite 1. When will the chairman stop talking ? 2. It's hard to say when the chairman will stop talking. 3. Clap loudly when the chairman stops talking. 4. You will appear on several television programmes when the

5. The authors asked when the book would be published. 6. There was quite a stir when the book was published.
Exercice 141 (sans corrig) Mme nonc que le prcdent. 1. Nobody knows when the murder was committed. 2. The police wondered when the murder had been committed. 3. It is a huge shock when a murder is committed in a small village. 4. Everybody will be there when the boat leaves. 5. They must inquire when the boat leaves. 6. The captain wasn't sure when the boat would leave.

Exercice 142 De quel what s'agit-il ? Prcisez si le GN est anim ou inanim. Notez que la ponctuation n'est pas donne, parce qu'elle vous aiderait trop. 1. What did you hear on the radio 2. What singer did they interview 3. What a fabulous singer she is 4. What kind of film is it 5. What American film did they show last week 6. Learn by heart what is on pages 23 and 24 7. What dog did they buy 8. What a dog they bought
Exercice 143 (sans corrig)
Mme nonc que le prcdent, et mme remarque.

l. What a fool he is 2. What wine is this 3. What weather they had during the holidays 4. V/hat weather did they have during the holidays 5. I wonder what wine this is 6. Everybody approved what she said

9.5 Les 3 which

9.4 Les 4 what

. . . .
Dterminant interrogatif What books would you like to read ? What famous people would you like to meet
Pronom interrogatif What did you have to eat
? ?

what + GN ina what + GN ani

Dterminant interrogatif Which book did you like best ? Which actor did you like best ? Pronom interrogatif Which did you like best ? Pronom relatif He found no consolation

which + GN inanim which + GN anim which + GN inanim lanim

antcdent inanim




Relatif sans antcdent I couldn't see what he was holding in his hand. what = the thing that
What a kind man !
What fabulous music

in the books

which he read.

what * GN ani what + GN GN indfini (a/ar

Exercice 144 De quel which s'agit-il ? Prcisez si le GN est anim ou inanim. l. They believed in the cause for which they fought. 2. Which is the star of that film, Chuck Oxbow or Ralph Levi ? 3. Which train should we take ? 4. On which page is the diagram ? 5. The governor made a speech which was reported in the national press. 6. I don't know which to choose,

Pour viter certaines Exercice 145 (sans corrig) Mme nonc que le prcdent. 1. The ideas which were expressed in the manifesto found no echo in

Pour viter certaines confusians


2. I'm going to find myself another man, but not like Harry, no, I've learned that much. A guy with money, but not earned that way. 3. He packed his belongings. There weren't that many. 4. They have invented a nrachine that you can talk to and that will answer.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Which candidate made the best impression on TV ? Don't ask me which candidate I'll vote for. I don't know. Marxism, liberalism, black power: which is the future of mankind A book which starts with the word "I" is suspect. Which deputy-manager got promoted to manager ?


9.7 Les 4 either

We can buy either car, they are both good.

either + N

9.6 Les 4 that

. . . .

that + Nom
that + Adjectif/adverbe

Pronom We can buy either.

Adverbe coordonnant

like that man.

Adverbe intensif He can't be that tired.

Conjonction I knew that he was tired Pronom relatif The books that he had read were no consolation.

Either you buy it or I wiII. We could go either to the cinema or to the restaurant, 'r Adverbe de reprise She doesn't like war films, and I don't either

either associ or
encadre deux groupes de mme nature

that introdait une compltive that introdait une relative

vient aprs la ngation

Exercice 146

De quel that s'agit-il ? A quelle catgorie appartient le terme


introduit ? 1. I hadn't realized there were birds that large. {j 2. I shouldn't have stayed that long. 3. If I talked that way, I'd get punished. 4. The headmaster is sure that his pupils are telling the truth. 5. That's what I remember. 6. I hated that man for trying to teach me mathematics. 7. The headmaster told all the pupils that he met that he was proud of tI 8. The only thing that was really important was totally neglected. i, Exercice 147 (sans corrig) Mme nonc que le prcdent. Attention,
une phrase.

