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Year 9 French

Section n°1 Section n°2 Section n°3

 Time expressions

 Connectives

 Quantifiers/Intensifiers/Qualifiers

 Nouns and articles (le/la/l'/les or un/une)

 Adjectives

 Infinitive
 TIME EXPRESSIONS are used to indicate the time at / during which an action took place.
They are extremely important when deciding which tense to use in a sentence. Below you will

find time expressions commonly used in present, past and future tenses.

Referring to the present

Referring to the past
Aujourd’hui today
récemment recently Maintenant now
ce jour-là (on) that day Normalement normally
hier yesterday D’habitude usually
hier matin yesterday morning En ce moment at the moment
hier après-midi yesterday afternoon Actuellement currently
hier soir yesterday evening De nos jours nowadays
samedi dernier last Saturday De temps en temps from time to time
le weekend dernier last weekend Chaque matin every morning
la semaine dernière last week Tous les jours every day
le mois dernier last month Tous les soirs every night
octobre dernier last October
l’été dernier last summer Referring to the future
l’année dernière last year demain tomorrow
il y a deux ans two years ago demain matin tomorrow morning
avant before demain après-midi tomorrow afternoon
dans le passé in the past demain soir tomorrow evening
quand j’avais huit ans when I was 8 après-demain the day after tomorrow
le lendemain the next day
plus tard later
à l’avenir in the future
Referring to more than one tense.
la semaine prochaine next week
Toujours always
le mois prochain next month
Souvent often l’année prochaine next year
le weekend prochain next weekend
Tout le temps all the time
en octobre prochain next October
De temps en temps from time to time Dans quelques jours in a few days
Dans ___ heure(s) in ___ hour(s)
Quelquefois / Parfois sometimes
Dans ___ jour(s) in ___ day(s)
une fois par semaine once a week Dans ___ semaine(s) in ___ week(s)
Dans ___ mois in ___ month(s)
deux fois par semaine twice a week
Dans ___ an(s) in ___ year(s)

Exercice : Complete the blank with one of the time expressions.

If a sentence is written in the present tense,

you have to choose a time expressions referring to the present.

________________, elle parle beaucoup.

___________________, j'ai dormi chez mes grand-parents.

_________________, je vais aller à Londres.

In each box, write the time expressions you want to remember
and its translation. Try to make your OWN sentences too !



 CONNECTIVES are used to connect two or more sentences/words together in order to
structure ideas or opinions.

Example : I love fruits. I hate vegetables. → I love fruits BUT I hate vegetables.

J'adore les fruits. Je déteste les légumes. → J'adore les fruits MAIS je déteste les légumes.

cependant however

et and toutefois however

ou or pourtant however

de plus moreover mais but

aussi also par contre on the other hand

en outre in addition d’autre part on the other hand

cela dit having said that

d’abord firstly ensuite then

en conclusion in conclusion
premièrement firstly puis then
en somme all in all
pour commencer to begin with après ça after that
dans l’ensemble altogether

pour finir to finish

finalement finally

car because donc so par conséquent as a result

parce que because alors therefore

puisque since
Your aim is to write sentences using four connectives from the grid. You can
start wherever you want in the grid but the connectives you choose have to
touch each other. See example below.

car De plus puis alors et

finalement parce que d'abord En En
conclusion outre
cependant Pour finir Cela dit pourtant ou
pour ensuite mais donc puisque

Example : «J'adore faire de la randonnée car c'est relaxant. De plus, faire de la randonnée
est bon pour la santé parce que ça diminue le stress. Pour finir, les paysages sont

magnifiques ! » - I love hiking because it's relaxing. Moreover, hiking is good for your health because it
decreases stress. To finish, landscapes are wonderful! »








 QUANTIFIERS or QUALIFIERS or INTENSIFIERS. We use quantifiers when we
want to add extra meaning to what is being described.

beaucoup much/a lot

Peu little Where do they go in a sentence?
Un peu A little Qualifiers and intensifiers usually go after the verb
assez quite/enough they are describing. For example:

Too Tu conduis trop vite → You drive too fast.

much/many J'ai mangé assez de gâteau  ! → I ate enough cake  !
extrêmement extremely
très very
de moins en moins less and less
de plus en plus more and more
tellement so much
presque almost

Exercice : Complete the gap with the correct quantifier.

