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Acne Remedies

Les aliments conseills: huiles (tournesol, d'olive, d'onagre), des aliments slnium (champignons, l'orge, les grains entiers, les noix, l'ail et l'orange), de l'avoine, les pinards, le gingembre, dgraiss et lait bio, miel, pain, poisson noir, le soja, les tomates, les carottes, les graines (citrouille), le stvia, le yogourt naturel. Fruits anti-acn: Palme de moriche, cerises la chaux (citron doux), la mangue, pomme, papaye, melon, poire, ananas (ananas), de la tomate, de raisin (acn rosace). Lgumes anti-acn: l'ail, les artichauts, le cleri, aubergine, brocoli, courge, oignons, choux, les asperges, les pinards, la laitue, citron, ortie, concombre (concombre, cornichon), poireau, radis, carotte. Aliments interdits: l'alcool, les aliments riches en iode (sel), sucre, caf,

junk food, le chocolat, les aliments riches en graisses satures (margarines, les aliments transforms, les viandes grasses, charcuterie, beurre d'arachide), les produits laitiers, le tabac priser.

4. DIETE ANTI-ACNE JEN Ail, betteraves (betteraves) et l'oignon: Prendre une demi-tasse d'oignon tasse + jus d'ail rose + un verre de betterave, mlanger et boire. Cleri (1/2 tasse hach) + 1 citron + poire + 1 tomate, prendre l'extrait Cresson et l'ortie: Prendre une demi-tasse de cresson + demi-verre d'orties, mlanger et boire (acn foruncular). Prune: monodiet Plum pour une journe (acn intestinale). Col: Extrait de chou cru: tasse (Digestif) Queue de cheval et de lin: Prendre les graines de lin + prle eau (rnale acn) Mas cheveux ou chaume de mas ou de mas: Boisson base de mas Concombre: Prendre 1 2 tasses extrait de concombre avant de se coucher (foie acn). Tamarin: tamarin pours une seule journe (acn intestinale) monodiet. Carotte (foie acn) jeun prendre un verre ou au coucher. Carotte, l'ail, les betteraves (betteraves): Buvez un verre de carotte + un verre de + jus de betterave 3 gousses d'ail rose crue, mlange et les boissons (acn foruncular). Carotte + luzerne + pinards asperges + miel, buvez l'extrait jeun Carotte, les pinards et la laitue: Mlanger un verre de carotte, tasse d'pinards et d'un tasse de laitue, prendre jeun (foie acn).

Carotte, les pinards, le concombre, la tomate, la laitue, le persil et le cleri: Pour l'acn; Mlanger tous les ingrdients et prendre.

Laitue + carotte + Pomme + 1 citron, prendre l'extrait Carotte et de concombre: Prenez le jus de concombre et la carotte.

PETIT DEJEUNER 1. Palme de Moriche: Prenez 3 trous d'eau le matin (acn hormonale) chez les femmes, il est important de rguler le cycle menstruel (acn hormonale) 2. Asperges et tomates: prendre 8 tiges dures des asperges et ajouter tasse tomates et tasse d'eau. Mlanger et boire un verre par jour le matin. 3. Jus de corossol et les oranges; Ingrdients: 1 kilo de corossol, 6

oranges. Prparation: Epluchez le corossol, retirer les graines, puis mettez le mlangeur, accompagn de jus d'oranges 2-3. Remuez le tout. Prenez le jus soit le petit djeuner ou le dner, ne pas manger d'autres aliments, que ceux qui sont indiqus. C'est la meilleure recette pour les problmes de constipation. C'est un bon plat de constipation et de la souffrance des causes intestinales acn. 4. Jus de corossol et la carotte; Ingrdients: 10 raisins avec des graines. Prparation: Faire tremper les raisins secs dans un peu d'eau pendant la nuit. Dans la matine, les mlanger avec le corossol et les carottes. Avec le smoothie, manger pain de bl entier ou artisanale rpandue avec confiture naturelle. C'est un plat bon pour la constipation, et pour ceux qui souffrent de causes intestinales acn. Citron et le miel: Prendre un verre de limonade partir d'un

citron, sucr avec du miel.









