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Current to June 12, 2014

Last amended on April 1, 2014

jour au 12 juin 2014
Dernire modification le 1 avril 2014
Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:
Publi par le ministre de la Justice ladresse suivante :
Divorce Act
Loi sur le divorce
R.S.C. 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.) S.R.C. 1985, ch. 3 (2
[1986, c. 4, assented to 13th February, 1986]
[1986, ch. 4, sanctionn le 13 fvrier 1986]
Subsections 31(1) and (2) of the Legislation
Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on
June 1, 2009, provide as follows:
Les paragraphes 31(1) et (2) de la Loi sur la
rvision et la codification des textes lgislatifs,
en vigueur le 1
juin 2009, prvoient ce qui
suit :
consolidation is
31. (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or
consolidated regulation published by the Minister
under this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-
idence of that statute or regulation and of its contents
and every copy purporting to be published by the
Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the
contrary is shown.
31. (1) Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifie ou d'un
rglement codifi, publi par le ministre en vertu de
la prsente loi sur support papier ou sur support lec-
tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce rglement et de
son contenu. Tout exemplaire donn comme publi
par le ministre est rput avoir t ainsi publi, sauf
preuve contraire.
comme lment
de preuve
in Acts
(2) In the event of an inconsistency between a
consolidated statute published by the Minister under
this Act and the original statute or a subsequent
amendment as certified by the Clerk of the Parlia-
ments under the Publication of Statutes Act, the orig-
inal statute or amendment prevails to the extent of
the inconsistency.
(2) Les dispositions de la loi d'origine avec ses
modifications subsquentes par le greffier des Parle-
ments en vertu de la Loi sur la publication des lois
l'emportent sur les dispositions incompatibles de la
loi codifie publie par le ministre en vertu de la pr-
sente loi.
This consolidation is current to June 12, 2014. The
last amendments came into force on April 1, 2014.
Any amendments that were not in force as
of June 12, 2014 are set out at the end of this docu-
ment under the heading Amendments Not in
Cette codification est jour au 12 juin 2014. Les
dernires modifications sont entres en vigueur
le 1 avril 2014. Toutes modifications qui n'taient
pas en vigueur au 12 juin 2014 sont nonces la fin
de ce document sous le titre Modifications non en
vigueur .
Section Page Article Page
An Act respecting divorce and corollary
Loi concernant le divorce et les mesures
1 Short title 1 1 Titre abrg 1
2 Definitions 1 2 Dfinitions 1
3 Jurisdiction in divorce proceedings 4 3 Comptence dans le cas dun divorce 4
4 Jurisdiction in corollary relief
proceedings 5
4 Comptence dans le cas des mesures
accessoires 5
5 Jurisdiction in variation proceedings 5 5 Comptence dans le cas dune action en
modification 5
6 Transfer of divorce proceeding where
custody application 6
6 Renvoi de laction en divorce dans le cas
dune demande de garde 6
7 Exercise of jurisdiction by judge 7 7 Exercice de la comptence par un juge 7
8 Divorce 7 8 Divorce 7
9 Duty of legal adviser 8 9 Devoirs de lavocat 8
10 Duty of court reconciliation 8 10 Obligation de la juridiction 8
11 Duty of court bars 9 11 Refus obligatoire de la juridiction 9
12 Effective date generally 10 12 Prise deffet du divorce 10
13 Legal effect throughout Canada 11 13 Validit du divorce dans tout le Canada 11
14 Marriage dissolved 11 14 Effet du divorce 11
15 Definition of spouse 11 15 Dfinition de poux 11
15.1 Child support order 12 15.1 Ordonnance alimentaire au profit dun
enfant 12
15.2 Spousal support order 13 15.2 Ordonnance alimentaire au profit dun
poux 13
15.3 Priority to child support 14 15.3 Priorit aux aliments pour enfants 14
16 Order for custody 15 16 Ordonnance de garde 15
Divorce June 12, 2014
Section Page Article Page
17 Order for variation, rescission or
suspension 16
17 Ordonnance modificative 16
17.1 Variation order by affidavit, etc. 19 17.1 Ordonnance modificative par affidavit,
etc. 19
18 Definitions 20 18 Dfinitions 20
19 Transmission 21 19 Communication 21
20 Definition of court 24 20 Dfinition de tribunal 24
20.1 Assignment of order 24 20.1 Cession de la crance alimentaire 24
21 Appeal to appellate court 25 21 Appel une cour dappel 25
21.1 Definition of spouse 26 21.1 Dfinition de poux 26
22 Recognition of foreign divorce 27 22 Reconnaissance des divorces trangers 27
23 Provincial laws of evidence 28 23 Application du droit provincial 28
24 Proof of signature or office 28 24 Preuve documentaire 28
25 Definition of competent authority 28 25 Dfinition de autorit comptente 28
25.1 Agreements with provinces 29 25.1 Accords avec les provinces 29
26 Regulations 30 26 Rglements 30
26.1 Guidelines 31 26.1 Lignes directrices 31
27 Fees 32 27 Droits 32
28 Review and report 32 28 Examen et rapport 32
32 Proceedings based on facts arising before
commencement of Act 32
32 Faits antrieurs lentre en vigueur 32
DIVORCE ACT, R.S. 1970, C. D-8 32 LOI SUR LE DIVORCE, S.R. 1970, CH. D-8 32
33 Proceedings commenced before
commencement of Act 32
33 Actions engages avant lentre en
vigueur 32
34 Variation and enforcement of orders
previously made 33
34 Modification et excution dordonnances
dj rendues 33
35 Procedural laws continued 34 35 Application des normes du droit
procdural 34
DIVORCE ACT, R.S. 1985, C. 3 (2ND SUPP.) 34 LOI SUR LE DIVORCE, L.R. CH. 3 (2E SUPPL.) 34
35.1 Variation and enforcement of support
orders previously made 34
35.1 Modification et excution dordonnances
alimentaires dj rendues 34
*36 Commencement 35 *36 Entre en vigueur 35
R.S.C. 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.) S.R.C. 1985, ch. 3 (2
An Act respecting divorce and corollary relief Loi concernant le divorce et les mesures
Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the Divorce Act. 1. Loi sur le divorce. Titre abrg
Definitions 2. (1) In this Act,
age of
age of majority, in respect of a child, means
the age of majority as determined by the laws
of the province where the child ordinarily re-
sides, or, if the child ordinarily resides outside
of Canada, eighteen years of age;
appellate court
cour dappel
appellate court, in respect of an appeal from a
court, means the court exercising appellate ju-
risdiction with respect to that appeal;
applicable guidelines means
(a) where both spouses or former spouses
are ordinarily resident in the same province
at the time an application for a child support
order or a variation order in respect of a child
support order is made, or the amount of a
child support order is to be recalculated pur-
suant to section 25.1, and that province has
been designated by an order made under sub-
section (5), the laws of the province speci-
fied in the order, and
(b) in any other case, the Federal Child Sup-
port Guidelines;
child of the
child of the marriage means a child of two
spouses or former spouses who, at the material
(a) is under the age of majority and who has
not withdrawn from their charge, or
(b) is the age of majority or over and under
their charge but unable, by reason of illness,
disability or other cause, to withdraw from
2. (1) Les dfinitions qui suivent sap-
pliquent la prsente loi.
accs Comporte le droit de visite. accs
French version
action en divorce Action exerce devant un
tribunal par lun des poux ou conjointement
par eux en vue dobtenir un divorce assorti ou
non dune ordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun enfant, dune ordonnance alimentaire au
profit dun poux ou dune ordonnance de
action en
action en mesures accessoires Action exer-
ce devant un tribunal par lun des ex-poux ou
conjointement par eux en vue dobtenir une or-
donnance alimentaire au profit dun enfant, une
ordonnance alimentaire au profit dun poux ou
une ordonnance de garde.
action en
corollary relief
action en modification Action exerce de-
vant un tribunal par lun des ex-poux ou
conjointement par eux en vue dobtenir une or-
donnance modificative.
action en
cour dappel Tribunal comptent pour
connatre des appels forms contre les dci-
sions dun autre tribunal.
cour dappel
enfant charge Enfant des deux poux ou
ex-poux qui, lpoque considre, se trouve
dans une des situations suivantes :
a) il nest pas majeur et est leur charge;
b) il est majeur et est leur charge, sans
pouvoir, pour cause notamment de maladie
child of the
Divorce June 12, 2014
their charge or to obtain the necessaries of
child support
alimentaire au
profit dun
child support order means an order made un-
der subsection 15.1(1);
corollary relief
action en
corollary relief proceeding means a proceed-
ing in a court in which either or both former
spouses seek a child support order, a spousal
support order or a custody order;
court, in respect of a province, means
(a) for the Province of Ontario, the Superior
Court of Justice,
(a.1) for the Province of Prince Edward Is-
land or Newfoundland, the trial division of
the Supreme Court of the Province,
(b) for the Province of Quebec, the Superior
(c) for the Provinces of Nova Scotia and
British Columbia, the Supreme Court of the
(d) for the Province of New Brunswick,
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, the
Court of Queens Bench for the Province,
(e) for Yukon or the Northwest Territories,
the Supreme Court, and in Nunavut, the
Nunavut Court of Justice,
and includes such other court in the province
the judges of which are appointed by the Gov-
ernor General as is designated by the Lieu-
tenant Governor in Council of the province as a
court for the purposes of this Act;
custody includes care, upbringing and any
other incident of custody;
custody order
ordonnance de
custody order means an order made under
subsection 16(1);
action en
divorce proceeding means a proceeding in a
court in which either or both spouses seek a di-
vorce alone or together with a child support or-
der, a spousal support order or a custody order;
ou dinvalidit, cesser dtre leur charge ou
subvenir ses propres besoins.
poux Lune des deux personnes unies par
les liens du mariage.
garde Sont assimils la garde le soin,
lducation et tout autre lment qui sy rat-
lignes directrices applicables Sentend :
a) dans le cas o les poux ou les ex-poux
rsident habituellement, la date laquelle
la demande dordonnance alimentaire au pro-
fit dun enfant ou la demande modificative
de celle-ci est prsente ou la date la-
quelle le nouveau montant de lordonnance
alimentaire au profit dun enfant doit tre
fixe sous le rgime de larticle 25.1, dans la
mme province qui est dsigne par un
dcret pris en vertu du paragraphe (5) ,
des textes lgislatifs de celle-ci prciss dans
le dcret;
b) dans les autres cas, des lignes directrices
fdrales sur les pensions alimentaires pour
lignes directrices fdrales sur les pensions
alimentaires pour enfants Les lignes direc-
trices tablies en vertu de larticle 26.1.
fdrales sur les
pour enfants
Federal Child
majeur Est majeur lenfant qui a atteint lge
de la majorit selon le droit de la province o il
rside habituellement ou, sil rside habituelle-
ment ltranger, dix-huit ans.
age of
ordonnance alimentaire Ordonnance alimen-
taire au profit dun enfant ou ordonnance ali-
mentaire au profit dun poux.
support order
ordonnance alimentaire au profit dun enfant
Ordonnance rendue en vertu du paragraphe
alimentaire au
profit dun
child support
ordonnance alimentaire au profit dun poux
Ordonnance rendue en vertu du paragraphe
alimentaire au
profit dun
spousal support
ordonnance de garde Ordonnance rendue en
vertu du paragraphe 16(1).
ordonnance de
custody order
Divorce 12 juin 2014
Federal Child
fdrales sur les
pour enfants
Federal Child Support Guidelines means the
guidelines made under section 26.1;
provincial child
support service
provincial des
aliments pour
provincial child support service means any
service, agency or body designated in an agree-
ment with a province under subsection 25.1(1);
spousal support
alimentaire au
profit dun
spousal support order means an order made
under subsection 15.2(1);
spouse means either of two persons who are
married to each other;
support order
support order means a child support order or
a spousal support order;
variation order
variation order means an order made under
subsection 17(1);
action en
variation proceeding means a proceeding in a
court in which either or both former spouses
seek a variation order.
ordonnance modificative Ordonnance ren-
due en vertu du paragraphe 17(1).
service provincial des aliments pour enfants
Administration, organisme ou service dsigns
dans un accord conclu avec une province en
vertu de larticle 25.1.
provincial des
aliments pour
provincial child
support service
tribunal Dans le cas dune province, lun des
tribunaux suivants :
a) la Cour suprieure de justice de lOntario;
a.1) la section de premire instance de la
Cour suprme de lle-du-Prince-douard ou
de Terre-Neuve;
b) la Cour suprieure du Qubec;
c) la Cour suprme de la Nouvelle-cosse et
de la Colombie-Britannique;
d) la Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau-
Brunswick, du Manitoba, de la Saskatche-
wan ou de lAlberta;
e) la Cour suprme du Yukon, la Cour su-
prme des Territoires du Nord-Ouest ou la
Cour de justice du Nunavut.
Est compris dans cette dfinition tout autre tri-
bunal dune province dont les juges sont nom-
ms par le gouverneur gnral et qui est dsi-
gn par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil de
cette province comme tribunal pour lapplica-
tion de la prsente loi.
Child of the
(2) For the purposes of the definition child
of the marriage in subsection (1), a child of
two spouses or former spouses includes
(a) any child for whom they both stand in
the place of parents; and
(b) any child of whom one is the parent and
for whom the other stands in the place of a
(2) Est considr comme enfant charge au
sens du paragraphe (1) lenfant des deux poux
ou ex-poux :
a) pour lequel ils tiennent lieu de parents;
b) dont lun est le pre ou la mre et pour le-
quel lautre en tient lieu.
Enfant charge
Term not
(3) The use of the term application to de-
scribe a proceeding under this Act in a court
shall not be construed as limiting the name un-
der which and the form and manner in which
that proceeding may be taken in that court, and
the name, manner and form of the proceeding
in that court shall be such as is provided for by
the rules regulating the practice and procedure
in that court.
(3) Lemploi de demande pour dsigner
une action engage devant un tribunal na pas
pour effet de limiter laction cette dsigna-
tion, ni la forme et aux modalits que celle-ci
implique, laction pouvant recevoir la dsigna-
tion, la forme et les modalits prvues par les
rgles de pratique et de procdure applicables
ce tribunal.
non limitative
Idem (4) The use in section 21.1 of the terms af-
fidavit and pleadings to describe documents
(4) Lemploi de acte de procdure et
affidavit , larticle 21.1, na pas pour effet
Divorce June 12, 2014
shall not be construed as limiting the name that
may be used to refer to those documents in a
court and the form of those documents, and the
name and form of the documents shall be such
as is provided for by the rules regulating the
practice and procedure in that court.
de limiter la dsignation ni la forme de ces do-
cuments lorsquils sont dposs auprs du tri-
bunal, ceux-ci pouvant recevoir la dsignation
et la forme prvues par les rgles de pratique et
de procdure applicables ce tribunal.
Provincial child
(5) The Governor in Council may, by order,
designate a province for the purposes of the
definition applicable guidelines in subsection
(1) if the laws of the province establish com-
prehensive guidelines for the determination of
child support that deal with the matters referred
to in section 26.1. The order shall specify the
laws of the province that constitute the guide-
lines of the province.
(5) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par d-
cret, dsigner une province pour lapplication
de la dfinition de lignes directrices appli-
cables au paragraphe (1) si la province a ta-
bli, relativement aux aliments pour enfants, des
lignes directrices compltes qui traitent des
questions vises larticle 26.1. Le dcret men-
tionne les textes lgislatifs qui constituent les
lignes directrices de la province.
provinciales sur
les aliments pour
les enfants
(6) The guidelines of a province referred to
in subsection (5) include any amendments
made to them from time to time.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 2, c. 27 (2nd Supp.), s. 10;
1990, c. 18, s. 1; 1992, c. 51, s. 46; 1997, c. 1, s. 1; 1998, c.
30, ss. 13(F), 15(E); 1999, c. 3, s. 61; 2002, c. 7, s. 158(E);
2005, c. 33, s. 8.
(6) Les lignes directrices de la province
comprennent leurs modifications ventuelles.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 2, ch. 27 (2
suppl.), art.
