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Aide Matlab

Initiation au logiciel " Matlab "

1. 2.
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

LAIDE EN LIGNE. _______________________________________________________ 4 TABLEAUX ET MATRICES.________________________________________________ 4

Dfinir une matrice. ..............................................................................................................................................4 Addition et multiplication matricielles..................................................................................................................4 Inversion d'une matrice. ........................................................................................................................................4 Oprations lment par lment............................................................................................................................5 Fonctions utiles pour la manipulation des matrices. .............................................................................................5

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

PROGRAMMATION ET M-FILE FUNCTIONS. _______________________________ 5

Boucles for............................................................................................................................................................5 Boucles while........................................................................................................................................................5 Structure if else end. .............................................................................................................................................5 Les fonctions.........................................................................................................................................................6

4. 5.
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

ANALYSE DE DONNEES.__________________________________________________ 6 LES POLYNOMES.________________________________________________________ 6

Racines dun polynme.........................................................................................................................................6 Addition. ...............................................................................................................................................................6 Multiplication........................................................................................................................................................6 Division.................................................................................................................................................................6 Drivation. ............................................................................................................................................................6 Evaluation. ............................................................................................................................................................6

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

ANALYSE NUMERIQUE. __________________________________________________ 7

Trac graphique. ...................................................................................................................................................7 Minimum dune fonction. .....................................................................................................................................7 Zro dune fonction. .............................................................................................................................................7 Intgration.............................................................................................................................................................7 Drivation. ............................................................................................................................................................8 Equations diffrentielles. ......................................................................................................................................8

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4

LE GRAPHISME A DEUX DIMENSIONS. ____________________________________ 9

La fonction plot.....................................................................................................................................................9 Les commandes grid, xlabel, ylabel et text. ..........................................................................................................9 La commande axis. ...............................................................................................................................................9 Les commandes figure, hold, close.......................................................................................................................9

8. 9.

EXERCICES DAPPLICATION. ____________________________________________ 10 AIDE MATLAB 4 ________________________________________________________ 12

9.1 OPERATORS AND SPECIAL CHARACTERS. ..............................................................................................12 9.2 LOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS......................................................................................................................12 9.3 ELEMENTARY MATH FUNCTIONS. ............................................................................................................12 9.3.1 Trigonometric. _________________________________________________________________________ 12 9.3.2 Exponential. ___________________________________________________________________________ 13 9.3.3 Complex. _____________________________________________________________________________ 13 9.3.4 Numeric. ______________________________________________________________________________ 13 9.4 NONLINEAR NUMERICAL METHODS. .......................................................................................................13 9.5 ELEMENTARY MATRICES AND MATRIX MANIPULATION. .................................................................13 9.5.1 Elementary matrices. ____________________________________________________________________ 13 9.5.2 Special variables and constants. ____________________________________________________________ 13 9.5.3 Time and dates._________________________________________________________________________ 14 9.5.4 Matrix manipulation. ____________________________________________________________________ 14 1

Aide Matlab
9.6 SPECIALIZED MATRICES. .............................................................................................................................14 9.7 GENERAL PURPOSE GRAPHICS FUNCTIONS. ..........................................................................................14 9.7.1 Figure window creation and control. ________________________________________________________ 14 9.7.2 Axis creation and control. ________________________________________________________________ 14 9.7.3 Handle Graphics objects. _________________________________________________________________ 15 9.7.4 Handle Graphics operations. ______________________________________________________________ 15 9.7.5 Hardcopy and storage. ___________________________________________________________________ 15 9.7.6 Movies and animation. ___________________________________________________________________ 15 9.7.7 Miscellaneous. _________________________________________________________________________ 15 9.8 TWO DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS..................................................................................................................15 9.8.1 Elementary X-Y graphs.__________________________________________________________________ 15 9.8.2 Specialized X-Y graphs.__________________________________________________________________ 15 9.8.3 Graph annotation. _______________________________________________________________________ 16 9.9 THREE DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS. .............................................................................................................16 9.9.1 Line and area fill commands. ______________________________________________________________ 16 9.9.2 Contour and other 2-D plots of 3-D data._____________________________________________________ 16 9.9.3 Surface and mesh plots. __________________________________________________________________ 16 9.9.4 Volume visualization.____________________________________________________________________ 16 9.9.5 Graph appearance. ______________________________________________________________________ 16 9.9.6 Graph annotation. _______________________________________________________________________ 16 9.9.7 3-D objects. ___________________________________________________________________________ 17 9.10 MATRIX FUNCTIONS NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA.....................................................................17 9.10.1 Matrix analysis. ________________________________________________________________________ 17 9.10.2 Linear equations. _______________________________________________________________________ 17 9.10.3 Eigenvalues and singular values. ___________________________________________________________ 17 9.10.4 Matrix functions. _______________________________________________________________________ 17 9.11 POLYNOMIAL AND INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS............................................................................17 9.11.1 Polynomials. ___________________________________________________________________________ 17 9.11.2 Data interpolation. ______________________________________________________________________ 18 9.11.3 Spline interpolation. _____________________________________________________________________ 18 9.12 DATA ANALYSIS AND FOURIER TRANSFORM FUNCTIONS. ..........................................................18 9.12.1 Basic operations. _______________________________________________________________________ 18 9.12.2 Finite differences._______________________________________________________________________ 18 9.12.3 Vector operations. ______________________________________________________________________ 18 9.12.4 Correlation.____________________________________________________________________________ 18 9.12.5 Filtering and convolution. ________________________________________________________________ 18 9.12.6 Fourier transforms. ______________________________________________________________________ 18 9.13 SOUND PROCESSING FUNCTIONS. ........................................................................................................19 9.14 CHARACTER STRING FUNCTIONS.........................................................................................................19 9.14.1 General. ______________________________________________________________________________ 19 9.14.2 String comparison. ______________________________________________________________________ 19 9.14.3 String to number conversion. ______________________________________________________________ 19 9.14.4 Hexadecimal to number conversion. ________________________________________________________ 19 9.15 SPECIALIZED MATH FUNCTIONS. .........................................................................................................19 9.16 SPARSE MATRIX FUNCTIONS. ................................................................................................................20 9.16.1 Elementary sparse matrices. _______________________________________________________________ 20 9.16.2 Full to sparse conversion._________________________________________________________________ 20 9.16.3 Working with nonzero entries of sparse matrices. ______________________________________________ 20 9.16.4 Visualizing sparse matrices. _______________________________________________________________ 20 9.16.5 Reordering algorithms. ___________________________________________________________________ 20 9.16.6 Norm, condition number, and rank. _________________________________________________________ 20 9.16.7 Operations on trees. _____________________________________________________________________ 20 9.16.8 Micellanous ___________________________________________________________________________ 21 9.17 LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTS AND DEBUGGING. ...................................................................................21 9.17.1 Matlab as a programming language._________________________________________________________ 21 9.17.2 Control flow. __________________________________________________________________________ 21 9.17.3 Interactive input.________________________________________________________________________ 21 9.17.4 Debugging commands. ___________________________________________________________________ 21 9.18 COLOR CONTROL AND LIGHTING MODEL FUNCTIONS. .................................................................21 9.18.1 Color controls. _________________________________________________________________________ 21 9.18.2 Color maps. ___________________________________________________________________________ 21 9.18.3 Color map related functions. ______________________________________________________________ 22 2

