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Vinification module

SA VV (Sciences des Aliments Vigne et Vin)


Vinification steps (tapes de vinification)

Week 37

Weeks 38 & 39

Week 40

Grape harvest (Vendanges) Sulfiting, Crushing (Foulage), Adding yeast (Levurage) Checking alcoholic fermentation (AF) (Suivi fermentation alcoolique (FA)) Draining (Dcuvage) End of AF Transfer in Bag-In-Box Malo-lactic Fermentation (MLF), in French: FML Sulfiting, Racking (Sulfitage, Soutirage) Additional analyses (color, alcohol, CO2)

Marking system (valuation des tudiants) :

Report (Compte-rendu) = 50 % of the mark
4 pages max Describe shortly & explain the objective of each step Give analysis results + comments + answers to questions

Wine Quality = 50 % of the mark

Wine tasting session by wine waiters (dgustation par des professionnels) You keep the remaining wine: about 2 bottles/student (think to keep two bottles for the end of sept, we will provide corks)

Interets of the mini-vinification miniAllow to make small volume trials (15 liters per experimental unit), in a small room Permet de raliser des
essais sur de petits volumes (15 litres par unit exprimentale), prend peu de place

Inexpensive / exp unit / year : operating cost approx 5 to 10 euros (varies with the amount of analyses) Faible cot / unit
exprimentale / an : fonctionnement ~ 5 10 euros (dpend des

You can test, among other things: Permet de tester, entre

autres : Macerations (temperatures, lengths (dures) ) New enzymes, yeast strains (souches de levure) Wood chips (copeaux), tannins (tanins) Blending (assemblage) before maceration, cellaring (levage) on lees (lies)

Harvest Vendanges
Monday 19 september Meeting at 2 pm (14h00) SHARP, at the Domaine de Candie, 17 chemin de la Saudrune in Toulouse Freeway A64 (E9-E80) towards Foix-Tarbes, from the (E9Foixn 37 city bound (priphrique), then 2nd exit, n 37 towards CugnauxCugnaux-Villeneuve Vineyard (vignoble) in front of the exit, turn right then to the left (contourner par la droite, puis la route tourne gauche) Once at the entrance gate, park next to the Candie gate, Oustal (shop) Arrive au domaine, entre de gauche, ct de lOustal de Candie (boutique) lOustal You should be back at 6 pm Prvoir retour vers 18h

Whos got a car? Qui a une voiture ?

Meeting in Domaine de Candie (red cross on the map), sharing cars or bus line 49, stop at Saudrune

Or bus line 58, Candie stop


Harvest (contd)
Talk by Michel Freija, farm manager Organise groups of 5 students (pentomes) for one vat (un ft), that you will get from supervisors after giving your names

Supervisors (Encadrants)


Christophe Stphane



Vendange (suite)
Talk by Michel Freija, farm manager Organise groups of 5 students (pentomes) for one vat (un ft), that you will get from supervisors after giving your names

30 liter plastic vats, food grade

Vendange (suite)
Cultivar (cpage) Cabernet Sauvignon : 20 kg (cpage) (destemmed, rafls) placed in a vat, which destemmed, rafls) means around 4 kg per student (approx 30 to 40 clusters or bunches (grappes) Destemming in the vineyard (grappage au vignoble) Keep only the berries (baies)

Alternative to the previous method

Break the stem, where there is a bump

Alternative (contd)
Hit the bunch inside the vat so the berries fall inside, discard the stem on the ground (jetez la rafle au sol)

Vendange (suite)
Cultivar (cpage) Cabernet Sauvignon : 20 kg (cpage) (destemmed, rafls) placed in a vat, which destemmed, rafls) means around 4 kg per student (approx 30 to 40 clusters or bunches (grappes) Destemming in the vineyard (grappage au vignoble) Keep only the berries (baies) 20 kg of berries reach the bump due to the handle (poigne) Then we walk to the wine cellar (chai)

Harvest (last step)

Beware (attention): harvest big and middle size clusters (rcolter les grappes de taille moyenne grosse) and unrotten clusters (et grappes saines)




Unripe bunch (Grappillon)

Rot (pourriture)

Please, no vineyard spoilage (pas de gaspillage, SVP)

Dont leave whole bunches on the ground Ne pas laisser de grappes entires sur le sol

Sulfiting and crushing Sulfitage et Foulage

Sulfiting and crushing at the same time, the metabisulfite dose (white powder) is equivalent to 3 g SO2 /hl, determined as a function of grape quality) Crushing with one foot / vat
Hold yourself to somebody or something solid, do not fall and empty the vat. Se tenir quelque chose ou quelquun, mur ou collgue, pour ne pas tomber et renverser les fts
Crush for 5 minutes

Detail for crushing

Under the vat, there are two bumps which can make foot crushing a soarfull exercise => turn the vat accordingly as shown below Sous le ft il y a deux renflements sur lesquels il nest pas agrable de poser le pied => tournez le ft de telle faon que votre pied, lorsquil touche le fond, se trouve comme indiqu sur le dessin cicidessous

