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Journal of Nuclear Materials 69 & 70 (1978) 70-96

0 North-Holland Publishing Company


Materkrls Development Division, AERE, Harwell, UK

Expressions are written for diffusion properties in terms of solute and solvent jump frequencies and solute defect lnter-
action energies. These are used in reviewing the general experimental features of dilute alloy diffusion and in showing how,
through their interrelations, one may confirm or refute proposed mechanisms of diffusion and extract information on jump
frequencies and defect properties. Impurities diffuse by the vacancy mechanism when their diffusion rates are comparable
with the host self-diffusion rate (“normal diffusion”). When the impurity diffusion rate greatly exceeds that of self-diffusion
(“anomalous diffusion”) the vacancy mechanism is untenable and diffusion is believed to be dominated by some form of in-
terstitial migration. Evidence supporting these beliefs is described. While normal diffusion is now fairly well understood in
some detail, this is not the case for anomalous diffusion because of the present lack of knowledge of the properties of the
interstitial defects responsible for it.

Des expressions sont presentees pour dbcrire les propriites de la diffusion en termes de fr6quence de saut des atomes de
solutk et de solvant et des Energies d’interaction solutid8faut. Ces expressions sont utilisdes pour revoir les caract&istiques
exp&lmentales gkn6rales de la diffusion dans les alliages dilu6s et pour montrer comment, i travers leurs interrelations on
peut confiimer ou infirmer les mdcanismes de diffusion propo&s et en deduire des informations sur les friquences de saut
et sur les prop&t& des d6fauts. Les impure& diffusent par le m&anisme lacunaire quand leur vitesse de diffusion est com-
parable i celle des atomes du solvant, (auto-diffusion ou “diffusion normale”). Quand la vitesse de diffusion de l’impureth
excsde beaucoup celle d’auto-diffusion (“diffusion anormale”), le mbcanisme lacunaire ne peut plus dtre retenu et la diffu-
sion est probablement dominee par quelque forme de migration interstitielle. Des preuves expkrimentales supportant ces
id6es sont d&rites. Tandis que la diffusion normale est maintenant relativement bien comprise en dktail, il n’en est pas de
m6me pour la diffusion anormale en raison de l’absence actuelle de connaissance des propri&s des d6fauts interstitiels
reponsables de ce type de diffusion.

Es werden Ausdriicke fir Diffusionseigenschaften in Form von Sprungfrequenzen des Fremdatoms und des Wirtsgitter-
atoms und von Wechselwirkungsenergien zwischen Fremdatom und Defekt angegeben. Diese Ausdriicke werden zur Dar-
stellung der allgemeinen experimentellen’ Merkmale der Fremddiffusion verwendet; es wird gezeigt, wie durch ihre Wechsel-
beziehungen vorgeschlagene Diffusionsmechanismen bestgtigt oder widerlegt und Informationen iiber Sprungfrequenzen
und Defekteigenschaften gewonnen werden kannen. Fremdatome diffundieren nach dem Leerstellenmechanismus, wenn
ihre Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit mit der der Wirtsgitteratome vergleichbar ist (normale Diffusion). Wenn die Geschwindigkeit
der Fremddiffusion sehr vie1 iiber der der Selbstdiffusion liegt (anomale Diffusion), ist der Leerstellenmechanismus unhalt-
bar, die Diffusion ist vermutlich durch irgendeine Art von Zwischengitterwanderung bestimmt. Wghrend die normale Diffu-
sion heute im Detail ziemlich gut verstanden wird, ist das fiir die anomale Diffusion wegen der gegenwsrtig geringen Kennt-
nis der Eigenschaften der dafir verantwortlichen Zwischengitterdefekte nicht der Fall.

1, Introduction ments at the necessarily low concentration of solute.

In theoretical discussions of diffusion in “dilute
Because of the comparative simplicity of diffusion solutions” this term is usually taken to mean solutions
in very dilute solutions their diffusion properties have of such low concentration that (i) it is unlikely the
been extensively studied, both experimentally and solute atoms are present other than as isolated atoms,
theoretically, ever since the advent of readily available or as similarly isolated simple groupings of atoms such
radioactive isotopes made possible accurate measure- as solute pairs, triplets etc. and (ii) that these are all

A.D. Le Claire /Solute diffision in dilute metals 11

sufficiently isolated from one another that each solute sures the relative difference of the diffusion coeffici-
atom or atom group can be regarded as diffusing in- ents D” and Dp of two isotopes of the diffusing spe-
dependently of the others. The total diffusion is then cies having unequal masses moLand mp. It is commonly
particularly simple to treat theoretically. It is neces- denoted E and defined as
sary only adequately to specify the atom jump fre-
quencies and defect interaction energies for the very
E = (Da/D’)- 1
(mp/m”)“2 - 1 ’
few simple and well defined solute-defect configura-
tions and then to add the calculated contributions to (iv) For some systems measurements have been
diffusion from each of them. Unless there are strong made of the dependence of the solvent self-diffusion
attractive interactions between them, single solute Do(c) on the atomic fraction c of solute. Usually
atoms will be the predominant species, for the con- D,(c) can be represented in the manner
centrations of pairs, triplets, etc. are proportional to
Do(c) = Do(0)(l + blc +b2c2 + . ..) , (5)
ca, cs, etc. Solutions of solute concentration no great-
er than about l-2% can be expected to meet these and results are expressed in terms of the solvent en-
requirements and experiments on dilute solutions are hancement factors, bl, b2, etc. D,(O) is the Do of eq.
usually confined to such concentrations. (2).
In this paper we review the general features of the (v) One can also measure the self-diffusion coeffi-
results from such experiments and the progress that cient of the solute as a function of its concentration,
has and is being made in their theoretical understand- D2 (c). This has a similar representation
ing. Some previous reviews can be found in refs. [l--S].
D2(c) =D2(0)(l +Brc +B2c2 + ...). (6)
with solute enhancement factors, B1, B2, etc. D2(0) is
2. Types of experimental measurement the D2 of eq. (1).
Experimental measurements of (i)-(v) all employ
We begin by briefly describing the several types of radioactive tracer methods and chemically homogene-
experimental results that are commonly drawn upon. ous samples. The gradients of chemical concentration,
Experimental procedures are described in [ 11. occasioned by the tracer gradient, are so minute that
(i) The so-called impurity diffusion coefficient, samples remain effectively homogeneous during mea-
denoted by D2, describes the limiting diffusion rate surement: there are no complications arising from
of solute at extremely low concentration in the sol- Kirkendall effects and the mathematical analysis of the
vent and is usually measured with a radioactive tracer measurements is simple because the diffusion coeffici-
of the solute as diffusant. D2 nearly always has a sim- ent is a constant.
ple Arrhenius type temperature dependence, (vi) If conditions are appropriate, one can some-
times obtain useful information on diffusion proper-
DZ = A 2 exp (-QalkT) , (1) ties by studying solute migration due to a vacancy flux
with “activation energy” Q2 and “pre-exponential fac- as the defects migrate to sinks in quenched alloys or
tor” A 2 . during their sintering or irradiation.
(ii) Da is always compared with Do, the pure sol- (vii) Finally, there are several other types of experi-
vent self-diffusion coefficient, which has activation ment that can provide information relevant to an un-
energy Qe and pre-exponential factor A,, derstanding of dilute alloy diffusion processes, such as
X-ray and dilatometric thermal expansion measure-
DO = -40 ew (320/W. (2)
ments [6], quenching and recovery experiments [6,7],
Particular interest attaches to the differences AQ be- internal fraction [8], and positron annihilation studies
tween Q2 and Q,, [9], to mention the more important examples. Some
of these topics are treated in detail elsewhere in this
AQ=Qz--Qo. (3)
volume. Experimental measurements of electromigra-
(iii) Sometimes there are available measurements tion and thermal diffusion phenomena in dilute alloys
of the isotope or mass effect for Da and Do. This mea- [lo] are also in principle of value, although their use
72 A.D. Le Claire /Solute ~~ffus~n in dilute metals

is hampered by inadequate understanding of the effec- ed for self-diffusion of the pure solvent.
tive charges and heats of transport of solute atoms Then there are some systems that are not normal
underlying these phenomena. in any respect. Some impurities in some metals show
values of D2 that may be several orders of magnitude
greater than Do, with activation energies Qz only a
3. Normal and anomatous diffusion half or a third of Qo. These are the so-called “anoma-
lously fast diffusers” [5]. We discuss these separately
By far the greatest amount of experimental informa- in section 5, where we shall find that solute migration
tion 11 l] comes from measurements of Do and Dz mechanisms of an interstitial type need to be invoked
and the first extensive and systematic studies revealed in order to explain their properties.
a pattern of behaviour that has come to be known as First we discuss normal impurity diffusion.
“normal impurity diffusion”. The essential feature of
this is that D2 and Do do not usually differ by more
than about an order of magnitude at the melting point, 4. Normal diffusion properties
due to there being comparatively small differences be-
tween Qs and Qe and between A2 and Ao. Roughly If normal diffusion occurs by vacancies we can ex-
0.1 < AZ/A0 < 1.0 and 0.75 < Q2/Qo < 1.25, with press all measured quantities in terms of vacancy con-
the smaller (larger) values of A2 tending to be asso- centrations and vacancy jump frequencies. We consider
ciated with the smaller (larger) values of Qz. At the here only monovacancy diffusion. Although divacan-
melting point D2 is usually within an order of magni- ties no doubt play some role in diffusion in dilute al-
tude of Do. The relative values of Da and Do are de- loys at high temperatures, as they do in pure metal
termined for the most part by the difference AQ self-diffusion, there has so far been too little experi-
= Qa - Qe [eq. (3)], for Dz is increasingly greater or mental indication of their contribution for the theory
less than Do according as AQ is more negative or posi- to have been extended to include it.
tive, respectively.
Then there is for many solvents, but by no means 4.1. Specification of jump frequencies
all, a striking dependence of AQ on the difference be-
tween the valencies 2s and Zo of solute and solvent. Fig. 1 shows the so-called “five-frequency model”
For fast diffusers, i.e. when AQ is negative, Zz > Zo commonly employed to discuss diffusion in dilute fee
and for slow diffusers, with AQ positive, Za < Z,. Dz alloys. A solute atom is shown shaded. Wz is the jump
generally increases with the difference Z = Zs - Z,. frequency for a solute atom-vacancy exchange, unique
Some illustrative examples of this behaviour are shown when the solution is very dilute. Near to a solute atom
in tables 67 and 8. solvent atoms may have jump frequencies that are dif-
These properties of normal impurity diffusion are ferent from the value w. characteristic of pure solvent:
characteristic of a widerange of dilute alloy systems, wi is defined as the frequency for solvent-vacancy
except that the valency dependence is less likely to be jumps between a pair of sites that are both nearest
found the larger the valency of the solvent. It is well neighbours of a solute, w3 for vacancy jumps from
established for noble metals as solvents and for some first to more distant neighbour sites (second, third or
divalent solvents like Cd and Zn, but it fails for solutes fourth) - “dissociative jumps” - and w4 for the reverse
dissolved in Mg, Al and Pb, in many transition metals “associative jumps” onto first neighbour sites. All
and also in the highly electropositive alkali metals. other solvent-vacancy jumps are assumed to occur
Table 9 shows the data for Al. with the frequency we.
For systems that are normal with respect to their If ~&i is the interaction energy (minus the binding
diffusion rates and activation energies, even though energy) of a solute atom with a nearest neighbour va-
they may not show this valency correlation between cancy, the probability is exp [-(gv + Ag)/kT] that a
Z and AQ, it is usually assumed, because of the small vacancy occurs on a particular site next to a solute
differences in properties, that the solute diffuses by atom, compared with the probability exp (--g&T)
the same vacancy mechanism that is so well establish- of occurrence on any other site. gv is the vacancy for-
A.D. Le Claire/Solute diffusion in dilute metals