Aide Matlab
9.18.4 Lighting models.________________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19 LOW-LEVEL FILE I/O FUNCTIONS. ........................................................................................................22 9.19.1 File opening and closing. _________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.2 Unformatted I/O. _______________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.3 Formatted I/O. _________________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.4 File positioning. ________________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.5 String conversion._______________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.6 File Import/Export Routines. ______________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.7 WK1 Format. __________________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.8 CSV Format.___________________________________________________________________________ 22 9.19.9 ASCII Delimited Format. _________________________________________________________________ 23 9.20 GENERAL PURPOSE COMMANDS. .........................................................................................................23 9.20.1 Managing commands and functions. ________________________________________________________ 23 9.20.2 Managing variables and the workspace.______________________________________________________ 23 9.20.3 Working with files and the operating system. _________________________________________________ 23 9.20.4 Controlling the command window. _________________________________________________________ 23 9.20.5 Starting and quitting from Matlab. __________________________________________________________ 23 9.20.6 General information. ____________________________________________________________________ 23

Aide Matlab
Le logiciel Matlab est ouvert dans la fentre de commande Matlab Mcw ( Matlab command window). 1. LAIDE EN LIGNE. On obtient les informations sur une fonction (contenue dans Matlab ou dans un des toolbox) en tapant help suivi du nom de cette fonction. On peut aussi utiliser un mot cl avec la fonction lookfor, le mot cl ntant pas ncessairement le nom dune fonction de Matlab. exemples : help diag, help clear, lookfor complex... 2. TABLEAUX ET MATRICES. 2.1 Dfinir une matrice. A = [1 2 3 4] dfinit la matrice ligne comportant les 4 lments 1, 2, 3 et 4. A = [1,2,3,4] donne le mme rsultat. C = [a b c] dfinit la matrice ligne comportant les caractres a, b et c. B = [1;2;3;4] dfinit la matrice colonne comportant les mmes valeurs que A. Si on remarque que B est la transpose de A, on peut aussi crire B = A' l'apostrophe droite signifiant la transposition. C = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9] dfinit la matrice carre 3x3, dont la premire ligne est 1 2 3, la seconde ligne 4 5 6, etc... On obtient sa transpose en crivant C'. C(i,:) est sa ime ligne et C(:,j) est sa jme colonne. x= 0:0.5:10 dfinit un vecteur ligne en partant du premier lment 0 et en incrmentant de 0.5 en 0.5 jusquau dernier lment 10. x' est alors un vecteur colonne. linspace(1re valeur , dernire valeur , nb dlments) permet dobtenir le mme rsultat en crivant linspace(0, 10, 21). Lutilisation de logspace( ) permet davoir un espacement logarithmique des valeurs. Matlab permet de crer des matrices particulires. Voir zeros, ones, rand, eye. 2.2 Addition et multiplication matricielles. On peut additionner ou multiplier des matrices de mme type comme on le ferait avec des nombres. B = C*D multiplie C par D, et le rsultat est videmment diffrent de D*C. B = C+D additionne les deux matrices. Le rsultat du produit A*B (ligne*colonne) est un scalaire, alors que le produit B*A (colonne*ligne) donne une matrice. 2.3 Inversion d'une matrice. Soit la matrice carre A dont on veut calculer l'inverse Ai. A = [10 10 0; 0 10 10; 10 19.9 10] Ai = inv(A) calcule Ai, inverse de A si celle-ci n'est pas singulire. On le vrifiera en calculant D = A*Ai qui donne la matrice unit. Si le dterminant det(A) est nul (matrice singulire), Matlab envoie un message d'erreur. Remplacer dans A ci-dessus 19.9 par 20 et essayer de calculer l'inverse. Il est vident que A est singulire dans ce cas, pourquoi? X = A\B calcule X = A-1.B, solution de AX=B. X = A/B calcule A.B-1.

