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Annexure 1. A. 2.

VH_CAIE_Sample Papers_Term 2

GRADE: PRE IGCSE Max. Marks: 40

SUBJECT: FRENCH (0520) Date:

Paper No: 1 Time: 50 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


● Answer all questions.
● You will have 6 minutes to transfer your answers from the question paper onto the multiple-choice answer
sheet. Follow the instructions on the multiple choice answer sheet. Shade one letter only for Questions 1
to 34 and two letters for Questions 35 to 37.
● Write in soft pencil.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number on the multiple choice answer sheet in the spaces
provided unless this has been done for you.
● Dictionaries are not allowed.
For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 40

P2 45

P3 40

P4 45

Total 170

This document consists of 14 printed and 2 blank pages.

Questions 1–8

Vous allez entendre une série de remarques ou de courts dialogues. Vous allez entendre chaque
remarque ou dialogue deux fois. Pour chaque question, cochez (✓) la bonne case (A–D).

Vous êtes en vacances en France.

1 Vous demandez à une passante où est l’office de tourisme. Elle répond…

Qu’est-ce qui est près de l’office de tourisme ?



2 À l’office de tourisme, vous demandez à quelle heure ouvre le château. L’employée dit…

À quelle heure ouvre le château ?


3 L’employée continue à vous parler. Elle dit…

Après, où pouvez-vous aller ?



4 Plus tard, vous achetez une glace. La vendeuse dit…

Quel parfum de glace propose la vendeuse ?



5 Le soir, vous allez au restaurant. La serveuse dit…

Quel est le plat du jour ?


6 Après le repas, la serveuse dit…

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la table ?



7 Vous rentrez à l’hôtel. La réceptionniste dit…

Qu’est-ce qui ne marche pas dans votre chambre ?


8 Une amie vous téléphone. Elle dit…

Quelle activité propose votre amie ?


[Total : 8]
Questions 9–14

Vous allez entendre une publicité pour un parc aquatique en Belgique. Vous allez entendre la publicité
deux fois. Il y a une pause dans la publicité.

Pour chaque question, cochez (✓) la bonne case (A–D). Vous avez d’abord quelques secondes pour
lire les questions.
Parc aquatique
9 Le parc est ouvert du 1er mai au 8 :



10 Pour arriver au parc, prenez la ligne :

5 7 9 11

11 Pour les petits enfants :



12 Dans la piscine à vagues, on peut :



13 Au café, on peut déguster :



14 Dans la boutique, achetez :



[Total : 6]
Questions 15–19

Vous allez entendre une conversation entre Sylvie et son ami au sujet de vacances. Vous allez
entendre la conversation deux fois.

Pour les Questions 15–19, choisissez l’affirmation (A–F) qui correspond à chaque personne. Pour
chaque question, indiquez votre réponse en écrivant la bonne lettre (A–F) dans l’espace approprié.

Vous avez d’abord quelques secondes pour lire les informations ci-dessous.


15 La mère de Sylvie… ..................... [1]

16 Le père de Sylvie… ..................... [1]

17 Arnaud… ..................... [1]

18 Mylène… ..................... [1]

19 Sylvie… ..................... [1]


A va travailler pendant ses vacances.

B voudrait faire une croisière.

C veut emmener son animal domestique.

D a envie de se relaxer à l’étranger.

E préférerait faire du camping.

F va faire du sport.

[Total : 5]
Questions 20–28

Vous allez entendre une interview avec Rafik, qui habite au Maroc. L’interview a deux parties. Il y a
une pause entre les deux parties de l’interview.

Première partie : Questions 20–24

Vous allez entendre la première partie de l’interview deux fois. Pour les Questions 20–24, cochez (✓)
la bonne case A, B ou C.

Vous avez d’abord quelques secondes pour lire les Questions 20–24.

20 Rafik habite…

A sur la côte.

B près de Marrakech.

C dans une zone rurale.


21 Dans la région de Rafik, les touristes aiment…

A se promener à la montagne.

B visiter les sites anciens.

C admirer les beaux paysages.


22 Hamza trouve son emploi de serveur…

A épuisant.

B intéressant.

C mal payé.
23 Omar…

A s’occupe de la ferme.

B vient de déménager.

C gagne sa vie à Casablanca.


24 Cette année, le père de Rafik…

A a moins de responsabilités.

B voudrait prendre sa retraite.

C fait partie du conseil municipal.



Deuxième partie : Questions 25–28

Vous allez entendre la deuxième partie de l’interview deux fois. Pour les Questions 25–28, cochez (✓)
la bonne case A, B ou C.

Vous avez d’abord quelques secondes pour lire les Questions 25–28.

25 Dans le village de Rafik, beaucoup de jeunes…

A arrêtent leurs études.

B obtiennent un diplôme.

C vivent chez leurs grands-parents.


26 Dans l’avenir, Rafik va…

A être obligé de louer un appartement.

B poursuivre son éducation.

C se marier.
27 Rafik pense que la vie en ville est…

A bruyante.

B agréable.

C chère.

28 Selon Rafik, ses amis…

A voudraient faire comme lui.

B préfèrent se distraire.

C veulent améliorer leur vie.


[Total : 9]
Questions 29–34

Vous allez entendre une interview avec Jules, qui a fait du bénévolat dans un parc zoologique dans le
Périgord, en France. Vous allez entendre l’interview deux fois. Il y a une pause dans l’interview.

Pour chaque question, cochez (✓) la bonne case (A–D).

Vous avez d’abord quelques secondes pour lire les questions.

20 Jules a fait du bénévolat car…

A il aimait voyager.

B il avait raté son bac.

C il espérait rencontrer d’autres jeunes.

D il pensait trouver du travail plus facilement plus tard.


21 Jules connaissait le parc zoologique car…

A un copain y avait travaillé.

B il y était déjà allé avec sa famille.

C sa prof de biologie lui en avait parlé.

D il avait vu un documentaire à la télévision.


22 Enfant, Jules aurait aimé avoir un chien mais…

A son père n’était pas d’accord.

B sa mère avait peur des chiens.

C son appartement était trop petit.

D sa sœur était allergique aux chiens.


23 Au parc zoologique, Jules passait la plupart de son temps à…

A nettoyer les cages.

B soigner les animaux.

C accueillir les visiteurs.

D distribuer la nourriture.

24 Pour Jules, un aspect négatif de son expérience était…

A les horaires.

B l’uniforme.

C le directeur.

D l’argent.

25 Maintenant, Jules va…

A faire une formation de vétérinaire.

B travailler dans un zoo.

C partir dans un autre pays.

D ouvrir un hôtel pour chats.


[Total : 6]
Questions 35–37

Vous allez entendre une interview avec Léa qui est guide de haute montagne à Chamonix, en France.
Vous allez entendre l’interview deux fois. Il y a deux pauses dans l’interview.

Pour chaque question, cochez (✓) les deux bonnes cases (A–E).

Vous avez d’abord quelques secondes pour lire les questions.

26 A Beaucoup de femmes choisissent le métier de guide.

B En France, des femmes sont guides depuis 1993.

C Léa a toujours vécu à la montagne.

D Léa a skié pour la première fois avec ses grands-parents.

E Le grand-père de Léa était passionné de montagne.



27 A Dans son enfance, Léa rêvait déjà d’être guide.

B Léa a commencé à faire de l’escalade en faculté.

C Léa avait beaucoup d’amis au club d’escalade.

D Léa a poursuivi des études de géographie à Chamonix.

E Les parents de Léa l’ont encouragée à devenir guide.


28 A Selon Léa, la santé mentale est importante pour être guide.

B Léa va travailler pour une agence de guides locale.

C Avant tout, Léa aime être en contact avec la nature.

D Léa a déjà escaladé les plus hauts sommets du monde.

E Dans l’avenir, Léa espère avoir des enfants.


[Total : 6]

Vous avez maintenant six minutes pour recopier vos réponses sur la feuille de réponses.
Suivez les instructions indiquées sur la feuille de réponses.

There will now be six minutes for you to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet.
Follow the instructions on the answer sheet.Vous avez maintenant six minutes pour recopier
vos réponses sur la feuille de réponses.
Suivez les instructions indiquées sur la feuille de réponses.

There will now be six minutes for you to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet.
Follow the instructions on the answer sheet.

GRADE: PRE IGCSE Max. Marks: 45

SUBJECT: FRENCH (0520) Date:

Paper 2: Reading Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Write your candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

This document consists of 12 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1 Regardez les images.



Écrivez la bonne lettre (A, B, C, D, E ou F) dans la case appropriée.

a) Olga achète un pantalon.

b) Pauline va sortir la poubelle.

c) Hélène a besoin d’un couteau.

d) Nadine adore jouer de la batterie.

e) Isabelle dessine un lapin blanc.

[Total : 5]

2. Regardez les panneaux:

a) Je vais payer tous mes achats.

b) J’ai besoin d’un nouveal aspirateur.

c) Je cherche un bon roman policier.

d) Ma fille a besoin d’un pantalon.

e) Où est que je peux garer la voiture?

[Total : 5]

3.Lisez le texte.

Pour chaque question, cochez (✓) la case qui correspond à la bonne réponse.

Salut Mireille !

Hier soir, je suis allée au restaurant avec ma famille parce que c’était
l’anniversaire de mon frère. Il est assezgentil et il adore les pizzas.
Moi, j’ai choisi les spaghettis. Tout le monde a bien mangé et on a
beaucoup ri ensemble. Au moment de partir, mon père a demandé
l’addition. Malheureusement, il a réalisé qu’il avait laissé son
portefeuille avec sa carte de crédit à la maison. Mon frère a dû lui
prêter l’argent qu’il avait reçu comme cadeau d’anniversaire.


1 La famille de Lucille est allée au restaurant pour…

A fêter quelque chose.

B rencontrer des amis.

C réserver une table.

2 Lucille a mangé…

A du poulet.

B une pizza.

C des pâtes.

3 Pendant le repas, toute la famille était…

A stressée.

B fatiguée.

C heureuse.

4 Le père de Lucille avait ……. son portefeuille.

A oublié

B gardé.

C retrouvé.

5. Le père de Lucille a dû de l’argent pour payer le repas.

A envoyer.

B gagner.

C emprunter.

6. C’était l’anniversaire de…..

A frère de Lucie.

B père de lucie.

C Lucie.
7. Il avait reçu comme cadeau d’anniversaire.…

A une bicyclette.

B l’argent.

C carte

[Total : 7]
4 Lisez le texte.
Répondez aux questions suivantes en français.

Premières vacances sans mes parents

Dans ma famille, pour les vacances d’été, nous louonsd’habitude une

maison sur la côte ouest de la France. C’esttoujours la même maison
dans le même village. Moi, j’en ai marre, car il n’y a rien à faire pour les

Alors, cette année, mes parents ont décidé de m’envoyer en colonie de

vacances. J’allais partir au mois de juillet pendant que mes parents se
détendaient comme toujours dans leur gîte.

On m’avait envoyé une liste de choses à emporter, alors les derniers

préparatifs se sont bien passés. Moi, je voulais emporter mon portable
pour jouer aux jeux électroniques au cas où je m’ennuierais. Mais
maman a dit : « Pasquestion ! Tu risques de le perdre. En plus, tu n’y
vas paspour regarder un écran. »
Le jour du départ, maman était en pleurs. C’était la première fois que
je partais toute seule. Elle n’arrêtait pas de me dire d’être sage.

Quand je suis arrivée au camp, je ne connaissais personne,mais au bout

de cinq minutes j’ai vu que toutes les autres filles étaient vraiment
gentilles. On a vite commencé à bavarder et à rire ensemble. Après
les deux semaines, j’ai été triste de quitter mes nouvelles copines.
J’espère retourner au même camp l’été prochain.


1. Où en France est-ce que la famille de Mimi passe normalement les vacances d’été?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

2. Pourquoi est-ce que Mimi s’ennuie en vacances avec ses parents?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

3. Cette année, où est-ce que Mimi et ses parents ont passé les vacances ?

(i) Mimi .......................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Les parents ............................................................................................................... [1]

4. Qu’est ce qui a rendu les préparatifs de Mimi faciles?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

5. Pourquoi est-ce que la mère de Mimi ne lui a pas donné la permission d’emporter son portable ?
(Donnez 2 raisons.)

(i) .................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) .................................................................................................................................... [1]

6. Qui pleurait le jour du départ?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

7. Combien de temps Mimi a-t-elle mis pour se faire de nouvelles amies ?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

8. Pourqoui Mimi est triste ?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

9. Qu’est ce la maman dit ?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

10. Qu’est ce que Mimi veut faire pour les vacances d’été l’année prochaine?

.................................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total : 12]

5. Lisez les affirmations (a–e) puis les 8 descriptions (1–8).

Quelle activité convient le mieux à chaque famille ?

Pour chaque affirmation (a–e), écrivez le bon chiffre (1–8) dans l’espace approprié.

Activités pour les jeunes

Je cherche une activité pour mes enfants de 5 et 7 ans. Ils ont

besoin de quelque chose d’actif, mais à l’intérieur car, selon
la météo, il va pleuvoir toute la semaine.


Mes enfants s’entendent bien et voudraient faire quelque

chose ensemble, mais mon fils est dans une chaise roulante
et se fatigue très facilement. Il faut donc une activité calme.


Mes deux fils aiment faire des sports collectifs, surtout le foot
et le rugby. Puisqu’ils n’ont pas encore leur permis de
conduire, ils doivent pouvoir prendre les transports en
c commun.


Ma fille suit des cours de danse et de chant depuis l’âge de 8

ans. Après son bac cet été, elle ira dans une école spécialisée
en arts dramatiques.


Mes enfants ont 9 et 11 ans. Ils adorent jouer au foot et

prennent aussi des cours de ballet. Ils voudraient apprendre
quelque chose de nouveau.


