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The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

N10. November 2011

There can be little doubt that Facebook collects from its current users information about individuals who are not currently Facebook users
Kelly Kubasta, who heads the Dallas law firm Klemchuk Kubastas social media division

Bilingual document (US, FR)


Max Schrems, an Austrian student in law, has obtained all the data that Facebook has gathered about him. After reading the record of 1222 pages, it was found that the social network with 800 million members will not overwrite any of its servers, even those that the user has deleted. Another more worrying thing is that the student suspects the social network to create shadow profiles of people who are not registered. Max Schrems, un tudiant autrichien en droit, sest procur lensemble des donnes que Facebook a recueillies sur lui. Aprs avoir lu le dossier de 1222 pages, il sest aperu que le rseau social aux 800 millions de membres neffaait aucune donne de ses serveurs, mme celles que lutilisateur a supprimes. Autre point plus proccupant, ltudiant souponne le rseau social de crer des shadow profiles, cest dire des profils secrets de personnes qui ne sont pas inscrites.

Major trends in a globalized world
Strategies for a troubled economy..........................p.2 Les fab labs, incubateurs de futur............................p.2 The global jobs challenge.......................................p.2 Forecasts for the next 25 years..............................p.2


- Concentrez-vous !.....................................................p.4

Internet and social networks

Corporate social and environmental responsability

- La neutralit du net : Lhomme au radeau.............p.4 - Birth of the global mind...........................................p.4 - Penser le futur du Web..........................................p.4 - A day in the life of privacy.........................................p.5

- New EU definition and strategy for CSR...................p.2 - Why occupy Wall Street should occupy corporate leaders minds.............................................................p.3

Brand and personnal online reputation and influence

Management in the future world of work

- Why the future of work will make us more human ............................................................................p.3 - Ralit augmente, humanit diminue...................p.3 - La gueule de lemploi : un document choc sur le recrutement......................................................p.3

- LinkedIn launches Classmates for alumni networking ...................................................................................p.5 - Customers, social media and the internets silent majority.............................................................p.5

Personal development and learning

Enterprise 2.0 and mobile enterprise

- You cant manage informal learning only the use of informal media............................................................p.5 - The case for videogames as powerful tools for learning.........................................................p.5

Pourquoi partage-t-on nos contenus et recommandations ?....................................................p.4

More notable links................................p.6

*Click on the titles to view the documents Boostzone Institute 2011 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

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The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

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N10. November 2011

The global jobs challenge
Project-syndicate, Michael Spence, October 17, 2011

Majors Trends in the Globalized World

Strategies for a troubled economy
World Future Society, Richard Yonck, October 24, 2011

Weve always been on a persistent track of technological improvement. Every day we hear about a new advancement that will change and improve our lives. Unfortunately, such advances can also have a very negative impact on the welfare of the society. The reality is far dangerous: coming decades hold considerable potential for catastrophic levels of job loss; with open source 3-D printing, molecular nanotechnology and artificial intelligences. This article explains why reinventing commerce itself could allow both producers and consumers to more fully realize the benefits of technological progress, while maintaining an economy that protects the existence of both.

Over the past three decades, millions of new workers arrived in the economy with various levels of education and skill. This brought a tremendous growth in income levels, opportunities, but also more employment competition and significant shifts in relative wages and prices, which is having profound distributional effects. This article by a Nobel laureate in economics identifies several challenges for the job market, including generating enough jobs for new workers and matching skills and capabilities to the supply of jobs.

Forecasts for the next 25 years

World Future Society, Timothy Mack, October, 2011

Les fab labs, incubateurs de futur

Owni, Sabine Blanc et Ophelia Noor, 22 octobre 2011

Futurists do not attempt to predict precisely what will happen in the future. The main purpose of studying the future is to look at what may happen if present trends continue, decide if this is desirable, and, if not, work to change it. Those forecasts from the World Future Society (right of the page), a nonprofit educational and scientific organization founded in 1966, predict, among other, that the learning will become game-based and humans may eventually lose the race with robots.

