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Option Explicit

Const Sep = ","

Public Pays As Byte
Dim Decim As String, Stade As Integer
Dim strResultat(6) As String
Dim Reste As Single
Dim StrReste As String
Dim Devize As String
Public Unite(19) As String
Public Monnaie(7) As String
Public Dixaines(2 To 9) As String
Dim ValNb(6) As Double
Dim mStrTemp As String

Function EnTexte(Chiffre As Range, Optional Langue As Byte = 0, Optional Devise

As Byte = 0, Optional Decimale As Byte = 0) As String
EnTexte = LeTexte(Chiffre.Value, Langue, Devise, Decimale)
End Function

Function UFTexte(Chiffre As Double, Optional Langue As Byte = 0, Optional

Devise As Byte = 0, Optional Decimale As Byte = 0) As String
UFTexte = LeTexte(Chiffre, Langue, Devise, Decimale)
End Function

Function LeTexte(Chiffre As Double, Optional Langue As Byte = 0, Optional

Devise As Byte = 0, Optional Decimale As Byte = 0) As String

Dim i As Integer, txt As String

Dim strTemp As String

Dim a As String, Nombre As String, TB, P As String
Nombre = CStr(Abs(Chiffre))
If Chiffre = 0 Then LeTexte = "": Exit Function
If Nombre = 0 Then LeTexte = "Zéro": If Decimale = 0 Then Exit Function
If Decimale = 0 Or Int(Chiffre) = Chiffre Then
Nombre = RoundA(Nombre, 0)
Reste = 0
If Int(Chiffre) = 0 And Reste = 0 Then LeTexte = "Zéro": Exit Function
TB = Split(CStr(Chiffre), Sep)
Reste = TB(1) / 10 ^ Len(TB(1)) 'pour 2 décimales
StrReste = TB(1) 'si pas de devise, met toutes les décimales
If Chiffre = 0 Then
strTemp = "Zéro "
GoTo PasUnite
End If
Nombre = Int(Abs(Chiffre))
End If
Pays = Langue
If Unite(1) = "" Then InitVar
If Len(Nombre) / 3 <> Int(Len(Nombre) / 3) Then
Nombre = "0" & Nombre
GoTo reco
End If
Stade = (Len(Nombre) / 3)
For i = 0 To Stade - 1
txt = Mid(Nombre, (i * 3) + 1, 3)
ValNb(i) = Val(txt)
strResultat(i) = Centaine(txt)
Next i
i = 0
If Stade > 4 Then 'Billiard
If strResultat(i) <> "" Then
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(strResultat(i)) & IIf(ValNb(i) = 1,
"Billiard ", "Billiards ")
End If
i = i + 1
End If
If Stade > 3 Then 'Milliard
If strResultat(i) <> "" Then
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(strResultat(i)) & IIf(ValNb(i) = 1,
"Milliard ", "Milliards ")
End If
i = i + 1
End If
If Stade > 2 Then 'Million
If strResultat(i) <> "" Then
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(strResultat(i)) & IIf(ValNb(i) = 1,
"Million ", "Millions ")
End If
i = i + 1
End If
If Stade > 1 Then 'millier
If strResultat(i) <> "" Then
If strResultat(i) = "un " Then
strTemp = strTemp & "Mille "
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(strResultat(i)) & "Mille "
End If
End If
i = i + 1
End If
If Stade > 0 Then 'les unités
If strResultat(i) <> "" Then
If strTemp <> "" And ValNb(i) < 100 And (Right(strResultat(i), 3)
<> "un " Or Len(strResultat(i)) = 3) Then
TB = Split(strTemp, " ")

Select Case TB(UBound(TB) - 1)

Case "Million", "Millions", "Milliard", "Milliards", "Billiard",
strTemp = strTemp & "et "
End Select
End If
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(strResultat(i), False)
End If
End If
TB = Split(strTemp, " ")
Select Case TB(UBound(TB) - 1)
Case "Million", "Millions", "Milliard", "Milliards", "Billiard",
Select Case Devise
Case 1, 3: strTemp = strTemp & "de "
Case 2: strTemp = strTemp & "d'"
End Select
End Select
Select Case Devise
Case Is > 0: strTemp = strTemp & Monnaie(Devise) & IIf(Nombre = 1, " ", "s
End Select
If Reste <> 0 And Decimale = 1 Then
If Devise = 0 Then
strTemp = strTemp & "Virgule "
'Appel pour les décimales en base 3
strTemp = strTemp & AprVirgule(StrReste)
strTemp = strTemp & " " & P
Reste = Int(Reste * 1000) / 10
ValNb(1) = RoundA(Reste, 0)
If ValNb(1) = 100 Then 'rectifie 100 centimes
strTemp = LeTexte(RoundA(Chiffre, 0), Pays, Devise, 0)
txt = Right("00" & Trim(Str(ValNb(1))), 3)
txt = Centaine(txt): txt = Trim(txt) & " "
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(txt)
strTemp = strTemp & Monnaie(Devise + 4) & IIf(ValNb(1) = 1, "",
End If
End If
End If
If Chiffre < 0 Then strTemp = "Moins " & strTemp
LeTexte = strTemp
End Function

