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31st March 2015

Three Brazilian youths killed at samba school rehearsal

19 January 2013Last updated at20:23 GMT

Three Brazilian teenagers have been killed and three

other people injured after gunmen opened fire during
the rehearsal of a samba school in the eastern state of
Minas Gerais.
Four men on motorbikes shot at members of the Sao Geraldo samba school practising for
next month's carnival in the city of Sao Joao Del Rei.
Police officials said they believed the attack was gang-related.
However, they said it was not clear if those killed were the intended targets.
The victims were between 14 and 19 years old.
Police officials said three suspects had been arrested in connection with the case.
Gun violence is high in Brazil but attempts at banning the sale of guns have in the past
A 2005 referendum on the issue was defeated by a clear majority.

Le co-pilote Lubitz avait des pulsions suicidaires

Il y a 3 heures

Andreas Lubitz, le co-pilote de l'avion de la compagnie

Germanwing qui s'est cras la semaine dernire, avait t
soign dans le pass pour pulsions suicidaires et ce avant qu'il
n'obtienne sa licence de pilote.
C'est ce que rvlent des enquteurs qui prcisent que cela remonte
trs longtemps.
Lubitz, 27 ans, est suspect de s'tre fait "kamikaze" et d'avoir
dlibrment fait tomber l'avion dans les Alpes franaises, tuant tous
les 150 passagers bord.
Des officiels Dsseldorf en Allemagne indiquent que l'enqute ce
stade ne permet pas d'tablir les motifs ventuels du pilote kamikaze.
Jusqu'ici, les brins d'ADN de 80 des victimes ont t identifis.
Le procureur de Dsseldorf, Christoph Kumpa, a dclar que plusieurs
annes avant que Lubitz ne devienne pilote, "il a entre-temps subi les
soins d'un psychothrapeute en raison de ce qui tait prsent comme
des tendances suicidaires."
En revanche, il a ajout : "Dans la priode qui a suivi et jusqu'
rcemment, des visites de suivi ont eu lieu chez le mdecin, donnant
lieu des certificats-maladie sans mention de tendances suicidaires or
d'agression contre les autres."
Aucune date spcifique n'a t donne par l'officiel. Lubitz s'tait
enregistr avec Lufthansa en 2008 pour une formation de pilote et

Alps crash: Lubitz 'had treatment for suicidal tendencies

3 hours ago
The co-pilot of the crashed Germanwings plane, Andreas
Lubitz, had received treatment for suicidal tendencies before
getting his pilot licence, investigators say, but not recently.
Lubitz, 27, is suspected of deliberately crashing the plane in the Alps,
killing all 150 people on board.
Officials in Duesseldorf said the investigation to this point had revealed
no clue to any motive.
So far, DNA strands of 80 of the victims have been found.
Duesseldorf public prosecutor Christoph Kumpa said that "several
years" before Lubitz became a pilot he "had at that time been in
treatment of a psychotherapist because of what is documented as
being suicidal".
But he added: "In the following period, and until recently, further
doctor's visits took place, resulting in sick notes without any suicidal
tendencies or aggression against others being recorded."
No specific dates were given. Lubitz enrolled in training with Lufthansa,
which owns Germanwings, in 2008 and became a pilot in 2013. He was
diagnosed with a serious depressive episode in 2009 and received
treatment for a year and a half, media reports say.

Copiloto da Germanwings passou por tratamento para

'tendncias suicidas'
H 9 horas
Investigadores afirmaram nesta segunda-feira que Andreas
Lubitz, copiloto do voo da Germanwings que caiu nos Alpes
franceses na ltima tera-feira, recebeu tratamento para
tendncias suicidas anos atrs.
Segundo os investigadores, o copiloto no teria passado por tratamento
semelhante recentemente.
Lubitz suspeito de ter deliberadamente atirado o avio contra as
montanhas dos Alpes franceses, matando todas as 150 pessoas que
estavam a bordo na semana passada.
As autoridades em Dusseldorf, na Alemanha, afirmam que a investigao,
at o momento, no revelou nenhuma pista ou motivos que poderiam ter
levado Lubitz a este ato.
E, por enquanto, os especialistas encontraram amostras de DNA de quase
80 das vtimas.
Ralf Herrenbrueck, um porta-voz da promotoria de Dusseldorf, informou
que Lubitz passou por um tratamento, psicoterapia, "com uma
observao a respeito de tendncias suicidas" durante vrios anos antes
de se formar como piloto.
No entanto, Herrenbrueck afirmou que, desde que recebeu sua licena
para pilotar, os documentos no mostram nenhum tipo de tratamento

