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Walgreen Co.

et Filiales Bilan Consolid ($ Millions) fin d'annes 31 Aot, 2002, 2003, et 2004

2004 Actif (Assets) Actif Circulant (Current Assets) $1,696 $1,169 Stocks (Inventories) $4,739 Autres Actifs Circulant (Other current assets) $161 Total Actif Circulant (Total current assets) $7,765 Immobilisations Corporelles (Property, plant, and equipment, gross) $7,094 moins dprciation et amortisation (Less accumulated depreciation and amortization) $1,648 Immobilisations corporelles Net (Property, plant, and equipment, net) $5,446 Autres Actifs Corporels (Other noncurrent assets) $131
Cash et equivalent (Cash and cash equivalents) Comptes clients (Accounts receivables)



$1,268 $1,018 $4,203 $121 $6,610 $6,362 $1,422 $4,940 $108 $11,658

$450 $955 $3,645 $117 $5,167 $5,918 $1,327 $4,591 $121 $9,879

Total Actif (Total Assets)


Passif (Liabilities and shareholders' equity) Dettes Court terme (Current liabilities)
Emprunt court terme (short-term borrowings) Dette long terme maturant dans l'anne (Current maturities of long-term debt) Comptes fournisseurs (Trade accounts payable) Autres dettes (Total accrued expenses and other liabilities) Autres dettes (Accrued expenses and other liabilities) Income taxes payable

Total Dettes Court terme (Total Current Liabilities) Impts diffrs (Deferred income taxes) Dettes Long terme (Long-term debt, net of current maturitites) Autres Dettes Long Terme (Other noncurrent liabilities) Actions Privilgies (Preferred stocks)
autoris 32 millions d'actions, non-mises

$0 $0 $2,642 $1,370 $0 $66 $4,078 $328 $0 $709 $0

$0 $0 $2,408 $1,158 $0 $106 $3,672 $228 $0 $562 $0

$0 $0 $1,836 $1,018 $0 $101 $2,955 $177 $0 $517 $0

Actions Ordinaires (Common shareholders' equity) Actions Ordinaires (Common stock)

3.2 milliards d'actions; mises et en attente d'mission 1,205,400,000 en 2004, 1,204,908,276 en 2003, 2002

Capital vers (Paid-in capital) Bnfices non-distribus (Retained earnings) Actions propres (Treasury stock at cost) Total Capital (Total shareholders' equity)

$80 $632 $7,591 ($76) $8,227

$80 $698 $6,418 $0 $7,196 $11,658

$80 $748 $5,402 $0 $6,230 $9,879

Total Passif (Total liabilities and common shareholders' equity) $13,342

Walgreen Co .et Filiales, Compte de Rsultats Consolid (en $ Millions) fin d'annes 31 Aot, 2002, 2003, et 2004




$37,508 $27,310 $10,198 Frais administratif (Selling, occupancy, and administrative expense) $8,055 Bnfices avant impts (Operating profit (EBIT)) $2,143 Produits d'interts (Interest income) $17 Charges financires (Interest expense) $0 Autres revenus (Other income) $16 Resultat d'Exploitation avant impts (Operating income before income taxes $2,176 Provision sur impts (Provision for income taxes) $816 Rsultat Net (reported net income) $1,360 Rsultat Net pur les actionnaires (Reported net income available for common) $1,360 Bnfice Net par action (earnings (loss) per share) $1.33 Dividende distribu par action (Dividend per common share) $0.18 Nombre moyen d'actions ordinaires (en millions) 1032

Chiffre d'affaires net (Net sales) Cot de revient des ventes (Cost of sales) Bnfice brut (Gross profit)

$32,505 $23,706 $8,799 $6,951 $1,848 $11 $0 $30 $1,889 $713 $1,176 $1,176 $1.14 $0.16 1032

$28,681 $21,076 $7,605 $5,981 $1,624 $7 $0 $6 $1,637 $618 $1,019 $1,019 $0.99 $0.15 1032

W algreen Co. et Filiales Etat des Cash Flows Consolid ($ Millions) fins d'annes 31 Aot, 2002, 2003, and 2004




Cash Flow Operationnel (Cash flow from operating activities) Rsultat Net (Net income) Ajustements pour rconcilier le Rsultat Net au Cash Net provenant des activits operationnelles:




Dpreciation et amortissement (Depreciation and amortization) Impts diffrs (Deferred income taxes) Economie d'impts (Income tax savings from empoyee stock plans) Autres ajustements au rsultat net

$403 $72 $50 $31

$346 $59 $24 $29

$307 $23 $57 ($9)

Variation des postes actif/passif provenant des activits operationnelles:

Stocks (diminution) augmentation Comptes clients (diminution) augmentation Comptes fournisseurs (diminution) augmentation Autres charges (diminution) augmentation Impts et taxes Autres postes Actif/Passif

Cash Flow Operations Net (Net cash flow s from operating activities) Cash flows provenant des activites d'investissement:
Additions Actifs Immobiliers & Mobiliers (Additions to property and equipment) Vente Actifs Immobilier & Mobilier (Disposition of property and equipment) Produits d'investissement (Net proceeds from corporate-owned life insurance) Achat d'actions (Net (purchase) sales of marketable security)

($536) ($172) $234 $208 ($40) $43 $1,653

($558) ($57) $295 $136 $5 $49 $1,504

($163) ($171) $254 $141 $14 $32 $1,504

Cash Flow Investissements Net (cash flow s from investing activities) Cash flows provenant des activites de financement:
Emprunt court terme ((Payments of) proceeds from short-term borrowing) Payment Dividendes (Cash dividends paid)

($940) $6 $11 $0 ($923)

($795) $85 $8 $0 ($702)

($934) $368 $14 $0 ($552)

$0 ($177) ($299) Rachat d'actions (Stock purchases) $145 Produits de financement (Proceeds from employee stock plans) $29 Autre (Other) Cash Flow Financements Net (Net cash fow s from financing activities) ($302) $428 augmentation (diminution) cash et cash quivalent $1,268 Cash et cash quivalent dbut de l'anne $1,696 Cash et cash quivalent fin de l'anne

$0 ($152) ($149) $82 ($3) ($222) $580 $688 $1,268

($441) ($147) ($25) $137 ($12) ($488) $463 $225 $688

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