Ce week-end, venez voir notre spectacle pour les moins de 10 ans avec des acteurs
1 professionnels de Paris. Attention ! Le théâtre se trouve au troisième étage et
l’ascenseur est actuellement en panne.

À partir du 15 mai, chaque samedi matin, stage de golf au terrain de golf municipal.
2 Groupespour tous les niveaux : adultes et enfants. Les débutants peuvent louer tout
l’équipement nécessaire. Bus toutes les 15 minutes.

Vous cherchez une activité originale pour vos adolescents ? Venez au Château
3 Mollinard où ils pourront conduire une voiture avec un de nos moniteurs dans les
jardins du château. Pas besoin du permis de conduire. Âge minimum : 14 ans.

Cours de danse moderne tous les dimanches de 14h à 17h pour ceux qui désirent
4 faire carrière dans le monde du spectacle. Ce stage n’est pas pour les débutants. Âge
minimum : 15 ans. 30 € par semaine.

L’équipe de foot féminin de Valenciennes a besoin de nouvelles joueuses qui ont

5 déjà de l’expérience. Matchs le samedi matin. Entraînement deux fois par semaine
de 19h à 21h. Service de bus régulier.

Notre centre de sports a une nouvelle piscine chauffée qui peut être utilisée
6 tous les jours, quel que soit le temps. Séances spéciales de natation le mardi soir
pour les jeunes handicapés accompagnés de leurs parents.

Dimanche soir, la salle polyvalente du village se transforme en cinéma. On a choisi

7 un film qui convient à toute la famille. Grand parking avec places pour personnes
handicapées. Les moins de 12 ans doivent être accompagnés d’un adulte.

La saison de rugby recommence ce week-end. Inscrivez-vous en ligne ou au club

8 en personne. Entraînement tous les samedis au terrain de rugby en face de la gare
routière. Nous n’avons pas d’équipe pour débutants.

6 Lisez le texte.
Répondez aux questions suivantes en français.

Victor vient de rentrer en France après plus de trois ans et 50 000

kilomètres à vélo dans beaucoup de pays du monde. Son aventurea
commencé quand il a vendu sa voiture pour rouler en ville à vélo.Il a pris
l’habitude d’aller au bureau tous les jours à vélo, ensuite ila aussi
commencé à se déplacer à vélo le week-end, puis pendant les semaines
de vacances. Finalement, il a eu l’idée de faire un longvoyage.

Pourquoi choisir le vélo comme moyen de transport ? « D’abord parce que

c’est écologique, mais une autre chose est sûre : le vélo est le meilleur
moyen de rencontrer les gens dans les pays que voustraversez », dit Victor.

Pendant son voyage, il y avait beaucoup de possibilités pour se faire

héberger. En Europe, il était facile de faire du camping dans la nature.Dans
beaucoup de pays en Asie, les temples bouddhistes ont ouvertleurs portes
à Victor. En Chine, il a découvert que les visiteurs à vélosont toujours reçus
comme des célébrités. Victor a aussi utilisé les réseaux sociaux pour se
mettre en contact avec d’autres cyclistes, partout dans le monde, qui
étaient prêts à le recevoir chez eux.

Qu’est-ce que Victor a découvert pendant ce voyage ? Il dit :

« Justement, ce voyage à vélo m’a permis de voir que le monde est plein de
personnes prêtes à vous aider, même si elles ne parlentpas la même
langue que vous. J’ai passé des soirées au coin du feuen Inde et en Chine.
On a pu se faire comprendre sans difficulté en parlant avec des gestes et en
montrant des photos. Ces échanges ont fait la richesse de mon voyage et ont
été pour moi les moments les plus importants. »

1. Combien de temps Victor a-t-il passé à faire son long voyage ?

................................................................................................................................... [1]

2. Pourquoi est-ce que Victor a vendu sa voiture ?

................................................................................................................................... [1]

3. Selon Victor, quels sont les 2 avantages de voyager à vélo ?

(i) .................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) .................................................................................................................................... [1]

4. Où Victor dormait-il en voyagent?


5. Qu’est ce que Victor a fait pour trouver une chambre chez d’autres cyclistes?


6. Qu’est-ce que Victor a découvert pendant ce voyage?


............................................................................................................................................. [2]

7. Qu’est-ce que les gestes et les photos ont permis à Victor de faire ?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

8. Où il as passé des soirées ?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

9. Quoi était important pour lui ?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total : 11]



GRADE: PRE- IGCSE Max. Marks: 40

SUBJECT: FRENCH (0520) Date:

Paper No 3: Speaking Time: 10 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


 Answer all questions. You must respond in French.

 You will have 10 minutes of preparation time before the test.
 The speaking test will include:

Role play (approximately 2 minutes)

Topic conversation 1 (4 minutes)
Topic conversation 2 (4 minutes).

 Preparation time (10 minutes):

You are going to take part in a role play.
Study the role play scenario given on the candidate card to prepare for the
You are not allowed to make any notes.
Take this card with you into the examination room.
 Dictionaries are not allowed.
 Do not write on this candidate card.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P3

Teacher’s signature

This paper contains of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.



Vous allez au café. Vous voulez manger une omelette.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: garçon de café/serveuse

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Hier soir, vous avez mangé au restaurant. Aujourd’hui vous avez mal au
ventre. Votre ami(e) Daniel(le) vous téléphone.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: ami(e) français(e), Daniel(le)

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Vous allez dîner chez votre ami(e) Dominique. Vous êtes en retard. Vous
lui téléphonez.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: ami(e) français(e), Dominique

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Hier soir, vous avez fêté votre anniversaire. Vous avez laissé un de vos
cadeaux au restaurant. Vous téléphonez au restaurant.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: employé(e) au restaurant

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Vous voulez faire une réservation à une auberge de jeunesse. Vous

téléphonez à l’auberge.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: réceptionniste à une auberge de jeunesse

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Vous allez à la gare. Vous voulez acheter des billets pour aller à Dijon.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: employé(e) à la gare SNCF

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Vous passez la nuit à l’hôtel. Il y a des problèmes et vous voulez changer

de chambre. Vous téléphonez à la réception.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: réceptionniste dans un hotel

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Vous téléphonez à votre ami(e), Alex. Vous voulez parler de la fête que
vous organisez pour célébrer la fin de l’année scolaire.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: ami(e) Alex
Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.
Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Hier, vous avez laissé votre portable dans le car de Dijon. Vous
téléphonez au bureau des objets trouvés.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: employé(e) au bureau des objets trouvés à la gare routière

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



Vous allez au théâtre. Vous voulez acheter des billets pour un concert.

Candidat(e): vous-même
Professeur: employé(e) de théâtre

Le/la professeur va commencer le jeu de rôle.

Répondez à toutes les questions

2) Conversations

Conversation 1 : Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation.

Répondez à toutes les questions.

Conversation 2: Le / La professeur va commencer la conversation

Répondez à toutes les questions



GRADE: PRE IGCSE Max. Marks: 45

SUBJECT: FRENCH (0520) Date:

Paper 4 : Writing Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


Write Centre number, Candidate number and name on the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use paper clips or staplers or glues or correction fluid.
Answer all questions in Section 1 and Section 2. Answer in the space provided to you.
The number of marks is given at the end of each question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P4

Teacher’s signature

This document consists of 5 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1 Vous avez inscrire votre ami dans une bibliothèque.

Complétez la fiche en français.

Nom .................................................

Nationalité .........................................

Adresse Paris 18e

Profession ........................................

Date de .........................................



2 Ma vie quotidienne

• Le matin, à quelle heure vous levez vous? Qu’est ce que vous faites le matin?
• Où et à quelle heure est-ce que vous prenez le petit déjeuner ?
• Dites ce que vous faites pendant la journée. ( à quelle heure vous sortez / retournez)
• Votre journée est chargée ou pas?
Écrivez environ 80–90 mots en français.















.................................................................................................................................................. [12]

3 Répondez à la question 3(a) ou à la question 3(b).

Écrivez 130–140 mots en français.

(a) Mon école

Vous envoyez un e-mail à votre ami(e) français(e) à propos du votre école.

• Comment est votre école?
• Décrivez les détails de votre école.
• Vous aimez votre école? Pourquoi/Pourquoi pas?
• Vous voulez changer quelque chose de votre école?



(b) Ma ville préférée

• Quelle est votre ville préférée? Pourquoi?

• Expliquez ce que vous pouvez faire dans votre ville.
• Quelles sont les spécialités de cette ville?
• Décrivez la ville?
• Vous voulez changer quelque chose de votre ville?











© UCLES 2021

























© UCLES 2021

© UCLES 2021 0520/42/F/M/21

2023 - 2024


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Source 1

Working on the farm

We didn’t have much money and lived a simple life, but it was good. My mother grew a few
vegetables to sell in the market and my father worked in a stone quarry.

Then my father became ill and couldn’t work. The droughts from climate change caused
many crops to fail. We became poor. We tried to move to the city but had to live in a shanty
town in the suburbs. I left school.

I was 11 and tried to earn some money. I went to work as a labourer on a cotton farm in a
nearby village. I had to walk for an hour to get there. It was very hard to work in the heat
under the sun and it was very painful. I earned just enough money each day to buy a loaf of
bread. I was bullied and beaten by my boss while I was working on the cotton farm.

There were lots of children working there – at least I made some friends and got something
to eat.

Extract from a case study of child labour in Africa, 2015

Source 2: School debate on child labour


The European Union says, ‘Every child deserves a peaceful and secure childhood and the
chance to go to school.’ The International Labour Organisation says that 2021 is the
‘international year for the elimination of child labour’. But there are still 140 million children
in child labour based on 2020 estimates. It is wrong to exploit even one child. It is a

We all need to take action. Make sure you write to your politicians about the issue. Get the
government to enforce child-labour laws and inspect factories and farms. Don’t buy goods
made in factories that employ children. Support children’s charities by giving your old
clothes and donations of money. Tell others about the problem on social media. Ask
celebrities to support the cause.


I agree that some child labour is wrong but sometimes it is nobody’s fault and some work
can be good for children.

Climate change and other disasters make it difficult to grow food in some parts of the world.
All members of the family may need to work together to survive. Conflict and war are linked
to increases in child labour.

Earning money at a young age may be better than living in poverty, especially if it keeps a
family together and helps other children to go to school and be healthy.

And some teenagers don’t like school. They would be better at work learning skills rather
than wasting their time. Work teaches children self-discipline and to support their family and
community, which will help them in the future.

The United Nations says child labour is linked to poverty. If we support economic
development, child labour will gradually disappear.

Source 3

More people are living alone in single-person households. Living alone is more common in
rich industrialised countries. In Norway and Sweden, single-person households, rare a
century ago, are about half of all households today. However, the trend is worldwide.
Globally, the number of single- person households is higher than at any time in the past.

Source 4: The number of single-person households is growing

In the past, most people lived in nuclear families with two married parents and children
sharing the same household, sometimes with older generations.

However, evidence from sociological research globally shows that divorce is more common
than in the past. Research also shows that in many countries more people are living
together before marriage and more people are choosing not to have children than in the

An international research company suggested that single-person households will grow

globally by 128 per cent from 2000 to 2030.

Research by Furstenberg (2019) shows how changes in family life over the past fifty years
in the developed world are spreading to other nations experiencing economic development,
technological change, and changes in cultural beliefs. Fifty years ago, 42 per cent of
households in the United States were nuclear families; today they are just 22 per cent of

Diversity in family life will increase throughout the world.

Extract from a study of family trends, published in Europe, 2021

Source 5


Wouldn’t it be lonely to live on your own? If you have an accident or feel ill, who could look
after you? I love being with my family, talking and sharing together, and they help me when
I have a problem or feel sad.

It is risky to live alone too. In many countries access to healthcare and other social services
is restricted. The family can provide for you if you are unemployed, sick or too old to look
after yourself. It is not right to expect the government to look after you.

I read an article in a magazine that suggested more people living alone would create more
loneliness and mental illness. This is a problem. My grandmother says that she would hate
to live alone; she thinks families should care for each other, like in the past.


I really want to live on my own. I am buying an affordable apartment in the city designed for
single people. I want the freedom to choose my lifestyle. I can stay in, cook what I want, or
go out. Why burden someone else with my choices? I enjoy being on my own with time to
relax after work.

My friend Anna has chosen to be single to pursue her career and get promotion. She thinks
that long hours and dedication to work make marriage difficult for a partner.

Living alone is not the same as being lonely. A single person can have many friends. You
can speak to family on social media and digital technology whenever you need them. My
apartment in the city is surrounded by other people and there is a gym and a club in my

Research studies by psychologists from the United States in 2019 show that living alone
does not cause loneliness, which proves my point!


2023 - 2024


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 70

Grand Total 70

This paper consists of 10 printed pages

1. Study Source 1.

‘Climate change caused many crops to fail.’

How could you test this claim?

You should consider the types of information, sources of evidence and methods you might use.


2 Study Source 2.

(a) Identify one value judgement from Nadia’s statement. Explain why it is a value judgement.

...................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Mosi argues that some work can be good for children.

(i) Identify one prediction from Mosi’s statement.

...................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain how well this prediction supports Mosi’s argument.

...................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Which argument is more convincing, Nadia’s or Mosi’s?

Your answer should consider both arguments and you should support your point of view with their

You should also consider:

 the strength of their reasoning and evidence

 their use of language
 the different types of information used.


3 ‘Children should not be allowed to work in paid employment.’

Do you agree with this statement? In your answer, you should:

 state your opinion

 give reasons and evidence to support your opinion
 use the material in the sources and/or any of your own ideas
 consider different arguments and perspectives.

............................................................................................................................................. [15]

4 Read the information in the insert and answer all questions.

Study Sources 3 to 5.