jumps in the bee structure. Eq. (7) applies again. Mod-

el I makes allowance for vacancy-solute interaction
with energies &r and Aga at first and second nearest
neighbour sites. This may be necessary because their
distances from the solute differ by only about 15%.
Dissociation jumps from first to second and from first
to third or fifth neighbour sites must now be distin-
guished and are assigned different jump frequencies
w3 and w;, respectively. The reverse association jump
frequencies are w4 and w>,
but the simplification is
usually made that wb = wo, because yet another fre-
quency ws has to be defined for dissociation jumps
from second neighbour sites. The dynamic equilibrium
equations are now

wo = W; exp (-&r/W = ws exp (-4&W ,

Fig. 1. Frequencies wi for vacancy-atom jumps in fee crystals. ~4 =~3 expH&l - &d/kTl . (8)
The arrows indicate the direction the vacancy moves. The cir-
cled numbers indicate the order of neighbours to the solute Jump frequencies associated with pairs of solute
atom 0 at the origin. atoms are mentioned in section 4.4.
Every jump frequency has an Arrhenius type tern
perature dependence with activation enthalpy Hi and
mation energy in pure solvent. To maintain dynamic pre-exponential factor vi, i.e.
equilibrium between these vacancy concentrations
wi = vi exp (-Hj/kT) . @a)
demands the relation
The activation entropy is contained in vi. These mod-
w&s = exp (-&r/W. (7)
els are easily elaborated to involve more jump frequen-
Fig. 2 shows two different models that have been cies - e.g. dissociation jumps to different types of site
used for bee crystals. In model II the same assumptions should really always be distinguished - but the added
are made as for the fee case, but there are only four complexity cannot be resolved by existing types of
frequencies to consider because there are no w1 type diffusion meas~ement.

Fig. 2. Frequencies wi for vacancy-atom jumps in bee crystals, with same conventions as fig. 1. Model I, vacancy-solute binding
at first and second neighbour separation. Model II, vacancy-solute binding at first neighbours only.
14 AD. Le Claire /So&e diffusion in dilute metals

4.2. The self- and impurity diffusion coefficients small. This is because one solute jump is then highly
likely to be followed by a second jump in the reverse
The pure solvent self-diffusion coefficient De is direction. When w2 << u, f2 is near unity. This is be-
readily found to be cause the vacancy in this case makes many exchanges
with solvent atoms after one solute jump and so be-
Do = a’f~w~ exp f-gV/kT) f (91 comes near randomized in position with respect to
for both fee and bee metals. a is the lattice parameter, the solute before the second jump.
exp (-g,/kTj the fractional concentratidn of vacancies From eqs. (9) and (10) and the definition of the
and fO the correlation factor, in this case, a numerical experimental activation energy [Q = -k ?I In D/a( l/T)],
constant equal to 0.78 15 for fee and 0.7272 for bee it is easily found that AQ [eq. (3)] is
crystals. fO takes account of the fact that by a vacancy
AQ=Q,-Q,=AH,+AE-C, (12)
mechanism atom jumps do not occur at random - i.e.
with equal probab~ity in each allowed direction. The where ar-i, = H2 - Ho, AE is the vacancy-solute in-
probability is greater than random (i.e. >l/coordina- teraction enthalpy, and C = k 3 In f21a( l/r). fO is
tion no. 2) that after one atom jump by exchange with constant but f2 will vary with T if the component
a vacancy the next will be in the reverse direction, giv- frequencies have different activation energies. Usually
ing zero net displacement, for the same vacancy is im- C will be numerically smaller than AH2 + Af?.
mediately available to effect such a second jump. Sim- Any small variation of C itself with temperature
ilarly, a second jump in the same direction, doubling will contribute a small curvature to the Arrhenius plots
the displacement, has probability less than 1/Z+ fO is of In D2 vs. 1IT. Theoretical ~l~ulations suggest this
the fraction by whichDo is reduced in this way from may be negative [ 141. Since this is opposite to the sim-
the value calculated were all jumps at random. ilarly small but positive curvature expected from any
The equation for Dz , the impurity diffusion coef- divacancy contribution [ 1.51 to solute diffusion, it
ficient, is similar to eq. (9) with w2 and fi in place of may make such a contribution more difficult to iden-
w. and fO and with Agl added into the vacancy con- tify than in the case of pure metal self-diffusion.
centration term, When C varies with temperature there is a corre-
sponding variation of A 2, for this is easily seen to con-
DZ = a2f2w, exp [-(s, f &I I/W . (10) tain the factor f2 exp (-C/R 7’), which is independent
Solvent jump frequencies enter into D2 through the of temperature only when C is.
correlation factor fi . In simple cases, like vacancy dif- Eq. (12) expresses the fact that solutes that attract
fusion in isotropic crystals, f2 has the form [ 12,131 vacancies (i.e. M negative) and also exchange with
them much more rapidly than do solvent atoms, so
f2 = u/@w, + u> 9 (11)
that wz >> w. (i.e. AH2 negative), will have negative
where u is a function of alf the solvent jump frequen- values of AQ and are therefore most likely to be fast
cies. Table 1 lists some expressions for u. In these, the diffusers. However, it does not of course follow that
F values art? known and are usually slowly increasing all fast diffusers necessarily have both AE and M2
functions of their arguments. When w2 >> u, f2 is negative and we shall see illustrations of this later.
Similar remarks apply with regard to slow diffusers.

4.3. Isotope or mass effect

Table 1
Expressions for u in eq. (11) for the correlation factor; im-
If it is assumed that a change in the mass of the
purity diffusion by the vacancy mechanism [l&l 31
,diffusing species alters the jump frequency of that
Structure u [Es. (1111 F(m) F(1) ROf species alone - i.e. the wi and therefore the fi in eqs.
(9) and (10) but not the L(in eq. (11) for example -
fee u = 2Wl + wg(w&J/w()) 2 5.15 7 then it turns out that in its simplest form the mass ef-
bee I u = w&wq/wo) 3 5.33 7 fect E, as defined by eq. (4), is just
bee II u = w’$(w3/w$ 3 5.33 m
EQ =foAbg and .I& =f2aK2g, (13)
A.D. te Claire /Solute di~~s~~ in dilute metals 15

for self- and impurity diffusion, respectively, [ I2,13, formfi = (1 + G(wzi, wi)]- ‘, where G, a function of
15,161. g is a factor which is unity if jumps are of one all the jump frequencies involved, is a homogeneous
atom at a time, as in simple vacancy-atom exchanges; function of order one with respect to those of the
otherwise, if groups of n atoms migrate simultaneously tracer diffusing species, the w2i. The Wj are the non-
(e.g. n = 2 for interstitialcy jumps) tracer jump frequencies. There may be more than one
Wsi, as for example in anisotropic crystals, when it is
(134 necessary to assume that AK2 is the same for each if
the simple form, eq. (13), is to be retained. The above
where M’ = mi + (n - I> m* is the mass of the migrat- condition is clearly satisfied by eq. (1 I), representing
ing group one atom of which is an isotope i and the the form of fi for monovacancy diffusion in fee and
others host atoms of mean mass m*. A AK is the frac- bee crystals, as well as for several other mechanisms,
tion by which the mass effect in the migration of an such as divacancy and direct interstitialcy diffusion in
atom or group is diluted by there being some conco- fee crystals. In cases where it is not satisfied, such as
mitant movement of other nearby atoms during the for a-axis diffusion in hcp crystals and for some types
migration. It is the fraction that resides in the migrat- of interstitial and interstitialcy diffusion, E may differ
ing atom (or group) itself of the total kinetic energy considerably from fAKg. See, for example, ref. [25],
associated with passage through the saddle-point of a But, given expressions for D2 and f2 for any mech-
jump [17,18]. anism, E can always be calculated from its definition
The value of g is always known, but there is no reli- as some function of the jump frequencies.
able way of calculating AK. However, LX0 can always A comparison of predicted with experimental val-
be determined from a measurement of E. because f. ues of E is often of considerable diagnostic value in
is known. (It is around 0.9 for close packed metals, identif~ng or con~rming mechanisms of diffusion.
rather less for bee metals [I 41.) With regard to AKa,
simple relations have been suggested for estimating it 4.4. The enhancement factors bi and Bi
from AK0 with the ratio of solute and solvent masses
[ 191 or of diffusion activation volumes [ 161, but so Eq. (5) describes how the solvent diffusion coeffi-
far these have been little employed. Rather has the cient Do(c) in a dilute alloy varies with the solute con-
somewhat questionable assumption been made that centration c.
AK2 = AKe, from whichfs is immediately obtainable The quantity br is determined by the extent to
from a measurement of E, . In any event, E, always which solvent jump frequencies near to isolated solute
gives a lower limit to fi because gAK is fractional. We atoms differ from w. - i.e. by the frequencies wr , w3
refer later to the use made of these measurements of and w4. By carefully counting all the different types
f2* of solvent jumps one can calculate Do(c) and identify
AK is not thought to vary much with temperature the terms in eq. (5). For fee crystals the result for b r
[21] so measurements of E2 as a function of T give is
the quantity C in eq. (12). However, E may also, of
course, vary with temperature if there are two or more t 14%) exp(+).
migration mechanisms, with different correlation fac-
tors, contributing to diffusion in proportions that (14)
change with temperature. For example, a decrease of
Eat high temperatures has been attributed to a diva-
This form illustrates the effect of the altered vacancy
cancy contribution to D, for diffusion of Ag [22] concentration near a sol&e through the factor exp
and of Co f23] in Au. This may be the most sensitive (-Agt/M). With eq. (7), br can be written wholly in
means of detecting a divacancy contribution to diffu- terms of frequencies. The solute jump frequency w2
sion in dilute ahoys. enters into br only through the quantities x1 and x2
The simplest relation, eq. (13), between E and f is which are mean partial correlation factors and known
not general. It can be shown to be valid [24] only functions of the three ratios w2/wl, w l/wg and we]
when the diffusion mechanism is such that fi has the wo ]261.
16 A.D. Le Claire / Solute diffusion in dilute metals

