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Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 15 (Number 1).

April, 2017

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences
(P-ISSN 1595-093X/ E-ISSN 2315-6201)
Mahmuda et al. /Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences (2017) 15(1): 1-10.
Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnostic assays: a review of
recent applications
A Mahmuda1,2, F Bande3, N Abdulhaleem4, KJK Al-Zihiry5, RA Majid1, RA Hamat1,
WO Abdullah6 & N Zasmy1*
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Malaysia
Department of Parasitology and Entomology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu
Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Malaysia
Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq
Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Thi-Qar, Thi-Qar, Iraq
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia

*Correspondence: Tel.: +60132213516; E-mail: ngah@upm.edu.my

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have proven to be effective biological reagents in the immunodiagnostic assays.
This is due to their binding accuracy to many pathogens, thus, making them valuable research tools. Since the
discovery of hybridoma technology by Kohler and Milstein, the use of monoclonal antibodies produced by the
hybrid cells have been employed in diagnosis of several diseases. Monoclonal antibody production has several
procedures with considerable variations, but the principles remain the same. Improvements in the field of cell
culture technology have led to the production of improved qualities of monoclonal antibodies. In general, these
antibodies are important biomedical reagents used in research, especially in the field of laboratory diagnostics for
a number of different types of diseases in humans and animals. Some of the areas where application of
monoclonal antibodies triumph are herein discussed. This review is aimed to assess various diagnostic assay
techniques where monoclonal antibodies are applied in order to provide a first-hand information, especially for
beginners in monoclonal antibody production, characterisation, evaluation and /or its applications in research and

Keywords: Monoclonal antibodies, immunodiagnostic, assays, recent applications

Received: 25-09- 2016 Accepted: 04-01-2017

Monoclonal antibody production is an old that mixture of antigens can be used to generate
immunological technique with great applications in specific antibodies. This also enables screening of
the fields of biochemistry, immunology, antibodies of choice from a mixture of antibody
biotechnology and applied biology among others population generated by purified antigen where
(Deb et al., 2013). Monoclonal antibody production single cell clones can be isolated (Buss et al., 2012).
using hybridoma technology was first discovered by Monoclonal antibodies can be used in
Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein (Pandey, 2010). immunodiagnostic techniques as reagents to
One unique advantage of hybridoma production is demonstrate the antigen of the causative agents or