Mlange 2 tranches d'ananas hach, concombre hach, pomme hach, 1 tranche de gingembre hach, l'eau ncessaire. Boire 1 verre le matin, 2 ou 3 fois par semaine. 7. PAPAYE: Prendre le petit djeuner 3-5 verres de jus de papaye (estomac ou la gastrite l'acn, de l'intestin), les 3-5 mmes verres de jus de papaye avant le coucher (acn foie, digestif acn, l'acn intestinale). 8. Poire: Manger 3-6 Poires au petit djeuner (rnale acn)

DJEUNER 1. CAROTTE DE RIZ: Prparer le riz avec un petit peu de carotte, un peu de sel et servir la quantit dsire. Faire cuire le riz dans de l'eau pas plus, lors de la cuisson avant de servir ajouter l'huile d'olive, l'ail, oignon cru et tout autre assaisonnement ou les herbes, mlangez et le got. Manger pour attnuer le problme, 2 -10 jours. C'est un rgime recette ou trs bon, mange ce bol de riz pour le petit djeuner, le djeuner et le dner. (Problmes intestinaux, diarrhes). 2. ALIMENTATION VERT: Un rgime de rgnration, ce qui aide alcaliniser le sang, des nous fait perdre quelques kilos en surpoids, une peau propre, nettoyage du foie, purifie et rejette la muqueuse toxique. Commencez avec une journe, puis faire trois jours; La recommandation est de 30 jours, mais il est prfrable d'tre supervis et approuv par un expert, la dure de ce rgime dpend beaucoup de la sant, la maladie, l'ge et la condition physique de la personne. Le rgime alimentaire se compose de manger seulement dans les salades vertes ou des extraits, cru ou cuit la vapeur, au petit djeuner, le djeuner et le dner, parmi eux sont avocats (avocat ou de l'avocat), fruits verts (pommes, kiwis, le thon , raisins), les choux (luzerne), olives vertes, poivrons verts, les graines (citrouille), les lgumes (pinards, artichauts, le cleri, les pois, le cresson, le brocoli, le chou, la coriandre, les asperges, les pinards, les haricots verts, haricots, laitues, concombres , le persil, le poivre vert, haricots verts, courge), haricots verts (pois). Avec tous ces aliments peuvent faire de nombreuses combinaisons. Aprs l'alimentation, predre du yogourt fait maison.

DNER 1. SOUPE AUX LGUMES Ingrdients: cleri, le cresson, le chou, le pissenlit, laitue, citron, oignon et l'ail rose, Granulats (persil, l'origan, la sauge, le basilic, le fenouil ou de thym), la tomate, le sel. Prparation: Laver les lgumes et les couper la taille. puis

vid dans une casserole avec assez d'eau. Verser le jus de citron de 2-3 en fonction de la quantit d'eau. Peler et craser l'ail pour inclusion dans le ragot. Puis faire bouillir pendant une dure de 40 minutes et avec le pot envelopp. Verser quelques-uns des meilleurs ajouts pour donner du got la soupe aux lgumes. Enfin, prenez une tomate pele et coupe en 4 -8 parties. 2. JUS: Prendre jusqu' 3 verres de jus ou extraits de ce qui suit: Carotte + pinards + laitues Carotte + pinards Carotte + asperges

3- ENTRE LES REPAS: Nous recommandons de prendre des infusions ou les dcoctions d'herbes pour lutter contre les causes de l'acn. Boire 8 verres d'eau par jour, minimum / levure de bire ou de graines de Citrouille / Prenez un th de sauge 3 fois par jour / Prendre la camomille ou de menthe poivre, du fenouil ou de thym temps que l'eau (gastrique acn) / Prendre 5 10 gousses d'ail crases. / Prenez la camomille mauve.(acn intestinale) / Prendre la chicore (foie acn).

Bains mdicinaux Antiacniques: Argile: Bains d'argile verte ou blanche. Eucalyptus: Prendre un bain de vapeur du visage avec des feuilles d'eucalyptus (huile d'eucalyptus) peut galement tre hyperthermie bains l'eucalyptus. Lavande: Faire des bains de vapeur du visage avec de la lavande. Camomille: Assurez-vapeur du visage la camomille. Marjolaine: Prendre des bains chauds dans la baignoire, la marjolaine, pendant 20 minutes, ajouter quelques gouttes d'huile de marjolaine. Nroli: Prendre chaud de baignoires, le matin, pendant 20 minutes. Ajouter quelques gouttes d'huile de nroli dans un bain chaud Rose rouge Faire des bains de vapeur du visage hyperthermie du corps avec ptales de rose rouge, ou rose sauvage (astringent). Les vapeurs fleurs de sureau (boutons): Utiliser de l'eau avec du sel de mer comme un exfoliant. Mlanger l'argile avec du jus de tomate jusqu' pte lisse. Appliquer avec un pinceau et laisser scher prs d'une demi-heure. Retirez-les avec de l'eau tide. Cuisson la vapeur: Dans 1 tasse d'eau, ajouter 1 cuillre caf SUMAC HUAMAMBRILLA et soumettre une dcoction pendant 3 minutes. Apportez le visage rcipient en prenant soin de ne pas faire de trop prs car elle pourrait brler. Couvrez votre tte avec une serviette pendant quelques secondes afin que le dbit de vapeur au visage.

