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2 - 8 octobre 2012

Actualits francophones : Un centre de formation pour enfants autistes La Pommeraye ? Des jeux ducatifs adapts aux enfants autistes L'autisme fait partie des troubles envahissants du dveloppement (TED) Le combat sans fin d'une mre et d'un psychiatre pour un autiste Un livre dnonce le scandale Insertion scolaire des lves souffrant de handicap : une dlgation japonaise en visite au Un combat mener pour diagnostiquer l'autisme Rappeler la singularit de chaque autiste; Malgr des nombreuses publications, le gne Quels sont les symptmes de l'autisme chez l'enfant ? TEDxParis a rempli l'Olympia pour imaginer 2030 Confrence mdicale sur la gntique et l'autisme

lyce Croizat

de lautisme chappe aux chercheurs.

Actualits scientifiques internationales : The French Version of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient in Adolescents: A Cross-Cultural Disruption of Contactin 4 in two subjects with autism in Chinese population. Gene Report Raises Questions On New Autism Definition. New York Times Effects of STX209 (Arbaclofen) on Neurobehavioral Function in Children and Adults with Curemark, Llc ; Patent Application Titled "Method for Treating Pervasive Development Application of DSM-5 Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder to Three Samples of Children

Validation Study. Journal of autism and developmental disorders

Fragile X Syndrome: A Randomized, Controlled, Phase 2 Trial. Science Translational Medicine Disorders" Under Review With DSM-IV Diagnoses of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry
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Intentional Communication of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Judgments Safety and observations in a pilot study of lenalidomide for treatment in autism. Autism Chronic inorganic mercury exposure induces sex-specific changes in central TNFa Investigation of autistic features among individuals with mild to moderate Cornelia de An Evaluation of Social Skills in Adults with Pica, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Anticipation of action intentions in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and

of Different Communication Partners. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities Research and Treatment expression: importance in autism? Neuroscience Letters Lange syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A Intellectual Disability. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities Developmental Disorders

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La Pommeraye Un centre de formation pour enfants autistes La Pommeraye ? 383 mots 2 octobre 2012 Ouest France OUESTF angers Franais Ouest France 2012. Entretien Arnaud Lebreton et Sbastien Talonneau, militants de l'association de parents autistes Pas Pas 49 Quel est le but de votre association ? Pas Pas 49 est une antenne locale de la fdration Pas Pas Aba France, pour l'ducation des personnes atteintes d'autisme et de troubles envahissants du dveloppement, par la mthode Aba (Applied behavioral analysis) : l'analyse applique du comportement. Pourquoi une mthode particulire ? Parce que l'autisme est un handicap particulier qui se traduit par de grosses difficults apprendre parler, manger, s'habiller, se laver et d'une manire gnrale prter attention au monde environnant. De plus, les parents peuvent tre confronts aux crises parfois violentes d'enfants qui peuvent s'automutiler, se cogner la tte contre les murs, se griffer. Ils peuvent passer des heures excuter des mouvements rptitifs. Dans ces conditions, leur avenir scolaire, professionnel et social est compromis. En quoi consiste cette mthode Aba ? Les enfants autistes sont capables d'apprendre, mais ont besoin d'un cadre trs structur qui va leur
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permettre d'acqurir les mmes comptences que les autres enfants acquirent naturellement. C'est une mthode base sur la thorie de l'apprentissage, avec un enseignement structur et guid. Elle permet l'enfant autiste d'apprendre les comportements sociaux indispensables son panouissement, de prparer son intgration l'cole et dans la vie. Lorsque la prise en charge est suffisamment prcoce, certains enfants peuvent avoir une vie normale. Cette solution est connue sous le nom d'Aba, mdiatise par Francis Perrin, parrain de l'association Pas Pas. Quel est votre projet ? Il s'agit de crer La Pommeraye un IME-Aba (institut mdico-ducatif) pour 10 enfants de 6 20 ans, diagnostiqus autistes svres. Un projet d'une vingtaine d'emplois. Mais en attendant, nous voudrions que ces dix enfants puissent bnficier d'une prise en charge domicile, soutenus par des psychologues et autres professionnels forms la mthode Aba. Pourquoi La Pommeraye ? Parce que la commune a dj des structures d'accueil pour personnes handicapes, tablissement et services d'aide par le travail (Esat), Entreprise adapte (EA), la Blottire... et de nombreuses structures scolaires. Document OUESTF0020121002e8a20008i

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Paimpol Des jeux ducatifs adapts aux enfants autistes 231 mots 2 octobre 2012 Ouest France OUESTF lannion Franais Ouest France 2012. La jeune association paimpolaise Autisme Breizh Autonomie organisait ce vendredi son premier cafrencontre. Autour des jeux Le premier objectif trs concret d'Autisme Breizh Autonomie (ABA) est de constituer une pdagothque adapte, afin de permettre aux familles de mutualiser des jeux ducatifs, destination des enfants souffrant d'autisme et de troubles envahissant du dveloppement (TED). L'association organisait ce vendredi son premier caf-rencontre. Les personnes prsentes avaient apport des jeux qui leur permettent d'aider leurs enfants acqurir davantage d'autonomie. Il s'agit de jeux classiques qu'ils ont jug adapts, ou qu'ils ont dtourn pour les adapter aux difficults de leurs enfants, soit des dispositifs qu'ils ont crs de toutes pices. Un moment d'change Virginie Devismes tait l'invit de cette rencontre. Virginie est la maman de Thomas, un enfant de 13 ans atteint d'autisme svre. Elle tient un blog sur lequel elle tmoigne de ses rflexions, de sa vie quotidienne et surtout des mthodes qu'elle a mises au point pour aider son enfant. Car l'autre objectif d'ABA est de lutter contre l'isolement des familles (changes mais aussi sorties familiales et pourquoi pas voyages).Contacts : Autisme Breizh Autonomie : tl. 02 96 55 12 87 et autisme .breizh.autonomie@orange.fr.

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Blog de Virginie Devismes : blogthomas.over-blog.com Document OUESTF0020121002e8a2000rr

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Laval L'autisme fait partie des troubles envahissants du dveloppement (TED). C'est un... 418 mots 2 octobre 2012 Ouest France OUESTF laval Franais Ouest France 2012. L'autisme fait partie des troubles envahissants du dveloppement (TED). C'est un handicap svre qui affecte prs d'un enfant sur cent cinquante, et quatre garons pour une fille. Pourquoi ? Comment ? Quels sont les signes qui peuvent faire penser l'autisme ou un trouble envahissant du dveloppement (TED) ? Les troubles de la communication, avec troubles du langage (retard dans l'acquisition, cholalie (1)...), regard trange, fuyant, souvent priphrique . L'enfant n'arrive pas vous fixer du regard. Des altrations sensorielles sont frquentes, entranant une hypersensibilit certains bruits, mais aussi aux odeurs et la lumire. Des troubles de l'imagination avec des intrts restreints (jeux, activits quotidiennes). L'enfant peut passer des heures faire la mme chose. Enfin, il y a un isolement et une recherche permanente de l'immuabilit des situations. Ces troubles du comportement sont une rponse des difficults d'adaptation et une incomprhension des ractions des personnes ou des situations qui les entourent. Comment peut-on diagnostiquer qu'un enfant est autiste ou prsente un TED ? ce jour, le diagnostic de l'autisme et des troubles envahissants du dveloppement est clinique. Le plus souvent, le diagnostic peut tre tabli partir de l'ge de 2 ans. Il est associ une valuation des
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troubles et des capacits, ainsi qu' la recherche de maladies associes (pilepsie le plus souvent des cas). Il se fait en collaboration avec la famille. L'enfant doit tre orient, pour confirmation diagnostique, vers des professionnels forms et expriments. Le diagnostic ncessite une quipe pluridisciplinaire. Cette quipe doit tre en relation avec les professionnels susceptibles d'assurer les consultations gntique et neurologique. O trouver des informations sur l'autisme ou les TED en Mayenne ? Votre pdiatre ou mdecin traitant pourra vous orienter vers un pdopsychiatre. Il existe galement une association qui vient en aide aux familles et qui oriente vers des rfrents de sant en Mayenne : Autisme Mayenne. De plus, le Centre d'action mdico-sociale prcoce (Camps) de la Mayenne reoit la demande des parents, des enfants de 0 6 ans, qui prsentent des difficults dans leur dveloppement. (1) Tendance spontane rpter systmatiquement tout, ou une partie des phrases, habituellement de l'interlocuteur, en guise de rponse verbale. Contact. Autisme Mayenne : autismemayenne.fr ou au 02 43 07 89 68. Le Camps : 13, rue AlbertBlanchard ou au 02 43 58 00 70. Document OUESTF0020121002e8a200160