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 15 (Number 1). April, 2017

indirectly for serological detection of antibodies health and productivity in various parts of the world
against the causative agents (Wilson & Walker, (USDA, 2008). The available diagnostic techniques
2010). They have also been reported to be used in have relatively low sensitivities and specificities
experimental purposes ranging from molecular which necessitates replacement with new diagnostic
detection of antigenic epitopes to monoclonal anti- tools with high sensitivity to detect infections agents
idiotype antibody for utilization as a vaccine to in individuals and to assess chemotherapeutic
induce protective immunity (Pandey, 2010). Medium efficacy.
scale quantities (0.1 - 1.0 g) are used for Since after the discovery of mAbs, they have been
development of detection kits and for testing of new used in diagnosis of many important parasitic
mAbs in animals. In this context, large scale helminths (Zumaquero-Ríos et al., 2012) and
production of mAbs is defined as over 1.0 g which protozoan (Srinivasan et al., 2014) diseases
are mostly considered for both diagnostic and (Plasmodium spp, dirofilariosis, trichinellosis,
therapeutic procedures (Shukla & Thommes, 2010; trypanosomosis, leishmanosis, anaplasmosis, etc),
Wilson & Walker, 2010). bacterial (Tamborrini et al., 2010) diseases (anthrax,
Interestingly, mAbs application in competitive ELISA brucellosis, paratuberculosis, leptospirosis,
has come to the forefront as a technique to detect listeriosis, clostridial infections, mycoplasmosis, etc),
the presence of anti-organism antibody. Since after fungal diseases (zygomycosis, cryptococcosis,
its inception, the prominent advantage of its histoplasmosis, etc) viral diseases (foot-and-mouth
specificity of a single clone preparation allows the disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine
use of even crude antigen preparation for its viral diarrhoea, blue tongue, classical swine fever
production (Zumaquero-Ríos et al., 2012). and rabies, etc). Similarly mAbs are used to evaluate
Advancement in biotechnology has contributed in emerging viral diseases like Hendra (Xu et al., 2013)
the large scale production of mAbs which forms an and Nipah viral infections. The specifications of each
integral part of many diagnostic techniques. These diagnostic assay is selected based on convenience of
assays are frequently employed either for detection the diagnosticians, scientists, researchers for use in
of infectious agents or any of its structural field and laboratories (Deb et al., 2013).
components (antigen) or even the antibodies
generated against the infectious agents (Deb et al., Diagnostic techniques using monoclonal antibodies
2013). The application of monoclonal antibodies in
Additionally, the role of monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis is by far the most advanced, especially for
disease prediction and detection is promising. tests that are performed on body fluids such as
Monoclonal antibody technology plays a significant blood and urine (Ghosh & Ansar, 2013). Monoclonal
role in the development of specific serologic reagent antibodies can be used to detect the presence of
towards antigen in limited amounts. They provide antigens. They can be used in different technologies
both highly specific and reproducible immunological which include ELISA, western blot, immunodot blot,
assay for rapid and accurate diagnosis of different flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry,
types of infectious diseases (Smith, 2012). The radioimmuno assay (RIA), microscopy (electron,
merits and demerits of the use of monoclonal fluorescence, confocal) and other biotechnology
antibodies in a number of immunoassays need to be applications (Gupta & Singla 2012; Lelli et al., 2012).
evaluated. This will help in specific diagnosis of
infectious diseases in various laboratories (Marra et Immunohistochemistry
al., 2010). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a powerful diagnostic
tool for antigen detection in tissue sections. The
Monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis of infectious method has been used in the diagnosis of cancer in
diseases humans and animal species (Casartelli-Alves et al.,
The robust specificity of mAbs has made them 2014). The use of mAbs in IHC is most preferred than
become one of the most promising fields of research the use of polyclonal antibodies, this is because
in biomedicine. They have also played significant role mAbs are more specific and typically results in less
in laboratory diagnosis of parasitic and tropical background staining (Zafra et al., 2015).
diseases (Shukla & Thommes, 2010; Gupta & Singla, Immunohistochemistry is still subjected to variable
2012). However, their diagnostic applications in factors (pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic) that
various livestock and human diseases is an important decrease its reproducibility, including scoring
area for consideration as these diseases form a systems, reagents, staining methods, tissue
major and increasingly important factor affecting preparation, fixation and definition of results.

