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UE 122



anne 2012-2013

Ce fascicule comprend :
La srie 4
Le devoir 6 envoyer la correction

En collaboration avec
le Centre National
dEnseignement Distance
Institut de Lyon



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Les auteurs :
Soraya BELAROUSSI : Agrge danglais, responsable de lUE Anglais appliqu aux affaires .
Denis BOODHU : Professeur danglais au Cnam.
Madeleine LUCIEN-BRUN : Professeur danglais.
Odile MARIE : Professeur danglais.

Lensemble des contenus (textes, images, donnes, dessins, graphiques,

etc.) de ce fascicule est la proprit exclusive de lINTEC-CNAM.
En vertu de lart. L. 122-4 du Code de la proprit intellectuelle, la reproduction ou reprsentation intgrale ou partielle de ces contenus, sans autorisation expresse et pralable de lINTEC-CNAM, est illicite. Le Code de la
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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires


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Consolider les rgles de la grammaire anglaise.

Analyser un bilan en anglais.
Comprendre les concepts conomiques.


UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires


des maTires

Partie 7


Grammaire ...............................................................................................7

La forme interrogative (supplments) .................................................7

Les traductions de faire : to make et to do .......................15
Singulier ou pluriel ? les noms dnombrables..................................17
Lemploi du grondif .........................................................................20
Lemploi des prpositions : by et of .......................................24
Les verbes particules : notions de base ........................................24
Les noms apparents et les noms faux amis ..............................28

II. Business and economy.........................................................................34

A. Business: the real estate and insurance sectors ..............................34
B. Accounting: the balance sheet liabilities........................................36
C. Working time changes .......................................................................36
III. Les points principaux retenir de cette partie ..................................42

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IV. Exercices de comprhension ...............................................................44

Partie 8




Les formes ngatives........................................................................49

Lutilisation des auxiliaires ................................................................55
Les verbes pronominaux ..................................................................63
Les noms non dnombrables ...........................................................66
Too (much/many); so (much/many); such; enough...........................69
Lemploi du grondif (supplments) .................................................70
La suppression de who , that , which (supplments) .........72
Les verbes particules (supplments) .............................................72
Les mots apparents : les verbes du 3e groupe ...............................75

II. Business & economy ............................................................................77

A. Jobs & employment ...........................................................................77
B. The companys newsletter .................................................................78
III. Les points principaux retenir de cette partie ..................................79
IV. Exercices de comprhension ...............................................................81

Devoir 6






La srie 4 traite des supplments concernant les formes interrogatives, ainsi que des emplois du
grondif et des verbes particules.

a. La forme InterroGatIve (suppLments)

Nous terminons lexposition de la forme interrogative avec des aspects plus complexes : lutilisation
de who et whom , les questions la forme passive, et des types particuliers de questions.

1. Questions avec who? et whom?

Les questions qui comprennent les pronoms interrogatifs who et whom prsentent des
problmes particuliers.
a. La diffrence entre who et whom

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En anglais formel, who signifie qui utilis comme sujet du verbe alors que whom
signifie qui utilis comme COD ou COI dans la question.
Who = sujet
Who will call?
Who would like to speak?

Whom = COD ou COI

Whom will you call?
With whom would you like to speak?

Nous pouvons constater les faits suivants :

Pour les questions avec whom (COD ; COI), il y a un sujet dans la position normale
(dans une interrogation : le sujet se place entre lauxiliaire et le verbe).
Les questions avec who (sujet) nont pas de sujet dans la position normale.
Who (sujet) est plac la tte de la question, comme tous les pronoms interrogatifs
cest--dire quil nest pas dans la position normale du sujet.
Dans les exemples suivants le sujet de chaque question est en gras et le complment est
soulign :
Who = sujet
Who has paid?
(Qui a pay ?)

Whom = COD ou COI

Whom has the company paid?
(Qui la socit a-t-elle pay ?)

b. Who utilis la place de whom

En anglais moderne, parl ou crit, on trouve de plus en plus who remplaant whom , ce
qui veut dire que who peut tre utilis soit comme sujet, soit comme COD ou COI. Les
phrases comportant whom que nous avons vues ci-avant seront donc reformules avec
who la place de whom (sujets en gras ; complments souligns) :
Whom will you call?
Whom has the company paid?


Who will you call?

Who has the company paid?

Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Pour un Franais, il nest pas toujours immdiatement vident de distinguer si, au dbut dune
question, who est sujet ou complment. Mais si who est le complment, il y aura toujours un autre mot qui est le sujet de la phrase et qui sera situ entre lauxiliaire et le verbe.
Who will they hire (embaucher)? ( Who = le complment ; they = le sujet)
La forme whom est maintenue dans des contextes trs formels ou courtois, ou lorsque le
pronom interrogatif est prcd dune prposition : To whom?, With whom?, After
whom?, For whom?
With whom would you like to speak?
c. Les pronoms interrogatifs quivalents
Les rgles concernant who sappliquent galement aux expressions quivalentes telles que
which people et how many people pour les personnes, de mme qu what et which
pour les choses ou vnements. Comparez les questions suivantes (les sujets sont en gras) :
Le pronom interrogatif
est le sujet
Who could use my services?
Which companies could use my services?
How many agents have contacted us?
What will happen?

est le complment
Who could I use?
Which companies could I use?
How many agents have we contacted?
What will you do?

Attention ne pas confondre un sujet :

How many people will you contact? ( you est le sujet ; How many people est le complment)
How many people will inform you? ( How many people est le sujet ; you est le complment)
Quand le sens du pronom interrogatif ne vous est pas clair, lindice sr est toujours la prsence
ou non dun sujet entre lauxiliaire et le verbe.

Who comme sujet

Who + auxiliaire + verbe + (complment) ?
Who ou whom comme complment
Who + auxiliaire + sujet + verbe ?
Whom + auxiliaire + sujet + verbe ?
Prposition + whom + auxiliaire + sujet + verbe ?

exercice 1

Dans les questions suivantes, dites si who est sujet ou complment :
1. Who is calling?
2. Who are you calling?
3. Who did you invite?
4. Who will be present?
5. Who had worked with you?
6. Who will contact you?
7. Who will you contact?
8. Who should we introduce to the client?

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en Rsum

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

1. Sujet
2. Complment
3. Complment
4. Sujet

5. Sujet
6. Sujet
7. Complment
8. Complment

d. Questions avec who comme sujet au prsent simple et au prtrit

Quand who (et aussi Which person? , Which people? , How many people? , etc.) est
sujet dune question au prsent simple ou au prtrit les auxiliaires do , does , did ne
sont pas employs. Par consquent, le verbe se conjugue comme dans la forme affirmative de
chacun de ces deux temps :
Le prsent simple

la personne du singulier
Who calls the client in this type of situation? (et non Who does call? )
Who makes this type of decision? (et non Who does make? )
Which person has the answer? (et non Which person does have? )
Which banker manages this type of loan?
la 3e personne du pluriel
Which people have the answer? (et non Which people do have? )
Which bankers manage this type of loan?
How many people invest in this type of mutual fund (Sicav)?
Le prtrit

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avec les verbes rguliers

Who called the client? (et non Who did call? )
How many people responded to the survey (enqute)?
avec les verbes irrguliers
Which person made the decision? (et non Which person did make? )
Who found the problem? (et non Who did find? )
Which investment bank (banque daffaires) had the know-how to do the IPO (introduction en
Le verbe to do
Quand who est le sujet dans une question au prsent simple ou au prtrit, does , do ,
did fonctionnent toujours dans leurs rles de verbes et non dans leurs rles dauxiliaire :
Who does this type of job? (et non Who does do? )
How many people do this type of work? (et non How many people do do? )
Which investment bank did the IPO? (et non Which investment bank did do? )
Quand what est le sujet de la question
Il faut rappeler que what? peut aussi jouer le rle dun sujet, en particulier avec le verbe to
happen . En accord avec les rgles que nous venons de voir, lauxiliaire nest pas utilis au
prsent simple ni au prtrit :
What happens in this type of situation? (et non What does happen? )
What happened yesterday? (et non What did happen? )


Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Exercice 2

Traduisez les questions suivantes en anglais en utilisant soit le prsent simple, soit le prtrit :
1. Qui travaille avec toi tous les jours ?
2. Qui a travaill avec elle sur le projet ?
3. Combien de banquiers vous appellent habituellement ?
4. Combien de banquiers vous ont appel le mois dernier ?
5. Qui prend cette dcision ? (Note : Utilisez le verbe to make )
6. Qui a pris la dcision ?
7. Combien de personnes sont venues la dernire runion ?
8. Combien de personnes viennent pour les runions hebdomadaires ?
9. Quest-ce qui se passe dans ce genre de situation ?
10. Quest-ce qui sest pass hier ?
11. Qui a fait le travail ? (Note : Utilisez le verbe to do )
12. Qui a crit le contrat ?

1. Who works with you every day?

2. Who worked with her on the project?
3. How many bankers usually call you?
4. How many bankers called you last month?
5. Who makes this decision? (Aussi : Who is making this decision? )
6. Who made the decision?
7. How many people came to the last meeting?
8. How many people come to the weekly meetings?
9. What happens in this type of situation?
10. What happened yesterday?
11. Who did the work (job)?
12. Who wrote the contract?

2. Les prpositions dans les questions

En anglais, une question peut commencer avec une prposition, comme en franais :
In which policy are you interested?
To which bank branch (agence) did you address the letter?
With which agent did you deal (traiter)?
Mais dans langlais moderne, sauf dans une rdaction formelle, la position habituelle de la
prposition est la fin de la phrase, comme le dernier mot :
Which policy are you interested in?
Which branch did you address that letter to?
Which agent did you deal with?
Cependant, sil y a un mot ou une expression partenaire de temps la fin de la phrase, la
prposition prendra la position juste avant ceux-ci :
Which banker did you speak to yesterday?
Which bank will you open your account with the next time?
Lexpression For what reason? est frquemment transpose et rduite What for?
(Pour quelle raison ? ou Pourquoi ?) :
For what reason did you do that? What did you do that for?


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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Avec les adverbes interrogatifs

Certains adverbes interrogatifs comportent des prpositions en anglais tandis quen franais ce
nest pas le cas. Quel jour ? / Quels jours ? en sont des exemples. Quand vous rdigez une
phrase anglaise avec ces adverbes, rappelez-vous dajouter la prposition on :
On which days is the trade show (salon) taking place (avoir lieu)?
Et ne soyez pas surpris de lire ou entendre une question qui comporte ces adverbes o la prposition on est spare et mise la fin de la phrase :
Which days is the trade show taking place on?
Les prpositions avec who et whom
On a dj vu que whom , et non who , doit tre utilis directement aprs une prposition. Mais si la prposition se trouve la fin de la question, on nest pas oblig dutiliser
whom , et en fait, il est plus naturel dutiliser who . Donc, la plupart du temps, les phrases
suivantes en anglais formel seront reformules ainsi, o la prposition se met la fin de la
phrase, et whom , donc, change en who :
Anglais formel
For whom are you looking?
To whom do you wish to speak?
With whom did you go?

Anglais courant
Who are you looking for?
Who do you wish to speak to?
Who did you go with?

exercice 3


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Modifiez les questions suivantes en mettant la prposition la fin de la phrase. Oprez les
altrations ncessaires de whom lorsque cest appropri :
1. In which policy are you interested?
2. For what type of coverage are you looking?
3. To whom did she write?
4. On whom can the company count?
5. To whom would Miss Charles like to speak?
6. In what products does he deal?
7. With which broker would M. Young prefer to deal the next time?
8. On which day would you be able to meet me?
9. At which restaurant shall we eat?
10. To whom did the client make the check out?

1. Which policy are you interested in?
2. What type of coverage are you looking for?
3. Who did she write to?
4. Who can the company count on?
5. Who would Miss Charles like to speak to?
6. What products does he deal in?
7. Which broker would Mr. Young prefer to deal with the next time?
8. Which day would you be able to meet me on?
9. Which restaurant shall we eat at?
10. Who did the client make the check out to?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

3. Questions la forme passive

Comme nous lavons vu la srie 3, la forme passive se construit avec le verbe to be tous
les temps suivis par le participe pass. Dans une question passive, lauxiliaire prcde le sujet et
les autres lments du verbe suivent le sujet :
Was the contract signed by the two parties?
When will the merger be completed (achev)?
Are the negotiation terms being discussed now?
When had the products been delivered?
Les interrogations passives comportent souvent la question By whom? ( Par qui ? ) qui
devient Who by? .
Who will the job be done by? (= By whom will the job be done?)
For whom? , With whom? , On whom? sont aussi diviss dans une question la forme
passive :
Who is this document intended for? (= For whom is this document intended?)
Who will the documents be sent with? (= With whom will the documents be sent?)
Who can be relied on? (= On whom can we rely?): qui peut-on faire confiance ?
ainsi que dautres expressions qui comportent des prpositions :
Which person has the check been sent to?
When must the job be done by?: Pour quand le travail doit-il tre termin ?
Which day will the trade show (salon) be held on?
Les rgles dj exposes sur les positions des mots partenaires sont galement applicables
des questions la forme passive :
Had the decision been made before January 2000?
Which day will the trade show be held on next month?: Quel jour le salon aura-t-il lieu le mois
prochain ?

exercice 4

Traduisez les questions suivantes en utilisant la forme passive. Sil y a une prposition, mettez-la la fin de la phrase :
1. Par qui la dcision a-t-elle t prise ? (Note : Utilisez to make )
2. Le produit a-t-il t fabriqu en France ? (Note : Utilisez to make )
3. Quand la marchandise sera-t-elle livre ? (Note : Utilisez to deliver )
4. Quel jour la runion a-t-elle lieu chaque semaine ? (Note : Utilisez to hold )
5. Pour quelle socit prpare-t-on ce contrat ?
6. Dans quelle langue le document sera-t-il traduit ?
7. Avant quand la mission doit-elle tre termine ? (Note : Utilisez by pour avant )
8. Sur qui peut-on compter ?

1. Who was the decision made by?
2. Was the product manufactured (made) in France?
3. When will the merchandise be delivered?
4. Which day is the meeting held on every week?
5. Which company is the contract being prepared for?
6. Which language will it be translated in (into)?
7. When must the assignment be finished by?
8. Who can be counted on?


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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

4. Types particuliers de questions

Les trois types de questions que nous allons voir sont dun usage frquent en anglais. Leurs tournures sont spcifiques cette langue et nont pas de correspondances littrales en franais.
a. What is + subject + like ?
En anglais, How is + (sujet)? est gnralement une question propos de la sant de
quelquun ou propos du succs, du dveloppement ou du progrs dune situation :
How is your brother?: Comment va ton frre ?
Hows business?: Comment vont les affaires ?
Mais, lorsque celui qui pose la question cherche une description de quelquun ou de quelque
chose, il emploiera plutt lexpression : What is + someone/something like? dont lquivalent franais est : Comment est + (quelquun/quelque chose) ? dans le sens de quoi
ressemble + (quelquun/quelque chose) ?
Ce type de question peut tre employ nimporte quel temps : pass, futur, conditionnel, etc.
What is Wall Street like?
What was your trip to New York like?
What will your new job be like?
Lorsquon pose cette question, on sattend en rponse une description du sujet employant un
ou plusieurs adjectifs :
What was my trip to New York like? It was exciting and wonderful, but much too short!
What will my new job be like? It will probably be difficult, demanding (exigeant) and challenging.
You asked me what Wall Street is like. Well, Wall Street is the financial heart of New York. All
the main investment banks and brokerage houses are located there. But, in fact, it is a very
small district with narrow streets which are lined with tall office buildings.

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La rponse gnralement nutilise pas like (comme). On emploie It is like quand on veut
spcifiquement faire une comparaison.
Being on Wall Street is like being in a canyon.
Faites attention de ne pas confondre to be like avec le verbe to like (aimer) :
Do you like your new job?: Laimez-vous ?
What is it like?: Comment est-il ?
b. How much is + subject + worth? / What is + subject + worth?
Le verbe franais valoir se dit to be worth en anglais. Le sujet est souvent it ou
they qui remplacent des noms sous-entendus (comme car(s) , share(s) ou company
(companies) . Les questions commencent avec soit How much soit What :
How much is your car worth?: Combien ta voiture vaut-elle ?
How much is it worth?: Combien cela vaut-il ?
What is it worth?: Quelle est la valeur de cela ?
Dans ces expressions, le verbe to be est conjugu selon le sujet et le temps de la question.
Le mot worth est invariable. Exemples :
How much is the company worth?
How much are the companies worth?
What are they worth?
What were they worth five years ago?
How much will they be worth in five years?
Lexpression franaise valoir la peine se traduit par to be worth the effort , to be worth
the trouble ou, simplement, to be worth it : Le mot it peut, donc, figurer deux fois,
comme sujet et comme complment :
Is the deal worth the trouble?
Would the deal be worth the effort?
Was it worth the effort?
Was it worth it?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Les expressions to be worth it / to be worth the effort sont suivies par to + linfinitif :
Is it worth it to have an insurance policy (police dassurance)?
Was it worth the effort to contact so many brokers (courtiers)?
On peut avoir la structure alternative to be worth + verbe + -ing . Dans ce cas, les complments it ou the effort ne figurent pas dans la phrase :
Is it worth having an insurance policy? (et non Is it worth it having? )
Was it worth contacting so many brokers? (et non Was it worth the effort having? )
On trouve aussi ladjectif associ to be worthy of qui veut dire tre digne de . Il ne
faut pas, donc, confondre to be worth avec to be worthy :
Is he worthy of our trust?: Est-il digne de notre confiance ?
En finance, to be creditworthy a le sens de digne dobtenir un crdit et donc se traduit
par tre solvable :
Is he creditworthy?: Est-il solvable ?
c. How long does it take to?
Combien de temps faut-il pour ? et Combien de temps cela prend-il ? se traduisent
par how long ou how much time avec le verbe to take . Le sujet est trs souvent it
qui remplace un nom comme job , decision , trip (voyage), etc. :
How long does the trip take?
How long will the production process take?
How much time did it take?

Ces questions sont personnalises en ajoutant un complment aprs take . Dans ces
cas, elles peuvent galement avoir pour quivalents franais les expressions telles que Combien
de temps mettez-vous pour? ou Combien de temps cela vous prend-il pour ? :
How long does it take you to come to work?
How many hours would it take them to finish the assignment (mission)?
How long has it taken her to do the work so far (jusqu maintenant)?

exercice 5

Traduisez en franais les questions suivantes :
1. How much is the deal worth?
2. How long does it usually take to receive a response?
3. How long did it take you to read the document?
4. What is your company like?
5. What were the negotiations like?
6. Is it worth it to continue?
7. Is it worth continuing?
8. What will the building be worth ten years from now?


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Ces expressions peuvent tre suivies de to + linfinitif :

How long does it take to fly to London?
How many days would it take to receive the reply?
How long did it take to make a decision?

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

1. Combien le march vaut-il ?
2. Combien de temps faut-il normalement pour recevoir une rponse ?
3. Combien de temps avez-vous mis pour lire le document ?
4. Comment est votre entreprise (socit) ?
5. Comment taient les ngociations ?
6. Cela vaut-il la peine de continuer ?
7. Cela vaut-il la peine de continuer ?
8. Combien le btiment vaudra-t-il dici dix ans ?

B. Les traductIons de faIre : to make et to do

Quand employer to do ou to make pour traduire faire ? Voici des lments qui vous
aideront utiliser correctement les expressions les plus frquentes avec make et do .
Comme vous allez le voir, chacun de ces deux verbes anglais est associ avec une catgorie de
mots. Ainsi, le choix dpend des mots qui vont suivre le verbe faire . Soyez, donc, attentif
ces associations quand vous traduisez le verbe faire .
Les concepts de base
To make est la traduction de faire dans le sens de produire, fabriquer, prparer, crer, tablir. Quasiment toutes les expressions avec faire semploient avec to make .
To do est la traduction de faire dans les sens de agir, ragir, effectuer. To do est employ
au lieu de to make seulement avec certaines catgories dactions et leurs mots associs.
En plus, certains autres verbes sont assimils dans ces catgories et sont aussi traduits par make
et do .

1. to make (sens : produire ; fabriquer ; crer ; tablir)

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Voici quelques-unes des traductions les plus importantes retenir :

To make +
a meal (un repas)
a company (monter une socit)
a profit (bnfice)
money (gagner de largent)
an agreement (accord)
a speech (discours)
an appointment (prendre un rendez-vous)
a choice (un choix)
a policy (une politique)
a suggestion
a demand (une exigence)

a product (produit)
a subsidiary (crer une filiale)
a loss (perte)
a contract (passer un contrat)
a deal (passer un march)
a report (un rapport)
a phone call (passer un coup de fil)
a decision (prendre une dcision)
a mistake (erreur ; faute)
a request (une demande)
a trip (un voyage)

Dautres expressions
to make up your mind (se dcider)
to make sense (faire du sens ; avoir du sens)
to make the most of something (optimiser)
to make out a check to someone (libeller un chque lordre de quelquun)
to make a good manager (tre, jouer le rle de faire un bon manager)
to make something difficult; to make someone happy (rendre)
Le verbe faire le point se traduit par : to make a review of a situation , ou simplement, to
review a situation .



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Nous avions dj prsent les expressions ci-avant avec les formes passives :
To make someone do something (faire faire quelquun ; obliger quelquun faire quelque
To have someone do (faire faire quelquun).
To have something done (faire faire quelque chose).

2. to do (sens : agir ; ragir ; effectuer)

Voici les catgories dactions qui sont traduites en utilisant to do (et non to make ) :
a. To do + work/business
a job

business (traiter les affaires)

an assignment (une mission)
b. To do + studies

a diploma, a degree (diplme)
Lexpression faire une cole se traduit par : to go to a school , ou to attend a school .
Par consquent, faire une grande cole se traduit par to go to a top business (engineering)
school ou to attend a top business (engineering) school .
c. To do + sports
Pour les sports collectifs, on utilise to play : to play tennis, to play volleyball, to play football

your duty (devoir)

your military service
e. To do + tous les mots en -ing
advertising (la publicit)
to do well (russir)
to do your best (faire de son mieux)
to do someone a favor (rendre service quelquun)
to do someone good (faire du bien quelquun)
to do someone harm (faire du mal quelquun)
to do without something (se dbrouiller sans quelque chose)
to do with something (se contenter de quelque chose)
Il y a aussi lexpression could do with qui veut dire aurait besoin de :
The company could do with some changes in its management (gestion ; direction).
Lexpression (navoir) rien faire (avec quelque chose) se traduit par (to have) nothing to
do (with something) .


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d. To do + your duty

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

3. do ou make ?
La diffrence entre do et make se rvle davantage dans les exemples suivants :
Lors dune urgence, il est appropri de dire Do something ! (Agissez ! Ragissez !) et non
Make something! (Produisez/Crez quelque chose !).
Quand on parle dun constructeur ou crateur, on dit maker : carmaker (constructeur de
voitures) ; filmmaker (cinaste). Doer est celui qui agit ; dans les affaires, wrongdoing
(abus) se rfre un comportement abusif ou des actions illgales.
La diffrence entre make (produire, crer) et do (agir, effectuer) est la base des deux
expressions suivantes :
to make a company or a business (monter une entreprise) qui implique, donc, une cration ou tablissement.
to do business (traiter les affaires, ou saffairer) qui exprime le concept de laction, de
leffort, et du travail dans son sens propre.
Finalement, lexpression frquente faire avec se traduit par la combinaison des deux concepts
make et do en to make do (with something) .
We will have to make do: Il faut faire avec.
We are making do: On fait avec.

exercice 6


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Traduisez en utilisant soit make , soit do :

Faire votre boulot

Faire (monter) une socit
Faire ses tudes
Faire de largent
Faire un voyage


Faire le point
Faire de la publicit
Faire (prendre) une dcision
Faire de son mieux
Faire des bnfices et des pertes


to make a review
to do advertising
to make a decision
to do ones best
to make profits and losses


to do your job (work)

to make a company
to do ones studies
to make money
to make a trip

c. SinGuLIer ou pLurIeL ? Les noms dnomBraBLes

La plupart des noms, en anglais comme en franais, sont ce quon appelle dnombrables ,
cest--dire quils signifient des choses qui peuvent tre comptes. Bien que langlais soit assez
similaire au franais, il y a des diffrences entre les deux langues qui peuvent induire des



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

1. Les rgles de base

Dnombrable veut dire quun nom peut tre compt et ainsi exprim soit au singulier, soit au
pluriel. Voici les rgles de base pour ces noms :
a. Larticle dfini the , de mme que les adjectifs possessifs my , your , his , her ,
their , etc. sont invariables. Ces mots seront suivis par soit un nom au singulier, soit par un
nom au pluriel :
the employee (lemploy ; le salari) the employees (les employs ; les salaris)
my counterpart (mon homologue) my counterparts (mes homologues)
b. Si un nom au singulier nest pas prcd par the ou par un adjectif possessif, il doit imprativement tre prcd par larticle indfini, a (ou an ) ou par un mot comme each
ou every qui indique spcifiquement le singulier :
a computer (un ordinateur)
each agency (chaque agence)
an event (un vnement)
every building (chaque btiment)
c. Un nom au pluriel doit se terminer par un s , ou doit prendre une forme particulire
indiquant le pluriel :
their computer their computers
one-third (un tiers) two-thirds (deux tiers)
the phenomenon the phenomena

e. Some la forme interrogative devient any? . la forme ngative, some se transforme en no , ou en not any :
I have some assignments.
Do they have any assignments?
They have no assignments ou They dont have any assignments.

