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THE Hiopen Way Across te THRESHOLD oR THE MYSTERY WHICH HATH BEEN HIDDEN FOR AGES AND FROM GENERATIONS. AN EXPLANATION OF THE CONCEALED FORCES IN RVERY MAN TO OPEN THE TEMPLE OF THE SOUL AND TO LEARN THE GUIDANCE OF THE UNSEEN HAND. ILLUSTRATED AND MADE PLAIN WITH AS FEW OCCULT PHRASES AS POSSIBLE BY J. C. STREET, A.B.N. FELLOW OF THE ORDER S.S.8. AND OF THE BROTHERHOOD ZZ. RR. ZZ. SSS. “Neither height nor depth can measure the possibilities of the human soul.” BOSTON LEE AND SHEPARD PUBLISHERS 10 {44k St, nert Bld South Mectinghouse 1887 Coryricnt, 1887, ny J. C. STREET. All Rights Reserved. ‘THE HIDDEN WAY ACROSS ‘THE THRESHOLD. ELEOTROTYPED By Cd. P RS AND SON, BosTON. To THE COUNT A. ve G, HIGROPHANT OF THE: ORDER &. 8. 8. Italian by birth, but with a warm love for the whole worlds whose hand is always open to the poor and the afilicted; whose generous, true heart is continually pulsating to uplift the world: To him whose tender affection is like a mother’s solicitude, whose brave, strong heart is like a father’s right arm; to him who infuses into every circle a child-like purity and perfect peace; to him who lives ever stri ing to show mankind the way to triumph in death as in Efe; to him who touches nothing wl h he does not adorn; to him whose noble con tour of face and majesty of form are only excelled by the exalted, loving Soul within. This book is dedicated and affectionately inscribed, as a feeble testimonial of sincere gratitude for his great patience and deep and ten der sympathy bestowed on his dutiful student through the years of our wanderings. THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. Turse pages, containing thoughts from many minds, from Intelli- gences in the form and out of it, from Souls embodied and disem- bodied, have been gathered by the compiler, as a harvester garners a few sheaves that shall yield some little seed for planting when the seed time is at hand. Feeling that there is so much room for books of higher thought, beyond his power to produce, yet having the promise and full assu- rance from the Angel world that a few men and women and whole legions of Angels will appreciate the effort, he presses on. Some warm and highly esteemed friends who deemed that the experience of the writer as a student and medium for occult forces, and his union and intercourse with the Adepts of many lands, and the Dervishes and Lamas of the East, might enable him to furnish some valuable information concerning the mysteries of the occult world, have earnestly solicited him to prepare these pages for publication. Knowing how vast are the fields of untrodden worlds and revelation yet to be gleaned, and making humble confession of his inefficiency to cope with so vast a subject, the writer can only trust to growth and time to unfold the great mystery of life, which can never be disclosed in a single lifetime, much less condensed in a volume which lays no claim to great literary merit, classic style, nor exactitude of method. He has desired to introduce such thought as will show what a vast amount of hidden things and phenomena, which the Spiritual philosophy has scarcely touched, and which still remains to be explained, and he makes this effort to enlighten those who are unfamiliar with the Hidden.Ways of nature’s occult forces, and to point out the most accessible pathways to hold communion with the Immortals. We are writing by no rush-light. The glow that guides our pen gleams down from a higher font of illumination —that of Spirit and the Divinity which stirs within us, and from departed Souls now in Heaven, that points out an eternity hereafter; thereby we have striven to transcribe from the Folios of Truth and Love, the tocsin of the Soul v vi INTRODUCTION. and the Font of Light which awakens men’s Souls by tender strokes of Love, to freedom of thought, thereby giving them the glorious privilege of being independent of a mad conventional world. ‘The charge of plagiarism may be justly brought. It was necessary in abridgment of space to use that which was most expressive in fewest words, and desirable to present that which seemed relevant to the subject, from whatever source obtained, The study of what is now called practical occultism has interest for us, but it is not ‘4e object of this book. It is incidental to the journey along the path. We admit the existence of hidden, powerful forces in nature, and believe that every day greater progress is being made toward understanding them. Astral body formation, Clairvoy- ance, looking into the Astral light, and