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architecture du mouvement en faveur de la salubrité domestique SORPUS SANUM IN DOMO SANO he Architecture of the Domestic Sanitation Movement 1870-1914 F *RE CANADIEN D'ARCHITECTURE/CANADIAN CENTRE FOR ARCHITECTURE Larchitecture du mouvement en faveur de la salubrité domestique CORPUS SANUM IN DOMO SANO The Architecture of the Domestic Sanitation Movement 1870-1914 Du 13 novembre 1991 au 16 fewer 1992 + 13 November 1991 10 16 Febrvory 1992 CENTRE CANADIEN D’ARCHITECTURE/CANADIAN CENTRE FOR ARCHITECTURE SEF exposition Corpus sanum in domo sano ; Lrchitectre do moovement on faveur de a solubrté domestque, 1870-1914, présontée ou Centre Canadien d’Arcitectue [CCA & Montéal ddu 13 novembre 1991 cu 16 fever 1992, 0 &% orgarisée par ‘Annmarie Adams, coaservarice invite, avec eide de Rovernary Haddad, iblithécoire associée du CoA Treduction kangsive © Cente Conacien Architecture / Canadian Cente for Architecture, Montel, 1991 Tous droit réservés Imprimé ev Canada les photogrophias de reproduction sont lcouvre des Services photographiques du CCA Issn 0920785015 Depa égal: 4° rimecto 1991 Biblithque nationale du Canada Bialithque nofionala du Québac Responsoble de léition : Christine Dufiesne Responsable do le production : Den's Hunter Traducion : Cothetine Roborge kavision = Manedosée Arcond Inaitement de texte: Jooslyne Gervais, Elyse Murphy Conception graphique : Glenn Galuska En couverture = Coups d'un logement avec femme et enfont! morirant a tompératre de fair 45 dans lexposton Tha exibition Corpus Serum in Dome Sano: The Architecture cf the Damestic Sanitation Movemen, 1870-1814 , shown Jn Morea athe Cenadian Cente fer Archteckre [CCA from 18 November 1991 0 16 Fabroary 1972, was curated by Annmerie Adem, gueetcuroor, ond Rosemary Hackdad, Associate Uloation, CCA, © Cone Canadien drchiectre/ Conadion Centr for Architchire, Manto, 191, All igs reserved Printed in Carat ‘All copy photographs by CCA Fhotogranhic Sarvicos. Isan avzoresiis Legal depasis: 4h quarter, 190 National brary of Conode Bibliotheque naionole du Québec Project Elton: Christine Dufresne reduction Coordinator: Denis Hunt Eitor: Peter Smith Word Processing: Jocelyne Gervais, Elyse Murphy Devign: Glenn Goluska Cover: Section with Woman and Child Showing Aie Tempetatve (ro. 45 In exhibition) Table des matiéres Preface 5 Corpus sanum in domo sano : Varchitecture . So seule contribution, soulentele, est davoir «fit le rapporl entre le métophore ot les fils scionifiques?">. Celle analogie corpmaison établie par les médecins parisans de la llustations of buildings based on this physiological model appeared to a lay audience os much more scien tfc than traditional erchiteciural drawings, revealing the dsease-idden drains and pipes that, as Teale poink ted ov, offen passed unnoticed in the real world because they ere out of sigh The distinctions between house and body became blurred in the 1870s and 1880s by doctors who also em ployed the reverse metaphor, explaining the body in ferms ofthe hovse. ln the popular physiology textbook The Marvels of Our Bodily Dwelling (1899), physician Mary WoodAllen began, "lat us study the body as a house in which we dwell here on earth, « house created by divine Architect, ited up with every comfor, di vided into meny rooms, each with is own eppropriale furniture and adapted fo its own especial use. tis 0 becutf building, more exquisitely adorned than any siructie of man’s creation."