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Le combat sans fin d'une mre et d'un psychiatre pour un autiste B. C. 379 mots 4 octobre 2012 Midi Libre MIDLIB CARCA_ML Franais Copyright 2012 Midi Libre All Rights Reserved Je suis attentivement le cas de ce jeune autiste carcassonnais, aujourd'hui g de 13 ans, depuis 2008, et il n'y a toujours pas de solution. C'est pourquoi, en mars dernier, j'avais dpos plainte au conseil de l'Ordre , rappelle le docteur Pierre Sans (lire nos ditions du 14 mars et 7 avril 2012). Et rcemment, la mre de l'enfant a dclar un ducateur qu'elle avait prpar une bote de mdicaments, pour elle et son fils, afin de mettre fin leurs jours. Je peux vous dire que ce n'est pas du chantage. Elle est vraiment au bout du rouleau .Le Dr Sans est psychiatre l'Afdaim (Association familiale dpartementale pour l'aide aux personnes handicapes infirmes mentales). Il a galement travaill l'hpital psychiatrique de Limoux (gr par l'union sanitaire et sociale Aude Pyrnes : Ussap) de 1989 2004.Sa plainte, dpose en mars, portait sur deux motifs visant deux mdecins de l'Ussap qui soignent galement le jeune garon : Non assistance mdicale personne en danger et utilisation abusive de la notion de chambre d'isolement . Oblig de lui mettre un casqueL'affaire s'est conclue par une conciliation avec l'un des mdecins et par une suspension de la procdure avec le second :
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Cette procdure impliquait le tmoignage des parents du jeune autiste, ce que je refusais d'envisager car, mdicalement parlant, cela aurait impliqu pour ce couple un stress supplmentaire inutile .Actuellement, le cas du jeune autiste n'est toujours pas rgl : Et son tat a empir : on est oblig de lui mettre un casque car il se cogne la tte dans les angles de meubles, de fentres, et il agresse les autres enfants... Ce que je demande, c'est que l'Ussap (qui a une mission de service public en matire de sant) le prenne en charge en lui administrant un traitement adapt, l'Afdaim tant prte, de son ct, partager la prise en charge de cet enfant qui passe trois jours par semaine l'IME (institut mdico-ducatif) de Pennautier, o j'interviens. Le reste de la semaine, il est chez ses parents .B. C. Document MIDLIB0020121004e8a4000aa

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Un livre dnonce le scandale 247 mots 4 octobre 2012 Midi Libre MIDLIB CARCA_ML Franais Copyright 2012 Midi Libre All Rights Reserved Le Dr Pierre Sans rdige actuellement un ouvrage dont le titre, Autismes : un scandale franais , ressemble un coup de gueule. Il y dcrit les diffrentes formes d'autisme : de l'Asperger la mmoire fabuleuse , notamment dans le domaine mathmatique , jusqu'au cas grave de dficience (allant jusqu' l'absence de langage), pour ensuite dnoncer la situation qui est faite aux personnes atteintes par ce handicap. En France, l'autisme est considr comme une maladie mentale alors qu'ailleurs dans le monde, il est considr comme un handicap rducable et adaptable la socit, la chose allant dans les deux sens car la socit doit aussi s'adapter l'autisme .Pierre Sans dnonce la mainmise du courant psychanalytique (spcialement lacanien) sur la psychiatrie franaise : Pour expliquer l'autisme , ce courant dfend une thorie abandonne par tout le monde depuis vingt ans... Sauf par la France ! Cette thorie affirme que l'autisme est d de mauvaises conditions d'ducation de l'enfant provoques par une mre fusionnelle, castratrice, ngatrice du pre... En fait, des recherches ont dmontr que l'autisme est d deux facteurs : soit il s'agit de prdispositions ou d'une vulnrabilit hrditaires, soit la cause rside dans l'environnement (transit intestinal, effets d'une
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vaccination, mtaux lourds...). En tout cas, le fait est, qu'en France, les personnes autistes sont l'objet d'une sgrgation qui se traduit notamment par des formes d'enfermement social . Document MIDLIB0020121004e8a4000ac

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Insertion scolaire des lves souffrant de handicap : une dlgation japonaise en visite au lyce Croizat 348 mots 4 octobre 2012 La Voix du Nord VOINOR Douai Franais Copyright 2012 La Voix du Nord, tous droits rservs. Si vous navez pas daccord direct avec La Voix du Nord ou avec Factiva, vous avez uniquement la possibilit de consulter le prsent document, vous ne pouvez en aucun cas le rutiliser. Le lyce professionnel Ambroise-Croizat est un exemple dans l'insertion scolaire et la mise en oeuvre de l'accessibilit pdagogique pour les lves en situation de handicap. Des enseignants japonais se sont dplacs au lyce pour prendre connaissance des programmes tablis pour l'insertion des lves. Auby, les lves sont scolariss au lyce Croizat. Ceux-ci ont besoin de l'intervention et de l'aide des auxiliaires de vie scolaire car leur prsence est indispensable pour reformuler et rexpliquer les consignes de travail. Ils grent galement les temps hors classe (intercours, cantine, permanences...). Quatre heures avec des professeurs en mathmatiques et franais sont ncessaires pour revenir sur les bases fondamentales. Programme ULIS Des objectifs prcis sont donns pour une excellente insertion. Tout d'abord russir son entre au lyce professionnel et devenir un lycen part entire. Donner du sens aux apprentissages, dvelopper le travail de recherche, l'autonomie et la prise d'initiatives afin de renforcer les comptences fondamentales du socle commun par des stratgies de raisonnement. Dcouvrir des mtiers et des formations, choisir une orientation adapte. Mais aussi dvelopper l'estime de soi par la participation des projets. Dcouvrir l'autre en se dcouvrant soi-mme. Ces lves, par leur pugnacit et avec l'aide des quipes d'encadrement, se fondent parfaitement dans cet univers lycen. Ce programme dit ULIS (units localises pour l'inclusion scolaire), permet dsormais cette intgration en milieu scolaire (collge et lyce), plutt qu'en espace spcialis. Les visiteurs japonais ont apprci les mthodes utilises qui permettent une consolidation de l'autonomie personnelle et sociale du jeune. Ce programme permet l'accueil en petits effectifs d'adolescents (maximum 10) en collge et lyce. Ceux-ci sont gnralement
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atteints de troubles du langage crit et de la parole, du dveloppement - dont l'autisme - mais aussi des troubles visuels, auditifs ou de maladies invalidantes. De nombreuses structures existent dans la rgion. Les rsultats sont excellents : de nombreux jeunes trouvent un mtier grce au programme de dcouverte. Document VOINOR0020121004e8a40009a

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Lanester Un combat mener pour diagnostiquer l'autisme 501 mots 5 octobre 2012 Ouest France OUESTF vannes Franais Ouest France 2012. L'association Je Ted aller l'cole oeuvre en faveur des personnes qui souffrent de troubles envahissants du dveloppement. Elle milite entre autres pour que l'autisme soit diagnostiqu plus rapidement. Entretien Valrie Sochon, prsidente de l'association. Quels sont les objectifs de l'association ? Notre but est d'accompagner les enfants l'cole, mais aussi les adultes qui souffrent de troubles envahissants du dveloppement. D'ailleurs, actuellement, nous nous occupons d'un homme d'une quarantaine d'annes qui n'a jamais t diagnostiqu autiste, et qui a subi plusieurs traitements pour schizophrnie et dpression. Le diagnostic reste un vrai problme. Il y a encore du pain sur la planche. Nous proposons aussi plusieurs actions pour aider les familles et cette anne, il y a une nouveaut : nous allons proposer une rando conte.