2. Les cas spciaux : les nombres, les mtiers, les nationalits

a. Les nombres
Les mots tels que dozen (douzaine), score (vingtaine), hundred , thousand , million et billion (milliard) ne prennent jamais de s au pluriel sils sont prcds par un
nombre :
three dozen
four score
two hundred
10 thousand
thirty million
1.6 billion
En revanche, ces mots doivent prendre un s quand ils sont employs dans le sens de des
ou plusieurs :
Millions of French families have insurance policies: Des millions de familles franaises ont des
polices dassurance.


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d. Devant un nom au pluriel, a et an sont soit remplacs par le mot some (des,
quelques), soit disparaissent. Another devient other . Each ainsi que every sont
remplacs par all ou all the :
a manager (un responsable ; un charg) some managers ou managers
an executive (un cadre ; un dirigeant) some executives ou executives
another person other people
each man and every woman all (the) men and all (the) women

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

b. Les mtiers
Au contraire du franais, en anglais le mtier de quelquun doit tre prcd par a ou an :
Shes an accountant: Elle est comptable.
Hes a trainer: Il est formateur.
c. Les noms de nationalit
En franais, on ne fait pas de distinction entre les adjectifs et les noms de nationalit tandis
quen anglais, les diffrencier est important. Alors que les adjectifs sont invariables, les noms de
nationalit, comme tout nom, sont soit au singulier, soit au pluriel :
Im American/Were American
Im German/Were German
Im Belgian/Were Belgian

Nom singulier
Im an American
Im a German
Im a Belgian

Nom pluriel
Were Americans
Were Germans
Were Belgians

Comme on la dj vu pour les noms de peuples, les noms de nationalits se terminant en -ch
et -sh ne prennent jamais de s final. Pour indiquer quun de ces noms de nationalit est
au singulier, on ajoute la terminaison -man (ou -woman ) qui devient -men (ou
-women ) au pluriel. Il est incorrect de dire, par exemple, Shes a French ou Hes an English :
Im French/Were French
Im English/Were English
Il y a aussi :
Irishman; Irishwoman (irlandais/e)

Nom singulier
Im a Frenchman
Im a Frenchwoman
Im an Englishman
Im an Englishwoman

Nom pluriel
Were Frenchmen
Were Frenchwomen
Were Englishmen
Were Englishwomen

Dutchman; Dutchwoman (hollandais/e)

Welshman; Welshwoman (gallois/e)

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Les autres nationalits qui se terminent par -ish ont un mot spcial pour les noms :
Im British/Were British

Nom singulier
Im a Briton/a Brit
a Spaniard
a Pole
a Turk
a Swede
a Dane
a Scot(1)

Nom pluriel
Were Britons/Brits

(1) Aussi : a Scotsman, a Scotswoman; Scotsmen, Scotswomen.

Les exceptions la rgle de singulier/pluriel sont les noms de nationalit se terminant par
-ese et -ss qui ne prennent jamais de s final ni de terminaison ajoute :
Im Chinese/Were Chinese

Im a Chinese
a Japanese
a Portuguese
a Swiss

Were Chinese

Ne pas confondre German (allemand) avec Dutch (hollandais), ni British (britannique) avec
Breton (breton).
Les noms et adjectifs de nationalits scrivent avec une majuscule et ladjectif fonctionne
comme nom pour la langue.
Pour les noms des peuples, voir la srie 1.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Exercice 7

Pour chaque phrase, donnez le nom de nationalit qui correspond au pays :
1. Marie is from France. Shes a
2. John is from England. Hes an ..
3. Peter and David are from Holland. Theyre
4. This beer is from Belgium. Its a beer.
5. Ingrid is from Denmark. Shes a .
6. Pablo is from Spain. Hes a
7. Shes from Switzerland. Shes a

1. Frenchwoman ; 2. Englishman ; 3. Dutchmen ; 4. Belgian ; 5. Dane ; 6. Spaniard ; 7. Swiss.

d. LempLoI du GrondIf
Dans la srie 3, nous avons vu que le grondif a beaucoup dutilisations en tant que verbe. Nous
avons galement vu que tout verbe qui suit une prposition (autre que to ) doit tre au grondif. Nous prsentons maintenant lemploi du grondif comme adjectif ou nom ainsi que les autres
cas o un verbe doit tre mis au grondif.

Comme nous lavons dej vu, les adjectifs franais se terminant par -ant ont gnralement en
anglais leur correspondant en -ing :
boring (inintressant)
exhausting (puisant)
Il y a aussi des adjectifs composs en -ing . Ceux-ci nont normalement pas la terminaison
-ant en franais :
Meat-eating (carnivore)
Man-eating (anthropophage)
Jobs which are time-consuming (long faire ; chronophage )
Techniques that are time-saving (techniques efficaces/qui conomisent le temps)
Face-saving strategies (des stratgies pour sauver la face)

2. Comme nom et nom compos

Le grondif fait frquemment fonction de nom en anglais. Ce qui est souvent sous-entendu la
base de cette construction est laction de , lacte de , ou ltat de :
swimming (laction de nager ; la natation)
sleeping (laction de dormir)
thinking (laction de penser ; la rflexion)
reading (laction de lire ; la lecture)
spelling (lorthographe)
driving (laction de conduire une voiture ; la conduite)
flying (laction de voler ; le voyage en avion)


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1. La traduction dun adjectif franais se terminant par -ant

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

eating (laction de manger)

signing (laction ou lacte de signer)
writing (crire ; lcriture)
a human being (un tre humain)
The signing (la signature) of the contract will take place tomorrow.
You had better check (vrifier) your spelling with the dictionary.
Im good at swimming but bad at diving (la plonge).
Un autre grondif-nom noter est le mot banking qui veut dire le secteur bancaire (la
Banque) aussi bien que laction dutiliser les services dune banque :
Banking is a sector with a lot of potential.
Banking over the Internet is becoming easier and safer (plus scuris).
Les grondifs-noms corrrespondent souvent aux noms franais qui terminent en -ation et en
-ment :
programming (la programmation)
restructuring (la restructuration)
financing (le financement)
reasoning (le raisonnement)
Ces grondifs-noms sont souvent complments de verbes tels que to do , to go , to
like , to prefer :
I prefer flying to driving.
We need to do some shopping (faire des courses).

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Les grondifs-noms peuvent tre composs :

Id like to go roller-blading this afternoon.
I do a lot of web-surfing (navigation sur lInternet) in the evenings.
Would you please stop channel-surfing!: Sil te plat, arrte de zapper !
Des grondifs constituant des noms composs font partie importante de langlais daffaires.
En voici quelques-uns des plus frquents :
Decision-making (la prise de dcisions)
Cost-cutting (la rduction des cots)
Telecommuting (le tltravail ; le travail domicile)
Outsourcing (lexternalisation du travail)
Public-speaking (la prise de parole en public)
For profit-making (dans un but lucratif)
Wrongdoing (des actions interdites : tels abus sociaux, financiers, etc.)
Money-laundering (le blanchiment dargent)
Rappelez-vous que ces noms composs, comme tous les noms anglais, lorsquils sont placs
devant un autre nom, peuvent jouer le rle dadjectifs :
Cost-cutting techniques (les techniques qui rduisent les cots).
Telecommuting programs (les programmes pour le travail domicile).
En anglais, la frontire entre verbes, noms, et adjectifs se terminant en -ing est floue et ces
mots sont souvent interchangeables. Ces noms se traduisent souvent en franais par des verbes
ou par des noms :
Time-saving is important: conomiser le temps est important ou Lconomie de temps est
En plus, la souplesse de langlais permet un nom dtre utilis comme un adjectif et certains
adjectifs de devenir un nom dans la phrase :
Comme nom :
Time-saving is important: Lconomie de temps est importante.
Comme adjectif :
Time-saving strategies are important: Les stratgies qui conomisent du temps sont importantes.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Exercice 8

Traduisez :

un tre humain
le secteur bancaire
(lacte d)utiliser les services dune banque
dans un but lucratif
la prise des dcisions
la lecture


la rduction des cots
le blanchiment de largent
lexternalisation du travail
la programmation
le financement
lconomie de temps
les stratgies qui conomisent du temps


time-saving techniques


a human being
for profit-making

3. Aprs without , before et after

Dans la srie 3, nous avons vu que tout verbe qui suit une prposition ou particule autre que
to doit tre au grondif. En plus, tout verbe qui suit without (sans), before et after
sera aussi au grondif. En franais, aprs les prpositions sans , avant de et aprs ,
un verbe se met linfinitif, alors quen anglais, ces prpositions introduisent ncessairement
le grondif. Ainsi :
sans parler se traduit par without speaking ;
avant de parler devient en anglais before speaking .
Pour la prposition aprs , il y a deux possibilits. La proposition aprs avoir parl peut
se traduire par after having spoken ou, simplement, par after speaking . Lauxiliaire, si
employ, sera toujours have :
aprs tre all after having gone ou after going (et non after being gone ).
Cette tendance la simplification est valable pour les propositions qui emploient avant .
Ainsi, avant davoir parl peut se traduire par before having spoken ou simplement par
before speaking . Par consquent, before speaking correspond indiffremment avant
de parler et avant davoir parl . Autres exemples :
After having learned the outcome (rsultat ; issue) ou After learning the outcome.
Before having left the bank ou before leaving the bank.
Toutefois, cette rgle de lutilisation du grondif ne pourra sappliquer si lon doit traduire littralement
lexpression avant quil parle / avant quil ne parle (subjonctif) qui donnera en anglais :
before he speaks ou, au pass, before he spoke car avant que , de mme que aprs
que , ne sont pas des prpositions mais des conjonctions.


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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Exercice 9

Traduisez :
1. avant de faire
2. avant davoir fait
3. sans dire un mot

4. aprs avoir dcid

5. aprs tre arriv
6. sans faire des bnfices

1. before doing
2. after having done (after doing)
3. without saying a word

4. after having decided (after deciding)

5. after having arrived (after arriving)
6. without making (any) profits

4. Verbes suivis directement par le grondif

Dans la srie 3, nous avons vu des verbes qui sont suivis par une prposition (sauf to ) + le
grondif. Les verbes ci-aprs sont suivis par le grondif sans lemploi dune prposition :

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to stop (arrter de)

to consider (envisager)
to regret
to mind (tre drang par)
to practice
to spend time (passer du temps )

to finish
to miss (manquer)
to imagine
to enjoy (prendre plaisir )
to dislike
to delay (retarder)
to avoid (viter)
to risk
to involve (impliquer)
to end
to waste time (perdre du temps en)

They are considering hiring new staff.
I must stop smoking!
They risk losing their skilled workers due to their poor salary policy (politique de salaire).
We have spent 2 hours discussing this point. I dont wish to waste any more time discussing
it further.
Notez la diffrence entre arrter de et sarrter pour dans lexemple suivant :
I stopped driving: Jai arrt de conduire.
I stopped to have a coffee: Je me suis arrt pour prendre un caf.

exercice 10

Corrigez les erreurs dans les phrases suivantes :
1. I spent an hour to read the report.
2. This system involves to buy new equipment.
3. They must stop to arrive late everyday.
4. I regret to have said that.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

5. Do you mind to speak more slowly, please?

6. Try to avoid to do that again.
7. We always enjoy to meet each other.
8. The company wishes to delay to launch the new product.

1. I spent an hour reading
2. This system involves buying
3. They must stop arriving
4. I regret having said
5. Do you mind speaking?
6. Try to avoid doing
7. We always enjoy meeting
8. The company wishes to delay launching

e. LempLoI des prposItIons : By et of

Littralement, by se traduit en franais par par , et of se traduit par de . Pourtant,
dans certaines tournures de phrase, ou dans certains contextes, ces traductions habituelles se
confondent, et il y a des risques de contresens.

Quand on parle duvres artistiques, langlais comme le franais utilise by aprs les verbes
crire , composer , etc. Sil ny a pas le verbe, le franais utilise de , mais langlais
emploie by :
This book was written by Hemingway. It is a book by Hemingway:
Ce livre a t crit par Hemingway. Cest un livre de Hemingway.
En anglais, a book of Hemingways indiquerait lappartenance, cest--dire que le livre est
Dans les expressions de vue et de nom , langlais emploie la prposition by :
I know him by name and I know her by sight.

f. Les verBes partIcuLes : notIons de Base

Dans la srie 3, nous avons commenc la prsentation des verbes particules (ou phrasal
verbs en anglais), qui sont des verbes o laddition dune prposition modifie le sens du verbe.
Pour rsumer les possibilits :
1. Certains verbes sont associs des prpositions spcifiques de manire fixe (ex. : to
count on ; to invest in ). Ces verbes ne sont pas des verbes particules.
2. Dautres verbes, qui normalement nont pas de prposition, permettent, pourtant, laddition dune prposition spcifique. Cette prposition change le sens du verbe. Ces verbes
deviennent alors des verbes particules. Par exemple, to attend something (assister )
change son sens quand on ajoute la prposition to , et to attend to something veut dire
soccuper de quelque chose .


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Dans des textes conomiques parlant des variations quantitatives, si la variation est exprime par des expressions nominales telles que une augmentation de , ou une diminution
de , de se traduit par of : an increase of , a decrease of . Mais si on utilise les
verbes correspondants, langlais emploie by . Remarquez les diffrences :
Turnover decreased by 5%. (= There was a decrease of 5%)
The number of unemployed workers rose by 18,000 people (= There was a rise of 18,000

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

3. Les verbes particules, proprement dit, sont des verbes qui peuvent tre combins
avec diffrentes prpositions. Chaque changement de prposition change le sens du verbe.
Les verbes particules sont spcifiques la langue anglaise. Ils procurent une grande richesse
de vocabulaire. Toutefois, pour celui dont ce nest pas la langue maternelle, les verbes particules peuvent reprsenter un ddale o les possibilits derreurs sont nombreuses. Quand vous
tudiez les verbes ci-aprs, gardez bien lesprit que cest la combinaison du verbe avec telle
prposition qui donne le sens.

1. Les paires de prpositions opposes : les sens physiques

Pour commencer ltude des verbes particules, vous devez comprendre le sens et le rle des
prpositions. Les prpositions anglaises servent indiquer des positions spatiales ou la direction de mouvements, et pour cela elles sont organises en un systme de paires dopposes :
to (vers ; )
up (en haut ; vers le haut)
from (de)
down (en bas ; vers le bas)
in (dans ; vers lintrieur)
on (sur = en contact physique avec)
out (dehors ; vers lextrieur)
off (non en contact physique avec ; hors de)
over (sur = au-dessus de)
above (au-dessus de)
under (en dessous de)
below (en dessous de)
for (pour)
for (pour)
from (de)
against (contre)
around (autour de)
at ( = le positionnement fixe ou stationnaire)
through (passant travers de)
by ( ct de)
forward (en avant)
with (avec)
back (en arrire)
without (sans)
about (au sujet de)
like (similaire )

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a. Les verbes particules drivant de to go

Quand nous utilisons des prpositions avec to go , nous voyons que nous pouvons analyser
chaque verbe particule littralement ( go + la direction indique), mais, lexception de to
go to , le verbe ne sera pas aller , une fois traduit en franais, mais un verbe diffrent
dans chaque cas :
I will go to the bank (aller ).
Ill go in (entrer).
You must go out now (sortir).
They can go up in five minutes (monter).
The skier will go down the mountain (descendre).
Because of the road construction, we had to go around (contourner) the city rather than go
through (traverser) it.
Dont go forward! (avancer) Go back! (reculer).
Quelquefois on utilise deux prpositions ensemble. Up to , out of et into sont des combinaisons frquentes quand le lieu qui est le complment du verbe est prcis :
We went up to his office and one hour later, we went out of the building.
Le verbe to come peut subir les mmes modifications que to go , avec les mmes changements de sens : come in (entrer), come out (sortir), come up (monter), come down (descendre),
come around (contourner), come through (traverser).
De mme, les autres verbes de mouvement : to walk, to run, to drive, to swim, to fly, etc.
peuvent tre ainsi modifis :
He ran into my office: Il est entr dans mon bureau en courant.
They drove through the city center: Ils ont travers le centre-ville en voiture.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Comme en franais, certaines prpositions sont employes aux sens propre ou figur :
The bank fee (frais financier) went up (monter) to 2 euros.
The price is over (au-dessus de) 10,000 euros.
We have gone over budget (dpasser).
Im going down to Marseille tomorrow (descendre) and then Im going up to Lille (monter).
b. Les prpositions avec autres verbes de base
Avec chaque verbe particules ci-aprs, on peut dduire son sens soit physique, soit figur
par une analyse des deux lments constituants : le verbe (laction en gnral) et la prposition
(la directionalit). Loppos dun verbe implique toujours la prposition oppose, mais le
verbe lui-mme peut changer ou rester inchang :
corps humain

turn on (switch on): allumer
put on (mettre)
stand up (se mettre debout)
pick up (soulever)
put in (apporter, investir)
bring in (apporter, ramener)

Verbe oppos
turn off (switch off): teindre
take off (enlever)
sit down (sasseoir)
put down (poser)
put out (produire, fabriquer)
bring out (lancer sur le march)

She turned on the light and then she switched it off.

Its necessary to put in a lot of money in order to put out products.
A salesman has two important jobs: bringing in new clients and showing them the products
that the company has brought out.

Le verbe to look reprsente bien les complexits des verbes particules. Sans prposition,
la traduction est sembler, avoir lair de . Suivi des prpositions, il subit plusieurs changements
de sens. Ces sens peuvent signifier un mouvement physique ou tre employs au sens figur.
Certains sont en dehors de toute analyse et il ny a rien faire que de les mmoriser. Voici les
plus importants (parmi beaucoup !) :
look at (regarder): Look at this!
look for (chercher): Im looking for my keys.
look after (soccuper de): He has many problems to look after.
look up (regarder vers le haut): They looked up and saw the approaching airplane.
look up to someone (admirer): Many people looked up to Charles de Gaulle.
look down (regarder vers le bas): I looked down and saw the money on the floor.
look down on someone (mpriser): The double agent was looked down on for having betrayed
(trahir) his colleagues.
look over (sens physique : regarder au-dessus de): I cant see anything! I cant look over your
look over (sens figur : examiner): Well look over the contract tomorrow.
look out (faire attention ; prendre garde): Look out! A car is coming!
look like (ressembler ).

2. Des sens figurs

Certaines prpositions ont des sens figurs, et parfois elles en ont plusieurs ! En voici quelquesunes qui vont avec les verbes be , go , et come :
Up : optimiste ; down : pessimiste
Si lon dit : Peter is up today, cela signifie quil est optimiste et positif aujourdhui. Au contraire,
to be down signifie quon est ngatif et dprim :
Shes down these days because she lost a lot of money in the Stock Market.


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c. Variations avec to look

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Out of : en manque de
To be out of time/money/ideas/luck, etc. (tre en manque de ; en rupture de) :
Were out of money: Nous sommes en manque dargent ; nous navons plus dargent.
Youre out of luck: Vous navez pas de chance.
The book you want is out of print (puis) and the CD that you asked for is out of stock
To go out of business se traduit par cesser ses activits ; fermer boutique .
On : lide de continuation
Faites attention aux trois constructions suivantes utilisant chacune go on et leurs traductions en franais. Lune est suivie par with , la deuxime par le grondif, la troisime est suivie
par to + infinitif . Tous les trois veulent dire continuer :
Im sorry for the interruption. Please go on with what you were saying.
He went on speaking in spite of the noise: Il continua parler malgr le bruit.
The real estate agent (agent immobilier) went on to say (continua pour dire) that prices have
gone down.
Les injonctions Go on! et Come on! veulent dire Allez ! .
Over : le sens de encore une fois ou re-
Ainsi, to go over something , avec cette signification, veut dire : revoir, repasser, rcapituler,
reprendre, retracer .
I must go over (revoir) the report (rapport) before submitting it to my boss.
He went over (rcapituler) the details of the agreement with us.
Back : de retour

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Voici deux expressions frquentes avec come (et aussi avec go ), et avec be :
Were coming back (revenir) to France tonight, so Ill be back (tre de retour) in the office on
To be up to something : quatre sens diffrents
Cette expression a quatre sens :
1. tre la hauteur de ;
2. cest votre responsabilit ;
3. cest votre choix ;
4. ce sens, trs diffrent des autres, est lquivalent de lemploi familier du verbe franais
mijoter .
1. We need someone who is up to the challenge of this situation.
2. Its up to you to find the solution. No one else (personne dautre) can do it.
3. The choice is up to you!
4. What are they up to? Theyre doing something and Id like to know what it is!
Up et over = termin ; coul
Finalement, to be up et to be over peuvent tous les deux aussi signifier termin ou
coul : Time is up so the meeting is over!



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Exercice 11

Traduisez :


He went out.
She went on speaking.
They went over the document.
The rates are over 10%.
Prices are down.
Im down these days.
Theyre not up to the job.

We went around the problem.

Were out of money.
The shop is out of stock.
I look after recruitment.
Im looking for a new accountant.
Theyre bringing out a new product.
You can take off your jacket if you like.

Il est sorti.
Elle a continu parler.
Ils ont rvis les documents.
Les taux sont au-dessus de 10 %.
Les prix sont en baisse.
Je suis dprim ces jours-ci.
Ils ne sont pas la hauteur du travail


Nous avons contourn le problme.

Nous navons plus dargent.
La boutique (le magasin) est en rupture de stock.
Je moccupe du recrutement.
Je cherche un nouveau comptable.
Ils lancent un nouveau produit.
Vous pouvez (tu peux) enlever votre (ta) veste si vous
voulez (tu veux).

G. Les noms apparents et Les noms faux amIs

Un grand nombre de noms ont pris leur forme anglaise partir du franais avec peu ou pas de
modifications. Dautres ont subi dimportantes modifications de sens pour devenir des faux
amis . Vous allez trouver ci-aprs une petite slection de noms frquents et utiles (des vrais
amis et des faux amis ). cause du grand nombre de substantifs qui sont passs langlais,
si vous avez un doute sur la traduction anglaise dun nom, il est, bien sr, toujours conseill
davoir recours au dictionnaire.

1. Les substantifs apparents

Pour certaines terminaisons, on peut constater une rgle pour leur passage du franais
langlais. Ainsi, on peut classer certains noms par groupe. Il y a dautres noms qui sont passs
langlais individuellement.
a. Les noms qui sont passs par groupe
Les groupes sont prsents en ordre dimportance et de frquence.
1. Les noms se terminant en -ation , -ition , -otion , -ution , -ction , -ntion ,
-sion et -gion gardent leurs terminaisons :




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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires




2. Les terminaisons en -ie se changent en -y et celles en -it se changent en
-ity :

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3. Les noms se terminant en -oire deviennent -ory et ceux en -aire deviennent

-ary :



4. Les noms se terminant en -eur prennent -or en anglais :




5. Les noms se terminant en -ique prennent -ic ou -ics en anglais :




Attention ne pas confondre ladjectif et le nom !





Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

6. Les noms qui se terminent en -ment restent inchangs, ou la terminaison se change

en -ing :



renouvellement devient renewal .
7. Les noms se terminant en -ence et -ance restent inchangs ou les terminaisons
sont changes en anglais (donc faites attention lorthographe exacte !) :
defence (UK)
defense (US)

offence (UK)
offense (US)

licence (UK)
license (US)





8. Les noms se terminant en -at et -ut se transforment en anglais en -ate et

-ute :



contract ; combat
9. Les noms se terminant en -isme et en -iste perdent le e finale :


10. Les noms se terminant en -s deviennent -ess :



11. Les noms se terminant en -se et -ise deviennent -sis en anglais :



12. Les noms se terminant en -osant changent en -onent :




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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

b. Les noms qui sont passs individuellement

13. Les noms rests individuellement inchangs en anglais

programme (UK)/program (US)

cheque (UK), check (US)

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14. Les noms ayant individuellement subi une faible modification (faites attention lorthographe exacte !)
per cent



15. Les noms dont le dbut est modifi

On peut observer la tendance o, pour certains noms franais, les dbuts t- , p- , c-
se transforment respectivement en anglais en st- , sp- et sc- . Do :
school (cole)
scale (chelle)
spice (pice)


state (tat)
step (tape)
study (tude)

screen (cran)


Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Exercice 12

Les mots anglais ci-aprs napparaissent pas dans les listes prcdentes. Pouvez-vous trouver les noms franais qui leur correspondent ?
21. import
22. tool
23. habit
24. impulse
25. merchant
26. choice
27. launch
28. product
29. investor
30. partner
31. departure
32. delivery
33. litigation
34. column
35. content
36. request
37. haven
38. shock
39. gesture
40. applause

41. export
42. law
43. practice
44. basis
45. inhabitant
46. change
47. rebate
48. pressure
49. investment
50. researcher
51. survival
52. receipt
53. expiry
54. calender
55. report
56. quest
57. poverty
58. despair
59. expense
60. hostage

1. valeur
2. carrire
3. coutume
4. conduite
5. consommateur
6. individu
7. march
8. producteur
9. portefeuille
10. campagne
11. arrive
12. montant
13. restructuration
14. forme ; formulaire
15. sommaire
16. rplique
17. emploi
18. paradis
19. apparence ; apparition
20. fioul


21. importation
22. outil
23. habitude
24. impulsion
25. marchand
26. choix
27. lancement
28. produit
29. investisseur
30. partenaire
31. dpart
32. livraison
33. litige
34. colonne
35. contenu
36. requte
37. havre
38. choc
39. geste
40. applaudissements

41. exportation
42. loi
43. pratique
44. base
45. habitant
46. changement
47. rabais
48. pression
49. investissement
50. chercheur
51. survie
52. recette
53. expiration
54. calendrier
55. rapport
56. qute
57. pauvret
58. dsespoir
59. dpense ; dpens
60. otage

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1. value
2. career
3. custom
4. conduct
5. consumer
6. individual
7. market
8. producer
9. portfolio
10. campaign
11. arrival
12. amount
13. restructuring
14. form
15. summary
16. reply
17. employment
18. paradise
19. appearance
20. fuel

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

2. Les faux amis

Voici des noms faux amis frquemment rencontrs :
Noms franais
lissue : outcome ; solution
les fournitures : the supplies
lquipement : the facilities
la publicit (payante) : the advertising
la location : the rental
la formation : the training
la marque : the brand
les vacances : the vacation; the holiday
lagenda : the diary; appointment book
lengagement : the commitment
la journe : the day
la bribe : the fragment of a conversation
le prjudice : the loss; harm; damage
laudience : the ratings
la dmission : the resignation
les bnfices : the profits
les appointements : the salary
la dception : the disappointment
la corporation : the professional sector
la politique : the policy
la fabrication : the manufacturing
lducation : the family upbringing

Faux amis anglais

issue : le problme ; le point rsoudre
the furniture : les meubles ; le mobilier
the equipment : le matriel
the publicity : la publicit (gratuite)
the location : lendroit ; lemplacement
the formation : la constitution ; la cration
the mark : la trace ; le signe
the vacancy : le poste ou une chambre libre
the agenda : lordre du jour dune runion
the engagement : le rendez-vous ; la mission
the journey : le long voyage
the bribe : le pot-de-vin
the prejudice : le prjug
the audience : lassistance ; le public
the dismissal : le licenciement
the benefits : les avantages
the appointment : le rendez-vous
the deception : la tromperie ; duperie ; supercherie
the corporation : la socit anonyme
politics : la lutte pour le pouvoir politique
the fabrication : linvention (au sens de mensonge)
the education : la scolarit

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French companies provide many types of training (formation) for their employees in areas
such as foreign languages, sales techniques, computer skills.
The formation (cration) of a dynamic sales force is the companys principal priority at this time.
I just caught a fragment (bribe) of their conversation.
The politician (homme politique) was arrested for having accepted bribes (pots-de-vins).
There are three important issues (points rsoudre) on this meetings agenda (ordre du jour).
The first issue is how to fill (pourvoir) the vacancy (poste disponible) created by the cost controllers resignation (dmission). The second is the problem of employee vacations (vacances
des salaris). The third is how to improve the image of our brand (marque).
Certains mots ont plusieurs traductions selon leurs contextes :
une chane : dans le vocabulaire quotidien, devient a chain alors que dans la fabrication, il se traduit par an assembly line .
une franchise : dans le monde du commerce, se traduit par a franchise ( McDonalds
restaurants are all franchises ) alors que, dans lassurance, une franchise se traduit par an
excess (UK) et a deductible (US).
prime devient premium dans lassurance tandis que dans le monde du travail, prime
se traduit par bonus .
exempLes des noms angLais Qui onT pLusieuRs TRaducTions
policy veut dire police dassurance aussi bien qu une politique ;
issue a trois sens : 1. problme ou point rsoudre ; 2. mission des actions/
des obligations ; 3. numro dun journal ;
appointment veut dire rendez-vous , mais aussi la nomination un poste.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Faites attention ne pas confondre a salary (salaire ; appointements) and an employee
(un salari) !

exercice 13

Associez les mots anglais ( gauche) avec leurs traductions franaises ( droite) :
A. franchise
B. emplacement ; endroit
C. salaire
D. fabrication
E. police ; politique
F. chane
G. socit anonyme
H. prjug
I. matriel
J. salari
K. meubles ; mobilier
L. fournitures
M. problme ; point rsoudre
N. marque
O. location
P. issue ; rsultat

1. C
2. E
3. A
4. F
5. G
6. L
7. D
8. H


9. N
10. B
11. J
12. M
13. K
14. I
15. O
16. P

BusIness and economy

a. BusIness: the reaL estate and Insurance sectors

Many banks invest their reserves in real estate (immobilier), also called real property. They buy
or invest in already existing buildings (btiments), both residential and commercial, as well as
parcels of land (terrains). Developers (promoteurs) work with banks, architects, building contractors (entrepreneurs) and other professionals to develop these land parcels into private
homes (pavillons particuliers), residential complexes (lotissements), apartment buildings
(immeubles), and office buildings (immeubles de bureaux). Once finished, these properties are


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1. salary
2. policy
3. deductible
4. assembly line
5. corporation
6. supplies
7. manufacturing
8. prejudice
9. brand
10. location
11. employee
12. issue
13. furniture
14. equipment
15. rental
16. outcome

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

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sold to their new owners (propritaires) for prices which are based on criteria such as the desirability of their location (emplacement), the quality of their fixtures and fittings (quipements),
and their size, calculated in square feet (pieds carrs) or square meters (mtres carrs). The
premises (locaux) are then often leased or let (louer) to tenants (locataires). The conditions
rent (loyer), term (dure), security deposit (caution) are specified (prcises) in a document
called a lease (bail). Certain leases give the tenant the right to sublet or sub-lease (sous-louer).
Real estate agents (agents immobiliers) also called estate agents, or property agents are
given the responsibility of finding tenants for prospective landlords (propritaires qui louent leurs
proprits). Landlords lose money when a house is vacant (vide) or if their rentals (locations)
have a vacancy (disponibilit). Real estate is like any good or commodity, it operates according
to the laws of supply and demand. When there are many vacancies, landlords offer more advantageous terms than usual in order to attract (attirer) demand, giving price concessions such as
free months (des mois gratuits) and free improvements (amliorations). Additionally, the real
estate business has booms (priodes de forte croissance) which are linked to domestic (national)
and global (mondial) economic cycles. When the economy is strong, employment (emploi) is
strong. People have money to spend on new lodgings (logement); companies grow and need
bigger premises for their operations and staff (effectif). Real estate prices go up. But in a slump
(mvente ; rcession), both employment and real estate prices go down.
The banking and real estate fields (domaines ; secteurs) both have strong links (liens) with insurance (assurance). Traditionally, the insurance business has consisted of protecting individuals
and businesses from the risk of loss due to accidents, death (dcs), and property damage
(dgts matriels) resulting from both ordinary situations and Acts of God (force majeure).
Insurance agents and brokers (courtiers) sell policies (polices) of many kinds for which clients
pay premiums (primes) for the coverage (garantie ; couverture) they take out (contracter). The
principal types of insurance offered by insurers (assureurs) are: life (vie); casualty (accident ;
sinistre); fire and theft (vol-incendie); liability (responsabilit civile); comprehensive (multirisques), and motor vehicle insurance. Other policies include coverage against damage (dommages, prjudices, avaries, dgts) during manufacturing, transportation and shipping
(expdition). When there has been loss or damage, the policyholder (lassur ; souscripteur)
files (dposer) a claim (demande dindemnit). The insured party (lassur) receives compensation or damages (indemnits ; ddommagement) after the nature, cause, and extent of the
damage has been determined by an insurance appraiser (expert) or claims adjuster
Big insurance companies, like big banks, invest many of their assets in real estate portfolios
(portefeuilles). Therefore, real estate booms and slumps have a strong impact on the earnings of
such companies.
Until very recently, government regulations (rglementations), varying from country to country,
were in effect (en vigueur), which established barriers separating banking, stockbroking, and
insurance, and regulating what each sector could or could not do. However, these barriers have
largely disappeared because of globalization (mondialisation) and international mergers. More
and more, the trend (tendance) is towards convergence, which means a combining of sectors.
The beginning of the Third Millenium (millnaire) has seen the mergers of big banking and insurance groups, and business areas with names such as banking/insurance, financial services and risk management (gestion de risques). Companies in this newly-converged sector
must define their specific markets and businesses in the face of revolutionary new conditions,
opportunities and, of course, risks.
noTa bene
Pay attention to the difference between damage (sinistre ; avarie ; prjudice ; tort ; mal) and
damages (indemnits ; ddommagement). Notice, as well, the difference between rooms
(des pices) and room (espace).



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

B. AccountInG: the BaLance sheet LIaBILItIes

In the accounting view of the balance sheet, liabilities (passifs) arent seen as debts (dettes) nor
as money owed (d), but, rather, as the source (provenance) of funds (fonds, capitaux, ressources financires) for financing a company. Company financing (financement) can come from
two sources: capital (also called equities) and debt (dette):
Equities include reserves (rserves), earnings (bnfice net ; rsultat net), and owners
equity (capitaux propres ; fonds propres), which is also called shareholders equity. Owners
equity is the money brought into (apport) the company by shareholders (actionnaires).
Debt includes the money received from bankers in the form of loans (crdits ; prts) and also
money owed to suppliers (fournisseurs) to pay them for raw materials (matires premires),
parts (pices dtaches) and other supplies (provisions) they have furnished (fournir).
Keep in mind (garder en esprit) that the exact terms and categories used on a balance sheet may
vary from country to country, and from company to company, depending on factors such as company tradition and size, business needs, etc. Additionally, the increase in the multinational character of big corporations (socits anonymes ; groupes) has led to changes in the terminology used.
The terms below (ci-aprs) are meant to give you only a basic view of the fundamental concepts.
US terminology
Owners Equity
Capital stock
Retained earnings
Net Income (Net Earnings)
Long-term liabilities
Long-term debt
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Bank loans and Overdrafts

UK terminology
(capitaux propres)
(capital social ; capital-actions)
(bnfices non-rpartis)
(bnfice net de lexercice)
(dettes long terme)
Long-term debt
(dettes court terme)
(comptes fournisseurs)
(crdits et dcouverts)
(comptes de regularisation)

Shareholders Equity
Share capital
Retained earnings
Net Profit
Long-term Liabilities
Long-term debt
Current Liabilities
Trade Creditors
Bank loans & Overdrafts

The relation between the two sides of the balance sheet assets and liabilities is expressed in what
is called the accounting equation. As in all equations, the two sides must balance (quilibrer). If the
balance sheet shows $2 million as Total Assets, we must see $2 million as Total Liabilities:

A final element concerning the balance sheet the balance sheet generally indicates the number
of shares (parts) issued (mettre) and their par value (valeur nominale).

c. WorkInG tIme chanGes

Working time has long been a central element of political and social debate. The duration, organisation and predictability of working time raise questions about the health, well-being and wider
social life of workers, and about productivity, efficiency and the competitiveness of enterprises.
Given the different interests at stake (en jeu) in all these questions, it is not surprising that there
is a long history of regulation (both through collective and through legislation) at the European
level. This regulatory debate remains highly topical today.

1. flexible working time arrangements

The term flexi-time refers to a variety of working time arrangements that enable employees to
vary their daily working time. The general rules usually define a time corridor within which the
employees can choose the beginning and end of their daily working time. They also specify whether
or not it is possible to accumulate credit or debit hours (i.e. work longer one day and shorter
another day) and if so, the general terms of such an accumulation (e.g. maximum credit and debit


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TOTAL LIABILITIES = Equity + Current & Long-term Liabilities

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

hours) as well as the possibilities for taking time off in lieu of credit hours. In addition to the rules
concerning the possibilities for time allocation, flexi-time schemes frequently address procedural
questions. These relate to, for example, the degree of autonomy granted to employees when making use of such possibilities (such as notice period, need to get the superiors permission or to
agree actual working hours with colleagues in the team, priority of company needs).
Whether the actual allocation of working time follows a work-life balance rationale (raisons), or
whether it is used as a means to better adapt working hours to the workload (charge de travail)
are potentially interesting questions. Although both targets do not necessarily have to be incompatible, in some cases a win-win situation can be achieved yet there is doubtless considerable
potential for conflict.
Significant differences exist in the overall incidence of flexible working time arrangements practised in the European countries. While in Cyprus, Portugal and Greece, less than one third of
establishments offer some flexibility with regard to working hours, about two thirds of all establishments in Sweden, Latvia and Finland do so.
In Germany and Austria, flexible working times mostly imply the accumulation of hours and of
time taken off later on. In contrast, in southern European countries, the option to compensate for
accumulated hours with time off later on exists in less than half of the establishments offering
working time flexibility.
To a large extent, these differences appear to be largely influenced by the different national institutional frameworks (cadres) and by cultural factors specific to each country.

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In relation to the perceived effects of introducing flexi-time, analyses show that in no country do
negative effects prevail over the positive aspects in the opinion of both managers and employees
who were questioned. They frequently report higher job satisfaction, followed by a better adaptation of working hours to the workload. Managements expectations are largely fulfilled. They
indicate that a reduction in paid overtime, a greater reconciliation between work and private life,
lower absenteeism are the actual outcomes.
While there is generally a broad consensus among the social actors about the mainly positive
effects of flexi-time, it may also lead to communication problems and increased pressure on
employees to adapt. In addition, flexibility schemes with a long time horizon can often lead to
greater self-exploitation, particularly among higher skilled employees.

2. overtime
Overtime hours refer to those hours worked beyond the normal agreed (weekly or monthly) working hours. Although overtime is a widespread phenomenon in European establishments of all
sizes and sectors, it has become increasingly difficult to define and measure overtime and the
volume of overtime worked by individuals or within an establishment. A broad variety of flexible
working time arrangements, such as flexi-time, working time accounts or annualised hours, further impedes (gne) a straightforward distinction between regular and overtime hours.
Moreover, the limits and rules regarding the definition of extra hours, as either credit hours accumulated in the framework of a flexible working time system or as explicit overtime, vary between
Despite these difficulties, overtime hours are an important topic on the EUs political agenda in
relation to labour market issues (such as reducing overtime hours in a situation of high unemployment), health and safety at work (avoiding extraordinary long working hours) and work-life
balance. The following issues should be addressed:
Is overtime an exceptional or a frequent phenomenon in the establishments surveyed (observs)?
Are regular overtime hours likely to negatively affect the private life of employees although
some employees might welcome overtime hours in order to supplement their income?
Are overtime hours compensated for by time or by money?
Do employees have any influence over whether or not they do overtime work? This is an element of time sovereignty (prpondrance du temps) and affects work-life balance.
What is the role and position of the formal employee representation (where such a body exists)
with regard to overtime?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Extent and types of overtime

The share of establishments in which overtime is worked is approximately equal in both the
industry (76%) and services (75%) sectors. In industry the existence of overtime hours is distributed relatively evenly over the various sub-sectors. In the services sector, overtime occurs significantly more in transport and communications (85%) and in health and social work (84%),
while establishments in the hotels and restaurants sector are less frequently characterised by the
existence of overtime work (64%) compared with other sub-sectors. The relatively low incidence
of overtime hours in the hotel and restaurants sector could be attributed to the variations in the
workload (mostly unskilled work) in this sub-sector, which are frequently tackled using flexibility
instruments, such as the employment of temporary staff.
Companies in which overtime hours are worked on a regular basis more frequently report problems in the recruitment of staff for skilled jobs, compared with companies in which overtime
occurs exceptionally or not at all. Thus, difficulties in the recruitment of new, additional personnel
might be one possible explanation for overtime work. Yet, in view of the current labour market
situation in most EU countries, it can be assumed that regular overtime hours are rather the outcome (consquence) of a certain culture of management and personnel recruitment within an
compensation for overtime

Furthermore, companies that view themselves as being financially healthy tend to financially
compensate for overtime hours. In companies that are less economically buoyant, compensation in the form of time off prevails. This is not a surprise, since a poor financial situation often,
although not necessarily, implies a low level of plant (usine) utilisation. In such a situation, compensation with time off can enable the management to avoid dismissals (licenciements).
From the work-life balance perspective, however, the combination of regular overtime work
compensated by money rather than time off is particularly problematic.
ability to choose whether to work overtime
A crucial issue in relation to work-life balance (quilibre entre la vie prive et le travail) is the ability
to influence working time patterns. It deals with the possibility of employees to volunteer to do
necessary overtime work and with their options for refusing overtime work.
The majority of managers state that they usually look for volunteers to do overtime work. In
another 29% of the establishments, overtime work is partly done by employees volunteering for
extra work and partly by specific employees assigned to overtime work by their superiors. In
13% of all establishments in which overtime work occurs, employees do not have the option to
refuse it.
The pressure to work overtime seems to be particularly intense in establishments in which overtime is part of the working culture. Interestingly, according to the surveys, employers consider it
more a matter of course to demand (exiger) overtime from their employees if overtime is later
compensated by leisure time than if they are paid for overtime.


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From surveys among individuals, it appears that the majority of employees prefer to be compensated for overtime work with time off rather than money. However, financial compensation is still
the most common form of compensation for overtime in the majority of the establishments surveyed. Significant differences exist between EU countries. In the southern European countries,
as well as in Ireland, Luxembourg and the UK, and in the new central European Member States,
financial compensation is much more frequently used than time off. Compensation by time off is,
in turn, by far the most common form of compensation in Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden
and the Netherlands. In the remaining countries, France, Austria and Finland the particular prevalence of one form of compensation is less clear, as both forms seem to occur on a roughly
comparable scale.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Overtime in companies with flexible time arrangements

As already outlined, a reduction of paid overtime hours was among the main reasons given by
management for the introduction of flexible working time arrangements. Results show that the
overall incidence of overtime hours differs slightly between establishments with or without such
flexibility arrangements. Thus, flexibility schemes either do not really help to significantly reduce
the overtime of employees, or else the managers define most surplus hours worked in the flexibility scheme as overtime. Employees are more often able to refuse overtime if the establishment
is practising a flexibility scheme.
Role of employee representatives
In terms of regulating overtime work, it is possible that the employee representatives at establishment level would play an important role in protecting the rights of employees as a mediator
between the interests of employers and employees.
In establishments with overtime work, 40% of the employees representatives report that the
management informs or consults them before overtime hours are worked. Some 13% say that
information is provided only afterwards, when there is no possibility of negotiating the need for
and the organisation of overtime work. Another 45% say that they are not informed at all.
While in the services sector only 36% of the employees representatives report that they are
informed in advance about overtime work, the corresponding figure is 52% in industry. In industrial type work, it may be more common that the need to introduce overtime work is known well
in advance, so that there is enough time for information and negotiation beforehand. In contrast,
the need to work longer might occur at very short notice in the services sector.

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In the new EU Member States, more employee representatives state that they are informed in
advance, compared with the other EU countries. In Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK two
thirds or more of the representatives report that they are not informed at all in advance of the
introduction of overtime.
An analysis of the employee representatives views on overtime, by country, reveals that Italy,
Portugal and Sweden, in particular, generally aim at reducing overtime. On the other hand, overtime is welcomed as an opportunity to earn some extra money, especially among representatives in Poland and Latvia; an above average incidence of this position is also reported in France,
Ireland and Luxembourg.

3. part-time work
Part-time work is one of the most widely known forms of atypical working time arrangements
in Europe. In the past decade the share of part-time workers among the total workforce has
increased considerably in most European countries from about 14% in 1992 to about 18% in
recent years.
In theory, part-time work offers good opportunities for combining paid work with family or household obligations or with other activities outside of work (such as further education), since it gives
employees more time for their private responsibilities and interests than a normal full-time job.
However the compatibility of a part-time job with life outside of work strongly depends on the
structure of the part-time working regime. For instance, the financial conditions, social protection benefits (allocations), career prospects (perspectives de carrire), distribution of working
hours during the day or week, and many other factors largely determine whether part-time working options in an establishment are an attractive, or even viable alternative to standard full-time
In practice, part-time working conditions vary considerably between establishments and even
workplaces within establishments. Recent surveys among individuals have also shown that
many full-time employees would like to temporarily switch to part-time hours especially in the
rush hour of life but do not do so because they fear it could be detrimental to their career.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Extent of part-time work

In 64% of all European establishments with 10 or more employees, there is currently one parttime worker employed. This means that almost two thirds of all establishments can be regarded
as being generally open to this type of working time arrangement. Not surprisingly, the likelihood
(les chances pour que) that at least one employee works part time increases with the size of the
establishment. Moreover, companies in the services sector more frequently employ part-time
workers compared with companies in industry. One of the reasons for this difference is the higher
proportion of female employees in the services sector than in industry.
From a cross-country perspective, the incidence of part-time employment at establishment level
differs considerably. While in the Netherlands, almost nine in ten establishments have experience
of part-time work, in Greece and Portugal only around two in ten establishments employ parttime workers.
In the Scandinavian, Western European countries and the British Isles, experience of part-time
work is widespread with almost three quarters of the establishments practising this form of work.
In contrast, part-time work at establishment level remains less common in most Mediterranean
countries, where, on average, around 40% of establishments employ part-time workers. The
level of experience in five central European states falls between these two poles: on average
about 60% of establishments in these countries practise part-time work. However, Poland and
Slovenia are exceptions in this regard. Poland shows a relatively higher incidence of part-time
work similar to the western European and Scandinavian countries.
It is interesting to note that in the new Member States, part-time work is less spread than in
establishments founded in the 1990s. These results are somewhat surprising, since one would
have expected that the new companies would have been more open to the idea of introducing
new non-standard working time models.

A country comparison reveals that in Denmark, Germany, Latvia and Sweden, part-time work is
the predominant work form with 80% or more of the total workforce working part-time in over
5% of the establishments surveyed. In the Netherlands and the UK, part-time work is the predominant work form in 11% of the establishments.
Specific characteristics can be identified among those establishments with a high proportion of
part-time workers:
Some 97% of these establishments belong to the services sector, while only 3% are to be
found in industry.
Within the services sectors, establishments with a high proportion of part-time workers are in
health and social work, trade and repair, social services, hotels and restaurants, and education.
In a broad majority of the establishments in which part-time work is the prevalent work form,
the workforce is predominantly female (60% or more of the employees are women).
Some 87% of these establishments are small in size with between 1 and 49 employees.
prevalence of part-time work since 1990
A comparison between the data shows that in Belgian, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Spain and the UK, the share of employees working part-time in establishments has
risen. Increases have been particularly significant in Ireland (28%), Belgium and Spain (25%);
there have also been considerable increases in the share of part-time work at establishment level
in Italy and in the Netherlands.
The results also show that part-time work is to be found in a broad variety of companies.
Nevertheless, recent research has shown that in several countries, part-time work is frequently
not the preferred option among employees since the conditions of part-time work tend to be
inferior compared to full-time working conditions. Moreover, a tendency towards the creation of
increasingly precarious part-time jobs with reduced social security provisions, low wages and
limited employee rights seems to arise in a number of these countries.


