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Predavanje 8 Le Corbusier 1907-31

Charles Eduard Jeanneret

Le Corbusier (1887-1965)
Objekat platonske forme, pogodan za
beskonacno umnozavanje, stvar iz
svakodnevnog zivota.

…jedino je kubizam uvideo

prednosti odabiranja pojedinih
objekata… Ali sasvim
paradoksalno, umesto da pokaze
generalni princip ovih objekata,
kubizam je pokazao njihove
sporadicne aspekte.
Ozenfant and Jeanneret 1918

Le Corbusier, Nature Morte au Siphon 1921.

Le Corbusier, L'Esprit Nouveau, no.1 (Oct.1920) :
View of two grain silos, Buenos Aires

Le Corbusier, L'Esprit Nouveau, no.1 (Oct.1920).


Charles Eduard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier), Project, Domino housing, Perspective of structural scheme
1914-1915. Project, Domino housing
Perspective of structural scheme 1914-1915.

...Dwellings will incorporate the principle of mass-production and of large-scale industrialization...

Building "to measure" will cease...

Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture (Toward New Architecture), 1921.


Toward a New Architecture, 1923

“all the plastic machinery is realized
in marble with a rigor that we learn to apply
in the machine. The impression is of naked,
polished steel.“

Ka novoj arhitekturi, 1923

...Ako iz srca i iz duse odstranimo sve mrtve

koncepte u vezi sa kucama i razmotrimo to
pitanje sa kriticke i objektivne tacke gledista,
doci cemo do “Kuce masine’, kuce za
masovnu proizvodnju, zdrave (i moralno
takodje) i lepe na isti nacin kao sto su orudja
i pribor za rad koji su deo naseg zivota lepi …
Citroen - Citrohan PILOTIS
House standardized as an automobile

Le Corbusier, Maison Citrohan 1922

Pet tacaka nove arhitekture, 1926

1. Piloti koji podizu masu od zemlje.

2. Slobodan plan, koji se postize

odvajanjem nosecih stubova od
pregradnih zidova.

3. Slobodna fasada, posldica slobodnog

plana u vertikalnoj ravni.

4. Dugacki horizontalni klizeci prozori.

5. Krovna basta, koja nadomescuje prostor

na zemlji pokriven kucom.
Le Corbusier, Worker’s housing at Pessac, 1926.
Le Corbusier, Project, Ville Contemporaine (City for Three Million Inhabitants), Plan 1922.
Le Corbusier, Project, Ville Contemporaine (City for Three Million Inhabitants), Plan 1922.
Le Corbusier, Project, Immeubles-Villas, Perspective of facade formed by stacked modules 1922.
Le Corbusier, Project, Immeubles-Villas, Perspective of facade formed by stacked modules 1922.
CIAM, La Sarraz, 1928

Gradjenjerather than Architecture … je

‘elementarna aktivnost coveka intimno vezana za evoluciju i razvoj ljudskog zivota’
1st ; 2nd & 3rd CIAM 1928-30: Housing
4th-6th CIAM 1933-1947: Urbanism

4th Meeting of CIAM, Marseilles-Athens, 1933

Theme: The Functional City
Le Corbusier, Athens Charter (1942)

Le Corbusire, La Ville Radieuse, 1935.

Le Corbusier, Exposition des Arts Decoratifs 1925. Pavillon de L'Esprit Nouveau, Paris 1925.
PARIS, France.
Le Corbusier, Exposition des Arts Decoratifs 1925. Pavillon de L'Esprit Nouveau, Paris 1925.
PARIS, France.
Le Corbusier, the Four House Types , 1929:

1. Maison La Roche
2. Villa at Garches
3. Villa Baizeau
4. Villa Savoye
Le Corbusier, Villa La Riche-Jeanneret Auteuil, Paris, 1923-5.
Le Corbusier, Villa La Riche-Jeanneret Auteuil, Paris, 1923-5.
Le Corbusier, Villa La Riche-
Jeanneret Auteuil, Paris, 1923-5.
Le Corbusier, Villa La Riche-Jeanneret Auteuil, Paris, 1923-5.
Le Corbusier, Maison Cook, Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1926-7.
Le Corbusier, Villa Stein/de Monzie, Garches, 1926-8.
Le Corbusier, Villa Stein/de Monzie,
Garches, Model, Front facade, 1926-8.

Le Corbusier, Villa Stein/de Monzie,

Garches, Model, Garden facade, 1926-8.
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Colin Rowe, The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa

Palladio’s Villa Malcontenta, 1560 (top) and Le Corbusier’s Villa Stein-de Monzie, Garches 1927
with analyses of their proprtional rhythm.
Le Corbusier, Villa Stein/de Monzie, Garches, 1926-8.
Le Corbusier, Villa Stein/de Monzie, Garches,
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
Detail: Pilotis
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
Detail: Entrance with the spiral stairs and the ramp
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31,
The first-floor ‘suspended garden’
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
The first-floor saloon
Le Corbusier and Jeanneret, Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1929-31.
First –floor terrace and the roof garden
Peivatna udobnost
javni arhitektonski red

Le Corbusier, the Four House Types , 1929:

1. Maison La Roche
2. Villa at Garches
3. Villa Baizeau
4. Villa Savoye

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