®° WoochAllen pushed the housebody metaphor fo on exreme, stating that the idea was not original, but “es old as literature.” Her personal contribution, she maintained, was that she had “united metashor with scientific facts.“ This merging ofthe body and house by physicions active in he Domestic Sanitaion Movement depended on faith in the visible relationship ofthe environment to heolh There was sil, othe fime of he Domestic Sonitation Movement, widespread disagreement over the exact nature of disease transmission. The miasma theory held that infection was generated spontaneously in sewage or fill and was then transported by foul air. Followers of this popular theory believed houses could absorb theso| miasmas and then releose them, poisoning the occu- pants. The miasmatisis’ concem for ventilation is reflected in period images ofthe sick, particularly tuberculosis patients, who were nearly always shown in cose proxim- ily on opon window (fig. 4). Cantagionite, on tho other hand, insisted disease was accommodated in or ganisms and passed by direct contact. Not surprisingly the contagionist concentrated ther reform efforis on problems associated with overcrowding * Both theories, inspited a nearobsession with drainage, and exponents of each saw on improved domestic environment as a form of preventive medicine Both the “diagnosis” and “regulation” of domestic archiecture fell o middle-class women ™ They were the Figure 4 Sick Cheamber (Une chambve 3 7° 10 dans texpeston Sik Chambr fo. 10 in exhibition hepia— Bibliotheque Fue doa Prairie 4.1202 1 (0120 54 16 solubrité domestique se fonde sur la cenitude quis ont de Fexistonce d'un lien tangible entre Fenvizonnement ela santé. A cette spoque, les modes de transmission de a maladie sont loin de faire consensus”. Les tenants de Ja théorie des miasmes croient que 'infection nat spon: tanément dans les Sgouts ou les saletés pour éte en- suile ransportée par Iirvieig ils cont porsuadés que los maison absorbent les miasmes et las rejettent dans lair, cempoisonnant ainsi es occuperts. Les «miasmatistes> s‘inguigient de la bonne aération des pices, comme le prowent des images de lépoque oti on voit des mo- fades, en particulier des tuberculeux, presque loujours installs 6 proximité d'une fenéire ouverte (fig. 4). Les contagionnistes, par conire, seutiennent que la maladie est logée dans lorganisme et se transme! par contact direct. Il est donc noturel quil sfforcent de résoudre les problémesliés au surpauplament®. Les doux thécries présentent amelioration de lenvironnemen! domestique comme une forme de médecine prévenive et engendrent ‘une quasi obsession au sje! des canalisations. Ce sont les femmes de Ia classe moyenne qui héritent du ediagnostics et du xconkle» de la salubrité domes tique%, Elles sont les ollges les plus sores des hygié- nistes & cause de leur connaissance présumée de la construction de leur maison. «les hommes de la maizon vont et viennent; is sont peu au fait des taches méno- _gbtes, se fen! & ce quion leur dit el ne son! pratiquement doucun secourse, offirme Richardson, «Les femmes con- naissent tous les recoins du logis, dela cave au grenier ‘et cest dans leurs connaissances, leur sagesse et leur habileté que le médecin place ses expoirs%.» Mim Harriette Plunkett, une des rares femmes & éerive sur Vhygine, afirme que si les femmes et los plombiers fasaient leur devoir, on ntzurait pas besoin des méde- cins. Sa sphére de resporsabilié,affirmeelle ou svjet de la ménagére, commence Id oi le branchement lea et légout de la maison communiquent avec les conduites dou de la ville et, en ce qui concerns Ihy- iene, sorréte av sommet de la buse Faération la phos Glevée sur le toi.» MAM