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proportion of part-time workers

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Patterns of part-time work

The way that part-time is organised within an establishment is partly determined by the kind of
work to be done. But even within establishments sharing the same kind of activity or operating
hours, there is a certain room for manuvre to select between part-time and full-time arrangements to cover the task in hand and to design part-time work schedules (horaires de travail) in
ways which are employee-friendly in accordance with the wishes of the workforce.
The most common way of organising part-time work in establishments with 10 or more employees continues to be the traditional approach, where part-time work consists of a certain number of fixed hours every day. More than two thirds (69%) of all establishments employing part-time
workers organise part-time work in this way. Traditionally, working part-time in the mornings has
been the most popular option of this kind, since it enables parents to engage in paid work while
their children are in the crche or at school. Other fixed patterns of part-time work, e.g. the possibility of working full-time only on certain days of the week or month, are particularly advantageous for workers who are not constrained (contraints) by daily obligations (e.g. caring for
children after school), as it allows them to minimise their commuting time (temps pass dans les
transports pour se render au travail).
There are interesting differences between countries. Generally fixed time schedules enable
employees to organise their personal life well in advance, while a considerable proportion of
part-time workers (27%) do not have this stability but rather are called in by the employer when
the need arises. Yet, in 60% of these cases, fixed forms of part-time work are also practised.
Such spontaneous on demand part-time work is particularly frequent in Cyprus (40%), Germany,
Latvia and the UK (39%). Italy (7%), Slovenia (10%) and Spain (12%) practise it less. This type of
part-time work is particularly common in the following sectors: hotels and restaurants, health
and social work and transport and communication. A common feature among these sectors is
the nature of the work, which can involve (impliquer) urgent demands for additional workers often
arising at relatively short notice. Such flexible forms of part-time work are often viewed negatively as not necessarily contributing to a better work-life balance.

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characteristics of part-time workers

According to the survey, the most frequently mentioned category of employees who work part
time are mothers with pre-school or school age children (65%). Evidently, the need to care for
children is still one of the most immediate and common reasons for working part time. However,
in central European countries, only 29% of establishments indicate that mothers with children
were among their part-time workforce.
A particularly interesting finding relates to fathers who work part time (in 21% of the establishments). They are more frequently found in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. In
contrast, few workplaces in the Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia count fathers
among their part-time workforce. In cases where fathers are employed part time, it can be interpreted as an indicator that the general climate within the establishment is relatively open with
regard to gender roles (rles traditionellement tenus par chaque sexe).
Another specific group is young people early in their working lives. Part-time employment may
enable (permettre) them to access the labour market. They are only in about 10% of all establishments in industry, while in the services sectors 24% of all establishments employ young job
starters. Young people early in their working lives are found most frequently among the part-time
workforce in Greece, the Netherlands and the UK.
prospects for promotion
One of the reasons given by employees for not switching (changer) from a full-time to a part-time
job, at certain periods of the life course, is the fear of suffering disadvantages at the workplace,
particularly fewer career prospects. The respondents share the opinion that reducing working
hours is bad for ones career. They consider that you have to do more in less time. 39% of
respondents fear that they will get fewer interesting tasks to do if they reduce their working
hours. 27% of the managers assess (estiment) that the career prospects of part-time workers as
being worse (either slightly or significantly worse).



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

The percentage of employee representatives who reported a negative impact on career prospects among employees working part time in their establishment (41%) is higher than the percentage of managers (34%) who report that this is the case. This is not hugely surprising, since
employee representatives can be expected to have a more critical attitude towards establishments policies and practices than management. What is more surprising, however, is the rather
small difference in the overall (global) assessment of this aspect between both parties.

4. parental leave schemes in europe

The findings of the survey conducted on that matter rely on very country-specific regulations.
In Austria, parental leave is granted up until the child is two years old. Flat rate (taux unique)
compensation is granted for up to one year (two years in total if both parents share it).
In Belgium, parental leave of three months for each parent can be taken up until the child is four
years old. Parents are compensated with a low flat rate benefit, not means tested (sans condition
de ressources). Leave can also be taken as half-time leave of six months per parent.
In Cyprus, the duration of parental leave is 13 weeks per parent after the end of the maternity
leave. This leave is unpaid.
In Denmark, parental leave of up to 32 weeks is granted for each parent. Leave doesnt necessarily
have to be taken directly after maternity leave; part of it can be saved and taken at any time until the
child is nine years old. Compensation in parental leave is proportional to the previously earned wage.
In France, parental leave is granted up until the child is three years old. The leave can also be
used to work part time. Compensation is a flat rate payment if the family has more than one child;
otherwise (autrement), it is unpaid. Payments are not means tested.

In Luxembourg, parental leave of up to six months full-time, or 12 months part-time is granted

for each employed parent, up until the child is five years of age. Leave allowance is paid for up
to six months at a substantive rate (montant substantiel), close to the minimum wage. Parents
can opt for a longer leave period of up to 22 months instead, but with a much lower payment and
with no guarantee of re-employment.
As defined at the Lisbon summit, increasing Europes employment rates has become a major
objective of the European employment Strategy (EES), and working time can play an important
role in this context. On the one hand, flexible working time arrangements are considered a means
for improving the competitiveness of companies and national economies. On the other hand,
there is a need to improve job opportunities for those groups experiencing particularly low employment rates: for example, in some European countries, women (particularly if they have to care for
children) and older members of the workforce. In order to reach this objective, governments are
being encouraged to develop childcare facilities (the Barcelona targets) and to implement (mettre
en application) policies facilitating greater reconciliation between work and family life.


Les poInts prIncIpaux retenIr de cette partIe

A. La forme interrogative
1. Whom est utilis comme complment direct ou indirect dans une question et un autre
mot servira de sujet au verbe.
Exemple : Whom will you call?
2. Who est normalement le sujet dune question.
Exemple : Who will call?


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In Germany, parental leave can be taken up until the child is three years old. Flat rate compensation is granted for the first two years (in Bavaria for the entire three years), and is means tested.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

3. Dans les questions au prsent simple et au prtrit simple qui ont who comme sujet,
les auxiliaires do , does , did , sont supprims.
Exemples :
Who calls Susan every morning?
Who called Susan every morning?
4. Cette rgle sapplique pour les expressions quivalentes de who telles que Which
person? , How many people? , Which company? et What? .
Exemples :
How many people work for the company? (et non How many people do work? )
What happened? (et non What did happen? )
5. Parfois who peut tre utilis comme complment la place de whom . Dans ces
questions, il faut utiliser les auxiliaires et il y aura toujours un sujet positionn avant le verbe.
Exemple : Who did you call? = Whom did you call?
6. Les prpositions se placent souvent au dbut dune question. Dans ce cas, il faut utiliser
whom et on ne peut pas le remplacer par who : To whom? , For whom? , By
whom? , etc.
7. Les prpositions se placent plus frquemment la fin dune question. Dans ces cas-l,
who peut remplacer whom parce quil est spar de la prposition :
Exemples :
Who is this report for? = For whom is this report?
Who was it written by? = By whom was it written?
B. Les traductions de faire : do et make
1. Make a le sens de crer , produire , fabriquer , transformer . Dans la plupart
des cas, make est la bonne traduction de faire .

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2. Do a le sens de agir , ragir , effectuer . En association avec certaines catgories de mots, il faut traduire faire par do :

(do work)
(do studies)
(do sports)
(do your duty)

3. Il faut aussi utiliser do (et non pas make ) avant tout mot se terminant en -ing : to
do running , to do skiing , to do marketing , to do shopping , etc.
C. Les noms dnombrables
1. Ce sont les noms qui peuvent tre compts. Ils doivent obligatoirement tre prcds par un
article au singulier (a, an, the, another) ou tre mis au pluriel (avec ou sans article appropri).
Exemple : He is an accountant/They are accountants.
2. Les nombres ne sont jamais au pluriel.
Exemple : 5 hundred, 20 million (et non 5 hundreds ni 20 millions ).
D. Les emplois du grondif
1. Pour traduire les adjectifs franais se terminant par -ant :
Exemple : interesting.
2. Comme nom
Exemple : accounting, advertising, marketing, prospecting.
et comme adjectif :
Exemple : the Accounting Department, the advertising industry, the Marketing Manager.
3. Pour la forme des verbes qui suivent des verbes tels que : to stop , to consider , to
finish , to imagine , to have difficulty :
Exemples :
Stop laughing!
Would you consider changing jobs?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

E. Les verbes particules (une particularit de la langue anglaise !)

1. Attention ! Une prposition aprs un verbe peut changer le sens de ce verbe.
Exemples :
to look (sans prposition) : sembler, avoir lair
to look at : regarder
to look for : chercher
to look after : soccuper de
2. Les prpositions sont organises en paire dopposs : up/down, in/out, over/under, etc.
3. Ces prpositions ont leur base un sens physique pour indiquer un positionnement ou un
mouvement spatial :
Exemple :
to be up : tre en haut
to go up : monter
4. Ces prpositions peuvent galement avoir un sens ou plusieurs sens figurs :
Exemple :
its up to you : cest toi de le faire et aussi toi de dcider
to be up to (something) : tre la hauteur de et aussi mijoter/comploter
F. Les noms apparents avec le franais
1. Il y a beaucoup de substantifs qui sont passs en anglais, et mme en groupe, ce qui vous
donne facilement une grande rserve de vocabulaire.

Iv. ExercIces de comprhensIon

exercice 14

Voici un texte sur la conjoncture Londres et son effet sur limmobilier.
Lisez le texte et faites les exercices de comprhension qui le suivent.
Banks try to cash out of London office space
cuts in operations leave many with excess room
and rents are beginning to drop
Office rents in central London, already among the highest in the world, surged even higher in the late
1990s as investment banks and other banks expanded rapidly. Now, those same banks are driving
rents down by dumping their surplus space. Many big international investment banks operating in
London, having slashed payrolls or at least scaled back their ambitions, are trying to sublease excess
space. That puts the banks in competition with landlords and property developers to attract the very
few firms shopping for space. Landlords, anxious about the long-term values of their property, are
reluctant to concede big cuts in rent. But banks, saddled with long-term leases, will just give away
the space at whatever they can get, says Jeremy Prosser, a property agent at Chapman Swabey.


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2. Il y a cependant beaucoup de faux amis qui peuvent vous induire en erreur dans la lecture dun article ou la rdaction dun texte !
Exemple :
the issue: le problme (et non lissue)
a location: un emplacement (et non une location)

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Do you want space on Londons Finsbury Square? Swiss bank UBS hopes to find tenants for
50,000 square feet in Triton Court, with views on the square and a fountain in the lobby. The premises are in good shape, but there are more pillars than some tenants would want. UBS hopes to
sublet the space for 36 pounds (57 euros) per square foot, a bit less than the bank itself pays,
and that offer is negotiable, a bank official says. For Grade A space in the City, Londons financial
district, rents have gone down 5% - 10% since mid-2001.
Martin Wallace, an executive at property consultants Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd., estimates that
Grade A office rents in London will fall at least an additional 10% in the next 12 months. The real
cost of renting in London is falling much faster than actual rent prices per square foot: Mr. Wallace
says a tenant signing a 15-year lease now probably could get at least 15-18 months of free rent.
Tenants are also negotiating more flexible break clauses and more upgrades of fittings.
Such deals are possible because the vacancy rate in the City has ballooned to 9.3% from 3.8% a
year ago. That compares with 5.5% in Paris and 3.7% in Frankfurt; New Yorks vacancy rate is
9.3% in midtown and 16.3% around the financial district. Mr. Wallace says Londons vacancy rate
could go to 14% or 15% before peaking, perhaps in late 2003. That would be well below the 19%
vacancy rate reached in the last City office-space glut a decade ago, when rents fell about 30%.
But even a 10% to 15% vacancy rate is pretty scary for landlords, he says.

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They may have to get used to it. The number of London jobs in investment banking and related
fields is expected to fall to 313,000 next year, down 20,900 from the peak two years ago, according
to the Centre for Economics and Business Research. About two-thirds of the Grade A and Grade
B space on the market is from banks and other occupiers rather than owners. Normally, occupiers
account for only about a quarter of the supply. Among those offering space are local units of Citigroup, Inc., which is seeking tenants for 263,000 square feet in a new building in the Canary Wharf
district, fitted out to quite a high standard as one bank official puts it. Also touting spare space
are Deutsche Bank AG, J.-P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Inc., among others. Morgan Stanley has 170,000 square feet of excess space in Canary Wharf and is considering putting
that on the market. Credit Suisse Groups Credit Suisse First Boston has found tenants for two
blocks of space, but still has some on the market. Many banks are stuck with scattered bits of
space they acquired by buying other companies. Deutsche Bank at one point was spread among
nearly 30 buildings in London; the German bank now occupies 14 and is trying to find new tenants
for space in five others. J.-P. Morgan aims at confining itself to nine buildings, down from 21.
Meanwhile, dozens of construction cranes loom over the city skyline. Standard Life Investments
Ltd., based in Edinburgh, is spending a total of 209 million pounds to develop two office buildings
in the City. Neither of the new Standard Life buildings has a tenant yet. Hammerson PLC has
stakes in three development projects in the City, two of them already under construction. The company has found a tenant for only one of the buildings, subject to planning permission. So is Hammerson nervous? No, says Christopher Smith, corporate affairs director, because weve got a
very robust and secure income from our existing property portfolio. He adds that very few buildings are being started now, so the fundamental buildings in the portfolio will look attractive a
couple of years out. That assumes, of course, that the investment banks wont still be on crash
The Wall Street Journal.

to cash out of something: retirer son investissement de quelque chose

a development project: projet de promotion immobilire
planning permission: autorisation de la ville pour laboration ou planification (immobilire)
a cut: une rduction ; une baisse
room: de la place ; espace
investment bank: banque daffaires
to drive down: faire baisser
to scale back: rduire lchelle de
to shop for: rechercher ; tre en qute de
to give away: faire cadeau de
a property consultant: agent immobilier
a break clause: clause de rupture de bail
an upgrade: une amlioration
fittings: installations ; quipement



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

to get used to something: sy mettre ; shabituer

to fit out: quiper
to loom over: se dessiner sur ; se dresser sur
a stake: une participation (financire)
to be on a crash diet: faire un rgime trs stricte
I. Questions choix mutiple
1. What is the major problem described in this article?
a. Property prices which are too high.
b. The reduced need for office space.
c. Real estate prices which are too low.
2. Who is suffering the most from this problem?
a. Real estate agents.
b. All types of commercial tenants.
c. Investment banks.
3. What caused this problem?
a. The policies of Londons planning commission.
b. Changes in the business climate for investment banks.
c. Problems between landlords and tenants.
d. Competition between developers and real estate agents.
4. What has happened to the vacancy rate for London office space?
a. It has been increasing steadily.
b. It has gone up sharply.
c. It has remained stable.
5. Is this the worst vacancy rate that London has ever experienced?
a. Yes.
b. No.
6. What could be said about central Londons office rents?
a. Rents are lower than in New Yorks financial district.
b. They will go up in 2003.
c. They have traditionally been among the highest in the world.
7. Which of the following is true about investment banks?
a. They experienced a boom in the late 1990s.
b. They have recently had to reduce the size of their staff.
c. Both statements a. and b.
d. None of the above statements.
8. Which of the following represents the biggest problem for big investment banks?
a. The rise in rent prices.
b. The fact that their leases are long-term obligations.
c. The fact that their office space is scattered in different locations.
9. What are banks doing to resolve this problem?
a. Trying to sublease their surplus space.
b. Upgrading their fittings.
c. Negotiating with the owners of the buildings.
10. What are the consequences for tenants?
a. Lower rents and months of free rent.
b. The possibility of ending their leases earlier.
c. The upgrading of fittings.
d. All of the above.
11. Is construction of new office space currently going on in London?
a. Yes.
b. No.


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1. Pour chaque question, choisissez la bonne rponse parmi les propositions.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

12. What are developers counting on?

a. An increase in future business activity.
b. That investment banks will begin to sign leases again for newly-built office property.
c. Both of the above statements.
d. Neither of the above statements.
II. Version
2. Traduire en franais les deux premiers paragraphes du texte ci-avant.

1. Questions choix multiple
1. b ; 2. c ; 3. b ; 4. b ; 5. b ; 6. c ; 7. c ; 8. b ; 9. a ; 10. d ; 11. a ; 12. c.
2. Version

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Les banques tentent de se retirer de lespace de bureaux Londres

La baisse des oprations en laisse beaucoup avec des excdents despaces et les loyers commencent chuter. Les loyers des bureaux au centre de Londres, dj parmi les plus levs du
monde, ont encore augment la fin des annes 1990 tandis que les banques daffaires ainsi
que dautres banques se dveloppaient rapidement. Maintenant ces mmes banques font baisser les loyers en coulant bas prix leurs espaces excdentaires. Beaucoup de grosses banques
daffaires internationales qui oprent Londres, ayant taill dans leurs listes de paie ou au moins
rduit leurs ambitions, essaient de sous-louer le surplus despace. Ceci met les banques en
concurrence avec les propritaires et les promoteurs immobiliers pour attirer les quelques entreprises en qute despace. Les propritaires loueurs, soucieux de la valeur long terme de leur
proprit, sont rticents concder des baisses importantes de loyers. Mais les banques lies
par des baux longs termes vont simplement cder lespace pour ce quils pourront en obtenir , dit Jeremy Proser, agent immobilier Chapman Swabey.
Vous voulez (cherchez) de lespace au Square Finsbury Londres ? La banque suisse UBS
espre trouver des locataires pour 50 000 pieds carrs Triton Court, avec vue sur le square et
une fontaine dans le hall. Les locaux sont en bon tat, mais il y a plus de colonnes que certains
locataires en voudraient. UBS espre sous-louer cet espace pour 36 livres (57 euros) le pied
carr, un peu moins que ce que la banque paie elle-mme, et cette offre est ngociable, dit
un reprsentant de la banque. Pour un espace de catgorie A dans la City, le quartier de la
finance Londres, les loyers sont descendus de 5 10 % depuis le milieu de 2001. Martin
Wallace, un directeur lagence immobilire Jones Lang LaSalle LTD., estime que les loyers des
bureaux de catgorie A vont chuter dau moins 10 % de plus dans les 12 prochains mois. Le
cot rel des loyers Londres tombe beaucoup plus vite que le prix vritable du pied carr :
M. Wallace dit quun locataire qui signerait actuellement un bail de 15 ans pourrait probablement
avoir au moins 15 18 mois de location gratuite. Les locataires ngocient galement des clauses
de rupture plus flexibles et plus damliorations des installations.






Dans ce dernier module, nous terminons la prsentation de lemploi des auxiliaires, des prpositions et les verbes particules.

a. Les formes nGatIves

1. some , any , no et not any
Les tableaux ci-aprs prsentent des expressions frquemment utilises qui commencent par
les mots : some (des ; quelques) ; any? (la forme interrogative de some) ; no (la forme ngative),
et not any (lautre forme pour les ngations).
a. some et any ? / any

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la forme interrogative, some (des ; quelques) se transforme en any :

someone; somebody (quelquun)
something (quelque chose)
somewhere (quelque part)
sometime (un certain moment ; un jour ou lautre)
sometimes (parfois ; de temps autre)

anyone?; anybody? (quelquun ?)
anything? (quelque chose ?)
anywhere? (quelque part ?)
anytime? ( un certain moment ?)
ever? (parfois ? ; dj ? ; jamais ?)

John: Has anyone heard any news (des nouvelles) about the negotiations between management (la direction) and the unions (les syndicats)?
Arthur: Ive just heard some news!
Points importants :
1. On utilise any? dans les questions la place de some sauf dans les deux cas
suivants :
Quand une question implique une offre polie (par exemple nourriture ou boisson) :
Would you like something to drink?
Si lon sinforme au sujet de quelque chose et que lon sattend une rponse positive :
Do you have some sheets (feuilles) of paper and a pen?
2. Some et any peuvent aussi tre la traduction de en :
There is some chocolate cake left (qui reste). Would you like some?
3. Lorsquon emploie any dans une phrase affirmative, cela voque la notion de
nimporte :
Call me anytime (nimporte quand) you need help or advice (conseil).
In answer to my question he said just anything (nimporte quoi).
Give it to anybody: Donne-le nimporte qui.



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4. Sometime (sans s ) voque un moment indtermin dans le pass (au cours de) ou le
futur (un jour ou lautre ; au courant de ; tt ou tard) :
I havent called my old co-workers (collgues), but I will sometime (un jour ou lautre).
We received information about the new rules (rgles) sometime (au cours de) last month.
5. Sometimes (quelquefois ; parfois ; de temps autre) voque une rptition. Ce mot a
ever? comme forme interrogative.
Jim: Do you ever see your colleagues from your previous job?
Brenda: Yes, sometimes.
6. Ever peut aussi avoir le sens de dj ou jamais :
Have you ever been to Edinburgh?
This is the best book that I have ever read!: Cest le meilleur livre que jai jamais lu.
b. no ; not any
En gnral, pour mettre un verbe la forme ngative, on attache not ou sa contraction nt
la fin de lauxiliaire. Will not devient wont .
I didnt go to the meeting.
Why wont you do it?
He isnt working today.
la forme ngative, some se transforme en not any ou simplement no .

no one, nobody (personne)
nothing (rien)
nowhere (nulle part)
at no time ( aucun moment)
never (jamais)

Not any
not anyone, not anybody (personne)
not anything (rien)
not anywhere (nulle part)
not anytime ( aucun moment)
not ever (jamais)

We have received no news ou We havent received any news.
They did nothing! ou They didnt do anything!
Points importants :
1. Attention ne pas utiliser not + no . Not doit toujours tre suivi par any :
They didnt do anything. (et non pas They didnt do nothing. )
2. Au prtrit, il y a une diffrence de forme selon lemploi de no ou not any :
I received nothing = I didnt receive anything.
Avec les verbes irrguliers, la diffrence entre les deux possibilits est plus frappante :
They ate nothing = They didnt eat anything.
She spoke to no one = She didnt speak to anyone.
3. Jamais et jamais de la vie peuvent se traduire par never ou par not ever . Mais la
forme interrogative ever? peut avoir le sens de dj ? aussi bien que jamais ? :
Supervisor: Have you ever used this type of machine?
Worker: No, not ever. Never.
4. jamais se traduit par forever .


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Ainsi, il y a deux faons de faire une phrase ngative : soit on utilise la forme affirmative du
verbe suivie de no ou un mot ngatif commenant par no , soit on utilise la forme
ngative du verbe (auxiliary + nt ) plus un mot commenant par any :

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

5. La rgle de no ou not any se retrouve dans la forme almost no et son alternative

hardly any :
almost nothing (presque rien) =
hardly anything
almost never (presque jamais) =
hardly ever
almost nobody/almost no one (presque personne) =
hardly anybody/hardly anyone
Les expressions avec hardly sont employes avec any et ever (et non pas avec
no et never ).
They did almost nothing. ou They did hardly anything: Ils nont presque rien fait.
I almost never see him. ou I hardly ever see him. (et non hardly never )
6. Without (sans), le contraire de with (avec), est un concept ngatif et doit tre utilis
avec any plutt quavec not .
I arrived without anything = I arrived with nothing.
They left without saying goodbye to anyone (et non to no one ).
7. Quand le verbe have got est suivi par no ou any , il est frquent de laisser tomber le
mot got .

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He hasnt any time to see you now. (= He hasnt got any time)
Have you anyone who can advise (conseiller) me? (= Have you got anyone?)

exercice 1

Changez ces phrases ngatives en leurs formes alternatives :
1. They contact nobody.
2. We will do nothing.
3. They have gone nowhere.
4. I never see her.
5. They contacted nobody.
6. We did nothing yesterday.
7. They went nowhere last weekend.
8. I never saw her.
9. They almost never go to the movies. = They hardly go to the movies.
10. They succeeded with no help from anyone. = They succeeded without help from anyone.

1. They dont contact anybody.
2. We wont do anything.
3. They havent gone anywhere.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

4. I dont ever see her.

5. They didnt contact anybody.
6. We didnt do anything yesterday.
7. They didnt go anywhere last weekend.
8. I didnt ever see her.
9. They hardly ever go to the movies.
10. They succeeded without any help from anyone.