10; 1990, ch. 18, art. 1; 1992, ch. 51, art. 46; 1997, ch. 1,
art. 1; 1998, ch. 30, art. 13(F) et 15(A); 1999, ch. 3, art. 61;
2002, ch. 7, art. 158(A); 2005, ch. 33, art. 8.
Jurisdiction in
3. (1) A court in a province has jurisdiction
to hear and determine a divorce proceeding if
either spouse has been ordinarily resident in the
province for at least one year immediately pre-
ceding the commencement of the proceeding.
3. (1) Dans le cas dune action en divorce, a
comptence pour instruire laffaire et en dci-
der le tribunal de la province o lun des poux
a rsid habituellement pendant au moins lan-
ne prcdant lintroduction de linstance.
dans le cas dun
where two
commenced on
different days
(2) Where divorce proceedings between the
same spouses are pending in two courts that
would otherwise have jurisdiction under sub-
section (1) and were commenced on different
days and the proceeding that was commenced
first is not discontinued within thirty days after
it was commenced, the court in which a divorce
proceeding was commenced first has exclusive
jurisdiction to hear and determine any divorce
proceeding then pending between the spouses
and the second divorce proceeding shall be
deemed to be discontinued.
(2) Lorsque des actions en divorce entre les
mmes poux sont en cours devant deux tribu-
naux qui auraient par ailleurs comptence en
vertu du paragraphe (1), que les instances ont
t introduites des dates diffrentes et que
laction engage la premire nest pas abandon-
ne dans les trente jours suivant la date dintro-
duction de linstance, le tribunal saisi en pre-
mier a comptence exclusive pour instruire
laffaire et en dcider, la seconde action tant
considre comme abandonne.
devant deux
tribunaux des
dates diffrentes
where two
commenced on
same day
(3) Where divorce proceedings between the
same spouses are pending in two courts that
would otherwise have jurisdiction under sub-
section (1) and were commenced on the same
day and neither proceeding is discontinued
within thirty days after it was commenced, the
Federal Court has exclusive jurisdiction to hear
and determine any divorce proceeding then
pending between the spouses and the divorce
proceedings in those courts shall be transferred
(3) Lorsque des actions en divorce entre les
mmes poux sont en cours devant deux tribu-
naux qui auraient par ailleurs comptence en
vertu du paragraphe (1), que les instances ont
t introduites la mme date et quaucune des
actions nest abandonne dans les trente jours
suivant la date dintroduction de linstance, la
Cour fdrale a comptence exclusive pour ins-
devant deux
tribunaux la
mme date
Divorce 12 juin 2014
to the Federal Court on the direction of that
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 3; 2002, c. 8, s. 183.
truire ces affaires et en dcider, les actions tant
renvoyes cette section sur son ordre.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 3; 2002, ch. 8, art. 183.
Jurisdiction in
corollary relief
4. (1) A court in a province has jurisdiction
to hear and determine a corollary relief pro-
ceeding if
(a) either former spouse is ordinarily resi-
dent in the province at the commencement of
the proceeding; or
(b) both former spouses accept the jurisdic-
tion of the court.
4. (1) Dans le cas dune action en mesures
accessoires, a comptence pour instruire laf-
faire et en dcider :
a) soit le tribunal de la province o lun des
ex-poux rside habituellement la date de
lintroduction de linstance;
b) soit celui dont la comptence est recon-
nue par les deux ex-poux.
dans le cas des
where two
commenced on
different days
(2) Where corollary relief proceedings be-
tween the same former spouses and in respect
of the same matter are pending in two courts
that would otherwise have jurisdiction under
subsection (1) and were commenced on differ-
ent days and the proceeding that was com-
menced first is not discontinued within thirty
days after it was commenced, the court in
which a corollary relief proceeding was com-
menced first has exclusive jurisdiction to hear
and determine any corollary relief proceeding
then pending between the former spouses in re-
spect of that matter and the second corollary re-
lief proceeding shall be deemed to be discontin-
(2) Lorsque des actions en mesures acces-
soires entre les mmes ex-poux concernant le
mme point sont en cours devant deux tribu-
naux qui auraient par ailleurs comptence en
vertu du paragraphe (1), que les instances ont
t introduites des dates diffrentes et que
laction engage la premire nest pas abandon-
ne dans les trente jours suivant la date dintro-
duction de linstance, le tribunal saisi en pre-
mier a comptence exclusive pour instruire
laffaire et en dcider, la seconde action tant
considre comme abandonne.
devant deux
tribunaux des
dates diffrentes
where two
commenced on
same day
(3) Where proceedings between the same
former spouses and in respect of the same mat-
ter are pending in two courts that would other-
wise have jurisdiction under subsection (1) and
were commenced on the same day and neither
proceeding is discontinued within thirty days
after it was commenced, the Federal Court has
exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine
any corollary relief proceeding then pending
between the former spouses in respect of that
matter and the corollary relief proceedings in
those courts shall be transferred to the Federal
Court on the direction of that Court.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 4; 1993, c. 8, s. 1; 2002, c.
8, s. 183.
(3) Lorsque des actions en mesures acces-
soires entre les mmes ex-poux concernant le
mme point sont en cours devant deux tribu-
naux qui auraient par ailleurs comptence en
vertu du paragraphe (1), que les instances ont
t introduites la mme date et quaucune des
actions nest abandonne dans les trente jours
suivant la date dintroduction de linstance, la
Cour fdrale a comptence exclusive pour ins-
truire ces affaires et en dcider, les actions tant
renvoyes cette section sur son ordre.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 4; 1993, ch. 8, art. 1;
2002, ch. 8, art. 183.
devant deux
tribunaux la
mme date
Jurisdiction in
5. (1) A court in a province has jurisdiction
to hear and determine a variation proceeding if
(a) either former spouse is ordinarily resi-
dent in the province at the commencement of
the proceeding; or
(b) both former spouses accept the jurisdic-
tion of the court.
5. (1) Dans le cas dune action en modifica-
tion, a comptence pour instruire laffaire et en
dcider :
a) soit le tribunal de la province o lun des
ex-poux rside habituellement la date
dintroduction de linstance;
b) soit celui dont la comptence est recon-
nue par les deux ex-poux.
dans le cas
dune action en
Divorce June 12, 2014
where two
commenced on
different days
(2) Where variation proceedings between
the same former spouses and in respect of the
same matter are pending in two courts that
would otherwise have jurisdiction under sub-
section (1) and were commenced on different
days and the proceeding that was commenced
first is not discontinued within thirty days after
it was commenced, the court in which a varia-
tion proceeding was commenced first has ex-
clusive jurisdiction to hear and determine any
variation proceeding then pending between the
former spouses in respect of that matter and the
second variation proceeding shall be deemed to
be discontinued.
(2) Lorsque des actions en modification
entre les mmes ex-poux concernant le mme
point sont en cours devant deux tribunaux qui
auraient par ailleurs comptence en vertu du
paragraphe (1), que les instances ont t intro-
duites des dates diffrentes et que laction en-
gage la premire nest pas abandonne dans
les trente jours suivant la date dintroduction de
linstance, le tribunal saisi en premier a comp-
tence exclusive pour instruire laffaire et en d-
cider, la seconde action tant considre
comme abandonne.
devant deux
tribunaux des
dates diffrentes
where two
commenced on
same day
(3) Where variation proceedings between
the same former spouses and in respect of the
same matter are pending in two courts that
would otherwise have jurisdiction under sub-
section (1) and were commenced on the same
day and neither proceeding is discontinued
within thirty days after it was commenced, the
Federal Court has exclusive jurisdiction to hear
and determine any variation proceeding then
pending between the former spouses in respect
of that matter and the variation proceedings in
those courts shall be transferred to the Federal
Court on the direction of that Court.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 5; 2002, c. 8, s. 183.
(3) Lorsque des actions en modification
entre les mmes ex-poux concernant le mme
point sont en cours devant deux tribunaux qui
auraient par ailleurs comptence en vertu du
paragraphe (1), que les instances ont t intro-
duites la mme date et quaucune des actions
nest abandonne dans les trente jours suivant
la date dintroduction de linstance, la Cour f-
drale a comptence exclusive pour instruire
ces affaires et en dcider, les actions tant ren-
voyes cette section sur son ordre.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 5; 2002, ch. 8, art. 183.
devant deux
tribunaux la
mme date
Transfer of
where custody
6. (1) Where an application for an order un-
der section 16 is made in a divorce proceeding
to a court in a province and is opposed and the
child of the marriage in respect of whom the or-
der is sought is most substantially connected
with another province, the court may, on appli-
cation by a spouse or on its own motion, trans-
fer the divorce proceeding to a court in that oth-
er province.
6. (1) Le tribunal dune province saisi de la
demande dordonnance vise larticle 16 dans
le cadre dune action en divorce peut, sur de-
mande dun poux ou doffice, renvoyer laf-
faire au tribunal dune autre province dans le
cas o la demande est conteste et o lenfant
charge concern par lordonnance a ses princi-
pales attaches dans cette province.
Renvoi de
laction en
divorce dans le
cas dune
demande de
Transfer of
corollary relief
where custody
(2) Where an application for an order under
section 16 is made in a corollary relief proceed-
ing to a court in a province and is opposed and
the child of the marriage in respect of whom
the order is sought is most substantially con-
nected with another province, the court may, on
application by a former spouse or on its own
motion, transfer the corollary relief proceeding
to a court in that other province.
(2) Le tribunal dune province saisi de la de-
mande dordonnance vise larticle 16 dans le
cadre dune action en mesures accessoires peut,
sur demande dun ex-poux ou doffice, ren-
voyer laffaire au tribunal dune autre province
dans le cas o la demande est conteste et o
lenfant charge concern par lordonnance a
ses principales attaches dans cette province.
Renvoi de
laction en
accessoires dans
le cas dune
demande de
Transfer of
where custody
(3) Where an application for a variation or-
der in respect of a custody order is made in a
variation proceeding to a court in a province
and is opposed and the child of the marriage in
respect of whom the variation order is sought is
(3) Le tribunal dune province saisi dune
demande dordonnance modificative concer-
nant une ordonnance de garde peut, sur de-
mande dun ex-poux ou doffice, renvoyer
laffaire au tribunal dune autre province dans
Renvoi de
laction en
dans le cas
dune demande
de garde
Divorce 12 juin 2014
most substantially connected with another
province, the court may, on application by a
former spouse or on its own motion, transfer
the variation proceeding to a court in that other
le cas o la demande est conteste et o len-
fant charge concern par lordonnance modi-
ficative a ses principales attaches dans cette
(4) Notwithstanding sections 3 to 5, a court
in a province to which a proceeding is trans-
ferred under this section has exclusive jurisdic-
tion to hear and determine the proceeding.
(4) Par drogation aux articles 3 5, le tri-
bunal qui une action est renvoye en applica-
tion du prsent article a comptence exclusive
pour instruire laffaire et en dcider.
Exercise of
jurisdiction by
7. The jurisdiction conferred on a court by
this Act to grant a divorce shall be exercised
only by a judge of the court without a jury.
7. La comptence attribue un tribunal par
la prsente loi pour accorder un divorce nest
exerce que par un juge de ce tribunal, sans ju-
Exercice de la
comptence par
un juge
Divorce 8. (1) A court of competent jurisdiction
may, on application by either or both spouses,
grant a divorce to the spouse or spouses on the
ground that there has been a breakdown of their
8. (1) Le tribunal comptent peut, sur de-
mande de lun des poux ou des deux, lui ou
leur accorder le divorce pour cause dchec du
Breakdown of
(2) Breakdown of a marriage is established
only if
(a) the spouses have lived separate and apart
for at least one year immediately preceding
the determination of the divorce proceeding
and were living separate and apart at the
commencement of the proceeding; or
(b) the spouse against whom the divorce
proceeding is brought has, since celebration
of the marriage,
(i) committed adultery, or
(ii) treated the other spouse with physical
or mental cruelty of such a kind as to ren-
der intolerable the continued cohabitation
of the spouses.
(2) Lchec du mariage nest tabli que dans
les cas suivants :
a) les poux ont vcu sparment pendant
au moins un an avant le prononc de la dci-
sion sur laction en divorce et vivaient spa-
rment la date dintroduction de linstance;
b) depuis la clbration du mariage, lpoux
contre qui le divorce est demand a :
(i) soit commis ladultre,
(ii) soit trait lautre poux avec une
cruaut physique ou mentale qui rend into-
lrable le maintien de la cohabitation.
chec du
Calculation of
period of
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a),
(a) spouses shall be deemed to have lived
separate and apart for any period during
which they lived apart and either of them had
the intention to live separate and apart from
the other; and
(b) a period during which spouses have
lived separate and apart shall not be consid-
ered to have been interrupted or terminated
(i) by reason only that either spouse has
become incapable of forming or having an
intention to continue to live separate and
apart or of continuing to live separate and
(3) Pour lapplication de lalina (2)a) :
a) les poux sont rputs avoir vcu spar-
ment pendant toute priode de vie spare au
cours de laquelle lun deux avait effective-
ment lintention de vivre ainsi;
b) il ny a pas interruption ni cessation dune
priode de vie spare dans les cas suivants :
(i) du seul fait que lun des poux est de-
venu incapable soit davoir ou de conce-
voir lintention de prolonger la sparation,
soit de la prolonger de son plein gr, si le
tribunal estime quil y aurait eu probable-
ment prolongation sans cette incapacit,
Calcul de la
priode de
Divorce June 12, 2014
apart of the spouses own volition, if it ap-
pears to the court that the separation
would probably have continued if the
spouse had not become so incapable, or
(ii) by reason only that the spouses have
resumed cohabitation during a period of,
or periods totalling, not more than ninety
days with reconciliation as its primary
(ii) du seul fait quil y a eu reprise de la
cohabitation par les poux principalement
dans un but de rconciliation pendant une
ou plusieurs priodes totalisant au plus
quatre-vingt-dix jours.
Duty of legal
9. (1) It is the duty of every barrister, solici-
tor, lawyer or advocate who undertakes to act
on behalf of a spouse in a divorce proceeding
(a) to draw to the attention of the spouse the
provisions of this Act that have as their ob-
ject the reconciliation of spouses, and
(b) to discuss with the spouse the possibility
of the reconciliation of the spouses and to in-
form the spouse of the marriage counselling
or guidance facilities known to him or her
that might be able to assist the spouses to
achieve a reconciliation,
unless the circumstances of the case are of such
a nature that it would clearly not be appropriate
to do so.
9. (1) Il incombe lavocat qui accepte de
reprsenter un poux dans une action en di-
vorce, sauf contre-indication manifeste due aux
circonstances de lespce :
a) dattirer lattention de son client sur les
dispositions de la prsente loi qui ont pour
objet la ralisation de la rconciliation des
b) de discuter avec son client des possibili-
ts de rconciliation et de le renseigner sur
les services de consultation ou dorientation
matrimoniales quil connat et qui sont sus-
ceptibles daider les poux se rconcilier.
Devoirs de
Idem (2) It is the duty of every barrister, solicitor,
lawyer or advocate who undertakes to act on
behalf of a spouse in a divorce proceeding to
discuss with the spouse the advisability of ne-
gotiating the matters that may be the subject of
a support order or a custody order and to in-
form the spouse of the mediation facilities
known to him or her that might be able to assist
the spouses in negotiating those matters.
(2) Il incombe galement lavocat de dis-
cuter avec son client de lopportunit de ngo-
cier les points qui peuvent faire lobjet dune
ordonnance alimentaire ou dune ordonnance
de garde et de le renseigner sur les services de
mdiation quil connat et qui sont susceptibles
daider les poux dans cette ngociation.
Certification (3) Every document presented to a court by
a barrister, solicitor, lawyer or advocate that
formally commences a divorce proceeding shall
contain a statement by him or her certifying
that he or she has complied with this section.
(3) Tout acte introductif dinstance, dans
une action en divorce, prsent par un avocat
un tribunal doit comporter une dclaration de
celui-ci attestant quil sest conform au pr-
sent article.
