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Anglais général

1. Useful words and link words.

2. Phrasal verbs.
3. Irregular verbs.
4. Countries and states list.


firstly d’abord
first of all tout d’abord
at first en premier lieu
in the first place tout d’abord
above all avant tout
at first sight à première vue
initially à l’origine
for a start
to start (with) pour commencer
to begin (with)
in / at the beginning au début
What is it all about ?
What is the main point ? de quoi s’agit-il ?
What is the main question ?
it is a matter of il s’agit de
it is a question of
the point at issue is that .... le point controversé est
the question at issue is that .... la question qui pose problème
I’d like to point out j’aimerais insister sur le fait que
I’d like to turn your attention to j’aimerais attirer votre attention sur
May I begin by saying en premier lieu, j’aimerais préciser que


secondly en second lieu

in the second place
then puis
afterwards ensuite
last but not least le dernier mais non le moindre
similarly de la même façon
in the same way
after that après cela
in addition de plus
indeed en effet
also aussi
equally de même
in fact
actually en fait
as a matter of fact
of course bien sûr
naturally évidemment
it seems obvious that il est évident que
it seems clear that il est clair que
furthermore en outre, par ailleurs
Let us now consider considérons maintenant
now let’s move on to passons maintenant


but mais
nevertheless cependant, néanmoins
however toutefois
yet pourtant
conversely à l’opposé
on the other hand en revanche
on the one hand ...... on the other hand d’une part ........ d’autre part
in spite of malgré
although ; though bien que
despite en dépit de
whereas tandis que
while alors que
neither ...... nor ni ....... ni


if si
provided that à condition que
on condition that
supposing à supposer que
in case au cas où
even if même si
except if sauf si ; à moins que
unless à moins que


when quand
whenever chaque fois que
while pendant que
as comme ; tandis que
before avant que
after après que
since depuis que
until jusqu’à ce que
as soon as dès que
as long as tant que
meanwhile pendant ce temps
in the meantime pendant ce temps là, dans l’intervalle
currently actuellement
At present la situation actuelle est
the current situation is that ...


in order to pour, en vue de

so as to
in order that afin que
so that de sorte que


because parce que

as comme
since puisque
for car
because of à cause de
owing to
on the grounds of en raison de
due to
thanks to grâce à
why ? pourquoi ?
what for ? pourquoi (donc) / ( faire) ?
this is (the reason) why voilà pourquoi


so donc
thus ainsi
consequently par conséquent
hence d’où
thereby de ce fait
so ...... that si ....... que
such ...... that tellement ..... que

in short en un mot
in brief
in a word en résumé
to conclude en conclusion
eventually à la fin
last of all
lastly enfin
finally en dernier lieu
in the end
to round off this presentation pour clore cette présentation
Equivalents possibles pour le verbe FAIRE
to achieve arriver à faire to reach or attain by effort
accomplir to accomplish or carry out a
to be successful
to act agir to operate effectively
to carry out réaliser un plan to put into practise
exécuter un ordre
faire (son devoir)
to complete achever, finir to finish
compléter to make whole or perfect
to conduct mener to direct, to guide
to perform exécuter, acomplir une tâche to carry into effect
remplir, s’acquiter d’un devoir to go through, to execute
bring up children are brought up by their educate in the family
call back could you call back tomorrow, please ? telephone again
call for I ‘ll call for you at 7 o’clock collect
call off they’ve called off the strike cancel
carry on are you going to carry on studying continue
Law ?
catch up you set off - I’ll catch you up hurry after and join
come from he comes from Bangladesh to be born in
drop in why not drop in on your way home ? visit casually
find out I hope nobody finds out discover the truth
get back we got back from France last night return
get off you get off at the end of East Street leave the bus, the
train ....
get on how are the children getting on at school succeed
get on with I get on very well with him agree, be friends with
get out of I can’t get out of it avoid
get over I had an operation but I’m getting over it recover
get round to I haven’t got round to writing to him find time to do
get through did you get through ? make a successful call
get up I got up at 7 this morning rise from bed
give up I know it’s difficult but don’t give up ! stop trying
grow up children grow up more quickly mature
look after who’s looking after the children ? take care of
look at what are you looking at ? examine carefully
look for they’re looking for 20 new staff seek
look out for I’ll look out for you at the station try to meet
look up you can look it up in the dictionary seek information
look forward I’m really looking forward to my anticipate with
to holiday pleasure
pack up It’s time to pack up and go home stop
put off shall we put it off until next week ? delay, postpone
put off I hope I’m not putting you off distract
put on Don’t forget to put your coat on wear
put through could you put me through to Mr Wilson ? connect on the
put up can I put you up for the weekend ? accommodate
put up with I’m afraid you’ll just have to put up with it tolerate
run out of we’ve run out of sugar (there’s no ....... left)
set off what time shall we set off ? start a journey
show off stop showing off look for compliments
sort out these files need sorting out arrange
stand up for you have to stand up for what you defend
think about what are you thinking about ? consider
think of you should have thought of that pay attention to
think over I’d like to think it over for a while consider carefully
turn down his application has been turned down refuse, reject
turn off would you turn the tap off, please ? stop
turn on would you turn the TV on, please ? switch on
turn up I can’t hear it. Can you turn it up, make louder
please ?
turn up He didn’t turn up at the meeting. appear
arise s’élever arose arisen
be être was been
beat battre beat beaten
become devenir became become
begin commencer began begun
bet parier bet bet
bite mordre bit bitten
bleed saigner bled bled
blow souffler blew blown
break casser broke broken
bring amener, apporter brought brought
build construire built built
burn brûler burnt burnt
burst éclater burst burst
buy acheter bought bought
cast jeter, lancer cast cast
catch attraper caught caught
choose choisir chose chosen
cling s’accrocher clang clung
come venir came come
cost coûter cost cost
creep ramper, se glisser crept crept
cut couper cut cut
deal s’occuper de dealt dealt
dig creuser dug dug
do faire did done
draw dessiner drew drawn
dream rêver dreamt dreamt
drink boire drank drunk
drive conduire drove driven
eat manger ate eaten
fall tomber fell fallen
feed (se) nourrir fed fed
feel sentir, éprouver felt felt
fight se battre fought fought
find trouver found found
fly voler flew flown
forbid interdire forbade forbidden
forget oublier forgot forgotten
forgive pardonner forgave forgiven
freeze geler froze frozen
get obtenir, devenir got got
give donner gave given
go aller went gone
grow (up) grandir grew grown
hang accrocher, pendre hung hung
have avoir had had
hear entendre heard heard
hide cacher hid hidden
hit frapper hit hit
hold tenir held held
hurt faire mal hurt hurt
keep garder kept kept
kneel s’agenouiller knelt knelt
know savoir knew known
lay mettre (la table) laid laid
lead mener led led
learn apprendre learnt learnt
leave quitter left left
lend prêter lent lent
let laisser, permettre let let
lie être couché, étendu lay lain
light allumer lit lit
lose perdre lost lost
make faire, fabriquer made made
mean signifier, vouloir meant meant
meet rencontrer met met
pay payer paid paid
put mettre, poser put put
read lire read read
ride faire du vélo, du rode ridden
ring sonner rang rung
rise se lever, s’élever rose risen
run courir ran run
say dire said said
see voir saw seen
sell vendre sold sold
send envoyer sent sent
set poser, fixer set set
sew coudre sewed sewn
shake secouer shook shaken
shine briller shone shone
shoot tirer shot shot
show montrer showed shown
shrink se rétrecir shrank shrunk
shut fermer shut shut
sing chanter sang sung
sink couler, sombrer sank sunk
sit être assis sat sat
sleep dormir slept slept
slide glisser slid slid
smell sentir smelt smelt
speak parler spoke spoken
spell épeler spelt spelt
spend dépenser (argent), spent spent
passer (temps)
spill renverser (liquide) spilt spilt
spin tourner rapidement spun spun
spit cracher spat spat
split fendre, séparer split split
spread répandre spread spread
spring bondir sprang sprung
stand être debout stood stood
steal voler, dérober stole stolen
stick coller stuck stuck
strike frapper struck struck
swear jurer swore sworn
sweep balayer swept swept
swim nager swam swum
swing (se) balancer swung swung
take prendre took taken
teach enseigner taught taught
tear déchirer tore torn
tell dire, raconter told told
think penser, croire thought thought
throw lancer, jeter threw thrown
tread marcher (sur les trod trodden
pieds de qq)
undergo subir underwent undergone
understand comprendre understood understood
wake (up) (se) réveiller woke woken
wear porter (vêtements) wore worn
win gagner won won
wind serpenter wound wound
withdraw retirer withdrew withdrawn
wring tordre wrung wrung
write écrire wrote written