2. Rsum des formes comportant some , any , no et every

Ci-aprs, vous trouverez un tableau qui rsume les expressions frquentes qui comportent
some , any , no et aussi every . Mais dabord, quelques prcisions sur les mots
every et all .
a. every et all
Every est un mot au singulier tandis que all (aussi all the ) est un pluriel :
Everyone, everybody (tout le monde, chaque personne)
everything (tout(e)(s), chaque chose, tout ce que)
every time ( chaque fois)

all (the) people (toutes les personnes)
all (the) things (toutes les choses)
at all times ( tous les moments)
always (toujours)

Faites attention : every ne peut tre employ quavec un nom et un verbe au singulier ;
all ne semploie quavec un nom et un verbe au pluriel :
Everyone weve invited is coming. ou All the people weve invited are coming.
Everything necessary has been done. ou All the necessary things have been done.
b. Tableau des expressions avec some , any , no et every
not anything
at no time; never
not at any time; not ever
every time; always

3. Autres expressions ngatives : neither , nor et none

a. either or ; neither nor
La traduction de soit soit et ou ou est either or . Dans cette expression le premier mot doit toujours tre either et le deuxime doit tre or . Dans une phrase comportant une succession de ou , tous les choix possibles aprs le premier doivent tre prcds
par or .


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no one/nobody
not anyone/not anybody
not anywhere

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

We must fill (pourvoir) this position either by promoting an in-house (interne) employee or by
recruiting someone new from outside the company.
The company has offered me an expatriate assignment, either in the US, or in the UK, or in
La forme ngative est neither nor nor (ni ni .). Notez que neither remplace le
mot not pour rendre la phrase ngative. La forme not either or peut remplacer neither nor .
I would like to go to neither the US nor Canada, because theyre both too far from France.
I wouldnt like to go to either the US or Canada.
b. neither of them , none of them
Lexpression ni lun, ni lautre a plusieurs traductions possibles :
Pour des choix comportant deux possibilits, ni lun, ni lautre peut se traduire par neither
one, nor the other , ou par neither one , ou par neither of the two , ou par neither
of them , ou simplement par neither .
Manager: Which of the two jobs would you accept?
Employee: Neither one, Im afraid.
None of them (aucun deux) est utilis pour les choix de trois (ou plus) possibilits :
Manager: Which of these three positions (postes) would you choose?
Employee: None of them.
Not any of them est aussi employ.

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4. La diffrence entre mustnt et dont have to

Beaucoup de contresens rsultent de la confusion entre mustnt et dont have to . Avant
de prsenter ces diffrences, regardons encore une fois les traductions du verbe devoir
quand on parle des obligations et de la ncessit (voir les sries 1 et 2).
a. Les traductions de devoir dans le sens de lobligation et de la ncessit
Nous avons dj vu que devoir et galement avoir peuvent tre traduits en anglais de
trois faons diffrentes : en utilisant les verbes must , have to , et have got to . La
seule diffrence entre les trois est la structure grammaticale et non le sens.
Par consquent, la phrase Nous devons embaucher quelquun. aura les trois traductions
possibles suivantes, tout comme Nous avons embaucher quelquun. :
We must hire someone.
We have to hire someone.
Weve got to hire someone.
Ces trois tournures de phrases peuvent galement correspondre lexpression franaise Il
faut que + subjonctif . Ainsi la phrase Il faut que nous embauchions quelquun. pourra se
traduire soit par la forme impersonnelle Its necessary for us to hire someone , soit exactement comme ci-avant :
We must hire someone.
We have to hire someone.
Weve got to hire someone.
Ce qui donnera, la forme interrogative, les trois questions quivalentes :
Must we hire someone?
Do we have to hire someone?
Have we got to hire someone?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

1. Faites attention de ne pas utiliser to aprs must (on ne peut pas dire must to ).
2. Dans les formes affirmative et interrogative, must , have to et have got to sont
quivalents et expriment tous les notions dobligation ou de ncessit.
b. La diffrence entre mustnt et dont have to
En revanche, la forme ngative, mustnt est compltement diffrent de dont have
to et havent got to :
1. Mustnt exprime linterdiction, lobligation de ne pas faire (il ne faut pas faire) :
We mustnt go over the budget: Il ne faut pas dpasser le budget.
You mustnt ask your staff to work overtime: Vous ne devez pas demander votre quipe de
faire des heures supplmentaires.
2. Dont have to exprime le manque dobligation (vous ntes pas oblig) :
We dont have to work tomorrow. Its a legal holiday (UK: a bank holiday).
Nous navons pas travailler demain. Cest un jour fri.
You dont have to tell me the news. I already know.
Il nest pas ncessaire de me dire les nouvelles. Je suis dj au courant.
Beatrice doesnt have to accept the assignment. Shes free to accept or to refuse.
Batrice nest pas oblige daccepter la mission. Elle est libre daccepter ou de refuser.
3. Havent got to a exactement le mme sens que dont have to . On peut donc redire
les phrases prcdentes ainsi :
We havent got to work tomorrow. Its a legal holiday.
You havent got to tell me the news. I already know.
Beatrice hasnt got to accept the assignment. Shes free to accept or to refuse.

Cas n 1
You mustnt tell anyone. Its confidential.
(You mustnt: Vous ne devez pas ; il ne faut pas, vous tes oblig de ne pas)
Cas n 2
You dont have to tell anyone. Everyone already knows!
(You dont have to/You havent got to: Il nest pas ncessaire ; il nest pas besoin de ; vous navez
pas et dans dautres phrases, vous ntes pas oblig)
Il ne faut pas dire havent to (ni hasnt to ) !! Les seuls choix sont :
soit mustnt = linterdiction
soit dont have to / doesnt have to = manque dobligation/manque de ncessit (ou
bien leurs synonymes havent got to / hasnt got to ).

exercice 2

Dans les fragments de textes suivants, remplacez les pointills par mustnt ou par dont
have to , doesnt have to selon le sens :


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Frquemment, la justification du choix de mustnt ou de dont have to se clarifie seulement par la phrase qui suit. tudiez bien ces deux exemples et les prcisions apportes par la
deuxime phrase dans chaque cas :

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

1. Its a secret. We say anything.

2. Everyone knows. We tell anyone.
3. Its illegal. He do it.
4. Its unnecessary. He do it.

1. mustnt ; 2. dont have to ; 3. mustnt ; 4. doesnt have to.

B. LutILIsatIon des auxILIaIres

En anglais, les auxiliaires jouent un rle capital, particulier cette langue. Comme nous lavons
vu dans les sries prcdentes :
les auxiliaires dfinissent le temps du verbe ;
ils ont des utilisations spcifiques pour les formes interrogatives et ngatives.
Maintenant, nous allons aborder une autre de leur particularit : leur utilisation dans certains
raccourcis de questions ou de rponses.
Tout dabord, juste un mot de rappel. En gnral, les auxiliaires sont utiliss dans leurs formes
contractes. Les formes non contractes cest--dire lauxiliaire comme mot indpendant et
spar dun sujet ou du mot not sont rserves pour les circonstances formelles ou pour
les cas o nous voulons particulirement insister :
I would not like to reveal the details of the agreement at this stage ( ce stade).
We did not appreciate the poor service we received and we will be sending a letter to the
Customer Relations (relations clients) director explaining our dissatisfaction.
Despite the economic conditions (conjoncture) we are planning to continue to hire (embaucher) new employees (salaris).

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1. Les auxiliaires dans les rponses brves

Quand les rponses possibles une question sont oui ou non , nous pouvons rpondre :
soit par une phrase complte (sujet + auxiliaire + verbe) ;
soit par une rponse brve. Une rponse brve consiste en sujet + auxiliaire seulement.
Question :
Rponse par phrase complte :
Rponse courte :

Has the client called?

Yes, she has called.
Yes, she has.

Pour les expressions to be + adjectif, la rponse brve limine le verbe et ladjectif :

Question :
Rponse par phrase complte :
Rponse courte :

Will the contract be ready?

Yes, it will be ready.
Yes, it will.

a. Les rponses laffirmative

Pour une rponse brve laffirmative, lauxiliaire ne peut jamais tre contract avec le sujet.
Le sujet et lauxiliaire restent deux mots spars bien que dans la rponse complte nous
prfrons une contraction sujet-auxiliaire :
Question :
Rponse complte :
Rponse brve :
Question :
Rponse complte :
Rponse brve :


Are you available (disponible) to work tomorrow?

Yes, Im available.
Yes, I am. (et non pas Yes, Im. )
Will he get (recevoir ; obtenir ; avoir) a bonus (prime)?
Yes, hell get a bonus. (ou bien Yes, hell get one. )
Yes, he will. (et non pas Yes, hell. )


Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Les rponses brves affirmatives au prsent simple emploient do et does et au prtrit

did :
Question :
Rponse complte:
Rponse brve:
Question :
Rponse complte :
Rponse brve :

Does your staff (quipe) work efficiently?

Yes, it works very efficiently.
Yes, it does.
Did Sarah get a pay raise (augmentation de salaire)?
Yes, she got a pay raise.
Yes, she did.

b. Les rponses ngatives

Pour les rponses brves ngatives, cest le contraire : les formes contractes sont prfres.
Lexception : les cas dinsistance, o il est habituel de sparer les mots.
Question :
Rponse brve :
Question :
Rponse brve :

Will you go to the meeting in Brussels?

No, I wont. (insistance : No, I will not. )
Has she accepted the job offer?
No, she hasnt. (insistance : No, she has not. )

Comme il y a deux manires possibles pour contracter une forme ngative, dans les exemples
ci-avant on peut galement dire :
No, Ill not. (= No, I wont.)
No, shes not. (= No, she hasnt.)
Dautres exemples des rponses brves ngatives :
Question : Did management (la direction) announce the promotions yesterday?
Rponse : They didnt.

Question :
Rponse brve affirmative :
Rponse brve ngative :

Has the merchandise been delivered yet?

It has. (= It has already been delivered.)
It hasnt./Its not. (= It hasnt been delivered yet.)

Quand vous voyez les formes de have (have, has, had) dans des rponses brves, ces mots
sont toujours utiliss dans leurs fonctions dauxiliaires au present perfect et au past
perfect . Il faut donc tre attentif ne pas faire un contresens en traduisant. Dans lexemple
ci-avant :
It has ne veut pas dire Il a mais, plutt Oui (raccourci de Oui, la marchandise a
t livre. ).
It hasnt (ou Its not ) ne veut pas dire Il nen a pas mais Non (raccourci de
Non, la marchandise na pas t livre. ).
De mme pour les rponses brves comportant les formes de do (do, does, did), auxiliaires
du prsent simple et du prtrit. Pour des rponses brves telles que, par exemple, She
does ou She doesnt , le sens nen est pas Elle fait ou Elle ne fait pas , mais Oui ou
Non comme rponses aux questions au prsent simple.
Comme nous avons vu dans les sries prcdentes, is et has deviennent tous les deux
s quand ils sont contracts avec un sujet. galement, would et had deviennent tous
les deux d .
Shes = She is et aussi She has
Shed = She would et aussi She had
Par consquent, quand is et has ; would et had sont utiliss dans des contractions
ngatives, il faut se souvenir quil y a deux sens possibles pour s not et pour d not :
Shes not = She isnt ou aussi She hasnt
Shed not = She wouldnt ou aussi She hadnt


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Exemple avec une question la forme passive :

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Exercice 3

Rpondez aux questions suivantes avec des rponses brves. Pour chaque question,
rpondez affirmativement et ngativement.
1. Are they experienced (qualifis)?
2. Were they efficient (efficaces)?
3. Has she called back yet?
4. Did you work late yesterday evening?
5. Do the meetings take place on Fridays?
6. Will he ask for a promotion?
7. Would he get the promotion if he applied (postuler)?

1. Yes, they are. No, they arent.
2. Yes, they were. No they werent.
3. Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.
4. Yes, I (we) did. No, I (we) didnt.
5. Yes, they do. No, they dont.
6. Yes, he will. No, he wont.
7. Yes, he would. No, he wouldnt.

2. Les auxiliaires dans les questions brves et dans nest-ce pas ?

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Le principe des formes brves peut tre utilis pour la forme interrogative.
a. Pour vrifier sa comprhension et pour exprimer ltonnement
Il arrive quen raction une affirmation, lon marque son tonnement par des expressions
comme Cest vrai ? ou Ah bon ? ! . Cela correspondra en anglais une question brve
forme par lauxiliaire et le sujet :
Peter: I heard that Michael is going to move to the US.
Jeremy: Is he?
Ms. Stevens: The two companies wont merge after all!
Mr. Farrell: Wont they?! Why not?
Pamela: We have an HR (Human Resources) meeting every Friday.
Jeffrey: Do you? (= Do you have one every Friday?)
Parfois, les questions brves sont traduites par Et alors ? dans le sens de Cest vrai ? :
Paula: I heard that Sarah was supposed to get a big promotion.
Catherine: Well, did she? (= Well, did she get it?)
b. Pour traduire nest-ce pas ?
Nous employons les mmes principes que pour les questions brves pour traduire nest-ce
pas ? . Mais faites attention car la traduction anglaise de nest-ce pas ne comporte pas
toujours la ngation nt :
Si la premire partie de la phrase est affirmative, la question brve la fin est ngative :
He contacted you, didnt he?: Il vous a contact, nest-ce pas ?
She has worked for a French accounting firm, hasnt he?
You would have accepted the position (poste), wouldnt you?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Si la premire partie de la phrase est ngative, la question brve finale est affirmative :
He didnt contact you, did he?: Il ne vous a pas contact, nest-ce pas ?
She hasnt worked for a French accounting firm, has she?
You wouldnt have accepted the position (poste), would you?
Il est ici opportun de rappeler encore une fois les diffrences grammaticales entre to have
et to have got (tous les deux signifiant avoir ) en ce qui concerne lemploi de leurs
Au prsent
To have utilise les auxiliaires do et does tandis que to have got emploie have
et has . Les traductions sont identiques dans les deux cas :
You have considerable experience in this area (domaine), dont you? ou You have got considerable experience in this field, havent you?
You dont have any experience in this area, do you? ou You havent got any experience in this
area, have you?
Au prtrit
To have got existe exclusivement au prsent simple. Au prtrit, il est remplac par to
have . Lauxiliaire utilis est alors did :
You had good working conditions in your last job, didnt you?
But you didnt have opportunities for career advancement (volution), did you?
To have got et to get
Finalement, rappelez-vous que to have got ( avoir au sens de possder ) et to get
(recevoir, obtenir et avoir : au sens dobtention) sont deux verbes diffrents.

exercice 4

Traduisez les phrases suivantes :
1. Laccord nest pas sign, nest-ce pas ?
2. Ils ne sont pas venus, nest-ce pas ?
3. Elle a accept le poste, nest-ce pas ?
4. Nous irons en train, nest-ce pas ? (Note : Utilisez by pour la traduction de en .)
5. Nous nirons pas en avion, nest-ce pas ? (Note : Utilisez by pour la traduction de en .)
6. En ce moment, lentreprise fait des bnfices, nest-ce pas ?
7. Lanne dernire, la mme poque, lentreprise ne faisait pas des bnfices, nest-ce pas ?

1. The agreement isnt signed, is it?
2. They didnt come, did they?
3. She accepted the job, didnt she?
4. Well go by train, wont we?
5. We wont go by plane, will we?
6. At this time the company is making profits, isnt it?
7. Last year, at the same time, the company wasnt making profits, was it?


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To get utilise tous les auxiliaires appropris pour chacun des temps do , does , did ,
am , is , will , would , etc.
You got the job, didnt you?
You dont get a lot of recognition (reconnaissance) from your boss, do you?

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

3. Les auxiliaires dans les phrases abrges

Quand nous ne voulons pas rpter un verbe dans une phrase, nous pouvons le remplacer par
une locution brve. Nous le faisons selon les principes que nous venons de voir : en liminant
le verbe et en gardant seulement le sujet et lauxiliaire correspondants.
Shes not happy with her job but I am. (= I am happy)
Hes looking for a new job but Im not. (= I am not looking)
They couldnt do the job but we could. (= we could do the job)
She wont be present at the meeting but I will. (= I will be)
Parfois il y a plusieurs locutions brves dans la mme phrase :
Ive finished and Paul has, but Jim hasnt.
= Ive finished and Paul has finished, but Jim hasnt finished.
Et de mme, do , does , et did fonctionnent dans leurs rles dauxiliaires remplaant
un autre verbe :
He works on weekends but I dont (= I dont work).
I dont work on weekends but he does (= works).
Peter didnt tell me the news but Kevin did (= told me).
I worked a lot on this project, James did, Stephanie did, and Curtis did too.

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Il faut rappeler quen anglais on utilise les auxiliaires do , does , et did pour les verbes
de mouvement. La phrase :
I went to London and Mary went too, but Eric didnt go.
sera abrge en :
I went to London and Mary did too, but Eric didnt: Je suis all Londres, et Mary y est alle
aussi, mais Eric ny est pas all.
Bien sr, les auxiliaires do , does et did peuvent aussi remplacer le verbe do . Dans
lexemple suivant, did est utilis quatre fois : la premire fois comme verbe, mais les fois
suivantes, comme auxiliaire remplaant le verbe do :
I did a lot of work on this project. James did, Stephanie did, and Curtis did too.
Les auxiliaires have , has , had remplacent tous les verbes au present perfect et au
past perfect :
Exemples au present perfect :
She has received a job offer but I havent (= havent received): Elle a reu une offre demploi
mais je nen ai pas reue.
They have had many problems with their computer system (informatique) and we have too
(= we have had problems too).
Voici un exemple au past perfect :
They had had many problems with their payroll software and we had too (= we had had problems): Ils avaient eu beaucoup de problmes avec leur logiciel paie et nous en avions eu aussi.
Il est possible davoir un changement de temps de lauxiliaire, si le verbe reste le mme :
We have worked very hard this week, and we will next week too (= will work).

exercice 5

Transformez les phrases suivantes en abrgeant les parties en gras :
1. He was late and I was late too.
2. Sarah is changing jobs but Im not changing jobs.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

3. They work late every evening but, generally, we dont work late.
4. They dont work late in the evenings but we usually work late.
5. She has had many job interviews (entretiens de recrutement) and I have had many too.
6. My company had interviewed several young graduates (jeunes diplms) but my friends
company hadnt interviewed many.
7. These candidates have good backgrounds (profiles ; cursus) and those have good backgrounds, but the others dont have good backgrounds.

1. and I was too.
2. but Im not.
3. but we dont.
4. but we usually do.
5. and I have too.
6. but my friends company hadnt (or theirs hadnt).
7. and those do, but the others dont.

4. Les auxiliaires pour traduire moi aussi et moi non plus

Langlais utilise les formes abrges pour exprimer les locutions moi aussi et moi non plus .
Mais il y a plus de varits en anglais du fait que lauxiliaire va changer selon le cas pour exprimer le temps de la phrase.
a. Les expressions affirmatives : moi (vous, etc.) aussi
Il y a deux structures possibles dont les sens sont identiques. La seule diffrence est lordre des
mots dans la phrase.
La premire structure possible commence avec le sujet et se termine par too :

John will get a pay raise and I will too.
Dans la deuxime, lordre des mots est linverse de celui de la premire : elle commence par
so et termine par le sujet.
So + auxiliaire + sujet
John will get a pay raise and so will I.
Janes on sick leave (cong maladie) and so am I (= I am too).
They can take many days off (jours de cong) and so can we (= we can too).
b. Les formes ngatives : moi (vous, etc.) non plus
Pour la forme ngative, il y a trois possibilits. Dans la premire, la phrase commence avec
le sujet. Lauxiliaire est la forme ngative ( nt y est rattache) et la phrase se termine
par either :
Sujet + auxiliaire-nt + either


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Sujet + auxiliaire + too

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

That company doesnt outsource (externaliser) work and ours doesnt either.
La seconde possibilit est linverse. La phrase se termine avec le sujet et elle commence avec
le mot neither qui exprime la ngation. Ainsi, lauxiliaire est affirmative. Dans la troisime
possibilit, la phrase commence avec la ngation nor :
Neither + auxiliaire + sujet ou nor + auxiliaire + sujet
That company doesnt outsource work and neither does ours (= and ours doesnt either).
ou That company doesnt outsource and nor does ours.
Les trois possibilits sont donc :
I wouldnt like to work nights and my friends wouldnt either.
I wouldnt like to work nights and neither would my friends.
I wouldnt like to work nights, nor would my friends.

exercice 6


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Remplacez dans les phrases suivantes les expressions en gras par leur forme alternative :
1. He loves travelling and so does she.
2. Shes an accountant and I am too.
3. IBM makes big profits and Microsoft does too.
4. They didnt like the film and I didnt either.
5. They wont go on strike (faire la grve) and we wont either.
6. I have to work overtime (des heures supplmentaires) and my colleagues do too.

1. she does too.
2. so am I.
3. so does Microsoft.
4. neither did I (nor did I).
5. neither will we (nor will we).
6. so do my colleagues.

5. Les auxiliaires pour linsistance

Pour donner plus de force une phrase, on en dcompose les formes contractes. En parlant, on insisterait sur lauxiliaire et sur le mot not .
a. La rgle gnrale
La forme affirmative dcompose a souvent la force des mots franais En effet , Effectivement
et Si ! Par exemple, si lon veut insister, les phrases Im satified et Im not satisfied
deviendront :
I am satisfied! et I am not satisfied!
Rappelez-vous cette exception : la forme insistante cannot est toujours crite en un seul
mot. Par exemple, la phrase normale I cant do it devient la phrase insistante : I cannot
do it!



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

b. Au prsent simple et au prtrit

la forme affirmative du prsent simple et du prtrit, quand on veut insister, on ajoute au verbe lauxiliaire do (do, does, did). Faites attention la position du s qui change en consquence :
Phrase normale
I need a change (changement).
They have lots of problems.
He works hard.
She does her assignments (missions) well.

Phrase insistante
I do need a change!
They do have lots of problems!
He does work hard!
She does do her assignments well!

Au prtrit, le -ed et les formes irrgulires sont remplacs par lauxiliaire did utilis
pour insister :
Phrase normale
We worked hard on the project.
They informed the client.
Susan got her raise.
I spoke to my boss about it.

Phrase insistante
We did work hard on the project!
They did inform the client!
Susan did get her raise!
I did speak to my boss about it!

c. Les questions insistantes avec who au prsent simple et au prtrit

Dans les sries prcdentes, nous avons vu quil ne faut pas utiliser les auxiliaires do ,
does , did dans des questions au prsent simple et au prtrit avec who comme
sujet (galement avec les expressions : How many people?; Which company?, etc.). Mais la
forme insistante de ce type de questions emploie ces auxiliaires. Cest la prsence de
lauxiliaire qui, en fait, communique la notion dinsistance.
Question insistante
So, who did ask the question?!
So, how many people did go on strike?!
So, which people did get promotions?!
So, what did happen in the end?!

George: Nobody wanted to ask our boss the question.
Ben: So, who did ask the question?!
Janet: They werent sure how many employees would follow the strike.
Sam: So, how many people did go on strike?!
d. Linsistance pour limpratif
Nous utilisons lauxiliaire do pour insister avec limpratif affirmatif qui exprime, alors, la
notion de Sil vous plat ! ; Nhsitez pas ! ; Jinsiste !
Impratif normal : Call me as soon as you receive the information!
Impratif insistant : Do call me as soon as you receive the information!!

exercice 7

Modifiez les phrases et questions suivantes pour communiquer la notion dinsistance :
1. No. You didnt tell me about the problem.
2. I cant work under such conditions.


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Question normale
Who asked the question?
How many went on strike?
Which people got promotions?
What happened in the end (en fin de compte)?

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

3. I wont work under such conditions.

4. They work efficiently.
5. She explained the situation to me.
6. He told me how to do it.
7. I did my job.
8. Who spoke to you about it?
9. How many people voted yes ?
10. Which person does it?
11. Which people have problems?
12. Which employee has a complaint (plainte)?
13. Which employee had a complaint?

1. No. You did not tell me about the problem.
2. I cannot work under such conditions.
3. I will not work under such conditions.
4. They do work efficiently.
5. She did explain the situation to me.
6. He did tell me how to do it.
7. I did do my job.
8. Who did speak to you about it?
9. How many people did vote yes ?
10. Which person does do it?
11. Which people do have problems?
12. Which employee does have a complaint (plainte)?
13. Which employee did have a complaint?

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c. Les verBes pronomInaux

Les verbes pronominaux sont les verbes qui, en franais, se conjuguent avec deux pronoms de
la mme personne dont lun est dit rflchi .
Exemple : se la troisime personne du singulier ou du pluriel.