(a) From Source 3, identify a country where a high proportion of the population lives in single-
person households.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) From Source 4, identify two reasons for the growth in single-person households.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) Which reason for the growth in single-person households do you think is the most significant?
Explain why.

.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(d) Explain why the growth of single-person households is an important national issue.

............................................................................................................................................. [6]

5 Study Source 5.

(a) ‘The number of single-person households is growing.’

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the argument supporting this claim?
............................................................................................................................................. [6]

6 ‘More people are choosing not to have children than in the past.’

How could you test this claim? You should consider the types of information, sources of evidence
and methods you might use.

............................................................................................................................................. [10]

7 Study Source 5.

(a) Identify one value judgement from Arthit’s statement. Explain why it is a value judgement.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Malee argues that living alone has many benefits.

(i) Identify one fact from Malee’s statement.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) Explain how well this fact supports Malee’s argument.

.............................................................................................................................................. [2]



GRADE: PRE - IGCSE Max. Marks: 60

SUBJECT: HINDI (0549) Date:

Paper No: 1 Time: 2 hours

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Write your, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in _P1_

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 60

P2 30

Total 90

This paper consists of 13 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

अभ्यास 1: प्रश्न 1-6

नवजीवन की वर्ाा करता बाररश का मौसम अनुच्छे द पढ़िए तथा पूछे गये प्रश्नों के संक्षिप्त
उत्तर दीक्षजए।

गर्मियों के लंबे और थका दे ने वाले मौसम के बाद धरती पर जब झमाझम बाररश की फुहारें
पड़ती हैं , तो धरती का उल्लास जैसे कई गुना बढ़ जाता है । जीवनदायनी वर्ाि न केवल
जनजीवन के मन को हर्र्ित करती है , बल्ल्क यह प्रकृ र्त को भी हररयाली की चादर से सजाती
है । सावन का मौसम हर साल मानो प्रकृ र्त को हरीर्तमा की एक नयी चादर उढ़ाने के र्लए
आता है । वर्ाि ऋतु हर्ि एवं उल्लास के कई त्योहारों को भी अपने साथ लेकर आती है ।

आर्ाढ़ मास में जब बाररश की बूँदें पहली बार जमीन पर र्गरती हैं , तभी प्रकृ र्त में जैसे
नवजीवन का संचार शुरू हो जाता है । बाररश के यह दृश्य हमारे मन को शांर्त व आनंद से भर
दे ते हैं और बाररश के यह दृश्य दे खकर हमारे हृदय में कई तरह की भावनाएूँ उमड़ने लगती हैं ।
और हम प्रकृ र्त के र्नत नए रं ग रूप का दशिन करते हैं ।

बाररश के मौसम को यदद दे खें तो उसकी यह मनोहारी छटा हमारे तन मन को प्रफुल्ल्लत कर

दे ती है । गरजते मेघ, कड़कती र्बजली और दफर झमाझम बाररश तन मन को ऐसे
सराबोर कर दे ते हैं दक ल्जसका अन्यत्र उदाहरण र्मल पाना संभव नहीं है ।

वर्ाि ऋतु का हमारे जीवन व सादहत्य में र्वशेर् महत्व है । सावन मेँ धरती पर आसमान उतर
आता है , इसीर्लए सावन के महीने को संस्कृ त में नभस ् कहते हैं यानी सावन धरती को आकाश
बना दे ता है या ऐसा भी कहा जा सकता है दक दोनों इतने समान हो जाते हैं दक धरती और
आकाश को अलग-अलग पहचानना मुल्श्कल हो जाता है । ऐसा लगता है दक धरती पर बादल
आकर कोहरे के रूप में छा गए हैं । ग्रीष्म ऋतु की तपन से जब धरती की हररयाली सखने लगती
है और धरती प्यासी हो जाती है , तब मानो स्वयं र्वधाता आसमान में बादलों के रूप में आकर
बाररश की बूँदों के रूप में बरस कर धरती की प्यास बुझाते हैं , क्योंदक धरती की प्यास बुझाने के
र्लए बहुत- सी जलरार्श चादहए और यह अथाह जलरार्श वर्ाि ऋतु की बाररश से ही संभव है
और दफर इसी बाररश से धरती को नवजीवन र्मलता है , धरती पर इससे नये अंकुर फटते हैं ।
बाररश का दकसान सबसे अर्धक इं तजार करते हैं क्योंदक यदद सही समय पर बाररश होती है तो
उनकी फसलें लहलहा उठती हैं और धरती अन्न उपजाती है , लेदकन यदद बाररश कम होती है या
असमय होती है तो उन्हें इसके कारण सबसे अर्धक नुकसान भी होता है । बाररश की पहली बूँद

पड़ने से र्मट्टी की जो सौंधी महक उठती है , उसकी तुलना मनुष्य द्वारा अन्वेर्र्त दकसी भी इत्र
से नहीं की जा सकती । इस तरह बाररश धरती का उत्सव है , प्रकृ र्त का पवि है । सभी प्राल्णयों,
जीव- जंतु, वृक्ष- वनस्पर्तयों और मनुष्यों के र्लए बहुत सारी खुर्शयाूँ लेकर आती है । बाररश की
फुहार में भीगने के र्लए बच्चे सड़कों पर दौड़े चले जाते हैं । यहाूँ तक दक मवेशी भी, ल्जन्होंने
गर्मियों की लंबी दोपहर सखे जल-स्रोतों व चारागाहों के इदि -र्गदि भटकते हुए काटी थीं । बाररश के
बाद कीचड़ में कुछ इस तरह मजे से प्रवेश करते हैं मानो वह स्वगिलोक की आरामगाह हो। यदद
बाररश के मौसम में होने वाली छोटी-छोटी परे शार्नयों को नजरअंदाज कर ददया जाए तो बाररश
का सुहाना और मजेदार मौसम, ररमल्झम बाररश की फुहारें हमारी मन को भीतर तक तरं र्गत कर
दे ती हैं और प्रकृ र्त को, धरती को अनर्गनत उपहार दे ती हैं ।

1. जीवन दे ने वाली वर्ाि प्रकृ र्त की सजावट दकस प्रकार करती है ? [1]

2. बाररश का दृश्य हृदय को दकससे भर दे ता है ? [1]


3. बाररश के मौसम में हृदय को प्रसन्न करने वाले तत्व बताइए । [2]

4. नभस ् दकसे कहते हैं ? [1]


5. ईश्वर तपन से व्याकुल धरती की तृष्णा कैसे बुझाता है ? [1]

6. र्मट्टी की सौंधी महक की तुलना दकससे की जा रही है ? [1]


7. पालत पशु गर्मियों की लंबी दोपहर कैसे काटते हैं ? [1]


[Total: 8]
अभ्यास 2: प्रश्न 8-16

‘ममश्र के पपराममड’ पर छपे लेख को ध्यान से पिें । प्रश्न 8 से 16 का उत्तर दे ने के मलए उनके नीचे ढ़दए गए
अनुच्छे दों (A से D) में से सही अनुच्छे द चुनकर उसके सामने के कोष्ठक में सही का मनशान लगाएँ। अनुच्छे दों
को एक से अमिक बार चुना जा सकता है ।

A) संसार के सात आश्चयों में सबसे पहला नाम र्मश्र के र्परार्मडों का आता है । इन्हें आज से
लगभग 5000 वर्ि पहले बनाया गया था। र्मश्र के राजाओं ने इन पहाड़ जैसे आकारों का
र्नमािण शाही शवों को रखे जाने के र्लए करवाया था। ये संसार की सबसे प्राचीन समार्धयाूँ
अथवा मकबरे हैं । इसमें शव ज्यों के त्यों सुरल्क्षत रखे जाते थे, ल्जसके र्लए र्मश्र के
वैज्ञार्नकों ने एक लेप तैयार दकया था। इस सुरल्क्षत शव को ममी कहते हैं । र्मश्र के र्परार्मडों
और कब्रों में सैकड़ों ममी र्मली हैं ।

B) ममी और उनके साथ रखे जाने वाले करोड़ों रुपयों के सामान की रक्षा के र्लए र्मश्र के राजाओं
ने र्परार्मड बनवाए थे। लगभग 80 र्परार्मड अब तक र्मले हैं । इसमें सबसे बड़ा र्परार्मड

र्वशाल र्परार्मड कहलाता है । सददयों से लाखों लोग इसे दे खने आते हैं । इसकी र्वशालता पर
सभी आश्चयि करते हैं ।

C) लगभग 5000 वर्ि पहले बने इन र्परार्मड को बनाने वाले बड़े चतुर थे,तभी तो अनेक भचालों
के बाद भी यह मानव र्नर्मित पवित ज्यों का त्यों खड़ा है । प्रर्सद्ध है दक इस र्परार्मड को
बनाने में 20 वर्ि लगे थे। लगभग एक लाख मजदर इस कायि में लगातार लगे थे। उस जमाने
में राजा, मजदरों को वेतन नहीं दे ते थे।उनको प्रर्तददन र्सफि प्याज और रोटी दी जाती थी।
तीन वर्ि बाद पुराने मजदर बदलकर नए मजदर रख र्लए जाते थे।

D) ये र्परार्मड अकेले नहीं बनाए जाते थे इनके साथ पजाघर और पुजाररयों के र्नवास-स्थान भी
होते थे। पुजारी र्परार्मड की दे खभाल करते थे और मृत राजाओं के र्लए प्राथिना करते थे। अब
पजाघर और र्नवास-स्थान खत्म हो गए हैं । बस ये र्परार्मड हैं जो रे त के टीलों के बीच खड़े
हैं ।

नीचे ढ़दए गए वक्तव्यों (8-16) को पढ़िए तथा कोष्ठक में ढ़िक का मनशान लगाकर बताइए ढ़क कौन
सा अनुच्छे द (A से D) ढ़कस वक्तव्य से संबंमित है ।

8. बताता है दक पुजारी र्परार्मड की सुरक्षा करते थे । [1]


9. बताता है दक राजसी मुदों को रखने के र्लए इन्हें बनाया गया था । [1]


10. बताता है दक शताल्ददयों से लाखों लोग इन्हें दे खने आते हैं । [1]


11. बताता है दक मनुष्यों द्वारा बनाया गया ये पहाड़ कई भकंपों के बाद ज्यों का त्यों खड़ा है । [1]


12. बताता है दक उस समय राजा मजदरों को वेतन नहीं दे ते थे। [1]


13. बताता है दक संसार का पहला आश्चयि र्मश्र के र्परार्मड हैं । [1]


14. बताता है दक अब ये र्परार्मड रे त के टीलों के मध्य खड़े हैं । [1]


15. बताता है दक लगभग 80 र्परार्मड अब तक र्मले हैं । [1]


16. इस र्परार्मड को बनाने में 20 वर्ि लगे थे। [1]


[Total: 9]

अभ्यास 3: प्रश्न 17- 20

वररष्ठ नागररक ढ़दवस एवं हमारे दामयत्व पर आलेख को ध्यानपूवक

ा पढ़िए |

प्रर्त वर्ि 21 अगस्त को ' र्वश्व वररष्ठ नागररक ददवस ' मनाया जाता है । इस ददवस को मनाने की
शुरुआत संयुक्त राज्य अमेररका में हुई थी और अब र्वश्व के अर्धकतर दे शों में इसे मनाया जाता है ।

1935 में अमेररका के राष्ट्रपर्त फ्रेंल्क्लन रोसवैल्ट ने 'सामाल्जक सुरक्षा अर्धर्नयम ' पर हस्ताक्षर दकये
थे, ल्जसके अनुसार ' नेशनल सीर्नयर र्सटीजन डे ' 14 अगस्त को मनाया जाता था । 1988 तक इसे
14 अगस्त को ही मनाया गया ।

1988 में अमेररका के तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपर्त रोनाल्ड रीगन ने 21 अगस्त को 'नेशनल सीर्नयर र्सटीजन
डे ' घोर्र्त दकया । इसका मुख्य उद्दे श्य अमेररका में उन वररष्ठ नागररकों को, जो अपने समुदायों में
सकारात्मक योगदान दे ते हैं , को सम्मान दे ना है । कोई भी दे श क्यूँ न हो, हर जगह बुजुगों को
आदर दे ना सामाल्जक संस्कृ र्त है । भारतीय संस्कृ र्त में तो बुजुगों को पररवार में सदा से ही महत्व
र्मलता रहा है । उनसे पछे र्बना घर में कोई कायि नहीं होता था । संयुक्त पररवारों में बुजुगों
का अनुभव और सबका साथ सामाल्जक जीवन को सुगम बना दे ता था । बड़ों की छाूँव में बच्चे कब
बड़े हो जाते थे, माता र्पता को पता ही नहीं चलता था । बुजुगों का जीवन भी हूँ सी - खुशी से कट
जाता था ।

कई दे शों में बुजुगों को वृद्धाश्रम में रखने की परं परा शुरू हुई । ल्जसका प्रभाव अब भारत में भी ददख
रहा है । संयुक्त पररवार लगभग टट ही चुके हैं । जीर्वका के र्लये संघर्ि बढ़ा है । उपभोक्तावाद ने
लोगों की महत्वाकांक्षाओं में इजाफा दकया है । धन प्रार्ि की होड़ ने परं परागत मल्यों को समाि कर
ददया है । आज एकल व स्वकेंदित पररवारों का युग है ल्जसमें बुजुगों की भावनाओं को समझने का
दकसी के पास समय ही नहीं है । बच्चे अपनी नौकरी व ल्जंदगी में इतने व्यस्त होते हैं दक
पररवार के बुजुगों पर ध्यान दे ने का उन्हें समय ही नहीं र्मलता । ल्जसके कारण वररष्ठ लोग या
तो घर में अकेले रहते हैं , या साथ पाने के र्लए वृद्धाश्रम चले जाते है । कुछ ऐसे भी पररवार होते हैं
जहाूँ बच्चों को बड़े बोझ लगने लगते हैं ।

वृद्धावस्था में और्र्ध से अर्धक अपनों के साथ की जरूरत महसस होती है । बुजुगि बस यही चाहते
है दक उनको सम्मान र्मले, उनको वह महत्व र्मले ल्जसके वो अर्धकारी हैं , उम्र के इस दौर में जब
शरीर भी उनका साथ नहीं दे ता है , ऐसे में मानर्सक संतुर्ि उनके र्लए संजीवनी होती है । यदद उनसे,
उनके जीवन के कुछ पुराने दकस्से पछें , उनके गवि क्षण के बारे में उनसे पछें , उनकी बातों को ध्यान
से सुन उनकी सराहना करें । उनकी पसंदीदा जगह पर ले जाएूँ, उनके जीवन के व्यर्क्तगत पलों को
जानने में ददलचस्पी ददखायें, तो उन्हें तो अच्छा लगेगा ही साथ ही आप भी समझ पायेंगे दक ररश्तों
को कैसे र्नभाया जाता है , ररश्ते में मजबती कैसे लाई जाती है ?