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 15 (Number 1). April, 2017

Although, a considerable variability has been antibody that is highly specific to the metacestode
attributed to selection and validation of primary stage of E. multilocularis revealed a highly sensitive
antibodies, quality controls and lack of proper assay and specific diagnostic tool for alveolar
optimization (O Leary et al., 2013). ecchinococcosis (Barth et al., 2012).
The public health significance of most zoonotic In another study, Foxp3 antibody was used to
parasites especially those transmitted through the identify regulatory T cells, a subset of lymphocytes
consumption of infective agents in tissues of which play role in the maintenance of immune
infected animals such as Toxoplasma gondii and homeostasis. These lymphocytes are able to
Trichinella spirali sis alarming (Chharba & Singla suppress immune responses to self-antigens,
2009). Modified agglutination test (MAT) has been prevent autoimmune diseases and control the
used for the detection of antibodies against T. gondii immune response to different pathogenic agents,
in many animal species (Alvarado-Esquivel et al., including parasites (Zafra et al., 2015). Another
2011). Examination by histopathology is widely identified mAb (M92/20) was used in
employed for the diagnosis of T. gondii with only few immunochemistry (IHC) for confirmation of
studies describing the immunohistochemical suspected contagious bovine pleuro pneumonia
detection of the protozoan parasite (Pereira-Bueno (CBPP). Other monoclonal antibodies have also been
et al., 2004). However, in a study to determine the evaluated in this test for diagnosis of CBPP-affected
association between serology (MAT) and presence of lungs from Portuguese cattle. All cases were
cysts in tissues (IHC) of infected animals, conclusion detected by immunohistochemistry which illustrates
was drawn that MAT positive animals could serve as that M92/20 mAb-based immunohistochemistry is a
potential for human infection because bradyzoites sensitive and robust test for contagious bovine
were found in different tissues, regardless of the pleura pneumonia (Deb et al., 2013). With the help
MAT titration (Silva et al., 2013). of monoclonal antibodies, immunohistochemical
Zoonotic visceral leshmaniases for which the procedures such as immunoperoxidase have been
domestic dog represents the main reservoir host in improved and used as important tool for the
urban environments is also one of the important detection of viral diseases notably the cutaneous
protozoan diseases of humans (WHO, 2010; Chhabra viral infections such as the herpes viruses and
& Singla, 2014 ). Lack of reliable laboratory papillomaviruses which are difficult to diagnose
diagnostic standard is a significant challenge and a (Molina-Ruiz et al., 2015). Likewise, the use of
major problem. This necessitates establishment of monoclonal antibodies based IHC provide a more
an accurate diagnostic protocol for detection of the sensitive and specific detection of rabies virus
parasite in tissues other than the use of serological induced inclusion bodies in tissue and reduces false
tests (ELISA, IFAT) for detection of antibodies whose positive reactions associated with H and E as well as
accuracy is limited (Peixoto et al., 2015). More Sellers stains (USDA, 2008).
recently, results from a comparative study on the
various methods and techniques for accurate Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
diagnosis of visceral leshmaniasis revealed that Several immunological assays have been developed
immunohistochemistry is more sensitive and offers for the diagnosis of infectious diseases which were
advantage of diagnosing different Leshmania species either through detection of antigen or anti-
compared to others and was recommended for a antibodies in sera of infected animal or individuals
reference standard test for the condition (Furtado et (Moreno et al., 2013). For example, hybridoma
al., 2015). secreting monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to
There is no doubt that alveolar ecchinococcosis (AE) Strongyloides stercoralis protein (antigen) have been
is a life threatening disease. It is caused by the produced to aid the development of specific and
metacestode stage of Ecchinococcus multilocularis sensitive ELISA. In this regards, specific epitopes
while cystic ecchinococcosis (CE) is caused by the targeted by the produced mAbs were protein in
larva stage of E. granulosus (Stojkovic & Junghanss, nature and are located in the content of the infective
2013). The differential diagnosis of alveolar stage larva of the parasite. This approach uses mAbs
ecchinococcosis (AE) with the cystic ecchinococcosis which were IgG1 isotype known to have high affinity
(CE) is usually challenging. This has led to the to this epitope, so they were used in a blocking ELISA
improvements in diagnosis of AE on sections of to detect the antigen of the parasite. The mAbs have
infected human tissues by immunohistochemical shown some reactions to the homologous antigen in
testing of a specific monoclonal antibody (Em2G11). an indirect ELISA but did not reveal positivity with
Staining infected tissue with this monoclonal the SDS-PAGE separated homologous antigen in a