Plunket! exhort les femmes 4 s'loigner des comportement traditionnels qui es tempéchent de comprondre «les complexités de la plom- bere», Elle ojoute: al n'y a rien en hygidne que la femme ne puisse comprendre2» Dons les années 1880 et 1890, les ovrages exp quan! oux femmer les régles de hygine se muliplent doctors! mest trusted allies in the Domestic Sanitation ‘Movement because of a supposed Familiarity with the corchitecture of home, “The men ofthe house come and 90; know litle of the ins ond outs of anything domestic; ‘ore guided by what they ore told, and are proctically ‘of no assistance whotever,” claimed Richardson, “The ‘women ore conversant with every nook of the dwelling, from he basement fo rool, and on their knowledge, -wiseem, and skill the physician rests his hopes.” Mrs Harriett Plunket, one of the few women fo write about sanitaion, claimed that if women and plumbers did their whole duties, there would be no need for doctors. “Her sphere,” she claimed of the homemaker, "begins where the service-pipe for water and the house-drain enter ihe sreet-mains, and, as far as sanitary plumbing goes, it ends ot the top of he highest venilting-pipe above the rook "2* Mrs Plunkatt pleaded with women to break out of old fashioned roles that assumed they could not understand “complicated piping.” “There is nothing in hygiene," Mrs Plunksit claimed, “tht she ean not compehend."?” ‘A ooliferaion of books and articles writen by the Domestic Sanitarions oppeared in the 1860s and 1890s in both England and the United State inthis effort to explo sonitation fo women25 Exper lpicelly recom- mended a series of simple tests for the maintenance of a healty house fig. 51. Drainage could be checked, for example, by running peppermint cil into the main drain from outside a building. Ia minty smell wore detected inside, the house was unsonitary. Ventilation, oir tert porate, humidity, cnd water purification were also to be regulated by women.” One test for cir quality was to hold « candle atthe keyhole of an interior door. A flickering flame indicated “drainderived” air, belioved by some physicians o cause diptheria, typhoid, as well €3 the mysterious “sewer-ir fever."2 Interest in domestic sanitation reached its opex atthe Inferrational Health Exhibition, held in London in 1884 (fig. 4. “The Hecltheres,” as the fair was called at the ime, was iniended by its promoters to celebrate internar ional progress in the scientific study of heolth. Attracting €on asonishing erowd of more than four milion visitors, the foir was o testament fo the public's fascination with the new fold of “sanitary scionco,” as wall asc lestoment to Vieorian faith in the power of spaces and objects to improve public heath cen Angleterre et aux Etats Unis? En général, les hygié- nisles recommandent deffectuer de simples verifications pour essurer la solubrité de la maison (fig. 5. On peut par exemple vérifier les canalisations on versant do Fessence de menthe dans le drain collecteur @ Vextériaur dd la maison. Si fedeur de la menthe est detec & Vinériur, cela signifie que fa maison es insolubre. Les formas doivent aussi surveller la ventilation, a tempéra- ture de Yair ambiant, lo dogré d’humidité ot la purete de Feau®. Pour vérfier la qualité de Fair, on ant une bougie devant le trou de serrure d'une des portes 6 Vintérieur doe maison. Une flame vacilante indique Un air on provenance des canclisations, que certains rmédecins estiment are & Forigine de la diphtri, de la typhoide ot de la mystriause eibvre des égouls™s Uintérét pour la solubrité domestique culmine en 1884, tennée de