सदै व याद रखें दक वररष्ठ जन आपका साथ चाहते हैं दया नहीं । केवल एक ददन ही नहीं यदद बुजुगों
के प्रर्त परवाह को आप सामाल्जक दार्यत्व समझना शुरू कर दें , तो यह आपको प्रसन्न एवं आपके
व्यर्क्तत्व को एक गररमा प्रदान करे गा ।

“वररष्ठ नागररक ढ़दवस” आलेख के आिार पर नीचे ढ़दए गए प्रत्येक शीर्ाक (17-20) के अंतगात
संक्षिप्त नोि मलखें ।

17. र्वश्व वररष्ठ नागररक ददवस मनाने का उद्दे श्य [1]



18. बुजुगों का पररवार में महत्व [2]





19. वृद्धाश्रम पनपने के कारण [3]






20. बुजुगों की आकांक्षाएूँ [3]






[Total: 9]

अभ्यास 3 में बनाए गए नोट्स के आिार पर सार लेखन कीक्षजए

अभ्यास 4: प्रश्न 21

21. अभ्यास 3 के आलेख और अपने बनाए नोट्स के आिार पर उन उसका सारांश मलखें।

आपका सारांश अमिकतम 100 शब्दों से अमिक नहीं होना चाढ़हए। आप यथासंभव अपने शब्दों में मलखें।

आपको अंतवास्तु के मलए अमिकतम 4 अंक और सिीक एवं संक्षिप्त भार्ा-शैली के मलए अमिकतम 6 अंक ढ़दए





















[Total: 10]

अभ्यास 5: प्रश्न 22

आज टे लीर्वज़न द्वारा र्वर्भन्न चैनलों पर अंधर्वश्वास तथा तंत्र – मंत्र से संबंर्धत कायिक्रम ददखाये जा
रहे हैं । ऐसे कायिक्रमों पर रोक लगाने का अनुरोध करते हुए भारत सरकार के सचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्री
को एक ईमेल र्लल्खए । आपके ई-मेल में र्नम्नर्लल्खत बातें शार्मल होनी चादहए।

● जनता को भ्रर्मत करना

● अंधर्वश्वास को बढ़ावा
● ऐसे बढ़ावा दे ने वाले कायिक्रमों पर प्रर्तबंध

आपका ई-मेल लगभग 120 शब्दों में होना चाढ़हए।

आपको 3 अंक अंतविस्तु के र्लए और 5 अंक सिीक भार्ा एवं शैली के र्लए ददए जाएूँगे ।
























[Total: 8]

अभ्यास 6: प्रश्न-23
मनम्नमलक्षखत पवर्य पर लगभग 200 शब्दों में मनबंि मलक्षखए:-

इं टरनेट के प्रयोग से होने वाले लाभ और हार्नयों पर प्रकाश डालते हुए यह भी बताइए दक इसका
ु योग दकस प्रकार दकया जा सकता है ।

अंतविस्तु के र्लए 8 अंक और सटीक भार्ा के र्लए 8 अंक ददए जाएूँगे।















































GRADE: PRE-IGCSE Max. Marks: 30

SUBJECT: HINDI (0549) Date:

Paper No: 2 Time: 45 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Write your, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in _P2_

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 7 printed pages and 1 blank page.

अभ्यास 1:

प्रश्न 1 से 6 के लिए आप क्रमानुसार कुछ संक्षिप्त संवाद सुनेंगे । उनके आधार पर प्रत्येक प्रश्न का
उत्तर नीचे दी गई रे खा पर लिक्षखए । आपके उत्तर जहााँ तक हो सके संक्षिप्त होने चाहहए ।

आपको प्रत्येक संवाद दो बार सुनाया जायेगा ।

1. योग दिवस दिस दिन मनाया जाता है ?


2. डॉक्टर ने रोगी िो िवाइयों िे बारे में िौन -सी सूचना िी ?


3. स्त्री ने िचरे वाले से िौन - सी शििायत िी ?


4. वातावरण स्वच्छ रहने से हम पर िौन-सा असर होगा ?


5. ज्याितर बीमाररयााँ दिस वजह से फैलती है ?


6. आडड र िे बाि दितना समय लगेगा ?



अभ्यास 2:

7. साबुन और सफाई पर आधाररत जानकारी को सुनकर नीचे छोड़े गए खािी स्थानों को भररये ।

यह जानकारी आप को दो बार सुनाई जाएगी ।

a. लोग साबुन िे बबना -------- सोच नहीीं पाते ।

b. आर. ओ .िींपशनयों ने -------िब्ि िो अपने यहाीं बींधि बना िर रखा है ।

c. एींटी -बैक्टीररयल -------िे सामने लोग बवनत भाव से झुि जाते हैं ।

d. साबून िे अणु -------से मेल िरते हैं ।

e. जीवाणु और बवषाणु िो साबुन िम्पशनयों ने जनता िे मन में ---------िे रूप में बबठा िर
रखा है ।

f. -------मरने से नदियों िा पयाडवरण तींत्र बबगड़ता है ।

g. साबुन बड़े -------नायि नहीीं है ।

h. --------- उतने खलनायि नहीीं जजतना बाजार उन्हें दिखाता है ।

[Total: 8]

अभ्यास 3:

' हर साि १० हजार प्िाक्षस्िक कण खा रहा है इं सान ' पर आधाररत ररपोिट को सुनकर नीचे हदए
गए प्रत्येक कथन में रे खांहकत की गई गिती को सही शब्दों या वाकयांश का प्रयोग करते हुए ठीक
कीक्षजये ।

यह ररपोिट आप को दो बार सुनाई जाएगी ।

8. प्लाजस्टि िचरा हमारी सेहत िो दितना फायदा पहुाँचा सिता है यह बड़ा सवाल है ।

प्लाजस्टि िचरा हमारी सेहत िो दितना ----------------- पहुाँचा सिता है यह बड़ा सवाल है ।

9. माइक्रो प्लाजस्टि धरती पर हर जगह उपक्षस्थत है ।

माइक्रो प्लाजस्टि धरती पर हर जगह ----------------------- है ।

10. प्लाजस्टि िे छोटे - छोटे टु िड़े इीं सान िे खाने में मौजूि हैं ।

प्लाजस्टि िे छोटे - छोटे टु िड़े इीं सान िे --------------- में मौजूि हैं ।

11. प्लाजस्टि ऊाँची से ऊाँची जगह से लेिर गहरी से गहरी नहदयों में ति मौजूि है ।

प्लाजस्टि ऊाँची से ऊाँची जगह से लेिर गहरी से गहरी -------------- में ति मौजूि है ।

12. माइक्रोप्लाजस्टि िी मौजूिगी िे बारे मे उन्होंने सैिड़ों आिड़ों िी तुिना िी ।

माइक्रोप्लाजस्टि िी मौजूिगी िे बारे मे उन्होंने सैिड़ों आिड़ों िी ----------------- िी ।

13. वैज्ञाशनिों िे अनुसार व्यबि िे िरीर में दितने प्लाजस्टि िे िण जाएाँगे ।यह व्यबि िे
रहने और शरीर पर शनभडर िरता है ।

वैज्ञाशनिों िे अनुसार व्यबि िे िरीर में दितने प्लाजस्टि िे िण जाएाँगे ।यह व्यबि िे
रहने और--------------------पर शनभडर िरता है ।

14. 130 माइक्रोमीटर प्लाजस्टि िा िण मानव िे शारीररक तींत्र िो प्रभाबवत िर सिता है ।

130 माइक्रोमीटर प्लाजस्टि िा िण मानव िे ------------- तींत्र िो प्रभाबवत िर सिता है ।

15. सााँस िे जररये प्लाजस्टि िे िणों िा एि बहुत बड़ा दहस्सा फेफड़ो ति पहुाँचता है ।

सााँस िे जररये प्लाजस्टि िे िणों िा एि बहुत ---------------- दहस्सा फेफड़ो ति पहुाँचता है ।

[Total: 8]

अभ्यास 4:

तुिसी पर आधाररत फायदों को सुनकर लनम्नलिक्षखत वाकयों को पूरा करने के लिए A ,B अथवा C
में से हकसी एक ववकल्प को सही का लनशान िगाकर चुलनए ।

यह जानकारी आपको दो बार सुनाई जाएगी ।

16. दिन पररवारों में तुलसी िी पूजा िी जाती है ?

A. मुजस्लम

B. दहन्ि ू

C. शसक्ख

17. तुलसी िे पौधे िा िौनसा भाग हमारे शलए फायिे मींि साबबत हो सिता है ?

A. हर

B. ऊपर िा

C. बीच िा

18. तुलसी िो दिस प्रिार िा पौधा माना जाता है ?

A . आयुवदे िि

B . पाररवाररि

C . औषधीय

19. तुलसी िी जड़ सुपारी िी तरह चूसी जाती है ?

A . श्वास िे रोगों में

B. खाींसी या गला बैठने पर

C. बुखार में

20. खाींसी और नजले से राहत शमलती है _

A. तुलसी िे िोमल पत्तों िो चबाने से

B. तुलसी िी जड़ चूसने से

C. तुलसी िी हरी पबत्तयों िो सेिने से

21. खासी जुिाम में तुलसी, अिरि और िालीशमचड से बनी

A. चाय पीने से राहत शमलती है

B. िाढ़ा पीने से राहत शमलती है |

C. उबला पानी पीने से राहत शमलती है |

22. तुलसी िी सूखी पबत्तयाीं 4 ग्राम शमश्री िे साथ िे ने से िौन- सी बीमारी में फायिा पहुाँचाएगा ?

A. खााँसी जुिाम में

B. गाला बैठने में

C. जुिाम में

23. िहि िे साथ तुलसी िे सेवन से िौन -से रोगों में आराम शमलता है ?

A. दहचिी , अस्थमा एवीं श्वास रोग

B. खााँसी िे वेग में

C. जुिाम में

[Total: 8]



GRADE: Pre-IGCSE Max. Marks: 80

SUBJECT: ICT (0417) Date:

Paper No: 12 Time: 1 hr 30 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page.
Write in dark blue or black pen in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

in __P1___

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No. M. Marks Marks Obtained
P1 80
P2 70
P3 70
Grand Total 220

This paper consists of 12 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. Tick the box which best describes each of the following items.

2. (a) Explain how a VLOOKUP function works, using the example of









.................................................................................................................................................... [4]
(b) A spreadsheet contains the following data and formula.

Explain why the cell H2 might not contain James. Suggest the value that would be
contained in that cell, giving reasons why.








.................................................................................................................................................... [4]


3. Tick whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.


4. Laptop computers are often equipped with Solid State Drives (SSD) or Hard Disk Drives

(a) Give six advantages of SSD compared to HDD.

1. ............................................................................................................................................


2. ...........................................................................................................................................


3. ............................................................................................................................................


4. ............................................................................................................................................


5. ............................................................................................................................................


6. ............................................................................................................................................


5. Below is a spreadsheet containing data about a snack shop.

(a) Write down the number of columns shown in this spreadsheet.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Write down the cell reference of a cell containing an integer.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Write down one cell containing a label.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) Write down the formula that should go in D4.

...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(e) Write down the formula that should go in E5.

...................................................................................................................................... [3]
6. A teacher has asked you to use a word processor to create a table of some Indian
cities together with their populations. The required layout is shown below.

(a) Describe how you would create this table in a word processor.







.................................................................................................................................................... [4]

7. Juan has taken a photograph of a castle and has removed part of the image. The
image before the change and the image after the change are shown below.

Image 1 Image 2

(a) Identify the formatting technique Juan used to do this.



(b) Describe the steps Juan used to change the image.






(c) Juan has set up a hierarchical folder structure for his media directories so that he can
easily locate certain files. Juan has stored the photograph in his college work folder.

Complete the boxes to show the most appropriate hierarchical folder structure, to
store photographs and videos for both home and college work.


8.Smart phones use touch screen technology that requires a Graphical User Interface
Describe four advantages of users having a GUI on a smartphone rather than a
Command Line Interface (CLI).


2 .............................................................................................................................................


3 .............................................................................................................................................


4 .............................................................................................................................................


9. Nathan has created a spreadsheet displaying details of venues for Commonwealth

games. He has drawn a graph to display the data however some elements of the
graph are missing.

(a) Write down suitable titles for:

(i) The category axis................................................................................................


(ii) The value axis....................................................................................................


(iii) The chart...........................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) What is this type of chart called?

...................................................................................................................................... [1]


10. Documents use headers, footers and margins.

The statements refer to a header, a footer or a margin. Tick (✓) the most appropriate
term for each statement.


11. Generic file formats can be used when saving. Tick three generic file formats.



12. A computer consists of hardware and software.

(a) State what is meant by hardware.