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Quel est le bilan de cette anne ? Il est satisfaisant. Nous avons agi dans tout le dpartement et nous avons aid une famille Paris. Dans les coles, nous informons le personnel accompagnant et les enseignants. En gnral, ce sont eux qui nous contactent, pour avoir des informations. Nous avons men une action d'information l'Afpa (Association de formation professionnelle des adultes) de Quven. Nous avons propos plusieurs sorties, au cirque et au zoo de Pont-Scorff, ou au spectacle de Nol. Notre manifestation organise dans le cadre de la Journe mondiale de l'autisme a remport un franc succs. Quelles sont vos prochaines actions ? Nous allons organiser un goter de Nol avec les familles au local, avec un spectacle au parc des expositions. Au mois d'avril, nous proposerons des animations dans le cadre de la Journe mondiale de l'autisme, et une balade conte en mai-juin. Au programme au mois d'octobre : une soire couscous. Sur quel problme allez vous travailler en priorit ? Lors de l'assemble gnrale qui aura lieu vendredi 12 octobre, nous allons aborder un problme qui s'accentue. Nous avons actuellement 17 familles disperses dans le dpartement, en attente d'un diagnostic. C'est une situation extrmement douloureuse pour ces familles. Depuis que la haute autorit de Rennes a sectoris la rgion, il y a quelques mois, les familles sont obliges d'aller voir le psychiatre de leur secteur pour faire diagnostiquer leur enfant. Si le spcialiste reconnat le trouble, il n'y a pas de problme. L'enfant peut tre scolaris et voluer normalement. Mais, si le mdecin ne reconnat pas l'autisme et parle de psychose infantile (c'est le cas pour ces 17 familles), alors l, l'enfant part en Centres mdico-ducatifs (CME) et va trs peu, voire pas du tout, l'cole. Nous avons encore beaucoup de combats mener pour que les diagnostics soient poss et que les personnes souffrant de ces troubles puissent bnficier d'une vie de qualit. Vendredi 12 octobre, assemble gnrale de l'association, 20 h, au local de l'association, rue Le Hen.
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Sciences & Environnement Rappeler la singularit de chaque autiste; Malgr des nombreuses publications, le gne de lautisme chappe aux chercheurs. Deux praticiens mettent en garde contre les conclusions simplistes. Lucia Sillig 1,055 mots 6 octobre 2012 Le Temps TEMPS Franais (c) 2012 Le Temps Homepage Address: http://www.letemps.ch. La reprsentation de lautisme est en train de changer. Laccent mis sur la relation prcoce et le rle de lentourage a t largement remis en question. La science se concentre maintenant sur la recherche du gne ou du groupe de gnes lorigine de ce trouble du dveloppement. Sans succs, pour linstant. La gnticienne Ariane Giacobino et le psychiatre Franois Ansermet, des Hpitaux universitaires de Genve, publient Autisme, A chacun son gnome, pour mettre en garde contre ce quils estiment tre un nouveau pige de causalit. Ils appellent se librer des dterminants pour se concentrer sur la singularit de chacun. Le Temps: Le nombre de cas dautisme a explos. Selon les estimations les plus extrmes, il aurait augment de 600% entre 1990 et 2006. Pourquoi? Ariane Giacobino:Au dpart, ce sont les psychiatres qui ont sem la zizanie avec leur DSM [le manuel amricain diagnostic et statistique des troubles mentaux], en changeant les critres diagnostiques chaque nouvelle dition. Franois Ansermet: Nous sommes en pleine confusion, avec beaucoup de contradictions qui ne sont pas sans consquences pour ceux qui souffrent. Nous avons voulu mettre en avant ces contradictions. Vous soulignez que, paradoxalement, alors que le spectre des troubles considrs comme autistiques sest passablement largi, la science se concentre dsormais sur la recherche du gne dorigine.
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A. G.: Dans Nature, tous les six mois peu prs depuis 2008, sort un article qui fait la couverture et qui dit avoir trouv le gne de lautisme. Cest agaant. Ou alors, on parle des 370 gnes variants qui pourraient expliquer le 10% des troubles. Mais cest quand mme vendu comme une avance dans la dtermination. Or, si on lit tous ces articles la suite, a devient extrmement htrogne. Je trouve que le message est souvent mal peru, y compris par les patients ou les associations de parents qui, chaque fois, croient quon a trouv lorigine de lautisme . F. A.: Sur le plan des reprsentations communes ou mme de la philosophie spontane des psychiatres, des psychologues et des gens du monde de lducation, on risque davoir lide un peu simpliste: un gne, une maladie, avec un lien causal continu. Alors quon ne pense plus trouver le gne de la schizophrnie. Aujourdhui, nous sommes face des maladies traits complexes, qui impliquent de repenser compltement la dtermination gntique. Le dbat autour de lautisme nest-il pas dabord n de la remise en question de lapproche psychiatrique? F.A.:Il y a une crise norme, avec une discussion politique, des associations de personnes qui veulent se faire entendre juste titre, parce quelles nont pas t entendues. Et elles ont raison de dire aux mdecins quils doivent raisonner diffremment, surtout aux psychiatres. On a beaucoup trop culpabilis les parents par rapport la relation prcoce. On les a accuss dtre lorigine des troubles de leur enfant, la mre en particulier. Le mouvement actuel de crise est bienvenu, parce quil remet en cause ces a priori simplistes. Mais avec la gntique, il y a le mme risque: tout attribuer un gne que lon narrive pas trouver. Tout a, cest un grand chantier de la causalit, du ct psychiatrique, psychanalytique ou gntique. Sans compter les facteurs pigntiques [des lments externes qui modifient lexpression des gnes, sans changer la squence ADN] qui nous ramnent en plein dans la question de lenvironnement, de linteraction prcoce, etc. A. G.:Quoi quil en soit, en aval de tout a, il y a un enfant autiste. Quest-ce quon en fait? Mme si on identifiait une origine gntique du trouble, cela ne veut pas dire quil faille opter pour le mme traitement pour tous les porteurs dune mme variation. Dans toutes les maladies gntiques, que cela soit la mucoviscidose ou la trisomie, on se retrouve avec un individu et un traitement qui doit tre individuel. Lorigine ne dfinit pas un futur identique pour tous. Il faut aller de lavant, se sparer peut-tre de ce qui a t la dtermination et se demander comment la personne peut aller mieux. Pour moi, la psychiatrie et certains de ses outils thrapeutiques font encore partie des choses qui peuvent aider. Votre propos, cest de rappeler la singularit de chacun?
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F.A.: On balance entre un systme de causalit psychique et un systme de causalit gntique, qui, chaque fois, vacuent lide quil y aurait un sujet crateur de son devenir. Pour moi, il est important de le remettre en jeu. Il y a une ide trop standard de lautiste. La diversit, la multiplicit, la complexit des diffrents dterminants gntiques ou pigntiques laissent toute sa place au sujet. Il est curieux quau moment o la science met en vidence lhtrognit interindividuelle, on prne des visions standardises. Quun enfant soit atteint dans son organisme ne dit pas encore comment il va se construire. On est souvent merveill de voir ce quils arrivent faire, inventer, comme solution individuelle, en bricolant quelque chose partir de leur pass, leur prsent, leur entourage et leur gnome. Ne refermons pas le pige de la causalit, laissons-leur cette libert. La mdecine, et mme parfois la psychanalyse, aiment les liens de cause effet. On est peut-tre trop pris dans ce modle et pas assez ouverts ce que les gens chappent leurs dterminants. Pourtant, vous continuez penser que la psychanalyse a quelque chose offrir aux personnes autistes? F.A.: Aller vers la singularit de chacun, cest ce que sait faire le psychanalyste. Et il ny a pas de contradiction avec les avances actuelles de la science. Au contraire, il y a une sorte de rencontre surprenante: la clinique psychanalytique et la gntique autour de la question de lirrductibilit de la singularit. Autisme , A chacun son gnome, Franois Ansermet et Ariane Giacobino, Ed. Navarin, Paris, 2012. Document TEMPS00020121005e8a60002h