There are similar relations for bee crystals. For is inde~ndent of concentration, which Stark’s calcula-
model I, with eq. (8) tions [29] suggest may not be unreasonable, B, is
found to be [28] *
w3 Vl
(bcc1) bl =-20+141’t6-
fo wo fo B1 =-6- 12exp(-2) t [4~ exp( -3)

and for model II

+ 1421 exp(-3)) (18)
P2 w3 v2
(bccI1) b1 =-20+6-+ 14-
fa WI fo for fee crystals.
(16) If we assume no solute-solute binding (Agp = 0)
and that w 21 = w23 = w2, eq. (18) becomes
~1 9 VI @2/d 9 w3hb) and 112, ~2 (w2Iw3, w4lw0)
are mean partial correlation factors and known func- B1 = 18[exp (-Ag,/kT) - l] . (19)
tions of the frequency ratios in the parentheses [27].
Similar assumptions were made by Miller [30] in an
The term b2 in eq. (5) derives from the modifica-
earlier calculation of B1, but the result differs from
tion of solvent jump frequencies in the neighborhood
(19) in having 11 in place of 18. This is because Miller
of pairs of solute atoms. One needs to consider, for
assumed that all solute jumps had the common fre-
fee crystals, all pairs out to eighth nearest neighbour
quency w2 : this is inadmissable because, from (17),
separation, because with any of these there are always
some solvent jumps that cannot be unambiguously w24 = w2 exP (-~~/k~.
identified as of the types wl, w3 or w4, and which The two equations (14) and (18) for bl andB, are
may therefore have different frequencies from these. very similar in form. This is not surprising. Both des-
It turns out [28] that, even with some simplification, cribe the interaction of tracer atoms with solute atoms
there are as many as six new solvent jump frequencies - B1 that of solute tracers and bl that of solvent tra-
to be defined. The resulting expressions for b2, due to cers. If these tracers were to become identical we
Bocquet [28], are therefore rather lengthy and we should have kp =O,W?~ =w1,w2 =wo,etc.andeq.
shall not reproduce them. Little use seems so far to (18) would go over into eq. (14) as it then should.
have been made of them. Furthermore, if the frequency ratios in one equation
In eq. (6) for the solute self-diffusion coefficient do not differ markedly from those in the other, as
as a function of its own concentration, the concentra- would be the case if all perturbations were weak, we
tion independent term comes from isolated solute would expect b1 and B1 to be of the same sign and of
atoms, while the terfn in BE is due to pairs of solute comparable magnitudes, apart from the effects of
solute-solute interactions - the Agp terms in BI.
atoms close enough together for a solute jump frequen-
This is indeed just what is found experimentally for
cy to differ from the value w2. Similarly, B2 derives
normally diffusing solutes, with B1 usually numerical-
from solute triplets, and so on.
ly somewhat less than b, suggesting, as might be ex-
There have been no calculations ofB2, but B1 has
pected, a repulsive interaction between solutes (Agp
been considered in a model that defines three new
positive). Table 2 shows some results that illustrate
frequencies to describe single solute jumps that re-
orient a nearest neighbour pair (wzl), that dissociate
Numerical values of b 1 and B, are best discussed
a pair (Wan) or that create a new pair (w?~). Nearest
when bl is written in terms of the ratio Dz/Do. Com-
neighbour pairs will not occur at random if solute
bining eqs. (7), (9), (lo), (11) and (14) gives
atoms interact and one defines for such pairs an inter-
action energy Agp. There then exists the equilibrium

w24 exP (-&,lkT) = w23 exP (--&l/W 9 (17)

* Eq. (18) differs from Bocquet’s [ 281 result following a car-
-Agl being, as previously, the binding energy of a va- rection to his expression for the concentration of single
cancy with each solute. With the assumption that f2 solute-vacancy pairs and the use of eq. (17).
A.L).Le Cl&e / Solurediffusionin dilute metals

Table 2
Values of Dz/Do, b 1 and B1 for a few fee (a) and bee (b) systems
T= 730°C %Fe &Pd &AU &Cd &In &Tl &Sb &Pb
(1020”) [321 1331 1341 [341 [351 [361 [371

D2h 1.06 0.04 0.26 3.1 5.3 8.4 7.6 11

bi -5 -8.2 -1.2 +7.0 +13.0 +37 +52 +87
- -7.5 -0.56 +5.5 +8.5 +30 +11 +50


aF_h @Y VT1 orFeSi lfFe

(895”) (1400”) (1400”) (1x7’) (1300)
[381 [391 [391 1401 [41I

&/Do 0.74 1.26 1.66 1.64 4.06

br -1.1 -4.3 +16 +20.4 +18.7
Bl -2.5 +27 +12.4 -

The term in braces will have the order of magnitude wa/wr -+ =. That is, when vacancies are near perma-
unity. It becomes unity, leading to Lidiard’s equation nently associated with solute atoms and exchange ex
for br 1421, if we assume F= 1 and that ~rturbations tremely rapidly with them. Then
are weak so that x1 $ x2 + fo. (fee) bI = -18 + ~xI(Dz/‘Do).
Eq.(20) shows that br is more likely to be positive
the larger Da is compared with De, i.e. fast diffusing = -18 + 1.945(D2/Do), (21
solutes tend to enhance solvent diffusion rates, an ef- when the value x1 = 0.4862 [26,43] for these condi-
fect attributable in large measure to the higher vacancy tions is inserted.
concentration. Values of D2 fDo range up to about 10 Values of b,,,h, can also be calculated for bee crys-
or so and a typical value of f2 is about i. Positive val- tals. For example, for model I the equation for br can
ues of br are therefore expected to be in the range be written
O-100, say, Similarly, for slowly diffusing solutes br
will tend to be negative: their presence slows up sol- bl =-20+&+1j~ (22)
vent diffusion, but the values of b 1 cover a narrower fo w3fo’
range for they cannot exceed -18, however small D2 by substituting eq. (8) into (15). A rnin~~ allowed
may be. These properties are illustrated by the data in value of ws/w;, and therefore of b 1, can be deduced
table 2, where it is also seen that whenDa and Do do irom the relation [27]
not differ greatly the other factors in eq. (20) can be-
~2 _ foPz/Do) F{w&; 1
come important to give some fast diffusers negative (23)
values of b 1, e.g. CQ Au, BV. $ - F{w&; I - 2fo (DzlDo) ’
What few values there are of bz are very roughly obtained by combining eqs. (8)-(11). Since ws/w;
up to an order of magnitude greater than b, . There must be positive, F cannot be less than 2foDz/Do:
seem to be no values reported of Ba for normal diffu- this sets a minimum value to ws/w; consistent with
sers [4]. an experimental value of Dz/Do, because F is an in-
From eq. (20) can be derived an important expres- creasing fiction of ws/w;_ The factors pr and v1
sion for the absolute rn~~urn value of b, consistent are evaluated at (w~/w~)“i~ and for the ratio w2/w;
with an experimental value of D&&, b 1 has its mini- = 00with which it corresponds. The calculations for
mum value when wr/ws + m and fa -+ 0, which implies model II are similar.
78 A.D. Le Claire I’Solute diffusion in dilute metals

As one might expect, measured values of br for I and wJw3 and wq/wo for model II. It follows that
normal solutes are well ,above these minimum values, if all three experimental quantities have been measur-
as can easily be seen. Even with as high a value of LX,/ ed for an fee system, or any two for a bee system, the
Do = 10, eq. (21) gives a bk of only about t2, well relevant equations can be solved to yield numerical
below the experimental values for such solutes (see values for the frequency ratios. Tables 3 and 4 show
table 2). This is not surprising because the limiting the results of such calculations for most, if not all, of
conditions associated with bti represent an extreme the systems for which data are available. All the fre-
situation. quency ratios are positive, as they must be, and the
This compatibility between b 1, Dz and Do, when calculated values of f2 in table 4 are within the allow-
their values are expressed theoretically and compared ed range of 0 < f2 < 1, confirmation again of the va-
in terms of a vacancy mecha~sm, provides of course cancy model as appropriate for describing such nor-
additional support for the presumption that normal mal systems. (This is particularly true for the high and
diffusion is by vacancies. However, for the anomalous- the low temperature regions in the YFe system, which
ly fast diffusing solutes that we discuss later, this com- are in this case characterized by different activation
patibility breaks down completely. Measured values energies above and below about 14OO”C,aithou~
of bl are strikingly less than b,,,h and the vacancy earlier measurements of the mass effect [46] have
mechanism has to be rejected in their case, as we shall suggested divacancy diffusion in the high temperature,
see. high Q2, region.) (see section 4.3.) The frequency
ratios are, for the most part, all well within an order of
4.5. The determination of frequency ratios magnitude of unity, indicating that the perturbing ef-
fects of solute atoms are not gross. It is unfortunate
The various vacancy equations for normal diffusion that one cannot derive a value for we/w3 because this
can be exploited more quantitatively to derive infqr- would give [eq. (7)) the solute-vacancy binding en-
mation on the jump frequencies involved. The key to ergy. But wq/w3 is a ratio of frequencies for vacancy
this is the property that all the three experimental jumps in opposite directions between a pair of sites,
quantities, i&/Do. b 1 and fi , derived from a mass ef- whereas diffusion data only give the ratios of frequen-
fect measurement, can be written as functions of the cies of alternative jumps from the same site.
same set of frequency ratios. For fee crystals these ra- When w4 > wo, or >ws in the bee model I, vacan-
tios are wz/wl, wI/w3 and wq/wO. Thus, from eqs. cies tend to move towards solute atoms rather than
(9) and ( 101, further from them. This is equivalent to there being a
solute-vacancy binding and indeed the ratios wq/wo,
--..- _f2 ~2
or wq/w5, tend to be greater than one for the fast dif-
---_-, (24)
Do fo wo fusers and less than one for the slower diffusers. Again,
the second relation following from the use of eq. (7). one might expect ratios with a w2 numerator to be
It is easily seen that eq. (11) for f2 and eq. (14) for larger for the faster diffusers and this tends to be the
bl can similarly be rewritten to contain only the same case, although not regularly so. Finally, we turn to the
three ratios. For bee crystals .the three experimental ratio w , /w3. When this is greater than unity vacancies
quantities are determined by sets of two frequency ra- are more likely to jump around a solute atom than
tios, namely wJw\ and wJw\ (= w,Jws) for model away from it. This is sometimes said to indicate bind-

Table 3
Frequency ratios in fee systems calculated from measured values of Dz/Do, b 1 andf2
fee &/Do bl f2 WllW3 w2h w4ho T("C) Ref.
CUZil 3.4 +8.8 0.47 1.1 3.6 1.5 947 v41
qgZn 3.9 +12.1 0.57 2.56 1.54 1.3 880 1451
&Fe 1.06 -5 0.79 10.5 0.35 0.3 1020 [311
A.D. Le Claire /Solute diffusion in dilute metals 19

Table 4
Frequency ratios and impurity correlation factors in bee systems calculated from Dz/Do and bt

bee &ho bl Model I Model II T (“0 Ref.

wz/wj w4lw5 f2 w2fw3 w4lwo f2


EC0 0.74 -1.1 0.69 0.80 0.78 0.74 0.92 0.79 895 [381

ZV 1.26 -4.3 1.73 0.34 0.53 2.64 0.67 0.52 1400

0.94 -3.7 1.01 0.43 0.67 1.42 0.72 0.67 1100 [391

fli 1.66 +16 1.49 4.6 0.81 0.64 2.4 0.78 1400 1391
VFe 4.06 +18.7 5.33 4.89 0.55 2.51 2.48 0.47 1300
- 0.59 1.9 1728 [411
3.04 +12.6/15.6 3.7 3.7 2.1 0.55