Aide Matlab
2.4 Oprations lment par lment. Il est possible de faire le produit de deux tableaux a et b lment par lment, cest dire dobtenir le tableau c tel que c(i) = a(i) * b(i) en crivant c = a .* b y = a.^n donnera y qui contiendra les lments de a la puissance n. Pour la division lmentaire, essayer a./b et a.\b. Pour la somme, quelles sont vos conclusions? 2.5 Fonctions utiles pour la manipulation des matrices. Utiliser help pour voir size, length, poly, rank. 3. PROGRAMMATION ET M-FILE FUNCTIONS. Matlab est aussi un langage de programmation qui dispose de structures de boucles for ou while ainsi que de la structure if elseif else end. Un exemple est donn ci-dessous pour chaque cas. Noter que le point-virgule permet de grer l'affichage ou le non affichage des valeurs manipules. 3.1 Boucles for. for i=1:2:10 x(i)=i*i end 3.2 Boucles while. i=0;x=1; while(1+x)>1 x=x/2; i=i+1; end i x=2*x x-eps Essayez de comprendre ce que reprsente eps. 3.3 Structure if else end. x=1; for i= 1:1000 x=x/2; if (1+x)<=1 x=2*x break end end i x-eps Conclusion?

Aide Matlab
3.4 Les fonctions. Matlab fournit de nombreuses fonctions et permet lutilisateur dcrire les fonctions spcifiques dont il a besoin, condition de respecter la syntaxe. Par exemple la fonction truc(t,a) contenue dans le fichier truc.m ci-dessous function y = truc(t,a); %function doit toujours tre crit en premire ligne y = 2*t.^2 + a; est utilise par le programme xf.m ci-dessous. t = linspace(0,10,6); a = 1.5; z = feval(truc,t,a); plot(t,z,'r');pause;plot(t,z,'y+');pause;plot(t,z,'r',t,z,'b+'); Certaines fonctions de Matlab ne sont pas prvues pour le passage de paramtres. On utilise dans ce cas une variable globale. Voir global. 4. ANALYSE DE DONNEES. Les donnes seront par convention stockes sous forme de matrice colonne. max(x) renvoie le maximum de chaque colonne du tableau x. min(x) renvoie le minimum de chaque colonne du tableau x. mean(x) donne la valeur moyenne de chaque colonne du tableau x. Voir aussi hist, sort.... 5. LES POLYNOMES. Matlab reprsente un polynme comme un vecteur ligne qui contient les coefficients des termes rangs selon les puissances dcroissantes. p = [ 1 -12 0 5 0] reprsente x4 -12x3 + 5x. 5.1 Racines dun polynme. r=roots(p) fournit les racines du polynme donn ci-dessus. p=poly(r) est l'opration inverse qui redonne les coefficients rangs selon les puissances dcroissantes. 5.2 Addition. On additionne les polynmes a et b en crivant d = a+b sils sont de mme degr. Sinon il faut complter celui qui a le degr le plus faible avec des zros. 5.3 Multiplication. La fonction conv(a,b) ralise le produit des polynmes a et b. On renvoie le rsultat dans c en crivant c = conv(a,b). Ce produit est obtenu par convolution des vecteurs a et b. 5.4 Division. La fonction deconv( ) permet la division. [q,r] = deconv(c,b) divise c par b. q est le quotient et r le reste. 5.5 Drivation. La fonction polyder( ) fournit la drive dun polynme. h = polyder(g) donne h drive de g. 5.6 Evaluation. La valeur prise par le polynme pour une valeur de la variable est fournie par la fonction polyval( )

Aide Matlab
exemple : x = linspace(-1,3,5); p = [1 4 -7 -10]; v=polyval(p,x), pause, plot(x,v) Que fait ce programme? 6. ANALYSE NUMERIQUE. Il nest pas toujours possible de dterminer analytiquement les extrma dune fonction, de lintgrer ou de la driver, etc...Matlab propose un certain nombre de fonctions qui peuvent rsoudre numriquement ces problmes. 6.1 Trac graphique. On utilise la fonction fplot qui assure une reprsentation plus fine que plot qui sera vue plus loin. ex: g = 2*exp(-x).*sin(x); fplot(g,[0 8]) 6.2 Minimum dune fonction. On utilise la fonction fmin. Si on cherche un maximum, on utilise aussi fmin sur la fonction change de signe. ex: g = 2*exp(-x).*sin(x) ; xmin = fmin(g,2,5) % on cherche sur 2 < x < 5 x = xmin; ymin = eval(g) % calcule g pour x = xmin 6.3 Zro dune fonction. On utilise la fonction fzero qui renvoie la valeur de x qui annule la fonction g que l'on aura pralablement dfinie dans un fichier g.m contenant : function y=g(x); % function doit toujours tre crit en premire ligne y=2*exp(-x).*sin(x) Ensuite, taper dans la fentre MCW: xz = fzero('g',3.2) % cherche au voisinage de 3.2 et renvoie dans xz 6.4 Intgration. Les fonctions trapz, quad et quad8 calculent laire comprise entre la courbe et laxe horizontal. Dfinir le fichier g1.m : function y=g1(x); y=x.*x; puis crire le programme: clear all x=0:0.1:1; y=g1(x); aire1=trapz(x,y) aire2=quad('g1',0,1)

