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Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology (2007) 37, 407—414

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Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring for

intramedullary spinal-cord tumor surgery
Le monitorage neurophysiologique péropératoire
dans la chirurgie de resection des tumeurs
K.F. Kothbauer

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of surgery, Kantonsspital Luzern, 6000 Luzern 16, Switzerland

Received 29 September 2007; accepted 15 October 2007

Available online 9 November 2007

KEYWORDS Summary During resection of intramedullary spinal-cord tumors intraoperative neurophysi-

Spinal-cord surgery; ological monitoring has become a true surgical technology. Motor evoked potentials are the
Spinal-cord most important modality for this purpose. Its use requires neurophysiological expertise from
monitoring; the surgeon, and a monitoring team in place able to handle the necessary equipment. Motor
Intramedullary potentials are evoked by transcranial electrical motor cortex stimulation. A ‘‘single stimulus
tumors; technique’’ evokes D-waves recorded from the spinal cord. The ‘‘multipulse (or train) stimula-
Motor evoked tion technique’’ evokes electromyographic responses in peripheral muscles. These are optimally
potentials; recorded from the thenar, hypothenar, tibialis anterior, and flexor hallucis brevis muscles, which
D-wave; are known to have strong pyramidal innervation. D-wave monitoring looks primarily at the peak-
Paraplegia; to-peak amplitude. When monitoring muscle MEPs, the presence or absence of the response
Paraparesis; irrespective of stimulation intensity is the important parameter. Preparations for neurophysi-
Preventive medicine; ological monitoring fit quite well into a neurosurgical operating room environment. Recording
Physical injuries and interpretation of MEPs is fast and straightforward. Pre- and postoperative clinical motor
findings correlate with intraoperative MEP results. Thus correct prediction of the clinical sta-
tus at a given time during surgery is possible with a very high certainty. The sensitivity of
muscle MEPs for postoperative motor deficits is nearly 100%, its specificity is about 90%. Thus
MEP data indeed reflect the clinical ‘‘reality’’. Present and stable recordings document intact
motor pathways and allow the surgeon to confidently proceed with a tumor resection. Loss of
muscle MEPs and/or decrease of the D-wave amplitude constitutes a ‘‘window of warning’’. It
reflects a pattern of MEP change indicating a reversible injury to the essential motor pathways.
Using this information, the surgical strategy can be adapted before irreversible neurological
damage is caused by the surgical manipulation. Such adaptation comprises simply waiting for

E-mail address: Karl.Kothbauer@ksl.ch.

0987-7053/$ — see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
408 K.F. Kothbauer

the recordings to spontaneously improve again, irrigating with warm saline solution to wash out
blocking potassium. Other measures include the elevation of mean arterial pressure to improve
local perfusion. Even staged resection can be considered if intraoperative measures do not
sufficiently improve the recordings.
© 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Résumé Le monitorage neurophysiologique intraopératoire, essentiellement basé sur les

MOTS CLÉS potentiels évoqués moteurs (PEM), est réellement devenu une technique neurochirurgicale
Chirurgie médullaire ; à part entière lors des résections de tumeurs intramédullaires. Son utilisation requiert à la
Monitorage spinal ; fois une expertise neurophysiologique de la part du chirurgien et la présence d’une équipe de
Tumeurs monitorage capable de manipuler l’équipement nécessaire. Les PEM sont obtenus par stimula-
intramédullaires ; tion électrique transcrânienne du cortex moteur. Une technique reposant sur des « stimulations
Potentiels évoqués uniques » permet d’enregistrer les ondes-D au départ de la moelle. L’utilisation de « trains de
moteurs ; stimulations » permet l’enregistrement EMG des réponses musculaires. Idéalement, celles-ci
Onde-D ; sont obtenues au niveau des éminences thénar et hypothénar, des jambiers antérieurs et des
Paraplégie ; courts fléchisseurs du gros orteil, muscles dont l’innervation par le système pyramidal est par-
Paraparésie ; ticulièrement importante. Le monitorage de l’onde-D repose principalement sur la mesure de
Médecine son amplitude pic-à-pic. Le monitorage des réponses musculaires repose sur la constatation
préventive ; de leur présence ou absence, indépendamment de l’intensité de stimulation. L’installation du
Dommage corporel monitorage s’adapte aisément à l’environnement des salles d’opérations neurochirurgicales.
Les PEM peuvent être enregistrés et interprétés rapidement et directement. L’état clinique
pré- et postopératoire étant bien corrélés aux PEM intraopératoires, l’état clinique peut être
prédit avec une grande certitude à chaque stade de l’intervention. La sensibilité des PEM par
rapport aux déficits moteurs postopératoires est proche de 100 % et leur spécificité est de l’ordre
de 90 %. Les PEM reflètent donc bien la « réalité clinique ». Des réponses présentes et stables
impliquent l’intégrité des voies motrices et permettent au chirurgien de continuer en toute con-
fiance la résection de la tumeur. La disparition des réponses musculaires et/ou une diminution
d’amplitude de l’onde-D constituent un « feu orange » dans la mesure où ils correspondent à une
altération réversible des voies motrices. Sur la base de cette information, la stratégie chirurgi-
cale peut être adaptée avant que des séquelles neurologiques irréversibles ne surviennent suite
aux manipulations chirurgicales. Cette adaptation peut consister, soit simplement à attendre
que les réponses s’améliorent spontanément, soit à irriguer le champ opératoire au moyen
de sérum physiologique chaud en vue d’éliminer le potassium, facteur de blocage axonal. On
peut également augmenter la tension artérielle pour améliorer la perfusion locale. Une résec-
tion en plusieurs temps pourra être envisagée si ces mesures ne suffisent pas à améliorer les
© 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Introduction SEP loss carries no significance in terms of motor outcome,