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 15 (Number 1). April, 2017

western blot analysis, suggesting conformational of the most valuable and rapid tests for fungi. Murex
epitope specificity. The mAbs were filariform stage- Cryptococcus test incorporated with a mouse
specific and thus could not also detect the antigen of monoclonal IgM-based latex agglutination assay
the rhabditiform larvae contained in the patient’s have been reported to effectively eliminate false
stool (Taweethavonsawat et al., 2002). positive reactions (Kiska et al., 1994).
Due to predominantly zoonotic importance of most In order to reduce cross-reaction with other fungal
nematode parasites, efficient control measures can organisms in detection of histoplasmosis, a mAb was
only be achieved if accurate diagnosis of these produced that recognises a species-specific antigenic
conditions can be made (Chowdhury et al., 2013). epitope of Histoplasma spp by inhibition ELISA. Thus,
Monoclonal antibody specific for Toxocara cati was a more specific detection technique was achieved
prepared and was experimentally used to increase (Gomez et al., 1999). In the same vein, a mAb (P1B)
the sensitivity of a capture ELISA for antigen was also applied in an inhibition ELISA for the
detection. IgG3 isotype was produced which has detection of circulating antigen of
shown a good reaction against the excretory- Paracoccidiodomyces brasiliensis that revealed a
secretory (ES) antigen of larval stage of T. cati. The more promising method (Gomez et al., 1998).
antibody shows no cross-reaction with the antigens Competitive ELISA assays based on mAbs not only
of other nematode parasites and had enough allow specific detection but also aid accurate
sensitivity to detect circulating antigens in serum. quantification of antibodies to human and animal
The results indicated that this antigen detection viruses. For example, Singh et al. (2004) evaluated
system provides a useful method for the diagnosis of the use mAbs base on the neutralizing epitope of
both visceral and ocular larva migrans caused by T. haemagglutinin protein in the titration of antibodies
cati and fulfils the requirement of a serological assay specific to peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus.
for the diagnosis of toxocariasis (Zibaei et al., 2010). They concluded that the c-ELISA test showed
Similarly, specific monoclonal antibodies have been potentials in replacing virus neutralization test which
produced to further characterise the suppressive have been widely used for sero-surveillance, sero-
components of the extract of Ascaris suum. The monitoring, diagnosis and end-point titration of PPR
immunosuppressive fractions isolated from the adult virus antibodies. Similar c-ELISA assay was found
worms were used to stimulate antibody production. useful for the evaluation of H5 type influenza virus in
The proteins (PAS-1, PAS-2 and PAS-3) were purified samples that are difficult to be evaluated by
from the crude extract and were prepared as antigen haemaglutination inhibition test. In this regards, the
with ovalbumin for the immunization of Balb/C mice. assay was found to be very sensitive with excellent
Three monoclonal antibodies (MAIP-1, MAIP-2 and diagnostic performance and discriminatory power
MAIP-3) obtained from the cloned hybrid cells were with high sensitivity and specificity values of 99.6-
screened to determine their specificities in ELISA 95% (CI 98.0-100) and 99.4-95% (CI 98.5-99.8)
using coated plates with each fraction of the A. suum respectively (Pal et al., 2013). Compared with the
extract isolated by gel filtration. They were shown to indirect ELISA, monoclonal antibody-based sandwich
react with different antigenic epitopes of high direct ELISA (MSD-ELISA) was reported to be 7 times
molecular weight proteins. These antibodies have more sensitive in detection of FMD virus when RT-
recognized the antigen with different affinity PCR was used as gold standard (Morioka et al.,
constants (Oshiro et al., 2004). 2014).
Cryptococcosis is a mycotic disease of major concern
and a potentially fatal disease that is the cause of Western immunoblotting
the most common life-threatening meningitis in Since the inception of the protocol for protein
patients with acquired immunodefficiency syndrome transfer from an electrophoresed gel to a
(Andama et al., 2013). Due to the difficulties and lack membrane, protein blotting has evolved greatly.
of sensitivity and specificity associated with the Western blotting analysis can detect one protein in a
conventional microbiological and histopathological solution that contains any number of proteins and
diagnostic techniques of fungal diseases, interest in giving the protein information, and it is widely used
consideration of developing non-culture approaches in protein detection. It is a method in molecular
arose. The recent birth of use of monoclonal biology/biochemistry/immunogenetics to detect
antibody diagnosis plays an important role in early protein in a given sample of tissue homogenate or
diagnosis for guide to appropriate treatment and to extract (Yang & Ma, 2009), which is normally used
prevent mortality (Yeo & Wong, 2002). The capsular with high antibody directed against a desired
polysaccharide antigen has been considered as one protein (antigen).