Exercice 148 De quel either s'agit-il ? l. I don't know him, and I don't want to either. 2. Two meetings were held today. There was, however, little hope meeting resulting in an agreement. 3. You can go to London either by plane or by train. 4. You could get either tea or coffee, but no alcohol. 5. Tea or coffee ? I don't mind, either is fine. 6. He wasn't a friend of mine, and his wife wasn't either. Exercice 149 (sans corrig)
Mme nonc que le prcdent.





y avoir plusieurs fftat

The United States fears a military collapse or a right-wing coup in El Salvador. Either could force the U.S. administration to make a difficult choice. 2. This space-age architecture contrasts vividly with the wooden chalets of older mountain villages. You either like it or you don't. 3, There has been little attention to democracy and no respect for humanity


1. "The auctioneer?" "I believe that to be his trade, and that he knowi right price for a rare book."

4, This wine is far too light to be either from St Emilion or Graves. .5, We have lived in Ncw York and in Los Angeles, and we don't much like
either city,

Pour viter certqines

Pour viter certaines confusions


9.8 Les 2 who

. .
Pronom relatif The singers who came on Pronom interrogatif question directe Who sang first ? question indirecte

first were rotten.

peut donc y avoir un gAve verbe en mme temps qu'un HAVE auxiliaire dans

une phrase

We have had

this car for ten years.

Nous avons cette voiture depuis dix ans.

Hevg, auxiliaire ne peut apparatre seul, sauf dans des reprises, c'est--dire quand

on peut rcuprer le verbe: "Don't read that book."



already have." (have = have read)




He didn't tell his friends who sang first.

9.10 Les 2 do
Exercice 150 De quel who s'agit-il ? 1. Who did they borrow the money from ? 2. People who had never voted before were irnpressed by the speech. 3. Our reporter asked several political personalities who they would 4. Our reporter questioned several political personalities who have an i view of the problem. 5. Who the next Prime Minister will be remains an open question. Exercice 151 (sans corrig) Mme nonc que le prcdent. 1. There is some doubt as to who invented the telephone. 2. The book doesn't really show the reader who has no previous acquain with the subject what the difficulty is. 3. Who invented gunpowder, the Chinese or the Arabs ? 4. They had to use a man who they had no real trust in. 5. Nobody knows who the palace was designed by. Le mot Do est tantt verbe tantt auxiliaire

oo verbe
They haven't done the dishes.

oo auxiliaire
They don't like washing up.


peut donc

y avoir un oo

verbe en mme temps qu'un Do auxiliaire dans une


Don't do the dishes.

oo auxiliaire ne peut apparatre seul, sauf dans des reprises, c'est--dire quand on peut rcuprer le verbe: I didn't think he could eat the whole dish, but he did. (did = ate the
whole dish) L auxiliaire Do n'est gnralement pas accompagn d'un autre auxiliaire, sauf parfois dans des reprises: "Didn't he say that he would come today ?" "He may have done." Peuttre (qu'il 1'a dit).

9.9 Les 2 have

Le mot HAVE est tantl verbe tantt auxiliaire

Arrnnrron ! Dans les expressions do it, do that, do so, Do est le verbe, ce qui se voit au fait qu'il peut tre accompagn de oo auxiliaire : "Tom wanted to climb up the church tower by night." "Did he do it ?"
n.we auxiliaire
Comparez : "Torn wanted to climb up the church tower by


"plein" de possessron

The dog doesn't have fleas.

sens d'obligation Tom doesn't have sens causatif

auxiliaire du parfait Tom hasn't missed his train.

night." "Did he ?" (did auxiliaire) Mais attention encore, dans They asked him to climb up the church tower by night, so he did, did est auxiliaire (essayez la ngation : but he didn't).
Exercice 152 Do et HAVE sont-ils verbes ou auxiliaires ? l. Have a cucumber sandwich, they are very good. 2. They are doing some research on the causes of the flu. 3. "Have you seen Matthew around ?" "No, but I did yesterday." 4. She plays better than I do.

to work.

They didn't have the room painted.