Duty of court
10. (1) In a divorce proceeding, it is the du-
ty of the court, before considering the evidence,
to satisfy itself that there is no possibility of the
reconciliation of the spouses, unless the cir-
cumstances of the case are of such a nature that
it would clearly not be appropriate to do so.
10. (1) Sauf contre-indication manifeste due
aux circonstances de lespce, il incombe au
tribunal saisi dune action en divorce, avant de
procder aux dbats sur la cause, de sassurer
quil ny a pas de possibilits de rconciliation.
Obligation de la
Adjournment (2) Where at any stage in a divorce proceed-
ing it appears to the court from the nature of the
case, the evidence or the attitude of either or
both spouses that there is a possibility of the
reconciliation of the spouses, the court shall
(2) Le tribunal, dans le cas o une tape
quelconque de linstance, les circonstances de
lespce, les lments de preuve de laffaire ou
lattitude des poux ou de lun deux lui per-
Divorce 12 juin 2014
(a) adjourn the proceeding to afford the
spouses an opportunity to achieve a reconcil-
iation; and
(b) with the consent of the spouses or in the
discretion of the court, nominate
(i) a person with experience or training in
marriage counselling or guidance, or
(ii) in special circumstances, some other
suitable person,
to assist the spouses to achieve a reconcilia-
mettent de percevoir des possibilits de rcon-
ciliation, est tenu :
a) dune part, de suspendre linstance pour
donner aux poux loccasion de se rconci-
b) dautre part, de dsigner, soit doffice,
soit avec le consentement des poux, pour
les aider se rconcilier :
(i) un spcialiste en consultation ou orien-
tation matrimoniales,
(ii) toute autre personne qualifie en loc-
Resumption (3) Where fourteen days have elapsed from
the date of any adjournment under subsection
(2), the court shall resume the proceeding on
the application of either or both spouses.
(3) lexpiration dun dlai de quatorze
jours suivant la date de suspension de lins-
tance, le tribunal procde la reprise de celle-ci
sur demande des poux ou de lun deux.
Reprise de
Nominee not
competent or
(4) No person nominated by a court under
this section to assist spouses to achieve a recon-
ciliation is competent or compellable in any le-
gal proceedings to disclose any admission or
communication made to that person in his or
her capacity as a nominee of the court for that
(4) Les personnes dsignes par le tribunal,
conformment au prsent article, pour aider les
poux se rconcilier ne sont pas aptes ni
contraignables dposer en justice sur les faits
reconnus devant elles ou les communications
qui leur ont t faites ce titre.
bilit des
Evidence not
(5) Evidence of anything said or of any ad-
mission or communication made in the course
of assisting spouses to achieve a reconciliation
is not admissible in any legal proceedings.
(5) Rien de ce qui a t dit, reconnu ou com-
muniqu au cours dune tentative de rconcilia-
tion des poux nest admissible en preuve dans
aucune action en justice.
en preuve de
Duty of court
11. (1) In a divorce proceeding, it is the du-
ty of the court
(a) to satisfy itself that there has been no
collusion in relation to the application for a
divorce and to dismiss the application if it
finds that there was collusion in presenting
(b) to satisfy itself that reasonable arrange-
ments have been made for the support of any
children of the marriage, having regard to the
applicable guidelines, and, if such arrange-
ments have not been made, to stay the grant-
ing of the divorce until such arrangements
are made; and
(c) where a divorce is sought in circum-
stances described in paragraph 8(2)(b), to
satisfy itself that there has been no condona-
tion or connivance on the part of the spouse
bringing the proceeding, and to dismiss the
application for a divorce if that spouse has
condoned or connived at the act or conduct
11. (1) Dans une action en divorce, il in-
combe au tribunal :
a) de sassurer quil ny a pas eu de collu-
sion relativement la demande et de rejeter
celle-ci dans le cas o il constate quil y a eu
collusion lors de sa prsentation;
b) de sassurer de la conclusion darrange-
ments raisonnables pour les aliments des en-
fants charge eu gard aux lignes directrices
applicables et, en labsence de tels arrange-
ments, de surseoir au prononc du divorce
jusqu leur conclusion;
c) de sassurer, dans le cas o la demande
est fonde sur lalina 8(2)b), quil ny a pas
eu de pardon ou de connivence de la part de
lpoux demandeur et de rejeter la demande
en cas de pardon ou de connivence de sa part
lgard de lacte ou du comportement re-
prochs, sauf sil estime que prononcer le di-
vorce servirait mieux lintrt public.
obligatoire de la
Divorce June 12, 2014
complained of unless, in the opinion of the
court, the public interest would be better
served by granting the divorce.
Revival (2) Any act or conduct that has been con-
doned is not capable of being revived so as to
constitute a circumstance described in para-
graph 8(2)(b).
(2) Lacte ou le comportement qui ont fait
lobjet dun pardon ne peuvent tre invoqus
nouveau comme lments constitutifs dun cas
vis lalina 8(2)b).
Acte ou
Condonation (3) For the purposes of this section, a con-
tinuation or resumption of cohabitation during
a period of, or periods totalling, not more than
ninety days with reconciliation as its primary
purpose shall not be considered to constitute
(3) Pour lapplication du prsent article, le
maintien ou la reprise de la cohabitation, prin-
cipalement dans un but de rconciliation, pen-
dant une ou plusieurs priodes totalisant au plus
quatre-vingt-dix jours, ne sont pas considrs
comme impliquant un pardon.
Definition of
(4) In this section, collusion means an
agreement or conspiracy to which an applicant
for a divorce is either directly or indirectly a
party for the purpose of subverting the adminis-
tration of justice, and includes any agreement,
understanding or arrangement to fabricate or
suppress evidence or to deceive the court, but
does not include an agreement to the extent that
it provides for separation between the parties,
financial support, division of property or the
custody of any child of the marriage.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 11; 1997, c. 1, s. 1.1.
(4) Au prsent article, collusion sentend
dune entente ou dun complot auxquels le de-
mandeur est partie, directement ou indirecte-
ment, en vue de djouer ladministration de la
justice, ainsi que de tout accord, entente ou
autre arrangement visant fabriquer ou sup-
primer des lments de preuve ou tromper le
tribunal, lexclusion de toute entente pr-
voyant la sparation de fait des parties, laide
financire, le partage des biens ou la garde des
enfants charge.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 11; 1997, ch. 1, art. 1.1.
de collusion
Effective date
12. (1) Subject to this section, a divorce
takes effect on the thirty-first day after the day
on which the judgment granting the divorce is
12. (1) Sous rserve des autres dispositions
du prsent article, le divorce prend effet le
trente et unime jour suivant la date o le juge-
ment qui laccorde est prononc.
Prise deffet du
(2) Where, on or after rendering a judgment
granting a divorce,
(a) the court is of the opinion that by reason
of special circumstances the divorce should
take effect earlier than the thirty-first day af-
ter the day on which the judgment is ren-
dered, and
(b) the spouses agree and undertake that no
appeal from the judgment will be taken, or
any appeal from the judgment that was taken
has been abandoned,
the court may order that the divorce takes effect
at such earlier time as it considers appropriate.
(2) Le tribunal peut, lors du prononc du ju-
gement de divorce ou ultrieurement, ordonner
que le divorce prenne effet dans le dlai inf-
rieur quil estime indiqu, si les conditions sui-
vantes sont runies :
a) son avis, le dlai devrait tre rduit en
raison de circonstances particulires;
b) les poux conviennent de ne pas interjeter
appel du jugement ou il y a eu abandon dap-
Effective date
where appeal
(3) A divorce in respect of which an appeal
is pending at the end of the period referred to in
subsection (1), unless voided on appeal, takes
effect on the expiration of the time fixed by law
for instituting an appeal from the decision on
that appeal or any subsequent appeal, if no ap-
peal has been instituted within that time.
(3) Un divorce en instance dappel la fin
du dlai mentionn au paragraphe (1), sauf sil
est annul en appel, prend effet lexpiration
du dlai fix par la loi pour interjeter appel de
larrt rendu sur lappel ou tout appel ultrieur,
sil ny a pas eu appel dans ce dlai.
Divorce 12 juin 2014
extensions to be
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the
time fixed by law for instituting an appeal from
a decision on an appeal includes any extension
thereof fixed pursuant to law before the expira-
tion of that time or fixed thereafter on an appli-
cation instituted before the expiration of that
(4) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (3), le
dlai dappel de larrt rendu sur un appel com-
prend toute prolongation fixe en conformit
avec la loi soit dans ce dlai soit, aprs son ex-
piration, sur demande prsente avant celle-ci.
Prolongation de
No late
extensions of
time for appeal
(5) Notwithstanding any other law, the time
fixed by law for instituting an appeal from a de-
cision referred to in subsection (3) may not be
extended after the expiration of that time, ex-
cept on an application instituted before the ex-
piration of that time.
(5) Par drogation toute autre loi, le dlai
dappel fix par la loi de larrt vis au para-
graphe (3) ne peut tre prolong aprs son expi-
ration, sauf sur demande prsente avant celle-
Absence de
Effective date
where decision
of Supreme
Court of Canada
(6) A divorce in respect of which an appeal
has been taken to the Supreme Court of
Canada, unless voided on the appeal, takes ef-
fect on the day on which the judgment on the
appeal is rendered.
(6) Le divorce qui a fait lobjet dun appel
devant la Cour suprme du Canada prend effet,
sauf sil est annul en appel, la date o larrt
de ce tribunal est prononc.
Cas dune
dcision de la
Cour suprme
Certificate of
(7) Where a divorce takes effect in accor-
dance with this section, a judge or officer of the
court that rendered the judgment granting the
divorce or, where that judgment has been ap-
pealed, of the appellate court that rendered the
judgment on the final appeal, shall, on request,
issue to any person a certificate that a divorce
granted under this Act dissolved the marriage
of the specified persons effective as of a speci-
fied date.
(7) Aprs la prise deffet du divorce, en
conformit avec le prsent article, le juge ou le
fonctionnaire du tribunal qui a prononc le ju-
gement de divorce ou la cour dappel qui a ren-
du larrt dfinitif cet gard doit, sur de-
mande, dlivrer quiconque un certificat
attestant que le divorce prononc en application
de la prsente loi a dissous le mariage des per-
sonnes vises la date indique.
Certificat de
(8) A certificate referred to in subsection
(7), or a certified copy thereof, is conclusive
proof of the facts so certified without proof of
the signature or authority of the person appear-
ing to have signed the certificate.
(8) Le certificat vis au paragraphe (7) ou
une copie certifie conforme fait foi de son
contenu sans quil soit ncessaire de prouver
lauthenticit de la signature qui y est appose
ou la qualit officielle du signataire.
Legal effect
13. On taking effect, a divorce granted un-
der this Act has legal effect throughout Canada.
13. sa prise deffet, le divorce accord en
application de la prsente loi est valide dans
tout le Canada.
Validit du
divorce dans
tout le Canada
14. On taking effect, a divorce granted un-
der this Act dissolves the marriage of the
14. sa prise deffet, le divorce accord en
application de la prsente loi dissout le mariage
des poux.
Effet du divorce
Definition of
15. In sections 15.1 to 16, spouse has the
meaning assigned by subsection 2(1), and in-
cludes a former spouse.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 15; 1997, c. 1, s. 2.
15. Aux articles 15.1 16, poux sen-
tend au sens du paragraphe 2(1) et, en outre,
dun ex-poux.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 15; 1997, ch. 1, art. 2.
Dfinition de
Divorce June 12, 2014
Child support
15.1 (1) A court of competent jurisdiction
may, on application by either or both spouses,
make an order requiring a spouse to pay for the
support of any or all children of the marriage.
15.1 (1) Sur demande des poux ou de lun
deux, le tribunal comptent peut rendre une or-
donnance enjoignant un poux de verser une
prestation pour les aliments des enfants
charge ou de lun deux.
alimentaire au
profit dun
Interim order (2) Where an application is made under sub-
section (1), the court may, on application by ei-
ther or both spouses, make an interim order re-
quiring a spouse to pay for the support of any
or all children of the marriage, pending the de-
termination of the application under subsection
(2) Sur demande des poux ou de lun
deux, le tribunal peut rendre une ordonnance
provisoire enjoignant un poux de verser,
dans lattente dune dcision sur la demande vi-
se au paragraphe (1), une prestation pour les
aliments des enfants charge ou de lun deux.
Guidelines apply (3) A court making an order under subsec-
tion (1) or an interim order under subsection (2)
shall do so in accordance with the applicable
(3) Le tribunal qui rend une ordonnance ou
une ordonnance provisoire la rend conform-
ment aux lignes directrices applicables.
Application des
lignes directrices
Terms and
(4) The court may make an order under sub-
section (1) or an interim order under subsection
(2) for a definite or indefinite period or until a
specified event occurs, and may impose terms,
conditions or restrictions in connection with the
order or interim order as it thinks fit and just.
(4) La dure de validit de lordonnance ou
de lordonnance provisoire rendue par le tribu-
nal au titre du prsent article peut tre dtermi-
ne ou indtermine ou dpendre dun vne-
ment prcis; elle peut tre assujettie aux
modalits ou aux restrictions que le tribunal es-
time justes et appropries.
Court may take
agreement, etc.,
into account
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a court
may award an amount that is different from the
amount that would be determined in accor-
dance with the applicable guidelines if the court
is satisfied
(a) that special provisions in an order, a
judgment or a written agreement respecting
the financial obligations of the spouses, or
the division or transfer of their property, di-
rectly or indirectly benefit a child, or that
special provisions have otherwise been made
for the benefit of a child; and
(b) that the application of the applicable
guidelines would result in an amount of child
support that is inequitable given those spe-
cial provisions.
(5) Par drogation au paragraphe (3), le tri-
bunal peut fixer un montant diffrent de celui
qui serait dtermin conformment aux lignes
directrices applicables sil est convaincu, la
fois :
a) que des dispositions spciales dun juge-
ment, dune ordonnance ou dune entente
crite relatif aux obligations financires des
poux ou au partage ou au transfert de leurs
biens accordent directement ou indirecte-
ment un avantage un enfant pour qui les
aliments sont demands, ou que des disposi-
tions spciales ont t prises pour lui accor-
der autrement un avantage;
b) que le montant dtermin conformment
aux lignes directrices applicables serait in-
quitable eu gard ces dispositions.
jugements, etc.
Reasons (6) Where the court awards, pursuant to sub-
section (5), an amount that is different from the
amount that would be determined in accor-
dance with the applicable guidelines, the court
shall record its reasons for having done so.
(6) Sil fixe, au titre du paragraphe (5), un
montant qui est diffrent de celui qui serait d-
termin conformment aux lignes directrices
applicables, le tribunal enregistre les motifs de
sa dcision.
Consent orders (7) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a court
may award an amount that is different from the
(7) Par drogation au paragraphe (3), le tri-
bunal peut, avec le consentement des poux,
des poux
Divorce 12 juin 2014
amount that would be determined in accor-
dance with the applicable guidelines on the
consent of both spouses if it is satisfied that
reasonable arrangements have been made for
the support of the child to whom the order re-
fixer un montant qui est diffrent de celui qui
serait dtermin conformment aux lignes di-
rectrices applicables sil est convaincu que des
arrangements raisonnables ont t conclus pour
les aliments de lenfant vis par lordonnance.
(8) For the purposes of subsection (7), in de-
termining whether reasonable arrangements
have been made for the support of a child, the
court shall have regard to the applicable guide-
lines. However, the court shall not consider the
arrangements to be unreasonable solely because
the amount of support agreed to is not the same
as the amount that would otherwise have been
determined in accordance with the applicable
1997, c. 1, s. 2.
(8) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (7), le
tribunal tient compte des lignes directrices ap-
plicables pour dterminer si les arrangements
sont raisonnables. Toutefois, les arrangements
ne sont pas draisonnables du seul fait que le
montant sur lequel les conjoints sentendent est
diffrent de celui qui serait dtermin confor-
mment aux lignes directrices applicables.
1997, ch. 1, art. 2.
