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There is a small group of adjectives, however, that normally precede the noun.

These adjectives may be categorized as adjectives of Beauty, Age, Numbers Goodness, and Size (BANGS)

en bouclant completing galise tied interloque startled tricher cheat devoir duties lavit greed la concurrence job competition jai envie de qui me tient c ur hold dearly in my heart tant graphiste being a graphics cela ma permis dacqurir de nouvelles comptence it has allowed me to get new skills jai effectu = jai fait mavait propos dintervenir auprs de [avec] au fond deep down Arrive la fin de lanne (PC at the start of the sentence) Cette exprience ma permis une remise en question profonde this exprience makes me question things Javais pour ambition de faire carrire I used to have, as an ambition

Cette exprience ma ouvert plusieurs portes Metro, boulot, dodo constant stress from daily live Le bilan at what cost Je suis ravie davoir os franchir i am delighted to have dared to go beyond me rendre utile useful for me loccasion chance cauchemar nightmare cras crush user wear out sans domicile fixe homeless largent le frie, les thunes, les sous, le pognon, le bl , un radis quon soit riche ou pauvre whether you are rich or poor enceinte enclosure panouissant fulfilling montant - amount pdagogique educational method se dlier to unite ateliers workshops des colis parcels outils Tools

Part D: -more dtails -style/register -clear Vocab : divertir to entertain (opp. Informer) sensibiliser make aware Au dela de go beyond Le pouvoir power En souffre suffer Sans doute undoubtedly Gches batches Grer to manage Renonc giving up Dgout Un rcits - accounts en cartant winning sans mnagement without care en rgalant delighting

renouent join again dbrid remove peine sorrow fournies given tat desprit mental state tre saoul drunk Un mec guy A quoi a sert how do you spend it Se braquer to turn Oser dare Se moquer to make fun of Recueil to collect/take in Got taste Dissumule conceal Stage professionnellework exprience Enrichissant enriching Formateur tutor Cabinet davocat law office Je mennuyais I was bored Vaut Worth Se priver to draw a line (metaphorical) Pige - trap Sinistr victim

Lors at the time En tant que as Flambant neuf brand new Tant many Un tas de normment Accrocheurs catchy Interpeller call on Il faut se mefier de la publicite you have to be careful of the media Lamiti Fidle Amusant Honnte sincre loyal intressant gentil amical marrant heureux agrable rigolo bienveillant fascinant sympa gnreux obligent optimiste sensible sensitive responsable ponctuel drle pensif ouvent Alors que while/just as au bout de after dsormais from now

on Autant que as well as

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