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French For Beginners Duration: 17 minutes

It all starts here...

Introduction FIRST WORDS

Track Listing TRACK 1: My annoying advert (sorry!) TRACK 2: Introduction to the course. TRACK 3: Your first French words... TRACK 4: Where do you live? TRACK 5: Recap and another question: How

First Words Bonjour (Hello) Salut (Hi / Bye) Au revoir (Goodbye)Co Comment tu tappelles? (What is your name?) Je mappelle (My name is) Je mappelle Alexa (My name is Alexa)

O habites-tu? (Where do you live?)

Jhabite en (I live in) Jhabite en Angleterre / Italie / Espagne / France / Chine / Inde / Suisse Jhabite au Portugal Jhabite aux Etats Unis

are you?

Recap & Comment a va? (How are you?)

TRACK 6: Summary so far... TRACK 7: Quiz 1 TRACK 8: Au Revoir... TRACK 9: Song (Marinette, elle est jolie mais elle est bte)

a va! (Im ok) a va bien! (Im ok) a va mal! (Im not ok) Aujourdhui cest Lundi (It is Monday today) Quel temps fait-il? (What is the weather like?) Il fait beau (It is sunny) Il pleut (It is raining)

French For Beginners Duration: 17 minutes

Summary so far... Quiz 1 (Multiple Choice)

we discover n o s s le t x e s, In the n ortant word nt p im d n a w e ou more n e week and c h t f o s y a d the French, of to ten. (In course...). . n, Alexa XXX e h t u o y e e S

Translate: How are you? A: Bonjour!! B: Je mappelle! ! C: Comment a va?

Translate: I live in England A: Comment a va? ! B: Jhabite en Angleterre! C: Salut Translate: Its sunny A: Il pleut! ! B: Il fait beau ! ! C: C Je mappelle

8 9

Au revoir (+ messages) Song (by lo polidoro)

Marinette, elle est jolie mais elle est bte

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