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Retailers Questionnaire

Name of the Store: ___________________________

Location: _______________________________
Contact No: _____________________________
Type of store
a) Stationary store [ ] b) Department Store [ ] c) Supermarket [ ] d) Malls [ ]
e) Others______________
Average monthly Sales:
a) Less than 1 lakh [ ] b) 1-3lakh [ ] c) 3-5lakh [ ]
d) 5-10 lakh [ ] e) above 10 lakhs [ ]
Q1) In which price range you Sell maximum Notebooks ?
a) Less than 7 [ ] b)7-10 [ ] c)10-15[ ]
d)15-25 [ ] e)Above 25 [ ]
Q 2) Which type of pen you sell the most?
a) Ball Pen [ ] b) Gel Pen [ ]
c) Ink Pen [ ] d) Premium pen [ ]
Q3) Maximum sales under the price range between Rs5-Rs.20 are for which brand of pens? (Rank
in order of sales)
(a) Classmate [ ] (b) Reynolds[ ]
(c) Cello[ ] (d) Lexi [ ] e)Linc [ ] f)Flair[ ]
(g) Others[ ] (please specify)___________
Q4)-Sales of pens between the ranges of Rs5-Rs.20 is high during which period of time? (a)
High during exams [ ] (b) Stable throughout the year [ ] (c) When new
Schemes are introduced[ ]. (d) School opening time[ ]
Q5)-Please tick the brands of pen you keep in your store
a) Classmate [ ] b) Reynolds[ ] c) Cello[ ] d) Lexi [ ]
e) Linc [ ] f)Flair[ ] g) Italia[ ] h)Lexor [ ] i)Win[ ]
Q6)-When people buy pens what among the following options do they prefer?
a )Smoothly writing [ ] b)Grip[ ] c)Price[ ]
d)Long-Life [ ] e)Brand Name [ ] d)Looks[ ]
Q7 ) Your influence towards customer in their buying decision?
a)High b)Average c)Low d)Nil
Q8) What motivate you to push the products more to customers?
a) High margin [ ] b)Schemes[ ] c)Quality of products [ ]
d) Others__________
Q9) How often you replenish your stocks?
a)every week[ ] b)once in two week[ ] c) once in a month [ ]
Q10)Do you think buying decision are influenced by In-Shop advertisements?
a) Yes [ ] b) No[ ]
If Yes, Which influences the most?
a)Posters [ ] b) Hoardings[ ]c)Pen Stands[ ] d)Stickers
Q11) For non-brand loyal customers, which brand you suggest most?
a) Classmate [ ] (b) Reynolds[ ]
(c) Cello[ ] (d) Lexi [ ] e)Linc [ ] f)Flair[ ]
Q12) What make you to do so?
a)High margin[ ] b)Schemes[ ]c)Quality of products[ ]
d)Brand image [ ] others[ ] ____________
Q13)Do you have classmate pen in your store?
a) Yes [ ] b) No[ ]
If Yes
What makes classmates to sell more?
a) Improve quality b) better margin c) more advertisement
d) Better availability e) others_____________
If No
Are you interested to sell classmate pen?
a) Yes [ ] b) No[ ]

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