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 15 (Number 1). April, 2017

In a report of a study for evaluating the detergent develop a mAb that binds to the exopolysaccharide
and aqueous phases of total saline (TS) and alkaline produced by B. pseudomallei a mAb (5D8) was
extracts of Strongyloides venezuelensis for produced against B. cepacia strain (BTS13) isolated
immunodiagnosis of human disease, each extract from a cystic fibrotic patient. This mAb was found to
presented a totally different antigenic profile as be specific for the polysaccharide antigen on the
recognised by immunoglobulin (IgG) in western surface of the bacterium. The mAb reacted with the
immunoblotting. The total extracts of detergent and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of BTS13 in a ladder pattern
aqueous antigenic fractions were separated by on western blot but was only reactive with a 22 kDa
Triton X-114 and were analysed to detect antigen of B. pseudomallei. Conclusion was drawn
immunoglobulin G (IgG). The results indicated that that since the mAb (5D8) reacted with the 22 kDa
saline detergent fraction purified from S. antigen in all B. cepacia complex (Bcc) species
venezuelensis yielded the most valid results for the tested, it may be helpful in diagnosis of B. cepacia
immunodiagnosis of strongyloidosis and could be complex (Bcc) infections in cystic fibrotic patients
employed as a useful alternative antigen source of (AuCoin et al., 2010).
specific polypeptides (Feliciano et al., 2010).
No doubt, WB has been an invaluable tool used in Immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT)
the detection of viruses. A novel WB was developed The immunofluorescence test is described as a
based on mAbs for the detection of cytomegalovirus useful technique in the immunological diagnosis of
in latently infected blood donors, pregnant women, strongyloidosis. The method is used to detect
and transplant recipients with ongoing human antibody present in the serum of patients through
cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Evaluation of this assay binding to surface antigens or within the parasite.
revealed high sensitivity and specificity compared to The reaction is read in a fluorescence microscope
the conventional IgM based ELISA (Lazzarotto et al., after adding an anti-human Ig antibody conjugated
1997) to a fluorochrome. This technique (IFAT) has the
One of the major bacterial pathogens that causes advantage of providing a quantitative result by the
morbidity and mortality in young, elderly and accurate determination of antibody titer (Carrera et
immunocompomised persons worldwide is al., 2010). This factor is particularly useful for
pneumococcal infections (Saha et al., 2012). It is therapeutic evaluation. However, it is a more
caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae that is complex technique in relation to other serological
composed of about 90 serotypes, based on their methods and requires skilled and trained technical
carbohydrate capsule (Henrichsen, 1995). Although personnel for both the antigen preparation and
early detection of these bacteria species in blood is reading the slides. This technique has demonstrated
of clinical importance, as culture of blood is the only high sensitivity and specificity, with minimal cross-
widely accepted definitive technique of reactivity with sera from patients that were positive
pneumococcal diagnosis (Pozzi et al., 1995). This has for other helminthic infections (Feliciano et al.,
led to continued search by investigators for a rapid, 2010). In an attempt to update the immunological
sensitive and specific diagnostic test for and molecular diagnostic methods for the diagnosis
pneumococcal infections. In an earlier study, five of human strongyloidosis, the different methods
mAbs were produced against pneumococcal surface currently employed were analyzed. It demonstrates
adhesion A (Psa A) that is common in the cell wall the necessity of developing innovative
protein of S. pneumonia. These mAbs were used in a methodologies capable of maintaining diagnostic
dot immunoblot and western blot study of clinical accuracy, particularly for regions with limited
isolates of S. pneumonia to detect the presence of technological resources (Levenhagen & Costa-Cruz,
the protein. All the five mAbs reacted with five 2014).
multidrug-resistant strains which indicated that they To test the binding properties of the generated
may be useful for detection of pneumococcal antibodies on cells from cultures and seawater
antigen and diagnosis of pneumococcal diseases samples, an indirect immunofluorescent labeling
(Crook et al., 1998). assay was used, where the specific antibodies were
Additionally, reports about people with cystic bound with secondary antibodies containing a
fibrosis being more susceptible to infection by fluorescent molecule that can be detected by
several Burkholderia species, including Burkholderia fluorescent microscopy. Immunofluorescence of
cepacia complex (Bcc) which has a potential to cause cultured whole algal cells was carried out by an epi-
life-threatening human infections have been fluorescence microscope and confocal laser scanning
documented (Lipuma, 2005). In an attempt to microscope to identify the recognition by these