and SEPs may even be recordable in patients who were non
Neurosurgeons have due respect for this immensely delicate ambulatory prior to surgery [6].
structure, which is the spinal cord. It packs an enormous SEP recording requires signal averaging, which results in a
density of essential fiber tracts and neural circuits into time delay until data interpretation can generate a response
a very small volume of tissue. Therefore, the removal of to the surgeon. Therefore, an injury can be irreversible
intramedullary tumors carries a significant risk of surgical before it is even detected.
damage and neurological dysfunction. Many of these problems were solved with MEP monitoring
Orthopedic surgeons first implemented evoked poten- because of its proven clinical correlation, real-time feed-
tial monitoring of the spinal cord in an attempt to reduce back, and reversibility pattern allowing corrective action
neurological morbidity [1,2]. Only somatosensory evoked before an injury becomes irreversible.
potentials (SEPs) were available at that time. The technol- As it is performed today, MEP monitoring is based on a
ogy was slow, often burdened with artifacts, and difficult remarkable accumulation of knowledge about the motor sys-
to interpret. Last but not least, as SEPs only reflect the tem, which has accelerated since the 1950s [7,8]. Already
functional integrity of the sensory pathways, SEP monitor- then, the D-wave was identified as a distinct phenomenon.
ing at best allowed indirect inference upon motor tracts. The D-wave is a synchronized travelling wave generated in
For external spinal-cord compression as the mechanism a rather small fiber population in the corticospinal tract.
of injury, this was just acceptable, without anything bet- After the description of transcranial electrical motor cortex
ter available. Then reports of paralysis with intact SEPs stimulation in man [9], this knowledge was applied in the
appeared [3,4]. We now know that SEP changes during operating room [10—14].
intramedullary surgery frequently occur, because of the Thereafter, electromyographic recording techniques
most frequently used midline approach into the cord [5]. But were developed with magnetic [15] and electric [16] motor
Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring spinal-cord tumor surgery 409

cortex stimulation. However, the anesthesia-induced block-

ade of the ␣-motorneurons raised a significant problem. This
was subsequently solved by the development of the train,
or multipulse, stimulation technique [17,18].
From then on, the investigational and practical appli-
cations of monitoring expanded, thereby improving the
common experience. Several large series provided evidence
that intraoperative MEP monitoring is actually feasible and
useful. But this only holds true for the neurophysiologically
competent neurosurgeon [6,19—22].
More recently, very strong evidence for the advantages
of MEP-monitoring during spinal-cord surgery was reported
[23]. This study compared pre- and postmonitoring spinal-
cord operations performed by a very experienced surgeon,
and showed without question that the neurologic outcome is
improved by monitoring, without compromising the extent
of spinal-cord tumor resection.
It must be acknowledged that more widespread applica-
tion also carries a risk of indiscriminate and less-than-expert
use of this technology. At the same time, more and wider
understanding becomes possible, as new, previously unap-
preciated, risks and limitations become clearer.