1. Les pronoms rflchis : myself ; yourself ; ourselves

Le pronom rflchi est en fait un complment qui reprsente la mme personne que le sujet
du verbe. En anglais il vient aprs le verbe dans la position normale dun complment. Quand
le sujet est au singulier, le pronom rflchi se termine par self ; lorsquil est au pluriel, il se
termine par selves :
Sujet + pronom rflchi + verbe Subject + verb + reflexive
Je me + (verbe)
I + (verb) + myself
Tu te / vous vous (singulier)
You yourself
Il se .
He himself (personnes)/It itself (choses)
Elle se .
She herself (personnes)/It itself (choses)
Nous nous .
We ourselves
Vous vous (pluriel) .
You yourselves
Ils se . / Elles se .
They themselves
He hurt himself playing rugby: Il sest fait mal en jouant au rugby.
We really enjoyed ourselves at the party: Nous nous sommes bien amuss la fte.
That lonely old lady always talks to herself (se parle) as she walks down the street: La vieille
dame se parle lorsquelle descend la rue.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Beaucoup de verbes sont pronominaux en franais mais ne le sont pas en anglais, tels que se
dpcher , se dtendre , se dclencher , etc. cest--dire que le pronom rflchi nest
pas traduit :
We need to hurry up!: Il faut que nous nous dpchions.
Relax!: Dtends-toi ; dtendez-vous.
Les pronoms avec self et selves ont leur usage le plus frquent comme traduction de
moi-mme ; lui-mme , etc. et galement de tout(s) seul(s) ; toute(s) seule(s) :
I learned how to do it by myself.
The machine went on by itself: La machine sest dclenche toute seule.

2. Les formes plurielles rciproques : each other

Aux personnes du pluriel, il peut y avoir une ide de rciprocit signifiant lun, lautre ou
les uns, les autres . Le pronom complment se traduira alors par la forme invariable each
other :
They frequently speak to each other: Ils se parlent frquemment.
We used to write to each other: Nous nous crivions autrefois.
Lets contact each other next week!: On se contacte la semaine prochaine !

Certains verbes pronominaux expriment un changement de condition et un concept de devenir . En anglais, ces verbes se traduisent par la forme to become + participe pass ou adjectif , mais plus frquemment par to get + participe pass ou adjectif . On trouve beaucoup
dexpressions essentielles dans cette catgorie :
to get up (se lever)
to get washed (se laver)
to get dressed (shabiller)
to get ready (sapprter)
to get prepared (se prparer)
to get used to something = to get accustomed to something (shabituer )
to get engaged (se fiancer)
to get married (se marier)
to get sick (tomber malade)
to get better (se rtablir)
to get lost (se perdre)
Se faire + infinitif se traduit aussi par to get + participe pass . On peut ajouter himself ou herself pour appuyer le sens :
She got hired by a Big Four audit firm: Elle sest faite embaucher par un cabinet daudit Big
Four .
John got himself fired for his unprofessional behavior: John sest fait virer cause de son
comportement non professionnel.

4. Autres sens de to get

part son rle important dans la traduction des verbes pronominaux, to get signifie normalement recevoir , obtenir ou avoir (au sens de : recevoir ; obtenir)
I got (jai reu) a letter from my client thanking me for my assistance (aide).
Jason will get (obtiendra ; aura) the promotion that he wants.
Get peut avoir dautres significations comme dans les phrases usuelles suivantes :
To get somewhere (arriver) :
I get to work at 8 a.m: Jarrive au boulot 8 heures.
To get back from somewhere (rentrer) :
He got back from London yesterday: Il est rentr hier de Londres.


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3. Les verbes pronominaux de devenir : to get

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

To get over a difficulty (surmonter) :

The company had to get over many problems resulting from the strike: Lentreprise a d surmonter beaucoup de problmes rsultant de la grve.
To get through a situation (survivre) :
We got through the recession: Nous avons survcu la rcession.
To get rid of something (se dbarrasser de) :
We need to get rid of this old, useless typewriter.
To get along well with someone (sentendre bien avec quelquun) :
I got along well with my old manager, but not with my new one.
To get a joke/an idea (comprendre ; piger ) :
I never get the humor in Woody Allens films.
To get someone to do something (persuader quelquun de faire) :
Im trying to get my boss to give me a pay raise.
To go get signifie aller chercher . Aux temps passs, on doit dire to go to get :
I have to go get the plane tickets from the travel agency.
Peter went to get some markers for the paperboard (tableau).
Et finalement, lexpression frquente Thats as + adjectif/adverbe + as it gets a le sens de
devenir .
Thats as interesting as the film gets: Le film ne devient pas plus intressant que a.

exercice 8


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Traduisez :
1. Je lai fait moi-mme.
2. Nous nous sommes bien amuss.
3. Elle se regardait dans la glace.
4. Elles se regardaient.
5. Je me lve 8 heures.
6. Nous nous habituons aux nouvelles conditions.
7. Le responsable sentend bien avec ses collaborateurs.

1. I did it (by) myself.
2. We enjoyed ourselves.
3. She was looking at herself in the mirror.
4. They were looking at each other.
5. I get up at 8 oclock (8 a.m.).
6. We are getting used (accustomed) to the new conditions.
7. The manager gets along well with his collaborators.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

D. Les noms non dnomBraBLes

Un nom non dnombrable (aussi in-dnombrable) est un nom qui ne peut pas tre compt et
dont la quantit est exprime de manire vague en utilisant les notions de du ou de la .

1. Les noms qui sont non dnombrables en franais et en anglais

Beaucoup de noms non dnombrables en anglais ont leurs quivalents franais galement non
dnombrables :
food (de la nourriture), chicken (du poulet), meat (de la viande), fish (du poisson),
cheese (du fromage), bread (du pain),
wine (du vin), water (de leau), juice (du jus), beer (de la bire),
work (du travail), time (du temps), help (de laide), traffic (de la circulation),
money (de largent), cash (du liquide), change (de la monnaie),
gold (de lor), silver (de largent), blood (du sang),
paper (du papier), mail (du courrier).
Les noms de nourriture et de boisson dans les deux langues peuvent tre, selon le sens,
dnombrables ou non dnombrables.
a. Les rgles de base
Les noms dnombrables peuvent tre compts. Ainsi, ils sont toujours :
soit au singulier : prcds par a , an , one , each , every , another , this et
that ,
soit au pluriel : terminant par s ou la forme plurielle irrgulire et prcds par some ,
any? , several , many , a lot of , a few (quelques), few (peu de), these ,
those , ou par rien de tout (documents : des documents).

one chicken; two chickens
a wine (un vin/cru); many wines (beaucoup de vins)

Non dnombrables
chicken (du poulet)
much wine (beaucoup de vin)

b. Some, any, a lot of

Some et sa forme interrogative/ngative any veulent dire des devant un nom dnombrable. Mais lorsquils prcdent des noms non dnombrables , ils veulent dire du et
de la .
May I have some chicken, please?: Puis-je avoir du poulet, sil vous plat ?
Is there any white wine (du vin blanc) in the refrigerator?
Can you give me some writing paper (du papier crire), please?
Regardez bien les diffrences. Les noms dnombrables seront toujours au pluriel aprs
some ou any ; les noms non dnombrables nauront jamais un s final :
some cheeses (des fromages)
France has some delicious cheeses.

Non dnombrables
some cheese (du fromage)
Id like some cheese, please.

A lot of peut tre employ avec les deux catgories de noms. Encore une fois, faites attention
aux terminaisons !
a lot of wines (beaucoup de vins)


Non dnombrable
a lot of wine (beaucoup de vin)

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Les noms non dnombrables ne peuvent pas tre compts. Ils sont prcds par much ,
a little (un peu de), little (peu de) ou par rien de tout, mais jamais par un chiffre. De plus,
ils ne sont jamais au pluriel : donc, pas de terminaison en s , ni forme irrgulire.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

2. Les noms qui sont non dnombrables seulement en anglais

Beaucoup de mots sont dnombrables en franais mais sont non dnombrables en anglais.
Les mots anglais suivants sont non dnombrables :
furniture (mobilier, meubles)
land (terrain)
weather (le temps quil fait)
luggage, baggage (bagages)
cargo (cargaison)
merchandise (marchandise)
advice (conseil)
knowledge (connaissances)
feedback (retours dinformation)
talk (des rumeurs)
staff (leffectif)
behavior (comportement)
aggression (aggression)
software (logiciel)
hardware (matriel)
business (les affaires)
pressure (pression)
permission (autorisation)
a. Les noms non dnombrables : rappel des points importants
Les rgles ci-avant sont moins videntes avec les noms qui sont dnombrables en franais,
mais qui sont non dnombrables en anglais ! Voici un rappel en utilisant ces noms qui sont non
dnombrables en anglais dans les exemples :
1. Les noms non dnombrables ne peuvent jamais tre mis au pluriel ni tre prcds par les
articles a ou an :
He gave me some essential information (et non an information ni some informations ).
Il ma donn une information essentielle ou des informations essentielles.
They asked me for some advice (et non an advice ni some advices ).
Ils mont demand un conseil ou des conseils.
Were having nice weather today (et non a nice weather ).
2. Les noms non dnombrables doivent tre suivis par un verbe au singulier :
That office furniture was bought a long time ago (et non were ).
Her advice has been very valuable to us (et non have been ).

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3. Les noms non dnombrables ne peuvent jamais tre prcds par des nombres ni par
des mots tels que these , those many , a few (quelques), et few (peu de).
4. Devant un nom non dnombrable, much est employ et non many ; so much et
too much remplacent so many et too many :
We have received much feedback about the new policies (politiques).
We have so much work and so many things to do today.
5. Little (peu de) et a little (un peu) remplacent few et a few :
I have little experience in this area because Ive had few assignments of this type.
6. Dautres mots qui peuvent tre employs sont a lot of , the , this , that et tous
les adjectifs possessifs ( my , your ) :
This information is very important.
Their behavior was not acceptable.
b. Pour prciser une partie dun nom dnombrable
Si lon veut spcifier une unit dun nom non dnombrable, on peut le faire prcder par des
expressions telles que : a piece of , a bit of , an item of or a word of . Ces expressions
peuvent tre utilises au pluriel avec un verbe au pluriel mais le nom restera invariable :
We received an item of information yesterday.
At the airport: My three pieces of luggage are over there.
Id like to give you just two words of advice (deux conseils), if I may.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

c. Les noms anglais qui peuvent fonctionner dans les deux sens
Certains mots non dnombrables peuvent tre aussi dnombrables mais alors leur sens ne
sera plus exactement le mme :
Non dnombrables
time (du temps)
land (du terrain)
experience (de lexprience)
paper (du papier)
business (les affaires)
talk (des rumeurs)
work (travail)
staff (leffectif)

a time (une fois ; un moment)
a land (un pays)
an experience (une exprience au sens dvnement)
a paper (un document)
a business (une entreprise)
a talk (un discours)
a work (une uvre)
a staff person (collaborateur ; collaboratrice)

Trois noms posent souvent des problmes pour les franais : time , news et work :
Time : comme nom dnombrable, time = fois ; one time (une fois) ; sometimes
(parfois) ; many times (beaucoup de fois). Comme nom non dnombrable, time = temps :
some time (du temps) ; much time (beaucoup de temps). Rappelez-vous les diffrences :
How much time?: Combien de temps ?
How many times?: Combien de fois ?
News : ce nom prend toujours un s alors quil est non dnombrable. Le s final est l
seulement pour le distinguer de ladjectif new :
They have just transmitted some news to us (et non a news ).
There has been much news about our company in the press (et non many news ).
No news is good news!
Work : ce mot non dnombrable prend un s exclusivement dans les expressions Public
Works (travaux publics) et Civil Works (gnie civil).

Mots associs permis

some, any
the, this, that
my, your, his, their
a lot of, much, so much, too much
little, a little
more, less, additional, extra, new, old, etc.

Mots non permis

a, an
s la fin du nom, these, those
one, two, twenty, 100, 900
many, so many, too many
few, a few
les verbes au pluriel

exercice 9

Pour chaque phrase, choisissez le mot correct entre parenthses :
1. There is some (food/foods) in the refrigerator.
2. How (much/many) time do you have?
3. How (much/many) times have you met them?
4. (An/some) information is available.
5. They gave us a lot of (advice/advices).
6. The news (are/is) good!


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en rsum : les non dnombrables

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

7. We have made (many/a lot of) progress.

8. Please dont move my (luggage/luggages).
9. She doesnt have much (experience/experiences) in this area.
10. I have (so many works/so much work) to do today!

1. food ; 2. much ; 3. many ; 4. some ; 5. advice ; 6. is ; 7. a lot of ; 8. luggage ; 9. experience ;
10. so much work.

e. Too (much/many); so (much/many); such; enouGh

Ces mots frquemment utiliss posent souvent des problmes. Pour les employer correctement
il faut faire attention ceux qui leur sont associs (nom, verbe, adjectif ou adverbe). Sils sont
employs avec un nom, celui-ci est-il dnombrable ou non dnombrable ?

1. too / too much / too many ; so / so much / so many

a. Avec un nom
Trop de se dit too much ou too many selon quil sagit de non dnombrable ou de
I have too much work (non dnombrable) and too many things (dnombrable) to do.
Tant de (tellement de) se dit so much ou so many :
We had so many difficulties with the project. It was so much trouble.
b. Avec un verbe

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Trop se dit too much .

Tant/tellement se dit so much .
He drank too much last night.
That DVD player (lecteur) costs so much!
c. Avec les adjectifs et les adverbes
Trop se dit seulement too (et non too much ).
Tellement et si seront so en anglais (et non so much ):
I am too busy today (et non too much busy ).
The problem was so difficult! (et non so much difficult ).
They have been working so hard and too quickly which explains the increased number of
mistakes and accidents (et non so much hard ni too much quickly ).
Attention, dans lexemple suivant, too many concerne le nom problems et non ladjectif
serious :
We have too many serious problems to solve (rsoudre).

2. such a , such , enough

a. such a , such
La traduction de un si + adjectif + nom est such a + adjective + noun . Faites attention
lordre des mots ; il nest pas correct de dire a such . Au pluriel, such a devient such :
This is such a wonderful period: Cest une priode si merveilleuse.
We are having such great results: Nous avons de si bons rsultats.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

b. enough
Enough (assez ; suffisamment) a une position diffrente dans la squence des mots selon
quil concerne un nom, un adjectif, un adverbe ou un verbe. Enough est plac avant un
The company has enough money to finance the new program.
La socit a assez dargent pour financer le nouveau projet.
The former (ancien) computer system didnt respond with enough speed (vitesse) nor enough
mais aprs un adjectif, un adverbe ou un verbe :
The company is rich enough to do it: La socit est suffisamment riche pour le faire.
The old system wasnt quick enough. It didnt react quickly enough.
I havent had enough sleep this week. I havent slept enough.

exercice 10

Corrigez les erreurs dans les phrases suivantes :
1. I am too much busy.
2. We have too many work.
3. They are so much dissatisfied.
4. He has a such good job.
5. I have enough worked and the results are enough satisfactory.
6. There are too much things to do and we havent got staff enough.

1. I am too busy.
2. We have too much work.
3. They are so dissatisfied.
4. He has such a good job.
5. I have worked enough, and the results are satisfactory enough.
6. There are too many things to do and we havent got enough staff.

f. LempLoI du GrondIf (suppLments)

Dans les sries prcdentes, nous avons vu ces rgles de base :
il faut mettre un verbe linfinitif aprs to :
Im ready to change jobs. I want to do it.
il faut mettre un verbe au grondif aprs toute prposition sauf to :
Im interested in changing jobs. How can I go about (procder ) doing it?

1. Les exceptions : to + verbe + -ing

Les expressions suivantes avec to sont des exceptions ces rgles car elles doivent tre
suivies par le grondif :
to look forward to (tre dans lattente de)
to be committed to (tre engag ; avoir la forte volont de)
to be oriented to (ax sur)/to be geared to (ax sur)
to contribute to (contribuer )
to get accustomed to (shabituer )/to be accustomed to (tre habitu )


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UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

I look forward to receiving your response.
Our company is committed to providing quality services.
We are geared to serving the needs of executives who make frequent business trips.
The new computer system contributed to improving the departments efficiency.
John is getting accustomed to working nights: John shabitue travailler la nuit.

2. La diffrence entre to be used to et to use to

To be used to something est synonyme de to be accustomed to something (tre habitu quelque chose). De mme, to get used to something est synonyme de to get
accustomed to something (shabituer quelque chose). Si ces expressions sont suivies
dun verbe, ce verbe doit tre au grondif (comme expos ci-avant).
John isnt used to working nights yet, but little by little he is getting used to his new hours:
John nest pas encore habitu travailler la nuit, mais petit petit, il shabitue ses nouveaux
Ces formes peuvent tre employes avec nimporte quel temps prsent, futur, pass,
conditionnel :
Even after having lived in England for so many years, Im still not used to the driving rules! I
think I will never get used to driving (Je crois que je ne my mettrai jamais) on the left side of
the road!
Attention ne pas confondre I am used to working (Je suis habitu travailler) avec I used
to work (Autrefois je travaillais). Ce dernier est employ exclusivement au pass, il nest
jamais utilis avec une forme du verbe tre, et il est suivi de linfinitif (voir srie 2).

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exercice 11

Corrigez les erreurs avec les formes des verbes :
1. I look forward to see you.
2. Our company is geared to work with your type of business.
3. We are committed to make this project a success.
4. I will never get accustomed to wake up so early!
5. It took her a very long time to get used to live in Tokyo.
6. Your participation will contribute to make this evening a memorable event.

1. I look forward to seeing you.
2. Our company is geared to working with your type of business.
3. We are committed to making this project a success.
4. I will never get accustomed to waking up so early!
5. It took her a very long time to get used to living in Tokyo.
6. Your participation will contribute to making this evening a memorable event.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

G. La suppressIon de Who , that , WhIch (suppLments)

Dans les sries prcdentes, nous avons vu que who , that et which peuvent tre supprims et quil faut quand mme reconnatre leurs prsences implicites pour pouvoir comprendre le
sens. Voici des exemples qui comportent des prpositions o la suppression de ces mots va avoir
une incidence sur toute la structure de la phrase et sur le positionnement des prpositions.
Dans langlais formel, on voit souvent les mots whom et which au milieu de la phrase prcds par une prposition. Cette construction ressemble aux structures de phrases franaises.
The person of whom Im speaking (dont je parle) is my manager.
The company for which we work is recruiting new staff.
Mais, comme on la vu pour les questions, la tendance en anglais moderne est de mettre la
prposition aprs le verbe. Auquel cas, whom se change en who :
The person who Im speaking of is my manager.
The company which we work for is recruiting new staff.
Comme on la dj vu dans les cas ci-avant, on peut employer that la place de who ou which .
Si who , which et that sont limins, comme cest le cas trs souvent, les phrases seront ainsi :
The person Im speaking of is my manager.
The company we work for is recruiting new staff.
La difficult est de reconnatre la structure originale dans cette forme simplifie.
auTRes exempLes

h. Les verBes partIcuLes (suppLments)

Il est impratif de se rappeler que la prposition ou la particule qui suivent un verbe peuvent
changer compltement le sens de ce verbe. Quand on lit, on doit toujours regarder ce qui
suit le verbe pour comprendre. Pour certains de ces verbes, la particule sera plutt place
comme prfixe du verbe (ex. : to withdraw ).

1. Dautres verbes de base

Nous avons dj prsent les variations que peut subir le verbe to look . Voici des variations
qui concernent dautres verbes importants. Certains apparaissent souvent dans des textes sur
le monde des affaires et de lconomie.
to put (mettre)
put out (produire)
put in (apporter ; investir)
to draw (dessiner ; tirer)
draw up (rdiger)
withdraw (retirer)
to call (appeler)
call back (rappeler)
call for (exiger)
to lay (poser)
lay off (licencier)
lay out (dbourser)


to bring (apporter ; emmener)

to bring out (lancer sur le march)
to bring up (aborder un sujet)
to set (fixer ; tablir)
set up (monter ; crer ; implanter ; organiser)
set out + for/to (partir pour ; intenter de faire)
to break (casser)
break down (tomber en panne ; rpartir les cots/temps)
break even (quilibrer ; arriver au seuil de rentabilit)
to give (donner)
give back (rendre)
give up (abandonner; renoncer; jeter lponge)

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The people they work with are top professionals (= The people with whom they work).
The project Im working on is interesting (= The project on which Im working).
The machine we got rid of was old: La machine dont on sest dbarrass tait vieille.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

The company will put out a new product line which will be brought out next year:
La socit produira une nouvelle gamme de produits qui sera lance lanne prochaine.
At the meeting, Janet brought up the need for drawing up the agreement.
la runion, Janet a abord la ncessit de rdiger laccord.
After he was laid off, Paul looked for a job and didnt give up looking until he found one.
Aprs quil ait t licenci, Paul a cherch un boulot et il na pas renonc jusqu ce quil en
ait trouv un.
Certains verbes comme break down peuvent avoir deux sens :
We need to break down (rpartir ; dcomposer) the figures (chiffres) to verify the costs.
The photocopier has broken down (tomber en panne) again.
Les verbes turn et take ont plusieurs variantes, dont les suivantes sont trs frquentes :
to turn (tourner)
to take (prendre)
turn on (allumer)
take over (prendre le contrle de ; reprendre)
turn off (teindre)
take off (dcoller)
turn over (se retourner/retourner)
take up (accepter)
turn into (se transformer en)
take on (assumer une responsabilit)
turn down (refuser)
take out/take away (emporter)

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John turned on (allumer) the light and then he turned it off (teindre).
The situation turned into (se transformer en ; devenir) a catastrophe.
Patricia turned down (refuser) a job offer to work for Dell Computers. Instead she took up
(accepter) an offer from Microsoft.
I took on (assumer) many important responsibilities when I took on my new job.
The plane will take off (dcoller) in five minutes.
Un verbe comme take off peut avoir un sens imag aussi bien que physique (comme en
Our business is really taking off!
Notez galement lexpression to take care of (soccuper de) qui est synonyme de to look
after (soccuper de).
Parfois, il existe des sens particuliers selon le contexte. Par exemple, dans le monde des affaires,
il y a en plus les sens suivants :
take over : acqurir ; racheter : France Telecom took over Orange.
take out : souscrire ; contracter : I took out a life insurance policy.
take on : embaucher : The company plans to take on more people.
Pour beaucoup de ces verbes, mais pas pour tous, on peut retrouver le sens du verbe dans la
prposition, comme pour turn on / turn off . Dans le monde de linformatique, to key in
(saisir des donnes) donne clairement lide de faire entrer les donnes dans le systme en
utilisant les touches (the keys) du clavier (the keyboard). Dautres sont, peut-tre, moins vidents. Par exemple, le verbe to download (tlcharger) communique lide de descendre
des donnes de lInternet pour les charger dans votre ordinateur. Son antonyme, to upload ,
indique laction contraire : de charger des donnes de votre PC vers le Web.
Les antonymes des verbes particules peuvent se construire soit partir des particules opposs ( to upload / to download ), soit par des verbes opposs. Par exemple, dans les
affaires, le contraire de to go through (marcher ; aboutir) est to fall through (chouer ;
tomber leau).



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

The deal didnt go through; it fell through: Laccord na pas march ; il a chou.

2. Les noms et les adjectifs associs

Les verbes particules ont souvent des noms ou des adjectifs correspondants dans lesquels la
particule se trouve au dbut ou la fin du mot (crits en un seul mot) :
the outset (le dbut)
a takeover (une acquisition ; une prise de contrle)
an output (une production)
a takeoff (un dcollage)
input (apports)
an outlay (un dbours)
a layoff (un licenciement)
a breakdown (une panne)
a drawback (un inconvnient)
a breakdown (une rpartition de cots/temps)
the break-even point (point mort ; seuil de la rentabilit)
Rappelez-vous quun nom peut servir dadjectif un autre nom sil est positionn devant celuici. Ainsi, tous les noms ci-avant sont des adjectifs potentiels.
The layoff plan will go into effect next month: Le plan de licenciement entrera en vigueur le
mois prochain.
The flights takeoff time has been delayed: Lheure du dcollage du vol a t retard.