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 15 (Number 1). April, 2017

mouse antisera, and their degree of specificity. All radioactive uptake which were both considered as
sera tested were able to recognize the toxic gold standards (Grimberg, 2011). With the advent of
dinoflagellate. The antibodies specifically labeled the flow cytometry and use of fluorescent DNA stains,
two tested strains (AL1V and AMP13) of Alexandrium speed, ease of reproduction and estimated quality of
minutum and did not show any cross-reaction with the effectiveness of drugs and antibodies have been
other species (MDQ1096, SZN19 and SZN12) or increased to limit parasite growth as oppose the
screened members of other phylogenetic classes challenges of traditional techniques (Grimberg,
(Carrera et al., 2010). Interestingly, some other 2011). The development of a simple flow cytometric
studies have reported that etiological diagnosis of assay to quantitatively assess Plasmodium
bovine aspergillosis can be accomplished by indirect falciparum infection in vitro in both low and medium
immunofluorescence staining and indirect throughput has been described. Utility of this assay
immunohistochemical techniques. A rat IgM in drug inhibition of infection and measuring the
monoclonal antibody (EB-A1) against the efficacy of antibodies in blocking the parasite has
galactomannan of Aspergillus fumigates (Stynen et shown that this method will help in assessing
al., 1992) and a murine IgG1 monoclonal antibody functional antibody responses to vaccination and
(1A7B4) reacting specifically with somatic antigen of novel drugs that prevent mosquito-to-man
A. corymbejeru (Jensen et al., 1996) were applied in transmission of malaria (Kaushansky et al., 2012).
immunofluorescent assay and were found more In a study, where flow cytometry and light
sensitive than the latex agglutination assay (LAT) microscopy were used to estimate the infectivity
techniques. potential of Leishmania infantum isolates infecting
THP-1 cells in vitro, results revealed that the number
Flow cytometry of the parasite per cell in culture and infected cell
Flow cytometry is a method that principally measure percentages matched in the two different methods.
optical and fluorescence characteristics of a single It was suggested that the survival and rate of
cell or particle of a nuclei, microorganism or multiplication of an isolate within the macrophage
chromosome preparation (Brown & Wittwer, 2000). environment is an important factor to determine the
It gives more information about infectious agents infectivity potential of the isolate and disease
than any other available method. While cytometry manifestation. Conclusion was drawn that flow
equipment remains comparatively expensive, there cytometry can be used as a rapid, easy, reproducible
still exist expanding understandings that use of these and cost effective method either in biological,
machines is necessary in endemic populations at or epidemiological or clinical tests to study the
near points of care. The important signals provided infectivity potential of the Leshmania isolates,
about cells by cytometers cannot be neglected even particularly for the evaluation of drug efficiency
because of the speed at which results are obtained. (Kanellopoulos et al., 2014).
This has also made cytometry to become of In conclusion, advancements in biotechnology have
particular significance because it overcomes the led to a large scale production of monoclonal
shortcomings associated with the non-cytometric antibodies for use in many diagnostic assays. These
methods (Kaushansky et al., 2012). assays are frequently employed either for the
Historically, there have been reports of well-known detection of an immunogenic agent or any of its
shortcomings during examinations of the inhibition antigenic component. Future modifications of these
of growth/invasion of the malaria parasite for assays and their application will no doubt help to
measuring the effectiveness of anti-malarial ease early detection and diagnosis of emerging
treatments. This is no different, whether by using infections for proper control and preventions.
drugs or antibodies through the use of microscopy or

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