Exposition inlornationae sur la santé fen ¢ Londres (fig. 6]. Appelée The Healtheries,Yexpostion doit, selon ses promoteurs,célébrer les progrés accom plis, &Yéchelle mondiole, dens la recharche su la science de Ihygiéne. Provoquert une affluence inotton- due de plus de quaire millions de perseanes, exposition tamoigne de la fascination du public pout hygiano, cette nouvelle branche du savoir, et rend comple de la confiance aecordée, é lépoque viclorionne, aux espaces et aux objels dans famélioration de le santé publique exposition, ilva sans die, serve une place in pottante 6 larchileeture domestique : on y monire deux ‘maquettes en coupe représentant un logement salubre et ‘un logement insalubre. Lune roproduit une maison ard naire et laut, une maison oméliorée; sufisamment spaciouses pour qu'on puisse y pénétrer, elles sont congue pour suscitr Vinquibhide do vsiour, en raison e lour ressemblance avec son propre lev d habitation” «Comment cola peutil dle noci, fait vemarquer un vis tour, nous avons exactement le méme type de choses chez nous et ce nest pas malsain®!> La présentation laisse méme entendre que lerchitecte ov le plombier peut voir & dassein caché dans les murs des éléments nocifs pour empoisonner les occupants de la maison. Beaucoup de préoccupations acluslls concernant la santé font écho aux hypathases des hygi6nistos britanniques du XX siéle, Le débat sur le «synctrome des immeubles hermétiquet» ~ un ensemble de maladies Qui seroient engendrées par les tours de bureaux et ‘outres bétiments modemes ~ rappelle 6 bien des égards ‘tertiles rea ayer yk BoStananes sede trnraton sf onto Jot ‘oni te secre sie ma wo did seers wc ft ao he Spor Sk hub sn rome opt more oe ‘ing to Se wie te pe stl gu to Subtutny njes tal ace i oapiea tation ore {iv by eto he “ily vi gh wh adrian ar jan ata ae ta emt opblat senng ‘Eat entieg pags cen Wray, Sha and “tetany tol Le etna ab lags a ar “A onda Bow Fe et ani ft wre bee spt bonne ee ‘SoeNoace ant So isha wa am for ‘Wofenk oe eho cede Sakon ong ilk Peet te ruonpe te toe Png the {Ecce ot Sct he made an ening So the lp, ‘Seed cay ye ov td fared ge ma (Gemeente coer py and ek Figure 5 Inetuetion données aux femmes srl fopon do veri Ibeméicte dura corelzation: 1 de Women, Plmbees, ond Doclrs ey, Household Senitaton In? 36 dans Fexpotion Instuctione is Woman to Dac the Escape of Sewer Ges from an mproparly Sind ont; om Women, Flimbos, ‘and Dactors 2, Household Santon |no. 36 In exhibition tt los forces destructrices aibuées, & 'époque vicorienne, ‘ux maisons et aux viles#2, Mme la symptomatologie castociée & lomplo’ de certains matérioux, comme le formaldehyde, roppelle les problémes de santé cavsée por l'vilsation de popier peint contenant de arsenic, les canalisations sanitaire sons siahon et la mauvaise ventilation das maisons consults au sicle derniee lo recherche de batiments solubres dans un esprit «envi ronnementals & Vhonneur oujourd’hu, loin dtr issue comme on Ia souvent pensé dela erze de énergie des années 70, es on réalité antérieure de plusieurs décen- nis & Varchitectore moderne ‘Avjourd'hui, comme & lépoque vietorienne, la pet= coption du corps humain oriente notre compréhension de Farchitacturo. En effet, ce nest qu'en reconstivant los limites mouventos entre le corps, la pice, la maison st la vill que nous reussrors & mieux comprendre los complexités de la vie urbana Not surprisingly, domestic orchitecture was the subject ‘of a majer display at he fair Sonitary and insanitary Dwelings. Tio models shown in section represented an improved and an ordinory house, and ‘heir relationship