Nous sommes probablement laube dune rvolution dans notre faon de produire les choses. Les fab labs, ces mini-usines citoyennes collaboratives de fabrication la demande, closent dans de nombreux endroits en sappuyant notamment sur une technologie qui devient de plus en plus efficace: limpression 3D. Les fab labs ont vocation produire des objets qui apportent du sens localement la communaut. Cela peut prendre la forme daide la conception de prototypes qui peuvent tre vendus des compagnies ou mis en production de faon indpendante. Cest un moyen efficace pour combler les lacunes, mettre en connexion les comptences, pour lancer un premier projet avec peu de moyens.

Corporate Social and Environmental Responsability

New EU definition and strategy for CSR
David Coethicas Blog, David Coethica, October 25, 2011

Recently, the EU published a 2011 2014 strategy on CSR booklet. It gives a new definition of CSR as the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society. This short document (15 pages) highlights the effective movement of the accelerating development of CSR as a core business consideration.

Boostzone Institute 2011 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

* Click on the titles to view the documents

N10. November 2011

Ralit augmente, humanit diminue
Strabic, Pablo Grandjean, 11 octobre 2011

Why occupy Wall Street should occupy corporate leaders minds

Crane and Matten blog, Crane and Matten, October 14, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street protest have now gone global. Although the range of issues and demands are many and diverse, they share a strong single point of focus: finance is the villain. Austerity measures are biting hard. Unemployment is up. A significant proportion of society feels excluded. This article describes the importance of this movement for business leader: governments are looking to be responsive and populist, protests create a great opportunity for collective action and signal that for some, effort expended arent working.

Il est fort probable que les diffrentes rvolutions technologiques connues ces vingt dernires annes (Internet, miniaturisation, mobilit, golocalisation,...) se synthtisent autour de la ralit augmente. Cet article brosse quelques exemples dusages existant de la ralit augmente et ses perspectives, il se veut galement trs prudent voire alarmiste sur les dangers qui peuvent laccompagner afin de nous sensibiliser et de ne pas faire de cet Eden technologique promis, un enfer.

La gueule de lemploi : un document choc sur le recrutement

Le Monde, blog de lemploi et de lentreprise, Jean-Baptiste de MontValon, 7 octobre 2011

Management in the Future World of Work

Why the future of work will make us more human

World Future Society, James Lee, October 17, 2011

While automation has already had a significant impact on manufacturing, we are just beginning to see the impact of artificial intelligence on the traditional professions. This is all a part of the transition towards a post-industrial economy. Labor markets worldwide are rapidly becoming polarized. This article deals with the job opportunities of the future which will require either high cognitive skills, or well-developed personal skills and common sense.

France 2 a diffus dbut octobre dans lmission Infrarouge , un documentaire sur les mthodes employes par lassureur GAN pour recruter sa force de vente intitul La Gueule de lemploi . Sans commentaire, plutt neutre dans la ralisation, le documentaire est compos dimages tournes durant la session de recrutement de 2 jours, filme dans son intgralit puis des interviews de chacun des candidats sur leurs ressentis quelques jours aprs. On y voit les mthodes dun cabinet de recrutement ordinaire, qui visent diviser, dstabiliser, parfois humilier les candidats afin dvaluer leurs profils et leurs personnalits pour des postes qui demandent combativit , sociabilit ainsi qu une grande tolrance au stress, la pression et la frustration . Les recruteurs sont autoritaires, infantilisent les candidats qui il nest pas expliqu clairement les modalits du poste (au final un poste de commercial pay au SMIC). Cette situation est accepte par tous les protagonistes: les candidats par peur du chmage, les recruteurs par conformisme ce systme norm. Ce reportage nous rappelle lexprience de Milgram de 1963 qui analysait le degr de soumission lautorit. La conclusion du documentaire est sans surprise: ce type de mthode na pas rapport grand-chose grand monde.

Boostzone Institute 2011 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

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N10. November 2011

Internet and Social Networks
La neutralit du net : Lhomme au radeau

Enterprise 2.0 and Mobile Enterprise

Pourquoi partage-t-on nos contenus et recommandations?