Aide Matlab
6.5 Drivation. On vitera autant que possible la fonction diff qui drive en faisant la diffrence entre lments voisins dans le tableau des valeurs exprimentales, toujours fausses par le bruit. Il est plus astucieux de remplacer la courbe par une bonne approximation polynomiale avec polyfit et de driver celle-ci avec polyder. 6.6 Equations diffrentielles. De nombreux systmes physiques sont dcrits par des quations diffrentielles, linaires ou non. Pour intgrer une quation diffrentielle dordre n, on se ramne un systme de n quations du premier ordre, ce qui permettra dutiliser les fonctions ode23 ou ode45 (ordinary differential equations) qui fourniront la solution cherche. Exemple : on veut rsoudre l'quation de Van der Pol d2x/dt2 - m(1-x2)dx/dt + x = 0. Elle reprsente un systme du second degr dont l'amortissement est non linaire. On pose y1 = x et y2 = dx/dt, do le systme quivalent: dy1/dt = y2 dy2/dt = m(1-y12)y2 - y1 Pour m = 2, on programme : function yprime =vdpol(t,y); m = 2; yprime = [y(2); m*(1-y(1).^2)*y(2) - y(1)]; On remarque que yprime est un vecteur colonne deux lments qui dcrit compltement lquation diffrentielle. Le programme suivant calcule la solution : [t,y] = ode23(vdpol,[0,30],[0;0.01]); %utiliser help pour les arguments me y1 = y(:,1) % y(:,n) rcupre la n colonne de y, donc x plot(t,y1) % trace x en fonction du temps

Aide Matlab
7. LE GRAPHISME A DEUX DIMENSIONS. Matlab propose de nombreuses fonctions graphiques. Nous donnons ici les plus utilises avec un minimum dexplications. Utilisez help pour en savoir plus. 7.1 La fonction plot. plot permet de tracer une ou plusieurs courbes sur le mme graphe, en choisissant le style du trait et sa couleur et en marquant les points du tableau des valeurs si on le dsire. ex : x = linspace(0,2*pi,30); y = sin(x); z = cos(x); plot(x,y,g:,x,z,r--,x,y,mo,x,z,c+); 7.2 Les commandes grid, xlabel, ylabel et text. grid on met la grille sur le graphe trac par plot. grid off efface la grille. xlabel et ylabel crivent du texte le long de laxe correspondant. text(x,y,string) crit la chane de caractres string aux coordonnes x,y du graphe. gtext(string) donne un curseur quon amne lendroit o on dsire placer le texte. Celui ci scrit quand on clique la souris. 7.3 La commande axis. axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) impose les chelles en x et y. axis(square) prsente le graphe dans un carr au lieu du rectangle habituel. 7.4 Les commandes figure, hold, close.... La commande figure est trs riche en possibilits. Elle permet de crer une figure. La commande set permet dagir sur tous les paramtres. Voici un exemple dutilisation : t=linspace(0,10,100) close figure(1); set(1,'position',[0 0 300 300]); plot(t,sin(t),'y');grid; title('commande'); figure(2); set(2,'position',[320 0 300 300]); plot(t,(sin(t)).^2,'c');grid; title('sortie processus'); hold on permet de tracer plusieurs courbes sur la figure courante, jusqu la commande hold off qui permettra de changer. close(n) permet de fermer la fentre graphique n.

Aide Matlab
8. EXERCICES DAPPLICATION. Pour chaque exercice, on crira un programme Matlab intitul x0_i.m pour lexercice i et on utilisera help autant que ncessaire.

Exercice 1 (fichier x0_1.m) Rsoudre avec Matlab le systme

x+ y+z= 2 2x + y + z = 0 7x - 5y - z = -6

Exercice 2 (fichier x0_2.m) Rsoudre graphiquement le systme

y = 2x - 4 y = -x + 5

On utilisera ginput(...).

Exercice 3 (fichier x0_3.m) Rsoudre x exp(-x2) = 0.1/ x2 en utilisant la mthode de l'exercice 2. Combien y a-t-il de solutions?

Exercice 4 (fichiers x0_4.m et f0_4.m) Ecrire le fichier f0_4.m qui cre la fonction y = f0_4(x) = x exp(-x2) - 0.1/ x2 Ecrire x0_4.m qui trace le graphe de f0_4(x) et donne les valeurs de x pour lesquelles f0_4(x) = 0. voir eval (ou feval) et fzero.

Exercice 5 (fichier x0_5.m) On donne les polynmes

p1 = x3 - 2x2 - x + 2 p2 = -x2 + 4x - 2 p3 = x2 -1

Utiliser Matlab pour : a/ Calculer leurs drives respectives dp1, dp2, dp3. b/ Calculer le produit p12 = p1*p2. c/ Calculer dp = p1 - p2 et en dduire les solutions de p1 = p2. d/ Diviser p1 par p3. e/ Calculer la valeur de p1 pour x = 0, 1, 2 et 3. f/ Vrifier graphiquement les solutions trouves au c/ et e/ voir polyder, conv, roots, deconv, polyval.


Aide Matlab
Exercice 6 (fichiers x0_6.m et f0_6.m) On considre la fonction y = 1 - exp(-z.w.t).((z/m).sin(wp.t) + cos(wp.t)) avec m = (1-z)1/2 et wp = m.w pour w = 6.28 rad/s. Ecrire le fichier f0_6.m qui contiendra la fonction f0_6(t,z). Ecrire ensuite x0_6.m utilisant f0_6 pour reprsenter sur le mme graphique les courbes reprsentatives de cette fonction pour les valeurs de z suivantes : 0.1, 0.3, 0.45 et 0.8 pour t variant de 0 5s. Indiquer la valeur de z ct de chaque courbe, prendre une couleur diffrente pour chaque courbe et mettre comme titre Rponse indicielle dun second ordre . voir figure, hold on, hold off, feval, num2str, xlabel, ylabel, title, gtext, grid.