to health. The models were sufciently lage to allow Visitors fo move through them, iniended fo incite fear by their resemblance tothe feirgoer's own house. "How can tat be unheclthy?" remarked a visitor. “We have ‘exectly the some kind of thing in our house, ond that is, rat utheaithy!"S? The architect or plumber, the exhibit warned by implication, may have hidden such insanitory dotoil inthe walls, knowingly poitoning the inhabitants ‘Many of today’s health concers echo the assumptions made by the Domestic Sonitarians. Our current debate over ‘sickbuilding syndrome” — modern buildings thot tnintentionally generate illnesses ~ recalls in many ways the destructive powers altibutod by Victorians fe houses, and cities * Even the medical symptoms arising from the use of modern building materials fike formaldehyde rerenble the health probloms associoled withthe or senical wallpapers, unlrapped drains, ond poor veniilo- tion of houses bull a century ago. An “environmental” copprcach fe health thus predates modern orchitecture by several decades, rather than emerging, as is offen im- plied, from the energy crise of the 1970s, In Victorian times, os well as today, perceptions ofthe body illuminate significant notions abou! architecture. Iris only by reconstructing he shifing boundaries between the body, the room, the house, and the city that we can begin o understand the complexities of urban lif ISTH EDITION | Wrr COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS AND PLAN, Figure 6 Guide octal de /Expasivon [r= 11 dans Fespeation| The Inerationel Heath Exhistion Offciol Guide (no. 1 in eaten 9 20 “eimereis remoxcier le Conzil de recherches en sciences hunaines du Conade et le dapartemen! darciectre de lo Univetsly of California, Berkeley, de mova accord les bourses ce doctorat qu miont parm’ de fire cate recherche; le porsonnel de la Faweete Lirry, dea British Archvtectural Library ot du Wellcame Inte forthe History of Medicina de Londres, de ks biliothéque de Université MeGil et de lo biblicthque du Centre Cenadion d’Archiechve, & Monreal, de leur soutien dans lo localsation de documents bs cificles dceds; du CCA, toujeurs, Maha Borzon, Jenifer Covdlle, Rosomary Hodded et beaucoup dauiroe qu m’ont aida & menor & bien co projet Eve Blau, Erie Sandwoies of Del Upton, des commentaires élairs qu'ls on! evs 6 la lecture des premiéres Soauches de mon txt; enfin, les gens de FUnivarsié MeGil, en poriculer ls professeurs de Ecole dorchacetre, le personnal eles studios, Noney Tomes « constoté ce phénoméine dans son onalyse histericemédicale dy mouvernent américain en faveur de fo sclubré domesique. Voir Noney Tomes, n ‘MeGil University licories, Mone | Honry Hetshowne (United Stats; 1825-1897). Our Homes Priladolphia: Posey Bia’son, 1880 Frontispiece. Hygela, Goddess of Heat, Relic! block. 19 Joseph Fronklin Pery (United Sttes;143-). HYeath in Our Homes. Boston: Thayer Publishing Compory, 1887, Cover. 20 Benjamin Ward Richardson (England; 1828-1894) Hygeie, 0 City of Health, london: Necrlla, 1676 Tite page, McGill University Libraries, Moniroa 2) The Lorest London. New Series Volume 1 {1887} Pages 252-253. Plans of Houses Showing Spread of ‘Childbed Favar. Rei block McGill University libraries, Montroa 22 Jobn James Drysdale (Angltaree; xix sca et John Williams Hoyward (Angler; 1822-2]. Heal and Comfort Jn House Building, londees,E. and EN. Spon, 1876 Dewsieme éditan Derniére planche. Coupe de ka maison #2 consume 4 liverpool en 1867 par fe médlecin | W. Hayward. litogrophia, Kol Brother BibliothSquos de [Université McGil Montréal 23 John