Spousal support
15.2 (1) A court of competent jurisdiction
may, on application by either or both spouses,
make an order requiring a spouse to secure or
pay, or to secure and pay, such lump sum or pe-
riodic sums, or such lump sum and periodic
sums, as the court thinks reasonable for the
support of the other spouse.
15.2 (1) Sur demande des poux ou de lun
deux, le tribunal comptent peut rendre une or-
donnance enjoignant un poux de garantir ou
de verser, ou de garantir et de verser, la presta-
tion, sous forme de capital, de pension ou des
deux, quil estime raisonnable pour les aliments
de lautre poux.
alimentaire au
profit dun
Interim order (2) Where an application is made under sub-
section (1), the court may, on application by ei-
ther or both spouses, make an interim order re-
quiring a spouse to secure or pay, or to secure
and pay, such lump sum or periodic sums, or
such lump sum and periodic sums, as the court
thinks reasonable for the support of the other
spouse, pending the determination of the appli-
cation under subsection (1).
(2) Sur demande des poux ou de lun
deux, le tribunal peut rendre une ordonnance
provisoire enjoignant un poux de garantir ou
de verser, ou de garantir et de verser, dans lat-
tente dune dcision sur la demande vise au
paragraphe (1), la prestation, sous forme de ca-
pital, de pension ou des deux, quil estime rai-
sonnable pour les aliments de lautre poux.
Terms and
(3) The court may make an order under sub-
section (1) or an interim order under subsection
(2) for a definite or indefinite period or until a
specified event occurs, and may impose terms,
conditions or restrictions in connection with the
order as it thinks fit and just.
(3) La dure de validit de lordonnance ou
de lordonnance provisoire rendue par le tribu-
nal au titre du prsent article peut tre dtermi-
ne ou indtermine ou dpendre dun vne-
ment prcis; elle peut tre assujettie aux
modalits ou aux restrictions que le tribunal es-
time justes et appropries.
Factors (4) In making an order under subsection (1)
or an interim order under subsection (2), the
court shall take into consideration the condi-
tion, means, needs and other circumstances of
each spouse, including
(a) the length of time the spouses cohabited;
(4) En rendant une ordonnance ou une or-
donnance provisoire au titre du prsent article,
le tribunal tient compte des ressources, des be-
soins et, dune faon gnrale, de la situation
de chaque poux, y compris :
a) la dure de la cohabitation des poux;
Divorce June 12, 2014
(b) the functions performed by each spouse
during cohabitation; and
(c) any order, agreement or arrangement re-
lating to support of either spouse.
b) les fonctions quils ont remplies au cours
de celle-ci;
c) toute ordonnance, toute entente ou tout
arrangement alimentaire au profit de lun ou
lautre des poux.
(5) In making an order under subsection (1)
or an interim order under subsection (2), the
court shall not take into consideration any mis-
conduct of a spouse in relation to the marriage.
(5) En rendant une ordonnance ou une or-
donnance provisoire au titre du prsent article,
le tribunal ne tient pas compte des fautes com-
mises par lun ou lautre des poux relative-
ment au mariage.
Fautes du
Objectives of
spousal support
(6) An order made under subsection (1) or
an interim order under subsection (2) that pro-
vides for the support of a spouse should
(a) recognize any economic advantages or
disadvantages to the spouses arising from the
marriage or its breakdown;
(b) apportion between the spouses any fi-
nancial consequences arising from the care
of any child of the marriage over and above
any obligation for the support of any child of
the marriage;
(c) relieve any economic hardship of the
spouses arising from the breakdown of the
marriage; and
(d) in so far as practicable, promote the eco-
nomic self-sufficiency of each spouse within
a reasonable period of time.
1997, c. 1, s. 2.
(6) Lordonnance ou lordonnance provi-
soire rendue pour les aliments dun poux au
titre du prsent article vise :
a) prendre en compte les avantages ou les
inconvnients conomiques qui dcoulent,
pour les poux, du mariage ou de son chec;
b) rpartir entre eux les consquences co-
nomiques qui dcoulent du soin de tout en-
fant charge, en sus de toute obligation ali-
mentaire relative tout enfant charge;
c) remdier toute difficult conomique
que lchec du mariage leur cause;
d) favoriser, dans la mesure du possible,
lindpendance conomique de chacun deux
dans un dlai raisonnable.
1997, ch. 1, art. 2.
Objectifs de
alimentaire au
profit dun
Priority to child
15.3 (1) Where a court is considering an ap-
plication for a child support order and an appli-
cation for a spousal support order, the court
shall give priority to child support in determin-
ing the applications.
15.3 (1) Dans le cas o une demande dor-
donnance alimentaire au profit dun enfant et
une demande dordonnance alimentaire au pro-
fit dun poux lui sont prsentes, le tribunal
donne la priorit aux aliments de lenfant.
Priorit aux
aliments pour
Reasons (2) Where, as a result of giving priority to
child support, the court is unable to make a
spousal support order or the court makes a
spousal support order in an amount that is less
than it otherwise would have been, the court
shall record its reasons for having done so.
(2) Si, en raison du fait quil a donn la prio-
rit aux aliments de lenfant, il ne peut rendre
une ordonnance alimentaire au profit dun
poux ou fixe un montant moindre pour les ali-
ments de celui-ci, le tribunal enregistre les mo-
tifs de sa dcision.
Consequences of
reduction or
termination of
child support
(3) Where, as a result of giving priority to
child support, a spousal support order was not
made, or the amount of a spousal support order
is less than it otherwise would have been, any
subsequent reduction or termination of that
child support constitutes a change of circum-
stances for the purposes of applying for a
(3) Dans le cadre dune demande dordon-
nance alimentaire au profit dun poux ou
dune ordonnance modificative de celle-ci, la
rduction ou la suppression des aliments dun
enfant constitue un changement dans la situa-
tion des ex-poux si, en raison du fait quil a
donn la priorit aux aliments de lenfant, le tri-
Rduction ou
suppression des
aliments de
Divorce 12 juin 2014
spousal support order, or a variation order in re-
spect of the spousal support order, as the case
may be.
1997, c. 1, s. 2.
bunal na pu rendre une ordonnance alimentaire
au profit de lpoux ou a fix un montant
moindre pour les aliments de celui-ci.
1997, ch. 1, art. 2.
Order for
16. (1) A court of competent jurisdiction
may, on application by either or both spouses
or by any other person, make an order respect-
ing the custody of or the access to, or the cus-
tody of and access to, any or all children of the
16. (1) Le tribunal comptent peut, sur de-
mande des poux ou de lun deux ou de toute
autre personne, rendre une ordonnance relative
soit la garde des enfants charge ou de lun
deux, soit laccs auprs de ces enfants, soit
aux deux.
Ordonnance de
Interim order for
(2) Where an application is made under sub-
section (1), the court may, on application by ei-
ther or both spouses or by any other person,
make an interim order respecting the custody of
or the access to, or the custody of and access to,
any or all children of the marriage pending de-
termination of the application under subsection
(2) Le tribunal peut, sur demande des poux
ou de lun deux ou de toute autre personne,
rendre une ordonnance provisoire relative soit
la garde des enfants charge ou de lun deux,
soit laccs auprs de ces enfants, soit aux
deux, dans lattente dune dcision sur la de-
mande vise au paragraphe (1).
Ordonnance de
garde provisoire
Application by
other person
(3) A person, other than a spouse, may not
make an application under subsection (1) or (2)
without leave of the court.
(3) Pour prsenter une demande au titre des
paragraphes (1) et (2), une personne autre
quun poux doit obtenir lautorisation du tri-
Demande par
une autre
Joint custody or
(4) The court may make an order under this
section granting custody of, or access to, any or
all children of the marriage to any one or more
(4) Lordonnance rendue par le tribunal
conformment au prsent article peut prvoir la
garde par une ou plusieurs personnes des en-
fants charge ou de lun deux ou laccs au-
prs de ces enfants.
Garde ou accs
par une ou
Access (5) Unless the court orders otherwise, a
spouse who is granted access to a child of the
marriage has the right to make inquiries, and to
be given information, as to the health, educa-
tion and welfare of the child.
(5) Sauf ordonnance contraire du tribunal,
lpoux qui obtient un droit daccs peut de-
mander et se faire donner des renseignements
relatifs la sant, lducation et au bien-tre
de lenfant.
Terms and
(6) The court may make an order under this
section for a definite or indefinite period or un-
til the happening of a specified event and may
impose such other terms, conditions or restric-
tions in connection therewith as it thinks fit and
(6) La dure de validit de lordonnance
rendue par le tribunal conformment au prsent
article peut tre dtermine ou indtermine ou
dpendre dun vnement prcis; lordonnance
peut tre assujettie aux modalits ou restric-
tions que le tribunal estime justes et appro-
Modalits de
Order respecting
change of
(7) Without limiting the generality of sub-
section (6), the court may include in an order
under this section a term requiring any person
who has custody of a child of the marriage and
who intends to change the place of residence of
that child to notify, at least thirty days before
the change or within such other period before
the change as the court may specify, any person
who is granted access to that child of the
(7) Sans prjudice de la porte gnrale du
paragraphe (6), le tribunal peut inclure dans
lordonnance quil rend au titre du prsent ar-
ticle une disposition obligeant la personne qui a
la garde dun enfant charge et qui a linten-
tion de changer le lieu de rsidence de celui-ci
dinformer au moins trente jours lavance, ou
dans le dlai antrieur au changement que lui
impartit le tribunal, toute personne qui a un
relative au
changement de
Divorce June 12, 2014
change, the time at which the change will be
made and the new place of residence of the
droit daccs cet enfant du moment et du lieu
du changement.
Factors (8) In making an order under this section,
the court shall take into consideration only the
best interests of the child of the marriage as de-
termined by reference to the condition, means,
needs and other circumstances of the child.
(8) En rendant une ordonnance conform-
ment au prsent article, le tribunal ne tient
compte que de lintrt de lenfant charge, d-
fini en fonction de ses ressources, de ses be-
soins et, dune faon gnrale, de sa situation.
Past conduct (9) In making an order under this section,
the court shall not take into consideration the
past conduct of any person unless the conduct
is relevant to the ability of that person to act as
a parent of a child.
(9) En rendant une ordonnance conform-
ment au prsent article, le tribunal ne tient pas
compte de la conduite antrieure dune per-
sonne, sauf si cette conduite est lie laptitude
de la personne agir titre de pre ou de mre.
(10) In making an order under this section,
the court shall give effect to the principle that a
child of the marriage should have as much con-
tact with each spouse as is consistent with the
best interests of the child and, for that purpose,
shall take into consideration the willingness of
the person for whom custody is sought to facili-
tate such contact.
(10) En rendant une ordonnance conform-
ment au prsent article, le tribunal applique le
principe selon lequel lenfant charge doit
avoir avec chaque poux le plus de contact
compatible avec son propre intrt et, cette
fin, tient compte du fait que la personne pour
qui la garde est demande est dispose ou non
faciliter ce contact.
Maximum de
Order for
rescission or
17. (1) A court of competent jurisdiction
may make an order varying, rescinding or sus-
pending, prospectively or retroactively,
(a) a support order or any provision thereof
on application by either or both former
spouses; or
(b) a custody order or any provision thereof
on application by either or both former
spouses or by any other person.
17. (1) Le tribunal comptent peut rendre
une ordonnance qui modifie, suspend ou an-
nule, rtroactivement ou pour lavenir :
a) une ordonnance alimentaire ou telle de
ses dispositions, sur demande des ex-poux
ou de lun deux;
b) une ordonnance de garde ou telle de ses
dispositions, sur demande des ex-poux ou
de lun deux ou de toute autre personne.
Application by
other person
(2) A person, other than a former spouse,
may not make an application under paragraph
(1)(b) without leave of the court.
(2) Pour prsenter une demande au titre de
lalina (1)b), une personne autre quun ex-
poux doit obtenir lautorisation du tribunal.
Demande par
une autre
Terms and
(3) The court may include in a variation or-
der any provision that under this Act could
have been included in the order in respect of
which the variation order is sought.
(3) Le tribunal peut assortir une ordonnance
modificative des mesures quaurait pu compor-
ter, sous le rgime de la prsente loi, lordon-
nance dont la modification a t demande.
Modalits de
Factors for child
support order
(4) Before the court makes a variation order
in respect of a child support order, the court
shall satisfy itself that a change of circum-
stances as provided for in the applicable guide-
lines has occurred since the making of the child
support order or the last variation order made in
respect of that order.
(4) Avant de rendre une ordonnance modifi-
cative de lordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun enfant, le tribunal sassure quil est surve-
nu un changement de situation, selon les lignes
directrices applicables, depuis que cette ordon-
nance ou la dernire ordonnance modificative
de celle-ci a t rendue.
alimentaire au
profit dun
Divorce 12 juin 2014
Factors for
spousal support
(4.1) Before the court makes a variation or-
der in respect of a spousal support order, the
court shall satisfy itself that a change in the
condition, means, needs or other circumstances
of either former spouse has occurred since the
making of the spousal support order or the last
variation order made in respect of that order,
and, in making the variation order, the court
shall take that change into consideration.
(4.1) Avant de rendre une ordonnance modi-
ficative de lordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun poux, le tribunal sassure quil est surve-
nu un changement dans les ressources, les be-
soins ou, dune faon gnrale, la situation de
lun ou lautre des ex-poux depuis que cette
ordonnance ou la dernire ordonnance modifi-
cative de celle-ci a t rendue et tient compte
du changement en rendant lordonnance modi-
alimentaire au
profit dun
Factors for
custody order
(5) Before the court makes a variation order
in respect of a custody order, the court shall
satisfy itself that there has been a change in the
condition, means, needs or other circumstances
of the child of the marriage occurring since the
making of the custody order or the last varia-
tion order made in respect of that order, as the
case may be, and, in making the variation or-
der, the court shall take into consideration only
the best interests of the child as determined by
reference to that change.
(5) Avant de rendre une ordonnance modifi-
cative de lordonnance de garde, le tribunal doit
sassurer quil est survenu un changement dans
les ressources, les besoins ou, dune faon g-
nrale, dans la situation de lenfant charge de-
puis le prononc de lordonnance de garde ou
de la dernire ordonnance modificative de
celle-ci et, le cas chant, ne tient compte que
de lintrt de lenfant, dfini en fonction de ce
changement, en rendant lordonnance modifica-
considrs pour
lordonnance de
Variation order (5.1) For the purposes of subsection (5), a
former spouses terminal illness or critical con-
dition shall be considered a change of circum-
stances of the child of the marriage, and the
court shall make a variation order in respect of
access that is in the best interests of the child.
(5.1) Pour les besoins du paragraphe (5), la
maladie en phase terminale ou ltat critique
dun ex-poux constitue un changement dans la
situation de lenfant charge; le tribunal rend
alors une ordonnance modificative relative
laccs auprs de lenfant qui est dans lintrt
de celui-ci.
Conduct (6) In making a variation order, the court
shall not take into consideration any conduct
that under this Act could not have been consid-
ered in making the order in respect of which the
variation order is sought.
(6) En rendant une ordonnance modificative,
le tribunal ne tient pas compte dune conduite
qui naurait pu tre prise en considration lors
du prononc de lordonnance dont la modifica-
tion a t demande.
Guidelines apply (6.1) A court making a variation order in re-
spect of a child support order shall do so in ac-
cordance with the applicable guidelines.
(6.1) Le tribunal qui rend une ordonnance
modificative dune ordonnance alimentaire au
profit dun enfant la rend conformment aux
lignes directrices applicables.
Application des
lignes directrices
Court may take
agreement, etc.,
into account
(6.2) Notwithstanding subsection (6.1), in
making a variation order in respect of a child
support order, a court may award an amount
that is different from the amount that would be
determined in accordance with the applicable
guidelines if the court is satisfied
(a) that special provisions in an order, a
judgment or a written agreement respecting
the financial obligations of the spouses, or
the division or transfer of their property, di-
rectly or indirectly benefit a child, or that
special provisions have otherwise been made
for the benefit of a child; and
(6.2) En rendant une ordonnance modifica-
tive dune ordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun enfant, le tribunal peut, par drogation au
paragraphe (6.1), fixer un montant diffrent de
celui qui serait dtermin conformment aux
lignes directrices applicables sil est convaincu,
la fois :
a) que des dispositions spciales dun juge-
ment, dune ordonnance ou dune entente
crite relatifs aux obligations financires des
poux ou au partage ou au transfert de leurs
biens accordent directement ou indirecte-
ment un avantage un enfant pour qui les
jugements, etc.