ESi 2.1 24.4 1.86 6.8 0.82 0.61 3.2 0.78 1127 1401

ing, but it does not necessarily mean that a nearest their own concentration gradient which, in a homoge-
neighbour solute-vacancy pair then has a lower energy neous alloy, must be in the same direction as the va-
than a separated solute atom and vacancy, which is the cancy gradient. That is to say, in this case the solute
usual meaning of binding. The point is illustrated by moves in the same direction as the vacancy flux and
@Fe in table 3. wI/w3 is large but there is no sugges- its concentration around sinks is increased. Both such
tion of strong binding in the low value of Dz/Do and effects have been observed experimentally. Table 5
the sizeable and negative value of b 1. summarizes some observations on the solute concen-
It is sometimes said thatf2 >fo for slow diffusers tration changes near different types of vacancy sinks
while f2 < f. for fast diffusers. Experimental results and shows that one may indeed have either enrichment
may frequently conform to these relations but they (E) or depletion (D), depending on the system.
have no theoretical basis and table 4 contains some ex- To treat the phenomenon quantitatively one writes
ceptions to them. &Si is fast withf2 > f. and TJV at down the formal equations for the fluxes of solute
1100°C is slow with f2 < fo. (Ju) and of vacancies (Jv) and these lead to the result,
There are various other transport phenomena mea- for a very dilute homogeneous alloy AB of solute con-
surements which can be employed, especially when centration Cu = (1 - CA), [47,12]
other diffusion data are available, to give information
on these jump frequency ratios. Particularly important
-= D2

J” (C,&,/fo)+ CBDZ
are phenomena associated with there being a net flux
of vacancies in a dilute alloy, such as occurs in a quench- where@=[6+7F+14(1-F)((w,-,/w~)- l)].The
ed or an irradiated alloy as the excess vacancies flow fluxes are referred to the vacancy sinks so, if wr is suf-
towards vacancy sinks [47]. Here the ratio wI/w3 is ficiently greater than w3, JB and J, are in the same
particularly relevant. One might expect both solute direction (JB/Jv positive) and there is an enrichment
and solvent atoms to migrate in a direction opposite of solute near sinks. Otherwise, if wr is comparable
to the vacancy8flux, and in amounts roughly propor- with or less than ws there is, unless D2/Do is too small,
tional to their concentrations and to their diffusion a depletion of solute, J*/J, being negative.
coefficients, so that the solute concentration around Anthony’s measurements in table 5 (ref. [Sl]) were
sinks becomes reduced. However, if w I >> w3 a va- used in eq. (29, with the approximation F = 1 to de-
cancy can remain associated with a solute atom for termine the values shown for w3/wI. (The inequality
very many solute jumps, for it moves among the sites signs results from no account being taken in eq. (25)
around a solute atom, between solute jumps, rather of diffusion due to the concentration gradients built
than moving away. Such pairs therefore diffuse inde- up as solute migrates.) The integrated vacancy flux
pendently of the vacancy flux and therefore down was obtained from the size of the condensation cavities
80 A.D. Le Claire /Solute diffusion in dilute metals

Table 5
Systems showing depletion or enrichment of solute near vacancy sinks due to solute flux induced by a vacancy flux

System Temp. Deplete OI w3 Sinks

(” C) enrich

‘AJMg 480 +ve E grain boundaries in quenched samples

GMn 800 +ve E _
CuZn 800 -ve D _ 1 pores in diffusion samples [49]
CuAg 1070 --ve D _




1 necks in sintered samples [50]

vacancy condensation cavities in quench-

+cu 585 0 None 0.36
ed samples [5 1]
&lCe 585 -0.92 D >0.22 I

QZn 947 -1.65 D 0.90 [441

&Zn 880 -0.43 D 0.37 calculated [451
QFe 1020 +1.18 E 0.095 1 [311

and the integrated solute flux from the change in con- 4.6. Theoretical calculation of diffusion parameters
centration near the cavities as measured by microprobe
analysis. The three items at the bottom of table 5 show There seem to have been no absolute calculations
the effects predicted (D or E) from eq. (25) using the of any impurity diffusion coefficient or activation en-
frequency ratio data of table 3. ergy. Attention has been focused rather on attempts
These same vacancy flow effects feature also in the to calculate only differences in diffusion properties of
phenomena of electro- and thermomigration in dilute solute and solvent, and especially those expressed by
alloys, where a knowledge of atom jump frequency ra- the quantities Af? and AQ. aE is attractive because it
tios, in particular wr/ws and wq/we, is necessary for is comparatively easy to calculate [6,53,54], and par-
a complete interpretation of the measured effective ticular attention has been given to AQ [eq. (3)] be-
charges (Z) and heats of transport, Q [lo]. Such trans- cause it is readily and directly measurable and is the
port measurements could therefore in principle be quantity for which the largest body of data exists.
used to provide information on frequency ratios, al- AQ is given by eq. (12). The quantity C is readily
though the present lack of understanding of the Q shown to contain only the differences AHi = Hi - Ho
and the Z values may hamper this as a general method. and the ratios vi/v,, , for i = 1 to 4 in fee crystals, for
However, Doan [52] has pointed out that measure- example. AQ is therefore determined wholly by these
ments of the concentration dependence of the marker quantities, with AE.
shift during electromigration in dilute alloys could be There have been many attempts to rationalize the
used, when combined with data on b 1 and Dz/Do,to data on AQ either by just seeking empirical correla-
determine the ratios wa/wr
, ws/w, and wq/we. This tions between it, or Q,, and seemingly relevant pro-
concentration dependence is determined only by these perties of solute and solvent species - like atomic or
three ratios, in fee crystals, and the measurable effec- ionic radii, elastic properties or their various thermo-
tive charges of solute and solvent atoms. This method dynamic properties - or, and often with the help of
would have the merit of avoiding the use, as described such correlations,’ by calculating AQ in terms of such
earlier, of the quantity fi ,
the value of which may be properties with the aid of appropriate atomic models
uncertain to the extent that the assumptions made (e.g. [55-591). Although many such calculations have
about aKz may not be valid. ignored C, and so have estimated AQ from considera-
A.D. Le &ire /Solute diffusion in dilute metals 81

tion only of the sum AH2 t Al?, they are frequently cy, represented as hemispheres. AHa + AE is then easily
successful in revealing useful relations for AQ in rea- seen to be just -lelV(l k/16); the other AHf are simi-
sonable agreement with experiment, at least for limit- larly calculated for estimating C. It has been usual to
ed range4 of solvents. assume that only the ratio v2/vo differs from unity
An example of a simple empirical correlation is and this is introduced into the calculation through the
Moore’s result [57] that Q2 is roughly an exponential easily proved relation
function of the solute atomic volume V. This allows
AQ to be written as VZ/VO = &fd&fd exp (C/RT).
AQ=b-alogY, The simplest form for V(r> is that of the Thomas-
Fermi potential [61 J
where a and b are characteristic of each solvent metal,
but different for transition and non-transition solutes Zlel
V(r) = y---aexp(-49 ,
in that metal.
An example of a calculation, and one wherein C is
properly considered, is that of Neumann and Hirsch- where a! is a known function of 2 [62J and of order
waid [59 J. They employ a model to calculate the AHi unity, and 9 is the “screening constant” given by q2
that combines a Morse potential description of atomic = 47r times the density of electron states at the Fermi
interactions with certain correlations between energies level of the solvent. V(r) has everywhere the same sign
and melting points, TM~ and TMo, of pure soIute and as Z. For positive 2 impurities both AE and m2 are
solvent. They obtain the result therefore negative: they attract vacancies and there is
a reduction of the saddle-point energy of their jumps
relative to that for pure solvent atom jumps. C also
turns out to be negative in this case [ 141 but apprecia-
and with their calculated values of C added, values of bly less numerically than the sum ivIa + AE, so that
AQ are obtained in reasonable agreement with experi- AQ is negative. Similarly, for negative Z impurities
ment for solutes in the noble metals. AQ is positive. These are precisely the properties of
The only model from which AQ has been derived completely normal impurity diffusion as described in
in a direct manner, avoiding any dependence on corre- section 3.
lations or adjustable parameters, is the so-called half- Tables 6,7 and 8 show some values of AQ calculat-
vacancy electrostatic model [ 14,601. This calculates ed from the model to iiiustrate the good agreement
AQ in terms of electronic properties and gives an im- with experiment for diffusion of various solutes in
mediate explanation of the correlation of AQ with va- monovalent Cu [64,63] and Ag [14J and in divalent
lency that is observed in many systems, and of why Cd 1681. They illustrate too the typical magnitudes of
the correlation by no means always obtains (see see- AQ for such systems and how it varies with the value
tion 3). and sign of Z. For Cd (table 8) it is interesting how
One calculates the electrostatic interaction between the calculations reproduce the anisotropy, at least
a vacancy and the screened potential V(r) due to an quantitatively. Table 7 also contains some similarly
impurity, both at the nearest neighbour distance a, calculated values of Br Jeq. (1 S>J, again in reasonable
giving AE, and in the saddle-point con~gurations for agreement with experiment j7 1 J. Successful calcula-
the various solvent and solute jumps of interest, giving tions have also been made of AQ for solutes in a few
aJri - AE. The vacancy is usually approximated as a other solvents such as Zn [72] and Ni 1731, and there
point charge equal to -2, le 1, so that immediately have been a few calculations of b, [14]. In all cases
AE = -20 1eI V(a), and the ~p~ity as a point charge agreement tends to be best for solutes in the same row
Zle I=: (2, - 2,) ie 1.In a saddle-point config~ation of the Periodic Table as the solvent, probably because
the vacancy is regarded as split into two h~f-vacancies the ion cores are then isoelectronic so that 2 actually
carrying effective point charges of -fZe le I at dis- is a point change. The model has also been extended
tances 1 la116 on either side of the jumping atom, this successfully to homov~ent systems (2 = 0), using
being the distance to the centroids of each half-vacan- both Thomas-Fermi and Hartree (vi.) type expres-
82 A.D. Le Ckire / Solute diffusion in dilute metals

Table 6
Theoretical and experimental values of A@ (kcai moi-’ ) for impurity diffusion in Cu [63,64] (Qo = 50.50 kcaI mol-I) 1671