Figure 1 Single stimulus and multipulse stimulation to evoke
Motor potentials are evoked with transcranial electrical D-waves and motor potentials.
motor cortex stimulation. The stimulus points are C3, C4,
C1, C2, Cz, and a point 6 cm in front of Cz (International
10/20 EEG electrode system [24]). Cork-screw electrodes all four extremities (thenar, hypothenar, anterior tibialis,
are optimal for fixation to the scalp, but straight needle abductor hallucis). Other muscles, such as the quadriceps,
electrodes as well as surface electrodes are also in use. hamstrings, biceps, even the diaphragm, and the external
Electrical stimulation with rectangular constant current anal sphincter can be used. The signals are amplified 10,000
impulses of 0.5 ms duration and intensities between 15 and times, and recorded on epochs of 100 ms with a filter setting
220 mA is used. from 1.5 to 800 Hz. Muscle MEPs also do not require averag-
D-waves [7] are elicited with single stimuli. This is there- ing and can be repeated at a rate of 0.5—2 Hz. With the focal
fore called the ‘‘single stimulus technique’’ (Fig. 1). The anode as stimulating electrode, a montage of C1/2 (anode at
D-waves are recorded as travelling waves directly from the C1, cathode at C2) will first yield responses in the right-sided
spinal cord with an electrode inserted into the spinal epidu- muscles, and higher intensities in muscles of both sides. Usu-
ral space by the surgeon. The signals are amplified 10,000 ally the lower extremities require higher stimulus intensities
times, the filter bandpass is set from 1.5 to 1700 Hz, record- than the upper extremities. C3/4, C4/3 or Cz/6 are used
ing epochs are 20 ms. Baseline recordings are obtained individually as alternative stimulation points. The stimula-
before dura opening. The signal usually does not require tion parameters have recently been further elucidated to
averaging, although recording quality often improves with
a few averages. The stimulations are repeatable at a rate of
0.5—2 Hz. This provides practically real-time feedback.
The relevant D-wave parameter is its peak-to-peak ampli-
tude (Fig. 2). A decrease of more than 50% of the baseline
amplitude is associated with a long-term motor deficit [25].
Latency changes of the D-wave are much less important and
usually not due to surgery but to circumstances such as tem-
perature [26]. Higher stimulation intensities are followed
by shorter D-wave latencies. This is likely due to the corti-
cospinal tract fiber activation occuring deeper in the white
matter of the brain [14].
Muscle MEPs are elicited with transcranial electrical stim-
ulation over the same electrodes as for the D-wave. A short
train of five to seven stimuli with four milliseconds inter-
stimulus intervals [27,28] is used. The technique is called
‘‘multipulse technique’’ [22] or ‘‘train stimulus technique’’
(Fig. 1) [17,18]. Compound muscle action potentials are Figure 2 D-wave recording and interpretation. The peak-to-
recorded with needle electrodes from target muscles in peak amplitude is the relevant parameter.
410 K.F. Kothbauer