Bump Renflement

Sulfiting (additional info)

Many options :
Potassium metabisulfite (chemist, pharmacie), pharmacie), keep in mind that 1 gram of powder gives 0.5 gram of SO2 SO2 solution (around 10% in water) + 10 ml pipet SO2 tablets (example: Coeff2)

Adding yeast (Levurage) (Levurage)

With dried yeasts (Levures Sches (Levures Actives (LSA) ), rehydrated for 15 min before addition to the must (le mot) (le mot) Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain (souche) 71B; approx. 4 g for 20 kg Inoculate your vat with yeast suspension (with 1 volume of the small vial with red top: first rinsed it with must to remove the SO2 powder !), then homogenise Ensemencer votre ft (avec 1 volume du pot ayant contenu le SO2, aprs lavoir bien rinc avec du mot !) Ensuite homognisez. homognisez.

Density and temperature measures

After taking measurements, rinse carefully the equipement, and yourself (bring a towel)

Vat closing details (dtails de la fermeture du ft)

Before leaving Candie, close the vats & rinse them (Avant de quitter Candie, fermez les fts, rincez les) Make sure you tighten both edges, blue and black, with the metal ring (Prendre garde bien sertir les deux bords (bleu et noir) laide de la bague en mtal.) This is the end at Candie (Fin de la sance Candie)

Watch out: the metal ring can cut fingers !

Everyday between 12:00 and 1:00pm Suivi tous les jours (au dbut) entre 12h et 13h00 Room TP107, ground floor, RdC,, floor, RdC, Group roster, rpartition des groupes (vat roster, number, N de fts): number, N de fts):
1 to 11 from 11:50 - 12:10 12 to 22 from 12:10 - 12:30 23 to 33 from 12:30 - 12:50
No point to rush all in: We do not have measuring equiment for everybody at once

Wine daily checks (Suivi de la vinification)

Alcoholic Fermentation
Density and temperature checking

Close the lid Sertir le couvercle Rotate the vat (beware leaks) Retourner le ft (ne pas laisser lenvers => fuites) Then open the lid again Puis rouvrir le couvercle Take 250ml of wine Prlever 250 ml de vin Measure density and temperature Clean equipement Nettoyer Temperature should not be over 30C (( yeasts) 30 C

Laisser couvercle pos Cerclage OUVERT!!!

Leave the metal ring OPEN !!!

Draining Dcuvage
Remove skins before the juice becomes too astringent (an excess of tannins is not good in primeur wines). Il ne wines). faut pas laisser les pellicules trop longtemps en contact avec le jus, sinon ce dernier se charge en tanins et devient astringent (un caractre non recherch chez les primeurs) Usually skins are removed when density reaches 1040. We will do it Wednesday 21st Sept. Normalement, lorsque la densit arrive vers 1040, on enlve les pellicules (on le fera le merc. 21sept) erc. 21sept) One can press slightly wit a hand to get some juice out the skins. Presser lgrement avec la main pour rcuprer un peu du jus contenu dans les pellicules.

Transfer in Bag-In-Box Bag-InAdvantages

Wine protected from air, withdrawn after filling (expuls (expuls aprs remplissage) remplissage) Cheap, (peu coteux) : 4 , le 20 L (peu Flexible, variable quantities Optimum : 75 % of total volume total (ex : 15 L of wine in a 20 L BIB) Allows replications (rptitions) (min. 3) per treatment (rptitions)

Cardboard is not optimal in a humid environment Le carton craint lhumidit

BIB set-up (Monday 26th Sept) set-

Tape the bottom Scotcher le fond du carton Place the bag Placer la poche Close the top Fermer le dessus

BIB set-up (last step) setDo not push the knob til the second click Ne pas enfoncer le robinet jusquau deuxime clic Place tape around the opening zone (sensitive to humidity) Mettre du ruban adhsif autour de lorifice laiss pour le robinet (point sensible lhumidit) Write the vat number on the BIB Identifier le BIB en reportant votre numro de ft

Transfer in the BIB

Replace the bag after filling 50%, once finishing keep note of the BIB weight (important), noter le poids de vin (important pour la suite)

Flush air out Chasser lair

Push on the bag with one hand Poussez sur la poche avec une main

Maintain the knob open til the wine goes out

Maintenir le robinet ouvert avec lautre main jusqu ce que le vin sorte
Place some wiping paper in front of the opening to limit splashing Mettre une feuille dessuie-tout en face du robinet pour viter les claboussures