Zn Ga Ge AS Sn Sb
[651 1661 (631 f661 [641 f641
~._ --._-..-~ ____
z +1 +2 +3 +4 +3 +4
AQexpt -4.90 -4.60 -5.74 -8.50 -5.55 -6.86
AQtheor -3.98 -4.58 -5.82 -8.41 -5.1 -6.2

sions for V(r> appropriate for a “potential well” repre- It is perhaps surprising, in view of these remarks,
sentation of the solute atom [74]. that a normal valency dependence is found for solute
It is well known, however, that the Thomas-Fermi diffusion in Cd and Zn. However, this is not found in
equation (26) is a rather rough approximation to V(r) Mg [81] nor in Al, for which the data, as shown in
and that more accurate expressions are available. These table 9, are particularly extensive. All the non-transition
are based on the Hartree equation and have been de- solutes show normal diffusion in that A2 and Qz dif-
veloped by Kohn and Vosko, Friedel, March and fer little from A,-, and Qe, but AQ remains compara-
others ([54] and [75-801). They do not differ much vely small and shows no obvious dependence on the
from the Thomas-Fermi potentials at short distances valency difference, despite this varying all the way
but have the important and highly significant property from -2 to t2. The other interesting feature isihat
of becoming oscillatory at larger distances: the differ- the transition-period solutes show unusually large val-
ences here are therefore profound. uesofQz andAa, although Dz and Do still differ com-
Now, at least for monovalent metals, it turns out paratively little near the melting point.
that the distances of interest in a calculation of AQ For a few of these solutes in Al calculations have
are comfortably within the region where the potentials been made [91,92] of AQ that recognize the need to
are similar, so it matters little which potential is used: use a more correct oscillatory type of potential for
both give similar values of AQ (see e.g. 1741). However, v(r). The results are included in the table. There is
for polyvalent metals, on account of their higher elec- reasonable a~eement in sign and ma~itude both with
tron density, the oscillations become effective at near- the small experimental values of AQ shown by non-
est neighbour distances or less and so have a profound transition solutes and with the much larger values
influence on the value of AQ. In particular, with pos- found for transition solutes. It is interesting that for
sible changes now in the sign of V(r) in the relevant Cu, Zn and the transition solutes the oscillations are
range of r, there is no reason always to expect for such that there is an attraction between vacancy and
solutes in polyvalent solvents the same simple depen- solute at the nearest neighbour distance (AE negative)
dent of AQ on valence that one finds for normal mono- but a stronger repulsive interaction at the saddle-point
valent solvents. (AHa positive), making the total AQ positive. For Ag

Table I
Theoretical and experimental values of AQ and El for impurity diffusion in Ag (Qo = 44.27 kcal mol-‘) [ 14,711

Pd Cd In Sn Sb Tl Pb Ge
[32,70a] 134,691 [34,693 1691 [36,70] [351 [371 [351
2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +2 +3 +3
AQew +12.6 -2.57 -3.64 -4.97 -5.95 -6.37 -6.17 -1.17
AQtheor + 7.4 -2.45 - 3.40 -4.65 -5.70 -4.66 -4.84 -6.13

Blexp - 7.5 +5.5 +8.5 - +11 +30 +50 +15

B1 theor +4.7 +8.4 +11.0 +11.8 +8.4 +11.0 +11.0
A.D. Le Ckziref Solute diffusion in dihte metals 83

Table 8 valid strictly only for large r 1771. kF is the Fermi

Theoretical and experimentabvalues of AQ (kcal mol-‘) for wave vector, ozo a constant and # a phase factor -
impurity diffusion in Cd [68] which it is important to include. The value of (x0 and
#I can be estimated from electrical resistance or NMR
In Ag AU
i- +1 -1 -1 The simple half-vacancy electrostatic model seems
to provide a satisfactory qualitative, and in many res-
AQ ew II c -1.16 +6.03 +6.86
IC -2.65 +5.48 +6.84 pects quantitative, description of the main features of
normal impurity diffusion in spite of its obvious short-
Abeor u C -1.6 +6.0 +6.0
+5.1 comings. Treating the ~purities, vacancies and haif-
IC -2.5 +5.1
vacancies as effective point changes, ignoring differ-
ences in size and lattice relaxation, and employing
and Ge AQ is negative because of a strong attractive only the free electron (Sommerfeld) model in the de-
interaction at the saddle point with a smaller vacancy- rivation of the expressions for V(r), as has been done,
solute repulsion at the nearest neighbour distance. are ail gross approximation that better models must
These features are consistent with the vacancy flux avoid.
experiments (table 5): Zn is enriched and Ge depleted While there has been considerable effort over the
in dilute alloys of these solutes in Al. last decade or more to develop more satisfactory theo-
These calculations employed an asymptotic solu- retical descriptions of vacancy-solute interactions
tion for V(r), (A@, and this topic is reviewed in, for example [53]
and by Doyama and by March elsewhere in this Con-
(27) ference 1541, very much less attention has been given
to treating the saddle-point conflation in a more

Table 9
impurity diffusion in Al, with some theoretical [91,92] values of AQ (Qo = 29.0 kcal mol-’ [82])

Zz-Zo Solute A2 Q2 AQ ew @theor Ref.

(cm%-l) (kcal mol- ‘)

-2 cu 0.65 32.3 +3.3 +1.15 [82]

Ag 0.12 21.8 -1.2 -1.15 [821
Au 0.13 27.8 -1.2 - [821
-1 Mg 1.24 31.15 +2.15 +3.2 1831
1.1 30.9 +1.9 1841
0.26 28.9 -0.1 +2.0 I821
Cd 1.04 29.1 W.7 _
0 0.49 29.2 +0.2 WI
{: 1.16 29.2 +0.2 [861
+1 Si 0.346 29.6 +0.6 V71
Ge 0.48 29.0 0 -0.71 1821
Sn 0.25 28.5 -0.5 _ [881
+2 Sb 0.09 29.1 +0.1 [891

Cr -5.104 -58 +29 +20 1821

Mn 104 50.4 +21.4 +24
135 46.0 +17 f”s!!
Fe +27
9.1.105 61.5 +32.5 1911
464 41.7 +12.7 1821
250 41.6 +12.6 +20 1921
84 A.D. Le Claire / Solute ~~ffus~~nin dilute metals

realistic way for calculating the mi. Among the few

efforts in this direction is the work of Corless and
March [93] who, using self-consistent Hartree type po-
tentials, calculated AQ for Zn in Cu by a point ion
method that avoided reference to half-vacancies. AHa
and C were found to be appreciably smaller and AE
rather larger than derived by the crude model [ 141,
the net result for AQ being in rather less good agree-
ment with experiment. More recently, pseudopotential
methods have begun to be applied to calculating the
migration energies A.@{[94,95], but there seem so far
to be no results suf~ciently complete for direct com-
parison with experiment.

5. Anomalously fast impurity diffusion 10-11


5.1. General features

200 0
We have already mentioned in section 3 that there IO‘ITFK-')

exist some dilute alloy systems wherein the solute dif- Fig. 3. Arrhenius plots for various solutes diffusing in Pb, af-
ter [S].
fusion rates show gross departures in ali respects from
normal solute diffusion. Perhaps the most thorou~y
studied systems are those with Pb as solvent and fig. 3 actinide series of elements [ 128- 1321. And at least
shows the Arrhenius plot of D2 for several solutes in the noble metals diffuse very fast in the alkali metals
this metal [5], There are some impurities like Bi, Sn, [133-l 361, especially Na and K for which the Q, are
Tl and Na that are normal in that their properties are particularly small. While there is within a given solvent
close to those for Pb self-diffusion, but there is an- a tendency for Dz for the transition metal solutes to
other group Ag [96], Ni [97], Au [98], Pd [99], Zn decrease in the order shown, the D2 for the noble me-
[ 1001 and Cu [96] with quite different properties. tals seems invariably to decrease in the order Dcu >
The Da values are 3 to 5 orders of magnitude greater DA,, > DAg. For solutes in allotropic solvents the ratio
than for Pb self-diffusion and the activation energies D.&Do is usually much the larger in the more close
Qa only half to a third of Qo. Then there are Cd [IO1 ] packed or, usually, the lower temperature phase. Fig.
and Hg [102] with D2 values smaller, but still rather 4 shows an example. The early transition metals are
large, which we shall see form an intermediate class. often considered to behave on alloying like elements
Such exceptionally large D2 and low Q, values are of high valency and the late transition metals like ele-
not peculiar to solutes in Pb. These same solutes and ments of low valency [ 1371, so there is the rough rule
others like them diffuse very fast in certain other fair- that these very fast diffusing systems tend to be of
ly well-defined types of solvent and these are listed in low-valent solutes in high-valent or highly electroposi-
table 10. Although the diffusion of every solute in tive solvents, although such a rule may not remain in-
every solvent has not yet been studied, the pattern of violable.
behaviour that is becoming established seems to be It is well established that neither gram boundary
that Cu, Ag, Au and Zn, and maybe Be too, plus the nor dislocation enhanced diffusion are responsible for
her transition elements, all tend to diffuse anoma- these exceptionally large values of D2 and the only
lously fast in the high valent metals Sn, In and Tl way one could explain them in terms of a vacancy
[ 103-1071 as well as in Pb, [96- 1001 and also in the mechanism would be to assume a very strong vacancy-
ear& members of each of the d-transition groups solute binding. But this would entail a very large value
[108-1201, the lanthanide series [121-1271 and the for b 1, the solvent enhancement factor [see eq. (14)]
A.D. Le Claire / Solute diffusion in dilute metals 85

Table 10
Systems in which “anomalous” impurity diffusion occurs; the solutes on the left tend to diffuse anomalously fast in the solvents
on the right.

Solutes Solvents
(1) Low valency groups I & II (1) High valency groups III & IV
Cu > Au > Ag Pb [96-1021, Sn [103-1051,
Be, Zn Cd, Hg Tl [106], In (1071

(2) Later transition metals (2) Early members of d-transition groups lanthanides, actinides
Ni, Co, Fe Cr, Mn Ti [108-lll],Zr [111-116],Hf (1171,
Pd Nb [118-1201,
La [121], Ce [122-1241, Pr [124-1271, Nd [122]
f U [130-1321, Pu [128-1291
02 decreasing

(3) Highly electropositive alkalis

Li [135-136],Na [133],K (1341
____ ___

and experimentally one does not find this. In the few is only a few per cent of the minimum allowed value.
cases where they have been measured, experimental A similar situation prevails for Co in y-U, fl-Zr and
values of b 1 for very fast diffusing systems are very /3-Ti and for Fe in Nb, whichever bee vacancy model
much less even than the minimum theoretical value is employed to calculate bh. Cd in Pb is also anoma-
for vacancy diffusion, such as given by eq. (2 1) for lous, although only just so, and maybe Hg too because
fee alloys. Table 11 shows the data that are available. bh corresponds to an extreme situation and baxp is
For Ag and Au in Pb, with their very high D,/Do, b, rather close to it. But at least for the other systems in

Table 11
Observed values of bl for anomalously fast diffusing impurities compared with the minimum theoretical values consistent with the
measured Dz/Do ratio, if diffusion were wholly by vacancies.

T (“C) Dz/Do b, (obs) bl (min) Ref.