(b) State what is meant by software.



(c) There are two types of software.

Name one of the two types of software used by a computer.



(d) Name the piece of hardware found in a tablet computer that is both an input and output



13. Give four reasons why a house style would be used.








14. Describe the similarities and differences between a widow and an orphan in a word









15. (a) Explain how a SUMIF function works, using the example of SUMIF(A1:A6, ">29",









(b) A spreadsheet contains the following data and formula.

Explain why the cell G2 does not produce the expected value of 30. Write down a
formula which would total the Days holiday due to those workers who had worked for
the company for more than 31 months but less than 35 months.










Blank Page


GRADE: Pre-IGCSE Max. Marks: 70

SUBJECT: ICT(0417) Date:

Paper No: 21 Time: 2 hrs 15min

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Additional Materials: Source Files


You must not have access to either the internet or any email system during this examination.
Carry out all instructions in each step. You can track your progress through the examination by crossing out each question
Enter your name, centre number and candidate number on every printout before it is sent to the printer.
Any businesses described in this paper are entirely fictitious.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 10 printed pages.

You work for Tawara University and are going to carry out some clerical tasks.

Task 1 – Evidence Document

• Open the file EVIDENCE.RTF

• Make sure your name, Centre number and candidate number will appear on every
page of your Evidence Document.
• Save this as a word processed document in your work area with the filename
followed by your candidate number, for example, EVIDENCE9999

You will need your Evidence Document during the examination to enter answers to questions
and to place your screenshots in when required.

Task 2 – Document

You are going to edit a guide for new undergraduates at Tawara University. The university uses a
corporate house style for all their documents. Paragraph styles should be created and applied as

1 • Using a suitable software package, open the file NEWUG.RTF

• Set the page orientation to landscape. Do not change the paper size or margin
settings. [1]

2 • Save the document in your work area with the file name UGGUIDE
Make sure it is saved in the format of the software you are using.

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show this file has been
saved. Make sure there is evidence of the file type.

3 • Place in the header of the file UGGUIDE:

• automated page numbers left aligned
• automated file name and path right aligned.
• Place in the footer your name, Centre number and candidate number left aligned.
• Make sure that:
• all the alignments match the page margins
• no other text or placeholders are included in the header and footer area
• headers and footers are displayed on all pages. [4]

 Create the following paragraph styles:

House style specifications


Space before
Line spacing

Space after
Font Style

Font Size


UG-title sans-serif 24 right underline single 0 12
UG-subtitle sans-serif 16 centre italic single 0 0
UG-subhead sans-serif 14 centre bold, italic single 0 12
UG-body serif 12 justified none single 0 12
1 cm left indent
square shaped
UG-bullet serif 12 with hanging single 0 0
bullet e.g. 

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) to show all the settings
for the UG-bullet style only.

4 • Apply the UG-title style to the title Undergraduate Guide For New Students at the start
of the document. [1]

5 • Below the title, add the subtitle

Edited by: and add your name. [1]

6 • Apply the UG-subtitle style to this text. [1]

7 • Apply the UG-body style to the rest of the document. [1]

8 • Change the page layout so that the subheading International Community and all
following text are displayed in three columns of equal width with a 1.5 centimetre
space between them.

9 • Apply the UG-bullet style to the text:
attend welcome and
… around the university campus. [1]

10 • Identify the 8 subheadings in the document and apply the UG-subhead style to each
one. [1]

11 • Using the data in the file JDOM.CSV create a pie chart to show the total students
enrolled by region. [1]

12 • Label the chart with the title Students By Domicile [1]

13 • Display a legend.
• Display on each sector only the percentage values. [1]

14 • Insert the chart immediately after the paragraph ending … students studying with us.
• Make sure that:
• the chart fits within the column width
• all data is displayed in full. [1]

15 • Format the paragraph that starts We are proud that 80 … to display an external 3 to
4 point black border. [1]

16 • Apply light grey shading (10–25%) to fill this area so it looks like this:


17 • Move the paragraph which starts We have extensive … so it is positioned immediately

belowthe subheading Computing Services [1]

18 • Import the image LEISURE.JPG and place this below the subheading Leisure

19 • Reflect the image so the skater faces the left, like this:

20 • Resize the image so that:
• it is 2 centimetres wide
• the aspect ratio is maintained.
• Align the image to the:
• top of the paragraph starting We provide plenty …
• left of the column.
• Make sure the text wraps round the image.
• It may look like this:


21 • Spell check and proofread the document.

• Make sure that:
• the list is not split over two columns or pages
• there are no widows or orphans
• there are no blank pages
• the house style specification has been followed and the correct styles applied
as instructed
• the image and graph are placed within the column width
• spacing between all items is consistent.
• Save the document using the same file name and format used in Step 2.
• Print the document.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and
candidate number on your document. [4]

[Total: 35]

Task 3 – Document

You are going to edit a report for Tawara Digital Books. The company uses a corporate house
style forall their documents. Paragraph styles must be created and applied as instructed.

22 • Open the file READING.rtf

• The page setup is set to A4, portrait orientation with 2 centimetre margins. Do not
make anychanges to these settings.
• Save the document in your work area, in the format of the software you are using,
with the file name EBOOKS

Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show this file has been
saved. Make sure there is evidence of the file type.

23 • Place in the header:

• automated page numbers left aligned
• automated date field to display today’s date, right aligned.
• Place your name, centre number and candidate number right aligned in the footer.
• Make sure that:
• all the alignments match the page margins
• no other text or placeholders are included in the header and footer areas
• headers and footers are displayed on all pages.

24 • Create and store the following styles, basing each on the default paragraph style:

House style specifications

Font size (points)


Space Before
Line spacing

Space After
Style name

Font style


DB-Subtitle sans-serif 16 right italic single 0 0
DB-Subhead serif 14 centre bold, all capitals single 0 6
DB-Body sans-serif 10 justified none single 0 6
DB-Table serif 11 left italic single 0 0

Take a screenshot to show that the style settings have been defined for the
DB-Subhead style. Make sure there is evidence that this is based on the
default paragraph style. Place this in your Evidence Document. [3]

25 • The style name DB-Title has already been created, stored and applied to the title text.
• Modify the DB-Title style so only the following formatting is applied:
Font size (points)


Space Before
Line spacing

Space After
Style name

Font style



sans-serif 32 centre bold, underline single 0 6

Take a screenshot of the style settings for the DB-Title style to show that these
have been changed. Place this in your Evidence Document.

26 • Display these custom style names as a list in the style manager/organiser.

Provide screenshot evidence of this list.

Place this screenshot in your Evidence Document.
27 • Below the title add the subtitle:
Report by: and add your name [1]

28 • Apply the DB-Subtitle style to this text. [1]

29 • Apply the DB-Body style to the rest of the document. [1]

30 • Change the page layout so that the subheading History of Digital Books and all
following text is displayed in two columns of equal width with a 1 centimetre space
between the columns.

31 • Apply square shaped bullets to the list from:

dedicated e-readers such as…
… including the Notepad
• Make sure that:
• the bullets are indented 1 centimetre from the left margin
• the list is in single line spacing with no space before or after each line
• there is a 6 point space after the last item in the list.

32 • Identify the 7 subheadings in the document and apply the DB-Subhead style to each
one. [1]

33 • Open the file EREADER.csv and insert the contents as a table after the text
… devices over the years: [1]

34 • Delete the entire row and contents for Maxi Reader [1]

35 • Sort the data in the table into ascending order of Year. [1]

36 • Insert a new row in the correct position according to the sort order.
• Enter the following details:

Tawara Phablet Digital Tawara 2007


37 • Apply the DB-Table style to the table.

• Make sure that:
• no text is wrapped within the table
• all internal and external gridlines are displayed when printed
• the borders and all data fit within the column width
• there is a 6 point space after the table.
38 Format the first row of the table to be:
• bold and centre aligned over the three columns
• shaded with a light grey background (20–40%).

39 • Import the image IMAGE.jpg and place this below the subheading The Future [1]

40 • Reflect the image so the e-reader is on the right. It must look like this:


41 • Format the image so that:

• it is re-sized to a width of 3 centimetres with the aspect ratio maintained
• it is aligned to the left margin of the second column and the top of the
paragraph starting Many consumers have embraced…
• the text wraps round the image.

42 • Spell check and proofread the document.

• Make sure that:
• lists and tables are not split over columns or pages
• there are no widows or orphans
• there are no blank pages
• the house style specification has been followed and the correct styles
applied as instructed
• spacing is consistent between all items.
• Save the document using the same file name and format used in Step 1.
• Print the document.

Make sure your name, centre number and candidate number are on your report

[TOTAL: 35]



GRADE: Pre- IGCSE Max. Marks: 70

SUBJECT: ICT (0417) Date:

Paper :31(Practical) Time: 2 hrs 15 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Additional Material: Source Files

You must not have access to either the internet or any email system during this examination.
Carry out all instructions in each step. You can track your progress through the examination by crossing out each
question number.
Enter your name, centre number and candidate number on every printout before it is sent to the printer.
Any businesses described in this paper are entirely fictitious.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P3

Teacher’s signature

This document consists of 7 printed pages.

Task 1 – Evidence Document

 Open the file evidence.rtf

 Make sure your name, Centre number and candidate number will appear on every page
of your Evidence Document by placing these details in the header.
 Save this as a word-processed document in your work area with the file name evidence
followed by your candidate number, for example, evidence9999

You will need your Evidence Document during the examination to enter answers to questions
and to place your screenshots in when required.

Task 2 – Spreadsheet

You work for the Cozumel Tourist Board who use a spreadsheet to analyse data about
cruise ship passengers in the Caribbean. Use the most efficient methods in your work.

1 Open and examine the files cruise.csv and location.csv in a spreadsheet package.
Save the file cruise as a spreadsheet with the file name cruise_ and your candidate
number, for example, cruise_9999
In your cruise spreadsheet, place the text Cruise ship analysis left aligned in the
header of the page. Place your name, Centre number and candidate number, right
aligned in the header of the page.
Place the text Last edited on followed by today’s date (automated), the text at and then
the time (automated), centre aligned in the footer of the page.

2 Merge cells E2 to F2.

Format this merged cell and cell G2, so that the text is centre aligned in a black,
16 point, sans-serif font.

3 Merge cells A1 to H1.

Format this merged cell so that:
 the text is right aligned with a red, 20 point, sans-serif font
 it has a pale blue background colour.

4 In cell B4 enter a function to look up the name of the cruise ship’s destination from the
contentof the file 173location.csv [6]

5 In cell F4 enter a formula to calculate the average number of visitors a month
for this destination, rounded down to the nearest visitor. [3]

6 In cell H4 enter a formula to calculate the percentage change in the number of

visitors between 2014 and 2015. [3]

7 Replicate the formulae entered in steps 4 to 6 for each destination. [1]

8 Apply appropriate formatting to your spreadsheet. [3]

Save and print your spreadsheet showing the

formulae. Make sure:
 it is in landscape orientation
 the row and column headings are displayed
 the contents of all cells are fully visible.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number
on your spreadsheet showing the formulae.

9 Save and print the spreadsheet showing the values.

Make sure:
it fits on a single portrait page
the row and column headings are not displayed
the contents of all cells are fully visible. [1]

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your spreadsheet showing the values.

10 New data has just arrived for Barbados in March and the British Virgin Islands in
April. Edit the data in the spreadsheet to show these changes:

Destination Month Extra

Barbados March 2015 70,041
British Virgin Islands April 2015 68,457

Save and Print all of the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure:
 it fits on a single portrait page
 the row and column headings are not displayed
 the contents of all cells are fully visible.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your spreadsheet showing the values.

11 In cell E24 enter a function to calculate the total number of visitors to all destinations in

12 In cell E25 enter a function to calculate the average number of visitors to all
destinations in 2015. [1]

13 In cell E26 enter a function to calculate the number of visitors to the most popular
cruise destination in 2015. [1]

14 In cell I4 use a formula to copy the value held in B4.

Replicate the formula for each destination.
In cell E27 enter a function to return the name of the most popular cruise destination in

15 Place appropriate labels in cells D24 to D27. [2]

16 Save and Print your spreadsheet.

Print only cells D24 to E27 inclusive showing the formulae. Make sure:
 the row and column headings are displayed
 the contents of these cells are fully visible.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your spreadsheet showing the formulae.

Print only cells I4 to I22 inclusive showing the formulae. Make sure:
 the row and column headings are displayed
 the contents of these cells are fully visible.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your spreadsheet showing the formulae.


17 Print all of the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure:

it fits on a single page
the contents of all cells are fully visible.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your spreadsheet showing the values.

18 Extract only the data gathered for 3 months.

Sort this data into descending order of percentage change.
Save only this extract showing the values. Make sure the:
 contents of all extracted cells are fully visible.

Take a Screenshot of only this extract showing the values. Make sure that you have
entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Evidence

[Total: 42]

Task 3 – Spreadsheet

You are going to prepare a spreadsheet to manage the budgets and create charts
comparing 6 global projects. Unless working in local currencies, display all currency values
rounded to the nearest US dollar. The file currency.csv contains information about
countries and their currencies. Make sure that you use the most efficient methods to do
each task.

1 • Using a suitable software package, load the file sheet.csv

• Save this file as a spreadsheet with the file name sheet_ and your Centre number and
candidate number. For example, sheet_ZZ999_9999
• Insert 2 new rows above row 1. [1]

2 • In cell A1 enter the title TMCP Projects 2016

• In cell A2 enter your name, Centre number and candidate number. [1]

3 • Merge cells A1 to H1.