Masques anti-acn: Bouleau (rose): faire bouillir 2 cuillres soupe de feuilles de bouleau dans de litre d'eau pendant 5 minutes feu doux. Ensuite, laisser reposer et refroidir et goutter. Appliquez-le sur la zone affecte pendant environ 15 minutes avec de la gaze tremps et goutts. Argile + citron: Prparer un cataplasme d'argile mlange du jus de citron acide et appliquer sur la partie affecte (foruncular acn). Argile + Oignon: Une autre formule est prpare avec des cataplasmes d'oignons cuite ou en pltre avec du sel de mer et un peu d'eau tide et ajouter la poudre argile verte jusqu' ce qu'il devienne un milk-shake pais. Continuer remuer et puis retirer du feu. Placez-le sur un chiffon doux et appliquez chaud sur la peau. Appliquer le soir et le matin. En alternance avec les feuilles de chou, si dsir. Une fois l'abcs a mri ce qui signifie que le pus seront recueillies sous la peau, rduire les applications d'argile tout au long de la journe. La nuit, utiliser des compresses humides (foruncular acn). argile et sel de mer: Appliquez un cataplasme d'argile et de sel de mer gris, faire fondre deux cuillres caf de sel de mer dans un peu d'eau chaude, qui est agit avec une cuillre en bois. De poudre d'argile est ajout un onguent qui s'tend sur une toile, cataplasme appliqu chaud sur la zone de traitement, reste tout jour et nuit s'applique autre, maintenu pendant une nuit. Ensuite, appliquez seulement cataplasmes froids (foruncular acn). Argile: Porter un masque dargile trs fine tous les soirs. Laisser une demi-heure. Laver et placer d'abord une lotion contre l'acn, et endroit sec lorsqu'il crme nourrissante adapte votre type de peau. Une autre solution pour l'acn: Mlanger une cuillre soupe d'argile avec le jus de citron et bien mlanger et l'appliquer une fois par semaine pendant 20 minutes au maximum. Merci la puissance de l'antiseptique, largile permettra de rduire la prsence de germes sur la peau et les infections, ainsi que l'ouverture des pores et de rglementer production d'huile. Avoine et miel: Mlangez deux cuillres soupe d'avoine au sol avec deux soupe de miel jusqu' obtenir une pte appliquer comme un masque, avant d'appliquer le nettoyant pour le visage, puis appliquez le masque de farine d'avoine et le miel pendant 30 - 60 minutes, pour rduire ou attnuer les boutons d'acn.

AVOINE, MIEL ET AVOCAT: peau grasse, la pte n'est ni trop liquide ni trop paisse, que l'on adhre bien au visage. 3 cuillres soupe de flocons d'avoine, le jus d'un demi citron, 1 cuillre soupe de miel, 1 cuillre gnreuse de guacamole fait maison lcithine. Nous l'appliquons avec vos doigts sur le visage trs propre (la meilleure lav avec de l'eau tide et sans appliquer tonique, pour tre plus rceptifs pores) et laisser reposer 10 20 minutes pendant que nous dtendu que d'habitude, avec deux coton imprgn tonique (j'utilise habituellement th de thym ou de sachets de th froid). Bicarbonate de sodium: Lavez votre visage avec un savon doux, schez et appliquez un masque de bicarbonate de soude mlang avec de l'eau et laissez scher l'air. D'abord, prenez un peu de bicarbonate de soude (soda), vous prenez un peu d'eau jusqu' ce qu'elle soit comme une pommade, puis vous l'appliquez sur votre visage pendant 20 minutes, afin que vous ne dessche pas la peau, vous rincez votre visage l'eau tide et enfin avec de l'eau froide, cela pendant deux mois chaque semaine le matin et voir les rsultats sont tonnants et vous restez visage propre sans acn. Oignon et de miel: Saisir un oignon et mlanger avec du miel, appliquer directement sur la zone affecte ou furoncles, comme un masque et laisser toute la nuit. Col + Huile d'olive: Pour les affections cutanes, grains et pustules, etc, chou exerce une valeur tonique de la peau, en particulier lorsqu'il est mlang avec un peu d'huile. Ecrasez les feuilles fraches et appliquer en cataplasme sur la zone de la peau affecte.