Divorce June 12, 2014
(b) that the application of the applicable
guidelines would result in an amount of child
support that is inequitable given those spe-
cial provisions.
aliments sont demands, ou que des disposi-
tions spciales ont t prises pour lui accor-
der autrement un avantage;
b) que le montant dtermin conformment
aux lignes directrices applicables serait in-
quitable eu gard ces dispositions.
Reasons (6.3) Where the court awards, pursuant to
subsection (6.2), an amount that is different
from the amount that would be determined in
accordance with the applicable guidelines, the
court shall record its reasons for having done
(6.3) Sil fixe, au titre du paragraphe (6.2),
un montant qui est diffrent de celui qui serait
dtermin conformment aux lignes directrices
applicables, le tribunal enregistre les motifs de
sa dcision.
Consent orders (6.4) Notwithstanding subsection (6.1), a
court may award an amount that is different
from the amount that would be determined in
accordance with the applicable guidelines on
the consent of both spouses if it is satisfied that
reasonable arrangements have been made for
the support of the child to whom the order re-
(6.4) Par drogation au paragraphe (6.1), le
tribunal peut, avec le consentement des poux,
fixer un montant qui est diffrent de celui qui
serait dtermin conformment aux lignes di-
rectrices applicables sil est convaincu que des
arrangements raisonnables ont t conclus pour
les aliments de lenfant vis par lordonnance.
des poux
(6.5) For the purposes of subsection (6.4), in
determining whether reasonable arrangements
have been made for the support of a child, the
court shall have regard to the applicable guide-
lines. However, the court shall not consider the
arrangements to be unreasonable solely because
the amount of support agreed to is not the same
as the amount that would otherwise have been
determined in accordance with the applicable
(6.5) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (6.4),
le tribunal tient compte des lignes directrices
applicables pour dterminer si les arrangements
sont raisonnables. Toutefois, les arrangements
ne sont pas draisonnables du seul fait que le
montant sur lequel les conjoints sentendent est
diffrent de celui qui serait dtermin confor-
mment aux lignes directrices applicables.
Objectives of
variation order
varying spousal
support order
(7) A variation order varying a spousal sup-
port order should
(a) recognize any economic advantages or
disadvantages to the former spouses arising
from the marriage or its breakdown;
(b) apportion between the former spouses
any financial consequences arising from the
care of any child of the marriage over and
above any obligation for the support of any
child of the marriage;
(c) relieve any economic hardship of the for-
mer spouses arising from the breakdown of
the marriage; and
(d) in so far as practicable, promote the eco-
nomic self-sufficiency of each former spouse
within a reasonable period of time.
(7) Lordonnance modificative de lordon-
nance alimentaire au profit dun poux vise :
a) prendre en compte les avantages ou in-
convnients conomiques qui dcoulent pour
les ex-poux du mariage ou de son chec;
b) rpartir entre eux les consquences co-
nomiques qui dcoulent du soin de tout en-
fant charge, en sus de toute obligation ali-
mentaire relative tout enfant charge;
c) remdier toute difficult conomique
que lchec du mariage leur cause;
d) favoriser, dans la mesure du possible,
lindpendance conomique de chacun deux
dans un dlai raisonnable.
Objectifs de
modificative de
alimentaire au
profit dun
(8) [Repealed, 1997, c. 1, s. 5] (8) [Abrog, 1997, ch. 1, art. 5]
Divorce 12 juin 2014
(9) In making a variation order varying a
custody order, the court shall give effect to the
principle that a child of the marriage should
have as much contact with each former spouse
as is consistent with the best interests of the
child and, for that purpose, where the variation
order would grant custody of the child to a per-
son who does not currently have custody, the
court shall take into consideration the willing-
ness of that person to facilitate such contact.
(9) En rendant une ordonnance modificative
dune ordonnance de garde, le tribunal applique
le principe selon lequel lenfant charge doit
avoir avec chaque ex-poux le plus de contact
compatible avec son propre intrt et, si lor-
donnance modificative doit accorder la garde
une personne qui ne la pas actuellement, le tri-
bunal tient compte du fait que cette personne
est dispose ou non faciliter ce contact.
Maximum de
Limitation (10) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where
a spousal support order provides for support for
a definite period or until a specified event oc-
curs, a court may not, on an application institut-
ed after the expiration of that period or the oc-
currence of the event, make a variation order
for the purpose of resuming that support unless
the court is satisfied that
(a) a variation order is necessary to relieve
economic hardship arising from a change de-
scribed in subsection (4.1) that is related to
the marriage; and
(b) the changed circumstances, had they ex-
isted at the time of the making of the spousal
support order or the last variation order made
in respect of that order, as the case may be,
would likely have resulted in a different or-
(10) Par drogation au paragraphe (1), le tri-
bunal ne peut modifier lordonnance alimen-
taire au profit dun poux dont la dure de vali-
dit est dtermine ou dpend dun vnement
prcis, sur demande prsente aprs lchance
de son terme ou aprs la survenance de cet v-
nement, en vue de la reprise de la fourniture
des aliments, que sil est convaincu des faits
suivants :
a) lordonnance modificative simpose pour
remdier une difficult conomique cause
par un changement vis au paragraphe (4.1)
et li au mariage;
b) la nouvelle situation, si elle avait exist
lpoque o lordonnance alimentaire au pro-
fit dun poux ou la dernire ordonnance mo-
dificative de celle-ci a t rendue, aurait vrai-
semblablement donn lieu une ordonnance
Copy of order (11) Where a court makes a variation order
in respect of a support order or a custody order
made by another court, it shall send a copy of
the variation order, certified by a judge or offi-
cer of the court, to that other court.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 17; 1997, c. 1, s. 5; 2007, c.
14, s. 1.
(11) Le tribunal qui rend une ordonnance
modificative dune ordonnance alimentaire ou
de garde rendue par un autre tribunal envoie
celui-ci une copie, certifie conforme par un de
ses juges ou fonctionnaires, de lordonnance
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 17; 1997, ch. 1, art. 5;
2007, ch. 14, art. 1.
Copie de
Variation order
by affidavit, etc.
17.1 Where both former spouses are ordi-
narily resident in different provinces, a court of
competent jurisdiction may, in accordance with
any applicable rules of the court, make a varia-
tion order pursuant to subsection 17(1) on the
basis of the submissions of the former spouses,
whether presented orally before the court or by
means of affidavits or any means of telecom-
munication, if both former spouses consent
1993, c. 8, s. 2.
17.1 Si les ex-poux rsident habituellement
dans des provinces diffrentes, le tribunal com-
ptent peut, conformment celles de ses
rgles de pratique et de procdure qui sont ap-
plicables en loccurrence, rendre, en vertu du
paragraphe 17(1), une ordonnance fonde sur
les prtentions de chacun des ex-poux expo-
ses soit devant le tribunal, soit par affidavit,
soit par tout moyen de tlcommunication, lors-
quils sentendent pour procder ainsi.
1993, ch. 8, art. 2.
modificative par
affidavit, etc.
Divorce June 12, 2014
Definitions 18. (1) In this section and section 19,
Attorney General, in respect of a province,
(a) for Yukon, the member of the Executive
Council of Yukon designated by the Com-
missioner of Yukon,
(b) for the Northwest Territories, the mem-
ber of the Executive Council of the North-
west Territories designated by the Commis-
sioner of the Northwest Territories,
(b.1) for Nunavut, the member of the Execu-
tive Council of Nunavut designated by the
Commissioner of Nunavut, and
(c) for the other provinces, the Attorney
General of the province,
and includes any person authorized in writing
by the member or Attorney General to act for
the member or Attorney General in the perfor-
mance of a function under this section or sec-
tion 19;
provisional order means an order made pur-
suant to subsection (2).
18. (1) Les dfinitions qui suivent sap-
pliquent au prsent article ainsi qu larticle
procureur gnral Selon la province, lune
des personnes suivantes :
a) le membre du Conseil excutif du Yukon
dsign par le commissaire du Yukon;
b) le membre du Conseil excutif des Terri-
toires du Nord-Ouest dsign par le commis-
saire de ces territoires;
b.1) le membre du Conseil excutif du Nu-
navut dsign par le commissaire du terri-
c) le procureur gnral de toute autre pro-
La prsente dfinition sapplique galement
toute personne que le membre du conseil ou le
procureur gnral autorise par crit le repr-
senter dans lexercice des fonctions prvues par
le prsent article ou larticle 19.
ordonnance conditionnelle Ordonnance ren-
due en vertu du paragraphe (2).
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph 5(1)(a) and
subsection 17(1), where an application is made
to a court in a province for a variation order in
respect of a support order and
(a) the respondent in the application is ordi-
narily resident in another province and has
not accepted the jurisdiction of the court, or
both former spouses have not consented to
the application of section 17.1 in respect of
the matter, and
(b) in the circumstances of the case, the
court is satisfied that the issues can be ade-
quately determined by proceeding under this
section and section 19,
the court shall make a variation order with or
without notice to and in the absence of the re-
spondent, but such order is provisional only
and has no legal effect until it is confirmed in a
proceeding under section 19 and, where so con-
firmed, it has legal effect in accordance with
the terms of the order confirming it.
(2) Par drogation lalina 5(1)a) ou au pa-
ragraphe 17(1), lorsquune demande est prsen-
te devant le tribunal dune province en vue
dune ordonnance modificative dune ordon-
nance alimentaire, le tribunal rend par dfaut,
avec ou sans pravis au dfendeur, une ordon-
nance modificative conditionnelle, qui nest
excutoire que sur confirmation dans le cadre
de la procdure prvue larticle 19 et que se-
lon les modalits de lordonnance de confirma-
tion. Cette ordonnance conditionnelle est ren-
due dans les cas suivants :
a) le dfendeur rside habituellement dans
une autre province et ne reconnat pas la
comptence du tribunal, ou encore les parties
ne sentendent pas pour procder selon lar-
ticle 17.1;
b) dans les circonstances de lespce, le tri-
bunal estime que les questions en cause
peuvent tre convenablement rgles en pro-
cdant conformment au prsent article et
larticle 19.
Divorce 12 juin 2014
Transmission (3) Where a court in a province makes a
provisional order, it shall send to the Attorney
General for the province
(a) three copies of the provisional order cer-
tified by a judge or officer of the court;
(b) a certified or sworn document setting out
or summarizing the evidence given to the
court; and
(c) a statement giving any available infor-
mation respecting the identification, location,
income and assets of the respondent.
(3) Le tribunal dune province qui rend une
ordonnance conditionnelle envoie les docu-
ments suivants au procureur gnral de la pro-
vince :
a) trois copies de lordonnance, certifies
conformes par un juge ou un fonctionnaire
du tribunal;
b) un document certifi conforme ou attest
sous serment qui comporte lnonc ou un
rsum des lments de preuve soumis au tri-
c) une dclaration qui donne tout renseigne-
ment dont il dispose au sujet de lidentit du
dfendeur, de ses revenus, de ses biens ainsi
que du lieu o il se trouve.
Idem (4) On receipt of the documents referred to
in subsection (3), the Attorney General shall
send the documents to the Attorney General for
the province in which the respondent is ordinar-
ily resident.
(4) Sur rception de ces documents, le pro-
cureur gnral les transmet au procureur gn-
ral de la province o le dfendeur rside habi-
Further evidence (5) Where, during a proceeding under sec-
tion 19, a court in a province remits the matter
back for further evidence to the court that made
the provisional order, the court that made the
order shall, after giving notice to the applicant,
receive further evidence.
(5) Le tribunal qui a rendu lordonnance
conditionnelle est tenu, aprs notification au
demandeur, de recueillir des lments de
preuve supplmentaires lorsque le tribunal saisi
de la procdure prvue larticle 19 lui renvoie
laffaire cette fin.
Complment de
Transmission (6) Where evidence is received under sub-
section (5), the court that received the evidence
shall forward to the court that remitted the mat-
ter back a certified or sworn document setting
out or summarizing the evidence, together with
such recommendations as the court that re-
ceived the evidence considers appropriate.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 18; 1993, c. 8, s. 3, c. 28, s.
78; 2002, c. 7, s. 159; 2014, c. 2, s. 33.
(6) Aprs avoir recueilli ces lments de
preuve, le tribunal transmet au tribunal qui lui a
renvoy laffaire un document certifi
conforme ou attest sous serment qui comporte
lnonc ou un rsum de ces lments assorti
des recommandations quil juge indiques.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 18; 1993, ch. 8, art. 3, ch.
28, art. 78; 2002, ch. 7, art. 159; 2014, ch. 2, art. 33.
Transmission 19. (1) On receipt of any documents sent
pursuant to subsection 18(4), the Attorney Gen-
eral for the province in which the respondent is
ordinarily resident shall send the documents to
a court in the province.
19. (1) Sur rception des documents trans-
mis conformment au paragraphe 18(4), le pro-
cureur gnral de la province o le dfendeur
rside habituellement les transmet un tribunal
de cette province.
Procedure (2) Subject to subsection (3), where docu-
ments have been sent to a court pursuant to
subsection (1), the court shall serve on the re-
spondent a copy of the documents and a notice
of a hearing respecting confirmation of the pro-
visional order and shall proceed with the hear-
ing, in the absence of the applicant, taking into
consideration the certified or sworn document
(2) Sous rserve du paragraphe (3), sur r-
ception des documents viss au paragraphe (1),
le tribunal en signifie au dfendeur une copie et
un avis linformant quil va tre procd
linstruction de laffaire concernant la confir-
mation de lordonnance conditionnelle et pro-
cde linstruction, en labsence du deman-
deur, en tenant compte du document certifi
conforme ou attest sous serment o sont non-
Procdure de
confirmation de
Divorce June 12, 2014
setting out or summarizing the evidence given
to the court that made the provisional order.
cs ou rsums les lments de preuve prsen-
ts devant le tribunal qui a rendu lordonnance
Return to
(3) Where documents have been sent to a
court pursuant to subsection (1) and the respon-
dent apparently is outside the province and is
not likely to return, the court shall send the
documents to the Attorney General for that
province, together with any available informa-
tion respecting the location and circumstances
of the respondent.
(3) Lorsque le dfendeur, selon toute appa-
rence, est lextrieur de la province et quil
est peu probable quil y revienne, le tribunal
qui reoit les documents viss au paragraphe
(1) les renvoie au procureur gnral de cette
province en y joignant les renseignements dont
il dispose au sujet du lieu et des circonstances
o le dfendeur se trouve.
Rapport au
Idem (4) On receipt of any documents and infor-
mation sent pursuant to subsection (3), the At-
torney General shall send the documents and
information to the Attorney General for the
province of the court that made the provisional
(4) Sur rception de ces documents ou ren-
seignements, le procureur gnral les transmet
au procureur gnral de la province du tribunal
qui a rendu lordonnance conditionnelle.
Right of
(5) In a proceeding under this section, the
respondent may raise any matter that might
have been raised before the court that made the
provisional order.
(5) Dans le cadre de la procdure prvue au
prsent article, le dfendeur peut soulever tout
point qui aurait pu ltre devant le tribunal qui a
rendu lordonnance conditionnelle.
Droit du
Further evidence (6) Where, in a proceeding under this sec-
tion, the respondent satisfies the court that for
the purpose of taking further evidence or for
any other purpose it is necessary to remit the
matter back to the court that made the provi-
sional order, the court may so remit the matter
and adjourn the proceeding for that purpose.
(6) Lorsque le dfendeur dmontre au tribu-
nal que le renvoi de laffaire au tribunal qui a
rendu lordonnance conditionnelle simpose
pour faire recueillir tout lment supplmen-
taire de preuve ou toute autre fin, le tribunal
peut renvoyer laffaire en consquence et sus-
pendre la procdure cette fin.