2. Les noms et les adjectifs sont crits en un seul mot (ex. : a breakdown ). Les verbes
particules sont crits en mots spars ( to break down ) sauf quand la particule est attache
comme prfixe ( to withdraw ).

exercice 12

Faites correspondre chaque mot ou expression de la premire colonne avec son quivalent
dans la deuxime colonne :
1. chercher
2. embaucher
3. soccuper de
4. monter/organiser
5. dcoller
6. tomber en panne
7. une panne
8. production
9. acquisition/rachat
10. dbours
11. rappeler
12. quilibrer


A. to call back
B. to look for
C. to set up
D. output
E. an outlay
F. a breakdown
G. to take on
H. to break down
I. a takeover
J. to break even
K. to look after/to take care of
L. to take off

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1. Soyez attentifs la prsence des particules qui peuvent changer le sens originel dun verbe
ainsi que le nom et ladjectif associs !!

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

1. B
2. G
3. K
4. C
5. L
6. H

7. F
8. D
9. I
10. E
11. A
12. J

I. Les mots apparents : Les verBes du 3e Groupe

Nous terminons la prsentation des mots apparents avec les verbes franais du 3e groupe.

1. Les verbes qui ont la terminaison -ish en anglais

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Il y a une catgorie de verbes franais dont la terminaison -ir devient -ish en anglais. Ce
groupe de verbes est trs spcifique et est pratiquement limit la liste suivante :
to finish (finir)
to demolish (dmolir)
to punish (punir)
to varnish (vernir)
to abolish (abolir)
to nourish (nourrir)
to establish (tablir)
to furnish (fournir ; agencer)
to cherish (chrir)
to tarnish (ternir)
to embellish (embellir)
noter ces autres verbes qui ont la terminaison -ish :
to distinguish (distinguer)
to extinguish (teindre)

2. Les verbes qui se terminent ou qui commencent avec en

Un autre groupe de verbes voit sa terminaison franaise -ir se changer en anglais en -en .
Les verbes anglais sont composs dun adjectif + en . (parfois le en sera situ au dbut).
Dans ces cas, en correspond au concept rendre ou make en anglais : par exemple,
noircir se traduit par to blacken ( rendre noir : to make black ).
Les verbes frquents de cette catgorie sont :
to blacken (noircir)
to harden (endurcir)
to widen (largir)
to deepen (approfondir)
to whiten (blanchir) mais blanchir de largent : to launder money
to redden (rougir)
to soften (ramollir)
to shorten (raccourcir)
to fatten (grossir ; engraisser)
to enlarge (agrandir)
to enrich (enrichir)



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

noter dautres verbes utilisant la syllabe en :

to lengthen (allonger)
to endanger (mettre en danger)
to endorse (endosser)
to lighten (allger ; rduire le poids)
to strengthen (renforcer)
to encourage (encourager)
to enlighten (clairer)
to enrage (rendre furieux)
to ensure (assurer: sens gnral)
Notez aussi le verbe trs important to enable qui signifie permettre au sens de rendre
capable .
My job as a bank teller (agent de guichet) enables me to meet many clients.

3. -uire devient -uce

Dans le cas des verbes en -uire , la terminaison anglaise devient gnralement -uce :
to reduce (rduire)
to introduce (introduire)
to deduce (dduire : sens logique) mais dduire (sens arithmtique) : to deduct

exercice 13



to furnish
to abolish
to punish
to enlarge
to enable
to enrich


to deepen
to widen
to blacken
to money-launder
to produce
to reduce


to strengthen
to shorten
to lengthen
to introduce
to deduce
to deduct


blanchir de largent






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Traduisez :

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires


BusIness & economy

a. JoBs & empLoyment

The job market (march de lemploi), like any other marketplace, operates according to the law
of supply and demand (la loi de loffre et de la demande). The commodities that are sold in the
job market, however, are manpower (main-duvre) and human resources (ressources
humaines): skills (comptences) and training (formation), energy and intelligence, experience
and motivation. In exchange for these qualifications, people are paid wages (salaires), salaries
(salaires) and fees (honoraires). The more sought-after (recherch) the qualifications, the higher
their price. Generally speaking, there are two types of workers: blue collar workers (cols bleus),
who do manual work in factories (usines) and on constructions sites (chantiers), and white
collar workers (cols blancs) who work in offices (bureaux) and shops (magasins ; boutiques).
Today, most workers begin their working lives (vies actives) with more education (tudes ; scolarit) than workers did in the past. Most people will have finished high school (lyce) and have
a high school diploma (Baccalaurat : US) or A-level (Baccalaurat : UK) before entering the
workforce (population active). Further studies lead to higher degrees (diplmes). For example,
in the Anglo-Saxon system, four years of university studies lead to a BA degree (Bachelor of
Arts) with a major (spcialisation) in a specific subject matter (matire), such as accounting
(comptabilit). After that, one or two additional years at a specialized business school (cole de
commerce ; grande cole) lead to an MBA degree (Master of Business Administration).

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Young graduates (jeunes diplms) find jobs either through recruitment ads (US)/adverts (UK)
(annonces) which are placed (passer) by companies in newspapers, or through unsolicited
applications (candidatures spontanes) on the part of the applicant (candidat). After interviews
with the Personnel department (service), successful candidates are hired (embauch) at a specific salary (salaire) and with defined benefits (avantages). People who begin at an executive
(cadre) level also receive perks (avantages spcifiques aux cadres) such as a company car
(voiture de fonction) and a cell phone/mobile phone (tlphone portable). Salesmen and saleswomen (commerciaux) receive a base salary (salaire fixe) plus a bonus (prime) based on their
performance (rsultats).
Most companies have four basic tools (outils) to assist (aider) them in the management (gestion) of their human resources. The first is the job description (description des tches) which
defines the tasks (tches) and responsibilities of each employee (salari ; employ). The second
is the salary grid/salary chart (grille de salaire) which defines salary and pay raises (US)/pay
rises (UK) (augmentations de salaire) according to position (poste), experience, and seniority
(anciennet). The third tool: regular performance appraisal interviews (entretiens dapprciation)
between staff (leffectif ; collaborateurs) and managers (responsables) to evaluate how far (
quel point) each staff member (collaborateur) has reached (atteindre) his or her work objectives.
Both salary increases (augmentations de salaire) and promotions are based on these appraisals. The fourth tool is the organization chart (organigramme) which defines the companys
organizational structure and the hierarchy of its management (direction). The organization chart
shows who reports to (dpendre de) who, starting from junior management, through middle
management, and up to senior management and the top executives (dirigeants) such as the
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (directeur administratif et financier) and the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) (directeur gnral). Some companies have matrix (matriciel) structures which
define the companys horizontal links (liens).
Most employees have permanent jobs (contrats dure indtermine) while (tandis que) some
have fixed term contracts/short-term contracts (contrats dure dtermine). Temporary
assignments (missions intrimaires) represent another work possibility, even for high-level executives such as CEOs and CFOs. The minimum wage for workers (salaire minimum ; SMIC ; SMIG)
is established by the government, as is the maximum number of hours in the workweek. Other
work conditions are the result of negotiations between executives of a particular industry or trade
(secteur ; filire) or profession (mtier), and representatives of management, trade unions (syndicats), and workers councils (comits dentreprise). Policies (politiques) concerning the dismissal



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

of employees (licenciements), paid leave (cong pay), unpaid leave/leave without pay (cong
sans solde), overtime (heures supplmentaires), and industry pay scales (chelles de salaire) are
decided through labor negotiations. When there is an obstacle to agreement on major issues
(problmes), workers have recourse to strikes (grves).
Negotiations between all the concerned parties are important during a period of recession and
economic slowdown (ralentissement de lconomie) when companies need to cut (rduire)
their expenses, and consequently, they downsize (rduire) their staff. Workers are laid off (US)/
made redundant (UK) (licenci pour des raisons conomiques), or put on furlough (chmage
technique). Most unemployed workers (chmeurs) will receive severance benefits (indemnits
de licenciement) as well as unemployment benefits (allocations de chmage) from a government fund (caisse). They can also receive help in finding a new job from an outplacement
agency. Professionals who are self-employed (en profession librale) have no access to such
aid and must take out (contracter) specific forms of insurance to cover themselves in the case
of income loss (pertes de revenus) during an economic downturn (baisse de lconomie).
When the economy is in an upturn (hausse), skilled employees can advance (voluer) in their
careers through internal promotions or transfers (mutations), or by making strategic job moves
to other companies. Most companies now realize the need for staff retention (fidlisation de
leffectif). This is particularly the case for the Big Four audit firms which seek to retain (garder)
their experienced (expriment) and trained (form) personnel and their highly-skilled (comptent ; qualifi) professionals.
licencier : to dismiss someone
licenciement : a dismissal
licencier (sec) : to fire someone
licenciement (sec) : a firing
licencier (conomique) : to lay someone off (US); to make someone redundant (UK)
licenciement (raison conomique) : a layoff (US); a redundancy (UK)
avantages ; indemnits ; allocations : benefits
tre responsable de : to be in charge of; to be responsible for
un responsable : a manager
grer ; encadrer : to manage
la gestion ; lencadrement ; la direction dune entreprise : the management
Faites attention aux faux amis suivants !! :
to resign: dmissionner
a resignation: une dmission
to dismiss: licencier
a dismissal: un licenciement

B. the companys neWsLetter

The newsletter is a form of communication which more and more companies use today. It can
be internal or external. Both are sent by emails either to the staff (internal) or to the subscribers
(les abonns) who may also receive it by post but that an extra cost that few organisations can
There can be weekly or monthly issues (numros).

1. external newsletters
They are sent by the marketing department in charge of the firms communication to subscribers or to the customers who have left their email details to have more information about the
companys offers so they are potential future clients.
The newsletter features various information including updates (dernires nouvelles, mises jour)
about new products, new premises (locaux) or special discounts.
The readers are invited to click on links that take them to other sites or new windows.


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Words with multiple meanings

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

The colours must be bright and flashy with eye-catching (accrocheur) photos, icons or drawings.
Messages usually include catchphrases (accroches), puns (jeux de mots) or slogans. The companys motto (devise) is emphasised.

2. Internal newsletters
All the employees can participate to the writing of their firms newsletter. The main editor may be
employed by the marketing or the Human Resources department.
It is sent to all the staff, it is a way to lift the barriers between departments.
It is also a way to reduce the number of emails which circulate in the company and which overload everyones inbox.
Newsletters are also meant to urge staff to visit the intranet too.
Just like for external newsletters, the layout (presentation ; configuration) of companys newsletter must be attractive enough to make employees want to spend a few minutes to read it or at
least check out if there is anything of interest for them.
Information range from business news:
Updates on a new product line, or on some innovation introduced in the industry in general.
Updates on future events like exhibitions, fairs (salons) or seminars.
Latest survey (enqute) results.
Focus on a profile: either an employee or a whole department is described.
Welcome message to new hires (recrues) or farewells to those leaving or retiring.
Internal staff vacancies (offres demplois).
To non-business news:
How To columns: tips on how to cook, how to be well-insured, how to stay fit etc.
Social events like best article contest (concours), running contests with T-shirts bearing the
companys brand.
Updates on the new babies born, etc.

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Les poInts prIncIpaux retenIr de cette partIe

A. Les formes ngatives
1. Pour mettre un verbe la forme ngative, on attache not ou sa contraction nt la fin
de lauxiliaire.
Exemples :
I didnt go to the last metting and I wont be able to go to the next one.
Why doesnt he have the right documents?
2. Some devient no ou not any la forme ngative. Soit on utilise la forme affirmative du verbe suivie de no , soit on utilise la forme ngative du verbe avec any . Attention ne pas utiliser not + no .
Exemples :
I have done nothing.
I havent done anything.
3. la forme affirmative, must et have to sont des synonymes, tandis qu la forme
ngative, mustnt a un autre sens que dont have to .
Exemples :
You mustnt do that because its illegal: Vous ne devez pas faire cela car cest illgal.
You dont have to do that if you dont want to: Vous ntes pas oblig de faire cela si vous
ne voulez pas.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

B. Les auxiliaires ; les formes abrges

1. Pour les rponses brves, on nutilise que le sujet et lauxiliaire. Dans une rponse affirmative, ces derniers sont spars, tandis que dans une rponse ngative il est plus habituel
dutiliser les formes contractes.
Exemples :
Yes, we are. (affirmative)
No, were not. ou No, we arent. (ngative)
2. On emploie ce mme principe pour traduire nest-ce-pas ? . Attention ! Quand le verbe
est la forme ngative, le nest-ce pas doit tre laffirmative.
Exemples :
She has arrived, hasnt she?
He didnt call, did he?
3. On peut abrger une phrase o le mme verbe est utilis plusieurs fois en nutilisant que les
sujets et les auxiliaires appropris pour chaque temps.
Exemples :
I went to London and Mary did too but Eric didnt. = I went to London and Mary went too
but Eric didnt go.
We have worked hard this week and we will next week too. = We have worked hard this
week and we will work hard next week too.
4. la forme affirmative du prsent simple et du prtrit, quand on veut insister, on ajoute au
verbe lauxiliaire soit do , does ou did . Cela donne la notion de en effet ! ou
effectivement !
Exemples :
They do have a lot of problems!: En effet, ils ont beaucoup de problmes.
The company did go bankrupt: Effectivement, la socit a fait faillite.
1. En anglais ainsi quen franais, il y a beaucoup de noms non dnombrables :
food (de la nourriture), wine (du vin), air (de lair)
2. Ces mots ne peuvent jamais tre prcds par a , an ou un chiffre. Ils ne sont jamais
mis au pluriel et le verbe associ sera toujours au singulier. Ils sont frquemment prcds par
some (du, de la), much (beaucoup de) et little (peu de).
3. Les noms suivants sont non dnombrables en anglais :
information, advice, furniture, money, weather, luggage, merchandise, knowledge
4. Certains noms anglais peuvent tre soit dnombrables, soit non dnombrables, mais avec
une diffrence de sens.
Exemples :
Time (du temps)/a time (une fois)
Work (travail/travaux)/a work (une uvre)
D. Too many/too much/enough
1. Too many (trop) semploie avec un nom dnombrable tandis que too much semploie
avec un nom non dnombrable. Too much est aussi employ aprs les verbes.
Exemples :
I have too many documents and too much information.
You smoke too much!
2. Avec des adjectives, on utilise too pour traduire trop :
Shes too busy to talk now.
3. Enough se place avant les noms, mais aprs les adjectifs, les adverbes et les verbes.
Exemples :
They have enough time.
Theyre rich enough to stay at a four-star hotel.
We didnt respond quickly enough to win the contract.
I think I have worked enough for one day!


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C. Les noms non dnombrables

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

E. Les verbes particules

1. Le sens de certains verbes est chang par le changement de prposition. Quand vous lisez,
regardez bien la prposition aprs chaque verbe.
Exemples :
To break: casser
To break down: tomber en panne
To break even: quilibrer ; atteindre le point mort ou le seuil de rentabilit
2. Certains de ces verbes particules ont chacun plusieurs sens.
Exemples :
To break down: tomber en panne ainsi que rpartir/dcomposer
To take off: dcoller ainsi que enlever
3. Les noms bass sur les verbes particules sont crits en un seul mot mais les verbes
particules sont toujours crits en mots spars.
Exemple : The planes takeoff has been delayed. The plane will take off one hour late.

Iv. ExercIces de comprhensIon

exercice 14

Is china overtaking america?

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CAMBRIDGE The twenty-first century is witnessing Asias return to what might be considered its
historical proportions of the worlds population and economy. In 1800, Asia represented more than
half of global population and output. By 1900, it represented only 20% of world output not
because something bad happened in Asia, but rather because the Industrial Revolution had transformed Europe and North America into the worlds workshop.
Asias recovery began with Japan, then moved to South Korea and on to Southeast Asia, beginning
with Singapore and Malaysia. Now the recovery is focused on China, and increasingly involves
India, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the process.
This change, however, is also creating anxieties about shifting power relations among states. In
2010, China passed Japan to become the worlds second largest economy. Indeed, the investment
bank Goldman Sachs expects the Chinese economys total size to surpass that of the United
States by 2027.
But, even if overall Chinese GDP reaches parity with that of the US in the 2020s, the two economies will not be equal in composition. China would still have a vast underdeveloped countryside.
Assuming 6% Chinese GDP growth and only 2% US growth after 2030, China would not equal the
US in terms of per capita income a better measure of an economys sophistication until sometime near the second half of the century.
Moreover, linear projections of economic growth trends can be misleading. Emerging countries
tend to benefit from imported technologies in the early stages of economic takeoff, but their growth
rates generally slow as they reach higher levels of development. And the Chinese economy faces
serious obstacles to sustainable rapid growth, owing to inefficient state-owned enterprises, growing inequality, massive internal migration, an inadequate social safety net, corruption, and inadequate institutions, all of which could foster political instability.
Chinas north and east have outpaced its south and west. Almost alone among developing countries, China is aging extraordinarily fast. By 2030, China will have more elderly dependents than
children. Some Chinese demographers worry that the country will get old before getting rich.
During the past decade, China moved from being the worlds ninth largest exporter to its leader,
displacing Germany at the top. But Chinas export-led development model will need to be adjusted
as global trade and financial balances become more contentious. Indeed, Chinas 12th Five-Year
Plan is aimed at reducing dependence on exports and boosting domestic demand. Will it work?



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Chinas authoritarian political system has thus far shown an impressive capacity to achieve specific
targets, for example, staging a successful Olympic Games, building high-speed rail projects, or even
stimulating the economy to recover from the global financial crisis. Whether China can maintain this
capability over the longer term is a mystery to outsiders and Chinese leaders themselves.
Unlike India, which was born with a democratic constitution, China has not yet found a way to
channel the demands for political participation (if not democracy) that tend to accompany rising
per capita income. Communist ideology is long gone, so the legitimacy of the ruling party depends
on economic growth and ethnic Han nationalism. Whether China can develop a formula to manage
an expanding urban middle class, regional inequality, and resentment among ethnic minorities
remains to be seen. The basic point is that no one, including the Chinese, knows how Chinas
political future will affect its economic growth.
Some analysts argue that China aims to challenge Americas position as the worlds dominant
power. Even if this were an accurate assessment of Chinas intentions (and even Chinese cannot
know the views of future generations), it is doubtful that China will have the military capability to
make this possible. To be sure, Chinese military expenditures, up more than 12% this year, have
been growing even more rapidly than its economy. But Chinas leaders will have to contend with
other countries reactions, as well as with the constraints implied by the need for external markets
and resources in order to meet their economic-growth objectives.
A Chinese military posture that is too aggressive could produce a countervailing coalition among
its neighbours, thereby weakening Chinas hard and soft power. In 2010, for example, as China
became more assertive in its foreign policy toward its neighbors, its relations with India, Japan, and
South Korea suffered. As a result, China will find it more difficult to exclude the US from Asias
security arrangements.
Chinas size and high rate of economic growth will almost certainly increase its relative strength
vis--vis the US in the coming decades. This will certainly bring the Chinese closer to the US in
terms of power resources, but China will not necessarily surpass the US as the most powerful

Most importantly, the US and China should avoid developing exaggerated fears of each others
capacities and intentions. The expectation of conflict can itself become a cause of conflict. In reality, China and the US do not have deeply rooted conflicting interests. Both countries, along with
others, have much more to gain from cooperation.
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. is a professor at Harvard and the author of The Future of Power.

Choisissez laffirmation qui convient. Justifiez votre rponse laide dune citation brve et
pertinente du texte.

a. Chinas GDP was already relatively high in the 19th century.

b. The Industrial Revolution triggered an unprecedented economic boom in many Western
c. Asia has been a major producer and exporter since the 19th century.
d. None of the above.

a. Asia has been experimenting a unique economic development these last few years.
b. The huge poverty rate is specific to Indias economic situation.
c. China and India are the latest economies to have benefitted from the economic revival.
d. None of the above.


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Even if China suffers no major domestic political setback, many current projections based on GDP
growth alone are too one-dimensional: they ignore US military and soft-power advantages, as well
as Chinas geopolitical disadvantages in the internal Asian balance of power. My own estimate is
that among the range of possible futures, the more likely scenarios are those in which China gives
the US a run for its money, but does not surpass it in overall power in the first half of this century.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

a. Chinas amazing GDP conceals deep regional inequalities.
b. Chinas GDP is expected to reach a higher figure than that of the US in the 2020s.
c. Japan lost its excellent ranking to South Korea.
d. None of the above.
a. Chinese growth could expand even further soon.
b. Predictions about the current boom in Asian countries tend to be too optimistic.
c. Although China uses technological tools from the West, it wont reach modernity before a
long time.
d. None of the above.
a. One major hindrance to Asias development is its reliance on imports of high-tech goods.
b. The problem with emerging countries is the lack of entrepreneurial spirit.
c. There hasnt been any plan to promote sustainable development in Asian countries.
d. None of the above.
a. Germany now ranks in the ninth position of world exporters.
b. Though China is doing better than its neighbours, the countrys recipe for success is not
suited to todays globalisation.
c. The Chinese ageing population is causing slack internal demand.
d. None of the above.
a. Lack of individual freedom in China is a key factor to the countrys economic future.
b. The Chinese are still attached to the values of communism, hence the governments
c. The comparatively high level of democracy in India accounts for the countrys better growth
d. None of the above.
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a. The Chinese tend to dissociate political matters from economic results.
b. There is a lot of uncertainty over how Chinas economic situation will evolve.
c. The variety of origins in the Chinese population contributes to the countrys dynamism.
d. None of the above.
a. It is only by increasing its investment in the military sector that China can expect to overtake
the US as the worlds number one power.
b. The Chinese defence has become a bone of contention with the US.
c. China cannot afford to defend its leading position in Asia single-handedly.
d. None of the above.
a. Predictions about the future of the Chinese economy include the likelihood of a military
b. While China has become an open challenger to the US, both economies are bound to work
hand in glove in the future.
c. In the future, China will manage to surpass US supremacy because of Americas flailing
d. None of the above.
Traduisez les deux derniers paragraphes du texte, depuis Chinas size and high rate of economic growth jusqu la fin.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Correspondance commerciale en anglais

a. a memo
You are in charge of the customer services department of a mobile phone chain store. You are
unhappy with the treatment of customers enquiries and complaints.
Write a memo to the customer services department to explain why there should be changes.
Inform them about the new procedures that need to be implemented.
Invite them to suggest other ideas.
b. an email
You are an employee of the mobile phone company.
After receiving the memo, you decide to send an email to the customer services manager to
express your opinion on the subject and offer suggestions to solve the problem.
Expression personnelle en anglais
15/20 lignes
There have been more and more stories about the malaise that workers experience in the
workplace, sometimes even leading to sick leave or employees committing suicide.
What are, according to you, the causes of this malaise?
What category of workers is affected?
Suggest ways to reduce the risks of such problems occurring in an organisation.

1. b. the Industrial Revolution had transformed Europe and North America into the worlds
2. c. Now the recovery is focused on China, and increasingly involves India.
3. a. China would still have a vast underdeveloped countryside.
5. d.
6. b. But Chinas export-led development model will need to be adjusted as global trade and
financial balances become more contentious.
7. a. China has not yet found a way to channel the demands for political participation (if not
democracy) that tend to accompany rising per capita income.
8. b. Whether China can develop a formula to manage remains to be seen.
9. c. As a result, China will find it more difficult to exclude the US from Asias security arrangements.
10. b. Both countries, along with others, have much more to gain from cooperation.
La superficie et le taux de croissance conomique particulirement lev de la Chine accentueront sans aucun doute sa position de force vis--vis des tats-Unis dans les dcennies venir.
Cela contribuera certainement rapprocher les Chinois de la puissance amricaine en matire
de ressources nergtiques, mais la Chine ne surpassera pas forcment les tats-Unis pour
devenir le pays le plus puissant du monde.
Mme si la Chine ne dplore aucun revers majeur dans sa politique intrieure, de nombreuses
projections fondes sur la seule croissance en termes de PIB sont trop uni-dimensionnelles :
elles ngligent la puissance militaire et lavantage des rseaux dinfluence amricains, ainsi que
les handicaps gopolitiques dont souffre la Chine dans les rapports de force internes lAsie.
Daprs mes propres prvisions, parmi lensemble des perspectives possibles, les scnarios les
plus plausibles sont ceux o la Chine va donner du fil retordre aux Amricains, mais sans les
dpasser en puissance globale lors de cette premire moiti de sicle.