Lemon juice, tea-tree oil and aqueous cream Before going to bed, bathe or shower and shampoo. Next, apply lemon juice over your face (this will itch for a minute or two). Rub in a small amount of pure tea-tree oil. Then, apply a thick layer of aqueous cream to your face and leave on overnight, lying on your back if you must. Or, after about half an hour or so, rub the cream in. Help this and other remedies along by eating three kiwifruit and about 3/4 cup of raw carrots daily. Oatmeal, vinegar, raspberries, egg, sea salt Pour some oatmeal into a small bowl. Mash up some raspberries and mix them with about a teaspoon of sea salt and the oatmeal. Add about two tablespoons of vinegar and one egg and mix with a spoon until it makes a pasty mix. Wash your face with an exfoliating scrub (such as apricot scrub) or exfoliate with a loofah. Steam your face and then apply the mixture thickly. Leave on for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is somewhat dry and starts to crumble off. Rinse with cold water. Honey and cinnamon Take three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon and make a paste. Put it on the affected area and apply it in circles. Leave it on while you sleep and wash it off in the morning Lemon juice, H2O2, willow bark, aloe, echinacea and goldenseal Mix in a bowl or container some lemon juice, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, willow bark powder, echinacea and goldenseal. Mix together and use this solution as an astringent. Apply w/ cotton balls or tissue and leave it on your face to dry. Once it dries, put aloe vera on your skin. Do this twice daily after first washing your face.

Fresh basil leaves Take a small handful of fresh basil leaves (available at most grocery stores). Let the leaves simmer in two cups of water for about 15 minutes and then put the mixture in the refrigerator to chill. Apply the mixture to troubled areas or your entire face with a cotton ball. Gets rid of acne and also helps with any existing scarring. Egg white Dab a little egg white on pimples and leave it on overnight or sometimes apply it all over your face or affected area. You'll likely notice results the next morning. Pimples/zits are reduced or gone, and your skin feels great. Apple cider vinegar Soak a cotton ball in cider vinegar and add salt to the cotton ball. Apply to infected area and hold there for as long as you can. This should instantly reduce the swelling. Works well for large cystic acne as well. Other natural acne remedies include: * Topical and oral colloidal silver. * Orange peel pounded well with water. * Turmeric facial mask. * Cucumber leaves or grated pieces. * Cucumber and water mixed in a blender

* Rubbing the acne with a fresh cut clove of garlic. * Clove based face mask or a paste of fenugreek (methi) leaves. * Zinc supplements or a multi-vitamin with zinc.

Crush a few aspirins. Form a paste by mixing it with water. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave for a few minutes. Then wash with cold water. Dab the water with towel and apply honey. Allow it to dry and then wash with warm water. Aspirin exfoliates the skin. The antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties of honey help to cure cystic acne. Alternatively, prepare a paste of 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the affected areas. You may also apply a mixture of honey, turmeric and lime juice on cystic acnes.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is a natural exfoliant which helps to remove dead skin. Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt with water to form a paste. Apply it on affected area twice a day. Leave for about 20 minutes and then rinse. You may also massage with the paste for a few minutes. It also helps to remove cystic acne scars.

Tea Tree Oil

Take a few drops of oil on a cotton ball and dab it directly over the affected areas.

You may also mix 1 part of the oil with 9 parts of water and apply the solution on acnes. Tea tree oil helps to remove bacteria which cause acne.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You may use apple cider vinegar as a toner of your skin. It prevents future breakouts and also stabilizes the natural pH of the skin. You may also make a solution of equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water. Use it to rinse your face.

Egg White
Apply egg whites directly on the skin. This opens the pores and prevents it from clogging thereby reducing cystic acnes.

You may also use egg whites with honey to treat the problem of cystic acne.

Aloe Vera
Apply some aloe vera juice or gel on the affected areas. This is one of the most effective home remedies for treating cystic acne.

Prepare a paste of mango and apply it on the affected areas. This opens the clogged pores and provide natural glow to the skin.

Citrus Juice
Oranges and lemons have properties of an astringent. Take out some juice of oranges or lemons and apply it directly on acnes. You may also dilute lemon juice with water. Alternatively, you may make a mask of any citrus juices with flour and apply to cure cystic acne.

