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Motivation :

This is all about how our very psychology is set up and how our mind will conceptualise and make it decision on.

Motivation : 2 - Espoir
- L'espoir et la confiance que les attentes peuvent être exaucées.
Ma motivation de base est de vivre une vie pleine de confiance, en espérant toujours que ma propre survie sera assurée,
même si je ne m'en préoccupe pas tout le temps. Cette motivation m'amène au-delà de la simple survie. Il est important non
seulement "que" je survive, mais aussi "comment" je survis. Et c'est là que la spiritualité entre en jeu. Avec ce genre de
motivation, je serai toujours à la recherche du bien commun. Je veux trouver les grandes réponses dans la vie et traiter les
grandes questions. C'est pourquoi je suis également très motivé pour inclure le "mysticisme" dans ma vie et pour croire en
quelque chose qui va au-delà de la simple survie physique. Cela va de pair avec l'espoir toujours présent que croire peut
devenir savoir.

Transference (Motivation false resonance) :

It is what pulls you away from living your uniqueness. Transference is not bad. You have a binary nature, and you need these
counterbalances to step into a higher level of consciousness which allows you to separate from the mechanics of your
Personality to be the witness. Transference just happens, and there's nothing wrong with it.
But it is important to know when your motivation is transferred, and that when that is the case, your perspective is distracted
and vice versa. The key here is to cultivate an attunement to the comfort of your vehicle and an awareness of the dynamics
in your psychology. When you do this, you can learn to recognize your correct motivation and stop wasting energy when you
are in Transference.

5 - Culpabilité
- L'envie de juger afin de trouver ce qui est à blâmer et d'apporter des changements par le biais de solutions pratiques.
C'est ma motivation de base pour trouver ce qui est à blâmer lorsque les choses ne vont pas aussi bien qu'elles le devraient
et comment améliorer les choses ou les orienter vers une nouvelle direction. Cela a un effet considérable sur mon
environnement, car les gens attendent de ma capacité à juger qu'elle conduise à des solutions constructives. Cependant, je
ne peux contribuer de cette manière que si je suis prêt à assumer des responsabilités et donc à prendre potentiellement une
part de responsabilité. En effet, chaque fois que l'on fait quelque chose de manière efficace, en transformant l'"ancien" en
quelque chose de "nouveau" et d'amélioré, cela peut être au détriment de certaines personnes. La question de la culpabilité
jouera toujours un rôle dans ma vie, sous tous ses aspects. Car "on ne peut pas faire d'omelette sans casser des oeufs". Et
personne ne le sait mieux que moi.
Perspective :
This is how your mind views the actual world we live in. How it actually uniquely see it, perceive it. This is bigger than sense.
Rather than a local seeing this is global.

Perspective: 3 – Political
- The political spirit that knows how to identify power structures and chances in its environment and use them for its own
My perception is shaped by the fact that I am very good at sensing and seeing through connections and relationships at life’s
material level. This view is a good basis for me to be successful myself and find my way within political or any other kind of
power structures. I see who is powerful, who is successful and which relationships and structures are necessary to achieve
outstanding success at a material level. This perception provides me with a keen sense of different social environments and
enables me to see what could possibly be changed and developed. Based on this perception I know how to identify chances
of my own and use them to my advantage, or to actively change or shape my environment.

Distraction (Perspective false resonance) :

Counterpoint to your Perspective.
Knowing how your Perspective and Distraction can show up for you gives you two wonderful signposts that make for
fascinating observation of our form and allow us the magic of being the witness of the mechanics of our being at work. A
certain amount of distraction is healthy when it doesn’t take over your life. The key here is to not get caught up with identifying
with the Distraction or follow when it leads you away from fulfilling your unique purpose. This Perspective/Distraction dynamic
gives you the ability to ground your decisions from a view of the world that is correct for you

6 - Self-centered
- The kind of self-centered view that takes everything very personally.
My perception is defined by the fact that I relate everything that happens around me to myself. In other words, I take life and
everything that happens in it very personally. This view is a good basis to develop and act out my individuality. In doing so,
I will time and again compare myself to others, but always for the purpose of transforming myself. My view is therefore deeply
directed towards the inside, towards my own actions and my own being. I know that if I manage to be “entirely myself”, it will
be one of the most important preconditions for survival and individuality. In this context, I do not like to be judged or criticized
by others. After all, only I am able to judge what is best and right for me.
Determination :
This is all about how your body is designed to nourish itself with food, people, words, everything. Once we are in alignment
with this aspect it also nourishes and strengthens your actual cognition. So in all it really helps to inform your sacral center
in its usage of energy and power.

3. Thirst Cold (Foods and drinks cold and/or below the body temperaturers)

Cognition :
This is basically our strongest biological sense. It is what ultimately guides the sacral center with its usage of energy…power.
But it has to be activated and strengthened in order to be able to do that.

4. Inner Vision

Environnement :
This is all about the place your body is designed to live in, where it is correct so that you can meet those people who are
here for you in this life as you are also here for them.

3. Kitchens (Mutation related to changing temperature) Dry (Get the humidity out of the environment; central heating)

Sens :
This is how we actually accept and reject the people whom we come into contact within our environment. It is also linked to
a specific biological sens ewe got… and i twill kick in and help you to be able to see who is who… and whom you got energy
for or not.
4. Inner Vision

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