~_ _~
- 199 15 x 104 5.7 x 103 3 x 105
215 89 x lo3 4.3 x 103 1.7 x 105 ]1381

Age 300 870 1.4 x 102 1.7 x 103 11381

CdP& 199 44.9 45.2 69.3
248 29.1 30.0 38.5 [loll
300 19.9 19.1 20.8

HgPb 252 17.6 21.2 16.1

295 14.3 22.1 9.8 [lo21

_ 940 100 197 277 369 [I311
- 933 384 94.3 1095 1407 [I391
SC0 1205 41 5 109 153
1504 31 14 83 112 [llOl
- 1756 116 61.4 334 446
1988 49 55.0 144 191 [ 140,141]
86 A.D. Le Claire / Solute diffusion in dilute metals

the table the incompatibilities of b 1 with the vacancy value - at least for Pb, where they range from AI’/
model predictions are so gross that this mechanism AI’, = 0.5 for Ag down to 20.06 for Pd [99]. This
must be rejected and another sought to explain their difference is not inconsistent with an interstitial mech-
behaviour, and very probably also that of all systems anism, for in such a case AT will not contain the va-
with similarly large diffusion rates, even though b 1 cancy formation volume that is its major component
measurements may not be available to dictate unam- in self-diffusion.
biguously the need of another mechanism. A necessary criterion for the occurrence of intersti-
The current hypothesis is that fast diffusing solutes tial solution is that the solute should fit with little dif-
are elements that dissolve at least in part interstitially ficulty into interstitial sites. All the fast diffusing sys-
and that diffusion is dominated by some type of inter- tems satisfy such a criterion provided ionic size is
stitial migration. If cr and c, are the fractional concen- taken as the relevant parameter, for all the solutes
trations of interstitial and of substitutional solute, and have ionicradii sufficiently small to be accommodat-
Di and D, the corresponding diffusion coefficients, ed in the interstices between solvent ions with little
the total Dl will be or no ion-core overlap [ 142,116]. The corresponding
criterion based on atomic radii, the “Hagg rules”, is
(28) not satisfied, but this may not be surprising. Hagg’s
rules refer to interstitial compounds, or “complete”
Because Di, unlike D,, does not contain a fractional interstitial solution with ci = 1. A rather less demand-
defect concentration we expect Di >> D,, so that D, ing criterion should be required for the quite small
may be dominated by interstitials even if ci is quite interstitial fractions that may be sufficient to provide
small. significant interstitial diffusion. The ionic size condi-
Equilibrium is presumed to.be maintained by a tion seems appropriate.
‘~dissociative-a~ociative” mechanism whereby the It is not however a sufficient condition: there are
rate at which interstitials are created by substitutional many solutes small enough to be interstitial but that
solute atoms jumping into interstitial sites, creating diffuse normally and so are presumably not necessarily
vacancies from which the interstitials subsequently in that state. Therefore, in addition to size effects,
separate, is balanced by the reverse, associative, recom- electron interactions must also be important, as one
bination rate of vacancies and interstitials. If there are might expect, in deciding the propensity for interstitial
sufficient sinks to maintain the normal equilibrium va- solution formation. These have been discussed in rela-
cancy concentration, the ratio cifc, is tion to ion polarizability, d-d core interactions and,
most simply, in terms of valency. Anthony argues
exp (-I/kT)
CJC, = CY , (29) [ 1421 that the electronic contribution to the energy
where I is the energy to form a free interstitial and Q of interstitial solution must increase with the valency
the ratio of the numbers of interstitial to substitution- of the solute in a given solvent, being near zero for
al sites. There is now much evidence in support of this zero valent solutes. For substitutional solution on the
hypothesis [5,142]. other hand it will increase with the absolute difference
between solute and solvent vacancy, becoming zero
5.2. Evidence for interstitial solution and d~f~s~n when the two are equal. it follows that, provided the
ionic size criterion is satisfied, interstitial solution may
To the extent that they can diffuse independently be more preferred the lower the solute valency and the
of the solvent, interstitial solutes are unlikely to influ- higher the valency of the solvent. As we have seen, the
ence very strongly the vacancy controBed solvent dif- fast diffusing systems all conform to these expecta-
fusion rates. The comparatively small values of b 1 in tions, being of low valent solutes in high valent sol-
relation to Dz/DO are then immediately explicable. vents. It follows too that Dz should decrease with in-
Whereas the activation volumes AV for normally crease in the valency of a series of solutes in a given
effusing solutes are about the same as for self-diffu- solvent, and this also is observed for solutes in, for ex-
sion (eg. [143]), those for the diffusion of very fast ample,Ti [109], Zr [115] and Li 11441. This is a par-
solutes are at most only a half of the self-diffusion ticularly interesting correlation because it is just the
A.D. Le Cl&e ! Salute diffusionin dilute metals 81

opposite of the way D2 varies with valency among diff~ion rates of fast solutes that can be most readily
normally diffusing solutes. understood if the solute is diffusing interstitially [ 106,
While the ionic radii have to be compatible for in- 1031. In Sn, for example [ 1031, D2 for the diffusion
terstitial solution to occur, atomic radii seem to be of Au is about 100 times greater parallel to the c-axis
relevant in discussing fast diffusion rates for these of- than at right angles to it, and it is along the c-axis that
ten correlate with atomic radii more satisfactorily wide interstitial channels occur in this metal.
than with ionic radii. In Zr [ 1151 and Ti [ 1091, for Simple consideration of valency and of size, parti-
example, Dz tends to decrease with increase in solute cularly ionic size, therefore suggests an interstitial solu-
atom radius. This behaviour could probably be related tion in, and some particular properties of, just those
in some way to the dependence on valency [145]. systems wherein fast diffusion occurs and so supports
Size effects also explain, in terms of interstitials, the interstitial explanation of their behaviour. Never-
another interesting property of very fast diffusers. theless, they can suggest interstitial solution in systems
When the solvent shows a phase change, the associated that do not show fast diffusion, e.g. Na in Pb [ 1461.
changes in the diffusion properties of fast solutes are Also, they do not immediately explain some of the de-
very much less than the usually large changes in self tail of fast diffusion behaviour, e.g. why always DA,, >
and normal solute diffusion properties. Fig. 4 illus- DAg when the valencies and atomic radii are the same
trates this for solute diffusion in Pr [ 1251. Sometimes and the ionic radius of Au is the greater of the two,
D, and Q2 may even be quite continuous through namely 1.37 vs. 1.26 A. (But see section 5.3). Obvi-
the phase change, e.g. Ag in Tl [ 1061, Co in Hf [ 11’73. ously other factors are important too in deciding
In fig. 4 the two orders of magnitude increase in DO whether an interstitial solution should form, but these
on going from the hcp to the bee phase one can attri- have not yet been clearly identified.
bute to the bee phase having the more open struc- There are several experimental techniques that have
ture. One might expect similar increases in Di and D,; been used to demonstrate, in particular cases of fast
but interstitial sites are srna~ie~ in the bee phase. This diffusing systems, that the solute is in interstitial solu-
should decrease ci so that the product cpi may suffer tion. Centrifuge experiments, for example, determine
a relative small change in the transformation hcp + the partial molar volume 7 of the solute from measu-
bee. If diffusion is dominated by interstitials (DiCi >> rements of its sedimentation equilibrium distribution
Dsc,), a correspondingly small change in D2 will re- [147,148]. From the value T-0 found for Au in K
sult, as observed, and it may be an increase or a de- 11491 complete interstitial solution of Au seems clear-
crease or near zero. ly indicated. The same conclusion has been drawn
Again with regard to geometry, when the solvent is from measurements on Au in Na [ 1481, In [ 1SO] and
anisotropic, like Tl or Sn, there is an anisotropy in the Pb [ 15 I], although these show rather larger values of
v, but still appreciably less than the -1 atomic vol-
ume expected for pure substitutional solution. The
larger 7 are presumed due to relaxation around the in-
terstitial Au atoms, but could indicate an appreciable
c, (see section 5.3). Electron channeling experiments
[152] have also indicated Au interstitials in Pb. There
is evidence for Ag dissolving interstitially in Pb from
the 15fold increase in the yield point of Pb on adding
-0.2 at.% of Ag, compared with the undetectable ef-
t BCC I Dwble HCP fects of adding the same amount of normally diffusing
Sn fl53j. Among results for other solvents are M&s-
bauer experiments that gave evidence of Co dissolving
interstitially in In [ 1541. On the other hand for Au in
l/T.16"(K-'t Sn channelling experiments with Ne ions have indicat-
Fig, 4. Arrhenius plots for various solutes diffusing in bee and ed a predominantly substitutions solution [ 1551. On
hcp Pr, [125]. this evidence the fast diffusion of Au must be attribut-
88 A.D. Le Ciaire / Sohrte d~fusio~ in dilute metals

ed to a small fraction of highly mobile interstitials. electron density metal) and bi is correspondingly
The interstitial hypothesis seems then to be quite smail. For Tl it is about unity [159]. We can therefore
well established as a general concept and basis for the ignore such a contribution in relation to any of the
explanation of fast diffusion behaviour. The very large experimental values of b I in table 11, and must asso-
range of values that D, can cover - 3 to 4 orders of ciate the solvent enhancement wholly with interstitial
magnitude between Cd and Cu in Pb for example, com- diffusion. This requires there to be some interaction
pared with the one, or at most two, among a set of of the interstitials with the vacancies that are respons-
normal diffusers - suggests th.,: cr varies from small ible for the solvent diffusion, otherwise b 1 would be
values for the lowest Dz to values perhaps near unity zero. That this interaction is particularly strong in the
for the excessively fast solutes like Cu in Pb or Au in case of Cd and Hg is evident from the result that, for
Na. Then there are various properties that indicate the these two solutes, b 1 and D, /Do differ comparatively
interstitial defects cannot always be of the simplest littie; for Cd they remain nearly equal over the whoIe
type and to deal with these the interstitial hypothesis temperature range investigated. Exact equality would
has been elaborated into the defect models we discuss mean that the number of additional effective solvent
in the next section. But there is at present comparati- jumps, due to the presence of solute, was the same as
vely little quantitative information firmly established the effective number of solute atom jumps. This rela-
either with regard to the ct or to the detailed proper- tionship and a low value of E could both arise if solute
ties of the interstitial defects, as these apply to the diffusion was by the migration of tightly bound inter-
wide range and variety of anomalous systems. stitial-vacancy pairs and it was from these considera-
tions that Miller [30,160] proposed such defects as
5.3. I~~te~stiti~~
defect diffusion models primarily responsible for diffusion in systems like Cd
in Pb.
Most detailed theoretical considerations have been Fig. 5 depicts Miller’s vacancy-interstitial pair de-
prompted by the particularly extensive data on diffu- fect and the jump frequencies associated with it. A
sion in Pb-based systems. pair may form either by the association of a free inter-
At least for these systems it is evident from measure- stitial and vacancy or by the jump of a substitutional
ments of the mass effect E, [eq. (4)] that we cannot solute atom, with frequency ur , onto a nearest neigh-
be dealing with the very simplest type of interstitial bour site. It may be annihilated by a reverse jump of
diffusion. This shows values of E2 near to unity [ 131, frequency ua. If -B is the binding energy of a pair and
so that AK = 1 becauseg = fi = 1. By contrast, fast cp their fractional concentration, then in equilibrium
diffusers in Pb show very much smaller values: for
both Ag [1.X] and Cu [I571 E2 = 0.25 and it is even
kT ! ’
smaller at 0.12 for Cd in Pb [ 158 1. Unless these figures
just represent extraordinar~y small values of AK for where z is the number of nearest nei~bour interstitial
simple interstitial diffusion, which seems unlikely, sites around a substitutional site. From eqs. (29) and
they must be attributed to multi-atom (g << 1) or to (30) the fractions of solute atoms occurring as pairs,
highly correlated cfa << 1) types of migration proces- p, or as free interstitials, q, are
An indication of one type of interstitial defect that
may be responsible is obtained from consideration of
the finite magnitudes of b, . We first note that this is and
not only much too small to be accounted for wholly
by vacancy diffusion but also much too large to be at- q =:= pcUexp (-I,fkT) , (32)
tributed to vacancy diffusion by a possibly small sub-
stitutional fraction of the solute. Normally diffusing where @= { 1 + OLexp (-~/k~ + z exp [--(gv + B t I)/
solutes in Pb have particularly small ratios of Dz/Do WI-‘, and ~1 when the ~terstitial fraction is very
(due perhaps to a near complete screening of their ex- small.
cess ionic charges at short distances in such a high The interstitial solute can move to another inter-
A.D. Le Claire/ Solute diffusion in dilute metals 89

