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DURÉE : 1h30

CCCF 1.2 Bac 1 CGEA

NOM: ……………………………………………… PRENOM :…………………………………………..

DATE: 14 juin 2022


OBJECTIFS EVALUES: Compréhension et expression écrite

NOTE: ………………………….sur 40
Save the Amazon
By Ariana Palmieri, Greenify Me

Deforestation, refers to the removal of a forest from land. It’s often more profitable for businesses
to burn forests because the ashes will act as fertilizer for crops. However, logging still occurs, quite
often illegally, to create wood and paper products for a profit. It is done for different, more
“profitable” ventures, such as agriculture (palm oil), cattle grazing, logging, mining, oil exploitation
and urbanization. 

The Amazon rainforest contains roughly 3 million different species of animals and plants! That’s more
biodiversity than anywhere else on Earth. Cutting down trees or burning them not only destroys
unique native plant life, but also endangers so many diverse species. 

Orangutans, for example, are one of the most (if not the most) intelligent animals on the planet after
humans. However, their homes are constantly being threatened by deforestation, pushing them to
the brink of extinction. Sumatra and Borneo are the only places to find orangutans in the wild and
also considered “pests.”

It also has a severe impact on the environment. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen in
return. When trees are burned they release all of that carbon dioxide right back into the
environment, contributing directly to global warming. The Amazon provides more than one-fifth of
the planet’s oxygen. We cannot afford to increase greenhouse gas emissions.

As well as its environmental impact, deforestation also forces local communities of Indigenous
people to vacate their homes. We need to stop removing forests, but how? Here are a few
suggestions that we can all do to help save our rainforests and our planet.

Plant a tree.  Trees are so important in numerous ways: They provide shelter for animals and insects,
capture carbon dioxide, and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

Reduce your consumption of beef and dairy products. The fires burning in the Amazon in 2019 were
started because of animal agriculture – they wanted to clear the land for cattle grazing. Rainforest
beef is typically found in fast-food hamburgers or processed beef products. With that said, it’s best to
cut back on beef and dairy consumption entirely. If you must consume it, get it from a local source
you can trust. 

Avoid buying furniture and paper products that come from the Amazon. Trees are constantly being
logged to create these items! Instead, choose second-hand furniture whenever possible and reduce
the amount of paper products you use. 

Stop purchasing food and other products made with palm oil.  No more Oreo cookies! Beauty
products and hygiene products (like bar soap and shampoo) also sometimes contain palm oil – avoid
these whenever possible!

Get your food from local, sustainable farmers.  That’s so much better than buying food that’s been
grown unsustainably overseas then shipped to you from far away (which results in further
1. Lire le text et répondre par vrai ou faux: (4 points)

a) Deforestation is about planting trees.

Vrai Faux

b) Trees naturally provide oxygen to the atmosphere.

Vrai Faux

c) Orangutans are more intelligent than humans.

Vrai Faux

d) Deforestisation leads to climate change.

Vrai Faux

2. Traduire le texte suivant en français (6 points)

If the Amazon forest disappears, there will be less oxygen and it will be more difficult to
breathe. The temperature will rise causing the ice-caps at the North and South Poles to
melt and sea levels to rise. Seaside cities will be flooded. Life on earth will become difficult
and it may become impossible.













3. Cochez la bonne réponse parmi les choix proposés en utilisant le vocabulaire du texte. (4

a) The Amazon rainforest is situated in:

o Brésil
o Zambie
o Australie

b) ‘Logging’ is done to create which type of products:

o Paper
o Plastic
o Plaster

c) Rainforest beef is found in:

o Beef burger
o Rump steak
o Fillet

d) The following product contains palm oil:

o Oreo cookies
o Apples
o Coffee

4. Liez la définition au mot. (8 points)

a. Fossil Fuel water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane.

b. Habitat the pattern of weather over a long period of time.

c. Greenhouse Gas natural community of plants, animals and physical environment

d. Climate the place in the environment where a plant or animal lives.

e. Ecosystem a substance that contaminates the air or water.

f. Endangered Species an overflow of water onto land that is normally dry

g. Pollutant an animal or plant in danger of extinction

h. Flood an substance created from dead plant and animal materiel

5. Répondre aux questions suivantes en anglais, en utilisant des phrases completes. (6 points)

a) What does deforestation mean?


b) How many different species does the Amazon rainforest contain?


c) What happens to the carbon dioxide, absorbed by a tree, when it is burned?


d) How much of the planets oxygen is provided by the Amazon?


e) Where can we find Orangutans in the wild?


f) Why are trees important?


6. Écrivez un minimum de 200 mots en anglais sur le sujet suivant :

‘Les arbres nous rendent plusieurs services alors comment pouvons-nous les protéger ?’ (12 points)




































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