Complment de
Order of
confirmation or
(7) Subject to subsection (7.1), at the con-
clusion of a proceeding under this section, the
court shall make an order
(a) confirming the provisional order without
(b) confirming the provisional order with
variation; or
(c) refusing confirmation of the provisional
(7) lissue de la procdure prvue au pr-
sent article, le tribunal rend, sous rserve du pa-
ragraphe (7.1), une ordonnance :
a) soit pour confirmer lordonnance condi-
tionnelle sans la modifier;
b) soit pour la confirmer en la modifiant;
c) soit pour refuser de la confirmer.
Issue de la
Guidelines apply (7.1) A court making an order under subsec-
tion (7) in respect of a child support order shall
do so in accordance with the applicable guide-
(7.1) Le tribunal qui rend, au titre du para-
graphe (7), une ordonnance relative une or-
donnance alimentaire au profit dun enfant la
rend conformment aux lignes directrices appli-
Application des
lignes directrices
Further evidence (8) The court, before making an order con-
firming the provisional order with variation or
an order refusing confirmation of the provision-
al order, shall decide whether to remit the mat-
ter back for further evidence to the court that
made the provisional order.
(8) Avant de rendre une ordonnance qui
confirme lordonnance conditionnelle en la mo-
difiant ou qui refuse de la confirmer, le tribunal
dcide sil renvoie laffaire devant le tribunal
qui a rendu lordonnance conditionnelle pour
Complment de
Divorce 12 juin 2014
quil recueille des lments de preuve suppl-
Interim order for
support of
(9) Where a court remits a matter pursuant
to this section in relation to a child support or-
der, the court may, pending the making of an
order under subsection (7), make an interim or-
der in accordance with the applicable guide-
lines requiring a spouse to pay for the support
of any or all children of the marriage.
(9) Le tribunal qui renvoie une affaire rela-
tive une ordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun enfant peut, avant de rendre lordonnance
prvue au paragraphe (7), rendre, conform-
ment aux lignes directrices applicables, une or-
donnance provisoire enjoignant un poux de
verser une prestation pour les aliments des en-
fants charge ou de lun deux.
provisoire au
profit dun
Interim order for
support of
(9.1) Where a court remits a matter pursuant
to this section in relation to a spousal support
order, the court may make an interim order re-
quiring a spouse to secure or pay, or to secure
and pay, such lump sum or periodic sums, or
such lump sum and periodic sums, as the court
thinks reasonable for the support of the other
spouse, pending the making of an order under
subsection (7).
(9.1) Le tribunal qui renvoie une affaire re-
lative une ordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun poux peut, avant de rendre lordonnance
prvue au paragraphe (7), rendre une ordon-
nance provisoire enjoignant un poux de ga-
rantir ou de verser, ou de garantir et de verser,
la prestation, sous forme de capital, de pension
ou des deux, quil estime raisonnable pour les
aliments de lautre poux.
provisoire au
profit dun
Terms and
(10) The court may make an order under
subsection (9) or (9.1) for a definite or indefi-
nite period or until a specified event occurs,
and may impose terms, conditions or restric-
tions in connection with the order as it thinks fit
and just.
(10) La dure de validit de lordonnance
rendue par le tribunal au titre des paragraphes
(9) ou (9.1) peut tre dtermine ou indtermi-
ne ou dpendre dun vnement prcis; lor-
donnance peut tre assujettie aux modalits ou
aux restrictions que le tribunal estime justes et
Modalits de
(11) Subsections 17(4), (4.1) and (6) to (7)
apply, with such modifications as the circum-
stances require, in respect of an order made un-
der subsection (9) or (9.1) as if it were a varia-
tion order referred to in those subsections.
(11) Les paragraphes 17(4), (4.1) et (6) (7)
sappliquent, avec les adaptations ncessaires,
une ordonnance rendue au titre des paragraphes
(9) ou (9.1) comme sil sagissait dune ordon-
nance modificative prvue ces paragraphes.
Report and filing (12) On making an order under subsection
(7), the court in a province shall
(a) send a copy of the order, certified by a
judge or officer of the court, to the Attorney
General for that province, to the court that
made the provisional order and, where that
court is not the court that made the support
order in respect of which the provisional or-
der was made, to the court that made the sup-
port order;
(b) where an order is made confirming the
provisional order with or without variation,
file the order in the court; and
(c) where an order is made confirming the
provisional order with variation or refusing
confirmation of the provisional order, give
written reasons to the Attorney General for
(12) En rendant lordonnance vise au para-
graphe (7), le tribunal dune province :
a) transmet au procureur gnral de cette
province, au tribunal qui a rendu lordon-
nance conditionnelle ainsi quau tribunal qui
a rendu lordonnance alimentaire, dans le cas
o ce dernier nest pas le mme que celui qui
a rendu lordonnance conditionnelle qui sy
rattache, une copie certifie conforme de
lordonnance par un juge ou un fonctionnaire
du tribunal;
b) ouvre un dossier sur lordonnance dans le
cas o celle-ci confirme lordonnance condi-
tionnelle avec ou sans modification;
c) fait parvenir ses motifs par crit au tribu-
nal qui a rendu lordonnance conditionnelle
ainsi quau procureur gnral de cette pro-
vince, dans le cas o il rend une ordonnance
Rapport et dpt
Divorce June 12, 2014
that province and to the court that made the
provisional order.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 19; 1993, c. 8, s. 4; 1997, c.
1, s. 7.
qui confirme lordonnance conditionnelle
avec modification ou qui refuse de la confir-
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 19; 1993, ch. 8, art. 4;
1997, ch. 1, art. 7.
Definition of
20. (1) In this section, court, in respect of
a province, has the meaning assigned by sub-
section 2(1) and includes such other court hav-
ing jurisdiction in the province as is designated
by the Lieutenant Governor in Council of the
province as a court for the purposes of this sec-
20. (1) Au prsent article, tribunal, dans
le cas dune province, sentend au sens du para-
graphe 2(1). Est compris dans cette dfinition
tout autre tribunal qui a comptence dans la
province sur dsignation du lieutenant-gouver-
neur en conseil pour lapplication du prsent ar-
Dfinition de
Legal effect
(2) Subject to subsection 18(2), an order
made under any of sections 15.1 to 17 or sub-
section 19(7), (9) or (9.1) has legal effect
throughout Canada.
(2) Sous rserve du paragraphe 18(2), une
ordonnance rendue au titre des articles 15.1
17 ou des paragraphes 19(7), (9) ou (9.1) est
valide dans tout le Canada.
Validit de
dans tout le
Enforcement (3) An order that has legal effect throughout
Canada pursuant to subsection (2) may be
(a) registered in any court in a province and
enforced in like manner as an order of that
court; or
(b) enforced in a province in any other man-
ner provided for by the laws of that province,
including its laws respecting reciprocal en-
forcement between the province and a juris-
diction outside Canada.
(3) Cette ordonnance peut tre :
a) soit enregistre auprs de tout tribunal
dune province et excute comme toute
autre ordonnance de ce tribunal;
b) soit excute dans une province de toute
autre faon prvue par ses lois, notamment
les lois en matire dexcution rciproque
entre celle-ci et une autorit trangre.
Force excutoire
Variation of
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), a court
may only vary an order that has legal effect
throughout Canada pursuant to subsection (2)
in accordance with this Act.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 20; 1997, c. 1, s. 8.
(4) Par drogation au paragraphe (3), le tri-
bunal ne peut modifier lordonnance vise au
paragraphe (2) que conformment la prsente
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 20; 1997, ch. 1, art. 8.
Modification des
Assignment of
20.1 (1) A support order may be assigned to
(a) any minister of the Crown for Canada
designated by the Governor in Council;
(b) any minister of the Crown for a
province, or any agency in a province, desig-
nated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council
of the province;
(c) any member of the Legislative Assembly
of Yukon, or any agency in Yukon, designat-
ed by the Commissioner of Yukon;
(d) any member of the Legislative Assembly
of the Northwest Territories, or any agency
in the Northwest Territories, designated by
the Commissioner of the Northwest Territo-
ries; or
20.1 (1) La crance alimentaire octroye
par une ordonnance peut tre cde :
a) un ministre fdral dsign par le gou-
verneur en conseil;
b) un ministre dune province ou une ad-
ministration qui est situe dans celle-ci, dsi-
gn par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil
de la province;
c) un dput de l'Assemble lgislative du
Yukon ou une administration situe dans ce
territoire, dsign par le commissaire du Yu-
d) un dput de lAssemble lgislative
des Territoires du Nord-Ouest ou une ad-
ministration qui est situe dans ces terri-
toires, dsign par le commissaire de ces ter-
Cession de la
Divorce 12 juin 2014
(e) any member of the Legislative Assembly
of Nunavut, or any agency in Nunavut, des-
ignated by the Commissioner of Nunavut.
e) un membre de lAssemble lgislative
du Nunavut ou une administration qui est
situe dans ce territoire, dsign par le com-
missaire de ce territoire.
Rights (2) A minister, member or agency referred
to in subsection (1) to whom an order is as-
signed is entitled to the payments due under the
order, and has the same right to be notified of,
and to participate in, proceedings under this
Act to vary, rescind, suspend or enforce the or-
der as the person who would otherwise be enti-
tled to the payments.
1993, c. 28, s. 78; 1997, c. 1, s. 9; 1998, c. 15, s. 23; 2002,
c. 7, s. 160; 2014, c. 2, s. 34.
(2) Le ministre, le membre ou ladministra-
tion qui la crance alimentaire octroye par
une ordonnance a t cde a droit aux mon-
tants dus au titre de lordonnance et a le droit,
dans le cadre des procdures relatives la mo-
dification, lannulation, la suspension ou lex-
cution de lordonnance, den tre avis ou dy
participer au mme titre que la personne qui au-
rait autrement eu droit ces montants.
1993, ch. 28, art. 78; 1997, ch. 1, art. 9; 1998, ch. 15, art.
23; 2002, ch. 7, art. 160; 2014, ch. 2, art. 34.
Appeal to
appellate court
21. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3),
an appeal lies to the appellate court from any
judgment or order, whether final or interim,
rendered or made by a court under this Act.
21. (1) Sous rserve des paragraphes (2) et
(3), les jugements ou ordonnances rendus par
un tribunal en application de la prsente loi,
quils soient dfinitifs ou provisoires, sont sus-
ceptibles dappel devant une cour dappel.
Appel une
cour dappel
Restriction on
divorce appeals
(2) No appeal lies from a judgment granting
a divorce on or after the day on which the di-
vorce takes effect.
(2) Il ne peut tre fait appel dun jugement
qui accorde le divorce compter du jour o ce-
lui-ci prend effet.
Exception pour
les jugements de
Restriction on
order appeals
(3) No appeal lies from an order made under
this Act more than thirty days after the day on
which the order was made.
(3) Il ne peut tre fait appel dune ordon-
nance rendue en vertu de la prsente loi plus de
trente jours aprs le jour o elle a t rendue.
Exception pour
les ordonnances
Extension (4) An appellate court or a judge thereof
may, on special grounds, either before or after
the expiration of the time fixed by subsection
(3) for instituting an appeal, by order extend
that time.
(4) Une cour dappel ou un de ses juges
peuvent, pour des motifs particuliers, et mme
aprs son expiration, proroger par ordonnance
le dlai fix par le paragraphe (3).
Powers of
appellate court
(5) The appellate court may
(a) dismiss the appeal; or
(b) allow the appeal and
(i) render the judgment or make the order
that ought to have been rendered or made,
including such order or such further or
other order as it deems just, or
(ii) order a new hearing where it deems it
necessary to do so to correct a substantial
wrong or miscarriage of justice.
(5) La cour dappel saisie peut :
a) rejeter lappel;
b) en faisant droit lappel :
(i) soit rendre le jugement ou lordon-
nance qui auraient d tre rendus, y com-
pris toute ordonnance, diffrente ou nou-
velle, quelle estime juste,
(ii) soit ordonner la tenue dun nouveau
procs lorsquelle lestime ncessaire pour
rparer un dommage important ou rem-
dier une erreur judiciaire.
Pouvoirs de la
cour dappel
Procedure on
(6) Except as otherwise provided by this Act
or the rules or regulations, an appeal under this
section shall be asserted, heard and decided ac-
cording to the ordinary procedure governing
(6) Sauf disposition contraire de la prsente
loi ou de ses rgles ou rglements, lappel pr-
vu au prsent article est form et instruit, et il
en est dcid, selon la procdure habituelle ap-
Divorce June 12, 2014
appeals to the appellate court from the court
rendering the judgment or making the order be-
ing appealed.
plicable aux appels interjets devant la cour
dappel contre les dcisions du tribunal qui a
rendu lordonnance ou le jugement frapps
Definition of
21.1 (1) In this section, spouse has the
meaning assigned by subsection 2(1) and in-
cludes a former spouse.
21.1 (1) Au prsent article, poux sen-
tend au sens du paragraphe 2(1) et, en outre,
dun ex-poux.
Dfinition de
Affidavit re
removal of
barriers to
(2) In any proceedings under this Act, a
spouse (in this section referred to as the depo-
nent) may serve on the other spouse and file
with the court an affidavit indicating
(a) that the other spouse is the spouse of the
(b) the date and place of the marriage, and
the official character of the person who sol-
emnized the marriage;
(c) the nature of any barriers to the remar-
riage of the deponent within the deponents
religion the removal of which is within the
other spouses control;
(d) where there are any barriers to the re-
marriage of the other spouse within the other
spouses religion the removal of which is
within the deponents control, that the depo-
(i) has removed those barriers, and the
date and circumstances of that removal, or
(ii) has signified a willingness to remove
those barriers, and the date and circum-
stances of that signification;
(e) that the deponent has, in writing, re-
quested the other spouse to remove all of the
barriers to the remarriage of the deponent
within the deponents religion the removal of
which is within the other spouses control;
(f) the date of the request described in para-
graph (e); and
(g) that the other spouse, despite the request
described in paragraph (e), has failed to re-
move all of the barriers referred to in that
(2) Dans le cas dune action engage sous le
rgime de la prsente loi, un poux (appel
signataire au prsent article) peut signifier
lautre poux et dposer auprs du tribunal un
affidavit donnant les renseignements suivants :
a) lindication du fait que lautre poux est
lpoux du signataire;
b) la date et le lieu de la clbration du ma-
riage, ainsi que la qualit officielle du cl-
c) la nature de tout obstacle, dont la suppres-
sion dpend de lautre poux, au remariage
du signataire au sein de sa religion;
d) lindication du fait que le signataire a
supprim, ou a signifi son intention de sup-
primer, tout obstacle, dont la suppression d-
pend de lui, au remariage de lautre poux au
sein de sa religion, ainsi que la date et les cir-
constances de la suppression ou de la signifi-
e) lindication du fait que le signataire a de-
mand, par crit, lautre poux de suppri-
mer tout obstacle son remariage au sein de
sa religion lorsque cette suppression dpend
de ce dernier;
f) la date de la demande vise lalina e);
g) lindication du fait que, malgr la de-
mande vise lalina e), lautre poux na
pas supprim lobstacle.
tendant la
suppression des
obstacles au
Powers of court
where barriers
not removed
(3) Where a spouse who has been served
with an affidavit under subsection (2) does not
(a) within fifteen days after that affidavit is
filed with the court or within such longer pe-
(3) Le tribunal peut, aux conditions quil es-
time indiques, rejeter tout affidavit, demande
ou autre acte de procdure dpos par un poux
dans le cas suivant :
Pouvoirs du
tribunal dfaut
de suppression
Divorce 12 juin 2014
riod as the court allows, serve on the depo-
nent and file with the court an affidavit indi-
cating that all of the barriers referred to in
paragraph (2)(e) have been removed, and
(b) satisfy the court, in any additional man-
ner that the court may require, that all of the
barriers referred to in paragraph (2)(e) have
been removed,
the court may, subject to any terms that the
court considers appropriate,
(c) dismiss any application filed by that
spouse under this Act, and
(d) strike out any other pleadings and affi-
davits filed by that spouse under this Act.
a) cet poux a eu signification de laffidavit
vis au paragraphe (2) mais na pas signifi
son tour au signataire, ni na dpos auprs
du tribunal, dans les quinze jours suivant le
dpt de cet affidavit ou dans le dlai sup-
rieur accord par le tribunal, un affidavit in-
diquant que tout obstacle vis lalina (2)e)
a t supprim;
b) il na pas russi convaincre le tribunal,
selon les modalits complmentaires ven-
tuellement fixes par celui-ci, que tout obs-
tacle a effectivement t supprim.