Owni, Stphane Bortzmeyer, 12 octobre 2011

Blog i-marketing, Christophe Benavent, 8 octobre 2011

Afin doptimiser les changes sur les rseaux sociaux dentreprise, il est bon de savoir ce qui les motive. Une tudiante en Master lUniversit Paris-Ouest a ralis une enqute auprs de 240 personnes propos des secteurs du tourisme et du transport. Les rsultats font merger rapidement 4 types de motivation que sont lgosme, le souci dquit dans la bonne exprience comme dans la mauvaise, la rciprocit et la praticit. On voit ressortir dans ce portrait la logique destime de soi mais les actions sont globalement positives: il sagit dencourager et dchanger pour son plus grand profit. Nous sommes donc dans une logique de cooptition .

Concentrez-vous !

Le Monde.fr, Laure Belot, 24 octobre 2011

Voici un article en deux parties fort intressant car il dveloppe de faon accessible le contexte et les enjeux autour de la neutralit du net. Dapparence technique, il savre que cest un enjeu minemment politique. Selon lauteur, il y a de fait, dsaccord politique entre deux groupes: les utilisateurs qui dfendent la neutralit et les oprateurs qui sont globalement contre. Lauteur dveloppe une analogie, - qui a le mrite dtre pdagogique - mettant en scne des Cro-magnons cherchant traverser une large rivire.

Birth of the global mind

FT Magazine, Tim OReilly, September 23, 2011

David acheteur, Claire avocate, Joseph conomiste et Antony consultant Web ont en commun de bonnes tudes, une activit choisie, un poste intressant... Pourtant, tous quatre ressentent une drle de sensation une fois au boulot : ils prouvent de plus en plus de mal se concentrer. Surabondance des mails, actualisation dun statut sur un rseau social, le rflexe Google pour la moindre pense parasite, les SMS, les coups de tlphone,... Ces 4 travailleurs arrivent tous la mme conclusion: ils narrivent pas se concentrer sur des tches complexes. Ce syndrme de dconcentration nest pas un problme que lon peut voquer facilement dans lentreprise qui a une postion ambivalente sur le sujet. En effet, elle peroit ngativement un trouble de lattention mais rige en vertu la ractivit et le fait dtre multitches.

What is different today is the speed with which knowledge propagates. Those things that rise to the top are decided not by media executives but by their viral momentum. This would be the future: massive amounts of data created by people, stored in cloud applications, feeding back results to those people, gradually giving way to applications that emulate what they have learned from the feedback loops between those people and their devices. This article highlights the best symbiosis of man and computer, where a program learns from humans but notices things they would not.

Penser le futur du Web

Owni, Olivier Ertzscheid, 25 octobre 2011

Olivier Ertzscheid, enseignant-chercheur en sciences de linformation et de la communication nous offre une rflexion sur lavenir du Web. Quelles vont tre les pistes possibles du Web et de ses acteurs pour distribuer et exploiter les donnes toujours plus titanesques que les rseaux sociaux produisent en silos? Comment lapprhender pour prserver au mieux notre vie professionnelle, prive, intime?

Boostzone Institute 2011 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

*Click on the titles to view the documents

N10. November 2011

Personal Development and learning
You cant manage informal learning only the use of informal media

A day in the life of privacy

Security week, Jon-Louis Heimerl, October 14, 2011

Jane Hart blog, Jane Hart, October 28, 2011

Nowadays, almost every iPhone is enabled to determine one selfs geolocation. Moreover, everybody makes mistake when checking the permissions on the widgets we install. An amazing question to wonder could be: can you imagine a single valid reason that a screen saver would need your location? This article explains why every day we make compromises in the face of privacy, and that, in reality, probably none of us have as much privacy as we want.

Brand and Personal Online Reputation and Influence

LinkedIn launches Classmates for alumni networking

How to manage informal learning? This question misses the big picture in terms of the preponderance of informal learning in the workplace. Learning can be described, globally, as courses, classes and other educational events leading to a certification. Informal learning is more about the things learned while doing your daily tasks Finally, non-formal learning includes finding things out as part of your daily work. This article tries to explain the main differences between those three concepts, and their implications on learning and development.

