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Monsieur Ibrahim Questions: Part IV

From: p. 46 OR 37 ( Je devais me prouver quon pouvait maimer )

To: p. 60 OR 47 ( et la je fais pareil de mon cot. )
Questions de comprhension
1. Pour voir la mer, o vont-ils ensemble, Monsieur Ibrahim et Momo?
Ils sont alls en Normandie. p. 47
2. Que dit-il Momo quand il arrive dans le hall du Grand Htel de Cabourg? Rcrivez la
Il a dit que du Grand Htel de Cabourg tait trop fort et beau que lui. Cest trop
beau, ici, monsieur Ibrahim, cest beaucoup trop beau. Ce nest pas pour moi. Je ne mrite
pas a. p. 47-48
3. Comment est-ce que Momo se sent aprs son voyage avec M. Ibrahim?
Momo dit que il sent que le monde pouvais tre diffrent. p.51
4. Quest-ce qui sest pass au pre de Momo?
Le pre de Momo tue. p.52
5. Les policiers dit Momo quil doit reconnatre le corps de son pre. Comment estce que
Momo ragit?
Momo commence crier. p.52
6. Qui est all reconnatre le corps?
Ibrahim accepte d'tre la personne qui identifie le pre de Momo. p.52
7. Qui est la femme qui vient chercher Momo?
La femme qui cherche Momo semble tre sa mre. Elle demande Momo. p.57
8. Momo dit la femme quil est qui?
Momo dit la femme qu'il est appel Mohammed. p.58
9. Quest-ce que la femme explique Momo? Est-ce que Momo a un frre?
Elle lui dit qu'il n'a pas un frre plus g

EXTRA CREDIT: Que signifie la circoncision selon Monsieur Ibrahim?

Interpretation Questions
1. Ton amour pour elle, il est toi. Il tappartient. Mme si elle le refuse, elle ne peut
rien y changer. Elle nen profite pas, cest tout. Ce que tu donnes, Momo, cest toi pour
toujours; ce que tu gardes, cest perdu jamais! How do you understand/interpret this
quote? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
Monsieur Ibrahim is telling Momo that he should share his love, or at the least be
honest with himself about it. From M. Ibrahims point of view, love not spent is love
wasted. He is telling Momo in this passage that even if she refuses his love, he can still
love her for himself.

2. On page 55 (42-43) Monsieur Ibrahim explains to Momo that he should not be mad at
his father. Read and interpret this passage closely. According to M. Ibrahim, what
happened to Momos father? Why did he end his life the way he did?
M. Ibrahim explained that Momos father had been directly affected by the
internment and concentration of Jewish people in WWII. Momos grandparents had been
taken by the NAZIs and sent to die in camps and there were certainly other loved ones of
Momos father that were sent away too. M. Ibrahim explained to Momo that his father may
have never been able to recover from that; and that if he didnt have a will to live any
longer that it was no fault of Momos. He ended his life by throwing himself under a train
using one of the railroads used to transport captured Jews.

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