Private Function AprVirgule(Nombre As String) As String

Dim i As Integer, txt As String, strTemp As String, N
N = Array("Millième", "Millionnième", "Milliardième")
If Len(Nombre) / 3 <> Int(Len(Nombre) / 3) Then
Nombre = Nombre & "0"
GoTo reco
End If
Stade = (Len(Nombre) / 3)
If Stade > 3 Then Stade = 3
For i = 0 To Stade - 1
txt = Mid(Nombre, (i * 3) + 1, 3)
ValNb(i) = Val(txt)
strResultat(i) = Centaine(txt)
Next i
For i = 0 To Stade - 1
If strResultat(i) <> "" Then
strTemp = strTemp & VoirRegle(strResultat(i)) & N(i) & IIf(ValNb(i)
> 1, "s ", " ")
End If
Next i
AprVirgule = strTemp
End Function

Private Function Centaine(Nombre As String) As String

Dim i As Integer, e(3) As Integer, a As String
Dim strBuff As String
For i = 3 To 1 Step -1
e(i) = Val(Mid(Nombre, i, 1))
Next i
e(0) = Val(Right(Nombre, 2))

If e(3) = 1 Then
If Pays = 0 Then
If e(2) <= 7 Then strBuff = "et un " Else strBuff = Unite(e(3))
If e(2) <> 8 Then strBuff = "et un " Else strBuff = Unite(e(3))
End If
strBuff = Unite(e(3))
End If
If e(0) < 20 Then
strBuff = Unite(e(0))
ElseIf e(0) < 70 Or (e(0) > 79 And e(0) < 90) Or Pays <> 0 Then
If e(3) > 0 And Left(strBuff, 2) <> "et" Then
strBuff = Trim(Dixaines(e(2))) & "-" & LTrim(strBuff)
ElseIf strBuff <> "" Then
strBuff = Dixaines(e(2)) & strBuff
strBuff = Dixaines(e(2))
End If
If e(0) > 89 Then i = 80 Else i = 60
If e(3) = 1 And e(2) = 7 Then
strBuff = RTrim(Dixaines(e(2) - 1)) & " " & "et onze "
strBuff = RTrim(Dixaines(e(2) - 1)) & "-" & Unite(e(0) - i)
End If
End If

If e(1) = 1 Then
strBuff = "cent " & strBuff
ElseIf e(1) >= 1 Then
strBuff = Unite(e(1)) & "cent " & strBuff
End If
Centaine = strBuff
End Function

Public Function RoundA(ByVal Nombre, ByVal Decimales)

RoundA = Int(Nombre * 10 ^ Decimales + 1 / 2) / 10 ^ Decimales
End Function

Private Function VoirRegle(V As String, Optional Stde As Boolean = True) As

If Right(V, 6) = "vingt " Then
If Stde Then
VoirRegle = V
ElseIf Len(V) > 6 Then
VoirRegle = RTrim(V) & "s "
VoirRegle = V
End If
ElseIf Right(V, 4) = "ent " Then
If Stde Then
VoirRegle = V
ElseIf Len(V) > 5 Then
VoirRegle = RTrim(V) & "s "
VoirRegle = V
End If
VoirRegle = V
End If
End Function
Public Sub InitVar()
Unite(0) = "": Unite(1) = "un ": Unite(2) = "deux ":
Unite(3) = "trois ": Unite(4) = "quatre "
Unite(5) = "cinq ": Unite(6) = "six ": Unite(7) = "sept ":
Unite(8) = "huit ": Unite(9) = "neuf "
Unite(10) = "dix ": Unite(11) = "onze ": Unite(12) = "douze ":
Unite(13) = "treize ": Unite(14) = "quatorze "
Unite(15) = "quinze ": Unite(16) = "seize ": Unite(17) = "dix-sept ":
Unite(18) = "dix-huit ": Unite(19) = "dix-neuf "

Dixaines(2) = "vingt ": Dixaines(3) = "trente ": Dixaines(4) = "quarante ":

Dixaines(5) = "cinquante ": Dixaines(6) = "soixante "

Monnaie(0) = "": Monnaie(1) = "Dollar": Monnaie(2) = "Euro": Monnaie(3) =

Monnaie(4) = "Dinar": Monnaie(5) = "Cent": Monnaie(6) = "Centime": Monnaie(7) =
End Sub

Sub InitPays()
Select Case Pays
Case 0 'France
Dixaines(7) = "soixante-dix "
Dixaines(8) = "quatre-vingt "
Dixaines(9) = "quatre-vingt-dix "
Case 1 'Belge
Dixaines(7) = "septante "
Dixaines(8) = "quatre-vingt "
Dixaines(9) = "nonante "
Case 2 'suisse
Dixaines(7) = "septante "
Dixaines(8) = "huitante "
Dixaines(9) = "nonante "
End Select
End Sub

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