James Drysdale Angletere;x0t~sécle} el John Willans Hayword (Angletere; 1822-2). Haoth and Comfort Jn House Building, Londres, F. and EN, Spon, 1872. Poge de ite BiblothSques de [Univ McGill, Monta Vitrine § : La métaphore corps-maison 24 Mary Wood Allen (EatsUnis; 1841-1908). The Marvels ‘of Our Bodily walling. Ann Atber, Wood Allen Publishing Company, 1699. Portat on fronispico of page de tir, Simligravere ef impression ‘ypographique. Biblcthaques de I Université McGil, Montréal 25 George Henry Lewes (Angleterre; 1817-1878. The Physiology ‘of Common Life. Edimbourgh a Londres, Blackwood, 1859. Page 220. Dessin en coupe monirant le tube digest d'un chien, Forme en rele. Biblothdques do [Université MeGil, Montréal 26 Franeis Sibson Angletere; 1814-1976). Medical Anatomy, 6% Hlustations of the Relive Position ond Movements ‘of tho Intra! Organs. Londres, Churchill 1869. Planche 1. Dissection du buste d'un homme de 37 ans ‘mort dy cholo, Lihogrophia coloriée de Huimardel and Welton, feprés un dessin su piarra de Wiliam Fairlane. BiblcthSque de médecine, Univesity of Manitoba, Winnipeg 27 Semuel Stevens Hellyor [Angletorro?; acif ent 1875 11900). The Phmber ond Sanitary Hovtes Londres, B.T, Basford, 1887. Quatiéme én, Plonche 1. Coupe d'une motion montrant es instlltions seniors, hotalihogrephie 22 John James Drysdole (England; 1th cenury} and John Yilioms Hayward (Englend; 1828.8). Hecth and Camlod! in Houte Balding, london: E. and FN. Spon, 1876. Second ediion, las pate, Section of House No, 2, built in Uverpoo! in 837 by LW. Haywr, Physician. lihogroph by Koll Brokers, McGill Unversity Ubraries, Mentracl 23 John Jomes Drysdole (England; 18th cenkuty} and John Williams Hayward (Englord 1828-8). Heoth ond Comin In Houee Building, Landon: E. ond FN. Spon, 1872, Tile pege. ‘McGill University Libraries, Menirea (Case 5: The House/Body Metaphor 24 Mary WeodsAllen (United Soles; 1841-1908). The Marvels ol Our Bodlly Dwaling. Ann Arbor: Wood Allen Publishing Compory, 1899 Frontispioce porrait ord file page. Rai halftone and letorpress, ‘McGill Univers Librvios, Montreal 25 Grorge Henry Lewes [England 1817-1678). The Physiology ol Common life, Edinburgh and lendon: Blackwood, 859, Poge 290. Sectional Drawing Showing the Digesive System of 9 Dog. Ree block ‘MeGill University Libraries, Mente 26 Francis Sioson (England; 1814-1874), Medical Anotomy, 0, Masratons of he Relative Postion ond Movements of the Ingsna! Organs. london: Churchil, 1869. Plate 1. Dicsection of the Upper Body of 37: Year-Old Man Who Died of Cholera, Hend:coloved lithograph preted by Hullmandel and Walton afer @ drawing on stana by Wiliam Feirlond ‘Medical Librory, University of Manitoba, Winsipeg 27 Samuel Stevens Hellyar England Active last quorier Ist cenur|. the Plmbar end Sanitary Hovres leaden: B11. Botsord, 1867, Fourh edition, Plate 1. House Saction Showing Sonitory Systems Pretolibegeeph Vitrine 6 : Le guide pratique de la maison salubre 28 Bovtoile essence de menthe uiliséo pour décslr es clefectostés des condvits evacuation et des callecteurs principaux Préparation, C. Lewis, pharmacien-chimiste; distibué por la 1. Eoton Drug Company, Toronto, Vos 1910. ‘Annmarie Adams, Montréal 29 Chandelier en cuive e sighon en plomb utliés pour verifier herméticté de canalisasins Chandelier en cue, hovtour 25,5 em (Angleterr, ver 1875} Resemary Haddad, Montéel Siphon an plomb, hovteur 33,5 cm, largeur 24,5 em [Wolkervila, Ontario, vers 1900), McHenry Plimbing lne., Moria 0 Botte en fer blanc contenant des posillos désodovisantas. Hauieur 3,5 cm, diame 7 em, Préparation, Baver