Fig. 5. The Miller model for vacancy-interstitial pairs with frequencies of solute and solvent jumps. The arrows indicate the direc-
tions of atom jumps. Open circles, solvent atoms, shaded circles, impurity solute atoms, interstitially sited on left, substitutionally
sited on right. V = vacant site.

stitial site by jumps of frequency k, that dissociate tions that differ in the assumptions made about the
the pair or of frequency kz that reorient it. Solvent relative magnitudes of the frequencies involved. Both
atoms can move by exchange with the vacancy in assume very tight binding of the pairs so that k, and
jumps of frequency w1 that dissociate or of frequency wr are relatively very small and ~7<< p. The free inter-
w2 that reorient the pair. All other solvent and inter- stitial contribution to D2, the term 4( 12ko) in eq.
stitial jumps occur with frequencies w. and k,, res- (35) is therefore ignored.
pectively. It follows that In the first approximation Miller [160] assumed
that the jumps of the interstitial members of the pairs
(33) were much more frequent than those of the vacancy
members, i.e. a relatively mobile interstitial jumps
If there is no contribution to D2 from substitutional around, or into, a relatively immobile vacancy. Thus
vacancy diffusion b, is readily found to be, for fee k,, u2 >> wI, kl, w2, and with these assumptions f2
crystals, is calculated approximately as
‘iW2 + 8wr + 20kl
bl = -6 + (2w2 + 4wr) f2 = (36)
v2 + 4k2 ’

Eqs. (34)-(36) now give, with Miller’s further assump-

(34) tionfr =fo,
and D2 is D2
(fee) by =fo2 l+ <fo--_,
D2 = $,Q204~2 +4k2 +8k,) +&12ko)lfi > (35) Do

where a is the nearest neighbour distance between in- (37)

terstitial sites and fl and f2 are the correlation factors a result in near accordance with the data for Cd in Pb.
for diffusion of solvent and solute, respectively. In A similar calculation for bee crystals gives [ 1 lo]
deriving eq. (35) p + Q is assumed small and u1 does the relation
not appear because eq. (30) has been used to eliminate
(bee) by s $fo@',/Do> . (38)
The model has been developed in two approxima- Experimental measurements of b 1 for Co in Ti [ 1 lo]
90 A.D. Le Claire /Solute di~~us~o~
in dilute metals

and for Fe in Nb [140,141] are at high temperatures for AK < 1 and the gross approximation in the model.
quite close to, at lower temperatures somewhat less Although both the Miller and Warburton treat-
than, this value of $fe Da/Do. Accordingly, solute ments entail considerable approximation that a more
diffusion in these systems has also been attributed to complete study would avoid, they seem to establish
Miller-type pairs. that diffusion of Cd and Hg in Pb can be attributed to
With Miller’s assumptions applied to eq. (36)fs the migration only of tightly bound vacancy-intersti-
will clearly be very small, in agreement with the low tial pairs. But their assumptions cannot be appropriate
value ofB found for Cd in Pb [158] and the even for the solutes that diffuse in Pb very much more
smaller values for Fe in Nb, 0.025 to 0.05 [140,141]. rapidly than Cd and Hg. As we go from Cd to Ag to
A similarly small value is found for Fe in Ti [ 1081, It Au to Cu, D2/De becomes increasingly large and bl ,
is to be noted, however, that eq. (36) is not of the though increasing too, becomes a very small fraction
form to allow writing E = fAK (see section 4.3). Hunt- of D2/Do (table 11) - and much too small for all the
ley [25] has calculated E itself for an extended Miller- diffusion to be due to pair migration, for this entails
type model and shown that it can indeed be small, bl being not too different from D2/Do.
provided kz/ko is sufficiently Iarge, and even without The small b, values can be most simply understood
there necessarily being the very tight interstitial-va- by supposing that Dz for these solutes is predominant-
cancy binding that Miller assumes. ly due to the migration offree interstitials, contribut-
Eq. (36) does not, however, accommodate the ing nothing to bl , with only a relatively small fraction
data for Hg in Pb because bi cannot exceed D2fDo. of interstitial-vacancy pairs to effect the small solvent
Warburton [ 1611 therefore modified the model to enhancements that are observed. A smaller fraction of
provide for a rather greater degree of solvent enhance- pairs might be expected than for Cd and Hg solutes be-
ment by supposing that pairs were completely stable cause the vacancy interaction with the univalent noble
against dissociation, so putting kl = w, = 0, and that metal interstitials will be weaker than that with dival-
the vacancy jumps rapidly around a relatively immo- ent Cd and Hg. If we take b,/(D,/D,) as a rough mea-
bile interstitial, i.e. w2 >> k2. To simplify the calcula- sure of the fraction of solute diffusion attributable to
tion, particularly offa to which f. would no longer pair migration, this is about 16% for Ag and 4-5% for
be a good approximation, k, was actually assumed Au in Pb.
zero, such jumps being argued as anyway unlikely The increase in Dz is most likely due in large part,
from geometrical considerations. Solute is therefore because of the large range covered, to an increasing
now mobile only through vr and v2 type jumps. With interstitial fraction [CJ(Ci + c,)] of solute as we g0
these assumptions f2 is from Cd to Cu, although some variation in Di itself
[eq, (28)] may also be responsible. This is consistent
f2 = ~W~/(UZ+ 4~2) , (39)
with the interstitial solution being energetically more
and bt becomes, from eqs. (34), (35) and (38)
favoured the lower the solute valency (section 5.2).
A smaller effective valency for Au than for Ag seems
then indicated if the fact that DA” is greater than L)A~
Warburton evaluated f t as a function of wa/va (al- is due to the interstitial fraction being larger for the
though explicit expressions are not given) and arrived Au. This smaller valence could arise from the larger
at the result that bi must lie between about 0.85 D2/ ionization potential of Au causing its ions in solution
Do and 3.8 Da/Do, these limits corresponding to wa/ to be more effectively screened than those of Ag
v2 e 0 and w2/v2 -, ~0, respectively. The data for both [ 1421. A larger Au interstitial fraction is in fact indi-
Cd and Hg in Pb are now accommodated in this ver- cated from the observation that Au is three times more
sion of the model. effective in hardening Pb than the same concentration
From eq. (40) and the experimental data, the ratio of Ag [162].
w2/v2 can be calculated. It is roughly i for Hg and 4 The equation [eq. (28)] for D2 can now be written
for Cd. Eq. (39) then givesfa = 0.33 for Cd in Pb, to in a more general way as
be compared with the experimental value E2 = f2 AK
= 0.12 ] 158 J. The agreement is reasonable allowing Dz=(l-p-q)D,+qDf+pDn, (41)
A.D. Le Claire /Solute diffusionin dilute metals 91

D,, Df and D, being the coefficients of diffusion of The common ratio of Df/Dp was deduced as equal
substitutional, free interstitial and vacancy paired in- to -15.9 so that pairs appear to be much less mobile
terstitial solute atoms, respectively. Decker et al. [99] than free interstitials.
have used this equation, with two others derived from Although the authors do not consider b 1, it can be
it, for the activation energy Q, and activation volume estimated from p, q, Df/Dp and the measured Dz/DO,
AV, to determine, from the data on D,, Q, and AI’, if we assume b 1 = cy~D,,/Do with cr a constant. The
the values of p and ~7for the solutes Hg, Cd, Ag, Zn, results agree with experiment for Ag and Au with OL
Ni, Au and Pd in Pb, assuming that the differences in = 1.2 and 2.5, respectively, so the p and q values for
behaviour are due only to differences in p and 4. That these elements may be reasonable. However, the esti-
is to say, it was assumed that the parameters in D,, Df mates of bI for Cd and Hg agree with experiment
and D, were the same for each solute. Those of D, only if we assign (Y= 45 for Cd and (Y= 10 for Hg.
were supposed the same as for Pb self-diffusion while These seem unacceptable, being so very much larger
those of Df and D, were determined along with p and than the successful Miller or Warburton models allow.
4 in fitting the data. This rather questionable assump- The conflict arises because the relatively large values
tion limits the significance of the results, but they are of q make the contribution to D2 from free intersti-
nevertheless of some interest. tials much greater than that of pairs and this is con-
The values of p and 4 are shown in table 12. There trary to the Miller-Warburton assumptions, pDp >>
is almost wholly substitutional solution of Cd in Pb, 40,. The p and q values for these two solutes in table
as expected, with but a few tenths per cent of inter- 12 may therefore be suspect and this could arise be-
stitials. Cu is present almost entirely as free intersti- cause of the assumption of common diffusion para-
tials while the total interstitial concentration of Au is meters for all solutes. Those for divalent Cd and Hg
very much smaller, and of Ag smaller still, consistent may well be very different from those that neverthe-
with their hardening effect [ 1621. Both have an ap- less may reasonably represent the properties of all
preciable proportion of pairs, especially Ag. The low the other lower valent solutes. The diffusion proper-
value of 4 for Au may explain the rather high partial ties of Cd and Hg, particularly the values of Qa,are
molar volume of Au in Pb found by centrifuge experi- indeed rather different from the others.
ments [ 15 11. Although Pd, Ni and Zn have diffusion The values of I and Q (= g, + I + B) in table 12
properties similar to those of Au, their solution pro- were calculated from p and q via eqs. (3 1) and (32)
perties differ significantly in that the proportions of and represent the only experimentally based estimates
interstitials are much larger with about 70% or more available of these quantities. Those for Cd and Hg
as pairs. Clearly a measurement of b, for Pd, Ni or Zn may, for the above reasons, be the least reliable.
would be of interest to compare with existing data on It would seem that in most fast diffusing systems
Au or Ag. there is but one dominant mechanism of migration,
i.e. one dominant term in eq. (41), because experimen-
tal Arrhenius plots of D, rarely show any significant
Table 12 curvature. The data of table 12 lead to calculated Ar-
Fractions q and p of various solutes dissolved in Pb as free in- rhenius plots for all solutes that are “linear within a
terstitials (q), with energy I, and as vacancy-interstitial pairs few per cent” [99] for all solutes over the experimen-
@), with energy Q (= gv + B + r) (from [99])
tal temperature range, due to the dominance of free
Solute P 4 QW) I I(eV) interstitial diffusion. The diffusion of several solutes
in P-Ti [ 1081 provides rare examples of significant
CU 0.01 0.98 0.08 -0.22 curvature, suggesting two or more mechanisms in these
Pd 0.54 0.28 0.04 -0.02 systems with comparable contributions to D2. The
Au 0.05 0.18 0.21 0.07
Ni 0.65 0.11
curvatures in this case may not be unconnected with
0.04 0.04
0.45 0.10 0.09 0.08 that seen also in the self-diffusion Arrhenius plot of
E 0.06 0.024 0.23 0.19 this “anomalous bee metal”.
Cd 0.0003 0.0008 0.52 0.37 Whereas the small mass effect that has been observ-
Hg 0.002 0.0004 0.40 0.40 ed for Cd in Pb can be understood in terms of diffusion
92 AD. Le Claire /Solute difj%sion in dilute metals