• Format this cell so that:
- text is centre aligned with a white, 36 point, sans-serif font
- it has a black background colour. [2]

4 • In cell B4 enter a function to look up, from the external file currency.csv, the name of the
currency for Honduras. [4]

5 • In cell B5 enter a function to total the Amount of money in local currency for the Honduras
project. [2]

6 • In cell B6 enter a formula to look up, from the external file currency.csv, the exchange
rate from the local currency to US dollars for Honduras. Multiply this value by the total for
the local currency, rounded to the nearest dollar. [5]

7 • Replicate the formulae entered in steps 17, 18 and 19 for each project. [1]

8 • In cell H6 enter a function to add the total income in US dollars. [1]

• Sort the list of individual donations into ascending order of Project then descending order
of Amount. [2]

9 • Apply appropriate formatting to all cells in rows 3 to 6 inclusive. [4]

10 • Save your spreadsheet.
• Print only the cells A1 to I6 showing the formulae. Make sure:
- it is in landscape orientation
- the row and column headings are displayed
- the contents of these cells are fully visible. [2]
• Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
your spreadsheet showing the formulae.

11 • Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure the: ° printout fits on a single page
wide ° contents of all cells are fully visible. [1]
• Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
your spreadsheet showing the values.

12 • Extract only the data for Fiji and the Maldives, where the Amount of the donation was
more than 90
• Print only this extract showing the values. Make sure the:
- printout fits on a single page wide
- contents of all cells are fully visible. [2]
• Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
your spreadsheet showing the values.

13 Save and print your Evidence Document.

Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate number on
your evidence document

[Total: 28]

Sample Paper
2023 - 2024


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 40

Total 40

This document consists of 6 printed pages.

प्रश्न 1 अ) योग्य पययाय ननवडून ववधयने पूर्ा करय. [2]

१. स्वैर होऊन नदी कय पळते?


१. सागराला भेटण्यासाठी स्वैर होऊन नदी पळते.

२. सागराला टाळण्यासाठी स्वैर होऊन नदी पळते.
३. सागराला अडवण्यासाठी स्वैर होऊन नदी पळते.

2. हवयईदलयच्यय जवयनयांनी पहयडयवर अडकलेल्यय ययत्रेकरांनय, ----------------------------------------



उत्तर -1. प्रशान व त्याच्या साथीदाराांना पाहहले.

2. सुशान व त्याच्या साथीदाराांना पाहहले.
3. ईशान व त्याच्या साथीदाराांना पाहहले.

प्रश्न 1 आ) कोर् ते ललहय. [2]

१. ईशयनलय ई-मेल कोर्ी पयठवलय होतय?
१. ईशानला ई-मेल पश्चिम काशीच्या गगयाारोहण सांस्थेने पाठवला होता.
२. ईशानला ई-मेल दक्षिण काशीच्या गगयाारोहण सांस्थेने पाठवला होता.
३. ईशानला ई-मेल उत्तर काशीच्या गगयाारोहण सांस्थेने पाठवला होता.

2. गिययारोहर्यचय ववशेष छां द असर्यरय.


उत्तर -1. राहुल

2. ईशान
3. प्रशान

प्रश्न 1 इ) योग्य पययाय ननवडून कववतेतील यमक जुळर्यरे शब्द ललहय. [2]

1. ठावे– ---------------------- (यावे,लावे)

2. गाणे – ---------------------- (िाांदणे, मांदावणे)

प्रश्न 2. अ) कांसयतील योग्य पययाय ननवडून ददलेल्यय प्रश्नयांची एकय वयक्ययत उत्तरे ललहय. [3]

1.ईशयन व त्ययच्यय सयथीदयरयांनी आपल्ययबरोबर कोर्तय तांबू आर्लय होतय?

( प्लाश्स्टकिा , नायलॉनिा , कापडािा )



2. दर्
ु टा नेची मयदहती लमळतयच हवयईदलयच्यय हे ललकॉप्टरने कयय सुर केले होते?

( ‘बिाव पहाड’ , ‘बिाव अभभयान’ , ‘बिाव ईशान’ )



3. भरकटलेल्यय जियत कुर्यलय कशयची जयर् नयही?



1. भरकटलेल्या जगात सांस्काराांिी कुणाला जाण नाही.

2. भरकटलेल्या जगात वि
ृ ाांिी कुणाला जाण नाही.
3. भरकटलेल्या जगात नदीिी कुणाला जाण नाही.

प्रश्न 2. आ) कांसयतन
ू योग्य शब्द ननवडून एकय शब्दयत उत्तरे ललहय. [3]
1. बहादरु ीच्या कायाासाठी भमळणारे पदक (अजन
ुा परु स्कयर, वीरपदक)


2. गगयाारोहणािा ववशेष छां द असणारा. ( ईशयन, ईवयन )


3. कोणता खेळ खेळून त्याला कांटाळा आला होता? (क्रिकेट, बुविबळ, व्हहडडओ िेम, बॅडलमांटन)

प्रश्न 2. इ) कांसयतून योग्य शब्द ननवडून ररकयम्यय जयिी योग्य शब्द भरय. [3]
(झिललमलर्यरे , ववश्यांतीची, पयण्ययची, सयिरय, भूस्खलन)
1. त्याांना ------------------------- गरज जाणवत होती.

2. प्रेम काय ते कुणा न ठावे नदी -------------------- जीव का लावे?

3. ------------------------------ िांद्र िाांदणे, जगणे मजला भशकवून गेले!

प्रश्न 3. अ) कांसयतील योग्य शब्द ननवडून कववतय पूर्ा करय. [4]

(सोसले , बुलांद , चोचीमधले , दयर्े)

--------------------- तरीही असे हौसले

वपल्लाांसाठी ककती -----------------

गिवगिवणाऱ्या -------------------

---------------------- मजला भशकवन

ू गेले!

प्रश्न 3. आ) खयलील आकृती पूर्ा करय. [2]
कवीच्या अनभ
ु वातले जग

ईशानच्या भमत्राांिी नावे ( कोणतीही दोन )


प्रश्न 3. इ) जोड्यय जुळवय. [3]

अ उत्तर ब
1. ववशालकाय -------------------- घाटी

2. पणती -------------------- खडक

3. हहरव्यागार -------------------- जळणे

प्रश्न 4. अ) समयनयथी शब्द ललहय. (प्रशांसय, ननशय, कुसुम, जखम) [2]

1. कौतुक - --------------------

2. रात्र - --------------------

प्रश्न 4. आ) ववरुियथी शब्द ललहय. (अनयवश्यक, ककाश, शत्र,ू जिर्े) [2]

1. आवचयक × ----------------

2. मांजळ
ु × --------------------

प्रश्न 4. इ) अशुि शब्द शुि करन ललहय. [2]

1. आधन
ु ीक - --------------------

2. िादां णे - --------------------

प्रश्न 5. अ) खयलील वयक्ययांतील प्रकयर ओळखय. [2]
(उद्ियरयथी, आज्ञयथी)
1. मुलाांनो, राांगेत िला. --------------------

2. अगबाई! ककती सुांदर हदसतेस --------------------

प्रश्न 5. आ) खयलील वयक्ययत योग्य ववरयमगचन्हे र्यलून वयक्य पुन्हय ललहय. [3]
1. भुकेल्या मुलाांना आपल्याबरोबर आणलेली फळे बबश्स्कटे व पाण्याच्या बाटल्या



2. ज्याला गरज वाटे ल तो खरे दी करे ल दक

ु ानदार रागाने म्हणाला

3. सांध्याकाळ झाली होती


प्रश्न 5. इ) खयलील वयक्ययांमध्ये योग्य शब्द वयपरन ननबांध पूर्ा करय. [5]

माझा आवडता छां द

( आवचयक, वािन, कमी, सल्ला ,आांनद)
छां द ही एक अशी गोष्ट असते जी व्यक्तीला ----------- भमळवन
ू दे ते. आयष्ु यािा खरा आांनद
ु वण्यासाठी एक छां द जोपासणे ----------- आहे .

----------- हाि माझा छां द आहे . वािन हा सवाात----------- खिाात जोपासला जाणारा छां द आहे .

वािन हा सवाात िाांगला छां द आहे . वािनािी ही आवड मी भववष्यातही जोपासत राहहल आणण तम्
ु हा
सवाानाही माझा ---------- आहे की वािनािा छां द जोपासा.



GRADE: Pre-IGCSE Max. Marks: 100


Paper No: 2 (Non-calculator) Time: 2 hr

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper

Additional Materials: Geometrical instruments
● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Calculators must not be used in this paper.
● You may use tracing paper.
● You must show all necessary working clearly.
● The total mark for this paper is 100.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

in _P2_

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No. M. Marks Marks Obtained
P2 100
P4 100
Grand Total 200
This paper consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

1 Work out (0.1)2 .

............................................... [1]
2 Write 36.2896 correct to 4 significant figures.

............................................... [1]
3 Alexa records some temperatures.

Fridge 4°C Cool box −3°C Freezer −19 °C

(a) Find the difference in temperature between the fridge and the cool box.

...................................................°C [1]

(b) Find the difference in temperature between the cool box and the freezer.

...................................................°C [1]

(c) The temperature in the cold room is 5°C lower than the fridge.

Find the temperature in the cold room.

...................................................°C [1]

Find an expression for the perimeter of this triangle.

Give your answer in its simplest form.

................................................... [3]

5 A baker asks some customers if they like lemon cake (L) and if they like chocolate cake (C).
The Venn diagram shows the results.

(a) Work out the fraction of the customers who like lemon cake or chocolate cake but not both.

............................................. [1]

(b) Use set notation to complete the statement.

{Jai, Nera} = ..............................[1]

(c) What does the Venn diagram show about Taj?


6 Lena owns a café.

One day, Lena records the drinks she sells in one hour.

(a) Complete the frequency table.

You may use the tally column to help you.

(b) Draw a bar chart to show this information.
Complete the scale on the frequency axis.

7 The diagram shows a cuboid.

(a) Work out the surface area of this cuboid.

................................................... cm2 [2]

(b) Work out the volume of this cuboid.

................................................... cm3 [1]

(c) Write down the dimensions of a different cuboid that has the same volume as this

.................... cm by .................... cm by .................... cm [1]

8 (a) Simplify
9 2
( )


(b) Find the value of 7𝑥 + 3𝑦 when 𝑥 = 12 and 𝑦 = −6.


9 Find the value of

(a)√𝟕𝟐𝟗 ,

................................................... [1]

(b) 𝟏𝟖𝟑 ,

................................................... [1]

(c) 𝟕𝟎 .

................................................... [1]

Billie asks 60 students in his school what their favourite type of book is.
He has started to draw a pictogram to show his results.

The science fiction row in the pictogram is complete.

(a) Complete the key.


(b) Complete the pictogram.


(c) Write down the mode.

................................................... [1]

(d) Work out how many more students choose detective books than music books.

................................................... [1]

(e) Work out the fraction of students who did not choose romance books.

................................................... [2]
11 Write these in order of size, starting with the smallest.


12 1 11
Work out 2 ×
3 14

You must show all your working and give your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.

................................................... [3]


14 (a) By rounding each number correct to 1 significant figure, estimate the value of
10.2 × 20.3
88.9 − 43.1
You must show all your working.


(b) Write 0.00435 in standard form.


15 (a)
𝑦 = , Write 𝑥 in terms of 𝑝, 𝑞 and 𝑦.


(b) Solve the equation

6(𝑦 + 1) = 9


(c) Expand the brackets and simplify:

(6𝑥 − 2) − 3(𝑥 − 1)


On any day, the probability that Marcus will get a seat on the school bus is 0.93 .

(a) Write down the probability that he will not get a seat on the school bus today.

................................................... [1]

(b) There are 200 school days in a year.

Work out the expected number of days in a year that Marcus will not get a seat.

................................................... [1]

17 Work out, giving your answer in standard form,

............................................... [2]

............................................... [2]

18 Write down the six factors of 28.

.................... , .................... , .................... , .................... , ..................... , ..................... [2]

19 n is an integer and 120 < n < 140.

Find the value of n when it is

(a) a multiple of 45,

n = ................................................... [1]

(b) a square number,

n = ................................................... [1]

(c) a factor of 402,

n = ................................................... [1]

(d) a cube number.

n = ................................................... [1]


In the diagram, ABC is a straight line.
AD is parallel to BE, angle BAD = 34° and AB = BD.

(a) Complete the statements.

(i) p = ..............................

because.................................................................................. [2]

(ii) q = ..............................

because .................................................................................. [2]

(b) Work out the value of r and the value of s.

r = ...................................................

s = ............................................[2]

(c) Find the value of t and give a reason for your answer.

t = .............................. because

....................................................................................................................................... [2]

21 The volume of a cuboid is 24 unit3.

The base of the cuboid is 3 units by 2 units .
Draw a net of the cuboid on the 1unit2 grid.



The diagram shows a quadrilateral on a 1 cm2 grid.

(a) Write down the mathematical name of this quadrilateral.

................................................... [1]

(b) Work out the area of this quadrilateral.

Give the units of your answer.

......................................... .................... [3]

23 Martin, Suki and Pierre make clocks.
In one week
• Martin makes x clocks.
• Suki makes 3 fewer clocks than Martin.
• Pierre makes twice as many clocks as Suki.

(a) Write an expression for the total number of clocks they make
in one week.
Give your expression in its simplest form.

................................................... [3]

(b) The total number of clocks they make in one week is 35.

(i) Work out the value of x.

x = ................................................... [3]

(ii) Work out how many more clocks Pierre makes than Martin.

................................................... [2]

24 Complete the table.


25 Two numbers are multiplied together to give the number in the box immediately above.

Complete the diagram.





The diagram shows a rectangular patio with sides 6 m and 8 m.

(a) Work out the perimeter of the patio.

................................................... m [1]

(b) Henri covers the patio floor with square

The tiles are 0.5 m by 0.5 m.

Work out the number of tiles he needs.

