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Passé Composé Cheat Sheet: ROUND 2

Je Nous
Tu Vous
Il/Elle Ils

Seventeen high maintenance verbs (House of Être or Dr. Mrs. Vandertrampp) do not use avoir in the passé
compose. Instead they use être and the past participle is made to agree with the subject.

ÊTRE (conjugated) + PAST PARTICIPLE(agrees with subject)

How can a past participle agree with a subject?
Just like with adjectives, the rules are simple:

Masculine Subject: no action required 

Ex: Il est allé.

Feminine Subject: you simply add an extre e

Ex: Elle est allée

Plural Subject: you simply add an s

Ex: Ils sont allés
Ex: Elles sont allées

How do you put the passé compose with être in the negative?

ne + ÊTRE (conjugated) + pas + PAST PARTICIPLE

Infinitve and Definition Past Participle

D devenir – to become devenu

R revenir – to come back revenu

M monter – to climb monté

R rester – to stay resté

S sortir – to exit sorti

V venir – to come venu

A aller – to go allé

N naître – to be born né

D descendre – to descend descendu

E entrer – to enter entré

R retourner – to return retourné

T tomber – to fall tombé

R rentrer- to re-enter rentré

A arriver – to arrive arrivé

M mourir – to die mort

P partir – to leave parti

P passer – to pass by passé

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