Exercice 7 (fichier x0_7.m) Modifier le programme prcdent afin de pouvoir rentrer au clavier les valeurs de z. voir input.

Exercice 8 (fichier x0_8.m) Modifier le programme de lexercice 6 pour mesurer le temps de rponse 5% de chaque courbe, temps partir duquel la valeur de y sera toujours comprise entre 0.95 et 1.05. voir ginput.

Exercice 9 (fichiers x0_9.m et f0_9.m) On considre le systme dcrit par lquation diffrentielle suivante, x tant la sortie et u lentre du systme d2x/dt2 + 2z w dx/dt + w2 x = w2 u(t) On considre le cas o u(t) est constante et gale 1 et o w=6.28 rad/s. Ecrire la fonction yprime = f0_9(t,y) qui dcrit lquation ci-dessus puis crire x0_9.m qui intgre lquation avec ode23 et donne une reprsentation graphique de la solution. Modifier ensuite ce programme pour tracer sur le mme graphe les solutions correspondant z = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 et 1 avec une couleur diffrente pour chaque courbe. voir global, ode23.

Exercice 10 (fichier x0_10.m) On considre lquation diffrentielle du 3me ordre suivante, qui dcrit la sortie x dun systme attaqu en entre par le signal sin wt. d3x/dt3 + 4d2x/dt2 + 5 dx/dt + 2 x = sin wt Rsoudre cette quation avec ode23 et reprsenter sur le mme graphe la sortie du systme pour w = 3.14, 6.28 et 12.57 rad/s (une couleur diffrente pour chaque courbe), avec des conditions initiales nulles, puis avec x(0) =0, x(0) = -1 et x(0) =0.


Aide Matlab
+ Plus Minus * Matrix multiplication .* Array multiplication ^ Matrix power .^ Array power \ Backslash or left division / Slash or right division ./ Array division kron Kronecker tensor product : Colon ( ) Parentheses paren [] Brackets . Decimal point .. Parent directory ... Continuation , Comma ; Semicolon % Comment ! Exclamation point ' Transpose and quote = Assignment == Equality <> Relational operators & Logical AND | Logical OR ~ Logical NOT xor Logical EXCLUSIVE OR Help arith arith arith arith arith arith slash slash slash kron colon paren punct punct punct punct punct punct punct punct punct relop relop relop relop relop xor


exist any all find isnan isinf finite isempty issparse isstr isglobal Check if variables or functions are defined. True if any element of vector is true. True if all elements of vector are true. Find indices of non-zero elements. True for Not-A-Number. True for infinite elements. True for finite elements. True for empty matrix. True for sparse matrix. True for text string. True for global variables.

9.3 ELEMENTARY MATH FUNCTIONS. 9.3.1 Trigonometric.

sin sinh asin asinh cos cosh acos acosh tan tanh atan Sine. Hyperbolic sine. Inverse sine. Inverse hyperbolic sine. Cosine. Hyperbolic cosine. Inverse cosine. Inverse hyperbolic cosine. Tangent. Hyperbolic tangent. Inverse tangent.


Aide Matlab
atan2 atanh sec sech asec asech csc csch acsc acsch cot coth acot acoth Four quadrant inverse tangent. Inverse hyperbolic tangent. Secant. Hyperbolic secant. Inverse secant. Inverse hyperbolic secant. Cosecant. Hyperbolic cosecant. Inverse cosecant. Inverse hyperbolic cosecant. Cotangent. Hyperbolic cotangent. Inverse cotangent. Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.

9.3.2 Exponential.
exp log log10 sqrt Exponential. Natural logarithm. Common logarithm. Square root.

9.3.3 Complex.
abs angle conj imag real Absolute value. Phase angle. Complex conjugate. Complex imaginary part. Complex real part.

9.3.4 Numeric.
fix floor ceil round rem sign Round towards zero. Round towards minus infinity. Round towards plus infinity. Round towards nearest integer. Remainder after division. Signum function.


ode23 ode23p ode45 quad quad8 fmin fmins fzero fplot Solve differential equations, low order method. Solve and plot solutions. Solve differential equations, high order method. Numerically evaluate integral, low order method. Numerically evaluate integral, high order method. Minimize function of one variable. Minimize function of several variables. Find zero of function of one variable. Plot function.

See also The Optimization Toolbox, which has a comprehensive and function functions for optimizing and minimizing functions.


zeros ones eye rand randn linspace logspace meshgrid : Zeros matrix. Ones matrix. Identity matrix. Uniformly distributed random numbers. Normally distributed random numbers. Linearly spaced vector. Logarithmically spaced vector. X and Y arrays for 3-D plots. Regularly spaced vector.

9.5.2 Special variables and constants.

ans Most recent answer.


Aide Matlab
eps realmax realmin pi i, j inf NaN flops nargin nargout computer isieee isstudent why version Floating point relative accuracy. Largest floating point number. Smallest positive floating point number. 3.1415926535897.... Imaginary unit. Infinity. Not-a-Number. Count of floating point operations. Number of function input arguments. Number of function output arguments. Computer type. True for computers with IEEE arithmetic. True for the Student Edition. Succinct answer. MATLAB version number.