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Montargis Quels sont les symptmes de l'autisme chez l'enfant ? 267 mots 6 octobre 2012 La Rpublique du Centre REPCEN MG Franais Copyright 2012. Centre France. All Rights Reserved. Les symptmes de l'autisme se caractrisent par une absence ou un dficit de la communication, mais aussi par plusieurs signes apparaissant dans la petite enfance. Exemple pour le nourrisson de 4-5 mois : ne pas tenir son hochet et le lcher, ne pas tenir le regard. Quand l'enfant va l'cole et que le langage se dveloppe, l'autisme est souvent dcel. Pour un enfant autiste, une motion est angoissante car il ne la comprend pas. Tout ce qui vient de l'extrieur et n'est pas comprhensible est agressif pour lui , explique Luc Tinseau, prsident d'Objectif lune. Les parents leur apprennent faire le lien, en leur montrant. Par exemple serrer la main pour que l'enfant comprenne que cela veut dire bonjour . Un autiste ne fait pas la relation entre ce qu'il ressent et la manire d'y rpondre. Lorsqu'il a froid, il ne va pas avoir le rflexe de se couvrir. C'est le cas de Tho. Il y a aussi le syndrome Asperger dans lequel le dveloppement cognitif est relativement bien prserv. Il se caractrise par des difficults significatives d'interactions sociales, associes des intrts restreints. Louan entre dans ce cas, ce qui peut expliquer que son autisme n'a t dcel qu' l'ge de 8 ans. Il peut se passionner pour un sujet et apprendre tout ce qui le concerne, comme un spcialiste. Ce fut le cas avec le thme des Gaulois, sur lequel il est incollable , souligne Anne-Sophie sa maman. Document REPCEN0020121006e8a60005e
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tech-medias TEDxParis a rempli l'Olympia pour imaginer 2030 BENOIT GEORGES 1,627 mots 6 octobre 2012 Les Echos.fr ECHOFR Franais All Rights Reserved - Les Echos 2012 Du mathmaticien Cdric Villani au philosophe Miguel Benasayag, l'Olympia a accueilli samedi les prestations d'une vingtaine de chercheurs, futurologues, artistes ou ingnieurs. Une vingtaine d'intervenants, connus ou inconnus, sur la scne de l'Olympia pendant 12 minutes chacun pour imaginer le monde en 2030. C'tait le menu de TEDx Paris 2012, la principale version franaise des confrences TED ( technology, entertainment, design ), nes dans les annes 1980 aux Etats-Unis. Samedi aprs-midi, 1.200 spectateurs ont assist ces interventions de chercheurs, d'entrepreneurs, d'artistes ou de philosophes. Thme de cette dition, plus ou moins respect par les participants : 2030, lignes de mire . Histoire de dresser le tableau, le premier intervenant tait un futurologue: Mathieu Baudin, prsident de l'Institut des futurs souhaitables, a livr un expos en forme d'hommage aux explorateurs positifs , issus de la culture du logiciel libre ou chercheurs de nouvelles pistes de dveloppement: Il y a dix ans, on les dgageait de la conversation en les qualifiant d'utopistes. Aujourd'hui, on les convoque pour les mmes raisons . Deuxime monter sur la scne de l'Olympia, le mathmaticien-star Cdric Villani n'a pas parl du futur. Son intervention a commenc par le rappel des esprits les plus brillants de sa discipline au XXe sicle, d'Alan Turing Henri Poincar. Il s'est ensuite attach expliquer comment nait une ide travers un processus trs mal connu qui fait que pour rsoudre les problmes, il faut parfois faire tout autre chose . L'occasion pour Cdric Villani de faire la promotion de son livre, Thorme vivant (Grasset), qui retrace les deux ans et demi de recherche qui l'ont men jusqu' la mdaille Fields, l'quivalent du Nobel
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pour les mathmatiques, obtenue en 2010. L'occasion aussi de lister les ingrdients ncessaires selon lui l'closion d'une bonne ide: un cerveau bien form; la documentation, qui nourrit ce cerveau et qui a t rvolutionn par l'informatique ; la motivation ( pour les pays industrialiss, la pire menace est aujourd'hui le manque de motivation des jeunes pour les matires scientifiques ); un environnement propice ( un laboratoire, un institut, des gens avec qui discuter... ); les changes ( indispensables pour dvelopper l'ide, pour la faire avancer ); les contraintes (avec les exemples du musicien Gyrgy Ligeti et de l'crivain Georges Perec), la persvrance... et la chance. Honneur la mdecine La mdecine a t l'une des disciplines les mieux reprsentes TEDx Paris. Fabrice Chrtien, neuropathologiste et directeur d'unit de recherche l'institut Pasteur, a consacr son expos l'importance des cellules souches dans la vie de chacun de nous ( A l'origine de chaque individu, il n'y a qu'une seule cellule souche ), mais aussi leurs promesses pour l'avenir de la mdecine. Il prdit l'avnement d'une thrapie cellulaire rparatrice, c'est--dire capable de rparer des organes au lieu de traiter des symptomes . Il a notamment prsent ses recherches sur la survie et le fonctionnement des cellules souches cadavriques, qui ont se mettent en tat de dormance quand elles sont prives d'oxygne et de nutriments. Ses tudes ont tabli que des cellules prleves 17 jours aprs un dcs pouvaient redevenir fonctionnelles. Venu lui aussi de l'institut Pasteur, Pierre-Marie Lledo, directeur de l'unit de recherche Perception et mmoire , a voqu un autre type de cellule: les neurones, et la croyance selon laquelle notre cerveau cessait d'en produire partir de l'ge adulte. Ses tudes ont prouv le contraire: certains facteurs externes dtruisent prmaturment nos neurones, d'autres permettent de continuer en produire tout au long de la vie -c'est le concept de plasticit crbrale l'ge adulte. Le cerveau d'un individu stress ou dpressif perd toutes ses capacits produire de nouveaux neurones. A l'inverse, les neurones d'un individu baignant dans l'alchimie du bien-tre auront la capacit de migrer vers des zones o ils seront pleinement utiles. Il a galement montr, vido spectaculaire l'appui, comment l'implantation de multiples lectrodes dans le cerveau avait permis une femme ttraplgique de piloter un robot par la pense. Ariel Fuchs, ingnieur en biologie marine et photographe sous-marin, a pour sa part expliqu comment sa passion de la mer et de la plonge l'a amen devenir l'un des matres d'oeuvre du projet d'exploration SeaOrbiter, de l'architecte Jacques Rougerie. J'ai la chance de travailler sur ce qui sera la plus grande aventure ocanographique du XXIe sicle, un navire de 50 mtres de haut qui sera la premire maison sous-marine nomade, entoure par le plus grand des jardins : l'ocan. Ce laboratoire flottant, dont la construction doit dbuter l'an prochain, permettra de mieux comprendre comment fonctionnent les mers
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du globe, et d'y dcouvrir de nouvelles ressources. La connaissance des ocans tait aussi au coeur de l'intervention de Csar Harada, chercheur et designer franco-japonais, dont le projet open H20 vise rcolter des donnes sur les ocans travers des innovations, notamment un spectaculaire bateau coque articule encore l'tat de prototype, Protei. Tlcommand ou microcontrl, il pourrait terme tre contrl partout dans le monde pour dtecter des mares noires, valuer les stocks de poissons ou mesurer la radioactivit. Aprs la mer, c'est l'agriculture du futur qui a fait l'objet d'une intervention: celle d'Augustin Rosenthal, architecte spcialis dans les fermes urbaines, venu expliquer comment les btiments pourraient associer logements, bureaux et cultures hors-sol -son projet La Tour Vivante a t rcompens en 2005. Il a dtaill les diffrentes pistes pour que les villes contribuent nourrir leurs habitants: tours entirement ddies la production agricoles, mini-fermes, jardins sur les toits... Mlange des genres Moins futuriste mais beaucoup plus intimiste, Lydie Laurent, enseignante spcialise, est elle venue raconter son histoire de mre d'un enfant, Aymeric, atteint d'autisme svre. Elle a particip la cration d'une association pour faire venir des psychologues de l'tranger, grce auxquels Aymeric a pu apprendre parler, puis aller l'cole. Elle a alors repris ses tudes et dcouvert comment s'inspirer des mthodes de la pdagogie Montessori pour aider son fils, qui est aujourd'hui en classe de sixime et est venu la rejoindre sur la scne de l'Olympia sous les applaudissements. Ce que je veux vous dire travers cette histoire, c'est qu'une autre cole est possible, une cole inclusive, capable de recevoir tous les types d'enfants, handicaps ou non. L'autisme, il en a aussi t question avec l'intervention de l'crivain Daniel Tammet ( Je suis n un jour bleu , Les Arnes, 2007). Diagnostiqu autiste 25 ans, il a expliqu sa relation trs particulire au monde des nombres ( chacun a un sens bien particulier pour moi ), et en a fait l'objet de son prochain livre. Seul entrepreneur prsent samedi l'Olympia, Eric Careel, ancien patron d'Inventel et fondateur des start-up Scuplteo et Withings, est lui venu prsenter sa vision des objets du futur -et vanter au passage les offres de ses entreprises. D'abord avec l'impression 3D, dont Sculpteo est un des prionniers, qualifie par lui de troisime rvolution industrielle car elle permet de fabriquer des objets la demande, proximit du lieu de consommation, et personnaliss avec l'aide de designers. Ensuite avec les objets connects, comme la balance de Withings capable d'envoyer le poids de son utilisateur via Internet et mme, avec son accord, de le tweeter pour crer une pression sociale positive .
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Entre les fermes du futur, l'autisme ou les objets connects, les spectateurs ont ainsi pu couter une juriste, Cline Bardet, spcialiste des crimes de guerre ayant exerc au Tribunal Pnal International venue parler de son exprience en ex-Yougoslavie. Le ralisateur Djinn Carrnard a racont avec beaucoup d'humour comment il avait ralis un long-mtrage, Donoma , avec 150 euros de budget. Le philosophe Yann Dall'Aglio s'est interrog sur les notions d'amour et de sduction dans notre socit de consommation. Les spectateurs de l'Olympia ont mme pu voir Rmy Larousse, consultant en innovation et... illusionniste, jouer les mentalistes dans un numro de divination assez russi. Le message d'optimisme d'une tudiante indienne Cette dition de TEDxParis tait la premire accueillir une intervenante slectionne lors d'vnements ouverts tous, les TEDxSalon. Anjuli Pandit, tudiante indienne de 27 ans est venue confronter sa vision de jeune venant d'un pays en dveloppement et celle des tudiants qu'elle a rencontr en France, pessimistes et dprims par la rcession et le chmage mais ren mme temps rticents partir l'tranger. Avec humour et fracheur, elle a racont l'histoire de sa famille, qui a quitt Mumbai pour travailler partout dans le monde, et l'a encourag parler un maximum de langues. Mon histoire n'est pas unique: la diaspora indienne est value 25 millions de personnes. Je suis revenu en Inde travaill pour le Climate Change Project et pour Tata, des postes totalement disproportionns pour une jeune fille de 23 ans l'poque, mais ils ont cru en moi car j'avais une double culture. Et de conclure sur un constat sans appel: Les jeunes franais voient un monde qui manque d'opportunits. Les jeunes indiens voient un monde qui en a plein. Mais ce monde est le mme pour tous. Vous ferez plus pour la France si vous dcidez d'embrasser la mondialisation au lieu de chercher du travail sans quitter Paris. Document ECHOFR0020121008e8a60006n