Special case (4) Without limiting the generality of the
courts discretion under subsection (3), the
court may refuse to exercise its powers under
paragraphs (3)(c) and (d) where a spouse who
has been served with an affidavit under subsec-
tion (2)
(a) within fifteen days after that affidavit is
filed with the court or within such longer pe-
riod as the court allows, serves on the depo-
nent and files with the court an affidavit indi-
cating genuine grounds of a religious or
conscientious nature for refusing to remove
the barriers referred to in paragraph (2)(e);
(b) satisfies the court, in any additional man-
ner that the court may require, that the
spouse has genuine grounds of a religious or
conscientious nature for refusing to remove
the barriers referred to in paragraph (2)(e).
(4) Sans prjudice de la porte gnrale de
la facult dapprciation que lui confre le pa-
ragraphe (3), le tribunal peut refuser dexercer
les pouvoirs octroys par ce paragraphe dans le
cas suivant :
a) lpoux qui a eu signification de laffida-
vit vis au paragraphe (2) a signifi son
tour au signataire et dpos auprs du tribu-
nal, dans les quinze jours suivant le dpt de
cet affidavit ou dans le dlai suprieur accor-
d par le tribunal, un affidavit faisant tat de
motifs srieux, fonds sur la religion ou la
conscience, pour refuser de supprimer tout
obstacle vis lalina (2)e);
b) il a convaincu le tribunal, selon les moda-
lits complmentaires ventuellement fixes
par celui-ci, du fait que ces motifs sont va-
Cas particulier
Affidavits (5) For the purposes of this section, an affi-
davit filed with the court by a spouse must, in
order to be valid, indicate the date on which it
was served on the other spouse.
(5) Pour tre valide, un affidavit dpos par
un poux auprs du tribunal doit porter la date
de sa signification lautre poux.
Where section
does not apply
(6) This section does not apply where the
power to remove the barrier to religious remar-
riage lies with a religious body or official.
1990, c. 18, s. 2.
(6) Le prsent article ne sapplique pas aux
cas o la suppression des obstacles au rema-
riage religieux relve dune autorit religieuse.
1990, ch. 18, art. 2.
Recognition of
foreign divorce
22. (1) A divorce granted, on or after the
coming into force of this Act, pursuant to a law
of a country or subdivision of a country other
than Canada by a tribunal or other authority
having jurisdiction to do so shall be recognized
for all purposes of determining the marital sta-
tus in Canada of any person, if either former
22. (1) Un divorce prononc compter de
lentre en vigueur de la prsente loi, confor-
mment la loi dun pays tranger ou dune de
ses subdivisions, par un tribunal ou une autre
autorit comptente est reconnu aux fins de d-
terminer ltat matrimonial au Canada dune
personne donne, condition que lun des ex-
des divorces
Divorce June 12, 2014
spouse was ordinarily resident in that country
or subdivision for at least one year immediately
preceding the commencement of proceedings
for the divorce.
poux ait rsid habituellement dans ce pays ou
cette subdivision pendant au moins lanne pr-
cdant lintroduction de linstance.
Idem (2) A divorce granted, after July 1, 1968,
pursuant to a law of a country or subdivision of
a country other than Canada by a tribunal or
other authority having jurisdiction to do so, on
the basis of the domicile of the wife in that
country or subdivision determined as if she
were unmarried and, if she was a minor, as if
she had attained the age of majority, shall be
recognized for all purposes of determining the
marital status in Canada of any person.
(2) Un divorce prononc aprs le 1
1968, conformment la loi dun pays tranger
ou dune de ses subdivisions, par un tribunal ou
une autre autorit comptente et dont la comp-
tence se rattache au domicile de lpouse, en ce
pays ou cette subdivision, dtermin comme si
elle tait clibataire, et, si elle est mineure,
comme si elle avait atteint lge de la majorit,
est reconnu aux fins de dterminer ltat matri-
monial au Canada dune personne donne.
recognition rules
(3) Nothing in this section abrogates or
derogates from any other rule of law respecting
the recognition of divorces granted otherwise
than under this Act.
(3) Le prsent article na pas pour effet de
porter atteinte aux autres rgles de droit rela-
tives la reconnaissance des divorces dont le
prononc ne dcoule pas de lapplication de la
prsente loi.
Maintien des
rgles de
Provincial laws
of evidence
23. (1) Subject to this or any other Act of
Parliament, the laws of evidence of the
province in which any proceedings under this
Act are taken, including the laws of proof of
service of any document, apply to such pro-
23. (1) Sous rserve des autres dispositions
de la prsente loi ou de toute autre loi fdrale,
le droit de la preuve de la province o est exer-
ce une action sous le rgime de la prsente loi
sapplique cette action, y compris en matire
de signification.
Application du
droit provincial
Presumption (2) For the purposes of this section, where
any proceedings are transferred to the Federal
Court under subsection 3(3) or 5(3), the pro-
ceedings shall be deemed to have been taken in
the province specified in the direction of the
Court to be the province with which both
spouses or former spouses, as the case may be,
are or have been most substantially connected.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 23; 2002, c. 8, s. 183.
(2) Pour lapplication du prsent article,
dans lventualit vise au paragraphe 3(3) ou
5(3), laction renvoye la Cour fdrale est
rpute introduite dans la province o les poux
ou ex-poux ont ou ont eu leurs principales at-
taches, selon lavis de la Cour fdrale men-
tionn dans lordre.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 23; 2002, ch. 8, art. 183.
Proof of
signature or
24. A document offered in a proceeding un-
der this Act that purports to be certified or
sworn by a judge or an officer of a court shall,
unless the contrary is proved, be proof of the
appointment, signature or authority of the judge
or officer and, in the case of a document pur-
porting to be sworn, of the appointment, signa-
ture or authority of the person before whom the
document purports to be sworn.
24. Un document prsent dans le cadre
dune action prvue par la prsente loi et cens
certifi conforme ou attest sous serment par un
juge ou un fonctionnaire du tribunal fait foi,
sauf preuve contraire, de la nomination, de la
signature ou de la comptence de ce juge ou
fonctionnaire, ou de la personne qui a reu le
serment dans le cas dun document cens attes-
t sous serment.
Definition of
25. (1) In this section, competent authori-
ty, in respect of a court, or appellate court, in a
province means the body, person or group of
persons ordinarily competent under the laws of
that province to make rules regulating the prac-
tice and procedure in that court.
25. (1) Au prsent article, autorit comp-
tente sentend, dans le cas du tribunal ou de la
cour dappel dune province, des organismes,
personnes ou groupes de personnes habituelle-
ment comptents, sous le rgime juridique de la
province, pour tablir les rgles de pratique et
de procdure de ce tribunal.
Dfinition de
Divorce 12 juin 2014
Rules (2) Subject to subsection (3), the competent
authority may make rules applicable to any pro-
ceedings under this Act in a court, or appellate
court, in a province, including, without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, rules
(a) regulating the practice and procedure in
the court, including the addition of persons
as parties to the proceedings;
(b) respecting the conduct and disposition of
any proceedings under this Act without an
oral hearing;
(b.1) respecting the application of section
17.1 in respect of proceedings for a variation
(c) regulating the sittings of the court;
(d) respecting the fixing and awarding of
(e) prescribing and regulating the duties of
officers of the court;
(f) respecting the transfer of proceedings un-
der this Act to or from the court; and
(g) prescribing and regulating any other
matter considered expedient to attain the
ends of justice and carry into effect the pur-
poses and provisions of this Act.
(2) Sous rserve du paragraphe (3), lautori-
t comptente peut tablir les rgles applicables
aux actions ou procdures engages aux termes
de la prsente loi devant le tribunal ou la cour
dappel dune province, notamment en ce qui
concerne :
a) la pratique et la procdure devant ce tri-
bunal, y compris la mise en cause de tiers;
b) linstruction et le rglement des actions
vises par la prsente loi sans quil soit n-
cessaire aux parties de prsenter leurs l-
ments de preuve et leur argumentation verba-
b.1) la possibilit de procder selon larticle
c) les sances du tribunal;
d) la taxation des frais et loctroi des dpens;
e) les attributions des fonctionnaires du tri-
f) le renvoi dactions prvu dans la prsente
loi entre ce tribunal et un autre;
g) toute autre mesure juge opportune aux
fins de la justice et pour lapplication de la
prsente loi.
Exercise of
(3) The power to make rules for a court or
appellate court conferred by subsection (2) on a
competent authority shall be exercised in the
like manner and subject to the like terms and
conditions, if any, as the power to make rules
for that court conferred on that authority by the
laws of the province.
(3) Le pouvoir dtablir des rgles pour un
tribunal ou une cour dappel confr par le pa-
ragraphe (2) une autorit comptente sexerce
selon les mmes modalits et conditions que le
pouvoir confr cet gard par les lois provin-
Mode dexercice
du pouvoir
Not statutory
(4) Rules made pursuant to this section by a
competent authority that is not a judicial or
quasi-judicial body shall be deemed not to be
statutory instruments within the meaning and
for the purposes of the Statutory Instruments
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 25; 1993, c. 8, s. 5.
(4) Les rgles tablies en vertu du prsent
article par une autorit comptente qui nest ni
un organisme judiciaire ni un organisme quasi
judiciaire sont rputes ne pas tre des textes
rglementaires au sens et pour lapplication de
la Loi sur les textes rglementaires.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 25; 1993, ch. 8, art. 5.
Rgles et textes
with provinces
25.1 (1) With the approval of the Governor
in Council, the Minister of Justice may, on be-
half of the Government of Canada, enter into an
agreement with a province authorizing a
provincial child support service designated in
the agreement to
(a) assist courts in the province in the deter-
mination of the amount of child support; and
25.1 (1) Le ministre de la Justice peut, avec
lapprobation du gouverneur en conseil,
conclure au nom du gouvernement fdral un
accord avec une province autorisant le service
provincial des aliments pour enfants dsign
dans celui-ci :
a) aider le tribunal fixer le montant des
aliments pour un enfant;
Accords avec les
Divorce June 12, 2014
(b) recalculate, at regular intervals, in accor-
dance with the applicable guidelines, the
amount of child support orders on the basis
of updated income information.
b) fixer, intervalles rguliers, un nouveau
montant pour les ordonnances alimentaires
au profit dun enfant en conformit avec les
lignes directrices applicables et la lumire
des renseignements jour sur le revenu.
Effect of
(2) Subject to subsection (5), the amount of
a child support order as recalculated pursuant to
this section shall for all purposes be deemed to
be the amount payable under the child support
(2) Sous rserve du paragraphe (5), le nou-
veau montant de lordonnance alimentaire au
profit dun enfant fix sous le rgime du pr-
sent article est rput, toutes fins utiles, tre le
montant payable au titre de lordonnance.
Effet du
nouveau calcul
Liability (3) The former spouse against whom a child
support order was made becomes liable to pay
the amount as recalculated pursuant to this sec-
tion thirty-one days after both former spouses
to whom the order relates are notified of the re-
calculation in the manner provided for in the
agreement authorizing the recalculation.
(3) Le nouveau montant fix sous le rgime
du prsent article est payable par lex-poux vi-
s par lordonnance alimentaire au profit dun
enfant trente et un jours aprs celui o les ex-
poux en ont t aviss selon les modalits pr-
vues dans laccord autorisant la fixation du
nouveau montant.
Obligation de
Right to vary (4) Where either or both former spouses to
whom a child support order relates do not agree
with the amount of the order as recalculated
pursuant to this section, either former spouse
may, within thirty days after both former
spouses are notified of the recalculation in the
manner provided for in the agreement authoriz-
ing the recalculation, apply to a court of com-
petent jurisdiction for an order under subsec-
tion 17(1).
(4) Dans les trente jours suivant celui o ils
ont t aviss du nouveau montant, selon les
modalits prvues dans laccord en autorisant
la fixation, les ex-poux, ou lun deux, peuvent
demander au tribunal comptent de rendre une
ordonnance au titre du paragraphe 17(1).
Modification du
montant de
Effect of
(5) Where an application is made under sub-
section (4), the operation of subsection (3) is
suspended pending the determination of the ap-
plication, and the child support order continues
in effect.
(5) Dans le cas o une demande est prsen-
te au titre du paragraphe (4), lapplication du
paragraphe (3) est suspendue dans lattente
dune dcision du tribunal comptent sur la de-
mande, et lordonnance alimentaire au profit
dun enfant continue davoir effet.
Effet de la
Withdrawal of
(6) Where an application made under sub-
section (4) is withdrawn before the determina-
tion of the application, the former spouse
against whom the order was made becomes li-
able to pay the amount as recalculated pursuant
to this section on the day on which the former
spouse would have become liable had the appli-
cation not been made.
1997, c. 1, s. 10; 1999, c. 31, s. 74(F).
(6) Dans le cas o la demande prsente au
titre du paragraphe (4) est retire avant quune
dcision soit rendue son gard, le montant
payable par lex-poux vis par lordonnance
alimentaire au profit dun enfant est le nouveau
montant fix sous le rgime du prsent article
et ce compter du jour o ce montant aurait t
payable si la demande navait pas t prsente.
1997, ch. 1, art. 10; 1999, ch. 31, art. 74(F).
Retrait de la
Regulations 26. (1) The Governor in Council may make
regulations for carrying the purposes and provi-
sions of this Act into effect and, without limit-
ing the generality of the foregoing, may make
(a) respecting the establishment and opera-
tion of a central registry of divorce proceed-
ings in Canada; and
26. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par
rglement, prendre les mesures ncessaires
lapplication de la prsente loi, notamment :
a) en ce qui concerne la cration et la mise
en oeuvre dun bureau denregistrement des
actions en divorce au Canada;
Divorce 12 juin 2014
(b) providing for uniformity in the rules
made pursuant to section 25.
b) en vue dassurer luniformit des rgles
tablies en vertu de larticle 25.
(2) Any regulations made pursuant to sub-
section (1) to provide for uniformity in the
rules prevail over those rules.
(2) Les rglements pris en vertu du para-
graphe (1) en vue dassurer luniformit des
rgles lemportent sur celles-ci.
Primaut des
Guidelines 26.1 (1) The Governor in Council may es-
tablish guidelines respecting the making of or-
ders for child support, including, but without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, guide-
(a) respecting the way in which the amount
of an order for child support is to be deter-
(b) respecting the circumstances in which
discretion may be exercised in the making of
an order for child support;
(c) authorizing a court to require that the
amount payable under an order for child sup-
port be paid in periodic payments, in a lump
sum or in a lump sum and periodic pay-
(d) authorizing a court to require that the
amount payable under an order for child sup-
port be paid or secured, or paid and secured,
in the manner specified in the order;
(e) respecting the circumstances that give
rise to the making of a variation order in re-
spect of a child support order;
(f) respecting the determination of income
for the purposes of the application of the
(g) authorizing a court to impute income for
the purposes of the application of the guide-
lines; and
(h) respecting the production of income in-
formation and providing for sanctions when
that information is not provided.