MLF Malo-Lactic Fermentation

Malic Ac. Lactic Ac. + CO2 Inoculate with a commercial strain (or MLF lees) Ensemencer avec souche commerciale ou des lies de FML, FML, when the alcoholic fermentation will be finished (density stable below 1) (lorsque la densit relative se sera stabilise en dessous de 1), inoculation performed by supervisors ralise par les encadrants Commercial strain, Oneococcus oeni, Vitilactic F (2 g per 100 litres of wine) FreezeFreeze-dried extract resuspended in mineral water (not tap water) lyophilisat solubilis dans de leau minrale (pas deau du robinet)

Racking and sulfiting Soutirage et sulfitage

(6th october, room TP 107) october, 107)

Once MLF is completed (it will be checked by supervisors) supervisors)

Paper chromatography for checking MLF

Lactic acid Malic acid Tartaric acid

Racking and sulfiting

Once MLF is completed (checked by supervisors)
Pour SO2 in a transfer BIB (calculating the final concentration to be at 50 mg/l) then rack your wine in; versez du SO2 dans un BIB de transfert , une concentration finale attendue 50 mg/l, puis transfrez votre vin dans ce BIB Rinse your BIB, pour your wine back in; Rincer votre BIB, remettre le vin dedans Flush air out Chasser lair

Sulfiting (details)
One simple rule Une rgle simple (source : ITV document) :
Quantity to add = (free SO2 expected free SO2 measured) x 1.5

The 1.5 factor takes into account the combination of SO2 to various wine compounds ce facteur tient compte de la combinaison du SO2 diffrents composs prsents dans le vin You will perform this calculation, you will need to know your wine weight in the BIB (1liter = 1kilogram approx) Vous raliserez ce calcul, vous aurez besoin du poids de vin contenu dans le BIB (1litre = 1kilogramme approx);, approx);, Your calculation SHOULD BE VALIDATED by supervisors before adding the SO2 calcul de SO2 ajouter A FAIRE VALIDER par les encadrants avant sulfitage

Racking Soutirage (detail)

Place the full BIB with the knob up for 24h to help decant the fine lees Placer le BIB plein, robinet vers le haut, sur une table 24 heures avant soutirage, pour laisser sdimenter les lies lgres Turn it slowly so the knob will be at the bottom of one side on the edge of the bench (the day of racking) Incliner lentement, pour placer le robinet lhorizontale, le jour du soutirage

Racking (contd)
If you got many BIBs to run at once

Si vous avez plusieurs BIBs soutirer en mme temps ...

Racking (contd), rinsing

Shake laterally

2 liters of water

Racking (last step)

Re-fill your initial BIB Flush the air out

Measures (with Benot van de Rest), Room TP 107, Rest),

from 10 to 14 october, in TD sessions october,

Dissolved CO2 Gaz carbonique dissous Color Coloration Alcohol content Taux Alcoomtrique Volumique
If you want to be good in tasting, you must spit Si vous voulez tre performant en dgustation, vous devez cracher Report (in English for AgroFood Chain students), to be given to Mireille Bacous desk (ENFA) BEFORE the 18 November noon Compte-rendu (en franais pour tudiants ENSAT) du module rendre AVANT le 18 novembre 12 H, la scolarit ENSAT
Please write your names and the vat number on the report front page

We will keep 1 bottle of wine per pentome to rank your wine Nous garderons une bouteille par pentme pour noter le vin You will be able to keep the remaining wine either in the BIB or bottle it (end of week 41) Think to bring bottles ! Vous pourrez garder le reste, emmenez les BIBs chez vous ou mettez le vin en bouteille (fin de semaine 41) Amenez vos bouteilles !

Wine Science, R. Jackson, Ed. Science, Academic Press nologie, nologie, C. Flanzy, Ed. Tec & Doc Le vin de lanalyse llaboration, D. llaboration, Delano et col., Ed. Tec & Doc Je fais mon vin, C. Chervin, Ed. vin, Hachette Pratique

2nd edition, released in Feb 2010

for monday, 2pm in Candie think to share a car, to bring sun cream
or rain-jacket, old shoes and clothes, a rainbottle of WATER to drink, a towel

pensez au co-voiturage, la crme cosolaire ou un impermable, une paire de vieilles chaussures et une tenue adquate (vieux T-shirt et short), une Tbouteille dEAU pour se dsaltrer (et se rincer les mains), une serviette

I hope you will enjoy this module, it has been a pleasure to create it, then to share it with students Jespre que vous apprcierez ce module, partager ces moments avec les tudiants a t un rel plaisir

This low-cost mini-vinification system has been studied since 1998 at ENSAT, it became a first year course in 2005

Extra slides

Chaptalisation (rare)
En fonction du titre alcoomtrique volumique potentiel (TAVP), il faudra peut-tre rajouter du peutsucre pour atteindre un TAV de 11 12% vol. La rgle : 17 g de sucre par litre entrane une augmentation du TAV de 1% vol. (assez juste sur les blancs, ross et primeurs) Ajout de sucre au fond du ft intermdiaire, en phase active de fermentation alcoolique (aprs un ou deux jours de baisse notable de la densit) Le choix nest pas laiss aux tudiants

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