dominated by vacancy-interstitial pairs, it is more dif- and PbCu. From the way the peak heights changed on
ficult to understand the similarly small mass effect for annealing it was evident that two types of defect were
Ag and Cu diffusion in Pb where such pairs would ap- involved. The higher temperature double peak in each
pear to contribute very little to D2 - 15% for Ag, alloy had an activation energy very close to the Q, for
nearly zero for Cu. If the diffusion of these solutes is diffusion at very low concentration of the solute in
indeed dominated by what we have called free inter- that alloy; it is reasonable then to associate the relaxa-
stitials, then it would seem that these must exist in tion process and the diffusion with the same defect.
some form more complex than as isolated solute atoms The concentration of this defect must vary little with
freely migrating by simple jumps from the centre of temperature, otherwise the Q values would differ ap-
one octahedral interstitial site to another, for which preciably, and this suggests a very low value for I [eq.
we expect E = 1. There are some experimental results, (29)]. The lower temperature double peaks correspond-
in addition to the mass effect, that support this for ail ed with a defect that became more stable as the tem-
the noble metals in Pb. perature decreased and might therefore be associated
Particularly striking are Warburton’s measurements with the two atom defect indicated by the dehance-
[ 1631 showing that the diffusion coefficient of Au in ment results on Au in Pb. This assignment is support-
Pb decreases as the Au concentration increases (i.e. B, ed by the fact that in &Ag alloys the defect respon-
is negative), and more rapidly the lower the tempera- sible for the lower temperature peaks was found to be
ture, despite the fact that Pb self-diffusion is enhanced unstable above about room temperature, consistent
by the presence of-Au (i.e. bl positive). (There is a with the observation that the diffusion of Ag in Pb
similar but smaller effect for the even faster diffusing does not noticeably change with increasing Ag con-
Co in p-Zr [ 1391.) This behaviour is quite inexplicable centration [ 1661. Now the anisotropy of the relaxa-
in terms of the vacancy or the vacancy-interstitial tion and the occurrence of double peaks (i.e. two
pair mechanisms and the simplest interpretation is to relaxation times) showed that both types of defect
suppose there must be a second type of defect contain- must have a (100) orthorhombic type symmetry. It
ing two Au atoms, a “doublet”, in equilibrium with a was therefore proposed, as the simplest configuration
“singlet” defect containing one Au atom. If the dou- satisfying this requirement and retaining the intersti-
blets are energetically favoured their relative concentra- tial nature of the solute, that the defects might be of
tion must increase as the total concentration increases, the split interstitial or dumbbell type, i.e. two atoms
or as the temperature decreases. Then, if, as seems like- sharing a lattice site but each displaced from it in op-
ly, they are less mobile than the singlets, the measured posite directions along a (100) direction. Warburton
D, will vary in the way observed. From the data one and Turnbull propose the term “diplon” [S] . The high
can derive a doublet defect formation energy of -4.5 temperature diplon in &Au alloys could be a Au-Pb
kcal/mol per Au atom. pair, such as depicted in fig. 6(a), the low temperature
There is further evidence for two major types of diplon, or doublet defect, a Au-Au pair. In &Ag al-
Au defect in Pb from measurements in P&Au alloys of loys only the Ag-Pb pairs occur at diffusion tempera-
the temperature dependence of their electrical resis- tures.
tivity and of the kinetics of the precipitation in them However, later work [167,168] has shown that ex-
of AuPbs [ 1641. In fact, comparison of these measure- tremely pure Pb doped with Cu, Ag or Au does not
ments with the diffusion data indicates a need to in- show the internal friction peaks originally reported by
poke at lower temperatures even higher order defects Turner et al., whose Pb samples turned out to have had
of 3 or more Au atoms if a consistent set of energy x300 ppm of Bi. The peaks might therefore have to
parameters is to be derived [ 1631. be associated with this impurity, but other explana-
That there were two types of defect in all the dilute tions for the difference in results have been proposed
noble metal - Pb alloys was actually first suggested [5,167]. For example, the Bi may just serve to facili-
from internal friction experiments, and these also gave tate the observation of the noble metal peaks through
~formation on their likely con~gurational nature. its precipitating on dislocations. This would pin them
Turner et al. [165] reported two doublelpeaks in the and in~bit their movement, so reducing the background
damping spectrum of each of the alloys &Au, &Ag damping, and at the same time may deny precipitation
A. D. Le Claire / Solute diffusion in dilute metals 93

tion of Pb-Ag diplons, as shown in fig. 6(b), and their

dissociation and association, the Ag atom dissociating
from one Pb atom and entering into association with
another, as shown in fig. 6(c). Both processes entail
concomitant motion of heavy Pb atoms so that the
mass effect in Ag diffusion is diluted through the factor
g in eq. (13a). For the rotation process n = 2 and g
= 0.34 for Ag, 0.24 for Cu. If the association-dissocia-
tion process is considered as a case of n = 3, g = 0.20
and 0.14 for Ag and Cu, respectively, although the ef-
fect of the Pb motion in this case ought perhaps to be
described through the AK factor. In any event, the
coupling of the noble metal atom with the lattice im-
plicit in this dumbbell defect model is clearly capable
of reducing the mass effect into the r’ange of the ob-
served values, although a more careful study of the de-
b fect kinetics is clearly needed.
The displaced solvent atom in a singlet defect
might exchange more rapidly than usual with a vacan-
n n
cy and this could provide an alternative way of con-
sidering the kinetics of what would be a modified
form of, though still essentially, the interstitial-va-
cancy pair model to account for the small values of
One would also expect small mass effects in the
migration of the noble metal-noble metal diplons,
Fig. 6. (a) (100) plane of atoms in fee crystal containing a although it is by no means clear how their slower mi-
solute-solvent split interstitial defect, or diplon. (b) Displace- gration might occur. It is presumed slower to account
ment of solute by diplon rotation. (c) Displacement of solute for the dehancement and the precipitation results, but
by diplon dissociation and association. From [ 51.
if the internal friction results are confirmed this defect
relaxes at the lower temperatures and therefore more
readily than the singlet. Some other rate determining
sites to the noble metals, obliging enough to remain in process must therefore govern its migration. However,
solution to produce the peaks observed. Again, the further speculation might perhaps be premature in
much larger solute concentrations used in some of the view of the unsettled internal friction results, if only
later experiments [ 1681 may have exceeded the criti- because without the symmetry constraints these would
cal supersaturation value, causing precipitation of sol- seem to impose other types of two atom defects could
ute and leaving too little in solution to provide observ- be candidates for consideration. A firm conclusion
able damping in the absence of Bi to reduce the back- on the internal friction data is clearly much needed.
ground. None of these explanations has been proved In summary, the quite extensive experimental in-
and it is unfortunate that this uncertainty in the sig- formation on fast solute diffusion in Pb has led to the
nificance of the internal friction results remains un- conclusion that, unlike normal diffusion, at least three
resolved. Nevertheless, the experiments have served defects need to be invoked to explain the facts. These
to suggest the defect models described above and these are vacancy-interstitial pairs, solute-host diplons and
at least provide a basis for understanding the low mass solute-solute diplons, their contributions to diffusion
effect values for Cu and Ag in Pb [ 1561. varying considerably from solute to solute. The thermo-
The long range migration of Ag atoms can be ef- dynamic and kinetic properties of these defects are
fected by the joint action of two processes, the rota- far from well established in any quantitative sense and
94 A.D. Le Claire /Solute diffusion in dilute metals

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proposals. Further work to define more closely their (b) 73 (1976) 131.
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Pd solutes, may also indicate the need to add to their 561.
number and variety. [27] M.J. Jones and A.D. Le Claire, Phil. Mag. 26 (1972)
For the very many other systems showing fast dif- 1191.
fusion, information from which to draw conclusions [28] J.-L. Bocquet, Saclay Report CEA-R-4292 (1972) and
These, Paris (1973).
on the defect properties is exceedingly sparse, but the [29] J.P. Stark, J. Appl. Phys. 43 (1972) 4404; Acta Met.
similarities with the more fully studied Pb systems 22 (1974) 1349.
naturally suggest a similar catalogue of defects. [ 301 J.W. Miller, in: Diffusion Processes, vol. 1 (Gordon
and Breach, London, 1971).
[31] J.-L. Bocquet, Acta Met. 20 (1972) 1347.
[ 321 N.H. Nachtrieb, J. Petit and J. Wehrenberg, J. Chem.
References Phys. 26 (1957) 106;
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[2] N.L. Peterson, Solid State Phys. 22 (1968) 409. Phys. Rev. 129 (1963) 617.
[ 31 A.D. Le Claire, in: Diffusion (A&M., Cleveland, Ohio, [34] A.H. Schoen, Thesis, University of Illinois (1958).
1973) ch. 5, p. 123. [ 351 R.E. Hoffman, Acta Met. 6 (1958) 95.
[4] A.D. Le Claire, Thin Solid Films 25 (1975) 1. [36] E. Sonder, Phys. Rev. 100 (1955) 1662.
[5] W.K. Warburton and D. Turnbull, in: Diffusion in [ 371 R.E. Hoffmann, D. Turnbull and E.W. Hart, Acta Met.
Solids - Recent Developments (Academic Press, 1975) 3 (1955) 417.
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[9] A. Seeger, Appl. Phys. 4 (1974) 183;5 (1975) 257. [42] A.B. Lidiard, Phil. Mag. 5 (1960) 1171.
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Liquids (Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschnung, (1956) 786.
Tiibingen, 1971). [44] N.L. Peterson and S.J. Rothman, Phys. Rev. B2 (1970)
[ 111 See C.J. Smithells (ed.), Metals Reference Book 5th 1540.
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(Van Nostrand, 1968). 175 (1968) 788.
[ 131 A.D. Le Claire, in: Physical Chemistry - An Advanced [47] T.R. Anthony, in: Diffusion in Solids- Recent Devel-
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1973) ch. 3, p. 47. (1968) 267.
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ments (Academic Press, 1975) ch. 3. 41 (1970) 840.
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[18] A.D. Le Claire, Phil. Mag. 14 (1966) 1271. Met. 8 (1960) 209.
1191 M.D. Feit, Phys. Rev. B5 (1972) 2145 - but see also [51] T.R. Anthony, J. Appl. Phys. 41 (1970) 3969; Phys.
WI. Rev. B2 (1970) 264; Acta Met. 18 (1970) 307.
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