Albania Albanian Albanian Albanian X X
Austria Austrian Austrian German X X X
Belarus Belarus Belarus Russian X X
French (Walloon)
Belgium Belgian Belgian X X X X
Dutch (Flemish)
Bosnia - Herzegovina Bosnian Bosnian Serbo-Croatian X
Bulgaria Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian X X X
Canada Canadian Canadian English/-French X X X
Croatia Croatian Croatian Croatian X X
Cyprus Cypriot Cypriot Greek X X X
Czech Republic Czech Czech Czech X X X X
Denmark Danes Danish Danish X X X X
Estonia Estonian Estonian Estonian X X X
Federal Republic of
Yugoslavian Yugoslavian Yugoslavian X
Finland Finn Finnish Finnish X X X
France French French French X X X X
Germany German German German X X X X
Greece Greek Greek Greek X X X X
Hungary Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian X X X X
Iceland Icelander Icelandic Icelandic X X X
Ireland Irishman Irish Irish English X X X
Italy Italian Italian Italian X X X X
Latvia Latvia Latvia Latvia X X X X
Liechtenstein Native of German X X
Lithuania Lithuania Lithuania Lithuania X X X X
Luxembourg Luxembourger Luxembourger German/French X X X X
Macedonia Macedonian Macedonian Serbo-croatian X X
Netherlands Dutchman Dutch Dutch X X X X
Norway Norwegian Norwegian Norwegian X X X
Poland Pole Polish Polish X X X X
Portugal Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese X X X X
Romania Romanian Romanian Romanian X X X
Russia Russian Russian Russian X X
Slovakia Slovak (ian) Slovak (ian) Slovak (ian) X X X X
Slovenia Slovene (ian) Slovene (ian) Slovene (ian) X X X X
Spain Spaniard Spanish Spanish X X X X
Sweden Swedes Swedish Swedish X X X
Swiss French
Switzerland Swiss Swiss X X
Swiss German
Turkey Turk Turkish Turkish X X X
Ukraine Ukrainian Ukrainian Ukrainian X X
United Kingdom of
Great Britain and British British English X X X X
Northern Ireland
United States of
American American American English X X X
Anglais militaire

1. grades.
2. termes de mission.
3. peace support operations.
4. ordres graphiques.
5. cadres d’ordre.
6. carte et terrain.
7. briefing of an order.
8. staff elements.
9. useful expressions.
10. PC et transmissions.
11. terminologie des unités.
12. infanterie.
13. artillerie.
14. équipement.
15. logistique.
16. ALAT.
17. réserve
18.let me introduce myself.

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