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Confrence mdicale sur la gntique et l'autisme Correspondant 171 mots 8 octobre 2012 L'Indpendant LINDEP NARBONNE_IN Franais Copyright 2012 L'Indpendant All Rights Reserved NISSAN-LEZ-ENSERUNE Une confrence mdicale organise par la Croix rouge franaise, dlgation de Bziers, en partenariat avec la Maison de Sol-N de Nissan-lez-Ensrune se tiendra jeudi 11 octobre 20 h, la salle Michel Galabru, route de Salles-d'Aude, mise disposition gracieusement par la municipalit. Le but de cette confrence est de favoriser les changes entre professionnels de sant susceptibles de prodiguer des soins des enfants dficients mentaux. Public cibl : mdecins gnralistes, pdiatres, neurologues, mdecins d'institution : IME, CAMPS, PMI, prinatalit, mdecins scolaires, CSRE, mdecins hospitaliers service de psychiatrie et pdopsychiatrie, IFSI de Bziers, reprsentants d'associations d'enfants handicaps mentaux et/ou autistes.Les thmes : gnralit en gntique, syndrome d'Angelman et de Willi-Prader, gntique et autisme. Ces trois sujets seront traits par le professeur Pierre Sarda, chef de service de gntique au CHU de Montpellier et le docteur David Genevive, gnticien au CHU de Montpellier.Un cocktail dnatoire clturera la soire. Document LINDEP0020121008e8a800075

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The French Version of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient in Adolescents: A Cross-Cultural Validation Study. Journal of autism and developmental disorders . We assessed the accuracy of the French version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) in adolescents with Asperger syndrome (AS) and high-functioning autism (HFA) compared to healthy controls and adolescents with psychiatric disorders (PDs). Three groups of adolescents, aged 11-18, were assessed: 116 with AS/HFA (93 with IQ 85 and 20 with 70 IQ < 85), 39 with other PDs, and 199 healthy controls. The AS/HFA group scored significantly higher than the healthy control and PD groups. A cut-off score of 26 was used to differentiate the autism group from healthy controls with 0.89 sensitivity and 0.98 specificity. Scores did not vary by age or sex. Sonie S, Kassai B, Pirat E, Bain P, Robinson J, Gomot M, Barthelemy C, Charvet D, Rochet T, Tatou M, Assouline B, Cabrol S, Chabane N, Arnaud V, Faure P, Manificat S. Centre de Ressource Autisme Rhne-Alpes, Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, bt.211, INSERM U1028CNRS UMR 5292, 95 boulevard Pinel, 69677, Bron cedex, France, sandrine.sonie@ch-le-vinatier.fr. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-012-1663-0

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Autism; New Autism Study Findings Have Been Reported from Xinxiang Medical University 374 mots 2 octobre 2012 China Weekly News CHWKNW 1228 Anglais Copyright 2012 Chemicals & Chemistry via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 2 (VerticalNews) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at China Weekly News -- Data detailed on Autism have been presented. According to news originating from Xinxiang, People's Republic of China, by VerticalNews correspondents, research stated, "Autism is a heterogeneous childhood neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterised by deficits in verbal communication, impaired social interactions, restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. Using an Illumina HumanCNV370-Quad BeadChip, we identified two Han Chinese individuals with autism and large duplications (similar to 1.6 Mb and similar to 2.4 Mb) disrupting the same CNTN4 gene." Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Xinxiang Medical University, "CNTN4 encodes a protein that functions as a cell-adhesion molecule and may play an essential role in the formation of axon connections in the developing nervous system. The disruption of this gene has been reported to be the cause of the 3p deletion syndrome and also a possible susceptibility factor for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Our results suggest that rare copy number variations (CNVs) in CNTN4 may also influence autism susceptibility in Asian populations. Interestingly, a comparison of the clinical phenotypes between the two subjects revealed that the subject with the 2.4 Mb CNV (involving several other genes) presented with a more severe phenotype than the subject with the 1.6 Mb CNV (disrupting only CNTN4 and CNTN6)." According to the news editors, the researchers concluded: "This suggests that other genes in the nearby region may contribute to the pathogenesis." For more information on this research see: Disruption of Contactin 4 in two subjects with autism in Chinese population. Gene, 2012;505(2):201-205. Gene can be contacted at: Elsevier Science Bv, PO Box 211, 1000 Ae Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Gene www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/506033)
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The news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained from H. Guo, Xinxiang Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Xinxiang, People's Republic of China. Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Xinxiang, Genetics, Neurology, People's Republic of China, Developmental Disabilities Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document CHWKNW0020120928e8a2000jh