Pour viter certaines

Pour viter certaines confusions


5. They had to clean the house after the party. 6. Last year they had central heating installed. 7. "Why don't you drink you medicine ?" "But, I have." 8. We had the children clean the house after the party. 9. They told her to sing very loud, and she did so. 10. I didn't have to, and I haven't done so.
Exercice 153 (sans corrig) Mme nonc que le prcdent. 1. What are you doing tonight ? 2. lt's time we had a serious talk. 3. We haven't had the time to do everything. 4. Don't hurry me, I have to think it over. 5. The team has the best goalkeeper in the district. 6. We regretted it as much as they did. 7. What is that book doing on the floor ? 8. I'll have him meet old Thomson, he'll be interested.

There was an urgent call as they were having lunch.

urgent pendant qu'ils djeunaient. Cause

ll y a eu un appel

As he had got up at five, he felt a bit tired. Comme il s'tait lev cinq heures, il tait un peu fatigu.
Concession Tired as he was, he went on with his work. Tout fatigu qu'il tait, il a continu son travail.

(= pour ainsi dire), as it is (= au point o on en est), as opposed to (= 5

Le mot as est un des mots les plus frquents de I'anglais. Comme conjonction, il entre dans des expressions courantes comme as you know, as usual, as it were

diffrence de). Comme adverbe et conjonction, dans as far as I'm concerned (= en ce qui me concerne, pour moi), as long as (- du moment que). ll entre en composition pour former les prpositions complexes as lo, as for (= pour ce qui est de), as against (= en comparaison avec). N'hsitez pas consulter un bon


Ubiquit de as

Exercice 154

As a singer, he is not very good. Comme / En tant que chanteur, il trs bon. She is considered as the best singer in the band On la juge ta chanteuse du groupe. Adverbe Premier lment d'un comparatif d'galit The new building will be as tall as the Empire State buitding. Mi-prposition, mi-conjonction

il s'agit d'une conjonction, nommez les circonstancielles introduites par as. 1. They did the work as they had been told. 2. As he was locking the door, he remembered he hadn't let the cat out. 3. I'm afraid I can't swim as fast as you do. 4. They decided to spend the weekend in Birmingham, as they had never
A quelle catgorie appartient cs ? Quand As a foreigner, I can't give an opinion on your political life. As he still didn't understand, he asked for more explanations. You look as though you'd been caught in a hurricane. 10. As she was standing by herself, I thought it would be polite to go and say a few words.
Exercice 155 (sans corrig)

Le mot as introduit un adjectif ou un GN mais on peut considrer qu'il y verbe effac. They described her as brilliant/a genius. (= as being brilliant/a
On I'a dcrite comme gniale.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

been there before. You are just as bad as your sister. It is just as bad as it used to be.

De mme pour le deuxime lment d'un comparatif d'galit He is not as brilliant as his sister (= as his sister is)
gnial que sa sur.


n,est pas


Conjonction Comparaison autant en un repas que Peter en deux jours. Comparaison fictive (dans as though/as ifl He speaks as though he was the boss. ll parle comme s'il talt Comparaison/Manire

Mme nonc que le prcdent.


Jane eats as much at one meal as Peter does in two days.


Do as I told you and don't argue. Fais ce que/comme je t'al dit et



Do as you like. Fals comme tu

l. Is he as stupid as he looks ? 2. Tall as he is, he can't reach the books on the top shelf. 3. As there was plenty of time, they went for a drink before the show. 4. The dog runs as fast as the cat, but it can't climb trees. 5. Easy as it seemed, nobody could complete the test. 6. They denounced him as a spy. 7. The news reached the president as he was boarding his plane. It, This is a picture of my grandfather as a srgeant during World War II.