controlling Elementals, are all possible, but not all profitable. The electrical current, which, when resisted in its course, produces intense light, may be brought into existence by any ignoramus, who has a key to the engine-room and can turn on the power that starts the dynamo, but is unable to prevent his fellow-man or himself from being instantly killed, should that cur- rent be accidentally diverted through his body. The control of hid- den forces is not easily obtained, nor can phenomena be produced without danger, and the attainment of true wisdom is not by means of phenomena, but through the development which degins within, Besides, the masses of mankind are not able to reach the phenomena, but every one can understand right thought, right speech, and right action, which come through the illumination of mentality, the growth of the Soul toward its higher Archetype, and not the toys of objective phenomena. To stimulate and help in this growth is the object of this book. Persuaded by numerous calls from the two worlds, and prompted by large experiences of tremendous scenes of occult character witnessed abroad, to place this effort of Truth of Love against the selfish objec- tive world of sense, we therefore toss this compilation into the crucible of public opinion, confident that some grains of true gold will be gathered up and become current coin in the generations to come, and so commit these precious thoughts, gleaned from both Angels and Men, to the tender mercies of the world, hoping hereby to plant a seed of more generous Love in some human heart. J.C. Stree. Boston, Mass, June, 1887. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. From NicHT To LichT—Love the Secret of Life— Ancient Temples — Mexican Religion — The Pathway to Light — Gnosticism — The Three Impulses — Practical Love — Ancient Inspiration. . 6. 6 1 CHAPTER II. Gop anp THE Drvive Imace—The Duality of God— Will and Love— The Prodigal Son— Harmony with the Divine Mind— A Universal Language — Union of Dual Forces — Visions of God — The Riddle of the Sphinx — The Trinity — Ado: CHAPTER HL SacrED SymuOLS—The Cross of Life—The Solar Prism—The Papal Keys —The Interlaced Triangles — The Serpent —The Long Face— The Heart and Feather—The Winged Globe—Ezekiel's Wheel — fhe: Zodline rere He eH eStore Soe CHAPTER IV. MAN AND THE OpporTuNiries oF His Lire.—Two Great Obstacles— Astrology — Astral Influence — Palmistry — The Life of Eden —The Hierophant’s Power— Adoration and Meditation — Modern Justice — ‘Temperaments in Marriage— Heredity — Unconscious Well-doing . . CHAPTER V. SouL np Spixit SouL— The Beatitudes — Jesus, the Initiate and Anchorite —Paul, the Gnostic — The Song of Life — Ancient Astronomy — New Birth — Soul Seeds — Sin — The End of the Journey — Memento Vivere, CHAPTER VI. THE Astrat Bopy—Star Magno— Process of Death— Ampstations—A Suggestion in Surgery — Astral Flight — Astral Photospheres — A Scientific Experiment — Trance or Semi-Trance —Elementals and Ele- mentaries— The Arch Gift— Spirit and Soul Forces— Obsessions — White Magic— Human Conscience —Moral Intuition... 6 6 vii 22 44 34 82 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. A Worip’s RELIGION — Ancient Religions — Prenatal Rights — The Labor Question — Indifferentism — Spiritualism — Theosophy — Esoteric Buddhism — Yoginism — Hierarchy— True Magic—Swedenborg and the New Church — Light of the School of the Prophets —The Lesson ee eee eee eee eee CHAPTER VIII. Apept, Seer, AND MEprumsHip—Trains of Thought —_Entrancement —Seek- ing a Sign — Astral Earth-Currents— True Mediumship — Elementals, Elementaries, and Sephiroths — Inspiration — Prophecy and Predic- tion— Adeptship— Black Magic — Red Magic— White Magic . CHAPTER IX. CULTIVATION OF SPIRITUAL GIFTS, OR THE GUIDANCE OF THE UNSEEN Hanp—True Education —Soul Development — Astral Colors — Bi- Sexuality — True Prayer — Animal Food — Teachings of the /uminati —Perceptionists and Dogmatists —“ Conditions ”— Etherealization — Vibration of Light — Formation of Circles—The Twelve Senses— Musical Vibrations 2... : 7 eee CHAPTER X. SPIRITUALIZATION OF MATTER — Transfiguration — Materialization — Home Cireles—The Condemnation —The Oracle at Delphi—A Soul's Awakening—Sushupli. . . 