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National Desk; SECTA Report Raises Questions On New Autism Definition By BENEDICT CAREY 673 mots 2 octobre 2012 The New York Times NYTF Late Edition - Final 19 Anglais Copyright 2012 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved. Proposed changes to the official diagnosis of autism will not reduce the proportion of children found to have it as steeply as many have feared, scientists reported on Tuesday, in an analysis that contradicts several previous studies. Earlier research had estimated that 45 percent or more of children currently on the ''autism spectrum'' would not qualify under a new definition now being refined by psychiatric researchers -- a finding that generated widespread anxiety among parents who rely on state-financed services for their children. The new report, posted online Tuesday by The American Journal of Psychiatry, concluded that the number who would be excluded is closer to 10 percent. The finding may soothe the anxieties of some parents, but will not likely settle the debate over the effect of the new diagnosis. All sides agree that the proposed criteria are narrower and will likely result in fewer diagnoses of autism, but until doctors begin using the new definition widely, the predictions of its effect are just that: predictions. The debate has simmered over the past year as an expert panel appointed by the American Psychiatric Association has updated its proposals for the association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, scheduled to take effect in May 2013. The manual is the field's standard reference, and
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several recent studies suggested that the amended autism definition was far narrower than intended. ''What I would say to families worried about the new criteria is that they're more open-ended than the old ones,'' said Catherine Lord, the senior researcher on the study. ''So it's very important to find a clinician who understands them, and who is not rushed when making a diagnosis.'' The new analysis, the largest to date, is effectively an answer to previous studies that had forecast many more children would not meet the new definition. Dr. Lord serves on the panel that proposed the new definition. ''Everyone has been waiting to see what the impact of the new diagnosis is going to be, and this study is the most comprehensive we have to date,'' said Sally Ozonoff, vice chairwoman for research in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of California, Davis, MIND Institute. Dr. Ozonoff was not involved in the research or the debate over its implications. In the study, Dr. Lord's team analyzed case files for children who received an autism diagnosis under the current criteria, exhibiting six or more of 12 behaviors, like language delays and absence of social bonding or eye contact. The team asked which of these youngsters would qualify under the proposed definition, which requires just three deficits in social interaction and at least two in ''repetitive behaviors,'' a category that includes hypersensitivities and fixations. The previous studies took exactly the same approach, but Dr. Lord's group looked at more cases, in greater detail. The records it examined came from three large collections, totaling 4,453 children, with detailed interviews from parents, doctors' observations or both. ''Simply put, we found that the new criteria are quite effective at identifying most children with autism across all levels of functioning and across males and females,'' said Dr. Lord, director of the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain, a joint project of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical College, Columbia University Medical Center and New York Collaborates for Autism. The discrepancy between Dr. Lord's findings and earlier ones may be rooted in the quality of data available, said Dr. Fred Volkmar, director of the Child Study Center at Yale University School of Medicine and senior author of a widely reported study presented early this year, with starkly different results. ''What they report is impressive in scope and magnitude, but it is using meticulously characterized cases with what are probably very experienced clinicians,'' Dr. Volkmar said. ''The problem is one of moving this to the real world outside of academic centers'' where the art of diagnosing varies widely.
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Clinical Trials Research; New targeted drug for treating fragile X syndrome, potentially autism, is effective 1,142 mots 3 octobre 2012 Biotech Week BIWK 953 Anglais (c) Copyright 2012, Biotech Week via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 3 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Biotech Week -- An investigational compound that targets the core symptoms of fragile X syndrome is effective for addressing the social withdrawal and challenging behaviors characteristic of the condition, making it the first such discovery for fragile X syndrome and, potentially, the first for autism spectrum disorder, a study by researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute and Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, has found. The finding is the result of a clinical trial in adult and pediatric subjects with fragile X syndrome. It suggests, however, that the compound may have treatment implications for at least a portion of the growing population of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, as well as for those with other conditions defined by social deficits. The study is published online today in the journal Science Translational Medicine. A second study by the manufacturer of the compound is included in the same issue. The "first-in-patient" drug trial was led by internationally recognized fragile X researchers Elizabeth BerryKravis of Rush University Medical Center and Randi Hagerman of the UC Davis MIND Institute. It examined the effects of the compound STX 209, also known by the name arbaclofen. The study was conducted collaboratively with Seaside Therapeutics, a Cambridge, Mass., pharmaceutical company that is focused on translating bench research on fragile X and autism into therapeutic interventions. Seaside Therapeutics produces the compound. "This study shows that STX 209 is an important part of the treatment for fragile X syndrome, because it improved symptoms in those with significant social deficits or autism as well as fragile X syndrome," said Hagerman, medical director of the MIND Institute. "Additional studies also are suggesting that STX 209 can be helpful for autism without fragile X syndrome. Until now, there have been no targeted treatments available for autism. This appears to be the first."
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Fragile X syndrome is the most common known cause of inherited intellectual impairment, formerly referred to as mental retardation, and the leading known single-gene cause of autism. Social impairment is one of the core deficits in both fragile X and autism. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 6,000 to 8,000 females have the disorder. An estimated 1 in 88 children born today will be diagnosed with autism, according to the CDC. "There are no Food and Drug Administration-approved treatments for fragile X syndrome, and the available options help secondary symptoms, but do not effectively address the core impairments in fragile X. This is the first large-scale study that is based on the molecular understanding of fragile X and suggests that the core symptoms may be amenable to pharmacologic treatment," said lead study author Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, professor of pediatrics, neurological sciences and biochemistry at Rush University Medical Center. "This study will help to signal the beginning of a new era of targeted treatments for genetic disorders that have historically been regarded as beyond the reach of pharmacotherapy," Berry-Kravis said. "It will be a model for treatment of autism, intellectual disability and developmental brain disorders based on understanding of dysfunction in brain pathways, as opposed to empiric treatment of symptoms. We hope mechanistically based treatments like STX209 ultimately will be shown to improve cognitive functioning in longer-term trials." Studies in mice genetically engineered to exhibit features of fragile X, including social impairment, have suggested that the behavioral abnormalities in fragile X result from deficiencies in the neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). Decreased GABA has been observed in a mouse model of fragile X in many areas of the brain including the hippocampus, and has been hypothesized to be a basis of the social anxiety and avoidance characteristic of fragile X sufferers, the study says. Arbaclofen is an agonist for gamma-amino butyric acid type B, or GABA-B, receptors. An agonist is a chemical that effectively combines with a receptor on a synapse to effect a physiologic reaction typical of a naturally occurring substance. Anxiety-driven repetitive behavior and social avoidance have been reduced in fragile X-engineered mice treated with arbaclofen. The current, first-of-its-kind study investigated whether arbaclofen would produce similar results in human subjects. The double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial initially recruited 63 male and female subjects at 12 sites across the United States for the research, conducted between December 2008 and March 2010. The participants ranged in age from 6 to 39 years. Of the initial participants, 56 completed the clinical trial. There were no withdrawals related to drug tolerability. The majority of the subjects were treated with what
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was assessed as the optimum tolerated dosage of the study drug, 10 milligrams twice a day in younger patients and three times a day in adults. Compliance was monitored by patient guardians, who filled out a dosing form on a daily basis. The study subjects returned for evaluations at two- and four-week intervals after beginning the six-weeklong treatment. The drug then was tapered down over a one- to two-week period. The effects of the medication were scored on variables of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC), a behavior-rating scale for the assessment of drug-treatment effects. The checklist includes variables for irritability, lethargy/withdrawal, stereotypic (repetitive) behavior and hyperactivity, among other factors. The study found improvement for the full study population on the social-avoidance subscale, an analysis validated by secondary ratings from parent observation of improvement in subjects' three most problematic behaviors. It found that the medication was the same as placebo, however, on the subscale for irritability. The study is one of several at the MIND Institute aiming to help improve behavior and cognition for individuals with fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Hagerman currently is leading a larger controlled trial of STX 209 at UC Davis that is also carried out at multiple centers and is enrolling individuals with fragile X syndrome from ages 5 to 50. Individuals interested in enrolling may contact Lindsey Partington at 916-703-0471 or via e-mail at lindsey.partington@ucdmc.ucdavis.edu. "We are looking forward to further studies utilizing STX 209 in both autism and fragile X syndrome because the fragile X mouse studies demonstrate long-term strengthening of synaptic connections with continued use of this medication," Hagerman said. Keywords for this news article include: Pharmaceutical Companies, Brain, Autism, Therapy, Genetics, Hospital, Engineering, Fragile X Syndrome, Government Agencies, Offices and Entities, Central Nervous System, Clinical Trial Research, Nervous System Diseases, Clinical Trials Research, Sex Chromosome Disorders, Neurologic Manifestations, Developmental Disabilities. Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document BIWK000020120928e8a3000k4
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Curemark, Llc; Patent Application Titled "Method for Treating Pervasive Development Disorders" Under Review 1,456 mots 3 octobre 2012 Biotech Week BIWK 1011 Anglais (c) Copyright 2012, Biotech Week via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 3 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Biotech Week -- According to news reporting originating from Washington, D.C., by NewsRx journalists, a patent application by the inventors FALLON, JOAN M. (Bronxville, NY), filed on May 25, 2012, was cleared for further review on September 20, 2012. The assignee for this patent application, patent serial number 481087, is Curemark, Llc. Reporters obtained the following quote from the background information supplied by the inventors: "The present invention relates generally to a method for treating individuals diagnosed with a form of PDD (pervasive development disorder) and other disorders such as ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). More specifically, the present invention is directed to therapeutic method for treating individuals with such disorders by administering secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, and/or digestive enzymes, as well as a prognosticative method for determining the potential effectiveness of the administration of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, and/or digestive enzymes for the treatment of such disorders. "PDDs are a class of disorders defined by both American and International diagnostic systems (i.e., the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) and World Health Organization: International Classification of Diseases, Tenth revision (ICD-10)). The spectrum of PDDs include disorders such as Autism, Aspergers, ADD, and ADHD. PDDs are typically characterized by multiple distortions in the development of basic psychological functions that are involved in the development of social skills and language, such as attention, perception reality testing and motor movement. In addition, many children diagnosed with Autism, for example, suffer from primary diffuse gastrointestinal problems such as protracted diarrhea and constipation. Although PDDs are currently of unknown etiology, many conventional methods, such as dietary alteration, behavioral modification, and
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medication, have been utilized for treating individuals suffering from PDD related disorders. Unfortunately, PDD related disorders have no known treatment beyond that which is symptomatic, and these conventional methods have proven unsuccessful in allowing such children and adults to become symptom, or disorder free. "A child which displays signs of developmentally inappropriate inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity is typically diagnosed as having ADD and/or ADHD. With these disorders, there can be marked disturbances of organization, distractibility, impulsivity, restlessness, and other disturbances of language and/or social behavior. A combination of psychiatric care and medicine is typically used for treating children with ADD and ADHD. "It was recently discovered that the administration of secretin, a gastrointestinal peptide hormone, to children diagnosed with Autism resulted in ameliorating the symptoms associated with Autism. This finding was published in the article by Horvath et al., entitled Improved Social and Language Skills After Secretin Administration In Patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physician Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 9-15, January, 1998. The secretin administration, as described in Horvath, was performed as a diagnostic procedure, i.e., to stimulate pancreaticaobiliary secretion during an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, rather than as a therapeutic procedure. Although the specific mechanism by which the secretin improved the autistic-related symptoms was not specifically identified, Horvath postulated that secretin may have had a direct or indirect effect on the central nervous system. What is important, however, is that this was the first time that gastrointestinal problems of autistic children were linked to a possible etiology in Autism. "Accordingly, in view of such findings, a method for determining whether an individual suffering from a disorder in the PDD spectrum will benefit from the administration of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides and/or digestive enzymes, as well as a therapeutic method for treating such individuals with the administration of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides and/or digestive enzymes, are highly desired." In addition to obtaining background information on this patent application, NewsRx editors also obtained the inventors' summary information for this patent: "The present invention is directed to a method of analyzing the chymotrypsin level of an individual to determine the potential benefit of the administration of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides and/or digestive enzyme administration to such individual, and in particular, as a prognosticative of potential secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, and/or digestive enzyme administration for individuals diagnosed as having ADD, ADHD, Autism and other PDD related disorders. "In one aspect, a method for determining the efficacy of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, or
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digestive enzymes for the treatment of an individual diagnosed with a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) comprises obtaining a sample of feces from an individual, determining a quantitative level of chymotrypsin present in the sample, and correlating the quantitative level of chymotrypsin determined to be present in the sample with the PDD to determine the efficacy of treating the individual with secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, or digestive enzyme administration. "In another aspect, a therapeutic method for treating an individual diagnosed with a PDD pervasive developmental disorder comprises determining the efficacy of the administration of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, and digestive enzyme for the treatment of the individual based on a measure of the individual's chymotrypsin level, and administering secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides, or digestive enzymes to the individual based on the determination of the measure of the individual's chymotrypsin level. "The present invention involves determining the presence of abnormal protein digestion of individuals, especially children, by measuring the chymotrypsin levels so as to determine if the individual is likely to benefit from the administration of secretin, digestive enzymes, peptides and/or neuropeptides. Although there have been methods to test fecal samples for indications of cystic fibrosis and pancreatic diseases in infants, none of the known methods have tested fecal samples in determining the benefits of administering secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides and/or digestive enzymes to individuals suffering from a PDD. Indeed, in so far as an individual's fecal chymotrypsin level is a broad measure of protein and fat digestion, such levels can be applied to all those who may benefit from improvements in this mode of digestion. Furthermore, as low measures of fecal chymotrypsin expresses an abnormality of protein digestion, it is postulated that an improvement of protein digestion to promote normal growth and development of an individual suffering from a PDD by the administration of secretin, other neuropeptides, peptides and/or digestive enzymes, can ameliorate the symptomatologies of PDDs. "Accordingly, in another aspect of the present invention, a therapeutic method is provided for treating an individual diagnosed with a PDD including but not limited to Autism, Aspergers, ADD and ADHD, comprising the steps of: "determining the effectiveness of secretin administration for the treatment of the individual based on a measure of the individual's chymotrypsin level; and "administering secretin therapy to the individual based on the determination of the measure of the individuals chymotrypsin level. "In yet another aspect, the therapeutic method involves administering a fecal chymotrypsin test to
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measure an individual's fecal chymotrypsin level. Preferably, an enzymatic spectrophotometry method is used for measuring the fecal chymotrypsin level of the individual. Upon determinating that an individual has an abnormal level of chymotrypsin, the individual is preferably administered 1 U/kg of body weight of porcine or human secretin by means of an intravenous push method. This method can be described as the administration of an IV push of saline solution and secretin to equal 1 U/kg of body weight. The individual then receives 1 unit test dose (absolute). A period of one minute is allowed to pass to determine if the individual has any allergic reactions to the secretin. After one minute has elapsed, if no urticarial reaction or any other allergic reaction has occurred, the remainder of the dose is administered. Subsequent fecal chymotrypsin samples are then gathered at one week intervals post administration to determine any changes in the chymotrypsin levels. "These and other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be described and become apparent from the following detailed description of preferred embodiments, which is to be read in connection with the accompanying drawings." For more information, see this patent application: FALLON, JOAN M. Method for Treating Pervasive Development Disorders. U.S. Patent Serial Number 481087, filed May 25, 2012, and posted September 20, 2012. Patent URL: http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u= %2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearchadv.html&r=2763&p=56&f=G&l=50&d=PG01&S1=20120913.PD.&OS=PD/20120913&RS=PD/20120913 Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Proteins, Neurology, Pediatrics, Amino Acids, Chymotrypsin, Curemark Llc, Therapeutics, Peptide Hydrolases, Enzymes and Coenzymes, Serine Endopeptidases, Developmental Disabilities. Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document BIWK000020120928e8a3000kq

