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English B – Standard level – Paper 2 – Listening comprehension

Anglais B – Niveau moyen – Épreuve 2 – Compréhension orale

Inglés B – Nivel medio – Prueba 2 – Comprensión auditiva

Student’s name

45 m

Instructions to candidates
• Write your session number in the boxes above.
• Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
• Answer all questions.
• Answers must be written within the answer boxes provided.
• Answers may be written at any time during the examination.
• There will be three audio texts. All answers must be based on the appropriate audio texts.
• There will be four minutes of reading time at the start of each audio text.
• Each audio text will be played twice. There will be a two-minute pause before each audio text
is repeated.
• The maximum mark for this examination paper is [29 marks].

Instructions destinées aux candidats

• Écrivez votre numéro de session dans les cases ci-dessus.
• N’ouvrez pas cette épreuve avant d’y être autorisé(e).
• Répondez à toutes les questions.
• Rédigez vos réponses dans les cases prévues à cet effet.
• Les réponses peuvent être rédigées à tout moment pendant l’examen.
• Les textes audio seront au nombre de trois. Toutes les réponses doivent s’appuyer sur les
textes audio correspondants.
• Quatre minutes de lecture seront accordées au début de chaque texte audio.
• Chaque texte audio sera lu deux fois. Une pause de deux minutes sera observée entre les
lectures de chaque texte audio.
• Le nombre maximum de points pour cette épreuve d’examen est de [29 points].

Instrucciones para los alumnos

• Escriba su número de convocatoria en las casillas de arriba.
• No abra esta prueba hasta que se lo autoricen.
• Conteste todas las preguntas.
• Escriba sus respuestas en las casillas provistas a tal efecto.
• Escriba sus respuestas en cualquier momento del examen.
• Habrá tres textos de audio. Todas las respuestas deben basarse en los textos de
audio adecuados.
• Se concederán cuatro minutos de lectura al comienzo de cada texto de audio.
• Cada texto de audio se reproducirá dos veces. Habrá una pausa de dos minutos antes de que
se repita cada texto de audio.
• La puntuación máxima para esta prueba de examen es [29 puntos].

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

You will hear five different people talking about computer games.

Tick one correct option for each of the following statements.

Whose opinion? Speaker 1 Speaker2 Speaker3 Speaker4


1. The nature of computer games could benefit [1]


2. People are unnecessarily worried about the [1]

harmful effects of computer games

3. Computer games prevent children learning [1]

other things.

4. Game regulators need to take several things [1]

into account.

5. Restrictions are discouraging gamers [1]

buying games legally .

Text B
You will hear Annie giving some tips as she has tried various ways of losing weight.

6. Choose five true statements: 5 marks

A. The speaker considers appearance is a major issue in Hong Kong, which is

promoted through television and magazine ads on a daily basis.

B. The speaker mentions the case of a girl who committed suicide, as she considered
herself fat.

C. The speaker suggests people should go to a beauty salon regularly regardless the

D. The speaker has noticed that in Hong Kong, if girls are not thin they are not
considered good-looking.

E. The speaker has tried sleeping earlier as a way to prevent eating more food than
what she really needs.

F. The speaker advises running for half an hour before going to the gym to
accomplish your goals in a month.

G. The speaker implies that the girl who committed suicide had the concept of being
fat as a sin.

H. The speaker advocates working out as the solely way to lose weight.

I. The speaker has always gone to bed early.

J. The speaker believes that it´s very difficult to keep on with a diet if you enjoy

Choose the correct answer

7. The speaker mentions a story about a school girl who killed herself because...

A. she was teased by her classmates.

B. she was teased by her friends.
C. she was teased by her parents.

8. The speaker says that the biggest issue with going to beauty salons is...

A. the effects don’t last.

B. it is very expensive.
C. it is not effective.

9. The speaker thinks...

a. getting up early helps you lose weight.

b. going to bed early helps you lose weight.
c. going to be late helps you lose weight.

10. The speaker thinks that going to the gym is the most effective method. It also helps you

d. setting your goals.

e. improving your circulation.
f. increasing your metabolism.

11. The speaker thinks that losing weight regularly is mainly good for your...

g. happiness
h. appearance.
i. self-confidence.

Text C
You will hear a woman talking about Mental Health.

Answer the following questions.

12. According to the World Health Organization Mental Health refers to a state of complete: (3)

………………………………… ……………….……………… …………………………… wellbeing.

13. What´s the role of health? (1)


14. What does the definition given by the World Health Organization reflect? (1)


15. Which are the two separate dimensions that the World Health Organization put forward? (2)

……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….

16. Mental Illness is defined as the condition that affects: (3)

…………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………….

17. Disability refers to … (1)


18. What´s wellness about? (3)




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