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EHESS - CNRS - (UMR 8039)

Journes dtudes internationales

Enjeux et dbats autour de la reconnaissance de lislamophobie en Europe et aux Etats-Unis Issues and debates surrounding the recognition of Islamophobia in Europe and in the United States

Organisation : Hatem Bazian (UC Berkeley), Ramon Grosfoguel (UC Berkeley), Alexandra Poli (CADIS, EHESS-CNRS) Traduction : Olivier Esteves (CECILLE, Universit Charles de Gaulle Lille III) Marwan Muhammad (Porte-Parole du CCIF)

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 190-198 Avenue de France 75013 Paris
(Salle 638-640-641)
NB : - Lentre est libre dans la limite des places disponibles. - Les langues de travail sont langlais et le franais. Une traduction synthtique sera assure par Olivier Esteves et Marwan Muhammad lissue de chaque panel.

Jeudi 12 dcembre 2013

8h30 Accueil et introduction Panel 1 9h11h Lislamophobie : Au croisement des dimensions ethniques, raciales et sociales /Islamophobia : At the ethnic, racial and social crossroads (Panel en franais)
Marwan Mohammed (Sociologue charg de recherche au CNRS) Reconnaissance et mesure de lislamophobie en France . Houda Asal (Chercheuse lERIS, au Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Ecole Normale Suprieure et post-doctorante l'Universit McGill Montral) Les dbats sur l'islamophobie en France. Comment articuler question sociale, racisme, sexisme et religion? . Alexandra Poli (Sociologue, charge de recherche CNRS au CADIS et enseignante lEHESS) Lislam hors champ de la dynamique antidiscriminatoire en France ? . Fatiha Ajbli Le genre de lislamophobie professionnelle : la foularophobie .

11h-11h15 : Pause Panel 2 11h15-13h15 Contestations autour de la reconnaissance de lislamophobie/Struggling for a recognition of Islamophobia (Panel en anglais)
Nacira Gunif-Souilamas (Professor at Universit Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis and research fellow at Experice, U. Paris 13- U. Paris 8) Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Gynophobia, Homophobia: Same Struggle . Ineke Van der Valk (Senior researcher diversity, racism, extremist, University of Amsterdam) Racism and islamophobia in the Netherlands, contested social phenomena and controversial concepts. Armin Muftic Islamophobia (Ph.D. student, Alpen-Adria-Universitt Klagenfurt) Anti- and Philo-Semitism in the Discourse of Austrian Freedom Party: Muhammad Cartoons and Anti-Semitic Cartoon. Mayanthi L. Fernando (Assistant Professor of Anthropology Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Anthropology University of California, Santa Cruz) Asymmetrical Tolerance.

13h15-14h15 Djeuner Panel 3 14h30 16h30 Mesurer lislamophobie/Measuring Islamophobia (Panel en anglais)
Patrick Simon (Socio-dmographe, Directeur de Recherches l'Institut national d'tudes dmographiques (INED) dans l'unit de recherche " Migrations internationales et minorits " et chercheur associ au Centre dEtudes Europennes de Sciences Po) Prsentation des rsultats sur l'articulation entre les discriminations sur l'origine, le racisme et les discriminations sur la religion (pour les mmes personnes d'origine maghrbine) . Arzu Merali (Islamic Human Rights Commission, United Kingdom) Survey Results from French Muslim. Salman Sayyid (Director of the Centre for Racism and Ethnicity Studies and Professor, University of Leeds, England) A Measure of Islamophobia. Sunera Thobani (Associate Professor at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia, Canada) Islamophobia, Feminism and Global Terror

16h30-16h45 Pause Panel 4 16h45 18H15 Ragir contre lislamophobie/ Responses to Islamophobia (Panel en anglais)
Danile Joly (Professor at the University of Warwick and Marie Curie Fellow at the CADISEHESS) La participation civique et politique des femmes de culture musulmane dans le contexte de deux thtres nationaux, la France et la Grande-Bretagne . Corinne Torrekens (Managing Director DiverCity, Chercheuse au Groupe de recherche sur les Relations Ethniques, les Migrations et lEgalit (GERME), Universit libre de Bruxelles) Rising Islamophobia in Belgium : How Muslims (Counter-) React?. Yasmine Raiani (Columbia University, Legal Research Associate at Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association) Spatial Redemption and the Geography of the Indignes de la Rpublique. Tarek Abdel-Aleem (Graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of California, Davis) Religious Discrimination Claims on the Basis of Islam: A Comparative Study of Claims in the US, UK, and FR.

Vendredi 13 dcembre 2013

9h Accueil Panel 1 9h30-11h30 Lislamophobie au prisme des institutions/Islamophobia and public authorities (Panel en franais)
Carol Ferrara (PhD Candidate Boston University) Learning to Discriminate: Islamophobia and xenophobia in the French education system. Farhad Khosrokhavar (Directeur dtudes lEHESS) (sur la prison) Ouisa Kies (Doctorante au CADIS) Lislam en prison. Claire de Galembert (charge de recherche au CNRS et membre de lISP (ENS de Cachan) Lislam, premire religion carcrale : retour sur les impenss ethnicisants dune vidence publique .

11h30-11h45 Pause Panel 2 11h45 13h Lislamophobie au-del des frontires nationales/Islamophobia beyond national bounds (Panel en anglais)
Uzma Jamil (Postdoctoral Research Fellow International Centre for Muslim and NonMuslim Understanding University of South Australia) Reaching Across the Atlantic: Islamophobia in France and Quebec. Ahmed Kabel (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Al Akhawayn University) The neo-white-mans burden or when Islamophobia meets neoliberalism. Cigdem Sagir (PhD Candidate METU, Department of Sociology, Turkey) Paranoid Modes of European Politics: Islamophobia and the Spectrality of Racism. Saeed A. Khan (Lecturer, Department of Classical & Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Wayne State University, Detroit)

Postnationalism and its Discontents: Moral Panic and the Development of Muslimophobia in Europe.

13h-14h15 Djeuner

Panel 3 14h30 16h30 La construction du problme de lislamophobie : regards croiss en Europe/The construction of Islamophobia in Europe (Panel en franais et en anglais)
Abdellali Hajjat (Sociologue, matre de confrences en science politique lUniversit ParisOuest Nanterre et membre de lInstitut des sciences sociales du politique) lites franaises et construction du problme musulman. Le cas du Haut Conseil lintgration (1989-2012) . Reda Benkirane (Chercheur associ au Centre Jacques Berque (Rabat, CNRS USR3136) et membre de lInstitut de Recherches Philosophiques de Lyon (IRPHIL, Universit de Lyon 3) Lislamophobie la mode franaise. Essai de typologie . Steve Garner (Sociologist, Department of Social Policy and Criminology at the Open University, UK) Islamophobia as the Racialization of Muslims: a theoretical and empirical argument. Farid Hafez (Editor of the German Yearbook of Islamophobia-Studies) Legal Status of Muslims in Germany.

16h30 17h Conclusion

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