5 CHAPTER XI. MerAPHysics, THE PRAYER OF THOUGHT; OR EXPRESSION OF INFINITE Minp—Latent Forces—Mind the Basis of Being—Thought Acting Upon Thought —Impulse Created by Will —Swedenborg’s Meta- physics — Teachings to Mental Healers — Pythagorean and Egyptian Theories — Phrenopathy — Prayer Cure—The Royal Touch — Color (Guar eee eee ec ce ee SU CHAPTER XII. Evoivtiow aNp InvoLUTIoN — The Darwinian Theory — Haeckel’s Discov- ery —Involution the True Growth — The Principle of Unity — Evolu- tion a Revelation of God—Brahministic Theory— All Things from Within—Natural and Spiritual Science — Inworld and Outworld 19t 233 287 320 345 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. ‘THe Great Mystery; oR, THE Hippen Way — Intuition ~ Words —The Royal Ladder — Adam and Eve — Hermetic Science — ‘True Love — Immaculate Conception — Christos — Dual Philosophy — Sacred Flame — Lust, not Love— Egyptian, Greek, and Buddhist ‘Teaching — Reincarnation — Polarization — Unselfish Love : Inspeakable CHAPTER XIV, ‘THe Many Manstons— Spheres— Spirits in Prison—The Middle Firma- ments — Malicious and False Controls —The Upper Firmaments — Angels and Archangels . CHAPTER XV. TRANSLATIONS OR THOUGHTS FROM OTHER TonGuES—The Four Elements —The Oldest Traditions —Light of the Cabala—The Histo pirit — Prayer of Savitri— Key of Hermes—The Divme Pymander —The Vedas — Order of the Chaldean Eastern Star —Cabalistic Names— Philo and Paul — Magus CHAPTER XVI. Tue TeMpLe WirHin—No Light from Without— ThoughtChambers — ‘Astral Ligat— Mirrors of the Soul—The Morning Gate— The Torch of the Angel — Works of Art— Woman— Jesus and Christ. CHAPTER XVII. GATHERED SHEaves—Simple Trath — Objective Intellect — Bioplasm — True Good-Breeding— Development — Homer and the ‘Bible— Book Worship — Opportun in This Life— Learn to Know All, but Keep Thyself Unknown — Where Are the Dead ?— God’s Great Whis- pering Gallery—The Latent Magnetic Power in Precious Stones— Precepts and Aphorisms . CHAPTER XVIII. AcRosS THE THRESHOLD — The Eternal Now — Misunderstood by the World —Trust in the Spirit— The First Step Towards Higher Occult Pow- ers—Do Not Go to War with Evil — Out from the Shoreless Sea of the Great Unknown — Flight of the Adept, or a Human Soul Visiting the Mansions of the Blsssed — To All Brethren. ix 379 446 483 566 ILLUSTRATIONS. THE ORACLE OF DELPHI. 6 6. ce ne Frontispicce Gop, THe EreRNaL FOUNTAIN oF ALL LIFE, TH GReaT INFINITE AND ErernaL ENERGY, FROM WHICH ALL THIN 38. PROCEED ae 22 Tue Cross or Antiquity ann OrieR Sacrep SyMnots .~ eae ‘Tue Wincep Grove ann Orner Gnostic SymnoLs 6 6 ee ee at THe Grear Mystery or Gop In MAN — THE INTERLACED TRIANGLE «47 ILLUMINATION of MENTALITY « SESE Eee Cree eter eee oa MoNocRAM OF THE THREE Mysrentrs AND OTHER SyMnors - 130 ‘Tur Gyostic AMULET — THE DeLpxtc Sacrep Mysteries — Tue Hip DEN THINGS : ae - + 379 ‘Tau Many Mansions, oR SPHERES AND FIRMAMEN 43t « THE HIDDEN WAY ACROSS THE THRESHOLD. CHAPTER IL. FROM NIGHT TO LIGHT, Love 1s THE Secret oF Lire, — The two vital truths underlying all religions are the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. ‘The two vital errors ingrain in all religious systems of this modern age are painfully apparent to every impartial and unbiassed mind, — first, the misconception of God and misunderstanding of man; second, the claim of exclusiveness for Divine revelation, and the infallibility of Inspiration, Divine Love of Spirit! Absolute Wisdom! Universal Harmony ! God has written these truths on everything. Halt but a moment in this mad race. Behold, Nature is full of music and wisdom. This is the positive principle. Discord is negative. Everything which moves, feels, thinks, and has being in the omnipresent Spirit of God is impregnated with music and harmony. What a gospel is this! Dear reader, stop one moment for extended thought. Thought- Jessness is wasted time. Therefore think of this silent gospel of the Divine Spirit of Love and Harmony. Our mouths and lives will dis- course sweet music if we correctly apply the love and harmony which make the spirit white. Oh, Pilgrim on the Threshold, what great opportunities lie before you! As the soul grows, what worlds beyond worlds open out be- fore your enraptured gaze. Life is but a murmuring rivulet, winding in and out of the ravines, ever pursuing various paths, softly flowing through fragrant meadows, gently rippling on the cool, mossy banks of the wood; now strug- gling among thorns, murmuring as it goes; sometimes conveying a fragrant flower upon its bosom; sometimes a dead leaf which has drifted down to it; now leaping to and fro against some angular impediment which checks its course ; eventually leaping all barriers ; 1 2 THE HIDDEN WAY ACROSS THE THRESHOLD. flowing round a mountain which it could not overleap; singing a melodious song as it exerts its energies in the effort to dislodge some fungous substance thrown across its path; ever’ pressing onward to unite its energies with the