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Mark Edens

Rpondez aux questions rendre le vendredi 11 mars 2016.

Questions de comprhension (1-2 phrases) :
1. Selon Momo, comment est-ce que M. Ibrahim et les putes rendaient plus
difficile la
vie de Momo avec son pre ? (p. 23 / p. 19)
Momo a dit en p.23 que il se sent mieux quand avec les putes et M.
Ibrahim. Momo a dit que il a froid lorsque avec son pre et plus chaud avec les

2. En gnrale, comment est-ce que les gens ragissent quand Momo

sourit ?
Comment est-ce que le pre de Momo ragit ? (p. 28-31 / p. 22-24)
Quand Momo sourit, les gens taient plus agrables Momo. Son pre dit
que Momo avait besoin d'aller chez le dentiste.

3. M. Ibrahim dit Momo que ses dents nont pas besoin dappareil. (p. 33
/ p. 26)
Pourquoi ?
Le dentiste est un ami de M. Ibrahim et il a dit M. Ibrahim Que Momo n'a pas
besoin d'appareil.

4. Quest-ce qui est arriv au pre de Momo ? (p. 44 / p. 32) Pourquoi estce que
Momo se sent coupable ?
Le pre de Momo lui abandonne. Momo se sent coupable par n'tre pas son
frre. Son pre plus aimais son frre.

Questions dinterprtation (4-5 phrases) :

1. Quelles activits est-ce que Momo range dans un tiroir secret de son
esprit ?
(p. 25 / p. 20) Pourquoi, votre avis ?
Il dit cela en rfrence parler avec M. Ibrahim et de son association avec les
putes. Je pense qu'il dit cela parce qu'il sait quil nest pas normal de faire ces
choses. Il est possible qu'il ne serait pas avec des putains ou un ami profond avec
Ibrahim si son pre tait bon pour lui. Il aussi dit que le tiroir est un emplacement
pour des choses qui ne sont pas officiellement partie de sa vie.

Mark Edens

2. Qui est Popol ? Quest-ce quil reprsente selon Momo ? Comment estce que
Momo se sent quand il entend son nom ? p. 24, p. 31-32, p. 43 / p. 20, p.
25, P. 34
Popol est le frre de Momo. Momo sent mauvais lorsque Popol
est mentionn. Les gens parlent gnralement bien de Popol. Il fait Momo sentir
qu'il ne peut pas vivre ses frres rputation. Son pre commente souvent que
Momo ne fait pas beaucoup de choses qu'il aimait propos de Popol.

3. M. Ibrahim et Momo font une promenade ensemble (p. 35 / p. 28). O

vont-ils ?
Quest-ce quils font ? Quest-ce quils voient ?
Momo et M. Ibrahim pied de Paris. L, ils voient la Seine, des ChampsElyses, et ils voient beaucoup de grands magasins. Ils parlent des dtails de
chaque lieu. Ils parlent de la faon dont la Seine a de nombreux ponts et n'a pas
droit. Ils parlent aussi de la faon dont la rue du Faubourg Saint Honor a beaucoup
de magasins qui sont grands, mais ils sont vides.

Questions in English (do a little research online):

1. Look up the following places online: le Champs-lyses, la Seine, rue du
Faubourg-Saint-Honor, Lanvin, Herms, Saint Laurent, Cardin (p. 35 / p.
28). Why
are these places significant in the book? What do they represent to Momo?
Momo visit these places frequently? Why or why not? What does this tell
you about
the city of Paris?
These places are of historic, cultural, and geographic significance to Paris.
Hermes, Saint Laurent, and Cardin are stores on rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honore.
They are significant in the book, I think, because they are significant in reality; at
least they are significant to the image of Paris. Momo says that it must be nice to
live in Paris, so I think that the place is at least somewhat special to him. I think it
represents to him a polished version of life. Momo has a lot of issues going on
internally and externally with the feelings of inadequacy when compared to his
brother to his father outright not liking him. While he is in the heart of Paris, a
beautiful city, he is seeing life through a different frame then in the part of town he
lives in. It kind of reminds me of the varying boroughs of New York when Momo says

Mark Edens
that he does not live in Paris, that he lives on Rue Bleue; that street is in Paris, but
he just views Paris and rue Bleue as separate areas (p. 36).
I think that these are places that Momo would typically not go to, he even
comments in slight disbelief at the size of the stores in light of how empty they are
(p. 35) and this passage of the book seemed almost like a vacation day for Momo.
The way he describes the Seine is as not straight seems as though it is the first time
he is seeing.
I think that this speaks to the diversity of the city itself that Momo doesnt consider
himself to be a citizen of Paris even though he lives in Paris. This kind of reminds me
of the ideas of cities having boroughs, each with their own reputation, culture, and

2. How do you understand le soufisme based on the way it is described in

the book
(p. 37/ p. 29)? What else can you find out about it? Can you think of ways
M. Ibrahim
embodies Sufis values?
Soufisme in the book describes the type of Islam that M. Ibrahim practices.
Momo looks it up in a dictionary and it said that Sufism is a type of Islam that
stresses inner religion. Based on that, I believe that it would be a type of religion
that focuses less on the political and legal influences of religion and focuses more
on the betterment of oneself. Monsieur Ibrahim pushes nothing on anyone, his
character is very reserved and very nice. He does not owe Momo anything, but
continues to help him. When he originally caught Momo stealing, he allowed it to
continue and then further helped Momo because he cared more about Momo than
the product he was losing. I think M. Ibrahim is a genuinely good person, and that
he is the ideal embodiment of someone who concerns themselves with a personal,
inner religion.

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