Halogenated anesthetics should not be used [17,18], even

though low doses may be tolerable [40]. They elevate mus-
cle MEP stimulus thresholds and block muscle MEPs in a
dose-dependent fashion [40]. Using them would add an
uncontrollable variable.
Neurosurgeons may feel unconfortable with some patient
movement during surgery, which results from transcranial
stimulation. ‘‘Partial’’ muscle relaxation [31] to solve this
problem is controversial. One wonders whether it improves
anesthesia management. With the patient fully relaxed,
muscle MEP monitoring is impossible, and only the D-wave
can be recorded. ‘‘Controlled’’ partial relaxation would add
an uncontrolled variable to the interpretation of MEP data.
The specificity of muscle MEP monitoring could deteriorate.
At the same time patient movement from stimulation could
still not be entirely ruled out. This would combine poor
Figure 3 Muscle MEP recording. The presence or absence of
monitoring with poor relaxation.
muscle MEPs is the relevant parameter in spinal cord surgery.
Operating on the unrelaxed patient is a matter of expe-
rience and comfort with the technique. If the movement
substantiate this concept [29]. Muscle MEPs are recorded in is, indeed, too intense, careful cooperation during surgery
alternance with D-waves. between the surgeon and the monitoring team is required in
The principle of evoking muscle responses is understood order to ensure that stimulation is only performed with the
in the context of the D-wave concept: each individual elec- surgeon warned or at his request between surgical manipu-
trical stimulus on the motor cortex, either with exposed lations.
cortex or with transcranial stimulation [13], elicits a D-wave
in the corticospinal tract. A fast train of five stimuli at 250 Hz Clinical correlation of D-waves and muscle
elicits five consecutive D-waves, which then travel down
the corticospinal tract four milliseconds apart. The spinal
␣-motorneurons are hit by those five D-waves, which ele-
vates their membrane potential to firing threshold [8]. The Primarily in New York, Verona, and Rome, MEP monitor-
monitored parameter is the presence or absence of muscle ing has been routinely used for intramedullary spinal-cord
MEPs in the target muscles within a stimulus intensity range tumor surgery beginning in the mid-nineties. Experience was
of 15 to 220 mA (Fig. 3). This all-or-none concept has been gained in several hundred surgeries, and other centers have
adopted because of the variability of muscle MEP ampli- begun to use the technology more recently.
tudes [19,30,31] and because a motor deficit occurred only The interpretation of neurophysiologic data is largely
when the muscle responses were lost [16,19,31]. To define a independent of the nature of the spinal-cord lesion that is
threshold amplitude below which one expects an intraoper- operated on. Only the practical application may differ based
ative injury is impractical. It must be emphasized that this upon the biologic nature of the lesion.
principle can only be applied to spinal-cord surgery. This is Clinical assessment of pre- and postoperative neurologic
not appropriate for posterior-fossa or particularly supraten- function can be done using the McCormick scale [41] or its
torial brain surgery. variants [42]. Motor function is classified as normal (no focal
With more and more MEP monitoring performed world- motor deficit), slightly paretic (motor deficit not exceeding
wide, safety concerns have grown. Fortunately, this wider 4/5 and not significantly impairing the extremity’s function,
use has not resulted in large numbers of reported complica- walking not impaired), severely paretic (motor deficit 3/5
tions, resulting from of tissue damage [18,32] or seizures. or worse, significantly impaired function of extremity, or
Nevertheless, this issue continues to be growing in impor- inability to walk) and plegic (0/5 or 1/5). The ASIA scale
tance. It has recently been reviewed in depth [33]. used for patients victim to spinal-cord injury can be used as
Three questions must be answered by monitoring:
Anesthesia [34]
• do the intraoperatively obtained data reflect the ‘‘real’’
A constant infusion of propofol (100—150 ␮g kg−1 min−1 ) clinical status of the patient;
and fentanyl (1 ␮g kg−1 h−1 ) is used when MEP monitoring • is there a change indicating a reversible situation, that is
is required. Propofol for anesthesia with MEP monitor- a sufficiently practical window of time and understand-
ing has been reported with various stimulation techniques ing to avoid a permanent motor dysfunction by changing
[35—39]. Bolus injections of both intravenous agents should surgery;
be avoided because this appears to temporarily disrupt mus- • does the use of monitoring improve the functional out-
cle MEP recording. This can be particularly problematic come.
during the critical resection stages of any spinal-cord tumor
surgery. The first question — whether or not intraoperative MEP
Short-acting muscle relaxants are given for intubation data reflect the clinical reality — was answered in a series
only. of 100 consecutive operations of spinal-cord tumors [6].
Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring spinal-cord tumor surgery 411