silent river hurrying on toward the sea. Thus flow our individual lives in this rudimental state of being. But most lives are like streams tributary to great rivers: few indeed like the rivers themselves. The little rivulet, however, flows onward still, and, after filling many a spring, slaking the thirst of many a traveller, refreshing many a fainting plant, perchance through ignorance, inattention, —or peradventure wrong, — causing some- thing to wither or have pain, still flows onward, and finally, when it comes to the verge, leaps the brow of the hill, spreading into melo- dious cascades ag it vanishes into the silent depths of the hitherto unknown gulf, continuing its course in new companionship toward more harmonious and musical spheres beyond. Let the thoughtful tourist of to-day who desires to grasp hands across the gulf of centuries with our Spiritual ancestors visit some of the colossal stone temples in the East. He who visits Karnac should pay more than mere passing attention to the two mighty columns in the immense hall of columns, and observe the large, square capital which unites these two massive pillars, where in deep cuttings he will find this hieroglyph. Tue Secret or Lire 1s Love.—The time-worn appearance and desolate surroundings of this vast temple of extreme antiquity can- not be adequately described. To the visiting Hierophant and Neo- phyte the phantoms of Spirit presence present themselves, as they pass down the long silent corridor, and speak in mute accents of gorgeous pageantry, robed priests, and magnificent procession. These sacred halls of columns, which have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the ascension of kings and dissolution of nations, still stand half buried in the sands, weather-worn and storm-beaten, silent memorials of forgotten kings and forgotten people, while the soft winds perfumed by the sacred Lotus of the Nile chant a melo- dious dirge to the unknown Souls of the so-called dead. ‘Love 1s THE Secret or Lire is again found engraven on the principal Sphynx, in the avenue of Sphynxes. Again on a huge block on the Island of Elephantine ; near Mount Sinai, in Arabia Petrea are the caves of the anchorites; and here the observer finds the same motto, with the addition which makes it read thus: — FROM NIGHT TO LIGHT. 3 Love, witn Wispom, 1s THE Szcrer oF LIFE. Again at the door-way of the great rock near Deir, Petraea, on the right hand, stands engraved the inscription : — Tue Torcu of Lirg is Fep py THe Om or Love. And on the left hand, Love 1s THE O1L oF LirE. On the large cube of cream-white stone which was presented to the Order of Z. Z. by a Mexican chief is this significant inscription :— Tue Torca or Love 1s THE SECRET oF SoUuL. According to traditions of the Indians, this stone is of great antiq- uity, which its appearance also indicates, and it is claimed to have been one of the chief stones in the altars of Teocallis. It is like a large square opal in appearance, but hard as flint, radiating a torch- like flame of pinkish color from the interior, which seems to change in different atmospheres. This was called by the Mexicans the torch of the Soul, and was typical of their religion, of which the following is an abridged text :— There is a natural fire of inner Light, whose central flame is a cer- tain proportion of the Internal man toward the External, glowing and growing after its own fashion according to the impulses of the man. From the inner Temple toward the outer life the sacred, Divine flame eternally consumes the grosser elements, that through purification may be radiated the great sacred Flame. The hope and desire of the collector of this compilation is that in the patient reader may be excited a more extended illumination of thought, which shall expand into unselfish and universal love, thereby opening the Soul. Illumination of mentality brings intuition of something higher than the mere animal, Intuition being the operation of the Soul, the knowl- edge through it, which if from above, descending into the Soul, fills it with the perception of the interior cause of things, and opens a new world to the Pilgrim, who now embraces the great opportunity of his life. If unbiassed by any pet theories or passions, he may now tread the sacred paths of Nature’s mysteries and thus participate in the pageantry of the ages. Every man has some peculiar train of thought into which he falls when alone. This, to a great degree, moulds the man. If it is of the higher aspirations of unselfish ambition for universal good, a

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