Brazil wants to count trees in the Amazon rainforest

By Channtal Fleischfresser
February 11, 2013
Photo: Flickr/Nico Crisafulli

Brazil is home to roughly 60 percent of the Amazon, about half of what remains of the worlds tropical
rainforests. And now, the country has plans to count its trees. A vast undertaking, the new National Forest
Inventory hopes to gain a broad panorama of the quality and the conditions in the forest cover,
according to Brazils Forestry Minister Antonio Carlos Hummel.
The census, set to take place over the next four years, will scour 3,288,000 square miles, sampling 20,000
points at20 kilometer intervals and registering the number, height, diameter, and species of the trees,
among other data. The initiative, aimed to better allocate resources to the countrys forests, is part of a
large-scale turnaround in Brazils relationship to its forests. While it once had one of the worst rates of
deforestation in the world, last year only 1,797 square miles of the Amazon were destroyed a reduction
of nearly 80% compared to 2004.
(www.smartplanet.com. Adaptado.)
Questo 3 - O programa National Forest Inventory
A far um registro do nmero de rvores, bem como de suas caractersticas, nos pontos de amostragem.
B abrir uma trilha na floresta, com pontos de coleta de dados a cada 20 km.
C identificou espcies de rvores desconhecidas nas regies da Amaznia.
D j contou mais de trs mil rvores nos ltimos quatro anos.
E descobriu que a maioria das rvores apresenta altura e dimetro semelhantes.
Questo 4 - O objetivo do Censo Florestal
A usar os dados obtidos para criar polticas florestais na Amrica Latina.
B obter verbas internacionais para implantar programas contra o desmatamento.
C implantar um inventrio florestal em colaborao com pases que tm florestas tropicais.
D conscientizar os povos da floresta sobre a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente.
E aprimorar a dotao de recursos para as florestas brasileiras.



Hollywood special effect team is working on a new Iron Man 'agile exoskeleton' for US soldiers
The Oscar-nominated special effects team behind the Iron Man suit has been contracted to design body
armour for the US military. Legacy Effects, a Hollywood design studio based in California, has previously
worked on power suits for films such as RoboCop, Captain America, The Terminator and Iron Man. Now, the
company is building body armour equipped with an "agile exoskeleton" that will allow soldiers to carry
hundreds of pounds of equipment, the Wall Street Journal reports.
"We are trying to be revolutionary," said Mike Fieldson, who manages the US military project known as the
Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (Talos).
Three prototypes have been presented to the Pentagon by teams of bioengineers, technologists and a
Canadian company that studies insect and animal exoskeletons. The prototypes will contribute to the creation of
a new generation of body armour which the US Special Operations Command aims to complete within four
The suits are designed to protect soldiers from bullets, explosions and bayonet attacks.
Legacy Effects admits that bringing an Iron Man to life presents significant challenges. For one thing, a reallife version of the suit would add extra bulk to a soldier limiting his or her agility. Also, the company estimates
that the Iron Man suit would probably weigh about 180kg, and would need to be supported by a mobile
exoskeleton, but "none of the exoskeletons in the industry are capable of moving that much weight", SlashGear
Russ Angold of Ekso Bionics, a company that designs exoskeletons for medical use, says that power armour
in films offer an unrealistic model, so engineers are presently trying to make the suits more practical.
"Hollywood has definitely made the Iron Man suit impossibly thin, impossibly light, impossibly agile and
impossibly energy efficient. So we're really trying to solve the problem and ask the question: What would Iron
Man look like if it was real?"
The US military has so far spent about $10 million on Talos, prompting the armed services committee to
request a briefing on the project to ensure taxpayer money is not being wasted.
"Will you ever have an Iron Man? I don't know," said Brian Dowling, a former soldier involved in the project.
"But you'll have some greatly improved technology along the way".
Fonte: http://www.theweek.co.uk/world-news/59323/iron-man-designers-to-build-body-armour-for-us-army
Acesso: 13/ago/2014, ITA 2014

Questo 2. A vestimenta idealizada no projeto Talos dever satisfazer apenas uma

das condies abaixo:
A ser funcional e conter bateria duradoura e recarregvel por energia solar.
B ajustar-se ao corpo humano independentemente do peso e do tamanho do
C no ultrapassar o oramento de 10 milhes de dlares previsto pelo governo
D auxiliar o soldado em combate, aumentando o tempo em incurses militares
no motorizadas.
E oferecer condies de realizar operaes militares carregando muito peso.

Questo 3. O projeto Talos

A tem por objetivo construir uma prtese a ser usada por soldados americanos.
B conta com a participao do studio que desenvolveu a armadura do Iron Man.
C constitudo por uma equipe formada por militares americanos e pesquisadores
D foi idealizado h quatro anos e trs prottipos foram apresentados.
E faz parte de um projeto mais amplo desenvolvido pela empresa americana
Legacy Effects.
Questo 4. A empresa Legacy Effects
A uma das parceiras do exrcito americano na idealizao de exoesqueleto para
uso mdico.
B tem como sede o estado da Califrnia e prev um gasto de 10 milhes no
projeto Talos.
C tem experincia em criar roupas especiais para filmes americanos famosos.
D aceitou o desafio do projeto Talos e garante cumprir todos os objetivos que o

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