26.1 (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut ta-
blir des lignes directrices lgard des ordon-
nances pour les aliments des enfants, notam-
ment pour :
a) rgir le mode de dtermination du mon-
tant des ordonnances pour les aliments des
b) rgir les cas o le tribunal peut exercer
son pouvoir discrtionnaire lorsquil rend des
ordonnances pour les aliments des enfants;
c) autoriser le tribunal exiger que le mon-
tant de lordonnance pour les aliments dun
enfant soit payable sous forme de capital ou
de pension, ou des deux;
d) autoriser le tribunal exiger que le mon-
tant de lordonnance pour les aliments dun
enfant soit vers ou garanti, ou vers et ga-
ranti, selon les modalits prvues par lor-
e) rgir les changements de situation au titre
desquels les ordonnances modificatives des
ordonnances alimentaires au profit dun en-
fant peuvent tre rendues;
f) rgir la dtermination du revenu pour
lapplication des lignes directrices;
g) autoriser le tribunal attribuer un revenu
pour lapplication des lignes directrices;
h) rgir la communication de renseigne-
ments sur le revenu et prvoir les sanctions
affrentes la non-communication de tels
Principle (2) The guidelines shall be based on the
principle that spouses have a joint financial
obligation to maintain the children of the mar-
riage in accordance with their relative abilities
to contribute to the performance of that obliga-
(2) Les lignes directrices doivent tre fon-
des sur le principe que lobligation financire
de subvenir aux besoins des enfants charge
est commune aux poux et quelle est rpartie
entre eux selon leurs ressources respectives
permettant de remplir cette obligation.
Definition of
order for child
(3) In subsection (1), order for child sup-
port means
(a) an order or interim order made under
section 15.1;
(3) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (1),
ordonnance pour les aliments dun enfant
sentend :
Dfinition de
pour les aliments
dun enfant
Divorce June 12, 2014
(b) a variation order in respect of a child
support order; or
(c) an order or an interim order made under
section 19.
1997, c. 1, s. 11.
a) de lordonnance ou de lordonnance pro-
visoire rendue au titre de larticle 15.1;
b) de lordonnance modificative de lordon-
nance alimentaire au profit dun enfant;
c) de lordonnance ou de lordonnance pro-
visoire rendue au titre de larticle 19.
1997, ch. 1, art. 11.
Fees 27. (1) The Governor in Council may, by
order, authorize the Minister of Justice to pre-
scribe a fee to be paid by any person to whom a
service is provided under this Act or the regula-
27. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par
dcret, autoriser le ministre de la Justice ta-
blir les droits payer par le bnficiaire dun
service fourni en vertu de la prsente loi ou de
ses rglements.
Agreements (2) The Minister of Justice may, with the ap-
proval of the Governor in Council, enter into an
agreement with the government of any
province respecting the collection and remit-
tance of any fees prescribed pursuant to subsec-
tion (1).
(2) Le ministre de la Justice peut, avec lap-
probation du gouverneur en conseil, conclure
un accord avec le gouvernement dune pro-
vince concernant la perception et le paiement
des droits viss au paragraphe (1).
Review and
28. The Minister of Justice shall undertake a
comprehensive review of the provisions and
operation of the Federal Child Support Guide-
lines and the determination of child support un-
der this Act and shall cause a report on the re-
view to be laid before each House of
Parliament within five years after the coming
into force of this section.
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 28; 1997, c. 1, s. 12.
28. Le ministre de la Justice procde lexa-
men dtaill, dune part, de lapplication des
lignes directrices fdrales sur les pensions ali-
mentaires pour enfants et, dautre part, de la d-
termination des aliments pour enfants. Il dpose
son rapport devant chaque chambre du Parle-
ment dans les cinq ans suivant lentre en vi-
gueur du prsent article.
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 28; 1997, ch. 1, art. 12.
Examen et
29. to 31. [Repealed, 1997, c. 1, s. 12] 29. 31. [Abrogs, 1997, ch. 1, art. 12]
based on facts
arising before
of Act
32. Proceedings may be commenced under
this Act notwithstanding that the material facts
or circumstances giving rise to the proceedings
or to jurisdiction over the proceedings occurred
wholly or partly before the day on which this
Act comes into force.
32. Toute action peut tre engage sous le
rgime de la prsente loi, mme si les faits ou
les circonstances qui lui ont donn lieu ou qui
dterminent la comptence en lespce sont en
tout ou partie antrieurs la date dentre en vi-
gueur de cette loi.
Faits antrieurs
lentre en
DIVORCE ACT, R.S. 1970, C. D-8 LOI SUR LE DIVORCE, S.R. 1970, CH. D-8
of Act
33. Proceedings commenced under the Di-
vorce Act, chapter D-8 of the Revised Statutes
of Canada, 1970, before the day on which this
Act comes into force and not finally disposed
of before that day shall be dealt with and dis-
posed of in accordance with that Act as it read
immediately before that day, as though it had
not been repealed.
33. Les actions engages sous le rgime de
la Loi sur le divorce, chapitre D-8 des Statuts
reviss du Canada de 1970, avant la date den-
tre en vigueur de la prsente loi et sur les-
quelles il na pas t dfinitivement statu
avant cette date sont instruites, et il en est dci-
d, conformment la loi prcite, en son tat
avant la mme date, comme si elle navait pas
t abroge.
engages avant
lentre en
Divorce 12 juin 2014
Variation and
enforcement of
previously made
34. (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), any or-
der made under subsection 11(1) of the Divorce
Act, chapter D-8 of the Revised Statutes of
Canada, 1970, including any order made pur-
suant to section 33 of this Act, and any order to
the like effect made corollary to a decree of di-
vorce granted in Canada before July 2, 1968 or
granted on or after that day pursuant to subsec-
tion 22(2) of that Act may be varied, rescinded,
suspended or enforced in accordance with sec-
tions 17 to 20, other than subsection 17(10), of
this Act as if
(a) the order were a support order or custody
order, as the case may be; and
(b) in subsections 17(4), (4.1) and (5), the
words or the last order made under subsec-
tion 11(2) of the Divorce Act, chapter D-8 of
the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, vary-
ing that order were added immediately be-
fore the words or the last variation order
made in respect of that order.
34. (1) Sous rserve du paragraphe (1.1),
toute ordonnance rendue en vertu du para-
graphe 11(1) de la Loi sur le divorce, chapitre
D-8 des Statuts reviss du Canada de 1970, y
compris une ordonnance rendue en vertu de
larticle 33 de la prsente loi, ainsi que toute or-
donnance de mme effet rendue accessoirement
un jugement de divorce prononc au Canada
avant le 2 juillet 1968 ou prononc le 2 juillet
1968 ou aprs cette date conformment au pa-
ragraphe 22(2) de la loi prcite, peut tre mo-
difie, suspendue, annule ou excute confor-
mment aux articles 17 20, lexclusion du
paragraphe 17(10), de la prsente loi comme :
a) sil sagissait dune ordonnance alimen-
taire ou de garde, selon le cas;
b) si, aux paragraphes 17(4), (4.1) et (5), les
mots ou de la dernire ordonnance rendue
en vertu du paragraphe 11(2) de la Loi sur le
divorce, chapitre D-8 des Statuts reviss du
Canada de 1970, aux fins de modifier cette
ordonnance taient insrs avant les mots
ou de la dernire ordonnance modificative
de celle-ci .
Modification et
dj rendues
(1.1) Where an application is made under
subsection 17(1) to vary an order referred to in
subsection (1) that provides a single amount of
money for the combined support of one or
more children and a former spouse, the court
shall rescind the order and treat the application
as an application for a child support order and
an application for a spousal support order.
(1.1) Dans le cas o une demande est pr-
sente au titre du paragraphe 17(1), en vue de
modifier lordonnance vise au paragraphe (1)
qui prvoit un seul montant pour les aliments
dun ou de plusieurs enfants et dun ex-poux,
le tribunal annule lordonnance et applique les
rgles applicables la demande relative lor-
donnance alimentaire au profit dun enfant et
la demande relative lordonnance alimentaire
au profit dun poux.
Enforcement of
interim orders
(2) Any order made under section 10 of the
Divorce Act, chapter D-8 of the Revised
Statutes of Canada, 1970, including any order
made pursuant to section 33 of this Act, may be
enforced in accordance with section 20 of this
Act as if it were an order made under subsec-
tion 15.1(1) or 15.2(1) or section 16 of this Act,
as the case may be.
(2) Toute ordonnance rendue en vertu de
larticle 10 de la Loi sur le divorce, chapitre
D-8 des Statuts reviss du Canada de 1970, y
compris une ordonnance rendue en vertu de
larticle 33 de la prsente loi, peut tre excute
en conformit avec larticle 20 de la prsente
loi comme sil sagissait dune ordonnance ren-
due en vertu des paragraphes 15.1(1) ou 15.2(1)
ou de larticle 16, selon le cas.
Assignment of
previously made
(3) Any order for the maintenance of a
spouse or child of the marriage made under
section 10 or 11 of the Divorce Act, chapter
D-8 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970,
including any order made pursuant to section
33 of this Act, and any order to the like effect
made corollary to a decree of divorce granted
(3) Les crances octroyes par toute ordon-
nance rendue conformment aux articles 10 ou
11 de la Loi sur le divorce, chapitre D-8 des
Statuts reviss du Canada de 1970, pour len-
tretien dun poux ou dun enfant du mariage, y
compris une ordonnance rendue en vertu de
larticle 33 de la prsente loi, ainsi que toute or-
Cession des
octroyes par
des ordonnances
dj rendues
Divorce June 12, 2014
in Canada before July 2, 1968 or granted on or
after that day pursuant to subsection 22(2) of
that Act may be assigned to any minister, mem-
ber or agency designated pursuant to section
R.S., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.), s. 34; 1997, c. 1, s. 14.
donnance de mme effet rendue accessoirement
un jugement de divorce prononc au Canada
avant le 2 juillet 1968 ou prononc le 2 juillet
1968 ou aprs cette date conformment au pa-
ragraphe 22(2) de la loi prcite, peuvent tre
cdes un ministre, un membre ou une admi-
nistration dsign suivant les termes de larticle
L.R. (1985), ch. 3 (2
suppl.), art. 34; 1997, ch. 1, art. 14.
Procedural laws
35. The rules and regulations made under
the Divorce Act, chapter D-8 of the Revised
Statutes of Canada, 1970, and the provisions of
any other law or of any rule, regulation or other
instrument made thereunder respecting any
matter in relation to which rules may be made
under subsection 25(2) that were in force in
Canada or any province immediately before the
day on which this Act comes into force and that
are not inconsistent with this Act continue in
force as though made or enacted by or under
this Act until they are repealed or altered by
rules or regulations made under this Act or are,
by virtue of the making of rules or regulations
under this Act, rendered inconsistent with those
rules or regulations.
35. Les rgles et rglements dapplication de
la Loi sur le divorce, chapitre D-8 des Statuts
reviss du Canada de 1970, ainsi que les autres
lois ou leurs rgles, leurs rglements ou tout
autre texte dapplication, portant sur lune ou
lautre des questions vises au paragraphe
25(2) et en application au Canada ou dans une
province avant la date dentre en vigueur de la
prsente loi, demeurent, dans la mesure de leur
compatibilit avec la prsente loi, en vigueur
comme sils avaient t dicts aux termes de
celle-ci jusqu ce quils soient modifis ou
abrogs dans le cadre de la prsente loi ou
quils deviennent inapplicables du fait de leur
incompatibilit avec de nouvelles dispositions.
Application des
normes du droit
Variation and
enforcement of
support orders
previously made
35.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), any sup-
port order made under this Act before the com-
ing into force of this section may be varied, re-
scinded, suspended or enforced in accordance
with sections 17 to 20 as if the support order
were a child support order or a spousal support
order, as the case may be.
35.1 (1) Sous rserve du paragraphe (2),
lordonnance alimentaire rendue au titre de la
prsente loi avant lentre en vigueur du pr-
sent article peut tre modifie, suspendue, an-
nule ou excute conformment aux articles
17 20 comme sil sagissait dune ordonnance
alimentaire au profit dun enfant ou dune or-
donnance alimentaire au profit dun poux, se-
lon le cas.
Modification et
alimentaires dj
(2) Where an application is made under sub-
section 17(1) to vary a support order made un-
der this Act before the coming into force of this
section that provides for the combined support
of one or more children and a former spouse,
the court shall rescind the order and treat the
application as an application for a child support
order and an application for a spousal support
(2) Dans le cas o une demande est prsen-
te au titre du paragraphe 17(1), en vue de mo-
difier une ordonnance alimentaire rendue au
titre de la prsente loi avant lentre en vigueur
du prsent article qui prvoit un seul montant
pour les aliments dun ou de plusieurs enfants
et dun ex-poux, le tribunal annule lordon-
nance et applique les rgles applicables la de-
mande relative lordonnance alimentaire au
profit dun enfant et la demande relative
lordonnance alimentaire au profit dun poux.
Assignment of
previously made
(3) Any support order made under this Act
before the coming into force of this section
(3) Les crances octroyes par toute ordon-
nance alimentaire rendue au titre de la prsente
loi avant lentre en vigueur du prsent article
peuvent tre cdes un ministre, un membre
Cession des
octroyes par
des ordonnances
dj rendues
Divorce 12 juin 2014
may be assigned to any minister, member or
agency designated pursuant to section 20.1.
1997, c. 1, s. 15.
ou une administration dsign suivant les
termes de larticle 20.1.
1997, ch. 1, art. 15.
36. This Act shall come into force on a day
to be fixed by proclamation.
[Note: Act in force June 1, 1986, see SI/86-70.]
36. La prsente loi entre en vigueur la
date fixe par proclamation.
[Note : Loi en vigueur le 1
juin 1986, voir TR/86-70.]
Entre en
Divorce June 12, 2014
R.S., 1985, c. 27 (2nd Supp.), s. 11 L.R. (1985), ch. 27 (2
suppl.), art. 11
11. Proceedings to which any of the provisions
amended by the schedule apply that were com-
menced before the coming into force of section 10
shall be continued in accordance with those amended
provisions without any further formality.
11. Les procdures intentes en vertu des disposi-
tions modifies en annexe avant lentre en vigueur
de larticle 10 se poursuivent en conformit avec les
nouvelles dispositions sans autres formalits.
transitoire :
1990, c. 18, s. 3 1990, ch. 18, art. 3
Application of
3. Subsection 2(4) and section 21.1 of the Di-
vorce Act, as enacted by this Act, apply in respect of
proceedings commenced under the Divorce Act ei-
ther before or after the coming into force of this Act.
3. Le paragraphe 2(4) et larticle 21.1 de la Loi
sur le divorce, dicts par la prsente loi, sap-
pliquent aux actions engages sous le rgime de la
premire de ces lois avant comme aprs lentre en
vigueur de la seconde.
Application des
1993, c. 8, ss. 19(1), (2) 1993, ch. 8, par. 19(1) et (2)
19. (1) Sections 4 and 17.1 and subsection 18(2)
of the Divorce Act, as enacted by sections 1, 2 and 3,
respectively, of this Act, apply only to corollary re-
lief proceedings commenced under the Divorce Act
after the coming into force of those sections.
19. (1) Les articles 4 et 17.1 et le paragraphe
18(2) de la Loi sur le divorce, dicts respectivement
par les articles 1, 2 et 3 de la prsente loi, ne sap-
pliquent quaux actions en mesures accessoires enga-
ges sous le rgime de la Loi sur le divorce aprs
lentre en vigueur de ces derniers articles.
(2) Subsections 19(2) and (7) of the Divorce Act,
as enacted by section 4 of this Act, apply to corollary
relief proceedings commenced under the Divorce Act
before or after the coming into force of that section.
(2) Les paragraphes 19(2) et (7) de la Loi sur le
divorce, dicts par larticle 4 de la prsente loi,
sappliquent aux actions en mesures accessoires en-
gages sous le rgime de la Loi sur le divorce avant
ou aprs lentre en vigueur de cet article.
1998, c. 30, s. 10 1998, ch. 30, art. 10
10. Every proceeding commenced before the
coming into force of this section and in respect of
which any provision amended by sections 12 to 16
applies shall be taken up and continued under and in
conformity with that amended provision without any
further formality.
10. Les procdures intentes avant lentre en vi-
gueur du prsent article et auxquelles sappliquent
des dispositions vises par les articles 12 16 se
poursuivent sans autres formalits en conformit
avec ces dispositions dans leur forme modifie.

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