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4. b. linear projections of economic growth trends can be misleading.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Fait plus important encore, les tats-Unis et la Chine devraient viter de nourrir des craintes
infondes concernant leurs capacits et intentions respectives. Les prvisions de conflit peuvent
elles-mmes devenir des sources de conflit. En ralit, la Chine et les tats-Unis nont pas de
motifs srieux de se combattre. Les deux puissances, comme dautres dailleurs, ont bien plus
gagner si elles cooprent.
Correspondance commerciale en anglais
a. a memo
25th April
To: Customer Services Department.
From: Sophia Andersen, Manager of the Customer Services Dept
Subject: New procedures for customer enquiries
Dear colleagues,
Recently, the number of customer letters of complaints has been alarmingly high. Apparently,
there have been a lot of inappropriate replies to their initial enquiries, which has led them to write
or call us again to complain about the lack of accuracy in the information given or the use of
impolite formulas. All this has been extremely detrimental to our company image.
Therefore, I have decided to change the procedure for handling customer queries:
Staff will continue to reply to letters but any letter showing discontent will have to be reported to
All the replies to letters of complaints will be signed by me personally.
As for the phone calls from angry customers, they will now be recorded so we can keep track of
the conversations. All staff must be warned of this procedure.
Please let me know if there are any further suggestions to improve the procedures.
Thank you all for your cooperation in this matter.
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b. an email
To: Sophia Andersen, Customer Services Manager
From: Peter Brook, Norwich Branch
Re: New procedures for customer queries
Dear Ms Andersen,
With reference to your memo about the need to change procedures in handling customer complaints, I would like to point out that, although I do agree that some changes must be implemented, they may be received as a sign of distrust of staff work. I disagree with the idea that we
cannot handle difficult matters ourselves, and I suggest that all members of the customer service
teams get better training instead, so as to avoid further problems.
Best Wishes,
Peter Brook.
Expression personnelle en anglais
Although modern times are synonymous with better living conditions, the requirements for more
productivity at work often mean that working conditions can be tough, even in the so-called
rich societies.
Everybody knows that, in developed economies, most jobs today are to be found in the service
sector. Hard factory labour has shifted to developing countries where the manufacturing sector
has been booming. However, it does not mean that work has become easier.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Indeed, the hardships of manual tasks have been replaced by the hardships of the various pressures under which workers are today such as deadlines to meet, competition in the office,
authoritarian supervisors or high levels of flexibility.
When someone has to do two or more jobs to make ends meet, life can be hard, and there can
be consequences on their morale and health.
Likewise, having to work long hours to make sure a project is completed on time, even when you
earn a high salary, can be extremely strenuous both morally and physically. Family life can be
neglected and any time off for leisure or sports becomes a luxury.
Thats why I think that all categories of workers are affected, from the cashier in a supermarket
to the clerk or the manager in an office.
To reduce the risks of burnout or nervous breakdowns, it seems to me that employees should be
treated with the appropriate level of respect and humanity and not be seen as machines for productivity and profitability. More concretely, I would suggest that companies dont allow anyone
to stay in the office after a certain hour, for example. There should be psychologists available in
case workers need to talk about personal matters. Medical check-ups should be more regular.

exercice 15

Tech hypergrowth

Its as crucial a part of my job as financial results and our services, Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn CEO
says. LinkedIn, the No. 2 social network, has grown to nearly 1,300 employees from 500 in early
Taking a page from the heady days of the dot-com bubble in the late-1990s, tech companies have
adopted several strategies to assimilate new employees:
Use of open office spaces. It often comes down to something that simple with no executive
offices to foster collaboration. It is an approach followed by online payment service Square,
social-networking site Tagged and mobile-video-calling service Tango. Conference rooms are
available for meetings and interviews, says Tagged CEO Greg Tseng, surveying employees and
moving boxes adapted to the companys new building.
All-hands meetings. Social-gaming giant Zynga, maker of FarmVille and CityVille, plans to soon
move into a gleaming new 270,000-square-foot facility in the South of Market neighborhood of
San Francisco to house its 2,000 employees 500 more than it had six months ago. And, every
week, Zynga CEO Mark Pincus or another executive introduces each new hire.
Square has taken the concept further. It asks new hires to jot down 140 characters about
themselves, and they are read by Twitter creator and Square CEO Jack Dorsey on Friday
afternoon. It recently held a rooftop concert during lunch.
Amenities. When it zoomed from 90 to 150 employees in a few months, ZocDoc expanded its
New York headquarters and installed a playpen with a video game machine, hammock, bean
bag chairs and games. An artist created murals, including one of TV doctor House.
The challenge was to maintain a lighthearted, fun atmosphere, while designing a bigger space
that required construction crews to knock down walls, move people around, install Internet
connections and phones all during work hours, says Dr. Oliver Kharraz, co-founder of ZocDoc,
a site for booking doctors appointments.
Twitter, which is planning its second major move to new headquarters in San Francisco within
three years, is up to 600 employees, from 350 in January. It retains its employees and its culture
through a number of means. Theres Friday Tea Time, when CEO Dick Costolo and other


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Whats happening in tech is an economic anomaly. While most of the country grapples with a jobs
crisis, tech companies are dipping into their ample funding and cash reserves to build out existing
facilities, move into larger spaces, and produce programs and services to accommodate the infusion of new workers.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

members of management give updates and take questions; social clubs for running, French and
rock climbing; and an orientation program that gives new employees a look into how every
organization works. A custom screen saver displays employee avatars and @names on a rotating
basis, so people can put names and personalities to faces.
Finding the right people. Tango moved into new offices in Palo Alto in June after it gobbled up
25 engineers in three months and opened an office in China. The company plans to add 75
employees this year, increasing its workforce to 100.
While serial entrepreneurs are best equipped to expand young companies, they need help, management experts say. Fast growth can make or break a company, depending on its ability to add
structure and delegate authority, says Ethan Mollick, an assistant professor of management at the
University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School.
What companies dont like to talk about is the role of middle managers in making this happen,
Mollick says. Despite their egalitarian image, companies are not self-organizing and need process. Middle managers need to make things scalable. That is not easy to do.
If a company adds too many layers of management, however, it runs the risk of creating bureaucracy and stifling ideas and internal communication, Mollick warns.
Start-ups need look no further than Cisco Systems, which grew too aggressively the past few
years and is now scaling back. Last month, it announced 6,500 job cuts in an effort to slash $1
billion in operating expenses.
To keep information flowing internally, Groupon uses a mix of chat tools and videoconferences and
open meetings with CEO Andrew Mason, says Dan Jessup, head of people strategy and the companys first recruiter.
At the same time, fervent demand for office space has had a ripplelike effect on real estate and
local businesses. In San Franciscos South of Market neighborhood, the core of tech in the city,
rent per square foot is $35 to $40 a year, compared with $24 to $30 a year ago.
Sometimes the act of moving is the hardest part. Its just a pain, lots of physical work, says Morgan Missen, head of talent at Foursquare.

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With escalating real estate costs and so much competition for coveted workers, is there a temptation to skip town and save costs? Not for SlideShare, a service for sharing digital presentations that
has expanded in San Francisco and India. SlideShare CEO Rashmi Sinha says the area is too fertile
with talent and venture capital.
With growth comes challenges, Sinha says. It beats the alternative of cutting back.
Adapted from USA Today, 8th August 2011.

Right / Wrong
Rpondez par Right ou Wrong aux affirmations suivantes. Justifiez les rponses laide dune
brve citation du texte.
1. American high-tech firms can afford to expand without funding from the banks.
2. They have used the model of development of the first internet start-ups.
3. Today, the rule is to abolish office rooms.
4. At Twitter, new employees introduce themselves to the rest of the staff during general
5. Staff at ZocDoc were extremely happy when they discovered their new facilities.
Questions choix multiple
Slectionnez la bonne rponse et justifiez en citant le texte.
1. Twitter offers a variety of activities to its staff:
a. To boost their creativity and improve their professional skills.
b. To make sure theyll want to stay with the company.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

c. To compensate for lower salaries than in other start-ups.

d. None of the above.
2. The expansion of US high-tech start-ups:
a. Is incremental.
b. Accelerated within a short span of time.
c. Respects the patriotic desire to stay in the country.
d. None of the above.
3. Whats the major obstacle to company growth?
a. The cool image of company culture where authority is a taboo.
b. The total absence of hierarchical organisation.
c. The lack of involvement from middle management.
d. None of the above.
4. When start-ups become bigger:
a. Creativity tends to disappear.
b. They inevitably have to cut jobs.
c. Customers lose trust in them.
d. None of the above.
5. When an area becomes a cluster of young companies:
a. There is more cooperation than competition.
b. It is more strenuous for workers to get to work.
c. Settling there is hardly affordable.
d. None of the above.
Traduisez en franais le passage commenant par To keep information flowing, Groupon
la fin du texte : It beats the alternative of cutting back.

Correspondance commerciale en anglais

Vous tes le(a) grant(e) dun htel. quelques mois des vacances dt, vous prvoyez dembaucher du personnel saisonnier. Votre clientle tant majoritairement trangre, vous dcidez
de faire appel une agence dintrim situe en Grande-Bretagne afin de slectionner du personnel parfaitement bilingue, comme vous le faites chaque anne la mme priode.
Envoyez un email lagence dintrim en prcisant le nombre demploys, le profil dsir (exprience professionnelle, comptences, etc.), le salaire propos et la priode de travail concerne.
Expression personnelle en anglais
15/20 lignes
Nowadays, most businesses firms or retailers pay particular attention to the way their customers are treated.
1. Describe the methods generally used to communicate with customers.
2. Explain the importance of such relations.
3. Give an example of a situation in which customer service is necessary.

Right / Wrong
1. American high-tech firms can afford to expand without funding from the banks.
Right: [] tech companies are dipping into their ample funding and cash reserves.
2. They have used the model of development of the first internet start-ups.
Right: Taking a page from the heady days of the dot-com bubble in the late-1990s.


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Attention la conversion des units de mesure dans la version : 1 foot = 30,43 cm.

UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

3. Today, the rule is to abolish office rooms.

Wrong: Conference rooms are available for meetings and interviews surveying employees
and moving boxes.
4. At Twitter, new employees introduce themselves to the rest of the staff during general
Wrong: [] and they are read by Twitter creator and Square CEO Jack Dorsey on Friday
5. Staff at ZocDoc were extremely happy when they discovered their new facilities.
Wrong: [] required construction crews to knock down walls, move people around, install
Internet connections and phones all during work hours.
Questions choix multiple
1. Twitter offers a variety of activities to its staff:
b. to make sure theyll want to stay with the company.
It retains its employees and its culture through a number of means.
2. The expansion of US high-tech start-ups:
b. accelerated within a short span of time.
Twitter, which is planning [] is up to 600 employees, from 350 in January or 500 more than
it had six months ago.
3. Whats the major obstacle to company growth?
a. the cool image of company culture where authority is a taboo.
Despite their egalitarian image, companies are not self-organizing and need process. Middle
managers need to make things scalable. That is not easy to do.
4. When start-ups become bigger:
d. None of the above.

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5. When an area becomes a cluster of young companies:

c. settling there is hardly affordable.
Rent per square foot is $35 to $40 a year, compared with $24 to $30 a year ago.
Pour permettre linformation de circuler en interne, Dan Jessup le responsable de la stratgie
et le plus important recruteur du groupe explique que Groupon a mis en place une combinaison doutils de discussions instantanes et de vidoconfrences, ainsi que des runions ouvertes
tous avec le PDG Andrew Mason.
Paralllement, la forte demande de surface de bureau a eu des rpercussions sur limmobilier et
sur les autres entreprises du secteur. Dans le quartier South of Market de San Francisco, au
cur mme de lactivit high-tech de la ville, le loyer va denviron 105 120 dollars le mtre
carr, alors quil variait entre 70 et 90 dollars il y a un an.
Parfois, cest le dmnagement lui-mme qui est le plus dur. Cest vraiment douloureux, avec
normment defforts physiques faire, dplore Morgan Missen, responsable des nouveaux
talents Foursquare.
tant donn les cots de limmobilier sans cesse grandissants et une comptition acharne pour
sattirer les meilleurs employs, y-a-t-il une tentation de laisser tomber la ville pour raliser des
conomies ? Pas pour SlideShare, une socit de partage de prsentations numriques qui
sest dveloppe San Francisco et en Inde. Le PDG de SlideShare, Rashmi Sinha, estime que
la rgion est trop fertile en talents et en capital spculatif.
La croissance amne les dfis, dclare-t-il. Cest la meilleure rponse lalternative qui serait
de faire des coupes.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Srie 4

Correspondance commerciale en anglais

Writing an email
From: brigitte.salengros@hotels-de-france.com
Date: April 2, 2012
To: mark.dodger@tempco.uk.co
Subject: seasonal staff
Hello Mark
As you know, the summer season is about to open soon, and, as I do every year, I need your help
to select a few applicants for work at our resort.
For the period starting July 1st to October 15th, we will be needing 6 seasonal members of staff
on a full-time basis.
Two cleaners, preferably women, with at least 5 years experience in the job. Punctuality and
absolute discretion are requested for this position. The rate is 9 euros per hour.
One extra cook is needed in our kitchen. Excellent references are demanded. He or she must
have worked with well-established hotels.
Two receptionists (one male, one female) who must speak English and French fluently and preferably another language like Spanish. Age between 21 and 50. Salary will depend on experience
and will be discussed on the phone with me.
Finally, we require an assistant for customer relations. He or she must be perfectly bilingual in two
other foreign languages including French. A sharp sense of communication and some experience
in dealing with specific enquiries as well as complaints are fundamental. Excellent salary.
Please let me know if you need any further information. Send me a fax of the CVs you will have
received. Make sure you start investigating asap.
Best Regards

Expression personnelle en anglais

1. Just like the development of the Human Resources department, Customer Service has taken a
bigger and bigger place in the workplace. The common point is the emphasis of both services on
the human dimension of business activities with the realisation that it had been neglected so far.
Today, most companies employ staff who deal with their customers on a daily basis. It can range from
a dedicated office or department (in larger companies) who receive and answer letters, mails or phonecalls to the modest counter in shops, where customers can make returns, queries or complaints.
Help to clients can be given before, during or after a sale. As an example of after-sales service,
questionnaires are often sent to assess the clients level of satisfaction. Hotlines provide customer support.
Coupons offering discounts are given. Refunds are part of most company policies of corporate
social responsibility. Toll-free numbers are available to call customer centres.
2. Customer service is no less than the lifeblood of businesses. Building a strong relationship
with your customers will ensure you long-term fidelity and a good reputation as people usually
spread the word when theyre satisfied and even more so when they are not!
Helping users can also help the company improve its own standards as the widespread method of
questionnaires suggests. In a context of harsh competition, relying on a solid basis of users is priceless. Good quality customer service should include being helpful, knowlegeable and courteous.
3. You have bought some steaks at the supermarket and on the day you want to cook them, you
have a feeling they may not be edible, even if the sell-by-date is two days away. You call the tollfree number mentioned on the food package. After checking the product code, the person on the
phone either reassures you on the good quality of these steaks, or advises you to throw them
away and offers full compensation for your purchase.


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B. S.

Anglais appliqu aux affaires
Anne 2012-2013

envoyer la correction

Auteur: Soraya BELAROUSSI

The rise of the second job
Meet Zoe Free, 24, senior recovery practitioner for Saccs, the charity that provides residential homes for
children who have suffered trauma or neglect. Despite long hours, her job is highly rewarding. But like many
of her peers in the charity sector, reward is more likely to be of the satisfaction than financial kind.
Free, who is based in Telford, gets a salary of around 20,000. She says she loves what she does but is
feeling the pinch, not least because shes saving to buy a flat. For this reason Free now supplements her
main job with a second one: at evenings and weekends she is a Zumba instructor. I qualified a year ago,
but the investment now means I earn 50-60 per class, giving me an extra 100-125 a week, she says.
Without it, I would struggle for the small things in life, like going out with friends. Its a real life-saver.
With inflation eroding take-home pay (in January 2012 alone, wages grew by just 0.7% compared to inflation of 3.6%), and with many families losing another 500 this year from cuts to tax credits introduced in the
2012 budget, Frees solution is increasingly becoming the norm. Last year 94,000 more people took on a
second job, taking the total to 1.1million, the highest level since 2002.
In January Unite found 24% of 1,500 Scottish workers it polled had more than one job. Of these, 90% were
doing so to boost their main salary. Data compiled for the Guardian by recruiter PeoplePerHour.com found
a 37.4% rise this year, compared to last, of people joining the site for a second job.

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A second job is almost becoming a must-have for some people now, says, Corinne Mills of consultancy
Personal Career Management, and author of Career Coach. Mike Fetters, director at Totaljobs.com, says
hes seen a doubling in applications for part-time jobs this year, saying the rise in second-jobbers is also due
to people often taking two part-time jobs instead of one full time. In the three months to February 2012
alone, the total number of employees working part-time grew by 60,000, reaching 6.64million, according to
the Office for National Statistics.
But should we worry about this trend? Fetters thinks so: Second jobs are often for financial reasons first,
he says. People often forget the career problems it could later create, such as a perception among employers that they are job-hoppers, unfocused, or hedging their bets between two careers.
Mills, however, argues that second jobs are now so common that employers should wake up to the fact, and
even start helping their staff manage their dual lives. Those who know their staff are on lower incomes
should not be surprised if they are looking to supplement their salary, she says.
While Free says her boss has been supportive even planning shifts around her classes for the first three
months some managers will no doubt wonder why they should accommodate an employees other job.
But its something they are actually responsible for. Second jobs immediately invoke the Working Time
Directive, says Carol Smith, senior consultant at employment law firm Croner. Under their duty of care
obligations, primary employers could be held responsible if illness or workplace accidents occur on their
site, even if its the member of staffs extra-curricular employment that causes them to work more than the
permitted 48 hours a week.
Legally, staff must have 11 hours break in any 24-hour period, and no less than 24 hours rest (other than
sleep) over a seven-day period. Smith says its for employers to create a culture that encourages staff to tell
their main employer whether they have a second job. Many do not, fearing promotion discrimination or finding their performance comes under scrutiny.
Michelle Caines, 36, a marketing coordinator for fitness products firm GymCompany.co.uk, who has a second job as a personal trainer, says being open has been beneficial for both parties. One of the reasons I
was hired in the first place was because my boss knew I was a qualified trainer, says Caines, whose extra
work tops up her salary by 300 a month. Theres an obvious benefit that having my own private fitness
clients brings to the business. Im more confident and knowledgeable about fitness and what customers
need. Its win-win and part of my continuous personal development.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Devoir 6

Its not only lower-income workers who are looking for second jobs. Research by WebEden, which builds
websites for budding entrepreneurs, says the squeezed middle are just as likely to need extra cash. Of 1,000
workers it questioned this year, 25 % said they were considering setting up a sideline, with home selling
back in vogue. This time last year, Avon reported a 43 % surge in women applying to sell its products, while
Jamie Olivers Jamie at Home brand, which launched in 2009, has more than 3,700 sellers.
For Stevenage based Julie Knight, a teacher and mother, home selling has become the perfect second job
to meet rising costs and her need for more flexible working. I wanted to see my children grow up, so in 2009
I joined [the direct selling firm] Kleeneze, she says. Its been a phenomenal success. Last year I turned over
220,000 and earned 20,000. Im now earning 2,000 every four weeks. Earlier this year Kleeneze found
58 % of people it polled would consider taking additional paid work. Knight has been so successful, that
what started as her second job (two days a week, around part-time teaching) has now become her main
income. Ive dropped teaching to two days a week, she says.
Jamie Stewart, managing director of Kleeneze and chairman of the UK Direct Selling Association, says
Knight is by no means an isolated case. Direct selling is experiencing a real come-back, he says. There
are about 400,000 people employed in the sector now, 80 % of whom work part-time or combine it with their
main job. Pay cuts and rising costs are creating increased interest in it. Were seeing lots of inquiries from
public sector workers who have seen their pay frozen.
For some second-jobbers, the extra work isnt just for money, but for enjoyment. Godfrey Dyan, a chartered
accountant of 37 years, took a film-making diploma and has been running Red Rose Video for the past eight
years. His work includes following the mayor of Harrow one day a week. Id long been interested in photography, he says. I entered my profession for stability; now Im pursuing my interest. Id encourage anyone else to do the same. Im bringing new skills to both jobs all the time.
Its the same story for horse-mad lettings agent Julia van de Venter. She rises at 5.30am each day to muck
out two stables in Bournemouth. The extra 80-100 she earns enables her to follow her passion keeping
horses of her own.
Van de Venter says: Without the extra money, I couldnt afford to keep them. I dont see my second job as
work. Its a lifestyle choice. If I wasnt doing this, Id still be up early going to the gym.
Dyan and Van de Venter both say they make their two jobs work for them by keeping their dual roles separate. But in some areas having a second job still raises eyebrows. Last month a Freedom of Information Act
request by Radio Kent revealed 155 staff at Kent Police had other jobs in 2011 (up from 81 in 2010).
Kath Austin, vice president of human resources for Pizza Hut, says: We welcome people from any line of
work. Those who work for us that also have main jobs include dance teachers, quantity surveyors, nursery
assistants and business administrators. It indicates people need to work more, but with us or other companies like ourselves, people can have two jobs, with mutually beneficial results.
Adapted from The Guardian, April 2012.

exercIce 1 : comprehensIon (6 poInts)

Right / Wrong (5 points)
Rpondez par Right, Wrong ou NM (not mentioned) aux affirmations suivantes. Justifiez les rponses
Right ou Wrong laide dune citation bien cible du texte. Ne recopiez pas les affirmations.
1. The low wages to be found in the social sector are usually offset by the human aspect of the jobs.
2. Owning her own place one day is not part of Zoe Frees plans.
3. New fiscal measures in Britain have contributed to the better standards of living.
4. Having more than one permanent occupation may be seen as an opportunistic behaviour.
5. Not all employers gladly welcome their staffs new habit.
6. Because of security reasons, most workers inform their management about their extra job.
7. Michelle Caines has built her own customer list from her main activity.
8. More traditional forms of business have benefited from the trend of having a complementary occupation.
9. Julia Van de Venter has to get up early because she has to travel to her workplace after taking care of
her horses.
10. The second job phenomenon is now perfectly accepted in society.

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Having two jobs is a rising trend and it could become a permanent feature.


UE 122 Anglais appliqu aux affaires

Questions choix multiple (1 point)

Choisissez la rponse la plus approprie et justifiez par une citation du texte.
1. What are the mutual benefits in having a second job?
a. Workers can improve their purchasing power and it benefits the global economy.
b. Employees develop their know-how with another job in a similar sector of activity.
c. They can learn new competences so theyre more productive at work.
d. They are better trained in case of a surplus of workload at their main workplace.
2. What motivates people to look for a secondary activity?
a. Money usually remains the number one motivation.
b. The possibility to stay at home.
c. The need to escape from humdrum jobs.
d. It has become a must feature on a CV.

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exercIce 2 : versIon (4 poInts)

Traduisez le passage suivant en franais :
Nine months of evenings spent as a smart butler have finally paid off for engineering draftsman Graham
Brown. Last month I bought my first flat, he says. And its all been possible through this extra income.
Brown joined the events and parties agency last June. Ninety per cent of its members hold down regular
jobs. Although I earn good money in my main job, I wanted to boost my savings potential and I didnt
want to do bar work. He adds: Last month I made about 750, pre-tax, doing everything from serving
canaps to attending hen parties. I get a call for a job near me, and if Im free I do it.
According to Smart Butlers director of recruitment, Will Jones, butlers earn 25 an hour, and some can
bank four figures a month. We have students, firemen, postmen, dental technicians and sales reps.
Applicants have risen by 30 % in the last two years, and weve seen an increase in professionals because
of the need for a second income.
Its mission accomplished for Brown in terms of buying his house, so he is considering easing back but
not quite yet. Its good money. Its worth doing for a while longer.
Former Royal Navy Submarine Service engineer Andrew Mills runs cosmetics company Nephria with his
wife. In 2008 he joined the Navy reserves. Im paid 150 a day as a Lieutenant Commander. My second
job means I dont need to take a wage from my own business that stopped it from folding.

exercIce 3 : correspondance commercIaLe en anGLaIs (5 poInts)

Writing an internal newsletter
Every month, your company publishes a newsletter aimed at its personnel.
You have accepted to write 3 short articles on topics such as health tips, Human Resource announcement, proposal for a sponsorship, call for volunteers, staff news, product update etc.
(10-15 lines)
Voir la section newsletters dans la srie 4.



Anglais appliqu aux affaires Devoir 6

exercIce 4 : expressIon personneLLe en anGLaIs (5 poInts)

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Writing an essay
Recently, there have been stories of CEOs or managers taking the decision to experience the life of their
employees by temporarily putting themselves in the position of their workers.
a. What are the motivations behind such a move?
b. You are the manager of a company. Describe the experience you would carry out to get a better insight
of your staffs work day and explain why you would do it.
(10-15 lines)


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