1) Elle danse _______________ . - She dances a lot

2) Il va ________________________ en ville. - He’s going to town less and less

3) Je suis __________________ fatiguée . - I am extremely tired

4) Ils conduisent _______________ vite. - They are driving too fast

5) J’ai dû parler _______________ fort ! - I had to speak so loud!

Write the quantifiers you want to remember below [at least 3]

You can also try to make full sentences !!!








 NOUNS ans ARTICLES (le/la/l'/les or un/une)

All nouns in French are either

masculine, feminine or plural.
All nouns in French are either masculine and feminine (it doesn’t mean the item is male or

female but it does match the gender of a person or animal).

This affects a lot of the spelling in a sentence so getting it right means you are more


 Best way to remember whether a French word is masculine or feminine is to learn the

articles le/la or un/une with it!

Bef. vowel or
English Masculine Feminine Plural
Definite the le la l' les
Indefinite a/an/one un une / des


le hamster = the hamster la fille = the girl l’homme = the man

 Nouns in French are made plural by adding an –s – just like in English BUT you never
pronounce it!

les hamsters = the hamsters les filles = the girls les hommes = the men
des hamsters = hamsters des filles = girls des hommes = men

There are a few exceptions (like in English: calf = calves/ wolf= wolves)

Follow the rule below for these types of words:

noun ending irregular plural example English

-ail - aux travail- travaux work
-al -aux journal – journaux newpaper
-eau -eaux bureau – bureaux office/desk
-eu -eux jeu-jeux game
Some nouns have completely irregular plurals:
oeil (eye) > yeux (eyes)

Some don’t change:

un nez (nose) > des nez (noses)
un os (bone) > des os (bones)
 Here is a little table with some general rules regarding masculine and feminine words:

Masculine Nouns Feminine Nouns

most nouns that end: most words that ends:
-age -er -eau -ing -aine -ée -ense -ie
-ment -ou -ail -ier -ise -tion -ance -elle
-isme -oir -eil -et -esse -ière -sion -tude
-anse -ence -ette -ine
-té -ure
also: male people, colours, languages, days, also: female people
months, seasons

Exercice : According to the rule, find whether the following words are feminine or masculine.

*Write either LE or UN if the word is masculine : LE garçon or UN garçon

*Write either LA or UNE if the word if feminine : LA fille or UNE fille.

__________ fromage (cheese)

__________ boulangerie (bakery)

__________ gâteau (cake)

__________ cahier (exercice book)

__________ œil (eye)

__________ poubelle (bin)

In each box, write as many nouns as you can. Don't forget the articles
le/la/l'/les or un/une/des according to the gender and number of the nouns
you chose to learn.
ADJECTIVES are . We use adjectives to describe someone or something.

 In English adjectives do not change their spelling but in French they do and it changes to

match (agree with) the noun they describe (i.e masculine/feminine OR singular/plural).

 Generally, they go AFTER the noun they’re describing

EXCEPT for adjectives describing Beauty Age Goodness Size

Look at these examples:

masculine singular masculine plural

le garçon intéressant les garçons intéressants
the interesting boy the interesting boys
feminine singular feminine plural
la fille intéressante les filles intéressantes
the interesting girl the interesting girls
The rules are:
1. feminine add –e on the end of adjective
2. plural add –s to the adjective
3. feminine and plural add –es to the adjectiv

Go to http://www.wordreference.com/ and look for adjectives.

Once you have the masculine form, try to make it feminine. Don't forget
the translation !

_______Masculine______ _____feminine________ ____translation______

______intéressant______ ___intéressante_______ ____interesting_____

____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ __________________

→ INFINITIVE is the form of verb that is found in the dictionary. In English, to eat/to sleep/to
take are infinitives.

They end in ER, IR or RE. ER → Regarder [to watch]

IR → Finir [to finish]

RE → Attendre [to wait]

Go to http://www.wordreference.com/ and find at least one more

infinitive for each type (ER, IR, RE).

1) Regarder → to watch

1) Finir → to finish

1) Attendre → to wait

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