................................................... [2]




GRADE: Pre-IGCSE Max. Marks: 100


Paper No: 4 (Calculator) Time: 2 hr

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper

Additional Materials: Geometrical instruments
● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● You should use a scientific calculator where appropriate.
● You may use tracing paper.
● You must show all necessary working clearly.
● Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place for
angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.
● For π, use either your calculator value or 3.142.
● The total mark for this paper is 100.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

in _ P4_

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 17 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1 Write down the integer values of x that satisfy the inequality –2 ⩽ x < 2.

............................................... [2]
2 (a) 126 = 2 × 32 × 𝑘

Find the value of k.

k = ................................................... [1]
(b) Write 90 as the product of its prime factors.

.................................................... [2]
(c) Find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of 90 and 126.

................................................... [2]

3 x is an integer.

ξ = {x :41 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 50}

A = {x : x is an odd number}

B = {x : x is a multiple of 3}

C = {x : x is a prime number}

(a) Complete the Venn diagram to show this information.


(b) List the elements of

(i) 𝐴 ∩ 𝐶 ,

................................................... [1]

(ii) (𝑩 ∩ 𝑪)’ .

................................................... [1]

(c) Find n(A ∩ 𝑩 ∩ 𝑪)

................................................... [1]

4 Shade the region 𝑃 ∪ (𝑄 ∩ 𝑅)′

5 2
Work out √5 × 6 .
Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.


6 The table gives some information about the numbers of visitors at a leisure centre one day

(a) Complete the table. [2]

(b) Work out how many more child visitors than adult visitors there are.

................................................... [2]

(c) Write down the fraction of visitors that are Give your answer in its lowest terms.

................................................... [2]

(d) Write the ratio number of males : number of females.
Give your answer in its simplest form.

.............................. : .............................. [2]

7 Some cards have either a square, a circle or a triangle drawn

on them.
Piet chooses one of the cards at random.

Complete the table to show the probability of choosing a card with each shape.

Shape Square Circle Triangle

Probability 0.2 0.32

8 Factorise completely.

(a) 𝑝𝑥 + 𝑝𝑦 − 𝑥 − 𝑦

................................................... [2]
2 2
(b) 2𝑡 − 98𝑚

…................................................ [3]


(a) Using a ruler and compasses only, construct this triangle. Leave in your construction arcs.


(b) A rhombus has side length 6.5 cm. The rhombus can be constructed by drawing two triangles.
Using a ruler and compasses only, construct the rhombus.
Leave in your construction arcs.
One diagonal of the rhombus has been drawn for you.


10 The diagram shows three congruent regular pentagons and a triangle.

(a) Work out the value of x.

Give a geometrical reason for your

x = .................... because................................................................................................................


(b) Work out the value of y.

Give a geometrical reason for your

y = .................... because................................................................................................................


(c) Find the ratio x : y.
Give your answer in its simplest form.

.................... : .................... [1]


The diagram shows a solid cone.

The radius is 8cm and the slant height is 17 cm.

(a) Calculate the curved surface area of the cone.

................................................... cm2 [2]

(b) Calculate the volume of the cone.

................................................... cm3 [4]

(c) The cone is made of wood and 1 cm3 of the wood has a mass of 0.8 g.
Calculate the mass of the cone.

................................................... g [1]
(d) The cone is placed in a box.
The total mass of the cone and the box is 1.2 kg.

Calculate the mass of the box.

Give your answer in grams.

................................................... g [1]

(a) Change 6450 cm into metres.

...................................................m [1]

(b) Change 60 000 metres to kilometres.

...................................................km [1]

(c) Change 568 000 cm into metres.

...................................................m [1]
(d) Write 3.5 kilograms in grams.

................................................... g [1]

(e) Change 645 mm into cm.

................................................... cm [1]

(a) Change 4.1 m3 into cm3.

................................................... cm3 [2]

(b) Change 7850 cm3 into litres.

...................................................litres [2]

14 50 students each choose their favourite colour from a list of six colours.
The results for the colours Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue are shown in
the tally chart.

Complete the tally chart.


(b) Draw a labelled pie chart representing the above data.


The vertices of a square ABCD lie on the circumference of a circle, radius 8 cm.

(a) Calculate the area of the square.

................................................... cm2 [2]

(b) (i) Calculate the area of the shaded segment.

................................................... cm2 [3]

(ii) Calculate the perimeter of the shaded segment.

................................................... cm [4]


The diagram shows a shape made from a quarter-circle, OAB, and a right-angled triangle OBC.
The radius of the circle is 5cm and OC = 6 cm.

Calculate the area of the shape.

................................................... cm2 [3]

17 Solve
(a) + 5 = −7


(b) 4x + 9 = 3(2x − 7)


18 Write the following in order of size, smallest first

(i) 𝜋 3.14 3.142 3


√𝟗 𝟓 𝟒 −𝟏
(ii) 72% ( )
𝟏𝟕 𝟕 𝟑



Part of the net of a cuboid is drawn on the 1cm square grid above.

(a) Complete the net accurately.

(b) Calculate the volume of the cuboid.


20 The favourite sport of each of 135 boys is recorded in the table.

Favourite sport Frequency Pie chart sector angle

Soccer 54 144°

Hockey 45

Rugby 27

Other 9

(a) Complete the table.


(c) One of these boys is picked at random.

Find the probability that soccer is his favourite sport.

................................................... [1]




GRADE: PRE IGCSE Max. Marks: 40
SUBJECT: PHYSICS (0625/22) Date:
Paper No: 2 Multiple choice (Extended) Time: 45 min

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

You must answer on the multiple-choice answer sheet.

You will need: Multiple choice answer sheet, Soft clean eraser, Soft pencil (type B or HB is
● There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
● For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and
record your choice in soft pencil on the multiple-choice answer sheet.
● Follow the instructions on the multiple-choice answer sheet.
● Write in soft pencil.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number on the multiple-choice answer sheet in the
spaces provided unless this has been done for you.
● Do not use correction fluid.
● You may use a calculator.
● Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 9.8 N (acceleration of free fall = 9.8 m / s 2).
● The total mark for this paper is 40.
● Each correct answer will score one mark.
● Any rough working should be done on this question paper.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P2 40

P4 80

P6 40

Total 160

This document consists of 14 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1 The diagram shows a stone of irregular shape.

Which property of the stone can be found by lowering it into a measuring cylinder half-
filled with water?

A length
B mass
C volume
D weight

2 Two stones of different weights fall at the same time from a table. Air resistance may be
What will happen and why?

3 A stone is released from rest from a high building on Earth. Air resistance is negligible.

What is its velocity when it has fallen 5 m?

A 7.1 m / s B 10 m / s C 50 m / s D 100 m / s

4 Which statement about mass is correct?

A A mass of 100 kg weighs 980 N near the Earth’s surface.

B Mass is a gravitational force.
C Mass increases when the gravitational field strength increases.
D The greater the mass of a body, the less it resists a change in its motion.

5 The gravitational field strength is 8.8 N / kg on Venus and 3.8 N / kg on Mars.

An object has a weight of 42 N on Venus.

What are the mass and the weight of the object on Mars?

mass / kg weight /
A 4.8 18
B 4.8 42
C 11 42
D 11 97

6 A spring, which obeys Hooke’s law, has an unstretched length of 10 cm.

A load of 20 N is suspended from the

spring. The new length of the spring is 36 cm.

What is the spring constant k of the spring?

A 0.56 N / cm B 0.77 N / cm C 1.3 N / cm D 1.8 N / cm

7 The diagram shows a solid object on a flat surface, with two forces acting on the object.

3 4

What is the resultant force on the object?

A 1 N to the left

B 1 N to the right
C 7 N to the left
D 7 N to the right

8 A book has a mass of 400 g.

The surface of the book in contact with a table has dimensions 0.10 m x

0.20 m. The gravitational field strength g is 10 N / kg.

What is the pressure exerted on the table due to the book?

A 0.08 N / m2 B 8.0 N / m2 C 20 N / m2 D 200 N / m2

9 A resultant force of 500 N acts for 10 s on a car of mass 1000 kg. This causes the
velocity of the car to double.

What is the final velocity of the car?

A 5m/s B 10 m / s C 20 m / s D 50 m / s

10 When does an object falling vertically through the air reach terminal velocity?
A when the acceleration of the object becomes negative
B when the acceleration of the object is equal to g
C when the air resistance equals the weight of the object
D when the air resistance is greater than the weight of the object

11 A cyclist records his speed and the distance travelled during a journey.

He then plots the data against time for different sections of his journey.

Which graph shows a section when he is moving with constant speed?

12 In which pair are both quantities measured in newtons?

A force and pressure

B force and weight

C mass and pressure

D mass and weight

13 Two stones of different weights fall at the same time from a table. Air resistance may be
What will happen and why?

14 The diagram shows a plastic rod alongside a ruler.

What is the length of the rod?

A 2.5 cm B 3.5 cm C 7.0 cm D 9.0 cm

15 Which quantity is measured in newton seconds (Nm)?

A impulse
B moment
C power
D momentum
16 Why does a balloon filled with hot air rise?
A Cold air is less dense than hot air.
B Cold air is more dense than hot air.
C Heat rises.
D The density of the balloon is greater than the density of the surrounding gas.
17 The tank shown has the dimensions 5.0 m x 4.0 m x 4.0 m.

It is completely filled with water of density 1000 kg / m3.

What is the mass of water in the tank?

A 12.5 kg B 62.5 kg C 16 000 kg D 80 000 kg

18 A train travels at a constant speed along a straight track.

Which statement about the resultant force on the train is correct?

A It is bigger than the thrust of the engine.

B It is constantly increasing.
C It is equal to the thrust of the engine.
D It is zero.

19 Which row describes speed and velocity?

20 Four balls with different masses are dropped from the heights shown.

Air resistance may be ignored.Which ball has the smallest average speed?

21 A cart has a mass of 10 kg. A boy pushes on the cart horizontally with a force of 50 N.
The cart accelerates at 0.50 m / s2.

What is the frictional force acting on the cart?

A 5.0 N B 20 N C 30 N D 45 N

22 A ball is thrown vertically upwards through the air. Air resistance acts on the ball.

Which graph shows how its speed varies with time?

23 A car of mass 1200 kg is travelling along a horizontal road.

What is the acceleration of the car?

A 0.83 m / s2 B 1.2 m / s2 C 2.5 m / s2 D 3.3 m / s2

24 A book has a mass of 400 g.

The surface of the book in contact with a table has dimensions 0.10 m x 0.20 m.

The gravitational field strength g is 10 N / kg.

What is the pressure exerted on the table due to the book?

A 0.08 N / m2 B 8.0 N / m2 C 20 N / m2 D 200 N / m2

25 A student has a measuring cylinder containing water and also has a balance.

Which of these could she use to find the volume of a small metal

sphere? She has no other apparatus.

A either the measuring cylinder containing water or the balance

B the measuring cylinder containing water only
C the balance only
D neither the measuring cylinder nor the balance

26 The diagram shows a uniform metre rule, MN, pivoted at its midpoint P.

Two weights, W1 and W2, are hung either side of the pivot.
The rule remains balanced. Which row is correct?

27 A car joins a road at a speed of 14 m / s and accelerates at 4.0 m / s2 for 5.0 seconds.

What is the final speed of the car?

A 18 m / s B 20 m / s C 32 m / s D 34 m / s

28 A train begins a journey from a station and travels 60 km in a time of 20 minutes.

What is the average speed of the train?

A 3.0 m / s B 5.0 m / s C 50 m / s D 60 m / s

29 What is weight?

A a frictional force
B a magnetic force
C a gravitational force
D an electromagnetic force

30 The diagram shows a bird in flight. The bird is flying in a horizontal direction to the right.

In which direction does air resistance act on the bird?

31 A metal wire is loaded up to the limit of proportionality.

Which statement is correct?

A Hooke’s law is not obeyed when the load is increased from zero to this point.
B When the load is increased beyond the limit of proportionality, the diameter of the wire will
C When the load is removed, the wire returns to its original length.
D Up to the limit of proportionality, there is no change in the shape of the wire.

32 A small bottle has a mass of 20 g when empty. The volume of the bottle is 10 cm 3.

When full of liquid, the total mass is 150 g.

What is the density of the liquid?

A 0.50 g / cm3 B 2.0 g / cm3 C 13 g / cm3 D 15 g / cm3

33 A student investigates a pendulum.
He measures the time for the pendulum to complete 20 oscillations.
He repeats the experiment three more times.
The readings are shown.

experiment time for 20 oscillations /s

1 17.6

2 19.8

3 17.6

4 18.6
What is the average period of the pendulum?
A 0.88 s B 0.92 s C 17.6 s D 18.4 s

34. A tennis ball falls from the upstairs window of a house.

What can be said about the acceleration of the ball if air resistance is ignored?
A It depends on the density of the ball. B It depends on the mass of the ball.
C It increases as the ball falls. D It stays the same as the ball falls.

35. A car joins a road at a speed of 14 m/s and accelerates at 4.0 m/s2 for 5.0 seconds.
What is the final speed of the car?
A 18 m/s B 20 m/s C 32 m/s D 34 m/s

36. The gravitational field strength is 8.8 N/kg on Venus and 3.8 N/kg on Mars.
An object has a weight of 42 N on Venus.
What are the mass and the weight of the object on Mars?

mass/kg weight/N

A 4.8 18

B 4.8 42

C 11 42

D 11 97

37. A student carries out an experiment to find the density of a rock.



200 g balance 264 g

Which two measurements does the student need to make to determine the density
of the rock?

measurement 1 measurement 2

A increase in mass increase in volume of liquid

B final mass increase in depth of liquid

C increase in mass increase in depth of liquid

D final mass increase in volume of liquid

38. An experiment is carried out to determine the spring constant for a spring.
Different loads are hung from the spring and its length is measured for each
different load.
The graph shows how its length varies with load.
weight of
load / 3.0


0 4 8 12 16 20
length of spring / cm
What is the value of the spring constant?
A 0.20 N/cm B 0.25 N/cm C 4.0 N/cm D 5.0 N/cm

39. A beam is pivoted at its centre of mass.

It is acted upon by two forces, 10 N and 5.0 N, as shown.