Ninety-two patients could be reliably monitored. None of Changes due to non-surgical influences (intravenous bolus
the eight patients in this study who preoperatively had of anesthetic, temperature or blood pressure changes) can
severe motor deficits had recordable MEPs at the beginning be recognized by following these parameters and efficiently
of surgery. Postoperatively a short-term motor deteriora- communicating with the anesthesiologist.
tion was found in roughly one third of the patients (35 During surgery, D-waves and muscle MEPs indicate
out of 92: 38%). Thus, the data obtained with D-wave and some effect of the surgical manipulation on the func-
MEP-monitoring during intramedullary surgery do reflect the tional integrity of the motor pathways at some point
clinical ‘‘reality’’. In only two cases a severe permanent during the procedure in almost 50% of the cases. In
neurological dysfunction occurred as a direct result of the about one third of cases, these changes remain until
operation. Therefore the risk of paraplegia following resec- the end of the operation, and then correlate to a tem-
tion of a spinal-cord tumor is lower than commonly believed. porary motor deficit. In the remainder of cases the
These changes in clinical status are adquately reflected by changes are reversible during surgery and this correlates
the intraoperative MEP information. to intact motor function when the patient awakes from
The second question — whether or not there is a time win- anesthesia.
dow of reversible change of MEP recordings — is addressed
by the concept of ‘‘transient motor deficit’’. This concept
Interpretation of D-wave recordings
comprises correlation of a reversible motor deficit — usu-
ally leg monoparesis or paraparesis — with muscle MEP loss
The relevant parameter in D-wave interpretation is its peak-
and D-wave preservation: As long as the D-wave is pre-
to-peak amplitude.
served with sufficient amplitude, that is, an amplitude of at
The monitorability of the D-wave and the intraop-
least 50% of the baseline value, loss of muscle MEPs during
erative significant decline of its amplitude have been
intramedullary surgery is only correlating with a paraparesis,
shown to be of predictive value for the motor outcome
or, at maximal, paraplegia of finite duration. This concept
after intramedullary surgery [25]. In about two-thirds of
has been practically observed by numerous surgical groups
the patients with non-conus tumors, a D-wave is record-
and provides a ‘‘window of warning’’, during which the
able [6,25]. Since D-waves are generated by corticospinal
surgical manipulation can be adapted before a permanent
tract axons, conus tumors cannot be monitored with this
deficit occurs.
The third question — whether or not the use of MEP
Patients who have no monitorable D-wave at the begin-
monitoring indeed improves neurological outcome — has
ning of surgery have a higher risk of postoperative motor
recently been answered by a publication from Verona [23].
deficits than those with a recordable D-wave [25]. Whether
A significant number of consecutive intramedullary tumor
this is due to an inherent subclinical damage and vulner-
surgeries performed before introduction of MEP monitor-
ability of the motor tract, or to the fact that there was
ing were compared to a comparable number of consecutive
no monitoring support for the surgery, is not known. The
operations performed with monitoring. The same highly-
explanation for the absence of a recordable D-wave in an
experienced surgeon performed those operations, thereby
individual with intact motor function (and recordable mus-
virtually excluding the surgical learning curve. The result
cle MEPs) is believed to be due to a desynchronization of the
was a neurological outcome advantage for the monitored
wave [43]. This appears to occur more frequently in patients
group. Extent of resection did not differ in both groups,
with prior surgery, very extensive tumors, and particularly
documenting that the use of monitoring does not make the
those with prior radiation therapy to the spinal cord.
surgeon too ‘‘timid’’ to proceed until a tumor resection is,
The intraoperative amplitude decrease of the D-wave
indeed, complete.
correlates with postoperative outcome. If the D-wave is
unchanged, there is no permanent postoperative deficit,
Practical intraoperative neurophysiology for although there may be a transient deficit if muscle MEPs are
spinal-cord surgery lost. If the D-wave amplitude declines more than 50% of the
baseline value or even disappears, permanent paraplegia is
likely to occur [11,25].
Feasibility and practicality of monitoring

The preparation of the electrode setup on the patient is Interpretation of muscle MEPs
completed parallel to the surgical and anesthesia prepa-
ration after intubation. After positioning and during the The presence of muscle MEPs always indicates intact func-
approach, baseline recordings are obtained. Any additional tional integrity of the corticospinal tract. Occasionally, in
time requirement for monitoring preparations is moderate patients with a moderate motor deficit, it may be difficult
at most. The epidural recording electrodes are placed by to obtain recordings from both lower extremities. If that
the surgeon. Occasionally scarring from a prior surgery can occurs, usually responses in the weaker leg require higher
hinder the electrode insertion. Subdural placement can then stimulation intensities. Intraoperative preservation of mus-
be attempted as an alternative. cle MEPs means intact motor function postoperatively in all
Practically all patients without severe preoperative cases. Intraoperative loss of muscle MEPs indicates some
motor deficits can be monitored with either D-wave or mus- postoperative impairment of voluntary motor control with
cle MEPs or both. a specificity of about 90%. For instance, muscle MEP loss
The recordings are usually robust (between 10 and 70 ␮V in one leg during the resection means that the patient will
amplitudes of epidural and up to 2 mV in muscle MEPs). postoperatively be unable to move this particular extremity
412 K.F. Kothbauer