and Block, Chicago, New York, Toronto Vers 1900, Annmarie Adams, Montéel 3 Wilom 8, Moguire (rlande; XX" sce). Domestic Sanitary Drainage ond Plumbing. Londres, Kegan Paul, Tench, Tbner ‘and Compony, 190, Poges 194-195. Apparail sevant & vériior ot notoyer loz ‘gous. Forme en relief et impression ypographique. Biliotheques de IUniversié MeGil, Morita a Sic Shirley Forsior Murphy [Angloierro; 1848-1923), directour (Our Homes, ond How to Moke Them Heol. Londtes, Cossel ‘ond Company, 1683, Fronispice ot page de tire. Yue d'une matsan montant lo toon de conelistions, Grow sur bois en coviauts, 3 Dovid S. Hopkins (Fos Un's: XIX side, concopteyr ‘dite. Houses and Cottages: a Celloction of House and Cotage Designs Containing 57 Designs Costing from $1600 {9 $2,500. Book no. 7. Grand Rapid, Michigan. 1893 Poge 121, Publicité do latrines, Impression typogrophique. 34 Groupe de quate ovvroges pratiques & usage des ropristores, Etandus linoire des outages 7,5 cm; bouleur du plus grond 19,5 em. 1074 1866, Plsieurs cuteurs et éeteus d Angleterre et es ElatsUnis, ‘Annmarie Adams et biblothique du CCA, Montréal Case 6: “How-to” Have a Healthy House 29 28 at of Pope Ud Show ain nope sulpes nd Dr Pept by ois, horrocelel he powed by be Faun v9 Comeny, eon eve ‘Annmarie Adoms, Monte! 28 Bross Condlestik ond lead Drum Trap Showing How 1 Detect the Escape of Sewer Gas from an Improperly Seoled Joint, Brass condlostck,haight 25.5 em (England, ca. 1875) Rosemary Haddad, Mertreal lead drum wap, height 33.5 cm, wich 24.5 em (Wolkenvile, Onton, co. 1900), ‘McHenry Plumbing ne,, Monteel 10 Tin of Room Deodborier Postils Height 3.5 em, diameter 7, Preparation by Bavar and Black, Chicago, New York, Toxonto, Ca, 1900. Annmarie Adams, Montreal 31 Wiliam R, Moguite (reland; 19th cantury]. Domestic Sonitary Orainage and Plombing. London: Kegan Foul, Trench, Tbner and Campary, 19 Pages 194-195, Devices for Testing and Cleaning Drains. Relief biock ond lee press. ‘MeGil Universiy Ubrories, Montreal 82 Sir Shiroy Forte Murphy (Englord 1048-1923, edo (ur Homes, and Haw to Mat Them Healthy. Londen: CCossall and Compo 1883. Frontispiece end tle poge. View of@ Terrace House, ‘Showing Drainage Systm, Colou woad engraving 33 Dovid §. Hopkins (United Siete; 1h contury), designer ‘ond publisher, Houses and Catcges: a Collection of House ‘nd Cottage Designs Contoinina 37 Dasians Costing from '9,600 t0 $2,500. Book no, 7. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 93, Page 121. Advotisemen fr am Ecrth Closet leterpress, 24 Group of Four Advi Books for Housholders. Linear meaturament of standing books 7-5 em; height of falls 19.5 em. 1974-1000, Various English ond American ‘outhorscnd publishes ‘Annmarie Adams and CCA Ubrory, Monreo| 30 85 George Edwin Waring (EratsUnis; 1833-1898). How to Drain «House: Practica! Infrmanon for Householders. Naw York, Henry Holt and Company, 185. Couverture, 36 Hatriete Merrick Hodge Plunket {BoteUn's; 1825-2), Women, Plumbers, and Dectors er, Household Sanitation, Now York, . Appleton ond Compeny, 1285 Couverture. Raccorl lsjoint ene le you de descent a ie siphon, 37 Thomas Pridgin Teale ngletere; 1831-1923). Dangers Je Health: A Petrol Guide to Domestle Sanity Defect Londkas, J. ord J. Church 1878, Couverture. fe! pour vérfer "hermit dune conalzation. 