9.5.3 Time and dates.

clock cputime date etime tic, toc Wall clock. Elapsed CPU time. Calendar. Elapsed time function. Stopwatch timer functions.

9.5.4 Matrix manipulation.

diag fliplr flipud reshape rot90 tril triu : Create or extract diagonals. Flip matrix in the left/right direction. Flip matrix in the up/down direction. Change size. Rotate matrix 90 degrees. Extract lower triangular part. Extract upper triangular part. Index into matrix, rearrange matrix.


compan gallery hadamard hankel hilb invhilb kron magic pascal rosser toeplitz vander wilkinson Companion matrix. Several small test matrices. Hadamard matrix. Hankel matrix. Hilbert matrix. Inverse Hilbert matrix. Kronecker tensor product. Magic square. Pascal matrix. Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem. Toeplitz matrix. Vandermonde matrix. Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix.

9.7 GENERAL PURPOSE GRAPHICS FUNCTIONS. 9.7.1 Figure window creation and control.
figure gcf clf close Create Figure (graph window). Get handle to current figure. Clear current figure. Close figure.

9.7.2 Axis creation and control.

subplot axes gca cla axis caxis hold Create axes in tiled positions. Create axes in arbitrary positions. Get handle to current axes. Clear current axes. Control axis scaling and appearance. Control pseudocolor axis scaling. Hold current graph.


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9.7.3 Handle Graphics objects.
figure axes line text patch surface image uicontrol uimenu Create figure window. Create axes. Create line. Create text. Create patch. Create surface. Create image. Create user interface control. Create user interface menu.

9.7.4 Handle Graphics operations.

set get reset delete gco drawnow newplot findobj Set object properties. Get object properties. Reset object properties. Delete object. Get handle to current object. Flush pending graphics events. M-file preamble for NextPlot property. Find objects with specified property values.

9.7.5 Hardcopy and storage.

print printopt orient capture Print graph or save graph to file. Configure local printer defaults. Set paper orientation. Screen capture of current figure.

9.7.6 Movies and animation.

moviein getframe movie Initialize movie frame memory. Get movie frame. Play recorded movie frames.

9.7.7 Miscellaneous.
Graphical input from mouse. Return hold state. Set graphics window defaults for gray-scale monitors. rbbox Rubberband box. rotate Rotate an object about a specified direction. terminal Set graphics terminal type. uiputfile Put up dialog box for saving files. uigetfile Put up dialog box which queries for file names. whitebg Set graphics window defaults for white background. zoom Zoom in and out on a 2-D plot. waitforbuttonpress Wait for key/buttonpress over figure. See also PLOTXY, PLOTXYZ, COLOR. ginput ishold graymon

9.8 TWO DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS. 9.8.1 Elementary X-Y graphs.

plot loglog semilogx semilogy fill Linear plot. Log-log scale plot. Semi-log scale plot. Semi-log scale plot. Draw filled 2-D polygons.

9.8.2 Specialized X-Y graphs.

polar bar stem stairs Polar coordinate plot. Bar graph. Discrete sequence or "stem" plot. Stairstep plot.


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errorbar hist rose compass feather fplot comet Error bar plot. Histogram plot. Angle histogram plot. Compass plot. Feather plot. Plot function. Comet-like trajectory.

9.8.3 Graph annotation.

title xlabel ylabel text gtext grid Graph title. X-axis label. Y-axis label. Text annotation. Mouse placement of text. Grid lines.


9.9 THREE DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS. 9.9.1 Line and area fill commands.
plot3 fill3 comet3 Plot lines and points in 3-D space. Draw filled 3-D polygons in 3-D space. 3-D comet-like trajectories.

9.9.2 Contour and other 2-D plots of 3-D data.

contour contour3 clabel contourc pcolor quiver Contour plot. 3-D contour plot. Contour plot elevation labels. Contour plot computation (used by contour). Pseudocolor (checkerboard) plot. Quiver plot.

9.9.3 Surface and mesh plots.

mesh meshc meshz surf surfc surfl waterfall 3-D mesh surface. Combination mesh/contour plot. 3-D Mesh with zero plane. 3-D shaded surface. Combination surf/contour plot. 3-D shaded surface with lighting. Waterfall plot.

9.9.4 Volume visualization.

slice Volumetric visualization plots.

9.9.5 Graph appearance.

view viewmtx hidden shading axis caxis colormap 3-D graph viewpoint specification. View transformation matrices. Mesh hidden line removal mode. Color shading mode. Axis scaling and appearance. Pseudocolor axis scaling. Color look-up table.

9.9.6 Graph annotation.

title xlabel ylabel zlabel text gtext grid Graph title. X-axis label. Y-axis label. Z-axis label for 3-D plots. Text annotation. Mouse placement of text. Grid lines.


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9.9.7 3-D objects.
cylinder sphere Generate cylinder. Generate sphere.



cond norm rcond rank det trace null orth rref Matrix condition number. Matrix or vector norm. LINPACK reciprocal condition estimator. Number of linearly independent rows or columns. Determinant. Sum of diagonal elements. Null space. Orthogonalization. Reduced row echelon form.

9.10.2 Linear equations.

\ and / chol lu inv qr qrdelete qrinsert nnls pinv lscov Linear equation solution; use "help slash". Cholesky factorization. Factors from Gaussian elimination. Matrix inverse. Orthogonal-triangular decomposition. Delete a column from the QR factorization. Insert a column in the QR factorization. Non-negative least-squares. Pseudoinverse. Least squares in the presence of known covariance.