What is the resultant moment about the pivot?

A 25 N cm anticlockwise B 25 N cm clockwise
C 175 N cm anticlockwise D 175 N cm clockwise
40. Which object is in equilibrium?


GRADE: PRE IGCSE Max. Marks: 80

SUBJECT: PHYSICS (0625/42) Date:

Paper 4: Theory (Extended) Time: 1 hr 15 min

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● You may use a calculator.
● You should show all your working and use appropriate units.
● Take the weight of 1.0 kg to be 9.8 N (acceleration of free fall = 9.8 m / s2).

● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in

Teacher’s signature

This document consists of 21 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. Fig. 1.1 shows the speed–time graph for a car travelling along a road.

Fig 1.1

(a) Determine the distance travelled by the car between 30 s and 60 s.

distance travelled = ..................................................... m [3]

(b) The distance travelled by the car between 60 s and 110 s is 460 m.

Calculate the average speed of the car between 60 s and 110 s.

average speed = ................................................. m / s [4]

(c) Describe the motion of the car between 30 s and 60 s.

.................................................................................................................................. [1]

(d) Describe the motion of the car between 60 s and 80 s.

................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 9]

2. Fig. 2.1 shows a measuring cylinder containing water.

Fig. 2.2 shows the same measuring cylinder after a stone has been lowered into it.

Fig. 2.1 Fig. 2.2

a. Calculate the volume of the stone.

volume = .................................................. cm3 [2]

b. Another stone has a mass of 98.4 g. The volume of this stone is 41.0 cm3.
Calculate the density of the stone.

density = .............................................. g / cm3 [3]

c. The stone with a mass of 98.4 g has a weight of 0.984 N.

Explain the difference between mass and weight.



............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 7]

3. (a) (i) State what is meant by the moment of a force about a point.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Fig. 3.1 shows a large crane on a construction site lifting a block of mass 14 000

Fig. 3.1

Calculate the moment about A due to the 14 000 kg block suspended from B.
moment =................................................. [2]

(b) (i) Speed is a scalar quantity and velocity is a vector quantity. State the difference
between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity.


..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Write down one other scalar quantity and one other vector quantity.

scalar quantity ...................................................................................................................

vector quantity ...................................................................................................................


(c) Fig. 3.2 shows two forces acting on an object.

Fig. 3.2 (not to scale)

Draw a scale diagram to determine the resultant force acting on the object. State
the scale you use.

scale ..............................................................

magnitude of resultant force = ...........................................................

direction of resultant relative to the direction of the 20 N force = .........................................................


[Total: 11]

4. A slope is made by resting one end of a plank of wood on a block, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
plank trolley

block of wood

Fig. 4.1

Two students each use a digital stop-watch to measure the time for a small trolley to roll
down the full length of the slope.

Fig. 4.2 shows the times on the stop-watches.

time = ......................... s

time = ......................... s

Fig. 4.2

a. (i) On the line next to each stop-watch, write the time it shows. [2]

(ii) Calculate the average time for the trolley to roll down the slope.
average time = ................................................ s [2]

(iii) The students want the same trolley to take more time to roll down the plank.

Suggest how the students alter the arrangement in Fig. 4.1.

........................................................................................................................... [1]

b. A different trolley travels 1.2 m down the slope in a time of 7.8 s.

Calculate the average speed of the trolley.

average speed = .......................................... m / s [3]

[Total: 8]

5. (a) A student determines the centre of mass of a piece of card. Fig. 5.1 shows the equipment
the student uses.

Fig. 5.1

Describe how the student determines the centre of mass of the card using the
equipment in Fig. 5.1.






............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) Another card is pivoted at point P. The weight of the card is 1.4 N and acts through
a point 20 cm from P.

Fig. 3.2 shows the arrangement.

Fig. 5.2

Calculate the moment of the weight of the card about point P.

moment of weight = ................................................. N cm [3]

[Total: 6]

6. Fig. 6.1 shows a pea plant. One of the pods is open, showing the peas inside.

Fig. 6.1

(a) A food scientist needs to find the average diameter of a pea. She places 14 peas against a
ruler, as shown in Fig. 6.2.

Fig. 6.2

Use information from Fig. 6.2 to determine the average diameter of one pea.

average diameter of one pea = ........................................... cm [3]

(b) The food scientist needs to find the average density of some peas.

She uses the following values:

mass of peas = 183 g

volume of peas = 250 cm3.

Calculate the average density of these peas.

average density = ...............................................g / cm3 [3]

(c) A different variety of pea has a density of 0.89 g / cm3. One pea of this variety is

placed in salt water. The density of the salt water is 1.02 g / cm3.

State whether this pea floats or sinks in the salt water. Give a reason for your answer.

answer ..................................................................................................................

reason ...................................................................................................................

[Total: 8]

7. a) Define acceleration.

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

b) Fig. 1.1 shows the speed-time axes for the graph of the motion of a car

Fig. 7.1
i) The car starts from rest.
From time = 0 to time = 15s, the car has a constant acceleration to a speed of 28m/s.
From time = 15s to time = 32s, the car has a constant speed of 28m/ s.
From time = 32s, the car has a constant deceleration of 2.0m/s2 until it comes to rest.
On Fig. 7.1, draw the graph, using the space below for any calculations.

ii) From time = 15s to time = 32s, the path of the car is part of a circle.
For this motion, state
1. the direction of the resultant force on the car,

2. what happens to the velocity of the car.
.......................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 7]
8. (a) State Hooke’s law.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

Fig. 8.1 shows the extension–load graph for a spring.

Fig. 8.1

(i) On Fig. 8.1, mark and label the region where the spring obeys Hooke’s law. [1]

(ii) Calculate the spring constant k.

k = ................................................................. [2]

(iii) The original length of the spring is 120 mm.

Calculate the length of the spring when a load of 8.5 N is applied to the spring.

length = ........................................................ [2]

(c) The weight of an object is 4.0 N on a planet where the acceleration of free fall is
8.7 m / s2.

Calculate the mass of the object.

mass = ........................................................ [2]

[Total: 8]
9. Fig. 9.1 shows a space rocket accelerating away from a launch pad.

Fig. 9.1
Fig. 9.2 is a speed–time graph for the first 30s of the rocket’s flight.

Fig. 9.2
a) Describe how the acceleration of the rocket changes between time = 10s and time = 30s.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

b) By drawing a tangent to the graph, determine the acceleration of the rocket at time = 25s.

acceleration = ............................................................ [2]

c) Determine the distance travelled by the rocket between time = 0 and time =10s.

distance = .................................................................. [3]

[Total: 6]

9. (a) A girl and her brother sit on opposite sides of a see-saw as shown in Fig. 10.1.

girl brother
1.9 m 1.2 m

240 N pivot

Fig. 10.1

(i) Calculate the girl’s moment about the pivot and show that it is close to 460 N m.


(ii) The see-saw is balanced horizontally.

Calculate the weight W of the brother.

W = ..................................................... N [3]

(b) The weight of the girl in Fig. 10.1 is 240 N.

Calculate the mass of the girl. Include the unit in your answer.

mass of girl = ......................... unit ................... [4]

[Total: 10]



GRADE: PRE IGCSE Max. Marks: 40

SUBJECT: PHYSICS (0625/62) Date:

Paper 6: Alternative to Practical Time: 1 hr

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● You may use a calculator.
● You should show all your working and use appropriate units.

● The total mark for this paper is 40.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in

Teacher’s signature

This document consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. A student investigates the period of a pendulum. Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show the

Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2

(a) The student measures the distance d between the bottom of the clamp and
the floor.

d = ..............1..2..0....0...c.m

This distance d remains constant throughout the experiment.

He adjusts the length l of the pendulum to 70.0 cm.
Calculate the distance x between the centre of the pendulum bob and the
floor. Record the value of x in the first row of table 1.1. [1]

(b) The student displaces the bob slightly and releases it so that it swings. Fig.
1.2 shows one complete oscillation of the pendulum.

He measures, and records in the first row of Table 1.1, the time t for 10
complete oscillations.

(i) Calculate, and record in the first row of Table 1.1, the period T of
the pendulum. The period is the time for one complete oscillation. [1]

(ii) Calculate, and record in the first row of Table 1.1, T 2 [2]

(iii) Complete the column headings in Table 1.1 [1]

x/ t/ T/ T2/


45.0 17.3 1.73 2.99

40.0 17.9 1.79 3.20

35.0 18.4 1.84 3.39

30.0 19.0 1.90 3.61

(c) He repeats the procedure using x = 45.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 35.0 cm and 30.0 cm.

He records the readings in Table 1.1.

Plot a graph of T 2 (y-axis) against x (x-axis). You do not need to start your
axes at the origin (0,0).


(d) State whether the graph line shows that T 2 is proportional to x. Give a

reason for your answer.

statement ...........................................................................................................................


(e) Explain why timing 10 oscillations gives a more accurate result for the period

T than timing one oscillation.



[Total: 11]

2. A student determines the density of sand.

Fig. 2.1 shows a beaker with a mark at the 250 cm3 level.

Fig. 2.1

(a) Estimate the volume of water VW that the beaker would hold when filled to
the top.
VW = .............................. cm3 [1]

(b) The student uses string and a metre rule to determine the circumference c of
the beaker.

c = ................2..1....3...c.m

Explain briefly how to use the string and the metre rule to determine the
circumference c as accurately as possible. You may draw a diagram.





............................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) The student measures the height h of the beaker.

(i) Show clearly on Fig. 2.1, the height h that he should measure [1]

His reading is h = .................9....0...c.m


(ii) Calculate the external volume VB of the beaker using the equation

VB = ............................... cm3 [2]

(d) The student measures the mass of the beaker on a balance, as shown in Fig.

(i) Write down the mass mB of the beaker, to the nearest gram.

Fig. 2.2

mB = ................................................ g [1]

The student fills the beaker to the top with dry sand. He measures the mass
m of the beaker containing the sand.

m = .............................7..2..4..g................

(ii) Calculate the mass mS of sand in the beaker.

Use the equation mS = (m – mB).

mS = .................................. g [1]

(iii) Calculate the density ρ of the sand using the equation.

include the unit.

ρ = ......................................................... [2]
(e) The student uses a measuring cylinder to measure the volume of dry sand.
Draw a diagram of the measuring cylinder and show the line of sight that the
student must use to obtain an accurate volume reading.

[Total: 11]

3. A student is determining the density of wood by two methods.
He is using the wooden rod shown in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1
Method 1
The dimensions of the wooden rod are shown full size in Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 3.2

(a) (i) Measure the length l and the diameter d of the wooden rod in Fig. 3.2.

l = .........................................................cm

d = .........................................................cm [2]

(ii) Suggest an accurate method for measuring the diameter of the wooden rod in
this experiment.
List any additional apparatus that might be required and briefly describe how you would
determine the diameter.
You may draw a diagram if it helps to explain your answer.
.......................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) The student uses a balance to measure the mass m of the wooden rod as shown in Fig.

Fig. 3.3

Record the mass m of the rod.

m = ............................................................g
Calculate a value ρ1 for the density of the wooden rod. Use your values from (a)(i)
and (b) and the equation ρ1 = 4m/πd 2l. Include a suitable unit.

ρ1 = ........................................................ [2]

Method 2
(c) The student pours water into a measuring cylinder as shown in Fig. 3.4.
He then floats the wooden rod in the water as shown in Fig. 3.5.

Fig. 3.4 Fig. 3.5

Record the reading V1 of the water level in the measuring cylinder as shown in Fig. 3.4.

V1 = ........................................................cm 3
Record the new reading V2 of the water level in the measuring cylinder with the rod floating
in the water as shown in Fig. 3.5.
V2 = ........................................................cm 3

(d) The student removes the rod and lowers a piece of modelling clay into the water as
shown in Fig. 3.6.
He then hooks the rod to the modelling clay and lowers them into the water as shown in
Fig. 3.7.

Fig. 3.6 Fig. 3.7

He records the new reading V3 of the water level in the measuring cylinder with the
modelling clay.

He records the reading V4 of the water level in the measuring cylinder with the modelling
clay and rod.
V3 = 164 cm3
V4 = 178 cm3
Calculate another value ρ2 for the density of the wooden rod. Use the values from (c) and

(d) and the equation ρ2 = (V2 – V1 )/ (V4 – V3 ) × k where k = 1.0 g / cm3.

ρ2 = ........................................................ [2]


Fig. 3.8

On Fig. 3.8, draw an arrow showing the correct line of sight for reading the volume of water
in the measuring cylinder. [1]
(f) Suggest a possible source of inaccuracy in Method 2, even if it was carried out carefully.
[Total: 11]

4. A student investigates the force required to break different beams made from a
mixture of sand and cement. All the beams have the same cross-section.

Plan an experiment to investigate the force required to break the beams.

Fig. 4.1 shows the set-up.

The following apparatus is available:

• a selection of beams made from different ratios of sand and cement and
of various lengths

• triangular blocks to support the beams

• a metre rule
• a selection of loads.

You can also use other apparatus and materials that are usually available in a
school laboratory.

The student takes all the necessary safety precautions. You are not required to
write about safety precautions.

In your plan, you should:

• explain briefly how to carry out the investigation (you may add to the
diagram if it helps your explanation)

• state the key variables to keep constant

• draw a table, or tables, with column headings, to show how to display

your readings (you are not required to enter any readings in the table)

• explain how you would use the readings to reach a conclusion.




















.................................................................................................................................................... [7]

[Total: 7]



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