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Habib Ullah

2nd Hr.

The Inevitable Demise of a Hero

Habib Ullah
2nd Hr.

Montag looked around the desolate landscape of the ruined city. Thinking to himself; he

wonders why such a travesty can be made to occur. They were all people. Thousands perhaps

even millions of people. All vanished with the rockets glare. The people back there probably

would be watching a marvelous spectacle. Yet, they would soon forget about it. Not noting the

tremendous sacrifice of life.

The people in his company soon disperse helping the wounded. Montag sees many

things. People with shattered heads and fractured bones. Rumble and destruction all around. He

makes mental note that this won’t be the last. That he is going to topple this corrupt society.

Weaken the dystopian government… Through a campaign of discrediting the government he

may be able to bring reason to this world. People might care. Heck, he was like one of the sheep.

He was able to change. Perhaps; there are others like him. Others who might just be willing to…

Montag was interrupted from his thoughts by a cry from Granger. “They’re Here!

They’re Here! Follow me!” The smell of kerosene rose, and the frightening thunder claps of

gunshots roared. Montag and his companions started running. They were joined by the denizens

of the city. It was a bloody evil trick. Capturing the rescuers that attempted to save the citizens.

One by one everyone was picked off. Montag ran but as he ran a person by him fell. “In here!”

shouted Granger who was at a manhole. He jumped in and so followed a couple more people.

But just as he climbed down the one of the two ladders; Granger shut it. “Shouldn’t we save the

rest?” “No, if they see we’re down here they’ll kill us all!” Shouted Granger.

Montag was tired of running away. He was tired of being a pawn to the system. It was

time to fight back. The counteract starts now. He opened the manhole cover amid shouts of

“Your crazy!” He ran forward and slammed his body into the nearest solider. He fell and Montag

picked up his gun readying to fire. This was something the soldiers didn’t expect. They were
Habib Ullah
2nd Hr.

shocked for a brief minute. Just enough time for the squadron to be eliminated by Montag. He

started ducking and trying to provide return fire. The other survivors seeing his futile act as the

only option for survival; gathered behind him and started to grab weapons from the fallen

soldiers. They charged together in unison. With this act; within the day the soldiers were all

captured or eliminated. There were great casualties during the fight but many less if they didn’t

fight back. The reason why they won? The soldiers never witnessed such an event happening.

They also didn’t perceive the concept of what was happening beside them. This concept was

called death.

After this brave charge, Montag made a speech. “It is time to act! You have all saw what

happened today! They can and will be beat! I am Guy Montag and I’ve managed to evade them

easily as a fugitive. Dissent is spreading so it’s now time to act. Strike when their defenses are

the weakest. Rise to the occasion and join me!

The survivors of this battle were tired. The adrenaline that pumped them up earlier was

losing effect. They responded to Montag’s speech as mice. “They only showed up with a small

force” said Granger, “Any larger and we’d be toast.” “It’s best we lay low and abandon our

firearms. Lay in the county carrying out our duties” said another survivor. Montag was appalled

at the lack of conviction among them. They were weak and pathetic. Montag screamed, “What

duties? Slowly withering and dying? We must fight, and I will lead this holy crusade. Don’t fret,

I’ve managed to defeat the mechanical hound and the firemen. We stand a chance!” There was

cries of “He’s right; it’s about time!” It was decided they will fight. They will lay low, recruiting

members and then bring the fight to the government.

Montag lead this revolution. There were many among them who were uncertain about

this. But they were enemies of the government. There was no turning back.
Habib Ullah
2nd Hr.

In the end, Montag was found dead. It was the Granger who did the deed. He had grown

weary of this life. He had decided to kill Montag and go to the capitol and live a life of not

worrying. Plus, he was scared. Scared that this revolution that was born on murder would lead to

even more death. Besides everyone on Earth thinks books are bad; perhaps they really are bad?

Maskioto Ralph was the leader of the rebellion. This was televised. A wigged Montag

whom the people of the revolution recognized but not the citizens of the government. The crimes

of Ralph were televised and made out to be a high crime filled with sin. The people of the

revolution lost hope and gave up their arms in exchange for surrender. Shortly, after that they

were all killed.

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