9.10.3 Eigenvalues and singular values.

eig poly polyeig hess qz rsf2csf cdf2rdf schur balance svd Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Characteristic polynomial. Polynomial eigenvalue problem. Hessenberg form. Generalized eigenvalues. Real block diagonal form to complex diagonal form. Complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form. Schur decomposition. Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy. Singular value decomposition.

9.10.4 Matrix functions.

expm expm1 expm2 expm3 logm sqrtm funm Matrix exponential. M-file implementation of expm. Matrix exponential via Taylor series. Matrix exponential via eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Matrix logarithm. Matrix square root. Evaluate general matrix function.


roots poly polyval polyvalm Find polynomial roots. Construct polynomial with specified roots. Evaluate polynomial. Evaluate polynomial with matrix argument.


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residue polyfit polyder conv deconv Partial-fraction expansion (residues). Fit polynomial to data. Differentiate polynomial. Multiply polynomials. Divide polynomials.

9.11.2 Data interpolation.

interp1 interp2 interpft griddata 1-D interpolation (1-D table lookup). 2-D interpolation (2-D table lookup). 1-D interpolation using FFT method. Data gridding.

9.11.3 Spline interpolation.

spline ppval Cubic spline data interpolation. Evaluate piecewise polynomial.

max min mean median std sort sum prod cumsum cumprod trapz Largest component. Smallest component. Average or mean value. Median value. Standard deviation. Sort in ascending order. Sum of elements. Product of elements. Cumulative sum of elements. Cumulative product of elements. Numerical integration using trapezoidal method.

9.12.2 Finite differences.

diff gradient del2 Difference function and approximate derivative. Approximate gradient. Five-point discrete Laplacian.

9.12.3 Vector operations.

cross dot Vector cross product. Vector dot product.

9.12.4 Correlation.
corrcoef cov subspace Correlation coefficients. Covariance matrix. Angle between subspaces.

9.12.5 Filtering and convolution.

filter filter2 conv conv2 deconv One-dimensional digital filter. Two-dimensional digital filter. Convolution and polynomial multiplication. Two-dimensional convolution. Deconvolution and polynomial division.

9.12.6 Fourier transforms.

fft fft2 ifft ifft2 abs angle unwrap Discrete Fourier transform. Two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform. Inverse discrete Fourier transform. Two-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform. Magnitude. Phase angle. Remove phase angle jumps across 360 degree boundaries.


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fftshift cplxpair nextpow2 Move zeroth lag to center of spectrum. Sort numbers into complex conjugate pairs. Next higher power of 2.


sound Convert vector into sound. saxis Sound axis scaling. Computer-specific sound functions. auwrite Write mu-law encloded audio file. auread Read mu-law encloded audio file. wavwrite Write MS Windows .WAV audio file. wavread Read MS Windows .WAV audio file. mu2lin Mu-law to linear conversion. lin2mu Linear to mu-law conversion.


strings abs setstr isstr blanks deblank str2mat eval About character strings in Matlab. Convert string to numeric values. Convert numeric values to string. True for string. String of blanks. Remove trailing blanks. Form text matrix from individual strings. Execute string with Matlab expression.

9.14.2 String comparison.

strcmp findstr upper lower isletter isspace strrep strtok Compare strings. Find one string within another. Convert string to uppercase. Convert string to lowercase. True for letters of the alphabet. True for white space characters. Replace a string with another. Find a token in a string.

9.14.3 String to number conversion.

num2str int2str str2num sprintf sscanf Convert number to string. Convert integer to string. Convert string to number. Convert number to string under format control. Convert string to number under format control.

9.14.4 Hexadecimal to number conversion.

hex2num hex2dec dec2hex Convert hex string to IEEE floating point number. Convert hex string to decimal integer. Convert decimal integer to hex string.


besselj bessely besseli besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint Bessel function of the first kind. Bessel function of the second kind. Modified Bessel function of the first kind. Modified Bessel function of the second kind. Beta function. Incomplete beta function. Logarithm of beta function. Jacobi elliptic functions. Complete elliptic integral. Error function. Complementary error function. Scaled complementary error function. Inverse error function. Exponential integral function.


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gamma gcd gammainc lcm legendre gammaln log2 pow2 rat rats cart2sph cart2pol pol2cart sph2cart Gamma function. Greatest common divisor. Incomplete gamma function. Least common multiple. Associated Legendre function. Logarithm of gamma function. Dissect floating point numbers. Scale floating point numbers. Rational approximation. Rational output. Transform from Cartesian to spherical Transform from Cartesian to polar Transform from polar to Cartesian Transform from spherical to Cartesian

9.16 SPARSE MATRIX FUNCTIONS. 9.16.1 Elementary sparse matrices.

speye sprandn sprandsym spdiags Sparse identity matrix. Sparse random matrix. Sparse symmetric random matrix. Sparse matrix formed from diagonals.

9.16.2 Full to sparse conversion.

sparse full find spconvert Create sparse matrix from nonzeros and indices. Convert sparse matrix to full matrix. Find indices of nonzero entries. Convert from sparse matrix external format.

9.16.3 Working with nonzero entries of sparse matrices.

nnz nonzeros nzmax spones spalloc issparse spfun Number of nonzero entries. Nonzero entries. Amount of storage allocated for nonzero entries. Replace nonzero entries with ones. Allocate memory for nonzero entries. True if matrix is sparse. Apply function to nonzero entries.

9.16.4 Visualizing sparse matrices.

spy gplot Visualize sparsity structure. Plot graph, as in "graph theory".