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News Autism redefined for clearer diagnoses; Absorbing Asperger's syndrome will mean faster access to more treatment options Tanya Talaga Toronto Star 677 mots 3 octobre 2012 The Toronto Star TOR ONT A1 Anglais Copyright (c) 2012 The Toronto Star Early next year, a new definition of autism will be used by scientists in order to more precisely diagnose kids with the brain disorder. The diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, considered a "higher functioning" form of autism, will disappear once the new criteria for identifying the disorder come out in May 2013, according to Dr. Catherine Lord, director of the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain. The latter is a collaborative program between New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical College and Columbia University, in partnership with the New York Center for Autism. The proposed changes on how doctors define and diagnose autism were the subject of a research study conducted by Lord. The study was published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry. "As a scientific medical diagnosis, Asperger's is merged into autism spectrum disorder," Lord said. "Our committee felt there just wasn't any way to justify its continuance." Lord is part of the American Psychiatric Association's working group responsible for updating the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a guide used by physicians around
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the world. Improved diagnosis leads to better treatment. "There was so much confusion of who had Asperger's and who didn't. We were also concerned that there were kids being denied services because Asperger's sounds like a better diagnosis," she said. Autism rates are staggering in North America. A debate is raging among physicians as to whether the rates are actually increasing or if experts have just recognized that many syndromes are linked. One in 88 children is believed to have the neurological disorder. Symptoms range from repetitive or aggressive behaviour to a complete lack of social skills and an inability to speak or make eye contact. Clinicians are scrambling to better define autism in an effort to quickly identify children and get them into interactive, behavioural treatment. There is no cure for autism and the burden on families can be immense as many autistic people cannot live on their own. Nearly 70 years ago, Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger was the first to notice intellectual children with social problems who were somewhat obsessed with specific topics. These children often avoided eye contact and were clumsy. But it wasn't until the 1990s that Asperger's syndrome was added to a list of mental disorders. Famous people thought to have Asperger's include physicist Sir Isaac Newton, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and British author Jane Austen. Reaction to the changing scope of autism has been positive. There is no biological or genetic reason why Asperger's should be separated on its own, said Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou, a child neurologist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. "We assumed they were different but it looks like they are not," she said. "Now we can call them all autism." Also being swallowed into the autism spectrum is Pervasive Developmental Disorder, a term used to classify some developmental issues, including an inability to socialize. Child psychiatrist Dr. Peter Szatmari, a professor at McMaster University and a noted expert on autism, said the changes are a "good thing" as they will speed up the diagnostic progress. But he cautioned that autism is "incredibly heterogeneous." "In 30 years, I don't think I could say I have seen two cases the same," he said. "You can't treat a 2-yearPage 41 of 54 2012 Factiva, Inc. Tous droits rservs. Outil dinformation interne, merci

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old who is profoundly intellectually disabled and without language as the same as a 7-year-old who is very chatty about their stamp collection." "We need a way to capture that diversity," he said. People previously diagnosed with Asperger's should be able to keep that label or name, noted Alycia Halladay, director of environmental research at the U.S.-based Autism Speaks advocacy group. "The intent is to ensure that people with Asperger's receive the same needed interventions and services as those with an autism diagnosis," she said. Document TOR0000020121003e8a300002

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Autism; Investigators from University of Illinois Target Autism 338 mots 8 octobre 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest MHWK 107 Anglais Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 8 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -Research findings on Autism are discussed in a new report. According to news originating from Champaign, Illinois, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "The purpose of this study was to examine judgments made by different listeners of the communicative intent, specifically requesting and rejecting, of young children with autism and limited expressive language. Video clips from a structured assessment study of three young children with autism spectrum disorder were edited and viewed by adult raters from four subgroups." Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from the University of Illinois, "Analysis of the findings indicated that those who were both familiar and expert were more accurate and more confident in their judgments than those who were unfamiliar and non-expert. There was more variation among the four subgroups of raters in accuracy related to rejecting compared to requesting behavior." According to the news editors, the researchers concluded: "It was concluded that collaboration in the determination of intention and consistency of responding to specific communicative forms among all individuals who are involved in the child's life appear to be important steps in developing common communication goals." For more information on this research see: Intentional Communication of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Judgments of Different Communication Partners. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 2012;24(5):437-450. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities can be contacted at: Springer, Plenum Publishers, 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013, USA. (Springer www.springer.com; Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities www.springerlink.com/content/1056-263x/) The news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained from H. Meadan, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820, United States.
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Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Illinois, Champaign, Neurology, Pediatrics, United States, North and Central America, Developmental Disabilities Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document MHWK000020121005e8a800028