Cut a potato into two halves. Rub it directly on the affected area.Leave the juice on the affected area for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. This is one of the easiest home remedy.


Chop cabbage leaves and grind to form a puree. Heat the puree in microwave for 15-20 seconds and apply on affected areas. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash off. You may also heat cabbage leaves and use it as a hot compress on affected areas

CHamomile Tea: An organic anti-inflammatory which will decrease acne flare-ups, its antiseptic, anti-bacterial in addition to anti-fungal. This chamomile teas case ought to be over loaded within tepid water after which connect with the skin approximately A few seconds. This can go away skin as well as pores clean regarding extra oil and reduce epidermis inflammation and encourage injury healing. Being a drink Camomile tea is likewise connected with assisting treatment sleep problems and also alleviating headaches. (***Home Remedies for Acne)

Green Tea: offers medicinal attributes in addition to vitamin antioxidant. It is also growing to be very well liked being an aid to shedding pounds. The catechins with green tea assistance to determine your current hormone levels, specifically the epigallocatechin gallate (EGGG). Teas any time employed for managing acne is usually both employed directly to the epidermis or works extremely well as being a drink. Simply by scrubbing an eco-friendly their tea tote on the skin is shown to have a similar effect since 4% remedy of Benzoyl baking soda a common drugs with regard to acne. Being a consume this antioxidants throughout green tea extract assistance in cleanse as well as lowering redness. (***Home Remedies for Acne)

Breakfast Oatmeal and Honey: combined together with a tiny water to form a desperate stick that can be placed on the face to be a mask and quit around 20 mins and then cleansed using mineral water. By making use of the oats to your skin itll soak up the extra fat through the epidermis as well as pores. Once the

face mask is cleansed down will help you to take out dead skin cells and exfoliate the skin. Honies is utilized to create this oat meal tacky along with pasty thus it can take shape the hide. Treatment must be consumed when using the hide so as not to get far too towards the face as it could bring about tenderness. (***Home Remedies for Acne)

Lemon and Orange peel: consist of citric acid that have a good anti-bacterial outcome by means of conquering the increase on the microorganisms which might rather be exacerbating the acne. The fruit peel off can be applied on the acne region possibly by do away with like a remove or by smashing using mineral water and also pairing having gram flour is a great confront scrub that helps to help detoxify your skin regarding surplus oil. This lemon juice can be applied right or even through diluting along with normal water. The actual Freshly squeezed lemon juice has vit c which in turn operates as an astringent which will help to be able to dry this zits. In addition, by means of ingesting orange h2o you may softly flush the from a system which supports decrease the acne. (***Home Remedies for Acne)

Tea Tree Oil: is purchased from the results in of the Melaleuca alternofalfia any shrub obtained in Questionnaire. Its utilized to counter athletes foot, foul breath, entire body aromas in addition to pores and skin disorder. Tea shrub acrylic is anti-fungal and has now anti-biotic characteristics which can be successful any time dealing with acne, it can limit the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes reducing the redness. Green tea Woods Fat is commonly diluted in addition to utilized with a cotton ball to the acne afflicted location, this will likely produce a better complextion along with decreased scarring using couple of side effects. On the other hand, it can cause tenderness if perhaps applied too often. The particular acrylic is perfect for additional use only and will always be harmful in the event that consumed. Green tea

Woods Gas functions in a similar manner in order to benzoyl baking soda, but is regarded as some sort of better change since it features a lesser amount of negative effects. (***Home Remedies for Acne)
Baking Soda: or perhaps

those who are, has lots of programs, the well-known usage is at preparing your receipee pastries as well as bread. However, its in addition utilised in quite a few medical care goods such as hair shampoo, shaving treatment, toothpaste as well as comforting bathroom salts. Its used for paying off a great angry abdominal as well as on the surface can be used slight melts away in addition to reduces. Its antiseptic as well as anti-fungal thus its utilized a great deal for cleaning spots along with cleaning up fridges exactly where additionally, it cleans away your aromas. For natual skin care it assists regulate the particular pH trying to keep skin nor as well acidic not also alkaline, its natural result is usually to counteract this pH and when blended in a paste together with water it could be put on this acne , whenever washed off it is going to take out dead skin cells as well as neat and unblock the actual tiny holes. For those who have hypersensitive pores and skin be careful not to go away the particular paste remedy for the confront for days on end as it can bring about swelling. Someday referred to as the acid mantle the surface of the skin tone safeguards your inner stratum connected with skin through bacterial transmission, nonetheless, how much safety may be decreased because of an unhealthy lifestyle for example cigarettes, drinking, bad eating habits and a sleep disorder. Apple Cider Vinegar will assist you to bring back natural skin condition, at the least on the short-lived schedule. This Apple Cider Vinegar must be diluted with water and using a clean up cotton swab the remedy might be used right to skin. This can eliminate the germs along with boost the skins acidity (Ph determine) which assists pay off the acne soon after duplicated software. (***Home Remedies for Acne)
Apple Cider Vinegar: Aloe Vera:

is just about the most widely known herbal products which is used in centuries both outside the body and also in the camera. Being a solution it truly is used in burns up along with harmed skin tone its got polysaccharides and that is ideal for epidermis restore. Aloe decreases infection in addition to minimizes this regarding acne it is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and germ killing. Aloevera can be used in the camera as being a organic for treating bowel problems and helps to improve the actual disease fighting capability. It may also help to further improve digestive function along with clean this digestive tract. Its utilized to cure coughs, pains,

stomach problems, diabetic issues, melanoma, headaches and also arthritis. However, nevertheless, there a variety of benefits associated with this Aloe grow there may also be unwanted side effects if the Aloe Vera juice will be eaten inside an excess quantities, for instance stomach cramping pains, diarrhoea as well as lack of fluids. It is additionally appropriate anybody who is definitely pregnant to not consume Aloe vera. (***Home Remedies for Acne)
259. Artichoke Facial: 1 fresh artichoke heart well cooked or canned hearts in water, not oil 2 tsp. light oil (avocado, olive, or canola) 1 tsp. vinegar or fresh lemon juice In a ceramic bowl mash artichoke heats and mix with oil and vinegar. Stir well until smooth paste. Massage on face and neck. let sit 10 to 15 minutes. rinse off with warm water and pat dry. 260. AVOCADO MASK (conditions and prevents dryness) 1/2 ripe avocado 1 egg white Mash avocado into a thick paste. Add egg white. Apply to face; leave on 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. 261. AVOCADO MASQUE (for dry skin) 1/2 ripe avocado 1 tsp. vegetable oil Mash avocado into a paste and add vegetable oil. Apply to clean skin. Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. 262. AVOCADO-BANANA MASQUE (for dry or sensitive skin) 1/4 mashed ripe avocado 1/2 mashed ripe banana 2 T. plain yogurt (not low-fat) 1 tsp. wheat germ oil Mix all ingredients. Apply mixture to face and leave on 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. 263. Avocado & Honey Moisturizer Mask (For Dry Skin) Mash up 2 tablespoons avocado, mix with 2 tablespoons honey and 1 egg yolk. Apply to face, leaving on about 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Finish with a rinse of the vinegar pH balancer. 264. Avocado Honey Mask #2 (For Dry Skin) Peel one ripe avacado, mash the meat into a creamy texture. Heat over a double boiler until just warm,iIncorporate 1 Tbsp of honey. Massage into the face and neck. Finish with a rinse of rosewater, witch hazel or vinegar pH balancer. 265. Banana Mask Mash a banana and spread on face for a soothing, cleansing and moisturizing face mask. Rinse celan with warm water finished with a rinse of the vinegar pH balancer. 266. Banana Facial

take one banana, one cup of oatmeal, and just enough milk to create a paste. apply to face and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. This is great for dry skin and is also a good exfoliater. 267. Banana Supreme Facial 2 medium bananas honey (optional) mash bananas with a fork do not over mash or it will be runny. add honey, if desired. smooth over skin, let sit 10 minutes rinse off with cool water. 268.Blemished Skin Mask 1 tomato, ripe, chopped 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 TBSP. instant style oatmeal or old fashioned rolled oats Blend everything until just combined. apply to the skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay on the blemished areas. If necessary add a little more oatmeal to thicken the mask, then scrub it off with a washcloth dipped in warm water. 269. Brewers Yeast Mask (For Oily Skin) Make a paste using the yeast and a small amount of warm water.

Guacamole Face Mask

1 Ripe Avocado 1 Egg White room temperature 1 Tsp Lemon JuiceDirection Mix the ingredients together well. You can use the whisk to whip it if you dont want clumps. Scoop one tablespoon at a time and apply evenly on clean face, avoiding the eyes. Let it dry for about 30 minutes. Rinse your face thoroughly with warm water. *CAUTION with ANY scrubs or masks, test it in a small area first to make sure you are not sensitive to it. It your skin turns red, rinse the area with mild soap with luke warm water.*

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