9.16.5 Reordering algorithms.

colmmd symmmd symrcm colperm randperm dmperm Column minimum degree. Symmetric minimum degree. Reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering. Order columns based on nonzero count. Random permutation vector. Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition.

9.16.6 Norm, condition number, and rank.

normest condest sprank Estimate 2-norm. Estimate 1-norm condition. Structural rank.

9.16.7 Operations on trees.

treelayout treeplot etree etreeplot Lay out a tree or forest. Plot a picture of a tree. Elimination tree of a matrix. Plot the elimination tree.


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9.16.8 Micellanous
symbfact spparms spaugment Symbolic factorization analysis. Set parameters for sparse matrix routines. Form least squares augmented system.

9.17 LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTS AND DEBUGGING. 9.17.1 Matlab as a programming language.

script function eval feval global nargchk lasterr About Matlab scripts and M-files. Add new function. Execute string with Matlab expression. Execute function specified by string. Define global variable. Validate number of input arguments. Last error message.

9.17.2 Control flow.

if else elseif end for while break return error Conditionally execute statements. Used with IF. Used with IF. Terminate the scope of FOR, WHILE and IF statements. Repeat statements a specific number of times. Repeat statements an indefinite number of times. Terminate execution of loop. Return to invoking function. Display message and abort function.

9.17.3 Interactive input.

input keyboard menu pause uimenu uicontrol Prompt for user input. Invoke keyboard as if it were a Script-file. Generate menu of choices for user input. Wait for user response. Create user interface menu. Create user interface control.

9.17.4 Debugging commands.

dbstop dbclear dbcont dbdown dbstack dbstatus dbstep dbtype dbup dbquit mexdebug Set breakpoint. Remove breakpoint. Resume execution. Change local workspace context. List who called whom. List all breakpoints. Execute one or more lines. List M-file with line numbers. Change local workspace context. Quit debug mode. Debug MEX-files.

colormap caxis shading Color look-up table. Pseudocolor axis scaling. Color shading mode.

9.18.2 Color maps.

hsv gray hot cool bone copper Hue-saturation-value color map. Linear gray-scale color map. Black-red-yellow-white color map. Shades of cyan and magenta color map. Gray-scale with a tinge of blue color map. Linear copper-tone color map.


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pink prism jet flag Pastel shades of pink color map. Prism color map. A variant of HSV. Alternating red, white, blue, and black color map.

9.18.3 Color map related functions.

colorbar hsv2rgb rgb2hsv contrast brighten spinmap rgbplot Display color bar (color scale). Hue-saturation-value to red-green-blue conversion. Red-green-blue to hue-saturation-value conversion. Gray scale color map to enhance image contrast. Brighten or darken color map. Spin color map. Plot color map.

9.18.4 Lighting models.

surfl specular diffuse surfnorm 3-D shaded surface with lighting. Specular reflectance. Diffuse reflectance. Surface normals.

9.19 LOW-LEVEL FILE I/O FUNCTIONS. 9.19.1 File opening and closing.
fopen fclose Open file. Close file.

9.19.2 Unformatted I/O.

fread fwrite Read binary data from file. Write binary data to file.

9.19.3 Formatted I/O.

fscanf fprintf fgetl fgets Read formatted data from file. Write formatted data to file. Read line from file, discard newline character. Read line from file, keep newline character.

9.19.4 File positioning.

ferror feof fseek ftell frewind Inquire file I/O error status. Test for end-of-file. Set file position indicator. Get file position indicator. Rewind file.

9.19.5 String conversion.

sprintf sscanf Write formatted data to string. Read string under format control.

9.19.6 File Import/Export Routines. 9.19.7 WK1 Format.

wk1const wk1read wk1write wk1wrec WK1 record definitions. Read WK1 file/range. Write out matrix in a WK1 formatted file. Write a WK1 record HEADER.

9.19.8 CSV Format.

csvread csvwrite Read Comma Separated Value formatted file into a matrix. Write out matrix in a CSV formatted file.


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9.19.9 ASCII Delimited Format.
dlmread dlmwrite Read ASCII delimited file into a matrix. Write out matrix in ASCII delimited file format.

9.20 GENERAL PURPOSE COMMANDS. 9.20.1 Managing commands and functions.

help doc what type lookfor which demo path On-line documentation. Load hypertext documentation. Directory listing of M-, MAT- and MEX-files. List M-file. Keyword search through the HELP entries. Locate functions and files. Run demos. Control Matlab's search path.

9.20.2 Managing variables and the workspace.

who whos load save clear pack size length disp List current variables. List current variables, long form. Retrieve variables from disk. Save workspace variables to disk. Clear variables and functions from memory. Consolidate workspace memory. Size of matrix. Length of vector. Display matrix or text.

9.20.3 Working with files and the operating system.

cd dir delete getenv ! unix diary Change current working directory. Directory listing. Delete file. Get environment value. Execute operating system command. Execute operating system command & return result. Save text of Matlab session.

9.20.4 Controlling the command window.

cedit clc home format echo more Set command line edit/recall facility parameters. Clear command window. Send cursor home. Set output format. Echo commands inside script files. Control paged output in command window.

9.20.5 Starting and quitting from Matlab.

quit startup matlabrc Terminate Matlab. M-file executed when Matlab is invoked. Master startup M-file.

9.20.6 General information.

info subscribe hostid whatsnew ver Information about Matlab and The MathWorks, Inc. Become subscribing user of Matlab. Matlab server host identification number. Information about new features not yet documented. Matlab, Simulink, and TOOLBOX version


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