8 Helen Chomberin Dodd fats Unis; 1874-2}, the Heothut Farmhouse. Boston, Whitcomb and Barra, 1908, Pages vil-ix. Suggestions foes ¢ fa fermidre pour rendre 52 maison solubre, Forme en reel lecotype) Boston Publi library Vittine 7 : Des solutions ’ensemble 29 Miran Pevovich Nadiein (Russe; actif 8 Sain-Péiersbourg fenre 1875 et 1900), New Apporatis for House and Cy Sanitation end Economical Conolization. Chieoge, Werk’ Columbien Exposition, 1693, Couverture, 40 Smead Warming and Vanilting Company, Botan, fabricart 1 bdieut, Smead System of Warming, Vanlating and Dry Closets, Boston, Poss of George H. Elis, 1891 Couvecue 4 Robe Boyle and Son, Londeos, fbricant ot édiour Tha Beyle System of Ventilation, Lerdres, 1900, Pages 58-59. Yes on coupe dune maiton monant ka ventilaion, Forme en aie et inpresson pogranhique 42. Grogron Bonnar |Angltere2; actif anes 1875 ot 1990) Wholesome Houses: A Hanabock of Demoaic Sonitation and Ventition. Londres, Edward Stanford, 1882. Nouvelle 6 revise, Poge 37 la réseau do conalisotions Banner compard & une Insiafonion courante, Forme en rei. 35 George Edin Waring (Unite Stotes; 1833-1893). How: 19 Drain a House: roctica Information for Householders Now York: Henry Holt and Company, 185, Cover 36 Hartete Merrick Hodge Plinta (United totes: 1826-8. Women, Plumbers, and Doctors or, Housshold Sartoion New York: B. Applaton ond Company, 1885, Cover, Missed Connection Between SoiPipe ond Trap. 37 Thomas Pridgin Teale {England 1881-1928). Dongers 15 Health: A Pictorial Guide to Domestic Sanitory Defects lerdon: J. end J. Churchill, 1678, Cover. Tst io Detoa the Escape of Sewer Gas fom an Inpropary Saclod Jin. 438 Helen Chambecin Doda [United States; 1874-4). The Hoatifl Farmhouse. Solan: Wicoma ond Barrows, 906, ages vie, Suagested Changes « FammbousaInerior 1D be Made by o Formers Wil. 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The Banner Systm of House Drainage Compored with “the Ordinary Method.” Relief block, 43 Duthorn House Drainage Company, Naw York, febricont et Sditur, The Durham Potont Syston af Seraw jain ton House Drainage. New York, De Vinne Press, 1889, Pages 16:17. Vue en coupe d'une maison mentrant un ésnou ce canalizonons Durham. Forty en relist st impression yosgrophique. 44 Robert Boyle and Sen, Londres, fabricant e! menufachries Natural and Arificiol Maths of Vetlation. Londres, 189 Supplément, page v. Yoo en coupe dun hépital montant la ventilation. Cheomel tographie. 45 Raton Ventilating end Heating Company, Chicago, éliteur Cus Hlusating the Vorious Systems of Vemioting and Heating, Chicogo, 1878. Planche 2. Coupe d'un logement avec femme et enfant rmonron! la température de lait, Chromalihogrephie de Shobsr ond Corquevile, Chicago, dapeés un dessin de WJ, Edovooke,architecte, Chicago 48 Eoenezer Hovwo'd (Angler; 1850-1928}, Tomorrow ‘A Peccolil Poth to Roo! Reform. Landeos, Swon Sonrensensin ‘ond Company, 1698 Planche 6. Schima montran! le éseau dalimentation en eau une cite jardin,Photelthagrapie en coulurs, 48 Duham House Drainage Compony, New York, men fectsrer cn gubizher. The Durham Patent Systm of Seraw. Joint ron Howe Drainage. New Yer: De Vinne Press, 1869. Pages 16-17. House Section Shoning Broinoge by Durham ‘Syne. Rll block and leterpress +44 Robert Boyle and Sen, London, manufactror and publisher, Natural and Arifcia! Methods of Ventiotion London, 189. Supplement, page v. Hospital Sectin Showing Ventilation. CChremolthograph 45 Ruitan Ventilating and Heating Company, Chicago, publisher. Cuts Hustrating the Voriaus Systems of Venilorng and Heating. Chicago, 1878 Plote 2. Section with Women and Child Showing Air Temperature. Chromolthograph by Shebec ond Cerquavillo, Chicago, afer a drawing by WJ. Edbrooks, Architec, Chicago. 48 Ebenezer Howard (England 1850-928). Tomoerow: ‘A ecco Path te Real Reform. 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