Exercice 130
[Does anyone know [what happened to him]l ? [Does anyone know [...]l ? principale fwhat happened to him] interrogative indirecte, complment de know 2. [A veteran in a wheel-chair hoped [to find news of Major David Ferguson, [who a pal for three years [while he was in Burma]lll. [A veteran in a wheel-chair hoped [...]l principale [to fnd news of Major David Ferguson, [...]l infinitive sans sujet, complment de [who was a pl for three years [...]l relative, antcdent Major David Ferguson [while he was in Burma] circonstancielle de temps, complment de was (a pal)



Exerclce 142 l. pronom intorrogatif, lnanlm 2. dterminant interrogatif, a1_im. 3..exclamatif, anim 4. terminant intrrogatif, inanim 5. dterminant interogatif, inanim 6. relatif sans antcdent, inanim 7. pronom interrogatif, anim 8. exclamatif, anim Exercice 144

1. relatif, inanim 2. pronom interrogatif, anim 3. dterminant interrogatif, inanim 4. dterminant interrogatif, inanim 5. relatif, inanim 6. pronom interrogatif, on ne peut
pas savoir, on ne connait pas I'antcdent

Skinner denouncing a ministerlll. [One evening on television, Lionel Morse got an inspiration [...]l principale [when he saw [...]l circonstancielle, complmer de got [Dennis Skinner denouncing a minister] iubordonn en -ing, complment de saw 4. [I've lost count of the times [[I've sent fish or meat back] [because it was offJ]]. [I've lost count of the times [...]l principale [I've sent fish or meat back [...]l ielativ, antcd,ent times ' [because it was offl circonstancielle de cause, complment de have sent 5. [The judge said [that it was inappropriate [for childminders [who use corporal

3. [One evening on television, Lionel Morse got an inspiration [when he saw

Exercice 146 l. adverbe intensif, introduit I'adjectif large 2. adverbe intensif, introduit I'advetbe long 3. dmonstratif, introduit le nom way 4. conjonction, introduit la proposition compltive 5. pronom dmonstratif, n'introduit rien 6. dmonstratif, introduit le nom man 7. relatif (anicdent pupils), introduit la relative 8. relatif (antcdent thing), introduit la relative Exercice 148 l. adverbe de reprise 2. dterminant 3. adverbe coordonnant 4. adverbe coordonnant 5. pronom 6. adverbe de reprise Exercice 150 l. interrogatif

mentl to be registeredllll. [The judge said [...]l principale [that it was inappropriate [...]l compltive, complment de said [for childminders [...] to be registeredll infinitive, sujet de was (inappropriate) [who use corporal punishment] relative, antcdent childminders Exercice 134

2. relatif 3. interrogatif (indirect) 4. relatif 5. interrogatif (indirect)


exclamative 2. interrogative 3. interrogative 4. exclamative 5. emphatique

Exercice 152 l. verbe 2. verbe 3. have auxiliaire, do auxiliaire 4. auxiliaire 5. verbe 6. verbe 7' do auxiliaire, have auxlliaire 8. verbe 9. verbe 10. do auxiliairc, have verbe, have auxiliaire,

do verbe
Exercice 136

how much dterminant de money 2. which dterminant de professor 3. how 4. if conjonction, introduit I'interrogative indirecte 5. man! pronom (antcdent chairs), complment d'objet direct de lend 6. how
adverbe, circonstanciel de dure

circonstanciel de manire 7. who pronom (sans antcdent), complment d'objet ask 8. what pronom (sans antcdent) sujet de started

Exercice 154. Niveau 2 l. conjonction, manire 2. conjonction, temps 3. (a) adverbe (b) conjonction, comparaison 4. conjonction, cause 5. (a) adverbe (b) prposition/conjonction. comparaison 6. (a) adverbe (b) conjonction, comparaison 7. prposition 8. conjonction, cause 9. conjonction, comparaison fictive 10. conjonction, cause

tionnelle; tell dpend de be expensive

Exercice 138 1. conditionnelle; shoot dpend de move 2. interrogative indirecte; Everybody about his intentions 3. interrogative indirecte : Nobody knew anything 4. conditionn shoot dpend de feel in danger 5. interrogative indirecte '. Ask about the price 6. (a) tionnelle; ask dpend de get in free (b) voir (5) juste avant 7. conditionnelle; tell de be right 8. ambigut. Soit (a) interrogative indirecte : tell me the truth. Soit (b)

Exercice 140 l. adverbe interrogatif; proposition indpendante, interrogation directe 2. conjon interrogative, introduit I'interrogative indirecte 3. conjonction de temps, introduit circonstancielle 4. conjonction de temps, introduit la circonstancielle 5. conjonction rogative, introduit l'interrogative indirecte 6. conjonction de temps, introduit la ci

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