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Autism; New Data from M. Chez et al Illuminate Research in Autism 416 mots 8 octobre 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest MHWK 119 Anglais Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 8 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- Data detailed on Autism have been presented. According to news reporting originating from Sacramento, California, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "Autism affects 1?:?88 children in the United States. Familial history of autoimmune disease, autoantibodies in the serum of mothers when there is more than one autistic offspring, and neuroglial response in CSF and brain tissue in autistic patients suggest an immunological variable may be associated with this condition." Our news editors obtained a quote from the research, "Lenalidomide has the potential to invoke changes in TNF-a with less toxicity than thalidomide. This pilot study evaluated lenalidomide at reduction of TNF-a and improvement of behavior and language in children with autism with elevated TNF-a. Subjects with elevated TNF-a were given 2.5?mgs lenalidomide daily for 12-weeks. Pharmacodynamics and safety was evaluated. Changes in language and autistic behaviors after six and twelve weeks were measured. Although statistical significance was not achieved for most measures, there were trends toward improvement. After 6-weeks, mean receptive language increased: 60.67 (+-) 12.06 to 65.00 (+-) 15.10 (p=0.11) and symptoms of autism decreased (40.75 (+-) 5.96 versus 38.67 (+-) 7.90, p=0.068). After 12weeks, CSF-TNF-a declined 57% (+-) 25% from 80.5 (+-) 41.03 to 38.0 (+-) 31.27 (p=0.068). Serum TNFa declined 57% (92.50 (+-) 68.92 to 40.25 (+-) 44.53 (p=0.048)." According to the news editors, the researchers concluded: "This study suggests that lenalidomide is tolerated as a treatment by children with autism and should be further studied as a potential agent for cytockine inflammation." For more information on this research see: Safety and observations in a pilot study of lenalidomide for treatment in autism. Autism Research and Treatment, 2012;2012():291601. (Hindawi Publishing www.hindawi.com; Autism Research and Treatment - www.hindawi.com/journals/aurt/)

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The news editors report that additional information may be obtained by contacting M. Chez, Sutter Neuroscience Medical Group, 1625 Stockton Boulevard, Suite 104, Sacramento, CA 95816, United States. Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Neurology, Sacramento, California, Pediatrics, United States, North and Central America, Developmental Disabilities. Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document MHWK000020121005e8a80002m

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Neuroscience; Research Findings from Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Update Understanding of Neuroscience 384 mots 8 octobre 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest MHWK 173 Anglais Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 8 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -Current study results on Neuroscience have been published. According to news reporting originating in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Mercury is neurotoxic and increasing evidence suggests that environmental exposure to mercury may contribute to neuropathologies including Alzheimer's disease and autism spectrum disorders. Mercury is known to disrupt immunocompetence in the periphery, however, little is known about the effects of mercury on neuroimmune signaling." The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, "Mercury-induced effects on central immune function are potentially very important given that mercury exposure and neuroinflammation both are implicated in certain neuropathologies (i.e., autism). Furthermore, mounting evidence points to the involvement of glial activation in autism. Therefore, we utilized an in vivo model to assess the effects of mercury exposure on neuroimmune signaling. In prairie voles, 10 week mercury exposure (60ppm HgCl(2) in drinking water) resulted in a male-specific increase in TNFa protein expression in the cerebellum and hippocampus. These findings are consistent with our previously reported male-specific mercury-induced deficits in social behavior and further support a role for heavy metals exposure in neuropathologies such as autism. Subsequent studies should further evaluate the mechanism of action and biological consequences of heavy metals exposure." According to the news reporters, the researchers concluded: "Additionally, these observations highlight the potential of neuroimmune markers in male voles as biomarkers of environmental mercury toxicity." For more information on this research see: Chronic inorganic mercury exposure induces sex-specific changes in central TNFa expression: importance in autism? Neuroscience Letters, 2011;504(1):40-4. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Neuroscience Letters - www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/506081)

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Our news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained by contacting J. Thomas Curtis, Dept. of Pharmacology, Physiology, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 1111 West 17th Street, Tulsa, OK 74107, United States. Keywords for this news article include: Tulsa, Autism, Oklahoma, Neurology, Neuroscience, United States, North and Central America, Developmental Disabilities. Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document MHWK000020121005e8a800044

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Medical Genetics; Research from Children's Hospital in Medical Genetics Provides New Insights 451 mots 8 octobre 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest MHWK 178 Anglais Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 8 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- A new study on Medical Genetics is now available. According to news reporting out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a congenital disorder characterized by distinctive facial features, growth retardation, limb abnormalities, intellectual disability, and behavioral problems. Autism has been reported to occur frequently in CdLS, but the frequency of autism in individuals with the milder CdLS phenotype is not well studied." Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Children's Hospital, "We investigated autistic features by using a screening tool and a diagnostic interview in 49 individuals with the mild to moderate phenotype from a CdLS research database at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), a screening instrument for autistic disorder, was completed for all individuals. For individuals who screened positive and a subset of those that screened negative, the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) was administered. Autistic symptom severity was not significantly different by gender, age groups, and genotypes. There was a significant correlation between higher levels of adaptive functioning and lower scores of autistic symptoms. The estimated prevalence of significant autistic features by ADI-R criteria was 43% in our cohort of individuals with the mild to moderate CdLS phenotype, which suggests that prevalence of autistic disorder may be higher than previously described among individuals with mild to moderate phenotype of CdLS." According to the news editors, the researchers concluded: "Clinicians who take care of individuals with CdLS should have a high index of suspicion for autistic features, and refer for further evaluation when these features are present in order to expedite appropriate intervention." For more information on this research see: Investigation of autistic features among individuals with mild to moderate Cornelia de Lange syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A,
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2012;158A(8):1841-7. (Wiley-Blackwell - www.wiley.com/; American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-4833) Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting M. Nakanishi, Division of Child Development, Rehabilitation and Metabolic Disease, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States. Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, Medical Genetics, Mental Retardation, Chromosome Disorders, Nervous System Diseases, Congenital Abnormalities, North and Central America, Neurologic Manifestations, Cornelia De Lange Syndrome, Developmental Disabilities, Neurobehavioral Manifestations. Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document MHWK000020121005e8a80004a

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Developmental Science; Studies in the Area of Developmental Science Reported from Louisiana State University 337 mots 8 octobre 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest MHWK 223 Anglais Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 8 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -Investigators discuss new findings in Developmental Science. According to news reporting originating in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Adults with intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are often at risk for developing additional forms of psychopathology and/or challenging behaviors, including pica. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of pica and social skills deficits." The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from Louisiana State University, "The Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for Individuals with sEvere Retardation (MESSIER), a measure of social skill impairment, was administered to a group of adults with ID alone (n = 22), a group with ID and ASD (n = 22), and a group with ID, ASD, and pica (n = 15). The Pica + ASD + ID group exhibited significantly fewer pro-social behaviors than the ID alone group but had significantly more negative social skills than both other groups." According to the news reporters, the researchers concluded: "These findings and the implications of these data are discussed." For more information on this research see: An Evaluation of Social Skills in Adults with Pica, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Intellectual Disability. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 2012;24(5):505-514. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities can be contacted at: Springer, Plenum Publishers, 233 Spring St, New York, NY 10013, USA. (Springer - www.springer.com; Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities - www.springerlink.com/content/1056-263x/) Our news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained by contacting J.L. Matson, Louisiana State University, Dept. of Psychol, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States.
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Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Louisiana, Neurology, Baton Rouge, United States, Developmental Science, North and Central America, Developmental Disabilities Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document MHWK000020121005e8a80005t

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Autism and Developmental Disorders; Study Results from Northern University Broaden Understanding of Autism and Developmental Disorders 344 mots 8 octobre 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest MHWK 233 Anglais Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com 2012 OCT 8 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -Investigators discuss new findings in Autism and Developmental Disorders. According to news originating from Barranquilla, Colombia, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "We investigated whether individuals with a mild form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are influenced by an actor's gaze direction when anticipating how an observed action will continue in the immediate future. Participants observed a head rotate towards them, while the gaze direction was either leading, or lagging behind, rotation." Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Northern University, "They also observed identical rotations of a cylinder containing the geometrical equivalent of the gaze manipulation. The control group was influenced by the gaze manipulations for the animate but not the inanimate stimulus. The ASD group did not discriminate between the stimuli, showing a similar influence for both." According to the news editors, the researchers concluded: "This suggests that the ASD responses in the animate condition were biased by the low-level directional features of the eyes rather than by the conveyed intentions." For more information on this research see: Anticipation of action intentions in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2012;42(8):1684-93. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders can be contacted at: Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. (Springer - www.springer.com; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders www.springerlink.com/content/0162-3257/) The news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained from M. Hudson, School of Business, Universidad del Norte, Bloque G, Piso 4, Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia.

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The publisher's contact information for the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is: Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Keywords for this news article include: Colombia, Neurology, Barranquilla, South America, Developmental Disabilities, Autism and Developmental Disorders. Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012, NewsRx LLC Document MHWK000020121005e8a800065

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