Mashable, Jennifer Van Grove, October 19, 2011

This short article from Mashable presents the new functionality offered by LinkedIn: Classmates, a professional networking tool that gives college graduates a highlevel look at where their fellow alumni work, live and do. Classmates demonstrates the power and potential of LinkedIns massive 120 million member base.

The case for videogames as powerful tools for learning

0wni, Aran Levasseur, October 26, 2011

Customers, social media and the internets silent majority

Freakonomics, October 10, 2011

A new article in MITs Sloan Management Review sheds some light on how people use the internet to interact with products and with each other, specifically in terms of what spurs and defines social media comments. This article presents the conclusion of this, including two major issues: more involved customers will often skew their ratings downward to stand out from the crowd, and forums with a pre-existing consensus of opinion garnered more positive customers.

We currently assist to the emergence of videogames as powerful tools for learning. Indeed, video games embody several advantages: they represent just-intime learning, critical thinking, emotional interest and increase memory retention. This article from Owni details what makes videogames a powerful tool for learning: a variety of effective learning principles embedded within the game design.

Boostzone Institute 2011 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW

*Click on the titles to view the documents

N10. November 2011

More Notable Links

- La nouvelle entreprise se construit lcoleet cest pas gagn http://www.duperrin.com/2011/10/26/la-nouvelle-entreprise-se-construit-a-lecole-et-cest-pas-gagne/ - Petit, je voulais tre boulanger, mais jtais bon en maths http://www.rue89.com/2011/10/15/petit-je-voulais-etre-boulanger-mais-jetais-bon-en-maths-225582 - Horizontal vs. vertical: an international comparison of teaching methods http://www.freakonomics.com/2011/10/25/horizontal-vs-vertical-an-international-comparison-of-teaching-methods/ - Interactive dashboard explores the impact of a world with 7 billion people http://www.fastcompany.com/1790392/an-interactive-dashboard-that-explores-the-impact-of-a-world-with-seven-billionpeople - Can watching Twitter trends help predict the future? http://gigaom.com/2011/10/19/can-watching-twitter-trends-help-predict-the-future/ - Return of the editor: why human filters are the future of the Web http://sparksheet.com/return-of-the-editor-why-human-filters-are-the-future-of-the-web/ - Older people offer experience and leadership skills http://www.managers.org.uk/news/older-people-offer-experience-and-leadership-skills - How the digital revolution is affecting employment http://sloanreview.mit.edu/improvisations/2011/10/26/brynjolfsson-and-mcafee-book-looks-at-digital-revolution-and-itstransformation-of-employment/ - Government leverages the power of the crowd http://dailycrowdsource.com/2011/10/28/government/politics/government-leverages-the-power-of-the-crowd/ - The office of the future: smaller and distributed http://www.2degreesnetwork.com/blog/archives/246-The-Office-of-the-Future-Smaller-and-distributed.html - Alcool, cocane : ils se droguent pour tenir au travail http://www.rue89.com/rue89-eco/2011/10/24/alcool-cannabis-cocaine-ils-sont-drogues-de-travail-225803 - lEtat allemand a perdu le contrle des technologies de contrle http://arsindustrialis.org/l%E2%80%99etat-allemand-perdu-le-contr%C3%B4le-des-technologies-de-contr%C3%B4le - Facebook is building shadow profiles of non-users http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/10/18/1429223/facebook-is-building-shadow-profiles-of-non-users - The fallacy of digital natives http://www.danpontefract.com/?p=1300 - La deuxime conomie http://www.internetactu.net/2011/10/19/la-deuxieme-economie/ - Une tyrannie du droit dauteur nomme ACTA http://owni.fr/2011/10/19/une-tyrannie-droit-auteur-nommee-acta-propriete-intellectuelle-union-europeenne/ - Britons leave internet passwords in wills http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/8824216/Britons-leave-internet-passwords-in-wills.html - The Government program that will try to read your mind http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2011/10/the-government-program-that-will-try-to-read-yourmind/246445/

Boostzone Institute 2011 Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr

Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

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