Patterns of MEP changes during surgical maneuvers

and manipulations

Most frequently MEP changes occur towards the end of the

resection, when the interface to normal tissue comes close.
Since most spinal-cord tumors are resected in an inside-out
and piecemeal fashion (with the exception of some ependy-
momas) direct manipulation or vascular compromise occurs
when the tumor-cord interface is reached. Often muscle
MEPs disappear first. This may be preceded by an increase
in threshold for this particular muscle response. Sometimes
pausing the resection and irrigating the cavity with warm
saline results in reappearance of the response. Similarly
D-wave amplitude deterioration may be reversible by paus-
ing and irrigating. It is believed that removing and diluting
potassium from the field removes a strong axonal blocking
agent. Potassium accumulates as a result from local tissue
damage by surgery.
Figure 4 An example for the neurophysiological equivalent
Sometimes dissection in a particular location results in
of a temporary motor deficit. Anterior tibialis MEPs are present
MEP changes, and the resection can proceed at a different
at the beginning, but lost at the end of surgery. When the D-
spot without further change. Fortunately, sudden decrease
wave is preserved (not shown), this correlates to a transient
in D-wave amplitude, often coinciding with sudden loss
paraplegia. Recovery usually takes place within days.
of muscle MEPs occurs rarely. It is believed to be associ-
ated with vascular injury rather than direct physical tissue
for a limited period of time. This is called a temporary motor manipulation. Temporary moderate elevation of mean blood
deficit (Fig. 4). Loss of muscle MEPs in both legs is indicat- pressure has been successful in improving both D-waves and
ing bilateral motor deficit. Unilateral loss is of less concern muscle MEPs, with a satisfactory clinical result.
as it has been shown in the past, that unilateral motor dis- Under some circumstances the warning provided by intra-
ruption always recovers with a mechanism where the intact operative MEP changes remains of but documentary value:
side ‘‘takes over’’ control of the affected side [44]. while the removal of an astrocytoma can be terminated
without jeopardizing the patient’s neurologic and oncologic
outcome, the resection of a hemangioblastoma is an all-or-
Combined interpretation of D-wave and muscle
none enterprise. Once resection is attempted such a lesion
MEPs [6,45]
must be entirely removed, no matter what the MEP param-
eters indicate, or serious bleeding and swelling would lead
The D-wave amplitude is a measure of the number of fast to a certain damage of the spinal cord.
conducting fibers in the corticospinal tract. If 50% of these The use of certain surgical instruments appears to have
fibers are damaged by the procedure, the amplitude will a significant impact on changes detected by MEP record-
decrease to 50% of its baseline value. ings. For instance the use of the ultrasonic aspirator (CUSA)
Experience has shown that a D-wave amplitude decrease seems to result rather frequently in an MEP deterioration.
is most frequently gradual. By and large D-wave amplitude On the contrary, use of the Nd:YAG handheld microsurgical
decrease is associated with loss of muscle MEPs. It may laser (SLT, Surgical Laser Technologies, Inc.) or the regular,
be however, that muscle MEP loss occurs without D-wave or the Greenwood bipolars [46] to vaporize tumor and mobi-
amplitude decrease, or that the D-wave decreases with- lize small fragments seems to be less damaging. This does
out changes in muscle MEPs. The underlying mechanisms of not mean the CUSA cannot be used, but its use should be lim-
these observations are not understood. In any event, preser- ited to removing portions of tumor already detached from
vation of the D-wave above the 50% cutoff value has been the spinal cord itself, rather than to internally debulk in situ
found to be predictive of long-term preservation of vol- tumor mass.
untary motor control in the lower extremities. With loss The use of bipolar coagulation always disrupts electro-
of muscle MEPs and preserved D-wave amplitude a tem- physiological recordings for the time the current is active.
porary motor deficit is expected postoperatively. In this One of the significant advantages of the microsurgical laser
situation it is still safe to complete a resection, or to pause beyond its advantages as a microsurgical instrument with
and wait for recordings to improve, which they often do. powerful cutting capability is that its use does not produce
This situation is the window of warning, the window of an electrical artifact, therefore monitoring continues undis-
reversible change, which allows for a change in surgical turbed [47].
strategy and manipulation before an irreversible injury has
The interpretation of data when the high cervical cord is Influence of MEP monitoring on extent of resection
affected is more complicated because neural basis for motor
control of the hands and fingers is more complex than that of Sometimes the resection of a spinal-cord tumor must be
the more automated programs controlling lower extremity terminated before the desired extent of resection is accom-
function for walking and posture. plished. This is based on the neurophysiological concept
Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring spinal-cord tumor surgery 413

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