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Group 4

Member :
 Andika Harya Kusuma (03)
 Cahya Satria Wibawa (07)
 Gangga Ayudha Putra (16)
 I Made Bagus Krishna Wiguna (22)
What is Mars ?
This is MARS !!

• Mars is a planet.
• It is the fourth planet from the
sun. Mars is more than 142
million miles from the sun.
• The planet is about one-sixth
the size of Earth.
• Mars is known as the Red
Planet. It gets its red color
from the iron in its soil.
• Mars has two small satellite.
Their names are Phobos and
What Is Mars Like?
Although mars is red, it doesn’t mean it’s hot
Mars is very cold.
The average temperature on Mars is minus 80 degrees

It is rocky !!!
Mars is rocky with canyons, volcanoes and craters all over it. Red
dust covers almost all of Mars. It has clouds and wind, just as
Earth does. Sometimes the wind blows the red dust into a dust
storm. Tiny dust storms can look like tornados, and large ones
can cover the whole planet!

How about the gravity ?

Mars has about one-third the gravity of Earth. A rock dropped on
Mars would fall slower than a rock dropped on Earth. Things
weigh less on Mars than they weigh on Earth. A person who
weighs 100 pounds on Earth would only weigh about 37 pounds
on Mars because of less gravity.
The Satellites of Mars

Phobos and Deimos were discovered in 1877 by American astronomer Asaph

Hall. Phobos and Deimos are among the smallest satellite in the solar system.
No one knows how they formed, they may be the asteroids snared by Mars’s
gravity. Phobos is a bit larger than Deimos, it whips around Mars three times a
day, while the more distant Deimos takes 30 hours for each orbit. Phobos is
about 1.8 m closer to the planet each century. Within 50 million years, it will
either crash into Mars or break up and form a ring around the planet.
Amazing Fact !!
Mars has the largest volcanic mountain
in the solar system !!

• It is 16 miles (24 kilometers) high which

makes it about three times higher than
Mount Everest.

• In addition to being very tall, it is also very

wide (340 miles or 550 kilometers) and
covers an area larger than the entire chain
of Hawaiian islands.

• Olympus Mons is a very flat mountain which

slopes by only 2 to 5 degrees. It is a shield
volcano built up by eruptions of lava.
Thank you for your attention

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